O , Side by Side
Refr 1gerato rs
Side by Side
Modds 20, 22, 25
Safely Information
(_onnect Electricity ............. 3
Extension Cords ............... 2
Proper Disposal ................ 2
Satetv Precautions .............. 2
Automatic ]cemaker . ......... 7-8
Controls ..................... 6
Crispers and Pans .............. 5
How to Install Features .......... 4
Ice and _ter Dispenser . ....... 8
Shelves and Bins ............... 4
X4"_ter Filter Cartridge ........... 7
Care and Cleaning"
Cleaning ...................... 9
I,ight Bulbs ................... 9
Installation Instrucqions
Preparing to Install ........... 10
Water I,ine Installation ...... 11-13
7koubleshooting 71ips
Betore You Call
Fox" Service ................ 14-16
Normal Operating Sounds ...... 14
Consumer Support
Consmner Support .... Back Cover
Perfiwmance Dam Sheet ....... 19
Product Registration
(Canadian) ............... 21, 22
Product Registration
(U.S.) .................... 20, 21
State of Califl)rnia _'_ter
Treatment Device Certificate .... 19
_m'antv (Canadian) .......... 17
_m'antv (U.S.) ............... 18
C6te c6te
La section frangaise commence a la page 23
Mesures de s&uritd
Comment vous d0barrasser COilVellablelllellt de votl'e
ancien r_tiig(q'amm" . ............... 23
Cordons prolongatem_ .............. 23
Mesures de s(_cm_it_ ................. 23
Raccordement Olectrique ............ 24
Bacs fi l(_gumes ..................... 26
Cartouche du filtre fi eau ............ 28
Clavettes et bacs .................... 25
Installation des accessoires ........... 25
I,e distfibutem" d'eau et de glacons .... 29
i,es commandes .................... 27
Machine 5 glaqons automatique ..... 28-29
Entretien et nettoyage
Netto)_ge ......................... 30
Remplacement des ampoules ........ 30
]nsmllation de la
conduite d'eau .................. 32-34
Prdparation ........................ 31
Conseils de ddparmage
Avant d'appeler tm r_paratem" . .... 3C_38
Bruits de t0ncfionnement
IIOIIIl_l fIX .......................... 35
Service a la clientble Feuillet de d(mn(_es relatives fi la
pedimnance de la
cartouche t_F .................... 40
Garantie pore" la
client&le au Canada ................. 39
SexMce fi la client&le ................ 41
Lado a lad()
La seccion en espaOol empieza en la pagina 42
Iqlbrmaci&x de seguridad
Cables de extensi6n ................ 42
Conectar la electricidad ............. 43
Deshacex_e debidamente
de su reti_igera(h)r . ................. 42
Precaudones de segtwidad ........... 42
Instr uceiones de operaz.i6n
Carmcho del filtro de agua .......... 47
Controles del reti_igerador. .......... 4(;
Dispensador. ...................... 48
Dispositivo a uton_fitico
para hater hielo ................. 47-48
Entrepafios y recipientes ......... 44-47)
Gavetas de alnmcelmnfiento ......... 45
]i_stalaci6n de las caracteristicas ...... 44
Cuidado y limpieza
IJmpie/_ ....................... 49-50
Reemplazo de bombillas ............ 50
Instruceiones de imtalaei6n
]nsmlaci6n de la lfl_ea
de agua ........................ 53-56
Preparad6n para
insmlar el reli_igerador . .......... 51-52
Solueimu_r problemas
Antes de solicitar tm servido ...... 58-60
SoIlidos IlOI]llales
de la operaci6n .................... 57
Servieio al consumidor
Garantia para consumidores
en los Estados Unidos ............... 61
H@_ de datos de
flmcionamiento ................... 62
Servido al consumidor. ............. 63
Write your model and serial numbers here:
Serial #
Find these numbers on a label inside the refl'igerator compartment at the top
on the right side behind the controls.
197D3351P018 49-60499 01-07JR
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
_:i:This refrigerator must be properl) installed
and located in accordance with the Instnllation Instructions before it is used.
::_Do not allow children to climb, stand or hang
on the shelves in the refl_igerat(m They could damage the reii_igerator and seriously iqjm'e
_:i:Do not touch the cold sm_i_ces in the fl'eezer
compartment when hands are damp or wet. Skin mm stick to these extremely cold stw[hces.
::_Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
\_q)m_ and liqtfids in tile vicinity of this or any other appliance.
NOTE."Turningtherefn#eretoroff via the controls on
the touchpanel doesnot shut off e/ectrica/power to the
!_1;Do not refl'eeze frozen fi)ods which have thawed
i_::In reli_igerato_s Mth automatic icemake_s,
avoid contnct with tile moving parts _ff tile ejector mechanism, or with the heating element
that releases the cubes. Do not place fingers or hands on the automatic icemaking mechanism
while the refl_igerator is i)lugged in.
::_ Kee I) finge_ out of tile "pinch point" areas;
clearances between tile (loo_ and between the (loots and cabinet are necessarily small.
Be careful closing (lores when children are in the area.
:_/_UnI)lug tile refl_igerator before cleaning and
making repairs.
NOTE"We.stronglyrecommendthatanyservicingbe performedbyaqualifiedindividual
Child entral)inent and sttflocation are not problems of tile past. Junked or abandoned refl_igeratm_ are still dangerous...even if they will sit for "just a few dm:s." If wm are getting rid of yam" old refi_igeratm; please tallow the instructions below to help prevent
_M1reti_igeration products contnin refl_igerants, which under fecleral law ImlSt be removed prior
to l)roduct disposal. If w)u are getting rid at an old reti_igeration product, check with tile company
handling tile disposal about what to tie.
Before YouThrewAway YourOldRefrigerator or Freezer:
iJi::_ke off tile dams.
!;?:I,eaxe tile shelves in place so that children may
not easily climb inside.
Because ofpotential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of an extension cord.
However; if)ou must use an extension cord, it is absolutely necessar_ that it be a UIAisted (in tile United States) or a CSA-listed (in Canada),. -wn'e ,gr°/mdin'"o la..l}e appliance extension cord haxin,,_ a ,gr°/mding,
t_ le )lu,, ,n
,_: I _ " _(1 outlet and that the electrical rating of the cord be 15 amperes (minimmn) and 19(I xolts.
Donot, under anv circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord. For
personal safe_ this appfiance must be properlv grounded.
_¢_The power cord of this appliance is equipped with a 3-prong (grounding) plug
which mates Mth a standard 3-prong (grounding) wall outlet to minimize the
possibility of electric shock hazard fl'om this appliance.
:#1_Have the wall outlet and circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sm'e the
outlet is properly grounded.
:)_ If the out.let is a standard 2-prong out.let, it is your personal responsibili_' and
obligation to have it replaced with a propedy grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
:_J/The refrigerator should always be plugged into its own
individual electlJcal outlet which has a voltage rating that matches the rating plate.
i,'_ This provides the best pe_l'ommnce and also prevents
overloading house wiring circuits which could cause a fire hazard fl'om overheated wires.
!:1:......Never un I)lug, your, refrigerator, bx, i_ullino,_ on the power
cord. Mwavs,,II,_gfi _ _luo fimfl) and pull smfight, out from the outlet.
:#1:Repair or replace immediately all power cords that have
become fl'aved or otherwise damaged. Do not use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion damage along its length or
at either end.
_1:_'_hen mox4no_ the reflJgerator away fl'om the
wall, be careflfl not to roll oxer or damage the power cord.
How to install features. (Not all features are on all models.)
(!) TOP FREEZER SHELF Make sure the shelf front locks into
Top Freezer Shelf
(_ FREEZER DOOR SHELF FRONTS Make sure that the shelf front locks
into position, NOTE: On dispenser models, the
longer shelf fronts go in the top two positions,
_ Dh2,; Front
Remove Bypass Plug Install Filter Cartridge
@ LOWER FIXED DOOR BINS Make sure the bin fronts lock into position.
To remove: I,ifl the shelf extender
straight up, then pull out.
To replace: Engage the shelf
extender in the molded supports of the door and push in. It will lock in place.
Lower Door Bin
Abouttheshelvesandbins.(Not all features are on aii models.)
Rearranging the Shelves
Refrigerator Shelves:
ToReplace ToRemove
Freezer Pan:
To remove: I,ifl the
fl'ont of the bin up, then pull out.
Toreplace or relocate:
Engage the 1)in in the
molded supports of
the door, and push in. Bin will lock in
Freezer Shelves:
Remove the pan by pulling it fin'ward, lifting up the fl'ont and sliding it past the stop
Slide-Out Spillproof Sheff (onsomemodels)
The slide-out spillproof shelf allo_vs you to
reach items stored behind ethel,. The
special edges are designed m hel I) prevent spills from dripping to lower shelves.
NOTE:Makesureyoupushtheshelvesall the
waybackin beforeyouclosethedoo_
Spillproof Shelves (onsomemodelsj
Spillproof shelx es haxe sI)ecial edges, to hel I) prevent spills from (h_l)l)ing to
lower shelx es.
Aboutthe crispersandpans.(Noto//f ot. o on model&)
Adjustable Humidity Crispers and Snack Pan (onsomemodels)
Slide the control all the wax to the Slide the control all the wax to the Low High setting to provide high h umidig setting to provide lower humidig lexels
recomm ended for most "_egetables, recommended for most fl'uits.
Convertible Meat Pan (onsomemodels)
The convertible meat pan has its own cold air duct to allow a stream of cold air fl'om
the fl'eezer compartment to flow around the pan.
The variable temperature control regtllates
the air flow fl'om the fl'eezer compartment.
Set control lever up to convert the pan to noi_nal reliJgerator teml)erature and
provide extra vegetable storage space. Cold air duct is turned off'. Variable settings
between these extrelnes can be selected.
Set control lever down to the coldest setting to store fl'esh lneats. If level" is left in lneat
position for a hmg period of time, some ti'ost Inav tOim on the inside of the pan.
When replacing the crispers, make sure you slide them flTrough the crisper guides.
Crisper Removal
Crispei_ can easily be remoxed b) tilting up slightly and pulling past stop location.
If the door prevents you fl'om taking out the crispeis, the reti_igerator will need to
be rolled fi)rward undl the door opens enough to slide the crispei_ out. In solne
cases, when you roll the reti_igerator out,
you will need to move the refl_igerator to
the left as wm roll it out.
Aboutthe controlsonthe refrigerator.
Yourcontrols will look like one of the following:
Startup Steps for Proper Temperature Control
STEP l--Set Fresh Food (_ontrol on "5. STEP 2--Set Freezer Control on "5."
STEP _---W_MT 12HOURS fbr tempel_ture to st_bilize. STEP _-Ifa change is needed, mo',e tile control one mm-lber at a time and allo_ 12houls
tor ternpel'ottlre to stabilize.
NOTE:Turning the l'efrigerator to the 0 (off)setting da tl/e controls does not shut off electl_ical po_el" to fl_e l'eli'igeratol:
Controlsettings will vary based on personal preferences, usage and
operating conditions and malt require more than one adjustment.
ToChange Temperature Control Setting with TouchPads:
Freezer setting is on the leii side oi tile dispirit.
Fresh Food setting is on tile right side of tile display}.
-- Press the _u'mer or colder pad ii)r compartment and dil_cfion desired.
-- Present control setting mm/ber will illmninate.
-- Each time the pad is touched, compartment setting changes one mm-lbel:
A displ_ of l is _rmest and 9 is the coldest setting.
On some models, setting both controls to the warnlest setting until the displ_J_flashes (off) will stop cooling in both the freezer and l_fi'igerator compartments.
On other models, setting either control to die _m-nest setting tmfil d_e (lispl_ flashes (off) will stop the cooling to fl_e freezer and reti_igel_tol ".
NOTE:Turning the lefi_igerator to tile 0 (off)setting via tile controls does not shut off electrical po_er to file reti'igel_to_'.
Control settings will vary based on personal preferences, usage and operating conditions and may require more than one adjustment.
Aboutthe water filter cartridge.(Onsomemodels;
Water FilterCartridge
The water filter cartridge is h)cated ill the back ul)per right corner of the refl_igerator comi)artn/ent.
When to Replace the FilteronModels With a
ReplacementIndicator Light
There is a rel_la('ement indicator light tilt the water filter cartridge on the dispensei: This light will turn orange to tell
xou that _ou need to replace the filter soon.
Tile filter cartridge should be replaced when the replacenmnt indicator light turns red or if the flow of water
to the dispenser or icemaker decreases.
When to Replace the Filter on Models Without a
ReplacementIndicator Light
The filter (artfi(l_e should be replaced every six months or earlier if the flow at water to the w;iter dispenser or
icemaker decreases.
Removingthe Filter Cartridge
If you are replacing the cartridge, filet relllove the old one by slowly turnin_ it to the left. Do not/)ull down (m the
cartficl_e, axsmall am()tmt at water may drip down.
Installing the Filter Cartridge
O Ifyou m'e replacing a
with :Ill adal)tel: it lilt/St be ram( )ved befi )re
installine the camid_e. To l'elHove the ada/)tel;
ttual it to the left about
1 4 mm.
With adapter Without aaaorer
]f rot/ ;lI'e rel)la(ing ;i
Water by Culligan cartridge, (appearance may vary)
leave tile adapter ill place. This adapter will stay ill the refrigerator when )ou replace fimue cartridges.
On models without a replacement indicator light, appl) the month and xear sticker to the new cartridge to renfind xou to replace the filter ill six months.
Fill the replacenmnt cartridge with water fl'om the tap to allow fi)r better flow fron/the dispenser immediately
after installation.
O i,ine tl I) the arrow on the cartridge and the cartridge
holdei: Place the top of the new cartridge up inside the holdei: Do not push it up into the holder:
Sh)wly turn it to the right until the filter cartridge
stops. DO NOTOVERT/GHTEN. _s you turn the cartridge, it will autonmficallv, raise itself Holder
into position. The caitridge will moxe abotlt 1/2 ttlrn.
O Run water fl'om the dispenser fi)r 3 minutes (about l-1/2
galhms) to clear the s\stem and prevent sputtering.
You must use the filter byl)aSS l)lug when a replaceuwnt filter cartridge is not ax:lilable. The dispenser and the icemaker
will not operate wifllout the filter or filter byp;_ss phtg.
Filter_,. I1_ Bypass
Plug, _i
To use the filter bypass l)lug on Waterby Culligan models, you must filst remove the filter adapter fl'om the cartridge
holder b) turning it to the left. If you have questions--visit our Website
;It _e.(()l/l_
or call 1,800,GE,CARES (1,800,432,2737),
Replacement fillers:
Toorderadditional filter cartridges in the United States, visit our Website at, or call GEParts and Accessories,
MWF Suggested Retail .$38.95-47.95
Custonlei_ ill Canada should consult the yelh)w pages fi)r the nearest Mabe Serxice Centei:
Custonleis ()utside of the United States or Canada should contact the local distfibutoi:
Waterby &lligan
Aboutthe automaticicemaker.
A newly-installed refrigerator may take 12-24 hours to begin making ice.
6teen PowerLight _rArm
Automatic Icemaker (onsomemodels)
\,\]_en the refrigerator has been connected to the water supply, set the power switch to the I (on) position.
The icemaker \\'ill fill with water when it cools to 15°E When the bin fills to the level of the teeler ;urn, the icemaker will
stop producing ice. Be sure nothing inteHeres with the sweep
at the ti_eler aim.
Till'()\\' away the filet te\\' batches of ice to allow the \_;ater lille to clam:
The icemaker will produce seven cubes per wcle--ai)proxinmtely 100-130 cubes
ill a 24-hour period, depending on fl'eezer
COI/ll)_lI'tlllent tei/ll)ei'iltlli'e _ i'OOill
teml)erature, ntunber of door openings and other use conditions.
You \\'ill hear a buzzing SOtlnd each time
the icemaker fills with \\'ateI: 7
Aboutthe automaticicemaker.
It is nomml tor several cubes to be joined togethex: If ice is not used fl'equenfly, old ice cubes will
becon_e cloudy, taste stale, and shrink.
NOTE."In h )rueswith lower-than-averagewaterpressure,
youmayhear the icemakercycle mul@/e times when
making onebatch ofice.
Icemaker Accessory Kit
If your refligerator did not come ah'eady e(iuipped with an automatic icemakei; an
icemaker accessoi y kit is a\zfilable at extra cost.
Check tile back ot the refligerator for tile specific
icemaker kit needed for your model.
Aboutthe ice and water dispenser.(onsomemoao¢s)
(-. {:,,
2) {2) (L"
To Use the Dispenser
Select _WQ,e_ _rushed_ (1I" _Cubed_ Press tile _(*lass_(*enflx.against, tile top of tile
dispenser cradle. Tile spill sheff is not self-draining. To
reduce water si)otting,, tile shelf and its grille should be cleaned regularly.
Lockingthe Dispenser(onsomemodels)
® @
If no water is dispensed when the refrigerator is first installed, there may be air in the water line
system. Press the dispenser arm for at least two minutes toremove trapped air from the water l/be
and to fill the water system. Toflushout/_npurities in the waterline, throwaway the first sixglassfuls
of water CAUTION: Never put fingers or any other
objects into the ice crusher discharge opening.
Dispenser Light
0 Press the LOCKCONTROLpad
Q This pad rams tile nightlight
LOC dispenser and control panel.
k_ tOr 3 sec°nds l°ck the
To unlock, press and hold the
Hold3seconds pad again for3 seconds.
Ice Storage Drawer on Dispenser Models
Set the icemaker power switch to tile 0 (Off)position. Pull the drawer straight out and then lift past the stop
\_]wn replacing the (h'awel, make sure to push it fimdv into place./f it does not go all the way back,
1"el/lOVeit and rotate the Olive mechanism 1/4 turn. Then push the drawer back again.
Important Facts About Your Dispenser
_: Do not add ice fl'om trays oi" bags to tile storage bin. It
may not crush or (lispeI{se well.
iJi::Avoid overfilling glass with ice and use of narrow glasses.
Backed-up ice canjanl tile chum or cause tile door in tile chute to freeze shut. If ice is blocking the chute, poke it
through with a wooden spoon.
iJi::Beverages and toods should not be quick-chilled in the
ice storage bin. Cans, bottles or toed packages in the storage bin may cause the icemaker or auger to jam.
iJi::To kee I) dispensed ice fl'om missing tile glass, put tile
glass close to, but not touching, tile dispenser opening.
_v__L -'x in tile (fispenser on and (/fl_
ightJ Tile light also comes (m whenthe dispenser cradle is pr_sed.
If this light bums out, it sho/fld
be rq)laced _ith a 6 _tt ma_mum, 12 volt D(: b/fib.
!i_:Some crushed ice may be dispensed even though you
selected CUBED. This hal)pens occasionally when a few cubes haxe been left in the crushei:
!i_:_Mier crushed ice is dispensed, some water may (hi l) fl'om
the chute,
iJi::Sometimes a small mound of snow will titan on tile door
in the ice chute. This condition is nomml and usually occurs when you have dispensed crushed ice repeatedly:
Tile snow will eventually e\:q)oram.
iJi::Tile first glass of water dispensed may be wam/er than
the tollowing ones. This is nomml.
_: Dispensed water is not ice cold. For colder watei; simply
add crushed ice or cubes before dispensing ware1:
Careand cleaningofthe refrigerator, gecem
Cleaning the Outside
The dispenser drip area, ((m some Inodels)
3 " " " " ,' " l 3 3.
tile deposits by adding undiluted vinegar to the well. Soak until the deposits disappear
or becoille loose eno/lgh to IJnse awavk
The dispenser cradle (on some models).
Before cleaning, lock the dispenser b_ pressing and holding the LO_K CONTROL
pad tot 3 seconds. Clean with waml water and baking soda solution--about a tablespoon (15 ml) at baking soda to a quart (l 1) of wamn Rinse thoroughly and wipe (h T.
Cleaning the Inside
The door handles and trim. Clean with a
cloth dampened Mth soapy wate,: Dry
with a soft cloth.
Keep the outside clean. Wipe with a clean cloth lightly dampened with kitchen appliance wax or mild liquid dish dete,gent. D_' and polish with a clean, soft cloth.
Do not wipe the refn)erator with a soiled dish cloth or wet towel. Thesemay leave a residue
that can erode the painL Do not use scouring pads, powdered cleaners, bleach or cleaners containing bleach because these products can scratch and weaken the paint finish.
Tohelp prevent odors, leave an open box o_
baking soda in tile refiigerator and fl'eezer
fiOI/ll)[I I't/lle nts.
Unplug the refrigerator before cleaning. If this is not i)ractical, w_ing excess moistm'e out
at sponge or cloth when cleaning aro/md switches, lights or controls.
Use waml water and baking soda solution--
about a tablesl)oon (l 5 ml) of baking soda to a quart (1 1) el waten This both cleans
and neutralizes odm_. Rinse and wipe dry.
_Mter cleaning tile door gaskets, apply a
thin layer of petroleum jelly to the door gaskets at the hinge side. This helps keep
tile gaskets ti'om sticking and bending out of shape.
Behind the Refrigerator
Be careflfl when moving tile refligerator away fl'om tile
wall. M1 types of floor coverings can be damaged,
particularly cushioned coverings and those with embossed
S/lI'J[il ces,
Drain opening in freezer compartment
During yearly cleaning, renlove bottom fl'eezer pan and flush a solution of baking
soda--I teaspoon (5 ml) and 2 cups (500 ml) of hot (not boiling) water--through
the drain line with the help ,ff a meat baste_: This will hel I) eliminate odor and
reduce tile likelihood of a ch)gged drain line. If drain becomes clogged, use a meat
baster and baking soda solution to fl)rce tile ch)g through tile drain line.
Avoid cleaning cold glass shelves with hot water becausethe extremetemperaturedifference may causethem to break.Handleglass shelvescarefully. Bumpingtemperedglasscancauseit to shatter Do not wash any plastic refngerator parts in the
Pull tile refrigerator straight out and retm'n it to position by l)ushing it straight in. Moving tile reflJgerator in a side direction may result in damage to tile floor coveting or
refligerato_: '
Whenpushing the refr/oerator back, make sure you clan'trod over
the power cord or icemakersupply fine (on some mode/s).
Preparing for Vacation
For long \:_cafions or absences, renlove filed and unl)lug tile reliigerato_: Clean tile interior with a baking soda solution (:4 one tablespoon (l 5 ml) _ffbaking soda to one quart (l 1) of wam_: I,eave tile dom_ open.
Set tile icemaker power switch to tile O (Of'/)position and shut off tile water SUl)ply to tile reffigeratm:
Preparing to Move
Secm'e all loose items such as grille, sheh'es and drawet_ b)' taping them seem'ely in place to prevent damage.
Be sure the refngerator stays in an upn)ht position during moving.
Replacing the Light Bulbs
NOTE: Turning the refrigerator to the 0 (off) setting via the controls does not shut off electrical power to the refrigerator.
Unl)lug tile refrigerator. O Replace with an appliance bulb of tile sanle
0 Remove the shelf just below the light shield.
or lower wattaoe
0 Reinstall tile shelf and I)lug tile refrigerator
back in.
Installation Instructions
Questions?Call 800.GE.CARES(800.432.2737)or visitour _'ebsite at:
In 1.800.361.3400or Visito,, X_bsite;,
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
IMPORTANT - S ,,ethese
instructions for local inspector's use.
IMPORTANT - Obse ,e;,ll
governing codes and ordinances.
Note to Installer _ Be sure to leave these
instHlctions with the Consumer.
Note to Consumer _ Kee I) these instructions
tot fllture reference.
Skill level - Installation of this appliance requires basic mechanical skills.
Completion time - Refrigerator Installation
15 minutes
Proper installation is the responsibility of installer.
Product tailure due to improper installation is not covered trader the Warranty:
Do not install tile refl'igerator where the temperature will go below 60°F (l 6°C) because it will not rtm otten enough to maintain proper temperatures.
Install it on a floor strong enough to sui)i)ort it fiflly loaded.
If the reli'igerator has an icemaker, it will have to be connected to a cold water line. AGE water SUl)ply kit
is available at extra cost fl'om wmr dealer, by visiting
our _A'ebsite at (in Canada, at, or fl'om Parts and Accessories,
_Mlow the fi_llowing clearances fin" ease of installation, proper air circulation and I)hunbing, and electrical
Sides 1/8" (4ram) Top 1" (25 ram) * Back 1" (Z ram)
A door clearance of./4 (19 ram) is needed tin" a 90 ° door
opening which proxides better access to fi)od storage ai'ea.
The milers have 3 purposes:
Rollers a(!just so the door ch)ses easily when opened about hallway.
Rollers a_!just so the refrigerator is fimdy i)ositioned
on the floor and does not wobble.
Rollers allow you to move the retiigerator away fl'om
the wall fin" cleaning.
To adjust the milers, remove the base grille by pulling it
out at the bottom.
Tm'n the roller a({justing screws dockwise to raise the
reti_igerato_; comlterclocMvise to lower it. Use an
a(!justable wrench (3/8" hex head bolt) or pliers.
To replace base grille, line up the clips on back of grille between the bar and the bottom (ff the cabinet. Push
tin'ward tmfil grille snaps into place.
Pdter leveling, make sm'e that the doo_s are e\vn at the top. To Inake die doo_s even, a(!just die reliigei_ltor door as tolh_s:
O Remoxe the
Base (;rille, _ underthefreshfood
open the doortophhlgec0veE (lools, then pull the grille straight out.
O Detemfine
which of the two (loo_s is Shim
higher th:m the other:
I,ifl tile lower
do(m ahmg
with the small
O Place the
shim between the Door Metal Hinge and the small
cam as shown.
Press in the shim, so that it fits in between the metal
hinge and the plastic cam.
O Close the doot_ and check if they are level at the top.
If one door is still lower than the other; repeat the
process and insert another shim.
NOTE: If the doo_s are not even and the shim is ah'eadv inserted, you can remove the shim to lower the door
Installation Instructions
Recomn_ended copper water supply kits are _4UX8X2, WX8X3 or _X8X4, depending on the amom_t of tubing you need. Approved plastic water SUl_ply lines are GE Smart(:onnect _'_Refl_igerator Tubing (_4_X08X10002,
WX08X10006, WX08X10015 and X43X08X10025). When connecting yore" refl'igerator to a GE Reverse
Osmosis _'_ter System, the only approved installation is with a GE RV/4dt. For other reve_e osmosis water
systems, tollow the inanufilcturer's recommendations. If the water supply to the reti'igerator is ti'om a Revei_e
Osmosis X4'ater Filtration System AND the refrigerator also has a water filtei; use the reti'igerator's filter byl)ass plug. Using the refrigerator's water filtration cartridge in conjunction with the RO filter can result in hollow ice cubes and slower water flow fl'om the water dispenser.
This water line installation is not warranted by the refrigerator or icemaker manufi_cturer. Follo_' these instructions carefifllv to minimize the risk of expensive
water damage. _'ater hammer (water banging in the pipes) in house
plmnbing can cause damage to reflJgerator parts and lead to water leakage or flooding. Call a qualified phunber to correct water hammer before installing the water supply line to the refl_igerator.
To prevent bm'ns and product damage, do not hook
up the water line to the hot water line.
If wm use your refrigerator betore connecting the water line, make'sm'e the icemaker power switch is in the 0
(Off) position.
Do not install the icemaker tubing in areas where temperatm'es tall below freezing.
All installations ulust be in accordance with local pltmfl)ing code reqtfirements.
NOTE: The tufty GE approved plastic tubing is that supplied in GE SmaxtCmmect TM Refrigerator Tubing
kits. Do not use m_y other plastic water supply line because the line is under pressure at all times. Certain types of plastic will crack or rupture with age and cause water damage to your home.
A GE water supply kit (containing tubing, shutoff
valve and fittings listed below) is available at extra
cost fl'om your dealer or fl'om Parts and Accessories,
A cold water supply. The water pressm'e must be
between 20 and 120 p.s.i. (1.4-8.2 bar) on models
without a water filter and between 40 and 120 p.s.i.
(2.8-8.2 bar) on models with a water filter.
Power drill.
1/2" or adjustable wrench.
Straight and Phillips blade screwdriver.
Two 1/4" outer diameter compression nuts m_d 2 ferrules (sleeves)--to connect the COl)per tubing to the shutoff wflve and the refl'igerator water wflve.
If wm are using a GE Smart(_onnect TM Refl'igerator Tubing kit, the necessary fittings are preassembled to the tubing.
WARNING - Com,e,ttop.t ,ble,, ,te,
supply only.
Copper or GE SmartCmmecf _"Refrigerator Tubing kit, l/4" outer diameter to connect the refi'igerator
to the water supply. If using copper, be sm'e both ends of the tubing are cut square.
To determine how much tubing you need: measm'e the distance ti'om the water wflve on the back of the
refrigerator to the water supply pipe. Be sm'e there is sufficient extra tubing to allow the refl'igerator to move
out fl'om the wall alier installation. GE SlnartConnect _''Refl'igerator Tubing Kits are
available in the ti_llowing lengths: 2' (0.6 m) - WX08X10002
6' (t.8 m) - _4UX08X10006
15' (4.6 m) - WX08X10015
25' (7.6 m) - WX08X10025
If wmr existing COl)per water line has a flared fitting at the end, you will need an adapter (available at i)lmnbing supply stores) to connect the water line to the refrigerator OR you can ctlt off the flared fitting
with a tube cutter and then use a compression
fitting. Do not cut ti_rmed end from GE Smart(_onnect TM Refl'igerator tubing.
Shutoff valve to connect to the cold water line. The shutoff wflve should have a water inlet with a
minimmn inside diameter of 5/32" at the point of connection to the COLD WATER LINE. Saddle-type shutoffwflves are included in many water supl)ly kits. Before pro'chasing, make sm'e a saddle-Vpe wflve complies with yore" local phunbing codes. Install the shutoff valve on the nearest ti'equently used drinking
water line.
Installation Instructions
Choose a location for the valve that is easily accessible. It is best to connect into the side of a
vertical water pipe. When it is necessary to connect into a horizontal water pipe, make tile 'connection
to the top or side, rather than at the bottom, to aw)id drawing off any sediment fl'om the water pipe.
Drill a ]/4" hole in the water pipe (even if using a self:piercing valve) using a sharp bit. Remove any burrs resulting fi'om drilling tile hole in tile pipe.
TaKe canre not to allow water to drain into the drill. Failure to drill a l/4" hole may result in reduced
ice production or smaller cubes.
Place tile compression nut and ti_Hule (sleeve) flw
(-opper tubing onto tile end of tile tubing and connect it to tile shutoff valve.
Make sure the tubing is fiflly inserted into the wflve. Tighten tile compression nut securel)'.
For plastic tubing fl'om a GE Sinart(]onnect TM Refligerator Tubing kit, insert tile molded end
of the tubing into the shutoff wflve and tighten compression nut until it is hand tight, then tighten
one additional turn with a wrench. Overtightening
Ill'IV CatlSe leaks.
Saddle-Type ShutoffValve
PackingNut --
OutletValve -- -- Ferrule(sleeve)
NOTE: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Plumbing Codes 248CMR shall be adhered to. Saddle wflves
are illegal and use is not permitted in Massachusetts. Consult with your licensed pluml)e_:
SmartConnect TM Tubing
Fasten the shutoff valve to the cold water pipe with the pipe clamp.
Tighten tile clamp screws until tile sealing washer begins to swell.
NOTE: Do not overtighten or you may c_ush the tubing. Washer
PipeClamp _1_ End
Saddle@pe J VerticalCold ShutoffValve WaterPipe
NOTE: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Plumbing Codes 248CMR shall be adhered to. Saddle wflves
are illegal and use is not permitted in Massachusetts. Consult with w)ur licensed pluml)e_:
Route tile robing between tile cold water line and tile refrigerator.
Route tile robing through a hole drilled in tile wall or floor (behind tile refligerator or a(!jacent base cabinet) as close to the wall as possible.
NOTE; Be sure there is sufficient extra tubing to allow the refrigerator to move out fi'om the wall after installation.
Turn tile main water suI_pl,v on and flush out tile tul)ing until tile water is clear.
gefl)re making tile connection to tile refligerator, be sure tile refligerator power cord is not plugged into the wall outlet.
If your refligerator does not have a water filter, we recommend installing one if vour water SUl)ply has sand or particles that could clog tile screen of the refrigerator's water wflve. Install it in the water line near tile refligerator. If using a GE SmartConnect TM Refl'igerator Tubing kit, you will need an additional tube (WX08X10009) to connect tile filter. Do not cut plastic tube
to install filter.
Installation Instructions
S()me models have the refl'igerator connection at the end of robing located outside the compressor comi)arm_ent access cover. On other models, the
COU/l)ressor COUll)_lI'tIIlent access cover UltlSt be
removed in order to access the refrigerator connection at the water wflve.
On models using tile refrigeration connection at the water xalxe, remoxe the plastic flexible cap.
Tubing 1/4" 1/4"
Ferrule (sleeve)
Tighten am connections that leak.
Place tile compression nut and ti_Hule (sleeve) onto the end of the tubing as shown. On a GE
SulartConnect'l RefiJgerator Tubing kit, the ntltS
are ah'eadv assembled to the tubing.
Insert tile end of tile tubing into tile refl'igerator connection as flu" as possible. While holding the
robing, tighten tile fitting.
For plastic tubing from a GE Smart(:onnec("
Refrigerator Tubing kit, insert tile molded end of tile tubing into tile reti'igerator connection and
tighten the compression nut tmtil it is hand tight, then tighten one additional turn with a wrench.
Overtightening may cause leaks.
Fasten the robing into the clamp provided as shown to kee I) it in position. You may need to pry
open tile clamp. One of the illustrations below will look like the
commction on your refrigerator.
1/4" Compression
Nut _
Ferrule (sleeve)
Connection Tubing
Reattach tile access cover.
__rraw,e tile coil of tubing so that it does not vii)rate
against the back of the refrigerator or against the
wall. Push the refrigerator back to the wall.
Set tile icemaker power switch to tile I (on)position. Tile icemaker will not begin to operate until it reaches its operating temperature of I5°F (-9°(:) or below. It will then begin operation automatically if the icemaker power switch is in the I (0n) positiol_.
NOTE: In lower water pressm'e conditions, tile
water xalxe ulav turn on t/I ) to 3 times to delixer
enow,h water to tile icemaker.
Normal operatingsounds.
Newer refrigerators sound different from older refrigerators. Modem refrigerators ha ve
more features and use newer technology.
Do you hear what I hear? These sounds are normal
The new high efficiency conq)ressor may Iun faster
and hmger than your old refi'igerator and you may hear a high-i)itched hum or pulsating sound while
it is operating.
Sometimes the reti-igerator runs t0r an extended period, especially when the dooi5 are opened ti'equently. This means that the Frost GuardT"feature is working to
prevent fl'eezer burn and iinl)rove t0od i)reservation.
_:,tI may hear a who(>shing sound when the (looi_ close. This is due t(> pressm'e equalizing within the reli-igeratoL
You may hear cracking or poi)ping sounds when the refrigerator is first plugged in. This hal)pens as the
reflJgerator cools to the correct teull)ei'attu'e.
Electronic dampers click open and closed t(> pr(wide optimal cooling and energy savings.
The compressor may cause a clicking or chiq_ing sound when attempting t(> restart (this could take
up t(> 5 u]iI]utes).
The electronic control board may cause a clicking sound when relays activate t(> cm{trol refrigerator
Expansion and contraction of cooling coils during and aDer defrost can catlse a cracking or i)oi)ping sotuld.
On models with an icemakei; after an icemaking cycle, you may hear the ice cubes dropping into
the ice bucket.
You mav hear the rims splinting at high speeds.
This hal)pens when the refrigerator is first plugged in, when the doors are opened fl'equently or when
a laige aulotu]t of food is added to the refi'igerator or freezer compartments. The rims are helping to
u]aintain the correct temperatures.
If either door is open fi>r over 3 uiinutes, you uiay
hear the rims come on in order to cool the light bulbs.
The rims change speeds in order to provide optimal cooling and energy savings.
The flow of refl'igerant through the fl'eezer cooling coils may make a gurgling noise like boiling water,
Water dropping (m the defl'ost heater can cause a sizzling, I)oI)ping or buzzing sound during the
defi'(>st cycle.
A water dripping noise may occur during the defrost cycle as ice melts fi'om the ewq)orator and flows into
the drain pan.
Closing the door may catlse a gurgling sotu]d due to pressure equalization.
Beforeyoucall forservice...
Troubleshooting -tips Save time and money/.Review the charts on the following
pages first and youmay not need to call for service.
Possible Causes What To Do
Refrigerator does not Refrigerator ha defrost cycle. Writ ab()//t 30 minutes fl)r deft'()st cycle to end.
operate Freezer control Move the ti'eezer control to a lower ten)l)erature setting.
ha 0 (off) position.
Refrigerator is unplugged, Push the l)lug c(>ml)letely into the outlet.
The fuse is blob.s/circuit Replace fl/se or reset the breaker. breaker is tripped.
Refrigerator or freezer Temperature control not set See About thecontrols. compartment too warm cold enough.
Warm weather or frequent " Set the temj_erature control (me step coldel;
door opelfings. See About the controls. Door left open. Check to see if package is holding door open.
Possible Causes What To Do
Vibration orrattling Front rollers need adjusting. See Rollers. Slight vibration is uomml.
Motor operates for Normal when refrigerator * _'ait 24 hotu_ tbr tile refrigerator to completely
Iongperiods or cycles is first plugged in. cool dowu. on and offfrequently.
(Modern refrigerators Often occurs when large * This is hernial.
with more storage
amounts of food are
space and alarger placed in re frigerator. Treezer require more Door left open. * Check to see if _acka_e is holdiug door o )en
operating time. They
start and stop often Hot weather or frequent * This is hernial. to maintain even door openings.
temperatures.) Temperature controls * See About the controls.
set at the coldest setting.
Frostorice crystals Door left open. * Check to see if l_acka'_e_is, holdiug, door Ol)en.
on frozen food (frost within package Too frequent or too long
is normal) door openings.
Divider between Automatic energy saver * This helps preveut cou(leusafiou ou tire outside. refrigerator and freezer system circulates warm compartments liquid around front edge feels warm of freezer compartment.
Automatic icemaker lcemaker power s_vitch * Set tire power switch to tire I (0n) positiou. does not work is in the 0 (off) position.
(on somemodels) Water supply turned off or * See Installing the water line.
not commcted. Freezer compartment * Wait 24 h()tu_ tbr tire rehJgerat()r to ('()mpletely
too warm. cool dowu. Piled up cubes in the storage * l,evel cubes by haud.
bin cause icemaker to shut off.
Ice cubes stuck ha icemaker. * Turu offthe icemakel; relHove cubes, aud tuI'u the (Green power fight on icemaker back ou.
icemaker blhflchag.)
Ice cubes have Ice storage bin needs clemlhag. * Erupt) mad wash biu. Discard old cubes.
Food trmasmitthag odor/taste * Wrap t_)()(ls well. to ice cubes.
Interior of refrigerator * See Care and cleaning. needs clemlhag.
Small or hollow cubes Water f'dter clogged. * Replace filter cartridge with uew cartridge or with l)ltv_" Slow ice cube freezing Door left open. * Check to see it laacka'_e_is, holdiug, door Ol)en.
Temperature control not set * See About the controls. cold enough.
Doornot closing Door gasket on hinge side * Apply petroleum jelly ou thce of gasket. properly sticking or folding over.
Orange glow in freezer Defrost heater is on. This is nom/al. Cube dispenser does not lcemaker or water supply * Turu ou icemaker or water supply.
work (on some models) turned off.
lce cubes are frozen to * I_elHove cubes. icemaker feeler arm.
Irregular ice clumps ha * Break t/1) with fingertip pl'esstu'e aud discard storage contahmr, remaiuiug clumps.
Fl'eezeY Ill;iV be to0 _V;llIrl. Adit/st the ti'eezer COlltl'ol
to a colder settiug,, one l)°siti°u at a time, uutil clumps
do Hot tOIRll,
Dispenser is LOCFff;D. * Press aud hold the I.OCK CONTROl. pad for 3 secouds.
Beforeyoucall forservice...
Possible Causes What ToDo
Water haspoortaste/odor Water dispenser has not been * Dispense water until all water in s}stem is replenished.
(on some models) used for a long time.
Waterin firstglass is Normal when refrigerator * _._fit 24 hom_ fin" tile refl_gerator to completely
is first installed, cool down.
Water dispenser has not been * Dispense water until all water ill s}steul is replenished. used for along time.
Water system has been drained. * Mlow several ho/u_ fl)r replenished supply to chili.
Waterdispenserdoes Water supply line turned * See Installing the water line.
not work (on some models) o ff or not connected.
Water terclogged. Rei l cet lteic .ti d erem ,.e, ,tei pl.
Air may be trapped ha the Press tile dispenser [iY/ll for at least [WO ininutes. water sTstem.
Dispenser is LOCI_:D. * Press and hold tile I,OCK CONTROl, pad fin 3 seconds.
Water spurting from Newly-h_sta!led filter cartridge. Run water fl'om tile dispenser for 3 minutes (about
dispenser gallons).
Waterisnotdispensed Water in reservoir is frozen. * Call fi)r service.
No water or ice cube Supply line or shutoff Call a plumbeI:
production valve is clogged.
Water filter clogged. Replace filter cartridge or remoxe filter and install plug.
Dispenser is LOCI_]D. * Press and hold tile I,OCK CONTROl, pad fin 3 seconds.
Refrigerator has odor Foods trm_snfitth_g Foods with ,strono_ ochn_ should be tightly wrapped.
odor to refrigerator. ]Kee I) an open box ot baking soda in tile i'efYigei'atoY;
replace exerx three months.
Interior needs clemfing. See Careandcleaning. Defrost water dxaJnage See Care and cleaning.
system needs clemfing.
Moisture forms on Not unusual during Wipe sm_i_ce oh3'.
outsideofrefrigerator periods of high hmnidJty.
Moisture collects inside Too frequent or too
long door openhzgs.
Interiorlightdoes No power at outlet. Replace filse or reset tile breakei:
not work
Wateronkitchenflooror Drain in the bottom of See Care and cleaning.
Hotair frombottom ofrefrigerator
Light bulb burned out. See Replacing the light bulbs
the freezer clogged. Cubesjamamed in chute. Poke ice throuoho with a wooden spoon.
Normal air flow cooling motor.
In the refrigeration process,
it is normal that heat be expelled in the area tinder the refrigerator.
Some floor coverings axe sensitive and will discolor at these normal
mid safe temperatures.
CUBEDICEwas Selected A fbw cubes were left in tile crusher from tile previous
Last setthag was CRUSHEDICE.
butCRUSHEDICEwas setting. This is mmnal. dispensed(onsomemodels)
Frequent"buzzing"sound lcema, ker power switch is in the
I (on) position but the water supply
to the refrigerator has not been com_ected.
Set tile power switch to tile O (off) positiola. KeeI)ilw_ it in tile I (on) position will dalnage tile water ",al',e.
(forcustomersin Canada)
Whatis covered
Compressor GEProfile:Ten(10)Years GEProfile:Ten(10)Years GEProfile:Five(5)Years
SealedSystem(including GEProfile:Five(5)Years GEProfile:Five(5)Years GEProfile:Five(5)Years evaporator,condenser GEandAll Other GEandAllOther GEandAll Other
tubingand refrigerant) Brands:One(1)Year Brands:One(1)Year Brands:One(1)Year All OtherParts One(1)Year One(1)Year One(1)Year
Thiswarrantyappliesonlyfor singlefamilydomesticusein CanadawhentheRefrigeratorhasbeenproperlyinstalled accordingtotheinstructionssuppliedbyMabeandis connectedto anadequateandproperutilityservice.
Damageduetoabuse,accident,commercialuse,andalteration or defacingoftheserialplate cancelsallobligationsofthis warranty.
Serviceduringthiswarrantyperiodmust be performedbyan
NeitherMabenorthe Dealerisliablefor any claimsor damagesresultingfromfailureof the Refrigeratororfrom servicedelaysbeyondtheirreasonablecontrol.
Toobtainwarrantyservice,purchasermust presenttheoriginal
throughtheremainderoftheoriginalwarrantyperiodonly. Thiswarrantyisextendedtotheoriginalpurchaserandany
succeedingownerforproductspurchasedforhomeusewithin Canada.Inhomewarrantyservicewill beprovidedinareas whereit isavailableanddeemedreasonableby Mabe
to provide.
Thiswarrantyis inadditiontoanystatutorywarranty.
GEandAllOther GEandAllOther GEandAll Other
Brands:One(1)Year Brands:One(1) Year Brands:One(1)Year
at Mabe'sOption
Owneris responsibleto payforservicecallsrelatedto
productinstallationand/orteachinghowto usetheproduct.
Damagetofinish mustbereportedwithin48 hoursfollowing thedeliveryoftheappliance.
Improperinstallation--properinstallationincludesadequate air circulationtotherefrigerationsystem,adequateelectrical,
Replacementof housefusesor resettingof circuitbreakers.
Replacementof lightbulbs.
Damageto productcausedbyaccident,fire,floodsoracts of God.
Productnotaccessibleto providerequiredservice.
EXCLUSIONOFIMPLIED WARRANTIES--Your sole and exclusive remedy isproduct repair as provided in this Limited
Warranty.Any implied warranties, including the implied warranties ofmerchantability or fitnessfor aparticular purpose,
are limited to one year or the shortestperiod allowed by law.
IMPORTANT Keep this warranty and your bill of sale as proof of original purchase and purchase date.
Please have serial number and model number available when calling for service.
MabeServiceis availablecoastto coast.If furtherhelp is neededconcerningthis warranty,contact:
Manager,ConsumerRelations MabeCanadaInc.,ConsumerService
1 FactoryLane,Suite310 Moncton,NewBrunswickE1C9M3
Staple your receipt here.
Proof of the original purchase
dateis needed to obtain service
under the warranty.
RefrigeratorWarranty.(Forcustomers in the United States)
All warranty service provided by our Factory Service Centers,
or an authorized Customer Care® technician. Toschedule service, on-line, 24 hours a day, vis# us at, or call 800.GE.CARES
(800.432.2737).Please have serial number and model number available when cafling for service.
GEWill Replace:
Fromthedateof the originalpurchase
(Waterfilter,if included)
Fromtheoriginal purchase date of
(GEProfilemodelsonly) Fromthedate
Any part of the refi_igerator which fidls due to a defect in materials or workmanship, Durh_g this limited one-year warranty, GE will also provide, free of charge,all labor and
related sex,'ice to replace the defective part,
Anypartof the water filter cartridge which tidls due to a defect in materials or workmanship.
During this limited thirty-day warranty, GE will also provide, free of charge, a replacement water
filter cartridge,
Any part of the sealed refrigerating system (the compressm; condensei; e_ q)orator and all cmmecfing tubing) which flfils due to a defect in materials or workmanship.
During this limited five-year sealed refrigerating system warranty, GE will also provide, free of charge, all labor and related sex,'ice to replace the defecti\'e part in the sealed
refl'iger;uing system.
Staple your receipt here.
Proof of the original purchase
dateis needed to obtain service
under the warrant_
_: Service trips to your home to teach you how to use
the product.
::Ji::improper installation, delivery or ma'_mtenm_ce.
_: FaAlure of the product if it is abused, misused, or used for
other thml the intended purpose or used commercially.
_: Loss of food due to spoilage.
::Ji::Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit
)_:Damage caused after delivery.
!i/:Replacement of the water filter cartridge, if included,
due to water pressure that is outside the specified operating rmage or due to excessive sediment in the
water supply.
iJi::Replacement of the light bulbs, if included, or water filter
cm'tridge, if included, other than as noted above.
)_:Dmuage to the product caused by accident, flu'e, floods
or acts of God.
_ h_cidentaJ or consequential dmuage caused by possible
defects with this applimlce.
_ Product not accessible to provide required service.
Limited Warranty. Any implied warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
I EXCLUSION OFIMPLIED WARRANTIES--Your sole and exclusive remedy is product repair as provided in this
particular purpose, are limited to one year or the shortest period allowed by law.
This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products purchased for home use within the USA. If the product is located in an area where service by a GEAuthorized Servicer is not available, you may be responsible for a trip charge or you may be required to bring the product to an Authorized GEService
location for service. In Alaska, the warranty excludes the cost of shipping or service calls to your home.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Toknow what your
legal rights are, consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your state's Attorney General
18 Warrantor: General Electric Company. Louisville, KY 40225
MWF Cartridge
Thissystemhasbeentestedaccordingto NSF/ANSI42/53forreductionofthesubstanceslistedbelow.
The concentration of the indicated substances in water entering the system was reduced to a concentration
less than or equal to the permissible limit for water leaving the system, as specified in NSF/AIVS142/53.*
'100%safety factors built in for unmetered usage)
Stmldard No. 42: Aesthetic Effects
Par/minter USEPA hlfluent
MCL CJlalle_ge ConcenWafion
Chlorine -- 2.0 mg/L + 10%
T&O -- --
Particulate** -- _>l 0,000 pard( les/mI,
I,ead at ])It 6.5 Lead at pit 8.5
Melvu U at Ill t 6.,', Met*:ttU at Ill t 8.5
,\ladfior [ hi(lane
Benzene Carbofimm 1,4didfiorobenzene
0.5 N'IT
_>99% Re(ht(tion
0.015 mg/L
0.015 mg/L
0.002 mg/L
0.002 mg/L
0.002 rag/I.
0.0(X)2 mg/L
0.079 mg/L
0.003 mg/L
0.005 mg/L
0.040 mg/L
0.075 mg/L
0.003 rag/I,
Challe_,_ge Concentration
] l k ] NqT ***
Mflfin/urn 50,000 I,
1(F to ](>sfib( I_/I,; > 10[tm
9.15 rag/I, ± 1()f_
9.15 rag/I, ± 1()f_
0.006 mg/L + ] 0!¢
0.006 mg/L + ] 0!¢
0.04 rag/I,± 10!¢
().002 rag/I, ± 1()f_
9.210 rag/I, ± 10%
0.015 mg/L ± 10%
0.015 mg/L ± 10%
0.080 mg/I,_+ 10%
9.225 rag/I, ± 10%
0.0(_}rag/I, ± ] 0%
Tested using a flow rare of O.50 gpm; pressure of 60 psig; pH of Z5 _+O.5; temp. of 68 ° _+5°F (20° _+3°C)
** Measurement in Particles/ml. Particles used were 0.5-1 microns *** NTU:Nephelometric Turbidity units
gperafing ,
Ca I)a(itv" certified for. iu ) to ._;00,("all°ns_ ( l 1:,_;51);. u ). to _six
nmnths for inodels without a rel_acen_ent filter m_tRator hoht;
up to one ",ear for inodels xwth a replacement filter indicator hght
. .! * . c * c . '
P_ essuI e I eqmI en_ent: 41)-121) psi (2.8-8.2 bai ), non-shock
Telnperature: 33-1 00°F (0.6-38°C)
Flow rate: 1).5 gpm (1.9 lpm)
1.96 mg/I,
58,833#/mi. 150,(_)0#/mI.
Average Maxhnmn
9.06 rag/I, 9.11 rag/I,
Standard No. 53: Health Effects
10.5 NTU
1] 8,750 #/I,
0.1567 mg/I,
0.1433 mg/I,
0.(X)57 rag/I,
0.0367 rag/I,
0.(X)20 rag/I,
0.2033 rag/I,
0.01 (_) rag/I,
0.0145 rag/I,
0.0830 rag/I,
0.2283 rag/I,
0.(X)87 rag/I,
0.996 MF/I, < 1 MF/I,
<0.001 rag/I, <0.001 mg/I, < 0.001 mg/L < 0.001 rag/I,
0.0(X)350 mg/L 0.0007 mg/L
0.0(X)325 mg/L 0.0006 mg/L
0.0(X)23 rag/I, 0.0004 mg/L
<0.(X)(X)2mg/L < 0.(XXX)2mg/L
0.00337 rag/I, 0.011(X)0 rag/I,
0.00](X) rag/I, 0.(X)I(X)0 rag/I,
0.0(X)5(X)rag/I, 0.(X)0500 rag/I,
0.0010(X) mg/L 0.(X)I(X)0rag/I,
0.0(X)5(X)rag/I, 0.(X)0500 rag/I,
< 0.0(X)5 rag/I, < 0.(X)05 mg/I
Average Maxhnmn
9.14 NTU 0.28 N'IT < 1 #/I, 4#/I,
% Reduction
Average Minhnmn
96.77% 94.74%
9!).14% {)7.{)7%
% ReduOion
Average Mhlhnmn
98.54% 97.20%
>99.99% >99.99%
99.69% 99.39%
99.36% {)9.3{)%
99.39% {)9.3{)%
94.79% 87.50%
93.20% 8{).2!)% 9!).7>1% {)8.67%
99.(_)% 98.95%
98.32% 94.50%
93.44% 9] .67%
96.5] % !)5.83%
98.78% !)8.65% 9!).78% !)9.77%
94.22% !)3.33%
Slate 0f Calflbrnia
Department of Health Services
Water Treatment Device
Certiticate Number
Date Issued: Pebruary 2.200:_
05- 1698
Mhl. Required
> 50%
Mill. Required
0.5 NTU
0.010 mg/I,
0.010 mg/I,
0.002 rag/I,
0.002 rag/I,
0.002 mg/I,
0.079 rag/I,
0.003 rag/I,
0.005 rag/I,
0.04 mg/I
0.075 rag/I,
0.003 rag/I,
General Installat!on/Operation/Maintenance Requirements
Flush new cartridge at full fl(/w fill" 3 nfilmtes to purge out trapped ain
Replace cartridge when the indicator light flashes (/r water flow rate is redtlced on i_on-indicator t;nits,
Special Notices
Installation instructi(ms, parts aim service axailabilitv, aim standaM wan'ants' are included with file product when shipped. ()_
This drinking water svsteln Inust be nmilKained according to
D(/not ttse with water that is microbiologi&flly unsafe or of unkal(/wn'
The cohtanfilmnts or othei" substances relnoved or reduced bv this
Check fi)r complihi_ce with the state aim local laws aim regulati(ms.
Note that while the testing was pei_imned trader standard lal)0IatoI5
( _ , , , .... ( ,
illanttfa('ttli'er s lnstrtl(hons, including replacen_ent of filter ('artlldges.
quality wifl/out adeqtrate (fisinf_'cfi(nl befllre or after file svstenl. M_ty gvstelllS certified fi)i" cyst reducfi(m max be used on (fisinfected water r,,xapti_n_
tl_at may contain filte;uble cysts.
water ti'eatlllent svstell/are not necessarily in VOIII" wateL
conditions actual pell'bi{nance inax xm'v. Sxstelns inust be installed _uld opelated in accordance with inalm_actt/rei:'s reconm/ended procedures
and gmdehnes.
System "[-csted and Certified by NSF Int( rnational against _kNSIiNSF Standard 42 & 53 for the reduction ot:
StmMard No. 42: Aesthetic Effects Chemical 17nit
Chlorine 'Ihste and Odor
Mechanical Filtralion Lnit
Part{( ulate Reduction, Class I
Standmxl No. 53: HeMfll Effects Chemical Reduction Lnit
Alachh)r and Atl'dzine Reduction
Benzene and Carbofiwan Reduction 1,4 dichlorobenzene and 2,4-1) Reduction
Lead and Lindane P.cduction Mercm T and Toxaphene Reduction
Mechmfical Fihrdtion [ nit
Tin-bid {Iv l_cduction
(:7,st and A',bestos Rcduction
Raled St,r_ict, ( apacil,,: 3(R) gal Ralt,d Ser*i_e FIm_: (l_ 4pro
Do n_ u _ _here _ ater is mwrobi_og_cally uns_ or with water ot unk_)wn quaht), except that cyst reduction may tx_ u_d on dxsxnl_ted _aters that may c_mmin li{ter_le cysts¸
Mamfli_ctu red tot: (;enerdl Electric Compan}; Louisville, tx'Y40225 ER\ EST. No. 070595-MN4t01
C_mdition_of Cvrliflcali_n=
GE Service Protection Plus 'M
GE, a naine recognized worldwide %r quality' and dependability, oflers you
Service Protection Plus'_'--comprehensive protection on all y'our appliances--
No Matter What Brand!
Benefits Include:
Backed by GE
All brands covered
Unlimited service calls
All parts mid labor costs included
No out-of-pocket expenses
No hidden deductibles
One 800 number to call
You will be completel) satisfied with our set\ice protection or you ma) request your inoney back
on the remaining xalue of votu" contract. No questions asked. It's that simple.
Protect your reffigerat(m dishwasher; washer and dryer; range, TV, VCR and much more--rely brand! Plus there's no extra charge tot emergency service and low monthly financing is available. Even icemaker coverage and tood spoilage protection is offered. You can rest easy; knowing that all votu" valuable h(msehold products are protected against expensive repairs.
Place xotu" confidence in (;E and call us in the/J.S, toll-free at I'_tII).DZD.ZZZ_
_()I" i//oi'e iIl[()I'Ill_l[ioIl,
Anywhere. Anytime.*
*All brands (oxer_ d. up to 20 years old. in the (omin_ real [.S.
Consumer Product Ownership Registration
Dear Customer: Thank you %r purchasing our product and thank you %r placing your confidence in us.
X_'eare proud to haxe you as a customer'.
Follow these three steps to protect your new appliance investment:
r 2omplete and mail
'roduct Ownership
Registration today;
Ilave the peace of
mind of knowing we
the mflikel_ event of a saibtv modification.
After mailing the
l)el_ _w,
this document
n a saft: pla( e.
It contains inf}_rlnation you will need should
you require service. Our service mlmber
ill the [SA is:
800.GI(.CARES (800.432.2737).
) }'Oll
op( ral( }'Ol11" II(_W
applian(( prop€ rlv.
Model Number
Serial Number
I I I I I I I ]
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