Make sure all cookware
used ill Your microwave
oven is suitable tbr
n/icrowaving. Most glass
casseroles, cooking dishes,
l//e_sllril/g ('llt)S , (,us|m:d
cups, potter} or china
dimlerware which does nol
have melalli( u:im or glaze
widl a metalli( sheen (an
be/Ised. Sol//e (,()()k_,_t, Fe
is labeled "suilable tot
How to test for a
microwave-safe dish.
• II_ou are not sure il;l
dish is mi(,ro\_axe-sa/b,
use this tesl: Pla(e iu the
()veil boil| the dish you
are testing mid a glass
l/le;lstlril/g ctq) filled with
[ (,ll t) O/ w_Her--sel tile
l/le;lstlril/g c/q) either
ilJ, or next to lhe dish.
Microwave 30-45 se(-ol/ds
al high. /f I]_e dish heals.
il shouM u,ot be used h)r
l/liCl'o\_avil lg.
If die dish remains cool
and only the wawr in the
cup heats, dlen the dish
is microwave-sat('.
• If roll /ISe a l/legit [hel _
mometer while cooking,
make sm:e it is sat_'/or
use in microwave o_ens.
• Do not use recycled
paper products. Recycled
paper Iowels, napkins
_lll(t waxed tlatler c;-Ul
(ontaiH metal flecks
which may cause arcing
or igniw. Paper produ(,Is
COI/taillil/g I/}101/ or
mhm/ilaments should
be avoided, as they ma_
also ignite.
• SOl//C stvl'()/()_H/ tl?_Ws
(like d_ose Ileal meat is
packaged on) ha\e a thin
strip of melal embedded
in the bottom. When
mi( ro_v(t, the metal (an
burn the/loor of the oven
or ignite a paper towel.
• I)o Hot use the mi(rowa\e
tO (it'}' I/ewst)apeFs.
• Nol all plasti( wrap is
suitable/or use in micro-
wave ovens. Check die
package/or proper use.
• Patler Iowels, waxed
paper and plastic wrap
(,all be used to cover
dishes in order to relain
_noisiure arid pl?evellt
spauering. Be sm'e to
veto plasdc wrap so stealll
(,all escape.
• Cookware lilav become
hot because of heal
transli'rred /i'om {lie
heawd/ood. Pot holders
ma_ be needed to handle
the cookware.
• "Boilable" cooking
pouches and Hghtly
(losed plaslic bags should
be slit, pier(ed or vetoed
as dire(wd by pa(kage.
If they are not, plastic
could tmrst (luring or
immediately alter
looking, possibly resuhing
in il_jm-y. Also, plasti(
slorage containers should
be at leasl partially
tmcovered because they
/orm a Iight seal. When
cooking with COluainers
tigluly covered with
plastic wrap, remove
covering carefulh' and
direct sieal// aw}l_,/i'Ol//
hallds and thce.