Models: JVM1630
SpacemakerXLMicrowave Oven
Important Safety Information
Helpful Information
If SomethingGoes Wrong
,.y- j +1_
l_ For \.our saletv tile inlbrmation ill dfis manual
llltlS! be fi)llowed to minimize dw risk of lire or explosion or to pre_em properly damage.
PRE(N UIYONS personalinjm)orlossofli[b.
7"0 AVOID ooNo.A..e.. ooNo.0_.e_a.e..leo.'e.l
]o operate this oven if il is damaged. I! is _ ilh die door open particularly imponmn
uperallOll ('}Ill restll| properly alld lhat there in harmfld exposure lo is no damage to die:
lllicro_*,avc energ_v. 1! is I door (bent_. imponmll nol to (leli'at 2 hinges mM latches
or/a/riper \vilh tile broken or I, _osenedL
t_2N_2R G g s>ll(q) illterlocks, 3 door seals ;,lld seaIillg
DoNotPlaceany obiect sunaces
be t:\'¢eell lhe oven fl'on/ The Oven Should Not lace and tile door or be adjusted or repaired
allow soil or cleallCr by allVOlle excepl residue io ACCttllltllate _ro )1 rh ( u ditk d
I I')'l _ "
Oll sealing surlaces
service persollllel.
\VelcometotheGEtimfily. We'ret)roudotore:qu_dity productsandwebelie\'eira dependableser_Sce.
O/lr cons/ll//er seF\'ice
Best of _dl, you'll experience _hese values e_,.h tilile _'ot/
/lse }o/lr l//icrow_l_,_ '. Tllai's
important, because your new micro_m e will be part ot yore: limfily/or a long time.
Start Here!... Before using your M crowave
Write down the model
and serial numbers here.
They are (m a label inside
the O\eD.
Staple your receipt to the inside back cover of this
manual You will need it
to obtain service under
Model number
Serial number
Date of purchase
Hell) us
help you
Belore you call tor service, there are a/bw things you
can (to lo hel t) /IS serve veil
Read this manual
I[ (Olltilil)S i)lstrtl(|ions to
help you rise and maintain
VO/lr lilicrowave prol)erly.
If you received a damaged
oven..,imme(liately contact
the deah'r (or t)uilder) that sold you the oven.
Save time and money.
(_he(k the se(tion titled
"lI SomeOfing C,oes Wrong" t)e/ore calling.
This section helps you solve common problems
that l/light occtll:
If you do need service, you can relax knowing hel t) is onl\' a phone call away.
A list of toll-li'ee customer ser\ice mmlbers is included
in the back ot this mmmal.
over electric andgas
ranges. _+
Thistnicrowave oven is
not approvedortested forlnarine use.
Read and/ollow the specilic "Precamions to
A_oid Possit)le Exposure
to Ex(essive Microwa\ e
Enel:g}" on pag-(' 2.
This appliance must be gromlded. Connect only
to properly gT()tmded
outlet. See (',rom/ding
InstlTtlCt]OllS sect|on on
page 10.
Do not mount this
applian/e over a sink.
Install or locam dlis appliance only ill
a( cordance with t]'te provided Installation
Inst] II(t]ons.
This ore>the-range oven _vvlsdesigned |or use over ranges no wilier than 36."
It may be installed over both gvlsand electt'ic
cooking equipment.
Do not ollet_lte this appliance if it has a damaged power cord or plug, if it is not working t)rol/erl B or if it has been damaged or dropped. I1till' |)oweF ¢oFd iS damaged, it must be replaced Lg (',eneral
Ele/tric SelMce or an amllofized selMce ag-('nt
using a power cord available |i'om (',enel_ll
Use this appliance only /or its intended use as
descdbed in this mantlal. Do not use ( orrosive
/hemicals or _lpl)r.s ill this applian/e. This l//]/Fowa_.e o\en is spe/itically designed to heat, dry or
look |()oil, and is not intended |_)r laboratory
or industrial use.
Do not cover or bh)ck
any ot)enings on the applian(e.
Do not store this appliance omdoors.
Do not use this t)roduct near watelm/i)r examtile,
in a wet basemem, near a swimming t)ool, near
a sink or in similar locations.
Keel) power cord away fi'om heated surthces.
Do not immerse power cord or plug in watel:
To reduce the risk of fire in the oven cavity:
-- l)o not overtook tood.
Careflfilv attend al/l/liam e when paper,
t/l_stic or other combustible m_lteriMs
are t)laced inside the o_en while cooking.
-- Remove wire twist-ties
and metal handles t_:om paper or l)lasti( con-
tainers t/etore placing them in the o_en.
-- Do not use the oven
tor storage l/urt)oses.
1)o not leave t)_lper tIrodm ts, cooking
utensils or tood in the
oven when not in use.
-- If materials inside oven
ignite, kee t ) the oven door closed, Hirn the
()veil O/] al/d (liscolllleCt
the t)ower cord, or shut
oil t)ower _t the [rise or
cir_ uit t/reaker panel.
If the door is ot)ened, the fire m+_y st/read.
See door sm:/hce cleaning instructions in
the Care and Cleaning section(s) of this manual.
This at/t/liance must onh' be serviced by qualified sevvice personnel.
Contact nearest authorized service thcilitv
/i)r examination, repair or adjustment.
As with any at)t)liance, (lose supervision is
necessary when used by children.
I)o not store anything directly on top of the
mi(rowave oven surthce when the mi(rowave oven
is in operation.
,\rcillg is {lie n/i(rowa'_e
If you see arcing, press wrnl tor sparks ill the
the CLEAR/OFF pad and oxen. Ar(ing is (aused by:
Metal or foil touching
the side ol the oxen.
];oil no( molded to tood
(Ul)mrned edges a(( like
Metal, such as twisHies, t)ouhry pins, or gold- rimmed dishes, in the
Recycled tlaper towels contailling small metal
pieces being used in the microwave.
Do not pop popcorn in
your microwave ()veil unless in a special
microwave popcorn accessory or unless you
use l)Ot)corn lat/eled tor else in microwave o_ens.
Sol//e t)rodtlctS Sllch as
whole eggs an(I sealed cont_.iners lot exan/llle, ch)sed jars--are able {o exl)lode and should no{
be heated in {his microwave o_en. Such use
of tile lnicrowa_ e oven could resuh in il_jury.
Do not boil eggs in a nficrowave oven. Pressure
will build ut) inside egg yolk and will cause it to
bursL t)ossibly resuhing
in illjUlT.
()tlerating {lie microwave
with no tood inside for more {han a minute or
t_ro lllay callse damage to file oven and could
slar{ a (ire. It increases tile hea{ around {lie
n/agneu:on and call shorten file lilt of
the ()Veil.
Foods with unbroken
Oilier "skill" S[l(h _IS
t)omtoes, ho{ dogs,
s_t/ls_tges, tOlIl_ttoes,
apples, chicken livers and oilier giblets, and egg yolks should be t)ier(ed {o alh)w s{eam to es(atle during (ooking.
Liquids, such as water, coffee or tea, are able to
be overheated beyond the boiling point without appearing to be boiling.
Visible bubbling or boiling when the container is
removed from the microwave oven is not
To red uce the risk o/il+j _yr to persons:
-- Do not overheat the liquid.
-- Stir the liquid l)oth be/ore and hall\ray
through heating it.
-- Do not use straight- sided containers with
narrow necks.
-- Alter heating, allow the container to stalld ill
the n/icrowa_e o_en tor a short tinle be/ore ren/oving the container.
-- Use extreme care when illsertillg- a Spoon or
other utensil into the container.
Axoid heating bab_ food in glass jars, even with
the lid off. Make sure all in/hnt tood is thoroughly
cooked. Stir/ood to distribute the heat e_enlv.
Be careflll to pre_ent scalding when warn/ing
tornlula or breast milk. The container n/a_/i'el
fooler than the milk really is. Alwa,_+_;test the milk be/ore ti'eding
the baby.
Don't defl:ost t_'ozen beverages ill narrow-
necked bottles (especially carbonated beverages).
Even if the container is opene(t, ])ress/ire call
build up. This call cause the container to burst,
possibly resulting ill
t lot toods and steam call cause burns. Be
carefill when opening any containers of hot
tood, inchlding popt orn bags, cooking pouches and boxes. To prevent possible il{jm: B direct
stean/awm/t'on/hands and/ace.
Do not overlook potatoes. They could
dehydrate and catc]l
fire, causing damage to your o_en.
Cook meat and poultr} thoroughl}--nleat to
at h'ast an INTEP.NAI, temperature of 160°F
and ])oultry to at least all
INTERNAl, ten/l)erat ure of 180°E Cooking to
thcse tel/lperat Ilres
usually protects against /oodborne ilhless.
Make sure all cookware used ill Your microwave oven is suitable tbr
n/icrowaving. Most glass casseroles, cooking dishes,
l//e_sllril/g ('llt)S , (,us|m:d
cups, potter} or china dimlerware which does nol
have melalli( u:im or glaze widl a metalli( sheen (an
be/Ised. Sol//e (,()()k_,_t, Fe
is labeled "suilable tot microwm'ing."
How to test for a microwave-safe dish.
II_ou are not sure il;l
dish is mi(,ro\_axe-sa/b, use this tesl: Pla(e iu the
()veil boil| the dish you
are testing mid a glass
l/le;lstlril/g ctq) filled with
[ (,ll t) O/ w_Her--sel tile
l/le;lstlril/g c/q) either
ilJ, or next to lhe dish.
Microwave 30-45 se(-ol/ds
al high. /f I]_e dish heals. il shouM u,ot be used h)r
l/liCl'o\_avil lg.
If die dish remains cool and only the wawr in the
cup heats, dlen the dish is microwave-sat('.
If roll /ISe a l/legit [hel _
mometer while cooking, make sm:e it is sat_'/or
use in microwave o_ens.
Do not use recycled paper products. Recycled
paper Iowels, napkins
_lll(t waxed tlatler c;-Ul
(ontaiH metal flecks which may cause arcing
or igniw. Paper produ(,Is
COI/taillil/g I/}101/ or
mhm/ilaments should be avoided, as they ma_ also ignite.
SOl//C stvl'()/()_H/ tl?_Ws
(like d_ose Ileal meat is
packaged on) ha\e a thin strip of melal embedded
in the bottom. When mi( ro_v(t, the metal (an
burn the/loor of the oven or ignite a paper towel.
I)o Hot use the mi(rowa\e
tO (it'}' I/ewst)apeFs.
Nol all plasti( wrap is suitable/or use in micro-
wave ovens. Check die package/or proper use.
Patler Iowels, waxed paper and plastic wrap
(,all be used to cover dishes in order to relain
_noisiure arid pl?evellt spauering. Be sm'e to
veto plasdc wrap so stealll
(,all escape.
Cookware lilav become hot because of heal transli'rred /i'om {lie heawd/ood. Pot holders ma_ be needed to handle the cookware.
"Boilable" cooking pouches and Hghtly (losed plaslic bags should be slit, pier(ed or vetoed as dire(wd by pa(kage. If they are not, plastic could tmrst (luring or
immediately alter looking, possibly resuhing
in il_jm-y. Also, plasti( slorage containers should be at leasl partially
tmcovered because they /orm a Iight seal. When
cooking with COluainers tigluly covered with plastic wrap, remove covering carefulh' and
direct sieal// aw}l_,/i'Ol// hallds and thce.
[lse fi)il only as
directed in this manual. TV (tbmers may be microwaved in/oil travs
less than 3/4" high; remove tile toll toil cover
and return the tray to tile box. When using toil
in the mk row_ve oven, keep tile tbil _u legist
1" m_lv t_:om file sides
o/the ovem
Plastic eookware--Plasti( eookware designed tor
mi(row_lve cooking is vev} usetM, but should
be used (aretilllv. E_en microwtwe-sa/b plastic
may not be as tolerant o/overcooking
conditions as are glass or ceramic m_ueriMs _md
Im,_so/ten or (hm: if subjected to short t)eriods
of overcooking. In longer exposures to ovel_
cooking, the/ood and cookware (ould ignite.
Follow fllese guidelines:
I Use microwme-sa/e
plasti(s only mid use them in su'i(t (omt/lim/(e
with the (ookw_we
l//['l I/Ill _t( |/lrer _s
recol//lIlel/d atiol/s+
2 [)o I/Ot II/icrow_e el//llty
('Ol/tail lel's.
.3 Do not permit children
to use plastic cookware without (()replete sutlev_ision.
The/an will operate automatically under
certain conditions (see
Automatic Fan teamre).
"I_ke care to prevent the star6ng and spreading of
accidental cooking fires while the _+elJ,t thn is in use.
Clean the tmderside of
the l//icrow_we o/Jell.
Do not allow grease to build Ul/on the
microwave or the
{hn {ihers.
Ill the event of a grease fire on file sur/i_ce traits
below the microwave oven, smother a fl_mfing
t)[-Ill Oll t]leS/lr/_t((' Ill/it
by co_ering the pan eomtfletely wittl a lid, a
cookie sheet or a tlat trav.
Use care when cleaning the veto/hn tihers.
Corrosive cleaning agents, such as lve-based
OVell cleal/ers, I//_l}
damage the tihers.
When t)reparing
flaming toods raider tile mi_ row_ve, turn tile thn on.
Never lea_e surthce units beneath your microwave
oven unattended at high he_u settings. Boilovers cause smoking and greasy st)illovers that muy ignite and spread if the
l//ierow_ive vellt ]Jill is
operating. To minimize
a/ltOIIl_ltic t_lll operat]ol/,
use adequate sized cook_,are and use high
heat on surlhee milts only when ne(essavv.
This appliance is equipped
with a power cord having
a grounding wire with a
gromMing plug. The plug must be plugged iron ml
Ensure proper ground outlet that is prot_erly
exists before use. installed mM gromMed.
hnproper use of the grounding plug can result
in a risk of electric shock.
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of
an ele(tri(M short (ircuit, grounding re(tin es the
risk of ele(tric shock bv providing ml es(_lpe wire
/or the ele(u;ic (re:rent.
Consuh a qualified electrician or service
technician if tile gromMing
instrtlctions _lre llot
eoml)letely /lll(terst nod,
or if (toubt exists as to whether the appliance
is t)rot)erly grounded. If the outlet is _ standard 2-1)rong wall outlet, it is
your personal responsibility
and obligation to ha',e it replaced with _1l)rol)edy grounded 3-t)rong wall
I)o not under any eiremn- stances cut or remove the
third (ground) prong/ir)m the power (oral.
[)O llOt /ISe an i4(li4t)ter
plug _ith this _q)t)liam e. I)o not use an extension (oral _,,ith this _q)l)liml(e.
If the power cord is too short, ha_e _ qualitied
ele(tri(ian or service technician install an omlet
near tile appliance.
For best ol)eration, t)lug this applimwe into its ()_r_
ele(tri(al Otltlet to t)revent
flickering of lights, blowing of tuse or tripping o/
(ir(uit bre_&er.
Filler Panel Kits dX48WH--White dX48BL--Black
When repladng a 36"
range hood, filler panel kits fill in the additional
width to t)rovide a custom built-in al)l)earance.
For installadon between (abinets only; not/or
en(t-ot:c_d)inet installation. E_l(h kit contains two
._4%wi(te filler panels.
Filter Kits dX81D--Recirculating
Charcoal Filter Kit
Filter kits are used when the microwaw' oven cmmot be _ented to the outside.
,\\_dlal)le at extra (()st/i'om
your GE SUpl)lier.
1 DoorHandle. Pull to
ot)en tlle door: The door must be securely
latched Ji)r the microwave to operate.
2 Door Latches.
3 Window with Metal
Shield. Screen allows
cooking to be viewed while keeping
I//iCFOW_IV('S con[illcd
ill the oven.
4 Touch Control Panel
5 Cooktop Lights.
6 Grease Filters. 7 Removable Turntable.
Turntabh' and SUl)l)ort must be in place when
using the oven. The turntable may be
rcmov('d/i)r cleaning.
8 Convenience Guide.
NOTE:Rating ])late, oven
vent(s) and oven light are
h)cated on the inside walls of the microwa_,e o_,en.
The Controls on Your Microwave Oven
(Tlnvugt_oul this ma_ua!, f_alur_,._ m_d a])])earm_c_ ma) vm3.fi_m 3our model.
You Call
microwave by time or with the
Press Enter
TIME COOKI & II (Pressonceortwice) Amount of (ooki.g time.
DEFROSTAUTO/TIME(Presstwice) Amount of defi'osting time. EXPRESSCOOK Starts imm(!([iatelv!
POWERLEVEL Power level 1-10.
ADD 30 SEC Starts immediately!
+ 28 hidden pages