Make sutv all cook_s_u:e used in
VO/I1P l//iCl?OW_iVt' ()Vt'll is suitable
/or microwaving. Most glass
casseroles, cooking dishes,
nleasm'ing cups, custard cups,
pottery or china dinnerware
which does not hme metallic
trim or glaze with a metallic
sheen can be used. Sonic
cookware is labeled "suitable/[)r
l//iCl'OW_lVil lg,"
I/you are not sure if a dish is
lllitrow_w{'-s,It( _, /l_,e tiffs test:
Place ill tile oven both tile
dish you arc testing and a
glass measuring cup tilled
with 1 cup of water--set tile
lneasmJng CUll either ill or
next to the dish. Microwave
30M5 seconds at high. If the
dish heats, it should not be
used tor lnicmwa\'ing.
l/ tile dish remains cool
and only tile _ter ill file
cup heats, then tile dish is
nlicrowa_, e-sat;v.
ffvou use a meat
d/ermometer while cooking,
make sure it is sa/{'/_)r use
in microwave (Bens.
;_ Do not use recy{led pallet
products. R{,cycled paper
towels, napkins and w,ixt'(t
]),q/cr can {'Oll[,lil/ 1//civil
/h't ks whith ln,P,; t,ltlSt'
ar( illg or ignitc. Pat/or
])l'od/ltts ( Ol/t_lil/i//g IlVIOII
Ol: 1lvl011 tilmncms should
bc a_x)i(tc(t, as dwv mm also
2_ Somc stwot6mn tra+_:_,(likc
thost' th,l[ l//C,It iS p_ltk_lg('(I
oll) h,w{' a t]lill stlJl/o/mct:al
cnlbcddcd ill tilt' bottolIl.
Wilt'l/ l//i{ I'OV,_I\ t'(I, t]lC Illt't'll
t-in burll tilt' floor ot tilt'
o\cn or ignitc a t}apcr towcl.
;¢ Do I/Ot/Ise tile HliCrow_IvC to
dry newspapers.
;_ Not all plastit wrap is suitable
/_)r use ill IllitTOW,I\ e o\ ens.
Che{k the llat kagc tor
] )}x)ptT IIStL
;_ Patlcr towels, waxed t)atlcr
mid tllaStk wrap tan bc used
to {over dishes in order to
/'{'tain l//oistllrt' a11d ll/'{'Vt'llt
sp_lttt+lJ//g. Bc surc to vent
t}lasti{ wDq} so stt'_ll//1_111
t'S('_lt )(L
(;ook_*_uPe nlav become hot
because of heat trm/stcrred
/i'Olll tilt' ht',ltt'(t/_)o(I. Pot
holders lnav be needed to
handle tile cookware.