GE JVM1840, JVM1841, SpacemakerXL JVM1842, SpacemakerXL JVM1840, SpacemakerXL JVM1841 Owner's Manual
c (
Safe O,Instruaions •2-.)
Operating Instruaions
Auto Features ......... 20
Cleaning .......... 34, 35
Changing the
Power i,evel .......... 13
Features ........... 2 ]-25
Cooking Guide ..... 15, 16
Deti'osting Guide ...... 18
Exhaust Feature .... 37, 38
Features of Y{)/II"
Microwave Oven .... 11, 19
Microwave Temps ...... 33
Other Features .... 2{-32
Replacing Bulbs ....... 36
Time Features ..... 14-19
7boubleshooting Tips ...39
Things That Are Nomml _,\ith Your
Microwaxe Oxen ....... 39
Com+,mer Supp¢n't
Support ...... Back Cover
Optional Fdts ......... 10
Registration ....... 41, 42
Warranty ............. 43
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,iq/M 1840
,/1"z 4l_ 4l
71 )
,]1'l 41842
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find these numt)ers on a label inside
Ill(! 0"_ (!11.
For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to pre vent property damage, personal injury, or
loss of life.
since open-door operation can resuh in harmful
(_xpostl£e to lilicI'ow21\ e energ),. It is lint)art:ant ii()t to/le/bat or t_il/ll)el: with
tile sal(,tv interlocks.
Do Not Place ally' ol!ject between the oven/i:ont
titce and the door or allow soil or clem/er residue to
_/cunmlate on sealing
i]/IpOlTt}tl/t th}tt the ()_,ell (]()()F
(lose properl} mid that there
iS 1/0 (]:dl//_t_'e tO tlle:
........................(t/roken or loosened),
S[ 117_t( es.
The Oven Should Not
be a/!iusted or rel)_dred by an}_)ne except properly quali/ied service personnel.
When using electrical appfiances basic safety
precautions should be followed, including the following:
Re_d and tallow the specifi( :_ Install or locate this precautions in the Precautions
to Avoid Possible Exposure to Excessive Microwave Energy
seciion _d)ove.
This appliance must be
glX)/lllde(|. (i()nllei | onlY
to a properb/grounded outlet. See the Grounding
Instructions se/lion on page 8.
appliance only ill accordance with the provided Installation
I1 lStrilCtions.
This mierowm e ()\ell is klI listed Jar installation o\er
ele/oJc and g_s rmlges. This microwm e o\en is not
al)plxlVed or tested Jar
l//}tlJne lisp.
Use this appfiance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
I)o I/at n/guilt this at)plian(e o\er a sink.
"Ib red uce tile risk of fire i]l tile oven cavity:
This o\eFthe-mnge o\en _s_tsdesiglled tar use o_er ranges no wider tllall 36." It may be installed o_vr bofll Kas and ele(tric (ooking equipn/ent.
Do not operate this alllllian(e if it liar, a damaged power (ord or plug, if it is not working properb;, or if it ha_, been damaged or dropped. If the power cord is damaged, it must be repla(ed
bv (;eneral Electric Service or an authorized service agent using a
power cord a_dlable/i:om (;eneml Electric.
1)o not co_er or block any openh/gs on tile atlpliance.
Use this appliance only tar its ime]lde(t use as described in this
mmmal. Do not use corrosive chemi(als or vapor_, in this applian(e.
This mi(rowa_v ()_vn is specifi(ally desiglled to heat, (tr_ or cook toad,
and is not imended/or laboratory or industri_d use.
Do not store this apl)liance outdoors,.
I)O I]O[ list. ` this t)]?o(hlct Ile_tr w_tte] _
tar example, in a wet basement, near a .',wimming pool, near a sink or in
similar locations.
Kee t) power cord away ti'om heated
1)o not immerse power cord or plug in water.
--I)o not overcook toad. Careflfllv attend appliance when paper, plastic
or ()tile]: COl//tltlstible l//_tteri_ds are placed inside tile o_en while cooking.
--Remove wire twist-ties and metal handles ti'om paper or t)lastic
containers betore t)lacing them in the oven.
--Do not use tile o_vn tar storage t/tu])oses. I)o not leave paper produt` is, cooking utensils or load
in the ovel;, \'dlelJ, lJ,ot in use.
--If materials in.,,ide tile ()_vn ignite, keep tile oven door closed, turn the oven off and disconnect the power cord, or shut off t)ower at tile fl]se or circuit breaker panel. If the door is opened, the fire ma} spread.
See door SUl'/itce cleaning instructio]ls in the Care and cleaning of the
microwave oven s( t`tion of this mmltlal.
This appliance must only be serviced by qualified service persolmel.
Contact nearest authorized ser\'ice tacilitv/or examination, repair or
As with any appliance, close
stqlervision is necessary when used by children.
Do not store anything directly on top
ot the IIliCrOW_l_,_' ()_,_'l/ S[lrJitce whell
the 1Dicrov¢_,_, ovel/is iH ot)eratiol/,
ilii!iiiiii!/ii!iiiil i
If you see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFFpad and correct the problem.
Arcing is the ]l/i( row_lve [el_i/] ;_ Foil not molded to/ood
/or sparks in the o_,wn+Arcing (upturned edges act Hike is caused by: antem/as).
The metal shelf not installed ;_ Metal, such as twist-ties, (orrectlv so it touches tl/e poultr} pins, or gold-rimmed
microwave wM1. dishes, in tile microwm e.
Metal or/oil touching the side of the o_en.
;+ Recycled tlaper towels
containing small metal pieces being used in the microwave.
Do not poll popcorn ill v(mr lIlicrow_l_e O_el/ tulh'ss ill a
special mi(rowave pol/(orn a(cessorv or tmless you use
pol/(orn labeled {br use in
lIlicrow_l_ e O_ ellS.
Sol/le t)ro(hlcts S/loll _lS
whole eggs and sealed containers t_)r examl/le, closed,jars--_m able to explode and should not be
he_ted ill this microwave oven. Su(h use of tile
llliCrOW_l_+_' 0_+_'1/ (otlld
resuh in in jm+y.
I)o not boil eggs in _
lllicrol%we ovel/. Pl?eSs/lre
will build up inside egg }x)lk and will cause it to bm'st,
possibly resulting in in jmT'.
()pemting tile mierow_v with no/ood inside tot more
thaH _ If/illtlte or t/vo 111_1_, (raise dmnage to tile oven
and could start a fire. It increases the heat arom/d
tl/e magnetron and (an shorten tile li/_' of tile o\en.
Foods with tll/l)]?okel/O/lter "skill" such as potatoes, hot
dogs, sausages, tomatoes, apples, chicken livers and other giblets, and egg yolks should be t/ierced to allow steaiil to escape dtlrillg cooking.
Liquids, such as water, coffee, or tea are able to be overheated beyond the boiling point without appearing to be boiling. Visible bubbling or boiling when the container is
removed from the microwave oven is not always present
"Ib reduce the risk of i1_iury
to persons:
--Do not o_vrheat the liquid.
--Stir the liquid both be/ore and hal/ivay through heating it.
--Do not use straight-sided containers with narrow
--M'ler heating, _fllow tile
COlltailler to stand ill the
l//icFowa\ e oven {()r a short
time be/ore removing the containel:
--Use exu:eme cat'(" when
inserting a spoon or other
utensil into tl/e container.
Avoid heating baby tbod ill glass jars, e_vn/vith tile lid
o/E Make suw all intimt food is thoroughly cooked. Stir
tt)od to distritmte tile heat men]}. Be careflfl to plvvent
scalding when warming tt)rumla or breast milk. The
container iiiwv'/_'el cooler than the milk really is. Alwa\:'_ test the milk be/hi`(' tceding
the bah\.
;_ Don't defrost frozen
bevel_}g`('s ill n_lrl'o/*,-
ne(ked bottles (especial F (arbonated beverages).
Even if the COlltainer is opened, pl`('ssure can build
up. This can cause the
(ontainer to burst, t)ossibly resulung in in jur}.
;_ ttot/oods and steam (an
(ause burns. Be caretul when opening all,,' containers of
]lOt R)o(t, including popcorn
bags, cooking pouches and boxes. To pl`('vent possible illjllry, direct steam a/*,rav
tir)m hands and thce.
Do not o_._'rcook potatoes. They could dehydrate and
(ateh/b`(', causing damage
Cook meat and poulwy thoroughly--meat to
at least an INTERNAl, temperatm`(' o/160°1;
and t)oulwy to at least an INTERNAl temperat m`(' of 180'_E Cooking to dlese temperatures
usually protects ag_,inst
tt)od-borne illness.
iiiiili iiiiiii!
iii il iiilli
Make sutv all cook_s_u:e used in
VO/I1P l//iCl?OW_iVt' ()Vt'll is suitable
/or microwaving. Most glass casseroles, cooking dishes, nleasm'ing cups, custard cups, pottery or china dinnerware
which does not hme metallic trim or glaze with a metallic
sheen can be used. Sonic cookware is labeled "suitable/[)r
l//iCl'OW_lVil lg,"
I/you are not sure if a dish is
lllitrow_w{'-s,It( _, /l_,e tiffs test:
Place ill tile oven both tile dish you arc testing and a
glass measuring cup tilled with 1 cup of water--set tile
lneasmJng CUll either ill or next to the dish. Microwave
30M5 seconds at high. If the dish heats, it should not be
used tor lnicmwa\'ing.
l/ tile dish remains cool and only tile _ter ill file
cup heats, then tile dish is nlicrowa_, e-sat;v.
ffvou use a meat d/ermometer while cooking,
make sure it is sa/{'/_)r use in microwave (Bens.
;_ Do not use recy{led pallet
products. R{,cycled paper towels, napkins and w,ixt'(t ]),q/cr can {'Oll[,lil/ 1//civil
/h't ks whith ln,P,; t,ltlSt'
ar( illg or ignitc. Pat/or
])l'od/ltts ( Ol/t_lil/i//g IlVIOII
Ol: 1lvl011 tilmncms should
bc a_x)i(tc(t, as dwv mm also ig_liw.
2_ Somc stwot6mn tra+_:_,(likc
thost' th,l[ l//C,It iS p_ltk_lg('(I
oll) h,w{' a t]lill stlJl/o/mct:al cnlbcddcd ill tilt' bottolIl.
Wilt'l/ l//i{ I'OV,_I\ t'(I, t]lC Illt't'll
t-in burll tilt' floor ot tilt' o\cn or ignitc a t}apcr towcl.
Do I/Ot/Ise tile HliCrow_IvC to
dry newspapers.
;_ Not all plastit wrap is suitable
/_)r use ill IllitTOW,I\ e o\ ens. Che{k the llat kagc tor
] )}x)ptT IIStL
;_ Patlcr towels, waxed t)atlcr
mid tllaStk wrap tan bc used to {over dishes in order to
/'{'tain l//oistllrt' a11d ll/'{'Vt'llt
sp_lttt+lJ//g. Bc surc to vent t}lasti{ wDq} so stt'_ll//1_111
t'S('_lt )(L
(;ook_*_uPe nlav become hot because of heat trm/stcrred /i'Olll tilt' ht',ltt'(t/_)o(I. Pot holders lnav be needed to handle tile cookware.
"Boilal)le" cooking pouches and tightly closed plastic bag.,, should be slit, pierced
or _mted as directed t)_, t)ackage. If tilt? are not,
t)lastic could burst dining or immediately alier cooking, t)ossibly resulting in iqjur}.
Also, plastic storage
containers should be at least partially uncovered be(ause
they/orm a tight seal. When (()<)king with containers tightly cow,wed Mth plastic
WI_II) , felt/O\ e Co_,_qJl/g
careflfllv and direct steam
Use toil only as directed in this mami:d. TV dimler.s may be micro_l\ ed in/oil trm_s
less than 3/4" high; remo_e the to l) loll co_'r and return
the ira +,to the t)ox. When using/oil in the microwmv
oven, keep the {oil at least 1" awa} ti'om the sides of
the oven.
Plastic cookware--Plastic cookware designed/or
microwa_v cooking is v,.'r}
useflll, but should be used
careflflk E\en microwa_v- sa/_' plastic may v,ot be as
tolerant of o_ercooking conditions as are glass or
ceramic materials and mm soften or char ifsut!iected
to short l)etiods of overcooking. In longer
UXI)OStI17(% tO overcooki_lg,
tl_e food and cookware could ignite.
Follow these guidelines:
++++++::+++++++++t)lastics o111_ and
tts+.' tlJ, elt_ il_ strit, t
compliance with
tile cookware
lIlan/l/ilct tll?eF'S l?eColIllIlel l(tations.
Do not mi¢ rowme,
elIll)t _ ( OlllainelTS.
I)o v,ot 1)ermit (hildren
td S S
tO [L_e t)la,;tic cookware
without complete supervision.
ilii!ii:iii!!++i+ii!iiiil i+
Improper use of the grounding plug can result in arisk of electric shock.
This al)l)liance must be gTomlded. In the event of an electrical short circuit, grounding reduces the lJsk of electlJC shock bv providing an escape wire lot the elecuic cun:ent.
This al)pliance is equipped with a power cord hm'ing a gromlding wire with a gromlding plug. The plug must be t_lugged into an outlet that is prol)efly installed and g)'omlded.
Consult a quali/ied electrician or service technician if the gromlding instrucdons are not completely mlderstood, or il doubt exists as to whether the at)pliance is properly gromlded.
If the outlet is a standard 2-l)rong wall outlet, it is yore: personal responsibili V and oblig_ltion to hm e it replaced with a properly gTom_ded 3-prong wall outlet.
I)o not trader av,y circumstances (ut or remove the third (gTotmd) prong/i:om the power cord.
I)o not use an adapter plug Mth this appliance.
I)o not use an extension cord with this al_pliance. If the power cord is too short, hm e a qualified electrician or service technician install
an outlet near the appliance.
For best ol)eration, plug this al)l_liance into its own electrical outlet to tm'_vnt flickering of lights, Nowing of fllse or tripping of circuit
The tiul will operate auton/atie_dly under certain conditions (see
AtltOlllati€ Fan ]('atlll?e). Take care to pFevellt tile startillg- and spreading of accidental ( ooking (ires \+dlile the Vellt ]itn is ill IlSe.
;_ Clean tile underside oI tile microwave often. Do not allow gtx'ase
to build up on tile (//icFowa\ e oF the tilll fillets.
;+ Ill tile event ()fit grease fire on tile suri_me/lllitS below tile
liliCt'owa\ e ()\ell, SlIlother a [lalllillg t)a]l Oll tile s/lrIilee/lllit
b} covering tile pan ( on/pletely with a lid, a cookie sheet or
a [lilt tl?_lV.
:_ Use care when cleaning tile vent Jim filters. Corrosive cleaning
agents, such as 1iv-based oven cleanel:s, ma} damage tile tilters.
:_ When preparing flaming ti)ods under tile microwa\ e, turn tile
tiln o11.
Nmxw lemxsur/itce units beneath your nlicrowave (well
unattended at higll heat settings. Boilovers cause smoking and
greasy spillo\ ers that (ha} ig-uite and spread if tile mierowax e vent Ira/is operating. "Ibminimize automatic tin/opet_tion,
use adequaw-sized cookware and use high heat on sur/itce m/its
only when necessar\.
iiili !iiil
About optionalkits.
Filler Panel Kits JX52WH- White JX52BL - Black
JX52CT- Bisque
When replacing a 36" rtmge hood, filler t)tmel kits fill in the
additional _,idth to provide a (ustom built-in at_pearan(e.
For installation between cabinets only; not ti_r end-of-cabinet installation. Each kit contains two 3"-wide filler panels.
Filter Kits JX81B - Recirculating Charcoal Filter Kit
Filter kits are used when the microwave oven cannot be vented
to the outside.
Available at extra cost/i'om vottr GE sut)t)lie_
Aboutthe featuresofyour microwav_.e,oven:
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from
your modeL
/////// !\\\
mm _o
) ) 1
1100 Watts
iiii l, ii
Featuresof the Oven
O Door Handle. Pull to open
tile door. Tile door must
be se(-/lrelv ]at(l/e(I for tile microwave to o])e_te.
0 Door Latches.
Window with Metal Shield.
S(reen a|l/)ws cooking to
be viewed while keeping
llliCrOWoves c/)n[]ned ill
the ()``'ell.
0 DefrostRack. When
deli'osting, t_)r best results, place ti)/)(t directly on the deli'ost rock and place the
rack on the turntable.
TouchControl Panel
0 Ceoktop Lights.
0 Grease Filters.
Removable Turntable.
Turntable and support must be ill place when using the oven.
The turntable ma_ be removed {or cleaning.
NOTE: Rating plate, oven vent(s) and oven light are located
on the inside walls of the microwave oven.
O Shelf. I_ets you microwa``'e
st',, eral _k)o(Is at once. D)()(t inicrowa\ es best
when placed (tirectN on tile oven [loot or turntable.
iii iHiil!iiii!ili
Aboutthe featuresofyourmicrowave oven.
Youcan microwave by time, with the convenience features or with the auto features.
0 7_meand Auto Features
Press Enter
TIME COOKI & II Amount of cookingtime Pressonceor twice
AUTO/TIME DEFROST Amount of defrostingtime Presstwice
EXPRESSCOOK Starts immediately! ADD 30 SEC Starts immediately! POWER LEVEL Powerlevel 1-10
AUTO/TIME DEFROST Foodweight Pressonce upto 6 Ibs.
1 lb. QUICK DEFROST Starts immediately!
O ConvenienceFeatures
Press Enter Option
POPCORN Starts immediately! more/iesstime Pressonce 3.5 oz
Presstwice 3.0 oz Press3 times 1.75oz
BEVERAGE Starts immediately! Pressonce 4 oz
Presstwice 8 oz Press3 times 12oz
COOK Foodtype 1-6 +weight REHEAT Foodtype 1-6 1-3 servings
Pressonce(freshvegetables) Foodweight Presstwice (frozenvegetables)
Pressthreetimes (cannedvegetables) SNACKS Snacktype1-6 number/weight
Aboutchangingthe power level.
I-;-II 8 II 9 I
How to Change the Power Level
The power level n/av be entered or (hanged
imlnediatelv atter entering tile tbature
time/k)r rIMECOOK,
COOK or ADD 30 SEC. The t)ower h'w'l n/re'
also be changed dm'illg time coulltdown.
Press rIME COOK or
/ select Time Defrost.
\_riable power levels add flexibility to n/icrow_l_
cooking. The t)ower levels on tile lni(rowa_e oven
C}tl/ be €OlIlt)_tred to tile stlrl_lee tlllitS on }t l'}tl)ge+
Iligh (power level 10) or fllll power is tl/e/sstest _v to cook and gives you 100% t)ower. Each power level gives you microwave energy a certain percent of the tilne. I)ower level 7 is microwave energy 70% ot the tilne. I)ower level 3 is energy 30% of the tin/e.
A high seuing (10) will cook/i_ster but {i)od may
need n/ore t_:e(tuem stirring, rotatillg or turning over. Most cooking will be done on t ]igh (power lexel 10). ,k lower seUillg will (ook n)ol'e exelll'_ and ]leed less stirring or rotatillg of the tilod.
Sonle/i)o(ts ma} l/_e better/lavor, texture or at)pearance if one of the lower settings is used. Use a lower power level when cooking tk)o(ts that have a ten(tenev to boil ovec such as scalloped t)otatoes.
Rest periods (wl/ell tlle microwave ellerg-} cycles Bit) give tin/e ti)r the/k)od to "equalize" or transti'r heat to tl/e inside of die tood. An exan/ple of this is shown with power level 3--the deti'ost cycle. If n/icrowa\e energy did 1lOt cycle Bit, die outside of
the/k)od would cook be/i)re the illside was de/i:osted.
Ilere are solne examt)les of uses ti)r various t)ower levels:
Power Level Best Uses High 10 Fish, bac on, ',egetabh's, boilillg liq ui(Is.
Med-High 7 C+entle cookillg of meat and t)oulu_y;
baking casseroles and reheating.
Medium g Slow cooking and tenderizing such as
stews mid less tender cuts of meat.
Low2or3 l)e/i'osting without cooking;
sinlnlering; delicate sauces.
Warm I Keel)ing fi)o(t warm without
over(ooking; so/tening butter.
iii iHiil!iiii!ili
hill t)owelL (Press POWER LEVEL. Select
;_desired power
h'w'l 1-11L)
Time Cook I
,\llows roll to illi(row_ixe for _tn_ tillle /I l) to
99 minuws mid 99 se(onds.
Power level 10 (tligh) is amomaticallv set, but you lm 9' change it/or more flexibility.
You ma} open the door (tmdng TIMECOOKto (heck
the tood. Close the door and press START to resume cooking.
Time Cook II
I xqs you change t)owe17 levels autom_ti(Mly dm:ing cooking. I Iere's how to do it:
!,_ Press TIME COOK.
Enter the first (ook time.
.....................t)ower. (Press POWER LEVEL. Sele(t a desired
Press TIME COOK again.
.....................t)ower. (Press POWER LEVEL. Select a t)ower
lexel 1--10.)
At the end of Time Cook I, Time Cook II (omits dowll.
+ 30 hidden pages