GE JVM1651, SpacemakerXL JVM1650, SpacemakerXL JVM1651 Owner's Manual

1_ Watts
JVM1650 JVM1651
SpacemakerXL Microwave Oven
Owner's Manual
Important SafetyInformation
Operating Instructions
Helpful Information
Welcome m tile GE t_tmily. We're proud of our quality products and we believe in dependable service.
You'll see it in this easT-to-
use manual and you'll hear it in tile tiiendly voices of
our (onsulller selwice
Best of all, you'll experience these values each time you use yollr
microwave. That's important, because your
new microwave will be part of your ihmily tor
a long time.
Start HereL.. Before using your Microwave
Write down the model and
serial numbers here, They
are on a label inside tile oven.
Staple your receipt to the inside back cover of this
manual You will need it to obtain service under
Model number
Serial number
Date of purchase
Help us
help you
Betbre you call tk)r selwice, there are a f_w things you can do to help us serve you better.
Read this manual
It contains instructions to help you use and maintain
your microwave properly.
If you received a damaged oven,, .immediately contact
the dealer (or builder) that sold you the oven.
Save time and money,
Check the section titled "If Something Goes
Wrong" betbre calling. This section helps you solve commoll problems that might occun
tfyou do need seriice, you can relax knowing
help is only a phone call away, A list of toll-fi'ee
customer service nunlhers is included in tile back of this manual.
Read and fbllow the specific "Precautions to
Avoid Possible Exposure to Excessive Microwave
Energy" on page 2.
Tills appliance must be grounded. Connect only m properly grounded outlet. See Grounding
instructions section on page 10.
DO not illount this
appliance over a sink.
Install or locate this appliance only in
accordance with the provided Installation
Tills over-the-range oven was designed tk)r use over ranges no wider than 36" tt may be installed over both gas and elect]tic cooking equipment.
Do not operate this appliance if' it has a damaged power cord or plug, if it is not working properly, or if it has been damaged or dropped.
DO not cover or block
any openings on the appliance.
Use this appliance only fbr its intended use as
described in this mamml.
Do not use corrosive
chemicals or vapors in this appliance, This
microwa'¢e oven is specifically designed m
heat, d] T or cook fbod, and is not intended
tbr labm-amry o1' industrial use.
Do not store this appliance outdoors.
Do not use this product near water--_)r exanlple,
in a wet basenlent, near
a swimming pool, near a sink or in shnilar
Keep power cord away ti'om heated surfaces.
Do not immerse power cord or plug in water.
To reduce tile risk of fire in the oven cavity:
-- Do not overcook tood.
Caretully attend appliance when paper,
plastic or other coln- bustible materials are
placed inside tile oven
while cooking.
-- Renlove wire twist-ties
and metal handles t_om paper or plastic
containers beibre placing them in the oven.
-- Do not use tile oven
tor storage purposes. Do not leave paper products, cooking
utensils or tood in tile
oven when not in use.
-- If materials inside tile
oven ignite, keep the
oven door closed, turn
the oven Off and
disconnect tile power
cord, or shut off power
at tile fuse or circuit
breaker panel. K tile door is opened, tile fire
may spread.
-- Do not use tile Sensor
Features twice in succession Oil tile same
R)od portion. If food is undercooked after tile
tlrsL coun[down_ ilse
TimeCookfor additional cooking time.
See door surface cleaning instructions ixl
the Care and Cleaning section (s) of this manual.
This appliance must only be se_'iced by qualified
service personnel. Contact nearest
authorized service tacility tor examination, repair
or adjustment.
As with any appliance, close supervision is
necessary when used by children.
Do *lot store anything directly on top of tile
microwave oven SUl't_4ce when tile microwave oven is in operation.
Arcing is the microwave term fin' sparks in the oven. Arcing is caused by:
The metal shelf not installed correctly
so it touches the microwave wall.
Metal or toil touching the side of the oven.
Foil not molded m tbod (upturned edges act like
Metal, such as twist-ties,
poultry pins, or gold- rimmed dishes, in tile
illici owa've.
Recycled paper towels
containing small metal pieces being used in the
Do not pop popcorn in your microwave oven unless in a special microwave popcorn accesso] 3, or unless you use popcorn labeled for
use ill microwave ovens.
Some products such _s whole eggs and sealed containers--tbr example, closed jars--are aNe to explode and should not
be heated in this microu,ave oven. Such use of the microwave oven
could result in i_ury.
Do not boil eggs in a microwave oven. Pressure
will build up inside egg yolk and will cause it to burst, possibly resuhing in i_!jm_'.
Operating tile microwave with no food inside tor
more than a minute or two inay cause damage
to tile oven and could start a fire. It increases the heat around the
magnetron and can shorten the lite of the oven.
Foods with unbroken outer "skin" such as
potatoes, hot dogs, sausages, tomatoes, apples, chicken livers
and other giblets, and egg yolks should be pierced to allow steam to escape during
Liquids, such as water, coffee or tea, are able to
be overheated beyond the boiling point without appearing to be boiling.
Visible bubbling or boiling when the container is
removed from the microwave oven is not always present.
To reduce the risk of il_jm T to persons:
-- Do not overheat tile
-- Stir tile liquid both
before and half, ray through heating it.
-- DO not use su~aigh/-
sided containel._ wifll
llarrow necks.
-- Alter beating, allow tile
container to stand in
tile microwave oven
ior a short time belore
renloving tile container.
-- Use extreme care when
inserting a spoon or other utensil into tile
Avoid beating baby tood in glass jars, even with
tile lid ott] Make sure all intant ff)od is thoroughly
cooked. Stir food to disnibute tile heat evenly.
Be caretid to prevent scalding when warming
tk3rmula or brea_st milk. Tile container may t_el
cooler than the milk really is. Always test the
milk betkwe fbeding tile baby.
Don't deli'ost ti'ozen beverages in narrow-
necked bottles (especially carbonated beverages).
Even if the container is opened, pressure can
build up. This can cause the container to burst,
possibly resulting in
Itot fbods and steam can cause burns. Be
caretul when opening any containers of hot
fired, including popcorn bags, cooking pouches
and boxes. '[_) prevent possiNe hi.jury, direct steam away tl*onl bands
and t_me.
Do not overtook potatoes. They could
dellyd_ate and catch fire, causing damage to your oven.
Cook meat and poultry thorougldy--meat m
at least an INTERNAL temperature of 160°F
and poultry to at least an INTERNAL temperature
of 180°E Cooking to these temperatures
usually protects against toodborne illness.
Make silre all cookware used in your microwave
oven is suitable fbr
nticrowaving. Most glass casseroles, cooking dishes, measuring cups, custard cups, potter)* or cbina
dinnerware which does not have metallic trim or glaze
with a metallic sheen Call be used, Some cookware
is labeled "suitable for microwaving?'
If you are not sure if a dish is microwave-safb, use this test: Place ill the
oven both tile dish you are testing and a glass measuring cup filled with
1 cup ofwatel=-set the
measuring cup either in
or next to tile dish. Microwave 1 minute at high. If tile dish beats,
it should not be used for microwaving.
tf tile dish remains cool and only tile water in the
cup heats, then the dish is microwave-safe.
If you use a meat the> mometer while cooking,
make sure it is safe for
use ill Inicrowave ovens,
Do not use recycled
paper products. Recycled paper towels, napkins
and waxed paper can contain metal fIecks
which may cause arcing or ignite. Paper producks containing nylon or nylon filaments should be avoided, as they may also ignite.
Some styrolbam trays (like those that meat is
packaged on) have a thin strip of metal embedded
in the bottom. When microwaved, tile metal
can btlrn tile floor of
tile oven or ignite a paper towel.
Do not use the microwave to d13*
Not all plastic wrap is
suitable tbr use in micro- wave ovens. Check the
package for proper use.
Paper towels, waxed paper and plastic wrap
Call be used to cover
dishes in order to retain
moisture and prevent
spattering. Be sure to vent plastic wrap so steam can escape.
Cookware lllay becolne
hot because of heat transferred from the heated fbod. Pot holdeL's
may be needed m handle
the cookware.
"Boilable" cooking pouches arid dgbtly closed plastic bags should
be slit, pierced or vented as directed by package.
If they are not, plastic
could burst during or immediately after
cooking, possib b, resulting in ilOtn T, Also, plastic
storage containers should be at least partially
uncovered because they fbrm a tight seal. When
cookillg Widl containers tightly covered with plastic
wrap, remove covering carelillly and direct
steam away ti'om hands and face.
Use fbil only as directed in this manual. _
dimlers may be microwaved ill foil Ways less thin1 3/4" high; remove tile top fk)il cover and retm'n tile tray to tile box, When using fbil in
the microwave oven, keep tile tbil at least
1" away fi'om the sides
of tile oven.
Plastic cookware--Plastic cookware designed for
microwave cooking is very useful, but should be used carefidly. Even microwave-safb plastic may not be as tolerant of overcooking conditions as are glass or ceramic materials and may sofien or char if sut)jecmd to sho_ periods of overcooking. In longer
exposures to over- cooking, tile food and
cookware could ignite,
Follow these guidelines:
Use microw'ave-sale
pla_stics only and use them in strict compliance
_4th the cookware manufacturer's reconlnleildations.
2 Do not micro_ave enlpl 3,
3 Do not permit children
to use plastic cookware without complete supmMsion.
The fan will operate automatically under certain coilditions (see
Automatic Fan f>amre). Take care to prevent tile
starting and spreading of accidental cooking fires
while tile vent ihn is in use.
Clean tile underside of tile microwave often.
DO not allow grease to build up on the
microwave or tile t_m filters.
111the event of a grease fire oi1 tile surface units
below the microwave oven, smother a flaming
pan on the suri_lce unit by covering the pan completely with a lid, a cookie sheet or a flat Way.
Use care when cleaning tile vent fro1 filte]_.
Corrosive cleaning agents, such as lye-based
oven cleaners, nlay
damage tile filters.
When preparing flaming toods under
the nlicrowave, turn
the fan on.
Never leave surface units beneath your microwave
oven unattended at high heat settings. Boilovers cause smoking and greasy spilloveL_ that may ignite and spread if tile
microwave vent fan is operating. 'lb minimize
automatic fan operation, use adequate sized cookware and use high
heat on surt_lce units
only when necessm T.
Improper use of the grounding plug can result
in a risk of electric shock,
This appliance must be grounded, hl the event of
an electrical short circuit, grounding reduces the
risk of electric shock hy pro*iding an escape wire
tot the electric current.
This appliance is equipped with a power cord having a grounding wire with a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an outlet that is properly installed and grounded.
Consult a qualified electrician or service
technician if tile grounding instructions
are not completely trader- stood, or if doubt exists as
m whether the appliance is properly grounded.
If the outlet is a standard 2-prong wall outlet, it is
your personal responsibility and obligation to have it replaced with a properly grounded 3-prong wall
Do not under any circum- stances cut o1' rexz]o_,'e the
third (ground) prong from tile power cord.
Do not use an adapter plug with this appliance.
Do not use an extension cord with this appliance.
tfthe power cord is too short, have a qualified
electrician or service technician install an outlet
near the appliance.
For hest operation, plug this appliance into its own electrical outlet to prevent flickering of lights, blowing of fllse or tripping of
circuit breaker'.
Filler Panel Kits JX48WH--White JX48BL--Black JX48AL--AImond
When replacing a 36"
_ange hood, tiller panel kits fill in the additional
width to provide a custom built-in appearance,
For installation hetween
cabine_ only; not ff)r
end-of:cabinet installation. Each kit contains two
3" wide filler panels. Two kits are needed for
a 36" opening.
Filter Kits JX81A--Recirculating
Charcoal Filter Kit
Filter kits are used when tile microwave oven (aHnot be vented to the outside.
Available at extra cost from your GE supplien
Features of Your Microwave
(Througlumt this manual, j_atures and appearance may va_ j_,n your rrmdeL )
I DoorHandle, Pull to
open tile door. The door must be securely latched for the
microwave to opm_ate.
2 DoorLatches. 3 Window with Metal
Shield, Screen allows
cooking to be viewed while keeping
microwaves (onfined ill the oven.
4 Shelf, Lets you
microwave several ff)ods at once. Food
microwaves best when placed directly on tile
oven floor or turntable.
5 Touch ControIPanel
You must set the clock
and calendar befi_re using tile microwave.
6 Cooktop Lights,
7 Grease Filters,
8 Removable Turntable,
Turntable and support must be in place
when using tile oven. The turntable may be removed tor cleaning.
9 Convenience Guide.
NOTE:Rating plate, oven
vent(s) and oven light are located on the inside walls
of the microwave oven.
The Controls on Your Microwave Oven
(Througlun_t this manual, features and appearance may va_3"from your model.)
You can
microwave by time, temperature,
or with the convenience
1 2 3
4 5 6
Time Cooking
TIME COOK ! &|l_ Amount of cooking time.
(Pres Amount of defiosting time.
EXPRESS COO]( Starts immediately[
Power level 1-10. Starts immediatelyl
_ili ¸i_i !ii!!i!;iii!;iiiii_iii::i!;)
A Convenience Features
Snack type 1-6 number/weight Food weight
A SensorFeatures
Starts immediately! Starts immediately!
_EHEAT Starts immediawly!
Starts immediately!
VE Starts immediately!
Press once (fresh vegetables)
Presstwice (frozenvegetables)
Press three times (canned vegetables)
more/less time
more/less time more/less time more/less time
more/less time more/less time
more/less time
(on some models}
Variable power levels add flexibility to microwave cooking, Tbe power levels
on the microwave oven can be compared to the
surface units on a iange. High (power level 10) or fifll power is the fastest way to cook and gives you
100% powel: Each power
level gives you microwave energy a certain pezcent of'
the time, Power level 7 is microwave energy 70% of
the time. Power level B is energy .80% of the time.
A high setting (10) will cook faster but tood may need more fl'equent stirring, rotating or turning over. Most cooking will be done on High (power level
10). A lower setting will cook nlore evenly and need less sti_ing or rotating of
the fbod.
to "equalize" o1' transl_er beat to tbe inside of the
iood. An example of this is sbown with power level 3-- tbe defl'ost cycle. If micro- wave energy did not cycle
off, the outside of tbe fbod would cook before fl*e
inside was defrosted,
Here are some examples of uses ik)r various power
Some foods may have better flavor, texture or
appem-ance if one of the lower settings is used. Use a lower power level when cooking fbods tbat bave a tendency to boil over, such as scalloped potatoes.
Rest periods (wben the microwave energy cycles of D give time for the ff_od
Time Features
Time Cook I
Allows you to microwave for any time up to 99
ndnutes and 99 seconds.
Power level 10 (High) is automatically set, but you
may change it for more flexibility.
You may open tile door
during Time Cook to check tile food. Close tile
door and press START to resume cooking.
time Cook fl
Lets you change power levels automatically during cooking. Itere's how to
do it:
1 Press TIME COOK.
2 Enter the fil._t cook time.
3 Change tile power level
if you don't want full powel: (Press POWER
LE_q£L. Select a desired power level 1-10.)
5 Enter the second cook
6 Change tile power level
if you don't want fl_ll power. (Press POWER
LE_q£L. Select a power level l-lO.)
7 Press STAR'E
At tile end of Time Cook I, Time Cook II counks down.
+ 33 hidden pages