GE Spacemaker 49-4491, Spacemaker 862A725P23, Spacemaker JVM70 Use And Care Book Manual

ReadThis Useand Care Book
Takethetimetoreadthisbookandlearnhowtoenjoy your newMicrowaveOven.itcontainsdetailedoper­atinginstructionsandrecommendedmaintenance,as wellashandytips
to help you gain maximum benefits
your MicrowaveOven.Onceyou havereadthe
book, keepit handytoansweranyquestionsyoumay
have. If you haveany additionalquestionsccmcerningthe
operationof your MicrowaveOven,write—including yourphonenumber—to:
ConsumerAffairs GeneralElectricCompany AppliancePark Louisville,Kentucky40225
IFYOURECEIVEDADAMAGEDOVEN,immediately contactthe dealer (or builder) from whom you pur­chasedit. They havebeen informed of the proper procedure to take care of such matters and can handleit for you.
It is important that we, the manufacturer,know the locationofyour MicrowaveOvenshouldaneedoccur for adjustments.
Pleasecheck with your supplier to be sure he has registeredyou as the owner;alsosend in your Pur­chaseRecordCard,If you move,or if youarenot the original purchaserpleasewrite to us, stating model and serial numbers.This appliancemustbe regis-
Writeto: GeneralElectricCZwnpany FlangeProductSewIce AFT?-210 AppliancePark Louisville,Kentucky4(3225
Record andSerial
Your MicrowaveOvenhas a nameplatecmwhich is
stamped the model number and serial number.
(Seepage5 for location.)
Modeland serial numbersare
also cm the Purchase
RecordCardwhich camewith your MicrowaveOven. Recordthenumbersin thespacesbelow.
Pleasereferto both modeland serialnumbers
in any future corrcxponcfcmtw or product service calls con­cerning your
ModelNumber SerialNumber DatePurclwmd
BeforeYou Cdl forService
Check “Common Problems” section. (See page 20.) It lists many minor causes of operating problems
that you can correct yourself and may save you an
unnecessary service call.
If ‘YOLUNeedService
[n many cities, there’s a General Electric Factory ServiceCenter. Caii, and a radio-dispatchedtruck will come to your home by appointment—-morning or afternoon. Charge the work, if you like. All the centers accept both Master Card and Visa cards.
(SeeInside BackCover.)
Or look for General Electric franchised Customer
Care@servicers. You’ll find them in the Yellow
If you need serviceIlteraturt?,partslists,partsor accesfmrhn,contact one of the Factory Service
Centers,a franchised Customer Care@serviceror your GeneralElectric dealer.
ExtendedServiceContracts:The termsof your war-
ranty provide free servicecovering failures due to
manufacturingdefectsfor a definite
period of time.
After \his warranty expires you may purchase an
ExtendedServiceContractwhich will enableyou to
budget your service needs.This coverage beyond warrantyISavailablefromour FactoryServiceCenters andfrommanyfranchisedCustomerCareRservicers.
Itisagoodideato applyfor thiscoveragebeforeyour warrantyexpires,
toFollow for FurtherHelp
First,contact the people who servicedyour micro-
waveoven Explainwhy you are dissatisfied.In most
cases,this will solvethe problem.
Next,ifyou arestill dissatisfied,writeall thedetails–
includingyour phonenumber-to:
Manager,ConsumerRelations GeneralElectricCompany
AppliancePark Louisville,Kentucky40225
Finally,Ifyourproblemis still not resolved,write:
MajorApplianceConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWackerDrive! Chicago,Illinois60606
This panel, known as MACAP,is a group of inde-
pendentconsumm’expertsunderthe sponsorshipof
wwral industry associations.Its purposeis to study
practicesand advisethe industry of ways to improve clistomerservice.BecauseMACAPisfreeof industry
control and influence, it is able to make impartial
(~1981(_jeneral~lectri~Co,,U,S,A, Allrjqhtsresel+ved,
Before Microwaving
Grounding Instructions & Precautions .... ............. 3
.., ..** ... ... ... ... .,. ***. ,**e******,***,**,*
Introduction to Oven
Touch Control Panel
Setthe Clock
Automatic Cooking
... ... Q.,... .., *.. *.. *.*oo,***, ,o*e
Automatic Roasting & Chart.,...,......,,,.,,..,,. 10,II
***. *.. *.. ,*. ... *., .*. **, ,**, *,*, e****,,**,,,*,
Cook Code’MControl
Time Cook
**..*. .,, ... ,,. *., .,. ,, *#,,,,***,***,******,
**.... .., ,**, .,, ,,, ***,*#*,,,*,*,,,,***,,***
The ExhaustFeature
Careof Your Oven
***. ***, *,. ,*, .,, ,*, *,*, ,, e***,*,
The ProblemSolver
*,. **, ,*. ..*, *.*, **, ,,, ,,, *a,e*,e*
Automatic Cooking RecipeGuide
**.*,, ,,, ..*.*......,
.#****. **. .*. ***. ***. ***. **,,*, ,e,***, a**,*
**. .*9..**, *********,*e*, **,,9,,*,****
... ***. ... ... .**, ,******e,,***,*,,****,*,
Automatic Cooking Chart
.0.. .......... 28,29
...............Inside BackCover
.,, *.. *.** *.. .*. ,***, **9****9*,, *8,*
For personalsafety,this appliancemustbe properly grounded,TheIXVAKMcordcd
this apphance IS EKWIpped with
Wifee=pnxg [gjrcnmdmg)plug whId7 mates ‘with a standard Wee=prmng (cycmr=dmg)wall receptacle. (See picture, left, ) lb mmirn!ze the pcssbhty d severe or EM deem shock nazard from IIIIS
131RXJII checked by i3 c@dled !2k33rtCMn10
makesw the receptacle @properly grounded. Where a standard two-prong wall receptacle E encountered,
II IS{hepersonal respcmshlity and obllgamm of the customer
ICIhave a qualdwl electrician replace
It with a properly
grounded Ifwe=prong wall receptacle. DO
1. For personalsafetythe oven must be properiy grounded.Seegroundinginstructionson Page3 of
this book
2. Cooking utensilsmay become hot because of heat transferred from the heatedfood. This is espe­cially true if plastic wrap has been covering the top and handles of the utensil. Pot holders may be needed.
Sometimes,theovenshelfcanbecome toohotto
touch.Becarefulwhentouching the shelfduring and
aftercooking. 4 ~$Bo~lable’*~~~~i~g pouchesand tightly closed p~asticbags+should be slit, pricked or vented as di-
rected in Cookbook. If they are not, plastic could burst during or immediately after cooking, possibly
resulting in injury, Also, plastic storage containers should be at least partially uncovered becausethey form a tight seal. When cooking with containers tightly covered with plastic wrap, remove covering carefully and direct steam away from hands and face.
5. Ronstdefrostfrozenbeveragesin narrow necked bottles especially carbonated ones, Even if the con­tainer is opened, pressure can build up. This can causethe containerto burst,resulting in injury.
6. Don’t overcook. Excessiveovercooking ctehy-
dratespotatoes,and maycausethem to catchfire
causing damage.
7, If food shouidever Ignite, keep the oven door ciosed. Turn off the power immediately.Touch
CLEAR/OFF or disconnect power cord or shut off powerat thefuseor circuit breakerpanel.
& I?er?wvethe probe from the oven
whennotu$ingiitto cook with, If you leavethe probe
inside the oven without inserting it in food or liquid
andturn on microwaveenergy,it cancreateelectrical arcing in the oven,and damageoven walls or shelf.
9. Remove wire twist4hm on paper and plastic bags before placing in oven. Twist-ties sometimes causebagto heat,andmaycausefire.
10. 130iiingeggs(in or
mendedfor microwave cooking. Pressurecan build up inside egg yolk and cause it to burst, resulting in injury,
11,00 not pop popcorn in your microwaveoven unlessin a special microwavepopcorn accessoryor unless you use popcorn in a package labeled for microwave ovens. Because of the heat generated, without theseprecautions,the container could catch fire,
12. Use metai oniy as directedin cookbook.Metal
strips as usedon meat roasts are helpful in cooking food when usedasdirected. Metaltrays maybe used for TV dinners. However, when using metal in the
microwave oven, keep metai at ieast l-inch away
13, Do not use any thermometerin food you are
microwavingunlessthat thermometeris designed or
recommendedfor usein the microwaveoven.
14. Do not store fiammabiematerialsin an oven.
Also, do not use flammable fluids in the vicinity of
15. Do not use yourmicrowaveovento dry news-
papers.If overheated,they cancatch fire.
16, Piastic IJtensiis-Plastic utensils designed for microwave cooking are very useful, but should be usedcarefully.Evenmicrowaveplastic maynot be as
tolerant of overcooking conditions as are glass or
ceramic materials and may soften or char if sub-
jectedto short periods of overcooking, In longer ex-
posures to overcooking, the food and utensils may even ignite. For these reasons: 1) Use microwave plasticsonly and use them in strict compliance with the utensil manufacturer’s recommendations.2) Do not subject empty utensilsto microwaving.3) Do not permit children to use plastic utensils without com­pletesupervision.
17. Don’toperatethe oven whileemptyin order to prolong the life of the oven and save energy, If, by
accident,theovenshould run empty a minuteor two, noharmisdone.
18. Whencooking pork either convemtiormiiyor in
the microwave oven, follow our directions exactly
and aiways cook the meat to at least 17W. This
assures that, in the remote possibility that trichina
may bepresent in the meat,it will be killed and meat
will besafeto eat.
fled lm+taller,See the
special Installationbookiet
packedwith the microwaveoven.
2, ‘?’he
writ fan In your Spacemaker’”ovenwill
AutomaticFan Feature,page7)0Whilethe fan is
andspreadingof accidentalcookingfireswhilethe ventfan18inuse.Forthisreason:
A. Neverleavesurfaceunitsunattendedat high heat$etting$.
E30110vercausessmoking andgreasy splilovers that may Ignit$ and spread if vent fan is operating, To minimize automatic fan operation, useadequatesizedutensilsand usehigh heatset-
tings only when necessary.
Intheeventofa grea$efire,smother flaming
pan on surface unit by covering pan completely
whh well-fitting IM,cookie sheetor flat tray. C,
becauseIt mayspreadthe flames.
to instructions on pages 17 arid 19, to maintain good venting and avcddgreasefires,
to avoid tipping over tall cooking
issecurely latched.
Temperature,and PowerLevelor Autu Code,
- 2. DoorLatch.Pushin to opendoor,
1%PowerLevelPad.To setor change PowerLewi,
3. Wndow withMetalShield.Screenallows cook­ingto be viewedwhile keepingmicrowavescon- 16
5, 6*
fined in oven.
Plastic Made StirrerCover.Protects the mode
stirrer which distributes microwaveenergy into theoven.
OverILight.Goes on when door is opened or
whenovenisoperating in anyfunction.
touchthis padfirst,then number.
Start.Aiways touch Start last after setting all
othercontrols. ClearK)fL Stops the oven and erases all set-
tingsexcepttimeof day,
AutoCook Pad.Chart helps you select appro-
priate Code, Using codes for popuiar foods eliminates Iooklng in Cookbook for cooking timesand powerievei,
MicroThermomWw7MTemperatureProbe. Use
with Temperature Cook and Auto Roast func­tionsoniyi
Time or TemperatureDisplay. During micro-
waving, shows ~ooking times in minutes and secondsor temperature in degrees.When oven
isnot in use,dispiayshowstimeof day,
FunctionDisplay.Cooking signai lights as to
~=.Auto Roast Pad, Use this Automatic cooking
what to do n6xt,-then ietsyou-know what func= tion is being used as well as what Power Level
or Auto Code.
~12. Ciock. Oven wiii work without setting the ciock,
but will not dispiay correct time of day. (To set
theClock seethe followingpage,)
13.Function Pads.
Use these to select a micro-
waving method--either cooking or Hoid/Timer, (See foiiowing page for brief explanation of each.)
Controi for temperature cooking of meats o; slow simmering. Temperature Probe must be usedduring AutoRoastfunction.
GreaseFilters. Cooktop Light.
HoodControls: Fan Switch,Press once for high and twice for
lowspeeds,Pressagainforoff, Lamp$lwltch,Pushand hoid untli iamp iights.
Model and Serial Number%.Located either inside oven at top left side or on bottom lower left corner of case.
is hinged.When using rangetop flip shieid into out position. Shield directs surface smoke to exhaust system, When vent fan is not in use, shield bendsunder microwave oven,
—. .....——.—
TheTouchControl Panelallows you to setthe oven controls electronicallywith the touch of afinger,It’s designed to be easy to use and understand. With
your microwaveoven,you havethe option of using your automaticcooking control pads for quick and easy conveniencecooking. (X you may makeyour own programs to suit your individualized cooking style.
ReadoutPanel.Displaystime of day, time or tem­perature during cooking functions, power level being used, cooking mode and pertinent instruc-
tions of whatto do next. Defrost.Gentle,more uniform thawing with little or
no attention at automatic PowerLevel3, or change powerlevelafterenteringtime,(Seepage13.)
“ERROR”Appears On Readout:
atemperaturelessthan 80° or morethan 199°,
@Door isopenedduring “AUTO” cycleofAutomatic
Cooking function. Closedoor andtouch START.
+--- ‘-=-:---
TernpCook.Usethe temperatureprobe to cook by
using a preset temperature. Oven shows temper­ature until preset temperatureis reached and then turns off. (Seepage 15.)
w=---=-- “--
~ --
~~ ‘–——
Y----.. -%EaEz%..
-—==..-————===,-—— ——.
Time Cook.Microwavefor a preset amount of time
——-.—- ———-
using automatic Power Level 10 or change power
~:=e’i’:;-:=%’i’’-=--- -
ieve~aftersettingtime.(Seepage 14.)
Number Pads, Touch these pads to enter Time, Temperature,PowerLevel,Cook Codedigits,or Au-
tomatic CookingCodenumber.
PowerLevel, ‘Touchthis pad before entering an=
other power
level number if you waflt to change
from automatic Power Level 10(HIGH)for cooking or PowerLevel3 (LOW)for defrosting.
Start. Must touch this pad for oven to begin any functions.
Auto Cook. Touch this pad and then number pad for desired Code number, and oven automatically
microwaves at pre-programrned power levels and determinesthe proper amount of cooking times un­til the food is done and ovenshutsoff,
—==—-: -
.9 mk *AT z = - -- — —
—------- .-
———— — —
— ——— — —–––
-— —----
........ .... ... ... .—
a=, . . ..==. :-. .=———. —--- -= ~—=——--====
—---- . . --—.
..-. -—.--. ... .—--———-..-—.—
..- -.-—- ... ..——
— . ... ... .. . ... ... ... . .. ..
— _...:.:..-. .-.... .
—— .——
.. . .. .... ... . ....... ... . ...
-—. .
. .. .. .. ... . . . ... .. ......
—..... .—-. -
-———-— ---- .-
— -------
. -—- —. ——
—-. -——. . ... . . . . . . . .............. . . . ... . .. . . . .
— ---
m::z.:..==, .-,. s.....ins.,..,...m
—— .,-......:=—=..
. ................... .........
— .-.=----:~———
_.....=..-==._...=.==——_——-..— —.. ...---— —
— -------== ~= .—.
——...-——.——.--.-——.—-.....--........———.—. -—..—-
“FWKM3E?yAppears CMReadout:
You IPIu3intheOven
@Probe has been forgotten when Auto Roast or
TempCook functions are beingused,
The readout paneldisplays five8’s and 18POWER
@Probe is not securely seated in oven wall recep-
on the upper portion and all of the ovenfunctions
. .
on the lower portion, After 15 seconds, all lights
‘9 A R
.-—-- .-
—-. ... ..
——. .— . ....
..—. .-—-....
— . . - — ------
. .-—.=..—
——. -- -— —— ----
—.... -
— ----
-- - - - .—
..- —
.- .-::
-...-————- -_—.-
-...— .——
... ... ....... ——
. —...-——-.
disappear and “RESET” flashes in the upper por­tion, Touchthe CLEAR/OFFpadandoven is ready for use,
if power is disrupted at any time, the above sequence reoccurs, and you must reset CLOCK after touching CLEAR/OFF,
~ Hold/Timer. This feature uses no microwave
energy while it functions as both a kitchen timer or as a holding period between defrost and time or temperaturecooking,(Seepage 16.)
Clock.Touchthis padto enter timeof day or check time of day while microwaving, To set clock, first touch CLOCK pad and then enter time of day, For example, if time is 1:30,touch number pads 1, 3, and 0 and 1:30 will appear in readout ciispkiy,
awm ww nawl 9n reaaod directing you to touch
STARTthus setting the clock, If youwishWresetor
Cook Cod&~Usethis pad as a short-cut methodfor entering cooking time, and power ievel.(See page
Clear/Off,Whentouched, it stopsthe oven and er­asesail settingsexcepttimeof day.
-Auto ‘east- Insert Probe, touch this
pad, and &
sired numberpadfor Code to siow-cookor temper­aturecook meatwith automaticpresetprogram.
Cookingappliances instaiied underthe oven might, undersomeheavyusageconditions, causetemper­atureshigh enoughto overheat someinternai parts
ofthe microwaveoven, To prevent overheating from taking piace, the vent
fan is designed to automatically turn on at low speedif excessivetemperaturesoccur, Should this happen,the fan cannot be manuaiiyturned off, but it wili automaticallyturn off when the internai parts have cooied, The fan may stay on up to approx­imately30 minutes after the range and microwave
ovencontrois havebeenturned off,
The Auto Cook pad may be used to eliminateyour
the sensor detects steam from the foods. Other
need to look up cooking time in the Cookbook, or
Auto Cook control settings, which are for fresh or
guessing how long to set cooking time. By actually
frozen foods, need additional time after steam has
sensing the steam which escapes as food micro-
beensensed.Forthese foods, the oven determines
waves,this featureautomaticallyadjuststhe oven’s
the amount of additional time needed, then auto-
cookingtimeto varioustypesand amountsof food. matically switches the oven to Time Cook for the Becausecooking containers must be covered,this
necessary cooking time remaining. Oven beeps
feature is best with foods which you wish to steam
whenit switchesto TimeCook (AUTOon readout is
or tc retain moisture, Foodswhich are best micro-
replacedby numbers indicating cooking time), and
waveduncoveredor only lightly coveredshould be
oven door can be opened for stirring or rotating
cookedusingtime or temperaturesettings,or Cook
Be careful of steam when removing tight covers.
After touching the Auto Cook pad, and pressing
When you remove cover, direct the steam away
Start, you will see the word AUTO on the readout,
which indicatesthat the sensor has been activated
Be sure the exterior of the cooking container and
to sense steam from the food, To prevent the es-
interiorof microwaveoven aredry.
capeof steamfrom the oven,do not open the door
while the word AUTO is on the readout. If door is
opened, ERROR appears. Close door and touch
Setting 1, which is designed for easy reheating of
foods, automatically turns the oven off as soon as
plastlc{Ids. Alwaysstirorrotateafterbeeping#lgnal.
WliV~ 4’?t%tik=~ Efifif% PfiM?AShIk=~= EWW9 AI I-A BAAU Ah##% e-sea em E5#49AV~ apwem ms-e-..a- -.-.. a .
. m..... - -- . . . . . ~Ww ~~~~ s n~wwgr*w 3 Wn
-V z v WWWm FW*W w * SE-S Wn nv g ma ~ ~g- c ~~ m~~~l~s~ ~:~<~.~~.
Usemicrowave-s~fecasserolesor bowls for entrees and vegetables. Coverwith lidsthat fit. Iflidsarenot
available, useplastic wrap. Plastic wrap should be looseover food to allowforexpansion,Sealbypressing plastic wrap firmly around edges.
Use oblong or square containers for chicken or corn on the cob, Plastic wrap covering should be
loose over food to allow for expansion,Sealbypressingplastic wrap firmly around edges,
Do not remove film”over tray; r& movetray from box. Thick entrees may need longer time. Se%chart on page 28,
Remove foil, reinsert into
box and close ends.
Do not usepaperplateswith auto-
maticcooking, Usernicrowave”safe platesor bowlsfor reheating,Cover with plastic wrap (you can still usepaper plates with regular Time Cooking, Defrosting, etc.).
Slit plastic pouches l-inch as shown above, Break food up tho­roughly after oven signals. For al­ternatepouch methodseepage24,
Follow control panel or Automatic Cooking Chart settings for casse­roles. Cover casserole meat and vegetables with sauce. Cool hot ingredients or sauces, If not, use
of fiow to trmke
Place covered food in oven. Touch Auto Cook pad.“Enter Code” flashes on readout.
Touch number pad for desired code, Code 2 showsand “Start” flashes cmreadout.TouchSTART.
Word AUTO shows on readout,indicating steam
sensor is activated. DC) NOT OPEN DC)C)R.MAY
Automatic cooking codes 1through 9aredesignedto give you easy automatic results with a number of foods.
Codes are arranged in lowest to highest amount of
-power. For examPl@tCode 1 gives least
ooklng power, Code 2 gives more power than Code
1,Code 3 increasespower overCode 2 and so on,
Another feature to give you more flexibility In Auto­matic Cooking isthe preferencecontrol, which can be usedto “fine tune” thepowerof Codes2 through 9, By simply adding a1aftera Code,you can settheovento cook using X)% less time than the code would regu= Iarly deliver, Forexample, if Code 4 cooks your vege=
Beep sounds wfien steam
is sensed and AUTO is replaced by cook time+
Rotateor stir food, When done, oven beeps and stops.
Codes& PreferenceControl
Code 1,which hasthe least power, is used for quick reheating jobs while the longer cooking foods like stew or chili use higher codes. A Cooking Chart and recipes,starting on page21give many tested usesfor automatic cooking codes.Rememberingthat yQu~a~
adjustthe powerup or down by increasingor decreas-
ing the C@e will giveyou added flexibility.
tablesmore donethan you likethem,set Code41next time and you wiHget
2CW’Oless cooking time,
Likewise, if you wish slightly more time than a code delivers,add a 9 after the Code. Forthe vegetables in the exampleabove,Code
49wouldprovide 20°/0more
time for cooking than would the regular Code 4.
Touch Auto Cook Pad. “Enter
Code” flasheson readout,
Touch number pads4 and! Inthat order, Code flashes on rmdout
until “Start” Is touched showing that preference control is used, Code 4 shows and ‘Start” flashes on readout.
~TAfW.AUTO shows on
readout display, DC) NOT OPEN DOOR until first oven signal, then rotatedish 1/2turn, Closedoor and
touch STARTto finish cooking,
Auto Roastusesthe temperatureprobe to cook to Justas in conventionalroasting,only tender roasts thedesiredservingtemperature.UnlikeTempCook,
shouldbeAuto Roasteduntilspecifiedinternaltem­which uses a single power level, Auto Roast uses peratures are reached. Less tender roasts should up to 3 power settings which automaticallyswitch
bemicrowavedbytime, accordingto the Cookbook
during roasting,thus providingeventendercooking which comeswith your oven.Completeinformation resultswithout overcooking.
on preparing roasts for microwaving is in your
,/ —.
. -.
r. —:
Place tender beef roasts on trivet in microwave safe dish. Insert probe from front horizontally into center meaty area not touching
hnma nr #m+ Pntinr tfi~ikh MI*U n-new
-VI Vw Wf v-n. Wwvwr
Tzr*f 1 w~-n ~wpwr .
Poultry, pork or ham roasts need
notrivet.Add %cup water to roast dish, cover with plastic wrap. (For cooking bag method, see cook-
hnab\ p~:~ @&~ p:~
w*n4n* Wwl ILVI
l“” [11-
Placemeatwith probe in oven. in­sert cable end of probe firmly into receptacleon ovenwall,
Touch AUTO FKIASTPad. Readout flashes “Enter
At 80”, readout switches to show meat’s internal
temperature. Turn roast over and restart oven by
TOUChSTART.Readoutshows AUTO.
touching START.
Oven monitors internal temperature, automatically
After temperature Is reached, oven switches to
switching to lower pow~r as meat’s temperature
HOLDfor 1 hr,, then shuts off. Hold prevents over-
rises,This preventstoughening or overcooking, cookingwhi’lekeepingmeatwarm,
+ 21 hidden pages