Make sure all cook_are
used in your nlicrowave
oven is suitable tor
n/icrowaving. Most glass
casseroles, cooking dishes,
l//easlll?il/g ClltIS , CllStal?(t
cups, potter} or china
dilnlet+ware which does not
have metallic u:im or glaze
widl a metallic sheen can
be/lsed. Sortie cook'_,are
is labeled "suitable lor
How to test for a microwave
Safe dish.
• If you are not sure if
a dish is microwave-sale,
use this test: Place in the
o_en both the dish you
are testing and a glass
nleasln:iilg CUll filled with
1 cup of water--set the
measul:ing CUll either
in or next to the dish.
Microwave 30-45 seconds
at high. If the dish heats,
it should not be used/or
If die dish remaills cool
alld oIilv the water ill the
CUll heats, allen die dish
is microwa_ e-sati'.
• If VO/l /lse a ://eat
dlermometer while
cooking, make sm:e it is
sat(' /k)l? /lse ill lilicF()wave
• Do not use recycled
paper t/roducts. Recycled
paper towels, napkins
aild waxed tlatler Call
contain metal flecks
which may cause arcing
or ignite. Paper products
contaiifing nyh)n or
mhm filaments should
be avoided, as they may
also ignite.
• Sol//e st_/l'o/();-ii// tl?;-ivs
(like d_ose float meat is
tiackaged on) time a thin
strit) of metal embedded
in the bouom. When
lllicr()_&l_,ed, tile metal call
burn the floor of the overt
or igniw a patier rowel.
• Do HOt use the microwa\e
t() dr} newstlatiers.
• Not all plastic wrap
is suitable/ill: use in
microwave ovens.
Check die tlackage
tor proper use.
• Patler towels, waxed
tlat/er and t/lastic wrap
can tie used to (over
dishes in order to retain
l/loistlll?e aIld l)l?evellt
stlauering. Be sure to
Veil{ t/las6c wratl so stealll
Call escape.
• Cookware lilav becolile
hot because of heat
transti'rred/i'om die
heawd/ood. Pot holders
may be needed to handle
the cookware.
• "Boilable" cooking
tlouches and tightly
closed plastic bags should
be slit, tlielx ed or vetoed
as (tire(wd tIy tla(kage.
If they are not, tllastic
could t)urst (luring or
immediately alter
(ookillg, 1)ossit/ly resuhing
in iI_jm_}. Also, tllasti(
storage (ontainers should
be at least partially
m/covered because they
/orm a tight seal. When
cooking with COluainers
tightly covered _*ith
tllasti( wrap, remove
(overing (arehlllv and
(tire(t steal// aw_lv/i'Ol//
hallds and {hce.