Safety lnfinnnation ........ 2, g
Operating Instructions
Care and Cleaning ........ 6-8
Control Settings ............ 4
Refrigerator Features ........ 5
Replacing the I,ight Bulb ..... 6
Installation Instructions . . .9-11
7)'oubleshooting Tips .... 12, 13
Consumer Support
(3onsulner SulWm..Back Cover
Defrosting--Do notusesharp,pointed objectsto removefrostorice from
surfacesofthefreezercompartment. Doingso couldpuncturethe cooling
coil, causingthe unitto loseits ability
to maintaincold temperaturesand
voidingthe warranty.Seethe Careand
Cleaningsection for instructionson
defrostingthe freezer compartment.
2 CubicFootModels 3 CubicFootModels
4 CubicFootModels 6 CubicFootModels
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model # Serial #
Find these numbers on a label inside tl_e re/i'igerator on die side wall.
162D9639PO0949-60439 11-05JR
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described
in this Owner's Manual.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precaufions
should be followed, including the following:
ii::This refiSg-('l_ltor must t)e
t)mt)erly installed ;rod located in accordance with the Installation
Instructions betim' it is used.
N Do not allow t hildren to climb,
stand or hang on d_e shelves in the teRrycrater: They could
dmnage the re/iJgcrator mid seriously in jm:e thenlselves.
i_?;Do not store or use gasoline or
other flammable vapors and liquids ill the vicinity of this or
all'vrother al/t)liance.
_i: Before replacing a burned-out
light bulb, the refrigerator should be unplugged in order to axoid
contact with a live wire tilmn('nt.
(A burnct/-out light bulb nla}
break \_,hen being rctllaced. )
ii::Keep fing-ct_ out of die "pinch
t)oin[" _tt't';-L_,; cl('_lt_tl/C('S 1X't'¢vr('('n
the doors and cabinet are net ex'<nilv small, ge carcfitl
dosing doors when t hildren arc ill the at'ca.
i;i: Lint)lug tile re/iigemtor l)e/brc
cleaning and making repairs.
NOTE: We stroegly recommend
thatany servicingbe performed by
a qualified individual
i_i; Tllrtling th(' t('l//pCl:_ttlll°( '
control dial to the OFFllosition stops cooling but does not shin
off power t() the re/iJgcratot;
Child entmlm_ent and su/ti)cation as'(' not t/roblems of
tile l/ast..]m/ked or abm/ttoned re/iige_lmrs are still dangerous...
c_.en if dlev will sit ti)l? 'ijust a ti'w days." If'am arc getting rid of
your old re/i'igcnHor, please tollow the instructions below to
help llr('_vm accidents.
Before You ThrowAway Your
Old Refrigerator or Freezer:
i;::Take oil the doors.
i_i;I ,ea\'c die shelves in l/lace so
that children nmv not easily climb inside.
All rc/iigcmtion prothu ts (ontain
re/i'igctm/ts, \dfich m/tter tbdeml l_lw ill/let lie ren/ovt,d prior to
product disposal./l_m are geuing dd of an old retiigcrafion
l/roduct, check with the company handling the disposal at/out
what to do.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of anextension cord.
t ]()_r_'_¢_'_ ityou must use an extension (ord, it is absohm,ly necessary
that it be a UI Aisted, 3-wire grounding t}pe applian( e extension cord having a grounding type plug and olttlet and that the electrical rating
of tile cord be 15 ampet'cs (mininmm) and 120 vohs.
Donot, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord. Forpersonal safety, this appliance must be properly grounded.
The power cord of this _q)pliance is equipped with a 3-prong
(g_:ounding) plug which
mates with a stan/ta_x/3-prong
(g3:ounding) wall omlet to
minimize the possibilit_ of elecUJc shock hazard ti'om this appliance.
t tax e tile wall outlet and circuit checked by a qualitied ele( tdcian
to make Sill'{+tile outlet is properly grounded.
If you ha_e only a standard 2-prong wall outlet, it is g)tn:
personal responsibility and obligation to have it replaced
with a properly gTounded 3-prong wall outlet.
The retiigerator should always 1)e phtgged into its own individual
elecu'ical outlet \vhich has a
voltage rating that matches tile
rating plate.
This provides tile best pertormance and also pro\ ents
overloading house Wiling (ircuits _hich could cause a fire hazard
ti'()m overheated wires.
Never unlllug your reflJgcrator by trolling on tile power cord.
Always grip t)lug/innly and pull
straight out/i'om tile outlet.
Repair or tvlllace immediately all power cords that hay(, becon/e
ti_p_'ed or odlerwise damaged. Do not use a cord thai shows
cracks or abrasion damage along its lengdl or at eidler end.
When moving tile re/iigemtor
not to roll o\er or damage tile
t)()Vv (T coFd+
!illi!iiii,,iiii HHii
on therefrigerator.
The control will look like one of the above.
The tel//l)er_tttlre control l/l_lint_tins tile tel//l)el_tttll;e ill tile
reliige_;itor. Setting tile co]m:ol at COOL is tile wamlest setting. Setting tile control at COLDESTis tile coldest setting. Set tile control at COLD.
Allow 24 hours/(_r tile reti'igerator to reach tile COLD tenlpemture.
[t VO/I want a coldel: or wail/let telill)eT_tttlre , i/love the dial olle setting
at a time. Mo_ng tile control to OFFstolls cooling but does not turn off tile power to tile reli+igemtol: Setting tile co]ltrol to one of tile snowflake positio]ls may cause/i'eezing in tile reti+igerator depending
on tile FOOl// telili)el;_tttll'e.
How ToTestTemperatures
Use tilt' milk test. Plate _ t ontainer oI milk on ;_shell mid che(k it
+1(l_l} l_lter. It' tilt' it/ilk is too x+_r_trlll Of tOO t ()]d, _t(!itlSt tilt' tel//I)t't_lttll:e
After changing the control, allow 24 hours for the refrigerator to reach the
temperatureyou haveset.
About the refrigerator features.
To remove a shell lift up tile back slightly and pull t()l_W}tlT(t. Some models hm e muhi-l)o_ition shelv('s that can be mo\ed
to di/tbrent levels.
Ice Tray Compartment
"Itlis (Oml)m'm_cnt is (t('sigll('(t tot t)rodu(tion ot i(e (ul)cs and short-term stor_lge (a/bw (1_1F, at most) ot some (ommer(-iallv-
/i'ozen toods when in ( ont:+l(-t with the ('\ at)orator ((old sm'/i_(e
ill COl/It )_IITIIII(HII. )
Door Shelves
Shelves on the door t)rovide convenient storage lot ti'equently used items. Some models ha\'(' doors that are deep enough to store large boules.
Key-Ejecting Lock (on some models)
The k(\_/_)r the sl)ring-loa(ted lo(k is ram)maritally (jecte(t-- k('v will not remain in lock in either the open or closed t)o.',ition.
Keep thekey out of reach of childree and away from therefrigerator,
If a r('l)lacement k(\v is needed, it can t)e order('d l)y visiting our 'lW,bsite ge.eom, or calling GE Parts and_ \(cessories, 800.626.2002.
()rder part WR05X10006.
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iiii:i iiiii iiiiiiii+i
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