DisclaimerThe information in this document is subject to change without
Tradema rks
and patents
FCC complianceThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
This document may not be copied in whole or in part or otherwise reproduced without prior written consent from GE Security
except where specifically permitted under US and international
copyright law.
notice. GE Security (“GE”) assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions and specifically disclaims any liabilities,
losses, or risks, personal or otherwise, incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use or application of any of
the contents of this document. For the latest documentation,
contact your local supplier or visit us online at www.gesecu-
This publication may contain examples of screen captures and
reports used in daily operations. Examples may include fictitious names of individuals an d companies. Any similarity to
names and addresses of actual businesses or persons is entirely
GE and the GE monogram are regist ered trademarks of General
Electric Company.
Other trade names used in this document m ay be trademarks or
registered trademarks of the manufacturers or vendors of the
respective products .
limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a residential environment . This equipment generates,
uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
You are cautioned that any changes or modif ications not
expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Important: This end-user license agreement (“Agreement”) is a
legal agreement between GE and You. Read the following terms
and conditions carefully before installing or using this software.
This agreement provides a license from GE to use the software.
It also contains warranty information, disclaimers, and liability
limitations. Installing and/or using the software confirms Your
agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions. If You
do not agree with these terms and conditions, do not install or
use the software or, if already installed, immediately cease all
use of the software and promptly uninstall all components of the
1. Definitions. The following definitions apply to this document:
a. “GE”, with respect to title to or warranty of the Soft-
ware, means GE Security Inc., a Delaware corporation.
b. “Software” means, the executable software or firm-
ware programs and accompanying documentation
installed on the GE products, plus any upgrades,
modified ver sions, updates, additions, and copies of
the software furnished to Customer during the term
of the license granted herein.
c. “Documentation” means all associated media,
printed materials, and electronic documentation
accompanying the Software.
d. “Licensed Product” means the Software and Docu-
e. “Customer” means the person or organization, or
parent or subsidiary thereof, who uses the Software
for its intended purposes, and excludes distributors,
authorized resellers, value-added resellers and original equipment manufacturers. Customer may be
referre d to as You or Yo ur, wheth er an indiv idual or a
business entity of any kind.
f. “Machine” means the computer, workstation,
terminal, or other hardware product on which the
Software is installed.
2. License. All rights to and in the Licensed Product,
including, but not limited to, copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets, belong to GE, and GE retains title
to each copy of the Software. You agree that GE at any
time, upon reasonable notice, may audit Your use of the
Software for compliance with the terms and conditions of
this Agreement. Subject to the terms and conditions of this
Agreement, GE grants You a nonexclusive license to u se
the Software, but only in the country where acquired,
provided that You agree to the following:
You ma y:
a. install and use the Software on a single Machine at one
time, unless You have purchased additional copies of the
Software, in which case You may install the software on
the number of Machines for which You have purchased
copies of the Software;
b. use the original copy of the Software provided to You for
backup purposes.
SmartCom Room Station
Pocket Guide
You may not:
a. transfer or distribute the Licensed Product to others, in
electronic format or otherwise, and this Agreement shall
automatically terminate in the event of such a transfer or
b. use the Software over a computer network;
c. sell, rent , lease, or sublicense the Software;
d. copy or modify the Licensed Product for any purpose,
including for backup purposes.
3. License. In this Agreement, you, the purchaser of the
rights granted by this Agreement, are referred to as You or
Your, whether an individual or a business entity of any kind.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, GE
Security, Inc., a Delaware corporation, (“GE”) grants You a
nonexclusive license to use the accompanying software
(including any upgrades, modified versions, updates, additions and copies of the so ftware furnished to You during the
term of the Agreement) (“Software”), and all associated
media, printed materials, and electronic documentation
accompanying the Software (“Documentation”), but only in
the country where acquired from your supplier and/or
authorized reseller (“Supplier”). In this Agreement, the Software and Documentation are referred to as the Licensed
All rights to and in the Licensed Product, including, but not
limited to, copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets,
belong to GE, and GE retains title to each copy of the Software.
You may only install and use the Software on a single computer,
workstation, or terminal (“Computing Device”) at one time,
unless You have purchased additional copies of the Software, in
which case You may install the software on the number of
Computing Devices for which You have purchased copies of the
Software. You may not use the Software over a computer
network. You may not transfer or distribute the Licensed
Product to others, in electronic format or otherwise, and this
Agreement shall automatically terminate in the event of such a
transfer or distribution. You may not sell, rent, lease, or sublicense the Software. You may not copy or modify the Licensed
Product for any purpose, including for backup purposes.
You may use the original copy of the Software provided to You
for backup purposes. You agree that GE at any time, upon
reasonable notice, may audit Your use of the Software for
compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
4. Term. This Agreement is effective until terminated. You
may terminate this Agreement by uninstalling all components of the Software from all Computing Devices and
returning the Licensed Product to GE. GE may terminate
this Agreement if You breach any of these terms and conditions. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason,
You agree to uninstall all components of the Software and
return the Licensed Product to GE. All provisions of this
Agreement relating to (i) disclaimer of warranties; (ii) limitations on liability, remedies, and damages; and (iii) GE’ s
proprietary rights, shall survive termination of this Agreement.
5. Object code. The Software is delivered in object code
only. You may not alter, merge, modify, adapt, or translate
the Software, nor decompile, disassemble, reverse-engineer, or otherwise reduce the Software to a human-perceivable form, nor create derivative works or programs based
on the Software.
6. Limited warranty. GE warrants that for one (1) year from
the date of delivery of the Licensed Product (Software
Warranty Period), the functions contained in the Software
will be fit for their intended purpose as described in the
applicable Documentation from GE, and will conform in all
material respects to the specifications stated in such Documentation.
GE does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be
uninterrupted or error-free. GE does warrant that the media on
which the Software is furnished will be free from defects in
materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of
thirty (30) days from the date of delivery (Media Warranty
Period). Except as specifically provided therein, any other software and any hardware furnished with or accompanying the
Software is not warranted by GE. Your exclusive remedy under
this limited warranty for nonco nforming Software shall be repair
or replacement of the Software, in the sole discretion of GE. To
obtain a repair or replacement of nonconforming Software,
contact GE Customer Service toll free at 888-GESECURity or
online at www.gesecurity.com during the Software Warranty
Period. Your exclusive remedy under this limited warranty for
defective media is replacement of the defective media. To
receive replacement media under this limited warranty, return
the defective media to Supplier during the Media Warranty
Period, with proof of payment.
Except as expressly provided above, the licensed product is
provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed
or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and, except
as expressly provided above, you assume the entire risk as to
the quality and performance of the licensed product.
SmartCom Room Station
Pocket Guide
Intended useUse this product only for the purpose it was designed for ; refer
7. Limitation of liability. GE’s sole obligation or liability
under this agreement is the repair or replacement of
nonconforming software and/or defective media accord ing
to the limited warranty above. In no event will GE be liable
for any damages, whether consequential, incidental, or
indirect, nor for any loss of data, loss of profits, or lost
savings, arising out of use of or inability to use the software
or documentation (or any hardware furnished wi th the software), even if GE has been advised of the possibility of such
damages, nor for any claim by any third party.
8. General. Any hardware provided to You by GE shall not
be exported or reexported in violation of any export provisions of the United States or any other applicable jurisdiction. Any attempt to sublicense, assign, or transfer any of
the rights, duties, or obligations hereunder shall be void.
This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted under
the laws of the State of New York, United States of America,
without regard to conflicts of law provisions. You hereby
consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal
courts located in Multnomah County, Oregon, to resolve
any disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement, with venue in Portland, Oregon.
9. Restricted rights legend. The Licensed Product is
provided with restricted rights. In the event the United
States Government or an agency thereof is granted a
license, the following additional terms apply: Restricted
Computer Software, as defined in the Commercial
Computer Software–Restricted Rights clause at Federal
Acquisition Regulations 52.227-19, and the restrictions as
provided in subparagraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) thereof; and as
applicable, the Government’s rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose the Software
also are restricted as provided by paragraphs (b)(2) and
(b)(3) of the Rights in Noncommercial Technical Data and
Computer Software–Small Business Innovative Research
(SBIR) Program clause at DFARS 252.227-7018.
You acknowledge that you have read and understand this
agreement and agree to be bound by its t erms. You further
agree that this agreement is the complete and exclusive
statement of the agreement between you and GE, and
supersedes any proposal or prior agreement , oral or
written, and any other communication relating to the
subject matter of this agreement.
to the data sheet and user documentation. For the latest
product information, contact your local supplier or visit us online
at www.gesecurity.com.
This is the GE SmartCom Room Station Pocket
Guide for model CC-SCRS01. This document
includes an overview of the product and detailed
instructions explaining how to operate the room
There is also information describing how to
contact technical support if you have questions
or concerns.
Read these instructions and all ancillary
documentation entirely before
operating this product. The most current
versions of this and related documentation may
be found on our website. Refer to Online
publication library on page 49 for instructions on
accessing our online publication library.
Note: A qualified service person, complying with all
applicable codes, should perform all required
hardware installation.
installing or
SmartCom Room Station
Pocket Guide
Conventions used in this document
The following conventions are used in this
BoldMenu items and buttons.
ItalicEmphasis of an instruction or point;
special terms.
File names, path names, windows,
panes, tabs, fields, variables, and
other GUI elements.
Titles of books and various
Blue italic(Electronic version.) Hyperlinks to
cross-references, related topics, and
URL addresses.
MonospaceText that displays on the computer
Programming or coding sequences.
Safety terms and symbols
These terms may appear in this manual:
CAUTION: Cautions identify conditions or
practices that may result in damage to the
equipment or other property.
WARNING: Warnings identify conditions or
practices that could result in equipment
damage or serious personal injury.
SmartCom Room Station
Pocket Guide
Chapter 1Introduction
This chapter provides a product overview
and basic information on how to use the
room station.
In this chapter:
Product overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
SmartCom audio system . . . . . . .3
SmartCom intercom system. . . . .3
SmartCom room station. . . . . . . . . . .5
Selection knob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Music control buttons . . . . . . . . .7
Intercom control buttons . . . . . . .8
SmartCom Room Station
Pocket Guide
Product overview
SmartCom is an audio/intercom system for
multiple rooms. A typical SmartCom system
configuration consists of the following
SmartCom components:
•The SmartCom audio hub, model
SCAMP4 and left/right speakers in each
•The SmartCom intercom hub, model
•One or more SmartCom room stations,
model SCRS01 (up to eight on one
intercom hub)
•One or two SmartCom door stations,
model SCDOR1
•Connection Center
The system can be expanded to two intercom
hubs (16 intercom zones total) and three
additional audio expansion hubs, model
SCAMPX (16 audio zones total).
Chapter 1
SmartCom audio system
The SmartCom audio system is a four-zone/foursource audio system for multiple rooms. You can
expand the system to 16 zones of audio. Each
room station provides for on/off, mute, source
selection, and music volume control.
SmartCom intercom system
The SmartCom intercom system consists of the
SmartCom intercom hub and one to eight
SmartCom room stations. You can expand the
system to 16 room stations by adding another
intercom hub.
The intercom function provides room to room or
room to all rooms (all stations) intercom
communications. In addition, one or two door
stations can be used to annouce doorbell tones in
all rooms and provide for door to room station
When used in conjuction with the SmartCom
audio system, the intercom system uses the audio
system’s room speakers for voice
communications and doorbell tones. The audio
SmartCom Room Station
Pocket Guide
system music is automatically muted during
intercom or door station communications.
The intercom system provides flexible userselected room settings for do not disturb (DND)
and listen-in modes.
Optional door control can be used to open
electric locks.
Chapter 1
SmartCom room station
The SmartCom room station (
Figure 1
) provides a
single, convenient graphical LCD keypad to control
the SmartCom audio and intercom systems.
Figure 1. SmartCom room station
Selection knob
SmartCom Room Station
Pocket Guide
Selection knob
The selection knob has the following functions:
•Rotate and press to adjust volume
control in music mode.
•Rotate and press for room selection in
intercom mode.
•Press to talk for intercom system.
•Rotate and press for intercom volume
during intercom calls.
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