GE SIGNA Prime Preinstallation Manual

SIGNA™ Prime
Preinstallation Manual
5538858-1EN Revision 4 © 2021-2022 General Electric Company *Trademark of General Electric Company
General service documentation. Copyright General Electric Company. GE proprietary. Reproduction and/or distribution is prohibited.
Preinstallation Manual


1.1 Preinstall Manual Introduction...................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.1.1 Document Purpose................................................................................................................................................................ 8
1.1.2 Intended User .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.1.3 Who Should Read This Manual......................................................................................................................................... 9
1.1.4 Related Publications...........................................................................................................................................................10
1.1.5 Document Overview...........................................................................................................................................................11
1.2 Symbols Key ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
2.1 System Level Requirements for Installing into Existing MR Suite...............................................................................13
2.2 System components........................................................................................................................................................................14
2.2.1 Magnet Room......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.2.2 Equipment Room..................................................................................................................................................................14
2.2.3 Control Room.........................................................................................................................................................................14
2.2.4 Accessories.............................................................................................................................................................................14
2.2.5 System Overview .................................................................................................................................................................15
2.3 MR Suite Minimum Room Size Requirements...................................................................................................................... 17
2.4 MR System Seismic Requirements............................................................................................................................................21
2.5 Structure-borne Vibration Control Specications..............................................................................................................22
2.6 MR Suite Magnetic Field Specications...................................................................................................................................24
2.6.1 Magnetic Fringe Field .........................................................................................................................................................24
2.6.2 Interference from Changing Magnetic Fields...........................................................................................................27
2.6.3 Electrical Current .................................................................................................................................................................31
2.6.4 Non-MR System Equipment Sensitivity to Magnetic Fields..............................................................................32
2.7 Multiple MR System Requirements...........................................................................................................................................33
2.7.1 Multiple Magnets.................................................................................................................................................................. 33
2.7.2 Shared Equipment Rooms................................................................................................................................................33
2.8 MR Suite Temperature and Humidity.......................................................................................................................................35
2.8.1 Temperature and Humidity Requirements...............................................................................................................35
2.8.2 Equipment Heat Output Specications .....................................................................................................................35
2.9 Facility Coolant Requirements.................................................................................................................................................... 37
2.9.1 Integrated Cooling Cabinet (ICC) Coolant Requirements-Type B Conguration......................................37
2.9.2 18KW Chiller Coolant Requirements- Type D Conguration............................................................................39
2.9.3 Emergency Backup Facility Coolant Requirements..............................................................................................40
2.10 MR Suite Electrical Requirements...........................................................................................................................................43
2.10.1 General Electrical Requirements................................................................................................................................ 43
2.10.2 GE Supplied Main Disconnect Panel (MDP) Specications for M50022MA, M50022MB and
M50022MC................................................................................................................................................................................. 45
2.10.3 Customer-supplied Main Disconnect Panel (MDP) Requirements (exempt countries only*)..........48
2.10.4 Emergency Power Backup Specications (Optional).........................................................................................51
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Preinstallation Manual
2.11 MR System Shipping and Receiving........................................................................................................................................52
2.11.1 Receiving Requirements................................................................................................................................................. 52
2.11.2 Facility Delivery Route Requirements......................................................................................................................52
2.11.3 MR System Component Shipping Specications.................................................................................................52
2.11.4 Temperature and Humidity Storage Requirements...........................................................................................55
3.1 Magnet Room Introduction...........................................................................................................................................................56
3.2 Magnet Room Structural Requirements.................................................................................................................................58
3.2.1 Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................. 58
3.2.2 Environmental Steel Limits..............................................................................................................................................58
3.2.3 Vibration Requirements....................................................................................................................................................59
3.3 Magnetic Shielded Room Requirements.................................................................................................................................60
3.4 Integrated System Cabinet (ISC) and Penetration Panel (PP) Wall Opening Requirements............................60
3.5 Finished Room Requirements..................................................................................................................................................... 67
3.5.1 Ferrous Materials in the Magnet Room......................................................................................................................67
3.5.2 Walls.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 67
3.5.3 Magnet Preinstallation Markings ..................................................................................................................................67
3.5.4 Doors, Magnet Access Openings, and Patient Viewing Windows..................................................................70
3.5.5 Finished Ceiling.....................................................................................................................................................................70
3.5.6 Magnet Room Floors...........................................................................................................................................................70
3.5.7 Storage Cabinets..................................................................................................................................................................73
3.6 Magnet Room Equipment Specications ...............................................................................................................................74
3.6.1 Magnet (MAG) Assembly Specications ....................................................................................................................74
3.6.2 Patient Table (PT) Specications...................................................................................................................................76
3.6.3 Magnet Rundown Unit (MRU) Specications and Requirements....................................................................77
3.7 Magnet Room Lighting Requirements ..................................................................................................................................... 78
4.1 Equipment Room Overview..........................................................................................................................................................80
4.2 Main Disconnect Panel (MDP) Requirements and Specications................................................................................83
4.2.1 Requirements ........................................................................................................................................................................83
4.2.2 Specications.........................................................................................................................................................................83
4.3 Integrated System Cabinet (ISC)................................................................................................................................................85
4.4 Mesh Shield and Integrated System Cabinet (ISC) Cover................................................................................................88
4.5 Integrated Cooling Cabinet (ICC) Specications .................................................................................................................89
4.6 Penetration Panel ............................................................................................................................................................................. 90
4.7 Cryocooler Compressor (CRY) Specications.......................................................................................................................90
4.8 18kW Water Chiller..........................................................................................................................................................................91
4.9 Magnet Monitor (MON) Requirements and Specications.............................................................................................96
4.9.1 Requirements ........................................................................................................................................................................96
4.9.2 Specications.........................................................................................................................................................................96
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5.1 Operator Workspace Equipment Specications.................................................................................................................98
5.1.1 Operator Workspace Assembly.....................................................................................................................................98
5.1.2 Operator Workspace (OW) (Optional Equipment).................................................................................................99
5.1.3 Global Operator Cabinet (GOC).................................................................................................................................. 100
5.1.4 Host Display......................................................................................................................................................................... 101
5.1.5 Host Keyboard.................................................................................................................................................................... 101
5.1.6 Pneumatic Patient Alert................................................................................................................................................. 102
5.2 Oxygen Monitor (OXY) Specications (Optional Equipment)...................................................................................... 103
6.1 InSite RSvP (Remote Service Platform) Requirements.................................................................................................. 104
6.1.1 InSite RSvP Connectivity Requirements ................................................................................................................104
7.1 MR System Interconnects Specications............................................................................................................................ 105
7.1.1 Component Designator Denitions ..........................................................................................................................105
7.1.2 Available Cable Lengths................................................................................................................................................. 106
7.2 MR System Interconnects Routing Requirements...........................................................................................................110
7.2.1 Cabling Requirements..................................................................................................................................................... 110
7.3 Facility-Supplied System Interconnects Specications................................................................................................ 112
8.1 Glossary.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 115
8.2 MR Site Vibration Test Guidelines.......................................................................................................................................... 117
8.2.1 Test Measurements.......................................................................................................................................................... 117
8.2.2 Equipment (Spectral Analyzer) Set-Up.................................................................................................................... 117
8.2.3 Data Collection................................................................................................................................................................... 118 Ambient Baseline Condition............................................................................................................................ 118 Normal Condition................................................................................................................................................. 118
8.2.4 Presentation/Interpretation of Results................................................................................................................... 119
8.3 Sample Calculation AC Power Equipment Minimum Distance.................................................................................. 121
8.4 Selecting Anchor Size................................................................................................................................................................... 122
8.5 Sample control schematic for customer-supplied MDP............................................................................................... 124
Revision History........................................................................................................................................ 125
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Language Policy

DOC0371395 - Global Language Procedure
Това ръководство е налично само на китайски (ZH-CN), английски, френски, немски, японски, корейски, полски, португалски (PT-BR), руски, испански и виетнамски. Ако доставчикът на услуги на даден клиент изисква език, който е различен от тези езици, отговорност на клиента е да предостави преводачески услуги.
本手册仅提供中文 (ZH-CN)、英文、法语、德语、意大利语、日语、韩语、波兰语、葡萄牙语 (PT-BR)、俄语、西班牙语和越南语版本。如果客户的服务提供商需要其他语言,则客户有责任提
本手冊僅提供中文 (ZH-CN)、英文、法文、德文、意大利文、日文、韓文、波蘭文、葡萄牙文 (PT-BR)、俄文、西班牙文及越南文版本。如客戶的服務供應商需要這些語言以外的版本,則相關 客戶有責任提供有關的翻譯服務。
此手冊僅提供中文 (ZH-CN)、英文、法文、德文、義大利文、日文、韓文、波蘭文、葡萄牙文 (PT-BR)、俄文、西班牙文和越南文版本。假如客戶的服務提供者所需語言版本不在所列語言之 中,客戶需自行負責提供翻譯服務。
Ovaj je priručnik dostupan samo na kineskom (ZH-CN), engleskom, francuskom, njemačkom, talijan­skom, japanskom, korejskom, poljskom, portugalskom (PT-BR), ruskom, španjolskom i vijetnamskom jeziku. Ako klijentov serviser zahtijeva jezik koji nije jedan od tih jezika, odgovornost je klijenta pružiti uslugu prevođenja.
Tato příručka je k dispozici pouze v čínštině (ZH-CN), angličtině, francouzštině, němčině, italštině, japonštině, korejštině, polštině, portugalštině (PT-BR), ruštině, španělštině a vietnamštině. Pokud pos­kytovatel služeb zákazníka vyžaduje jiný jazyk než tyto jazyky, je odpovědností zákazníka poskytovat překladatelské služby.
Denne vejledning ndes kun på kinesisk (ZH-CN), engelsk, fransk, tysk, italiensk, japansk, koreansk, polsk, portugisisk (PT-BR), russisk, spansk og vietnamesisk. Hvis en kundes tjenesteudbyder kræver et andet sprog end disse sprog, er det kundens ansvar at levere oversættelsestjenester.
Deze handleiding is alleen beschikbaar in het Chinees (ZH-CN), Engels, Frans, Duits, Italiaans, Japans, Koreaans, Pools, Portugees (PT-BR), Russisch, Spaans en Vietnamees. Als de serviceprovider van een klant een andere taal dan deze talen vereist, is het de verantwoordelijkheid van de klant om vertaalservices te leveren.
This manual is available in Chinese (ZH-CN), English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (PT-BR), Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese only. If a customer's service provider requires a language other than these languages, it is the customer's responsibility to provide translation services.
See juhend on saadaval ainult hiina (ZH-CN), inglise, prantsuse, saksa, itaalia, jaapani, korea, poola, portugali (PT-BR), vene, hispaania ja vietnami keeles. Kui kliendi teenusepakkujal on vaja juhendit mõnes muus keeles, on tõlketeenuste osutamine kliendi kohustus.
Tämä opas on saatavilla vain kiinaksi (ZH-CN), englanniksi, ranskaksi, saksaksi, italiaksi, japaniksi, kore­aksi, puolaksi, portugaliksi (PT-BR), venäjäksi, espanjaksi ja vietnamiksi. Jos asiakkaan palveluntarjoaja edellyttää muuta kuin näitä kieliä, käännöspalveluiden tarjoaminen on asiakkaan vastuulla.
Ce manuel est disponible uniquement en allemand, anglais, chinois (ZH-CN), coréen, espagnol, français, italien, japonais, polonais, portugais (PT-BR), russe et vietnamien. Si le prestataire de services d'un client nécessite que le manuel soit rédigé dans une autre langue que celles mentionnées ci-dessus, il incombe au client de le faire traduire.
Dieses Handbuch ist nur auf Chinesisch (ZH-CN), Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Polnisch, Portugiesisch (PT-BR), Russisch, Spanisch und Vietnamesisch verfügbar. Wenn ein Dienstleister des Kunden dieses in einer anderen Sprache als die genannten benötigt, liegt es in der Verantwortung des Kunden, Übersetzungsdienstleistungen zu erbringen.
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Preinstallation Manual
Αυτό το εγχειρίδιο είναι διαθέσιμο μόνο σε Κινεζικά (ZH-CN), Αγγλικά, Γαλλικά, Γερμανικά, Ιταλικά, Ιαπωνικά, Κορεατικά, Πολωνικά, Πορτογαλικά (PT-BR), Ρωσικά, Ισπανικά και Βιετναμέζικα. Εάν ο πάροχος υπηρεσιών ενός πελάτη απαιτεί γλώσσα που δεν συμπεριλαμβάνεται σε αυτές τις γλώσσες, αποτελεί ευθύνη του πελάτη να παρέχει υπηρεσίες μετάφρασης.
Ez a kézikönyv az alábbi nyelveken érhető el: angol, francia, japán, kínai (ZH-CN), koreai, lengyel, német, olasz, orosz, portugál (PT-BR), spanyol és vietnámi. Ha az ügyfél szolgáltatója ezektől eltérő nyelvű kézikönyvet szeretne, akkor az ügyfél feladata, hogy gondoskodjon a megfelelő fordításról.
Þessi handbók er aðeins fáanleg á kínversku (ZH-CN), ensku, frönsku, þýsku, ítölsku, japönsku, kóresku, pólsku, portúgölsku (PT-BR), rússnesku, spænsku og víetnömsku. Ef þjónustuaðili viðskiptavinar þarf­nast annars tungumáls en þessara tungumála er það á ábyrgð viðskiptavinarins að veita þýðingarþjó­nustu.
Questo manuale è disponibile solo in lingua cinese (ZH-CN), inglese, francese, tedesco, italiano, giap­ponese, coreano, polacco, portoghese (PT-BR), russo, spagnolo e vietnamita. Qualora un fornitore di servizi del cliente richieda una lingua diversa dall'inglese, sarà responsabilità del cliente fornire il servizio di traduzione corrispondente.
このマニュアルは、中国語 (ZH-CN)、英語、フランス語、ドイツ語、イタリア語、日本語、韓 国語、ポーランド語、ポルトガル語 (PT-BR)、ロシア語、スペイン語、およびベトナム語のみ で提供されています。お客様のサービスプロバイダがこれらの言語以外の言語を必要とする 場合は、お客様の責任において翻訳サービスを提供してください。
이 설명서는 중국어(중국어-중국), 영어, 프랑스어, 독일어, 이탈리아어, 일본어, 한국어, 폴란드어, 포르투갈어(포르투갈어-브라질), 러시아어, 스페인어, 베트남어로만 제공됩니다. 고객의 서비스 제공자가 이 언어를 제외한 다른 언어를 요구하는 경우, 번역 서비스를 제공하는 것은 고객의 책임입니다.
Šī rokasgrāmata ir pieejama tikai ķīniešu (ZH-CN), angļu, franču, vācu, itāliešu, japāņu, korejiešu, poļu, portugāļu (PT-BR), krievu, spāņu un vjetnamiešu valodā. Ja klientu apkalpošanas speciālistam ir nepieciešama cita valoda, kas atšķiras no šeit norādītajām, klienta pienākums ir nodrošināt tulkošanas pakalpojumus.
Šis vadovas pateikiamas tik kinų (ZH-CN), anglų, prancūzų, vokiečių, italų, japonų, korėjiečių, lenkų, portugalų (PT-BR), rusų, ispanų ir vietnamiečių kalbomis. Jei klientų paslaugų teikėjui reikalinga kita nei šios kalba, už vertimo paslaugų suteikimą atsako klientas.
Denne håndboken er bare tilgjengelig på kinesisk (ZH-CN), engelsk, fransk, tysk, italiensk, japansk, ko­reansk, polsk, portugisisk (PT-BR), russisk, spansk og vietnamesisk. Hvis en kundes tjenesteleverandør krever et annet språk, er det kundens ansvar å levere en oversettelsestjeneste.
Niniejsza instrukcja jest dostępna wyłącznie w języku chińskim (ZH-CN), angielskim, francuskim, nie­mieckim, włoskim, japońskim, koreańskim, polskim, portugalskim (PT-BR), rosyjskim, hiszpańskim i wietnamskim. Jeśli usługodawca klienta wymaga języka, który nie został wymieniony powyżej, obo­wiązkiem klienta jest zapewnienie usług tłumaczeniowych.
Este manual está disponível somente em chinês (ZH-CN), inglês, francês, alemão, italiano, japonês, coreano, polonês, português (PT-BR), russo, espanhol e vietnamita. Se o prestador de serviços de um cliente necessitar de um idioma diferente dos mencionados, o fornecimento dos serviços de tradução é de responsabilidade do cliente.
Este manual está disponível apenas em alemão, chinês (ZH-CN), coreano, espanhol, francês, inglês, italiano, japonês, polaco, português (PT-BR), russo e vietnamita. Se o fornecedor de serviços de um cliente necessitar de um idioma diferente dos listados aqui, é da responsabilidade do cliente assegurar os serviços de tradução.
Acest manual este disponibil numai în limbile chineză (ZH-CN), engleză, franceză, germană, italiană, japoneză, coreeană, poloneză, portugheză (PT-BR), rusă, spaniolă şi vietnameză. Dacă furnizorul de servicii al unui client solicită o limbă diferită faţă de aceste limbi, este responsabilitatea clientului să furnizeze servicii de traducere.
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Preinstallation Manual
Настоящее руководство доступно только на китайском (ZH-CN), английском, французском, немецком, итальянском, японском, корейском, польском, португальском (PT-BR), русском, испанском и вьетнамском языках. Если поставщику услуг заказчика требуется руководство на каком-либо другом языке, перевод руководства на необходимый язык осуществляется стороной заказчика.
Ovaj priručnik dostupan je samo na kineskom (ZH-CN), engleskom, francuskom, nemačkom, italijan­skom, japanskom, korejskom, poljskom, portugalskom (PT-BR), ruskom, španskom i vijetnamskom jeziku. Ako korisnik kao pružalac usluge zahteva neki drugi jezik od navedenih, njegova je dužnost da obezbedi prevod.
Táto príručka je dostupná len v nasledovných jazykoch: čínština (ZH-CN), angličtina, francúzština, nem­čina, taliančina, japončina, kórejčina, poľština, portugalčina (PT-BR), ruština, španielčina a vietnamčina. Ak poskytovateľ služieb daného zákazníka požaduje iný ako tieto jazyky, za poskytnutie prekladateľ­ských služieb zodpovedá zákazník.
Este manual está disponible solo en chino (ZH-CN), inglés, francés, alemán, italiano, japonés, coreano, polaco, portugués (PT-BR), ruso, español y vietnamita. Si el proveedor de servicios de un cliente requiere un idioma distinto de estos idiomas, es responsabilidad del cliente proporcionar los servicios de traducción.
Den här manualen nns endast tillgänglig på kinesiska (ZH-CN), engelska, franska, tyska, italienska, japanska, koreanska, polska, portugisiska (PT-BR), ryska, spanska och vietnamesiska. Om en kunds tjänsteleverantör behöver ett annat språk än dessa är det kundens ansvar att ordna med översätt­ningstjänster.
Ta priročnik je na voljo v kitajščini (ZH-CN), angleščini, francoščini, nemščini, italijanščini, japonščini, ko­rejščini, poljščini, portugalščini (PT-BR), ruščini, španščini in vietnamščini. Če kupčev ponudnik storitev potrebuje drug jezik, mora za prevod poskrbeti kupec.
Bu kılavuz yalnızca Çince (ZH-CN), İngilizce, Fransızca, Almanca, İtalyanca, Japonca, Korece, Lehçe, Portekizce (PT-BR), Rusça, İspanyolca ve Vietnamca dillerinde mevcuttur. Müşteri servis sağlayıcısı bu dillerden başka bir dil talep ederse çeviri hizmeti sağlamak müşterinin sorumluluğundadır.
Цей посібник доступний лише китайською (ZH-CN), англійською, французькою, німецькою, італійською, японською, корейською, польською, португальською (PT-BR), російською, іспанською та в’єтнамською мовами. Якщо постачальник послуг замовника використовує мову, яку не вказано у цьому переліку, послуги з перекладу має забезпечити замовник.
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1 Introduction

1.1 Preinstall Manual Introduction

1.1.1 Document Purpose

This preinstallation manual provides the necessary information to prepare a site for system installation. Specically, this manual provides information:
1. To dene system requirements and interactions.
2. For the eective arrangement and interconnection of system components.
3. The customer is responsible for:
a. Compliance with all local and national codes and regulations
(Applies to all subsections within this section)
b. Siting requirements for customer-specic site procedures (medical, MR, safety, and so on)
c. Any special architectural requirements (for example, seismic codes)
The implementation of all requirements and adherence to all specications in this manual is the responsibility of the customer or its architect and engineers. Refer any questions to the GE Healthcare Project Manager of Installation (PMI).

1.1.2 Intended User

The primary users of this manual are the customer, the customer's architectural planner, and/or the customer's contractors.
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Preinstallation Manual 1.1 Preinstall Manual Introduction

1.1.3 Who Should Read This Manual

The following personnel must be aware of the content listed in the following sections:
Table 1-1 Personnel Index
Section Personnel
1.1 Preinstall Manual Introduction x x x x x x x
2.1 System Level Requirements for In­stalling into Existing MR Suite
2.2 System components x x
2.3 MR Suite Minimum Room Size Re­quirements
2.4 MR System Seismic Requirements x x
2.5 Structure-borne Vibration Control
2.6 MR Suite Magnetic Field Specica­tions
2.7 Multiple MR System Requirements x
2.8 MR Suite Temperature and Humidi­ty
2.9 Facility Coolant Requirements x x x x
2.10 MR Suite Electrical Requirements x x
2.11 MR System Shipping and Receiving x
3.1 Magnet Room Introduction x x
3.2 Magnet Room Structural Require­ments
x x
x x
x x x x
3.2.1 Overview x
3.2.2 Environmental Steel Limits x
3.2.3 Vibration Requirements x x x
3.3 Magnetic Shielded Room Require­ments
3.4 Integrated System Cabinet (ISC) and Penetration Panel (PP) Wall Opening Requirements
3.5.1 Ferrous Materials in the Magnet Room
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x x x
x x x
Preinstallation Manual 1.1 Preinstall Manual Introduction
Table 1-1 Personnel Index (Table continued)
Section Personnel
3.5.2 Walls x
3.5.3 Magnet Preinstallation Markings x
3.5.4 Doors, Magnet Access Openings, and Patient Viewing Windows
3.5.5 Finished Ceiling x
3.5.6 Magnet Room Floors x x
3.5.7 Storage Cabinets x x
3.6 Magnet Room Equipment Specica-
3.7 Magnet Room Lighting Require­ments
4 Equipment Room chapter x x
5 Control Room chapter x x
6 Digital Service and Connectivity chap­ter
7.1 MR System Interconnects Specica-
7.2 MR System Interconnects Routing Requirements
7.3 Facility-Supplied System Intercon­nects Specications
x x
x x
x x
x x x
x x x
x x x x x
8.1 Glossary x x x x x x x
8.2 MR Site Vibration Test Guidelines x
8.3 Sample Calculation AC Power Equipment Minimum Distance
8.4 Selecting Anchor Size x x
8.5 Sample control schematic for cus­tomer-supplied MDP
x x

1.1.4 Related Publications

The preinstallation requirements in the following publications are applicable to all systems. This document and all documents referenced herein shall be provided to the Responsible Organization or Operator as a supplement to the product instructions for use and/or technical description.
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Preinstallation Manual 1.1 Preinstall Manual Introduction
Table 1-2 Additional Preinstallation Requirements
XXX is the language indicator of the manual
Acoustic Room Details
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Electro­magnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Magnet Room Venting
RF Shielded Room

1.1.5 Document Overview

Personnel who must be aware of the
This manual describes requirements and specications for the following:
1. General system requirements that apply to the entire MR suite
2. Shipping and delivery
3. Magnet Room
4. Equipment Room
5. Control Room
6. Interconnects within and between the rooms listed above
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Preinstallation Manual 1.2 Symbols Key

1.2 Symbols Key

Table 1-3 Symbols Key
Symbol/Unit Denition
Center of gravity
Magnet isocenter
Service area
Space for airow and cables
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2 General System Level

2.1 System Level Requirements for Installing into Existing MR Suite

When planning for the installation of this system in an existing GE Healthcare MR suite or a non-GE Healthcare MR suite, all requirements in this manual must be met because these rooms are considered new installations.
1. If the existing MR suite contains a GE system, the vibration environmental assessment must be done using the High Speed (magnetic eld) Stability tool.
The customer may have to hire a vibration consultant based on the results of the analysis.
2. Structural vibration levels may be higher at some frequencies than other MR Systems, which may increase acoustic levels. Refer to 2.5 Structure-borne Vibration Control Specications on page 22.
3. The VibroAcoustic damping kit must be surface mounted (if the oor is recessed, it must be lled in and level).
4. Ensure the existing Magnet Room size meets the minimum room size requirement and there is enough space left for service at both sides of the magnet. Refer to MR Suite Minimum Room Size
Requirements on page 17.
5. RF vendor responsibilities:
a. The old dock anchor cannot be reused. It must be removed and the hole lled in. The new
anchor is reset after the magnet is installed. For upgrades that reuse the existing magnet, contact the PMI for further details about the potential reuse of the old dock anchor.
b. Two penetration panel openings are required and must meet the requirements in: RF Shielded
Room Requirements, 5850260.
c. RF shield attenuation must comply with: RF Shielded Room Requirements, 5850260
6. Cryogen vent may need to be relocated to align with the Magnet Cryogen Vent opening. The cryogen vent must meet all cryogen venting requirements (see Magnet Room Venting Requirements,
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Preinstallation Manual

2.2 System components

(Applies to all subsections within this section)
This system consists of the following components:

2.2.1 Magnet Room

1. 1.5T Magnet and Magnet Enclosure (MAG) and Vibroacoustic Damping Kit
2. Rear Pedestal (PED)
3. Patient Table (PT)
4. Magnet Rundown Unit (MRU)
An optional remote MRU may be located outside the Magnet Room.
2.2 System components
5. Optional: Remote Oxygen Sensor Module (OM2)

2.2.2 Equipment Room

1. Main Disconnect Panel (MDP) (GE or customer-supplied in some regions)
2. Integrated System Cabinet (ISC)
3. Integrated Cooling Cabinet (ICC) (For Type B)
4. Penetration Panel (PP)
5. Cryocooler Compressor Cabinet (CRY)
6. 18 kW Chiller (LCS18) (For Type D)
7. Magnet Monitor (MON)

2.2.3 Control Room

1. Operator Workspace equipment (OW)
2. Pneumatic Patient Alert System (PA1)
3. Optional: Oxygen Monitor (OXY)

2.2.4 Accessories

1. Patient accessories, including RF coils, phantoms, cushions, sponges, straps, and wedges
2. Gating accessories, including patient cardiac leads, peripheral gating probe, and respiratory bellows
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Preinstallation Manual

2.2.5 System Overview

Figure 2-1 System Overview for Type B
2.2 System components
OXY shown above is an optional component of the system.
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Preinstallation Manual
Figure 2-2 System Overview for Type D
2.2 System components
OXY shown above is an optional component of the system.
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Preinstallation Manual

2.3 MR Suite Minimum Room Size Requirements

2.3 MR Suite Minimum Room Size Requirements
Room dimensions shown in the table below are the minimum nished room space requirements to safely install and service the MR System. Minimum dimensions are for service only. Room size may grow due to the items listed below, which are not included in the minimum area dimensions:
1. Building code requirements (for example, exit routes, door placement, seismic mounting requirements, local and national electrical codes, and so on).
2. Equipment and Magnet Room evacuation routes to comply with facility emergency procedures.
3. System requirements, including cable run locations, cryogen venting, patient observation requirements, and penetration panel placements.
4. Penetration panel closet and all associated areas.
5. GE optional equipment.
6. Non-GEHC equipment options (such as additional AC or water cooling equipment in the Equipment Room).
7. Clinical workow considerations.
8. Accessory storage. Refer to Customer Site Storage Requirements, 5182674 (available in the Customer Documentation Portal), or contact the GE Healthcare Project Manager of Installation (PMI) for any additional accessory storage requirements.
9. Magnetic eld containment, for example, the 5 gauss line to the room. If fringe eld containment is needed, see 2.6 MR Suite Magnetic Field Specications on page 24.
Table 2-1 Room Dimensions to Satisfy Recommended Minimum Service Area Requirements
Type B (ICC con-
Equipment Room
W x D
mm (in)
1826 x 2635
(71.9 x
103.7 )
m2 (ft2)
4.81 (51.8)
Ceiling Height
mm (in)
2355 (92.7)
W x D
mm (in)
Long scan range:
3645 x 5802
(143.5 x
Magnet Room
m2 (ft2)
Long scan range:
18.8 (202.2)
Ceiling Height
mm (in)
2500 (98.4)
Control Room Total
W x D
mm (in)
1520 x 2130
(59.8 x
m2 (ft2)
3.24 (34.9)
m2 (ft2)
Long scan range:
26.9 (289.5)
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Preinstallation Manual
Table 2-1 Room Dimensions to Satisfy Recommended Minimum Service Area Requirements (Table continued)
2.3 MR Suite Minimum Room Size Requirements
Type D (18KW chiller
Equipment Room
W x D
mm (in)
1928 x 2697
(75.9 x
m2 (ft2)
5.2 (55.9)
Ceiling Height
mm (in)
W x D
mm (in)
Long scan range:
3645 x 5802
Magnet Room
m2 (ft2)
Long scan range:
18.8 (202.2)
Ceiling Height
mm (in)
Control Room Total
W x D
mm (in)
1520 x 2130
m2 (ft2)
3.24 (34.9)
(59.8 x
m2 (ft2)
Long scan range:
27.2 (292.8)
(143.5 x
See Figure 4-1 Typical Minimum Equipment Room with Service Clearances (Type B) on page 81 or Figure 4-2 Typical
Minimum Equipment Room with Service Clearances (Type D) on page 82 for specic dimensions.
See Figure 2-3 Recommended Minimum Magnet Service Area (Top View) on page 19 for specic dimensions.
Table 2-2 Room Dimensions to Satisfy Absolute Minimum Service Area Requirements
Equipment Room
Magnet Room
Control Room Total
W x D
mm (in)
Type B (ICC
1826 x 2635
(71.9 x
103.7 )
Type D (18KW chiller
1928 x 2697
(75.9 x
See Figure 4-1 Typical Minimum Equipment Room with Service Clearances (Type B) on page 81 or Figure 4-2 Typical
m2 (ft2)
4.81 (51.8)
5.2 (55.9)
Ceiling Height
mm (in)
2355 (92.7)
W x D
mm (in)
Long scan range: 3368
x 5518 (132.6 x
Short scan range: 3368
x 5425 (132.6 x
m2 (ft2)
Long scan range:
15.49 (166.7)
Short scan range:
15.24 (164.0)
Ceiling Height
mm (in)
2500 (98.4)
W x D
mm (in)
1520 x 2130
(59.8 x
m2 (ft2)
3.24 (34.9)
m2 (ft2)
23.72 (255.3)
24.15 (259.9)
Minimum Equipment Room with Service Clearances (Type D) on page 82 for specic dimensions.
See Figure 2-5 Smallest Permissible Area for Minimum Magnet Ceiling Height (Top View) on page 21 and Minimum
equipment Ceiling Height for specic dimensions.
1. The center of the magnet must be located within the Magnet Room to keep the minimum service area described in Figure 2-4 Absolute Minimum Magnet Service Area (Top View) on page 20.
2. Minimum Equipment Room height from nished oor to suspended ceiling is 2355 mm (92.7 in.). For Type D conguration, if the ceiling height is between 2355mm (92.7 in.) and 2500mm (98.4 in.), a duct should be provided by local vender. See Figure 4-13 Duct (Option 1) on page 94 and Figure
4-14 Duct (Option 2) on page 95.
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2769 mm
(109 in)
3784 mm
(149 in)
2018 mm
(79.4 in)
1346 mm
(53 in)
1521 mm
(59.9 in)
1778 mm
(70 in)
1521 mm
(59.9 in)
Preinstallation Manual
3. Ideal Magnet Room height from nished oor to suspended ceiling is 2667 mm (105 in). Minimum Magnet Room suspended ceiling height is 2500 mm (98.5 in).
Figure 2-3 Recommended Minimum Magnet Service Area (Top View)
2.3 MR Suite Minimum Room Size Requirements
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1854 mm
(73 in)
3368 mm
(132.6 in)
800 mm
(31.5 in)
1550 mm
(61 in)
1550 mm
(61 in)
900 mm
(35.4 in)
900 mm
(35.4 in)
396 mm (15.6 in)
1989 mm
(78.3 in)
3500 mm
(137.8 in)
Preinstallation Manual 2.3 MR Suite Minimum Room Size Requirements
Figure 2-4 Absolute Minimum Magnet Service Area (Top View)
Item Description
1 5425 mm (213.6 in.) - Short scan range
5518 mm (217.2 in.) - Long scan range
2 100 mm (3.9 in.) - Short scan range
193 mm (7.6 in.) - Long scan range
3 1428 mm (56.2 in.) - Short scan range
1521 mm (59.9 in.) - Long scan range
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1514 mm
(59.6 in)
1854 mm
(73 in)
1524 mm
(60 in)
1524 mm
(60 in)
Preinstallation Manual 2.4 MR System Seismic Requirements
Figure 2-5 Smallest Permissible Area for Minimum Magnet Ceiling Height (Top View)
If the ceiling height is between 2500 mm (98.5 in) and 2667 mm (105 in), the exible main lead extension for low ceiling height (2.5M Low Ceiling Kit-Passive, M7000GM) is required for ramping the magnet. Contact the GE PMI and GE Service Field Engineer for further evaluation.
4. The minimum service area shown must be kept clear of permanent or installed cabinetry, the MRU, the penetration closet, millwork, shelving, coil storage xtures, furniture, and so on.
5. The ceiling service area should be kept clear of overhead items, including sots, HVAC, plumbing components, and brackets. Permanent or installed objects in this area may prevent or delay magnet service or operation.

2.4 MR System Seismic Requirements

Contact the Project Manager of Installation with any questions.
1. The customer is responsible for seismic anchoring of GE components.
2. Center of gravity, weight, physical dimensions, and attachment points are provided for seismic calculations. Refer to the specications or illustrations for each component (see Magnet
Room Equipment Specications on page 74, Equipment Room on page 80, and Control Room on page 98 ).
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Preinstallation Manual 2.5 Structure-borne Vibration Control Specications
2.5 Structure-borne Vibration Control Specications
Structure-borne acoustic issues tend to occur at MR installations above the ground oor of the facility. Two options to mitigate structure-borne acoustic transmission are:
1. GE Healthcare provides a VibroAcoustic Damping kit (which must be surface mounted). Contact the GE Healthcare Project Manager of Installation for information.
2. The customer may design and implement a custom solution in addition to the VibroAcoustic Damping kit. See Figure 2-6 Vibration Transmitted through VibroAcoustic Mat on page 22 for the plot of spectral vibration transmitted through the VibroAcoustic mat into the oor. If required, the customer should consult an acoustic engineer for a solution to further attenuate this transmitted vibration).
The amount of vibration attenuation provided by the VibroAcoustic Damping kit will be site dependent.
Figure 2-6 Vibration Transmitted through VibroAcoustic Mat
2 1/3 Octave Band [Hz]
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Acceleration [m/s2]
Vibration Amplitude (m/s2)
30 40
Frequency (Hz)
Preinstallation Manual
Figure 2-7 Low Frequency Magnet Floor Vibration (Vibration Amplitude at Each Foot)
2.5 Structure-borne Vibration Control Specications
Freq (Hz)
Amplitude (m/s2)
2 0.05
10 0.05
20 0.35
30 0.35
35 0.20
50 0.20
Low Frequency Magnet Floor Vibration Notes:
1. Illustrations above dene the potential vibration level that may pass into the customer site. Figure 2-6 Vibration Transmitted through VibroAcoustic Mat on page 22 is the high frequency audible vibration. Figure 2-7 Low Frequency Magnet Floor Vibration (Vibration
Amplitude at Each Foot) on page 23 is low frequency vibration that may dynamically
displace the oor.
2. Vibration transfer may be the result of customer specic building construction as low levels of vibration transmit into the building through airborne and structure-borne paths. Customer MR clinicians recognize the vibration dened in the tables is typically short bursts of vibration repeated multiple times as the scan progresses.
3. The customer should consider the impact of this vibration for the evaluation and design solution.
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Preinstallation Manual 2.6 MR Suite Magnetic Field Specications
2.6 MR Suite Magnetic Field Specications
(Applies to all subsections within this section)

2.6.1 Magnetic Fringe Field

The following illustrations show the static magnet isogauss plot lines for the magnet. This information must be used to evaluate potential site interaction of GE Healthcare equipment with other non-GE Healthcare equipment, interaction with ferrous materials on the site, and to locate personnel and equipment within the site.
The 0.5 mT (5G) line can expand to 4.5 m (14.76 ft.) axially and 3.5 m (11.48 ft.) radially for up to 1 second in the rare event of a quench.
The isogauss plots show an idealized magnetic eld relative to magnet isocenter. The actual eld strength can be aected by any of the following:
Magnetic shielding
Earth's magnetic eld
Other magnetic elds
Stationary or moving metal
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Preinstallation Manual 2.6 MR Suite Magnetic Field Specications
Figure 2-8 Magnetic Fringe Field Side View (PM Series)
6000 mm
(236 in)
4000 mm
(157 in)
2000 mm
(79 in)
2000 mm
(79 in)
4000 mm
(157 in)
6000 mm
(236 in)
8000 mm
(315 in)
6000 mm
(236 in)
4000 mm
(157 in)
2000 mm
(79 in)
2000 mm
(79 in)
4000 mm
(157 in)
6000 mm
(236 in)
8000 mm
(315 in)
Item Description
1 Magnet isocenter
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Preinstallation Manual 2.6 MR Suite Magnetic Field Specications
Figure 2-9 Magnetic Fringe Field Top View (PM Series)
6000 mm
(236 in)
4000 mm
(157 in)
2000 mm
(79 in)
2000 mm
(79 in)
4000 mm
(157 in)
6000 mm
(236 in)
8000 mm
(315 in)
6000 mm
(236 in)
4000 mm
(157 in)
2000 mm
(79 in)
2000 mm
(79 in)
4000 mm
(157 in)
6000 mm
(236 in)
8000 mm
(315 in)
Item Description
1 Magnet isocenter
5538858-1EN Revision 4 SIGNA™ Prime 26/126
6000 mm
(236 in)
0.5mT (5G)
0.3mT (3G)
0.1mT (1G)
0.05mT (0.5G)
6000 mm
(236 in)
6000 mm
(236 in)
6000 mm
(236 in)
4000 mm
(157 in)
4000 mm
(157 in)
4000 mm
(157 in)
4000 mm
(157 in)
2000 mm
(79 in)
2000 mm
(79 in)
2000 mm
(79 in)
2000 mm
(79 in)
Preinstallation Manual 2.6 MR Suite Magnetic Field Specications
Figure 2-10 Magnetic Fringe Field Front View (PM Series)
Item Description
1 Magnet isocenter

2.6.2 Interference from Changing Magnetic Fields

Metal objects moving within the magnet sensitivity lines can produce a eld disturbance during clinical imaging. If the metal object is moving it will produce a uctuating dipole type of eld which causes image artifacts. As an example, a car driven inside the moving metal line will act as a dipole and produce a time varying eld which changes the magnet's main eld during the scanning. The same vehicle may park within the moving metal line and remain parked during clinical scanning without impact to the main
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Preinstallation Manual
Figure 2-11 Magnet Moving Metal Sensitivity Line Plot (Side View, PM series magnet)
2.6 MR Suite Magnetic Field Specications
6 m (236 in)
5 m (197 in)
4 m (157 in)
3 m (118 in)
8 m
(315 in)
7 m
(276 in)
6 m
(236 in)
5 m
(197 in)
4 m
(157 in)
(118 in)
3 m
2 m
(79 in)
2 m (79 in)
2 m
(79 in)
3 m
(118 in)
4 m
(157 in)
5 m
(197 in)
6 m
(236 in)
7 m
(276 in)
8 m
(315 in)
2 m (79 in)
3 m (118 in)
4 m (157 in)
5 m (197 in)
6 m (236 in)
Item Description Item Description
1 Trucks, Buses 4 Floor Above
2 Cars, Pickups, Vans, Ambulances 5 Magnet Room Floor
3 3 Gauss line 6 Floor Below
The magnet isocenter, which is 1070 mm (42.1 in.) above the oor, is the origin of both the x-axis and the y-axis.
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Preinstallation Manual 2.6 MR Suite Magnetic Field Specications
Figure 2-12 Magnet Moving Metal Sensitivity Line Plot (Top View , PM series )
6 m (236 in)
5 m (197 in)
4 m (157 in)
3 m (118 in)
8 m
(315 in)
7 m
(276 in)
6 m
(236 in)
5 m
(197 in)
4 m
(157 in)
3 m
(118 in)
2 m
(79 in)
2 m (79 in)
2 m
(79 in)
3 m
(118 in)
4 m
(157 in)
5 m
(197 in)
6 m
(236 in)
7 m
(276 in)
8 m
(315 in)
2 m (79 in)
3 m (118 in)
4 m (157 in)
5 m (197 in)
6 m (236 in)
Item Description Item Description
1 Trucks, Buses 3 3 Gauss line
2 Cars, Pickups, Vans, Ambulances 4 Center of Driving Lane
Table 2-3 Magnet Moving Metal Requirements
Metal Objects Cat-
Objects 45.36 -
181.44 kg (100 - 400 lb.)
Cars, Minivans, Vans, Pickup Trucks, Ambulances
Bus, Trucks (Utility, Dump, Semi)
Objects > 181.44 kg (400 lb.), Elevators, Trains, Subways
Denition Of Distance Location
Distance from isocenter radial x axial 0.3 mT (3 G) line
Distance from isocenter measured to center of driving or parking lane radial x axial
Distance from isocenter measured to center of driving or parking lane radial x axial
Place a directional probe (for example, ux gate sensor) at isocenter of proposed mag­net location aligned along the Z-axis. Measure peak-to-peak magnetic eld change (DC).
Magnet Minimum Distance Radial X Axial
m (ft.)
4.72 x 6.40 (15.5 x 21)
5.52 x 7.47 (18.1 x 24.5)
See Note 2 below
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Preinstallation Manual 2.6 MR Suite Magnetic Field Specications
Table 2-3 Magnet Moving Metal Requirements (Table continued)
Metal Objects Cat-
Denition Of Distance Location
Magnet Minimum Distance Radial X Axial
m (ft.)
1. Radial distances are magnet X and Y axis. Axial distances are magnet Z axis.
2. For PM magnet: EXAMPLE: For moving metal requirements of objects > 181.44 kg (400 lb.) category, you can use the time history of
the occurrence to determine what Tesla (Gauss) level to use.
a. If the site has elevators or counter weights near the magnet and the elevator can stop on the oors for longer
than 20 seconds (which is usually the case), the peak-to-peak reading (Z-axis disturbance) must be less than 618 nanotesla (6.18 milligauss).
b. If the site has a subway nearby and the eld disturbance is less than 2 seconds, the peak-to-peak Tesla (Gauss)
reading (Z-axis disturbance) must be less than 618 nanotesla (6.18 milligauss).
c. Use 618 nanotesla (6.18 milligauss) peak-to-peak.
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