GE SE 250 Mighty Small II, SE 260 Mighty Small II Operating Instructions Manual

SE 250/260 Mighty Small II
Operating Instructions
Original instructions
Table of Contents
31 Introduction ..........................................................................................................
41.1 About this manual ................................................................................................................................
71.3 Regulatory information ......................................................................................................................
81.3.1 EU directives .....................................................................................................................................
91.3.2 Eurasian Customs Union ............................................................................................................
101.3.3 Regulations for USA and Canada ...........................................................................................
111.3.4 Other regulations and standards ............................................................................................
122 Safety information ...............................................................................................
132.1 Safety precautions ...............................................................................................................................
202.2 Labels .........................................................................................................................................................
222.3 Emergency procedures ......................................................................................................................
232.4 Recycling information .........................................................................................................................
242.5 Declaration of Hazardous Substances (DoHS) ........................................................................
263 System description ..............................................................................................
284 Installation ............................................................................................................
295 Operation ..............................................................................................................
315.1 Preparations ............................................................................................................................................
345.2 Assembly ..................................................................................................................................................
405.3 Electrophoresis run ..............................................................................................................................
426 Maintenance .........................................................................................................
447 Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................
478 Reference information ........................................................................................
488.1 Specifications .........................................................................................................................................
498.2 Ordering information ..........................................................................................................................
508.3 Health and Safety Declaration Forms .........................................................................................
52Index .......................................................................................................................
2 SE 250/260 Mighty Small II Operating Instructions 29281629 AA
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
About this chapter
This chaptercontains importantuser information,descriptions ofsafety notices,regula­tory information, and intended use of the SE 250/260 Mighty Small II.
In this chapter
See pageSection
41.1 About this manual
51.2 Important user information
71.3 Regulatory information
SE 250/260 Mighty Small II Operating Instructions 29281629 AA 3
1 Introduction
1.1 About this manual
Purpose of this manual
The Operating instructions provide you with the information needed to install, operate and maintain the product in a safe way.
Scope of this manual
The Operating Instructions covers the SE 250/260 Mighty Small II. The illustration below shows the SE 250/260 Mighty Small II.
The images and annotations in this document are for illustrative purposes only. The configuration of individual products mayvary, andtherefore illustrations maynot reflect the actual system delivered.
4 SE 250/260 Mighty Small II Operating Instructions 29281629 AA
1 Introduction
1.1 About this manual
1.2 Important user information
Read this before operating the product
All users must read the entire Operating instruction before installing, operating or maintaining the product.
Always keep the Operating instruction at hand when operating the product.
Do not operate the product in any other way than described in the user documentation. If you do, you may be exposed to hazards that can lead to personal injury and you may cause damage to the equipment.
Intended use of the product
The SE 250/260 Mighty Small II small format vertical slab gel unit is intended for rapid electrophoresis of proteinor nucleicacid samples.Most samplescan berun in 45 minutes, and only a minimal amount of sample is required.
The SE 250/260 Mighty Small II accommodates one or two 10 × 8 cm gel sandwiches. The SE 250/260 Mighty Small II accommodates one or two 10 × 8 cm or 10 × 10.5 cm gel sandwiches. In both SE 250/260 Mighty Small II units, the upper buffer chamber is formed when the notched side of a gel sandwich is sealed against the silicone rubber gasket.
The upper buffer chamber core serves as a heat exchanger if cooling is required. The core is hollow and equipped with ports on either side for coolant circulation.
In order to operate the SE 250/260 Mighty Small II in the way it is intended:
The user must have a general understanding of gel electrophoresis.
The user must read and understand theSafety Instructions chapter in the Operating Instructions.
The SE 250/260 Mighty Small II must be installed in accordance with the instructions in the Operating Instructions.
SE 250/260 Mighty Small II Operating Instructions 29281629 AA 5
1 Introduction
1.2 Important user information
Safety notices
This user documentation contains safety notices (WARNING, CAUTION, and NOTICE) concerning the safe use of the product. See definitions below.
WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result indeath or serious injury. It is importantnot to proceed until all stated conditions are met and clearly understood.
CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in minor or moderate injury. It is important not to pro­ceed until all stated conditions are met and clearly understood.
NOTICE indicates instructions that must be followed to avoid
damage to the product or other equipment.
Notes and tips
A note is used to indicate information that is important for trouble-free and optimal use of the product.
A tip contains useful information that can improve or optimize your procedures.
6 SE 250/260 Mighty Small II Operating Instructions 29281629 AA
1 Introduction
1.2 Important user information
1.3 Regulatory information
This section lists the regulations and standards that apply to the SE 250/260 Mighty Small II.
Manufacturing information
The table below summarizes the required manufacturing information.
GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB,Name and address of manufacturer
Björkgatan 30, SE 751 84 Uppsala, Sweden
In this section
See pageSection
81.3.1 EU directives
91.3.2 Eurasian Customs Union
101.3.3 Regulations for USA and Canada
111.3.4 Other regulations and standards
SE 250/260 Mighty Small II Operating Instructions 29281629 AA 7
1 Introduction
1.3 Regulatory information
1.3.1 EU directives
This section describes the EU Directives that apply to SE 250/260 Mighty Small II.
Conformity with EU Directives
This product fulfills the European Directives listed below. See the EU Declaration of Conformity for the directives and regulations that apply for the CE marking.
If not included with the product, a copy of the EU Declaration of Conformity is available on request.
Low Voltage Directive (LVD)2014/35/EU
Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive2011/65/EU
CE marking
The CE marking and the corresponding EU Declaration of Conformity is valid for the in­strument when it is:
used according to the Operating Instructions or user manuals, and
used in the same state as it was delivered from GE, except for alterations described in the Operating Instructions or user manuals.
8 SE 250/260 Mighty Small II Operating Instructions 29281629 AA
1 Introduction
1.3 Regulatory information
1.3.1 EU directives
1.3.2 Eurasian Customs Union
This section contains additional regulatory information to comply with the Eurasian Customs Union technical regulations.
Manufacturer and importer information
The table below summarizes the manufacturer and importer information required by the Eurasian Customs Union.
See Manufacturing informationName and address of manufacturer
Telephone: + 46 771 400 600Telephone number of manufacturer
GE Healthcare LLCImporter and/orcompany forobtain-
ing information about importer
GE Healthcare Life Sciences
Presnenskaya nab., 10C, 12th floor
RU-123 317 Moscow, Russian Federation
Telephone 1: + 7 495 411 9714
Fax nr: + 7 495 739 6932
SE 250/260 Mighty Small II Operating Instructions 29281629 AA 9
1 Introduction
1.3 Regulatory information
1.3.2 Eurasian Customs Union
1.3.3 Regulations for USA and Canada
This section describes the regulations that apply to SE 250/260 Mighty Small II in the USA and Canada.
NRTL certification
This symbol indicates that the product has been certified by Intertek, which is a US Oc­cupational Safety and Health Administration Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL).
10 SE 250/260 Mighty Small II Operating Instructions 29281629 AA
1 Introduction
1.3 Regulatory information
1.3.3 Regulations for USA and Canada
1.3.4 Other regulations and standards
This section describes the standards that apply to the SE 250/260 Mighty Small II.
Environmental conformity
This product conforms to the following environmental requirements.
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive2012/19/EU
Management Methods for the Restriction of the Use of Haz­ardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Products.
China RoHS
Standards, applied to this product
Standard requirements fulfilled by this product are summarized in the table below.
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for mea­surement, control, and laboratory use - Part 1: General requirements.
IEC/EN 61010-1, UL 61010-1, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1
Technical documentation forthe assessmentof electrical and electronic products with respect to the restriction of hazardous substances
EN 50581
SE 250/260 Mighty Small II Operating Instructions 29281629 AA 11
1 Introduction
1.3 Regulatory information
1.3.4 Other regulations and standards
2 Safety information
About this chapter
This chapter describes safety precautions, labels and symbols that are attached to the equipment. In addition,the chapterdescribes emergency and recovery procedures, and provides recycling information.
Before installing, operating or maintaining the product, all users must read and understand the entire contents of this chapter to become aware of the hazards involved.
In this chapter
See pageSection
132.1 Safety precautions
202.2 Labels
222.3 Emergency procedures
232.4 Recycling information
242.5 Declaration of Hazardous Substances (DoHS)
12 SE 250/260 Mighty Small II Operating Instructions 29281629 AA
2 Safety information
2.1 Safety precautions
The SE 250/260 Mighty SmallII ispowered by anexternal power supply. Before installing, operating or maintaining the system, you must be aware of the hazards described in this manual.
Follow the instructions provided to avoid injury to the operator or other personnel, to the product, or to other equipment in the area.
The safety precautions in this section are grouped into the following categories:
General precautions
Personal protection
Using flammable liquids
Installing and moving the product
Power supply
System operation
Always follow the instructions below to avoid injury when using the SE 250/260 Mighty Small II.
General precautions
Before installing, operating or maintaining the product, all users must read and understand the entire contents of this chapter to become aware of the hazards involved.
Only properly trained personnel may operate and maintain the product.
SE 250/260 Mighty Small II Operating Instructions 29281629 AA 13
2 Safety information
2.1 Safety precautions
Do not operate the SE 250/260 Mighty Small II in any other way than describedin theSE 250/260Mighty SmallII OperatingInstruc­tions.
Do notdamage thepower supply cord by bending, twisting, heating or allowing them to become pinned under the equipment. Using damaged power cords could result in fire or electric shock.
If the power supply cords are damaged, contact your local GE representative for replacements.
The safety lid must be in place before connecting the power leads to a power supply.
Any liquid on the equipment must be dried off before connecting the power supply.
Circulate only water or 50/50 water/ethylene glycol through the heat exchanger. Never use anti-freeze or any organic solvent in the heat exchanger.
Never introduce anti-freeze or any organic solvent into any part of the instrument. Organic solvents will cause irreparable damage to the instrument.
14 SE 250/260 Mighty Small II Operating Instructions 29281629 AA
2 Safety information
2.1 Safety precautions
Personal protection
Always use appropriate Personal ProtectiveEquipment (PPE)during operation and maintenance of this product.
Hazardous substances and biological agents. When using haz-
ardous chemical and biological agents, take all suitable protective measures, such as wearing protective clothing,glasses and gloves resistant to the substances used. Follow local and/or national regulations for safe operation and maintenance of this product .
Spread of biological agents. The operator must take all necessary
actions toavoid spreading hazardous biological agents.The facility must comply with the national code of practice for biosafety.
Handle theglass components with care! Wearappropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
Using flammable liquids
A fume hood or similar ventilation system shall be installed when flammable or noxious substances are used.
SE 250/260 Mighty Small II Operating Instructions 29281629 AA 15
2 Safety information
2.1 Safety precautions
Installing and moving the product
When lifting and moving the instrument be careful not to drop it. This may cause injury.
Make sure that the system is placed on a stable, level bench with adequate space for ventilation.
Turn off the power switch and remove connecting cables before moving the equipment.
The electrophoresis unitis heavy,especially when filled with buffer. Handle the unit with care to avoid personal injury.
Power supply
Power cord. Only use power cords with approved plugs delivered
or approved by GE.
The safety lid must be in place before connecting the power leads to a power supply.
16 SE 250/260 Mighty Small II Operating Instructions 29281629 AA
2 Safety information
2.1 Safety precautions
+ 37 hidden pages