Profi/e/ r nce Seri
SCB2000CBB- Advantium Wall Oven
Dimensions (in inches)
15-27/32"_25/32 _
14-_[_ 9/16"
20-27/32" _ "',,
27/32" ',
7/8" 15/32" 4_r11/16"
Electrical Requirements
Single SpeedcookInstallation
Productrating is120/208or 120/240volt,60 Hz,30Amps.Thisproductmustbeconnectedto a supplycircuit
ofthe propervoltageandfrequencyandprotectedbya time delayfuseor circuitbreaker.Thepowersupply
shouldbebroughtto a separate30amperebranchcircuit.Wire sizemustconformto the requirementsofthe
NationalElectricCodeorthe prevailinglocalcode.
CombinedSpeedcookand Wall OvenInstallation:
When installed in combination with a GEsingle wall oven, use separate electrical iunction boxes,
Install a single junctionbox connected to 50 amp.supply circuit or properly rated supply circuit.
• Referto single oven installation instructions for electrical requirements of
that product.
• These connections must be made by a qualified electrician. All electrical
connections must meet National Electrical code or prevailing local codes.
CombinedSpeedcookand Warming Drawer installation:
When installing the Speedcook oven over a GEelectric warming drawer, a separate 120V,6OHz,
properly grounded receptacle must be installed. See instructions packed with the warming drawer.
Installation Requirements
• These ovens may be installed directly into a wall or wall oven cabinetry,
30"minimum width.
• The front surface of the ovenwill be nearly flush with surrounding cabi-
netry doors.
• This oven can be installed over any GEsingle electric bugt-in oven or a
single GEelectric bugt-in warming drawer.
• This oven must be installed at least 36"above the floor.
IMPORTANT:This oven is not approved for use above another
built-in Speedcook oven, side by side or under the countertop
• For personal safety,this oven cannot be installed in a cabinet arrange-
ment such as an island or peninsula.
•Cabinets installed adiacent to wall ovens must have an adhesion spec of
at least 194°Ftemperature rating,
•Allow for clearance to adjacent corners, walls, drawers, etc.
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GEProfileTM or GEappliancequestions,call