GE SCB1001KSS Owner's Manual
Adva_tium Quid_ Start ......... lO
Cooki_<t_"cor_lroA .............. l 3
Cu._tomer i@*rmation ........... 8
Over_fl, ature._ . ............... 12
Sqfi, O' .................... 2- 7
1.17mtis Advaatium ? ........... 9
Bahir<_; Broili_<_"a_M Toasti_<t{". . . .22
Coohir<t;"tips ................ l 5
Favorite reeipe._ ............ l & 19
t+lvorite wcipe log". ............ 20
Power level .................. 16
I'ro(ffhN" . .................. 23
ICe/mat last ................. l 5
ICe._amefbature ............... l 5
Spedcooh eookwa_v ............ 17
Spedcooh-s@ eoohwaw .......... 5
Thir<O that a_v normal ......... 2l
{Si_q" a p*>set speedcook menu .... 14
I.Ihrmir<¢, .................. 23
Cook @ time ................ 25
Co&i_ N"tips ................ 25
lhJi_*st @./hod O'pe ............ 26
l)q/}_st @ time ............... 26
l)_,]i_sti_q" tips ............... 27
1:7,'[m,s:_. ................ lO, 25
bhvorite I¢_¢cipe._.............. 25
Microwave power h'vel(.O ........ 25
Microwave-s@ eoohware ......... 6
I'recautior_s to avoid po.ssibh,
@osltlT¢ to exeessi_e
Other Features
A utomatie Jin_ ............... 32
Beeper volume ............... 30
Chihl lod_out ................ 32
Cloch ................... 10, 30
Delay Start ................. 30
Di@h O' ON/OFF ............. 30
Help ...................... 3l
ICemimh, r ................... 30
Review .................... 30
Scroll speed ................. 30
Timer . .................... 32
Care and Cleaning
Cleaair<t_"the inside ............ 33
Cleard_<t_"the out._ide ........... 34
Coohit<t_"tm)'s and bakit<q"sheet . . . 34
I¢*mzovabh, turr_table ........... 33
Problem Solver ............ _5, 36
Customer Service
(hl.stomer i@*rmation ........... 8
I'roduct I¢<_'istmtior_ ........ 37, 38
Servi_ e phoae number, s .... Bach Cover
I.l_zrmnt)' .................. 39
t_r a Spaaish ve*:_iono] thi._ manual, visit our I.l_bsite at ge.eom
I'am coasultar una ve_:sion en e@ahol de este manual de iz_,stru_ione,_, visite
nue,_h'o sitio de interaet ge.eom
Ser_.wr coohir<q" . ........... 2& 29
Thit<o that aw normal ......... 29
{Sir<_"pre-set microwave selections . .24
t,./.://g..,d*,,.,,_i_.,,.co,,, 3828W5A8_99 49-40457-1 O&05 JR
A dvar_li m Ove_
(a) Do NotAttempt to operate this oven with
tile door open since open-door operation can result in harmflfl exposure to microwave energ T. It is important not to defeat or tamper with the safety interlocks.
(b) Do Not Place any object betx_een the oxen
front face and the door or allow soil or cleaner residue to accunmlate on sealing
Do Not Operate the oven if it is damaged. It is particularly important that the oven door close properly and that there is no damage to the:
(l) door (bent),
(9) hinges and latches (broken or
(3) door seals and sealing surfaces. The Oven ShouM Not be adjusted or
repaired by anyone except properly qualified sel_\ice personnel.
Advantium Oven
_k _V_[._G f To reduce the risk of burns, electric shock, fire, injury to persons, or
exposure to excessive microwave energy:
m Read all instructions before using m
this appliance. When using electrical appliances, basic safer}, precautions should be followed, including the following:
Read and fiollo_ the specific precautions
))4"('in the t [J. ,AU770NS TO AVOID
)),, : _) : ('%, .... ;,t ( ,S,SfBLL EXPOS'L;Iff_ ] ( LX Z, ,SI1'L
; ) r ,; 4" f 7 7 ) 7 , _.
_IICI Ol_ AI L L NLt 6} section on page
Be sure your appliance is properly installed and grounded bv a qualified
technician in accoidance with the provided installation instcuctions.
Install or locate this appliance only in accordan(e uith the provided
installati(m instructions.
m Some products such as whole eggs and
sealed containers--fbr example, closed
jars--are able to explode and should not
be heated in this oven. Such use of the oven could cesuh in injm T.
m Do not mount this appliance oxec
a sink.
m This oxen is not approxed or tested for
marine use.
m This oxen is UL listed for standard wall
This appliance must onb' be serxiced b_ qualified service personnel. Contact
nearest authorized service fhcilitv fbc examination, repair or adiustment.
Do not coxer or block an? openings on
the appliance.
Do 4?ot stoce this appliance outdoors. Do 47ot use this product near watec_ fbr example, in a wet basement, near a swinnning pool, near a sink or in sbnilar
m See door smfbce cleaning instructions in
the C'a*_ a?_d (Tk,a_d_4,(,oj'II4e Ov_z section of this man ual.
m To reduce the risk of fire in the oxen
--Do not oxeccook ff)od. Carefully attend appliance v,hen paper, plastk or other
_ombustible materials are placed inside the oxen _hile micro_axe cooking.
--Remox;e x_i[e tv,ist-ties and metal handles flom paper or plastic containers befbre
placing them in the @,eIL
--Do not use the oxen fbc storage purposes. Do not leaxe paper produ(ts, cooking
utensils (n food in the o_en when not in use.
Do not operate this appliance if it has been damaged or (bopped.
As with any appliance, close superxision
is necessary _hen used by children.
Use this appliance onb for its intended
use as described in this manual.
I)o ilot use (orrosixe chemi(als or xapors in this appliance.
This o_en is specifically designed to heat, dry or (ook food, and is not intended fin.
lat)oiat(nw (n industiial use.
--if materials inside the oven ignite, keep the oven door closed, turn the oven off
and shut off power at the fuse oi circuit breaker panel. If the door is opened, the fire m W spread.
--I)o not use the Sensor Features t_ice i47 succession (m the same fi)od portion.
if fbod is undeccooked after the first countdown, use COOK BY TIME for
additional cooking tbne.
Advar_lium Ove_
Do ,lot operate tile oxen without tile turntable in place. Tile turntable
must be unrestricted so it can turn.
During and after use, do *lot touch, or let clothing or other flammable materials contact any interior area of
tile oven; allow sufficient time for cooling first.
Kee I) tile oxen flee from grease bnildup.
A'_ving can occur during both .q)eedcoohing and mic'mwave cooking..t/you see arcirlg, [)_<s.sthe
CLEA R/OFF pad and cor_+ctthe problem.
Arcing is tile microwme term for sparks
in tile oxen. Arcing is caused by:
Metal or foil touching tile side of tile oxen,
Foil *lot molded to food (upturned edges act like antennas).
Use foil only as reconnnended in this guide.
Cook meat and poulti T thoroughly-- meat to at least an INTERNAI,
temperaulre of 160°F, and poulti T to at least an INTERNAI, temperature of
180°F. Cooking to these temperatures
usually protects against tbodborne illness.
Potentially hot surfaces include tile oxen door, floor, walls, oxen rack and turntable.
Metal cookware used during either speedcook or microwave cooking
(except for tile pans provided with
tile oven).
Metal, such as twist:ties, poultl\v pins, or gold-rhnmed dishes, in tile oxen.
Recycled paper towels containing small metal pieces being used in tile oxen.
When microxs aving, place all tbods and
containers on tile cleat glass trav. Do *lot pop popcorn in your oxen unless
in a special microwaxe popcorn accesso U or unless you use popcorn labeled for use
in lnicrowaxe oxens.
Do *lot boil egg5 in fills oxen. Pressure
will build up inside egg yolk and will
cause it to burst, possibly resulting in injm T.
Do not operate tile oxen without food inside. This may cause damage to the
oxen. It increases tile heat around tile magnetron and can shorten tile life of
tile oxen. Foods with unbroken oumr "skin"
such as potatoes, hot dogs, sausages, tomatoes, apples, chicken livers and other giblets, and egg yolks should be pieived to allow smam to escape during cooking.
r o
Liquids, ._ug]_as wato (@'( or lea, a'_z abl( to lw ovolu,ated l)o,ond lhe l)oili_g poi,_t wilhout ap[wari_lg lo lw boiling. Visible bul)l)ling or boiling whrn the (ontaino is n,ml)vMjhmz the
microwave oven i_ not aN_@s pms_,nt. 7"HIS
C()NTAL\q:d? IS DISTUI_BFd) OR A 57¥)0N
To reduce tile risk of inju U to persons:
--Do ,lot oxerheat tile liquid.
--Stir tile liquid both before and halfway through heating it.
--Do ,lot use straight-sided containers with
narrow necks.
After heating, allow tile container to stand
in tile microwme oxen for a short time before removing tile containei:
--Use extreme care when inserting a spoon or other utensil into tile container.
Adva,lium Ove_
77w turntable musl
always be ir_ pla_ e wher_
i_sing ltu, oven.
Pul /hod direclly on the
noi*-stick metal tray
lo speedcook.
The oven and door will get very hot
when speedcooking.
Cookware will become hot because of heat transferred from the heated food. O_en mitts will be needed to handle tile cookware.
Do not use coverings, corrtainers or cooking/roasting bags made of foil, plastic, wax oi paper when speedcooking.
Do not coxer tlre turntable, wire oxen rack, trays or any part of tile oxen with
metal foil. This will cause arcing in tile
Use tlre non-stick metal tray ira tlle same way you would use a shallow
1)aking pan or 1)aking trav.
The oven and door will get very hot
when baking, broiling, warming,
proofing or toasting.
Cookware will become hot. Oxen mitts will be needed to handle tlle cookware.
Do not use coverings, corrtainers or cooking/roasting bag, s made of tbil, plastic, wax oi paper when speedcooking.
Do not coxer the turntal)le, wire oxen rack, trays or any part of tile oxen with
metal foil. This will cause arcing in tile
Use tlre non-stick metal tray in tlle same way you would use a shallow
1)aking pan or 1)aking trav.
Place tBod directly on tlle trays when cooking unless prompted by tile oxen
to do otherwise.
Any oven-safe dish can be used in
your oven. Recipes in tire Advanfium
Cookbook were rested in Pyrex s>glass cookware arrd Corningware °>ceramic
casseroles. Cook times and results may vary when using other types of
oven-sate dishes. Place them directly on tile trays.
Do not use tlle oxen to dry newspapers.
Use of tile clear glass tray when speedcooking will resuh in irfferior cooking performance.
Use tlle aluminum baking sheet on tire wire oven rack, and place them on tire non-stick metal tray when baking on two levels, 1)roiling or toasting foods.
Place food directly on tlle trays when cooking unless prompted by tile oxen
to do otherwise.
Any oven-safe dish can be used in
your oven. Recipes in the Advanfium
Cookbook were msmd in Pyrex c'_glass cookware arrd Corningware _2ceramic
casseroles. Cook times and results may vary when using other types of
oven-safe dishes. Place them directly on tile trays.
Do not use tlle oxen to dry newspapers.
Use of tire clear glass tray when
1)aking, 1)roiling, warming, proofing oi masting will result in irfferior cooking performance.
77wturntable musl
always be ir_place wher_
Put/hod di*vcilyon lhe
non-stich metizl tray
to bake o, or_elevel.
Pul fi)od direclly on lhe
alumina:bin bahir_g'_sheei o, the
wire over_ rack, a,d place lhem
o, the *ran-slick melal lra_;
wher_ bahir_g"o, lwo leveA,
broiling or loa.sli_g'Jbods.
Adva,lium Ove_
MicTozo (_ V e-
77w turntable mu,st
alwa)s be b_ place whe_
u,sb_g" lhe ovo_.
77_eclear glass tray
should alwar,_ be _n e w]ier_
Mahe ,_m_ to use .suitable (:oohwa'_ during mien)wave coohing Most gla.s.s (:a.s:se_vh,,scoohing dish_<s, measuring cU[).s,(:usta_l cU[).s,porte U or china dinnerwa'_ which doe,s not have metallic lrim or
glaz_ with a metallic sheen can be u.s_d. Some (:ookwa'_ is la&l(d ".suitabh Jiw mic_vwaving. "
Place food or microwaxable container
directly on the clear glass tray to cook
your food.
Use of the non-stick metal tray during microwme cooking will resuh in inferior cooking performance.
If you are not sure if a dish is microwave-safe, use this test: Place in
the oven both the dish you are testing and a glass measuring cup filled with
l cup of water--set tim measuring cup
either in or next to the dish. Microwave 30-45 seconds at high. If the dish heats,
it should not be used for microwaving. If the dish remains cool and only the
water in the cup heats, then the dish is inicrowax e-safe.
Cookware may become hot because of heat transferred from tim heated
food. Oxen mitts may be needed to handle the cookware.
Do not use recycled paper products. Recycled paper towels, napkins and waxed paper can contain metal flecks which may cause arcing or ignite. Paper products containing nylon or nylon filaments should be avoided, as they may also ignite.
Use t_il only as directed in this guide. TV dinners may be microwaved in foil trays less than 3/4" high; remove the top foil cover and return the tray to the box. When using foil in the oven, kee I)
the toil at least 1" away flom the sides
of the oxen.
Do not use the oxen to dry newspapers.
If yon use a meat thermometer while cooking, make sure it is safe for use
in nlicrowaxe oxens.
Paper towels, waxed paper and plastic
wrap can be used to covet dishes in order to retain moisture and prevent spattering. Be sure to vent plastic wrap
so steam can escape.
Not all plastic wrap is stfitable for use in microwme oxens. Check the package %r proper use.
"Boilable" cooking pouches and tightly closed plastic bags should be slit, pierced or vented as directed by package. If they are not, plastic could burst during or immediamly after cooking, possibly resulting in injm y.
Also, plastic storage containers should
be at least partially uncovered because they tbrm a fight seal. When cooking
witl_l containers tightly covered with plastic wrap, remove covering careflflly
and direct steam away flom hands and face.
Plastic cookware--Plastic cookware designed for microwave cooking is very
usefifl, but should be used carefiflly. Even microwave-safe plastic may not be as tolerant of overcooking conditions as are glass or ceramic materials and may soften or char if subjected to short periods of overcooking. In longer exposures to overcooking, the food and cookware could ignite.
Follow lh(<s'eguidelir_s:
I. Use microwme-safe plastics only
and use them in strict compliance with the cookware mamffacmrer's
2. Do not microwme empty containers.
3. Do not permit children to use plastic cookware without complete superxision.
Some styrofoam trays (like those that meat is packaged on) have a thin strip of
metal embedded in the bottom. _A,ben microwaved, the metal can burn the floor of the oven or ignim a paper towel.
Advar_lium Ove_
Don't defrost frozen beverages in narrow-necked bottles (especially carbonamd beverages). Even if the container is open, pressure can build up. This can cause the container to
burst, possibly resulting in injm T.
Foods cooked in liquids (such as pasta) may tend to |)oil more rapidly than foods containing less moisture.
Should this occur, refer to the Car(, and Cl_,a,fi_lg o/lhe ove_l section for
instructions on how to clean the inside of the oxen.
Hot foods and smam can cause burns. Be carefifl when opening any
containers of hot food, including popcorn bags, cooking pouches and boxes. To prevent possible it_jm T,
direct smam away flom hands and face.
Do not oxercook potatoes. They could dehydrate and catch fire, causing damage to your oxen.
Avoid heating baby %od in glass jars, even with the lid off. Make sure all
infant food is thoroughly cooked. Stir food to distribute the heat evenly. Be careflfl to prevent scalding when warming fornmla. The container may feel cooler than the formula really is.
Always rest the formula before feeding
the babv.
Do not attempt to deep fry in the oxen.
(hlstomer Infbrmation
4dvat_tium Ovet_
Write do_m the modal d_d
Congratulations! You are now part of the cooking revolution!
As pait of the vision to help consumeis live bettei, easieI lives, GE Appliances inuoduces
the ievoluth:marv (;E Advantium oven with Speedcook technology. This new oven _oasts,
bakes, browns a_d bioils,just like yore conventional oven--onE, fhstei--and with delicious _esuhs. You also save time because Advantium requires no p_eheating.
The inff)[mation on the ff)llowi_g pages will help you opelate and maintain vom _ew Ad_antium o_en. _A;_appre(iate yore prochase, and hope you will continue to rely o_ us
v,hei_e_,e_ you _eed quality applia_(es ff)-__<m_ home. We thm_k _<m %_ buying GE.
Fill out the Consumer Pioduct Registratio_ Cmd.
_I_o Easy Ways _IbRegister Your Appliance:'
[] Th _ough the im_te_'neta t [] Complete amidmail the enclosed Ifb'odu(t Regist_'ation Ca_'d.
\_m can find them on a label, behil_d the
open oven door, on the f[ont fi_ce. These numbers a_e also on the Consume_
P_oduct Ownedship Registration Card packed separately with yore oven.
For future reference, please write these
numbers here:
_ad the,s
Proof of tile odgi_al prochase date is needed to obtain se__ice under the
wa_ran tv.
Inside vou will find man}_ helpful hints <m vom part ca_ sa_e vou a g_eat deal of time how to use and maintain vom- oxen al_d m(mev o_er tile life ofyore- o_en.
p[operly. Just a little p[e_entixe (are <m
½()1 ll fllld ulalYv' allsweIs to COII1Ul()_l
p_oblems in the B_f/m_ }bu C_[I t;}_rS_rv_t_ section. If _ou _e_ie_ ore cha_t of
7)oubMhoo_Mg T!p.sfirst, you mav not
need to call fb-r serxice at all.
If you do need se_xice, you can _elax knowing help is only a phone call awav.
A list of toll-fiee customer se_xice numbers
is included i_ the back se( tion.
¼]lat is Advantium?
Advanlium Oven
Getting to know
Tile new Adxantimn oxen uses breakthrough Speedcook technology'
to harness tile power of light. Tile
Adxantium oxen cooks the outside of tbods much like comentional
radiant heat, while also penetrating
tile surface so the inside cooks simultaneously. While halogen light
is tile prima_ y source of power, a
"microwave boost" is added with
certain foods. Foods cook evenly and fast, retaining their natural moistnre.
/11 I I
The turntable rotates to ensure even cooking.
The oven control contains preset recipes.
Turn and press dial makes menu selection easy.
Halogen Lamp and Ceramic Heaters
One 500 watt halogen bulb and one 700 watt ceramic hearer cook food flom above.
One 375 watt ceramic heater cooks food flom below.
Rear Convection Heat Element
Operates when using bake.
A microwaxe "boost" is automatically added with certain foods.
The oxen call also be used as a 9/a watt microx_axe oxen.
_-rX 7 7
The oxen emits air flom the lower xent area.
Advantimn Quick Start
4dva_tium Ove_
Set the doch
with Express
Whem_ wm first phxg im_the ovem_ or after
a pot_er ollta_e:
1. Tm'n the selector dial to set the horn'. Press the dial to em_ter.
2. Turn the dial to set the mim_te. Press the dial to e]_ter.
3. Turn the dial to select _M or PM. Press the dial to enter.
Press EXPP, ESS repeated]} fin" 30-second im_crements of microwave cookim_g time.
The ovem? starts immediately.
To chm_ge the thole:
1. Press the OPTIONS pad.
2. Tm'm_ the dial to SET ( I,OCK.
Press the dial to em_ter am_(;[follow the display directions to set.
Tlu turntable musZ alwa) s be
i_ [dace wke_z usbzR /ke ove_z.
Tile clear glass tray skould
aI.,(9 _ be i_z plaa wkoz
Be in
Step 1:
Press the SPEEDCOOK pad.
Step 2:
Turn the dial to FOOD MEN[J. Press the
dial to e]_ter.
Step 3: Turn the dial to select the type of food
category }ou waist. Press the dial to e_/tel" it.
Step 4: Tm'n the dial to select the specific food.
Press the dial to e_ter it.
Step 5;: Tm'n the dial to select the amom_t, size,
a_d/or doixe_ess (if required, the ()ve_ wi]] prompt yo_). Press the dial aiter
each selection.
Step 6:
Once the display shows ADfl IS'T T]ME
OR STkIIT, either press the dial or start
pad to start cooki_g.
Tke turntable must alwaU be i_ plaa ,,he?_ u_i?_gtlu ov(o_.
Put /ood di_*,cg)o_ /ke
non-sticb metal trr9, to
spee& ook.
Press CLEAR/OFF at aW time to stop cooking.
Speedcook Menu GuMe
4dvat_ium Ovet_
Afier I)ressim"'_ the SPEEDCOOK pad,
the oven will prompt )ou to make
several selections, such as the
example below.
]. Tm'n the dial mitt
FOOl) AIENU appears. Press the dim to em/ter.
2. Tm'n the dial m/til
3. Tm'n the dim mitt CHICKE,V, BOM_2LE,% '
appears. Press the dial to enter.
4. Tin'm/ tile dim to
Press the dial to em/ter.
Select 3"IZP5 MEDI{ '_ I (7-9 oz each)
Press the dial to en/ter.
.Mter a cookin<, cycle has been
completed, use the Resmne feature
to cook for additional time.
Food Category Menu Selection
Appdi:wrs !"aq_'l Bil_,s Ba_.h (jmz_._d
Brt_dfast Baq_'Ls (/mze_l )
Desserts B_mmi_'s
Entree BurrRos (/m_en) hlichs
l';_ Rolls (l:mz_.n)
[10t l);p (2-4 Cups)
,]ahtp_,_lo 12op/m_s
)lea! BalLs (]')_=en)
,\)tchas .\=uts I¢oa_ted
Pk:za INlls Sqfl lh_'lzefis (ISvz_,n)
BhcuiLs B_,ad 5"ti(:fis Cheese Nvad (5_s.m Rolls
l)imze_ Rolls
(;aAic Bwad @zich Bwad (9x5)
5we_.t l_olA/l)a_lish
7F/c0 Sh_,gs (boxed) "lFxas 7bast
Bel,qialt Wq//le_!/as! ]>i_::(t
Co/Ice <,(the
14_,nch Toas_
P(olcahes (/m=e_l ) ttashbrown Patties
S(tus(tg_, l'i_( uit S(tu sao_
5;ll_ttdel (/)_nen)
Cat:es (mix 9.'_13) <,obbk_ (j_'sh 7,,11)
C@e Cat:e CoolAes
Pie (p_,sh fi_nit) ]_o//s (w/_N_'_ (tle(t)
Chimicha_a Casserole
l_ N Rogs (/m:.e_U Enchilada (p_,sh)
Lasaqna 3 leatloaJ (gx 5) Qtu,_idi//as (p_'sh)
NOTE" Wken *peedcooking, use tke non-stick metal b*ay.
5. Tm'n the dial to
Sdect amoum':
Press tile dial to em/ter.
6. _',seNOA:%S'TICK
ME7AL " > _*l I_4) Is
To rexiew settinos during cooking,
press the selector dial,
Food Category Menu Selection _l/leats ]"/let MiWzo_l
Pizza i)eli/l')_sh
Potatoes I1alwd Potalo
Poult O, Chicl_en, !3om_ l_
Sandwich Cm n Dog (Jro:.en)
SeaJbod Cod l:il#ts
Side Dish Rqr;ed Bea_s ( 16 o:.)
ttambu_ _ l.amb Chop_
I>m]_ (hops tNas! - Pro5
Roas! lle_'/ lSbo_ Steak Sirloi_l Sl_,ak
7:Bone ,'il_,(tl<
['s_ ]%( oohed (hu_t
l,)_):.e_ l>;:,::a
tlasflbmwn Patti_,s lOm:+,_l')'h,s
,Sweet l>olalo/Yam
Chichen, Bo_de_,s Chichen NIh,l @vz_.n)
Chichen N_zg_._ @ozen) Chich_m I;)'hd (jh_z_O
C/tid_en Pall3'(/m:en) (Aid_en Tender (/m:.e_U
Chich_ WhiRs (fi_)ze_) Chich_m _lTmle
(5_,s(enlRoll Ito/ l)oq (;ri/l¢,d hamtwic/t
tlol Dog in a Bun
Taquilas @_::n)
F;sh ,Stid_s (/m:e_U l:n>te_ Bwaded
I.ob_le_TaiLs ()ra_,g_,Roug90' l:i//e:
Sea Bass Shellfish
,_wmztfi_h Ste(th
Tuna Sle(tk_
I?oad_.d ,\q_alztg'tts
) _ 3' .
Aoasmd Ldl I epp_._
I¢o(tsld Chilis (6) t_oasl_,d Corn
t_oasle(I (;(o/;c RoasZ_,d Mix_,d U_qrtables
Sm/fi_N (miW
Sltt/p,d 3 lushmoms SlttJfi.d 7bmaloes
OveI_ Fea{HFeS
4<Ivan:lure Oven
The turntable must always be in place, on tile oven floor, for a]] cooking. Be sure the turntable is seated securely over the spindle
in the center of the oven.
Non-stick Metal 7:ray Put food directly on the non-stick
metal tray and place on the turntable
when using the speedcook and bake
!/Vi_ Ch:en Rack and Aluminum
Baking Sheet
Put food directly on the aluminum
1)aking sheet on tile wire oxen rack, _'_ and place them on the non-stick metal tray, when baking on two levels, broiling or toasting foods.
Clear Glass 7:my
Place on the turntable when using tile microwaxe features. Place food or
microwaxe-safe cookx_are, directly on the tray.
(.7)per Halogen Lamp/Ceramic Heater
Operates when using speedcook or broil.
Allows cooking to be _iewed while
keeping microwaxes confined in the oxen.
Door Handle
Pull to open the door. The door must be securely latched for the
oven to operate.
Door Latches
Lower Ceramic Heater
Operates when using speedcook.
Control Panel
Tile pads used to operate the oxen are located on the control panel.
Rear Convection Heat Element
Operates when using bake.
+ 28 hidden pages