GE SCA2001KSS01, SCA2000FWW02, SCA2000FCC02, SCA2000FBB02 Owner’s Manual
Advantium Qaid_ Start .......... 9
Coohing" contml, s .............. 12
Oven fl_atures . ............... l l
147_atis Advantium ? ........... 8
Sqfi_ly .................... 2- 7
Coohing" tip,_ ................ 14
Custom speedeook _eipes ..... l 7, 18
Manual @eedeooh ............ l 6
Power h,vel ................. l 5
Repeat last ................. 14
I_esu meJi_at a*_ ............... 14
Spedcooh-s@ coohwa*_ .......... 5
Thing:_ that a_ norma! ......... 19
Cooking" tip,_ ................ 2 l
Custom microwave recipes .... 22, 23
l)@_st (auto) ................ 24
l)q/iz_st (time) ................ 24
l)_,/i_sti_N tips ............... 25
Micro I:F,'pm_s................ 2 l
Mic*_wa_v power level,_ ......... 2 l
Microwave-s@ cookwa*_ ......... 6
15"ecautions 1oavoid passible @osure Io exge,_sive
microwave energy .............. 2
Sen,wr eoohing" . ........... 26) 27
Thing:_ that a*_, normal ......... 28
Time cooh .................. 2l
{5ing" pre-sel microwave selections . .20
Other Features
Auto nig'ht lig'ht .............. 29
Be@er volume ............... 29
Child h*ckoal ................ 31
Ch*_h ................... 9, 29
Dispb O' ON/OFF ............. 29
ICeminder .................. 32
Review .................... 29
&:roll speed ................. 29
Su*]hce l{q'ht ................ 3l
Timer . .................... 3l
_,nt /hn ................... 3l
Care and Cleaning
Cleaning" the inside ......... 33, 34
Ch_aning" the ouL_ide ........... 35
Lamp cov(#:s . ............... 34
Optiona! accessories ........... 37
I¢_,/dacing"lig'hl,s .............. 36
Problem Solver ............ 38, 39
Customer Service
15"odu_t I¢_q'i,_t*wtion ........ 41, 42
Service phone numb_:_ . . . . Bach Cover
I,Ihrrrcnly .................. 4 3
SCA2000 SCA200I
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find these numbers on a label inside
the oven.
_,t_I,://,v,_._,,_..i,.,,.,:,,,,, 3828WSA4681 49-40482 01-06 JR
,4dvantil¢m Ov(_n
(a) Do Not Attempt to operate this ()veil with the
door open since open-door operation C_lil
result in haImflll exposure to nlicrowave energy. It is inlportant not to deteat or tamper with the satiety interh)cks.
(11) Do Not Place any object between the ()veil
ti'ont thce and the door or allow soil or cleaner residue to accunnilate on sealing surthces.
Do Not Operate the ()veil if it is dainaged.
It is particularly important that the oven door close properly and that there is no dainage to the:
(1) door (bent), (2) hinges and latches (broken
or loosened),
(3) door seals and sealing surfaces.
The Oven Should Not be a(!iusted (/r
repaired b) anyone except properl) qualified serxice personnel.
Adva_lium Ove_
To reduce the risk of burns, electric shock, fire, injury to persons,
or exposure to excessive microwave energy:
Read all instructions before using this appliance. When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
Read and %llow the specific precautions in the PIU_CA U77()NS TO AVOID [ ( SSIBLL
EXtOSUICE_'( : _:S ,_.....] )LXCI,S_ IlL MI(J_OI'I'AIT:
:;:: (;
I,_%Lt_ g sectKm on page 2.
Be sure your, appliance is properly' installed and grounded by a qualified
technician ill accordance with the provided installation instructions.
Install or locate this appliance only ill accordance with tile provided
installation instructions.
[] Some products such as whole eggs and
sealed containers--%r example, closed
jars--are able to explode and should not
be heated in this oxen. Such use of tile oven could result ill injury.
[] Do not mount this appliance o_er
a sink.
[] This oxen is not approved or tested for
nlariDe //se.
This oxen is UL listed for installation oxer electric and gas ranges.
This oxen was designed for use oxer ranges no wider than ,-_°6"."It may be installed o_er
both gas and electric cooking equipment.
Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged power cord or plug, if it is not working properly, or if it has been damaged or dropped.
As with ally appliance, close supervision is
necessary when used by children.
Use this appliance only, for its intended
use as described ill this manual.
Do not use corrosive chemicals or _apors ill this appliance.
This oxen is specifically designed to heat, dry or cook fbod, and is not intended for laboratory or industrial use.
[] This appliance must only be serviced
by qualified serxice personnel. Contact nearest authorized serxice facility for
examination, repair or adjustment.
[] Do not cover or block all},' openings on
the appliance.
[] Do not s/ore this appliance outdoors.
Do not use this product near water_ fbr example, ill a wet basement, near a swimming pool, near a sink or ill similar
[] Keep power cord away from heated
[] Do not immerse power cord or plug
ill water.
[] See door surface cleaning instructions ill
tile Car_,a_d Cl_ani_g qf th_ Ove_ section of this manual.
[] To reduce the risk of fire ill tile o_en cmity':
--Do not oxercook food. Careflfllv attend appliance when paper, plastic or other
combustible materials are placed inside the oven while cooking.
--Remove wire twist-ties and metal handles flom paper or plastic containers before
placing them ill the oven.
--Do not use tile o_en for storage purposes. Do not leave paper products, cooking
utensils or food ill tile o_en when not
iI/ //se.
--If materials inside the oven ignite, keep tile oven door closed, turn the oven off
and disconnect the power cord, or shut off power at the fllse or circuit breaker panel. If tile door is opened, the fire may spread.
--Do not use the Sensor Features twice in succession on the same fbod portion.
If fbod is undercooked after the first countdown, use ]7_ II, COOK for additional cooking time.
SAb 2TY Pt 2CA U7 70NS
Advanlium Oven
Do not operate tile oxen without tile oxen rack (turntable) in place. The oven rack (turntable) nmst be unrestricted so
it can turn,
During and after use, do not much, or let clothing or other flammable materials contact any interior area of
the oven; allow sufficient time for cooling first.
Do not store anything directly on top of the oxen surface when the oxen is
in operation.
A'_ving can occur during both .speedcoohing and microwave cooking. ,([you .seearcing, [,_._ the
CLFA H/OFF pad and cor,_+ctthe problem.
Arcing is tile microwme term for sparks
in the oxen. Arcing is caused by:
Metal or foil touching the side of the oxen.
Foil not molded to food (upturned edges act like antennas).
Cook meat and poulu T thoroughly-- meat to at least an INTERNAL
temperature of 160°F, and poulu T to at least an INTERNAL temperature of
180°F. Cooking to these temperatures
usually protects against tbodborne illness.
Kee I) tile oxen flee from grease buildup.
Potentially hot surfaces include tile oxen door, floor, walls and oxen rack
Metal, such as twist:ties, poultt T pins, or gold-rimmed dishes, in tile oxen.
Recycled paper towels containing small metal pieces being used in tile oxen.
Use foil only as recommended in this guide.
Metal cookware used during either speedcook or microwave cooking
(except for the pans provided with
the oven).
The fan will operate automaucally under certain conditions (see the
Automatic F(m secuon). Take care m prevent tile starting and spreading of
accidental cooking fires while the vent fan is in use.
Clean tile underside of tile oxen often. Do not allow grease to build up on the
oxen or the fan filters.
In the event of a grease fire on tile surface units below the oven, smother
a flaming pan on tile surface unit by covering the pan complemly with a lid, a cookie sheet or a flat tray.
Use care when cleaning tile xent fan fihers. Corrosixe cleaning agents, such as lye-based oxen cleaners, may damage
the filters.
X4'hen preparing flaming %ods under the oxen, turn the xent fan on.
Never leave surface units beneath your oven unatmnded at high heat settings. Boilovers cause smoking and greasy' spillovers that may ignite and spread if tile oven vent fan is operating. To minimize automatic fan operation, use adequam sized cookware and use high heat on surface units only when
A dvar_li u m Ovet_
When microwming, place all foods and containers on tile white ceramic tray.
Do not pop popcorn in your oven unless in a special microwave popcorn accessory or unless you use popcorn
labeled for use in microwave ovens.
Do not boil eggs in this oven. Pressure will build up inside egg yolk arm will cause it to burst, possibly resulting in ir_juU.
Do not operate tile oxen without food irrside. This may cause damage to tire
oxen. It irrcreases the heat around tile magnetron arm can shorten tile life of
tile oxen,
Foods with unbroken oumr "skin" such as potatoes, hot dog:s, sausages, tomatoes,
apples, chicken livers and other giblets, arm egg yolks should be pierced to allow steam to escape dining cooking.
Liqui&, su(h as wato coffbe or lea, a_ able lo
lw ovedu'ated lu3,mld lhe boili,lg J)oi,lt wilhout appeari_lg lo lw boiling. Vidble bubbling or boili_*gwho's*ltw (vmtaino is _,m_n_M,f!vm_ltw
migmwav(, ove_ is not aN_@s p_z<sz'_lt.THIS COULD IU_SULT L\: Iq_lCY HOT LIQUIDS
SUI)I)I_NLY BOll]N(; Olq_l¢ 1_TqlL_VTHE
To reduce tile risk of inju U to persons:
-- Do not oxerheat tire liquid.
-- Stir tile liquid both before and halfis_ay through heating it.
-- Do not use straight,sided corrtainers with
narFow necks.
-- 'After heating, allow the corrtainer to stand in tire microwme oxen for a short
time befbre removing tire corrtainer
-- Use extreme care when irrserting a spoon
or other utensil irrto tile corrtainen
ozlen-sglf e
The oven rack (turntable)
mu,sl alwars be i¢_place
wtze_ u,si)_g lisa ove_.
Put fi)od (li*vcll_ o_ lhe
black metal fl'at tray
lo @eed_ ook.
Pul ]ood di*vclly o_ lhe
blabh metal grill tray lo Speed_ook jb0ds you
would _ormall_ cook
or_ (ke grill.
The oven and door will get very hot when speedcooking.
Cookware will become hot because
of heat transferred from tire heated food. Oxen mitts will be needed to handle tile cookware.
Do not use coverings, containers or
cooking/roasting bags made of foil, plastic, wax or paper when
Do not coxer tire oxen rack (turntable),
trays or any part of tire oxen with metal foil. This will cause arcing in tile oxen.
Use tire black metal fiat tray in tile
same way you would use a shallow baking pan or baking tray.
Use tile black grill tray for cooking
steaks, fish arrd poultI T.
Place food directly on tile trays when
Any oven-safe dish can be used in your oven. Recipes ira tire Advanfium
Cookbook were rested in Pyrex c'+arm
Anchor Hocking ° glass cookware arm
Corningware ° ceramic casseroles. Cookfimes arm results may vat S when using other types of oven-safe dishes.
Place them directly on tile oven rack
Do not use tile oxen to dry newspapers.
Use of tile white ceramic tray when
speedcooking MII resuh in irfferior cooking performance.
O 7
A dvar_li u m Ovet_
The oven rach
(turntable) mu,sl
alwa),s be i_ place whe_
i_,si_g"ihe over_.
The white ceramic tray
should alwars be in
p.la_ e wtWr_
mlcrowauln_ _,
Mal_e .sm_,to use .suitable <-ool_wa,_,during micah)wave eoold_g. Most glas:s ea.s:_r_mlr<s;eoold_lg"
dishes; mea.suring cup.s; custard cup.s; potter), or china dinnr_rwa'_" which does not have
metallic bJm or glaze with a metallic .sheen can be used. Some eookwa'_, is labeled "suitable
ji_r micmwaving."
Place food or microwm ahle container
directly on ti_e white ceramic tray to cook
your food.
Use of either hlack metal tray during
microwave cooking will resuh in inferior cooking perfommnce.
If you are not sure if a dish is
nlic rowa_-sa[e, nse
tills test: Place in
the o\_n both the
dish you are testing How to testJbr a and a glass microwave-s@ dish. measuiing cup filled witia l cup of water--set the measuring cup eitiler
ill or next m tim dish. Microwave 30-45 seconds at high. If the dish heats, it
should not be used for microwaving. If tile dish remains cool and only the
water ill the cup heats, then the dish is microwax e-safe.
Cookware may hecome hot hecause of heat transfe_Ted flom tile heated tbod.
Oxen mitts may he needed to handle ti_e cookware.
Paper towels, waxed paper and plastic wrap can he used to coxer dishes in order to retain moistule and prevent spattering. Be sure tO \Pnt plastic wrap so steam
call escape.
Not all plastic wrap is suitahle for use ill microwme oxens. Check tile package tbr
l)ioper nse. "Boilahle" cooking pouches and tightly
closed plastic bag, s should he slit, pierced or xented as directed hy package. If they are not, plastic could hurst during or immediately after cooking, possihly resulting ill ilIjni> Also, plastic storag_ containers should he at least partially uncovered because tiley form a tight seal. When cooking with containers tightly cox>red with plastic wrap, remoxe cox>ring carefiflly and direct steam away' fiom hands and lace.
Plastic cookware--Plastic cookware designed for microwaxe cooking is xe U
useflfl, but should he used careflflly. Even microwaxe-safe plastic m W not he as tolerant of overcooking conditions as ate glass or ceramic materials and
Do not use recycled paper products. Recycled paper towels, napkins and waxed paper can contain metal flecks which may cause atving or ig_lim. Paper products containing nylon or nylon filaments should he ax_ided,as tiley may also ignim.
m W soften or char if suhjecmd to short periods of oxercooking. In longer exposures to oxercooking, tile food and cookware could ignim.
1. Use microwme-safe plastics only
Use foil only as directed ill tills guide. When using t_il ill tile oxen, kee I) tile foil at least 1" away flom the sides of the oxen.
Do not use tile oxen to dry newspapers.
If you use a meat tilem)ometer while cooking, make sure it is safe for use in
nlicrox_'axe OXens.
and use tilem ill strict compliance witi_ tile cookware mannt_tctnre_ s
2. Do not microwme empff containers.
3. Do not peru/it children to use plastic cookware without complete supervision.
Some styrofoam trays (like tiaose that
meat is packaged on) have a thin strip of metal embedded ill tile bottom. _A]len
microwaved, tile metal call 1)ni_/l tile floor of the oxen or ignim a paper towel.
A dvar_li u m Ovet_
Don't defrost frozen beverages in narrow-necked bottles (especially carbonamd beverages). Even if the container is open, pressure can build up. This can cause the container to
burst, possibly resulting in inju U.
Foods cooked in liquids (such as pasta) may tend to boil more rapidly than foods containing less moisture.
Should this occur, refer to the Car(, and Clr'a*d_*go/'the ove_l section for
instructions on how to clean the inside of the oxen.
Hot foods and smam can cause burns. Be carefifl when opening any
containers of hot food, including popcorn bags, cooking pouches and boxes. To prevent possible fi_jm T,
direct smam away flom hands and face.
Do not oxercook potatoes. They could dehydrate and catch fire, causing dam age to your oxen.
Avoid heating baby %od in glass jars, even with the lid off. Make sure all
infant food is thoroughly cooked. Stir food to distribute the heat evenly. Be careflfl to prevent scalding when warming fornmla. The container may feel cooler than the formula really is.
Always rest the formula before feeding
the babv.
Do not attempt to deep fry in the oxen.
V tlat is Advantium?
Advaz_lium Ove*_
Getting to know
The new Adxantium oxen uses
1)reakthrough Speedcook technology to harness tile power of light. The
Adxantium oven cooks the outside of foods much like comentional
radiant heat, while also penetrating
the surface so tile inside cooks simnltaneouslv. While halogen light
is tile primal y source of power, a "microwave boost" is added with
certain foods. Foods cook evenly and fast, retaining their natural moisture.
Tile oxen rack (turntable) rotates to ensure exen cooking.
Tile oxen control contains preset recipes.
Turn and press dial makes menu selection easy.
Halogen Lamps
Two 1500 watt halogen bulbs cook food flom aboxe.
One 1500 watt halogen bulb cooks food from below.
A microwme "boost" is automatically added with certain t_ods.
Tile oxen can also be used as a 950 watt microwaxe oxen.
Tile oxen and xent fan emit air from tile upper grill area.
Advantium Quick Start
Speedcooh Oven
Set the
When you fi_t plug in the oven or after a power outage:
1. Turn the selector dial to set the hour. Press the dial to enter.
2. Turn the dial to set the minute. Press the dial to enter.
3. Turn the dial to select AM or PM. Press the dial to enter.
Step 1: Press the SPEED(_OOK breton.
Step 2: Turn the dial to select the t}pe of food categor} }ou want. Press the dial to
enter it.
To change the time:
1. Press the OPTIONS button.
2. Turn the dial to (_I,OCK. Press the dial to enter and follow the
display directions to set.
Tlu ow*n rack (turntable)
must al_vcO s be i_z place
wkell usillg ltw ovell.
Put ibod di_cll 3 on the black
metal trc(_, to speedcook.
Microwaving with Micro
ii ii"i 6 _i_"
°_ "" 6
Step 3: Turn the dial to select the specific food.
Press the dial to enter it.
Step 4: Turn the dial to select the amount, size,
and/or doneness (it required, the oven will prompt you). Press the dial after
each selection.
Step 5: Once the display shows AI)fl'ST 77ME
OR ST4RT_ either press the dial or start
button to start cooking.
[] Press CLEAR/OFF at any time to
stop cooking,
Press MICRO EXPRESS repeatedly
fiw 30 second increments of microwave
cooldng time.
The o\en starts immediately.
As a g'_,al optio_z, pul fi)od
dh*,c@ 0_*the bla& metal g_ll
tray to speedcook iood_ _'ou
would normal(3 coob o_lthe o]'ill.
77ze oven rack (turntable)
must alwm s be in plm ¢,
77zewhite ceramic trc(y
should al_va U b_ i_ plaa
wh_o_ mkyowaving.
After pressing the SPEEDCOOK button, the oven will prompt you
to make sexeral selections, such as the example below.
1. Turn the dial until
3. Turn the dial to 4. Turn the dial to
CHICKI'A' appears.
Press the dial to enter.
2. Turn the dial until
appears. Press the dial to enter.
Speedcook Menu Guide
Speedcooh Ovet_
NOTE" When apeedcoohing, use bla& trays.
Sd_,d SIZE: Sde_t amount: Small (3-4 oz) l-2 pieces
La*ge (5+ oz) 3-4 [)ieo,s Press the dial to enter. Press the dial to enter.
5. {.'iseROU)\q) MI_2774L TRAY is dispkt? ed.
IOi'g¢- s e t
After a cooking c)cle has been completed, use the Resume feature
to cook for additional time.
Food Category Menu Selection Appetizers Ba_'l 13ite_
and Snacks Cheese Stieks, I'roz
Jalape_to I'@per_
Mbti t_<g"Rol£, I;_z Mi_ti Nacho._, /'roz
Other Bite Size Pizza Rol& t:_.z
Bi_eai& t_fi'ig'. Biseaits, Bhzeber_ 3'
Bread._tiek._, R_J Che('_e Lo({/i Fmze_t Cmwbread Sti<ks, t'_J
(by, cent t_o1£
Garlic/Cheese Bread Lo((/_ t{ffHg"
7}xas 7bast
Belg'ia)t II}{ffles Bwalff+*st Burritos B_,al!/hst Pizza Cim_amo)¢ tb>l& R@
N_neh 7bast, N_>z
I'a)_eake_, Froze)_ Sausagv Links Sausag'_ Patti*s
Strudd._, Fmz
lYqffle Stiek_, l;i_>z
Bo_te-ht I_iee('_
Bo)_eles_ B_vasts Fi)lg>_:_,Frozen
Fried Chiel. n, I'mz
,\'riggers, Frozen
Patties, I:roze_
To rexiew settings during cooking, press the selector dial.
_bod Categm3_ Menu Selection
Desserts Churm_, I;roze_l
CookieDoz@, Fmz CookieDongJt, R@
Pie Crust, R@
Tanwve_s, tbfi
Fish and Seafood
Bn aded I:ish, I;mzen
bTsh Stieks, I;)vzen Salmon Steaks
Swor_{ Steaks
Tuna Steaks
Wkit(.fi_h Fillets
Filet Migwo)_
Ha mbzo]._r.r Lamb Ch@s
Pork Chops
Steaks-Sirloin Steaks-Strip
Steak_- 7:bone
Deli/b)vsh Pizza Shell, Filh.d Reg: Crust, I'mze)*
Baked Potatoe_
I'mzen P)eneh t;i'i_:s I%zen 7bier 7bt_
P*._:w_tal Reeipe_
Barritos, Frozen
(h_'_ Roll/Hot D<>,_:_ Grilh'd Sa_dwiehe_
Pocket Sandwieh( a
Oven Features
,4dvantium Oven
0 @ @ 0
Oven Rack (7_trntable) _1A
The oxen rack (turntable) must always be in place, on the oxen floor, for
all cooking. Be sure the oxen rack (turntable) is seated securely oxer
the square spindle in the center of the oxen.
Black Metal 7}'ay/Baking Sheet
Put food directly on the black metal tray and place on the oven rack
(turntable) when using the speedcook
Black Metal (;rill Tray/Baking Sheet
Put fbod directly on the black metal
grill tray and place on the oven rack
(turntable) when speedcooking foods
you would normally cook on the grill.
o o
D ©
o o
D ooooo
_/ill ({O_l}
Allows cooking to be _iewed while
keeping microwaxes confined in the oxen.
Door Hand#
Pull to open the door. The door must be securely latched for the oven to
Door Latches
I+nt Fan
Press the VENT FAN button to remove steam and other vapors flom surface
Lower Halogen Lamp
Operates when using speedcook.
White Ceramic Tray
Place on the oxen rack (turntable)
when using the microwaxe features.
Place food or microwaxe-safe cookware
directly on the tray.
Upper Halogen Lamps
Operate when using speedcook.
Cooktop Light
Press the SURFACE LIGHT button to turn the cooktop light on and off.
Cont_v I Pa nel
The buttons used to operate the oxen are located on the control panel.
Oven Features
Adva_tium Ove_
KTth your Advantium oven you can cook with higt_-interzsil)_ halog{n lights a,_d/or conventional
mi(,rowav_ _r_e_gq_.
Press this button to access the pre-set speedcook menu. Press and hold for 3 seconds to repeat the last cooking selection.
Press this button to set your own speedcook program.
SELECTOR DIAL-7_er_ to s_,lect, t_s_ to enter First turn then press tire dial to make food
selections. Also use the dial to irrcrease
(tnrn clockwise) or decrease (turn
counmrclockwise) cooking times.
Press this button to start or pause any cooking fimction.
Press this button to cancel ALL oven programs except the clock, timer
and reminder.
Press this button and turn/press tire selector dial to change tire speedcook upper lamps, lower lamp and microwaxe
power lmel before arrd during cooking.
Press this button to set the oxen to start automatically at a time you set.
Press this button to set tire minute timer.
Press this button to operate the microwave. Press while microwave cooking to light the oven cavity. The light will come on for
several seconds.
Press for 30 seconds of microwave cooking time. Each time the button is pressed adds an additional 30 seconds to the remaining cooking time. The oven starts immediatelv.
Speedcook Start
O _010T° Select O
RepeatLast O Pause
Manual Cook '%msTog d_ Clear
0 so,&o,o, 0
Recipe Off
Power Level Delay Start Timer Microwave Micro Express
Oven Light
Vent Fan Reminder Options Help Surface Light
Press this button to remoxe steam arrd other
xapors fiom surface cooking.
Can be used like an alarm clock and can be used at arty time, exen when tire oxen is
operating. It can be set to beep at a certain time, up to 94 hours later.
Press this button to set tire Cloch and access the Auto Night Light, Beeper Volume, Cbck
Display ON/OFk; Display Scroll Speed features.
Press this button to find out more about
your oxen's features.
Press this button to turn the cooktop light on arrd off.
Adva*_lium Ove*_
7b use a
eeo, o
CAUTION: When using speedcook programs, remember that the oven, door and dishes will be very hot?
[5ior to tke,f!_:st use qfyour ovem the clock must be set. See tke Advantinm Quick Sta'_t sect ior_.
Bqfim_you begim make ._ure the oven rack (turntable) is ir_place. {Aethe black metal tray (baking .skeet), tke blad_ grill tray (baking .skeet) or your own glas.s or ceramic
77w oven ra& (tmvtutble) musl alwgffs I u@)od dh_,c@ o_ lh_ bla& metalflat Pulfi_od di_clt 3 o_ ttu black metal
be h_ ]daa wke_ usi_<q Yze ovem tra}, to speedcook. .grill trt9, to q_eedcook /oods )on
would m_rmal{) cook or*ttu grill.
Appetizers & Snacks Chicken
Breads Desserts
Breakfast Fish & Seafi_od Potatoes
Advantium is ab_,ady pre-set to cook ovo"
lO0 popular dishe_.
1. Press the speedcook button.
5. Once the display shows:
either press start or the selector dial to start cooking.
[/"no sdection is made within
l 5 ._econ(& the display will r_qn,rt
back to the time q/day.
2. Turn the selector dial to select the type of food catego<v you want.
Press the dial to enter. Turn the selector dial to select the
specific tbod (menu selection).
7"u'rr_tkejood over wher_ tke over_ .dgwaA TU/¢\: FOOD 0 I'7_R (fiw (ertair_ ji)o&).
l,I!Tumthe oven .dgnaA CHF_CKfiw
l )_t._LSS, check to see
)( :: ::" ' i/ your ji_od is
done to your likir_g (fro"certair_ ./i_ods).
7b n'view settir_g:sdurir_g cooking, [)ms._ tke selegtor dial.
Press the dial to enter.
[/you er_ter ar_ nnd_@_,d ._election at any
. Turn the selector dial to select
amount, size, and/or doneness
time .dmply p_z_._tke (JZAI_fl )t t
button and n,-enter tl, d(<si'_z,d.w,lections.
(if required, the o_en will prompt
yon.) Press the dial after each
Early in a .speedco& program, you will
see OtrlTMIZIN(; COOK TIME in tbe di._play. 77_e ove_, automatig_dly se>_e_
the electrical voltage l(_el in your home arid adjusl._ the cooking time up or (bmm ,fin"p'mpo" (ooki_g.
[/lbe door" is ope,_ dur'i_g co&lag,
the ove_ will ._top and tM USE will appear in the display. Cb).sethe door and pms.s the START/PAUSE button to 'm_ume cooking.
At a,ytime duri,_g cooki,g you can
turn the ._elegtordial to char_ge the
<o&i_g time. Fou can change powo
l(q_eAby pr(<vdng POVCER LEVEL.
To a._:_u*_"con.siste, t cooking results, lbe oven m(O, adjust powo. h'vet,
downward {/lbe ove_ is hot at the begdnning of a p_v)g,_m.
At lke er_d qfcool'i_g, the automatic
,tim will continue to run jbr a .short
time to cool internal compone_t._.
7b cook fin" additional time qfier a
cooking o,cle has bee_ completed, lbe r>sumeji_ature. 13
Adva_tium Ove_
Cooking tips
./br great
tasting results
whe_ coohi_gji_od.s dir(,ctly or_ the blach metal tray arva_g ji_od as shown below.
Cbvular patler)t
(Fxample: bi_cuils, cookie<s)
Ih}_odscan touch but should not overlap.
Ci_vular palter)_
(Fxample: biscuils, cookie<s,meats)
Si)_g'le la),_'r
(Example: appelize_:_)
Repeat last
J°tes u _/ze
_i ii- i 6'uii ,"
I_I_ meat chicken ,fish or se@od that has been,fivzen ,d_ould be thawed befi_re
eoohi,,g(t/,_,,_ic,,,_,,a_,_&/io._t/iat.,_ ca., bc.._.#. F,,,ot/,e,/i_,_, l,,_.l,ac/_ag_(I
U_ethis time saving,f!_alu,_vjiw c:oohing
_v/_etitiveitem._lihe coohi_<_or appetize_:_.
I. Press and hold the SPEEDCOOK/
REPEAT IAST button for about 3 seconds.
2. The last pre-set food will be displayed.
If your food needs to cook a bit longer, you can restart the oxen by pressing the START button
or selector dial.
displayed and the oxen will restart immediately at 10% of the original time.
NOTE: 77_elast [)_vgramused is sto_vd
,/i,r two hou'_:_.
3. Press the START/PAUSE 1)ntton or the selector dial to start cooking.
The program stays in memory %r
l 0 minutes. Alter that you will need
to begin the program again. See
7b use a p_>_et ._wed(ooh meH u.
+ 30 hidden pages