Lighting Solutions
Type 201 SA Luminaire
Risk of electric shock
• Turn power o before servicing
– see instructions
Risk of burn
• Do not touch operating luminaire
Risk of injury
• Wear safety glasses and gloves during
installation and servicing
CAUTION: Type 201 SA luminaire is designed for outdoor lighting and should not be
used in areas of limited ventilation, or in high ambient temperature enclosures.
Extension Arm
Lag Bolts (4)
Mounting Bracket
Type 201SA
Conduit Mounting
Thru Bolt
Square Washer
Check to see if opening of mounting bracket arm clamp in slip tter is large enough to allow
mounting bracket to be inserted. If not, loosen two clamp bolts until opening is large enough.
The slip tter is then inserted over outboard end of mounting arm, mounting arm being
inserted until it comes to rest at pipe stop on inboard end of slip tter (approx. 2 ½-inches).
Once mounting bracket is fully inserted, level hood with mounting bracket clamp relatively
loose, by placing outboard end of mounting bracket on appropriate step of leveling pipe
stop, then tighten two clamp bolts securely, taking care not to disturb position of hood;
torque should be approx. 10-15 foot-pounds.
NOTE: The mounting bracket clamp is factory installed for use with a 1¼-inch pipe. If a 2
inch pipe is being used it will be necessary to ip the mounting arm clamp over.
To orient the photoelectric receptacle
(See illustration 3)
Grasp spring loaded PE control receptacle (P) and
lift up, rotate receptacle clockwise until “North’’ arrow
(Q) printed on top of receptacle points North. Reseat
receptacle. If this orientation prevents light from reaching control window (R), rotate arrow to point South.
To install the photoelectric control
(See illustration 4)
Insert the PE control (S) in its’ proper keyed socket
slots on top of xture, making certain that the largest
of the three prongs is inserted onto the slot located
adjacent to the word “North’’ on the socket. Press
downward and twist clockwise about 1/8 of a turn
to secure.
NOTE: Make all electrical connections in accordance with the National Electrical Code
and any applicable local code requirements including grounding
NOTE: Verify that supply voltage is correct by comparing it to nameplate.
Terminals are readily accessible on terminal board and will accept service leads ranging
in size from AWG No. 16 through No. 6. Service leads
Lift, Twist
and Reseat
FOR Special option catalog number with 240-volt primary ballast operation and 120
volt PE operation.
Connect incoming 240 volt to xture black wires and connect the incoming white wire to the
xture white wire.
Unit will fall if not installed properly
• Follow installation instructions
Type 201 SA luminaire, unit pack, is designed for mounting on a round wood pole. (See
above illustration for identication and location of parts.) The mounting bracket should rst
be mounted to pole. A clearance hole for a 5/8-inch diameter bolt must be drilled through
pole. The 10-inch through bolt should be inserted through clearance hole and 2-inch
square washer and nut screwed loosely onto opposite end of through bolt. The pole plate
on mounting arm should be placed over square head of through bolt so that square head
is engaged by two indented tabs on pole plate. (See illustration 1).
Nut should be tightened down so that mounting bracket
arm is securely attached to pole. Lag bolts should be
inserted into outside lower holes of mounting bracket arm
pole plate. Hammer lag bolts in to within approximately
1” of head, then tighten down with wrench.
The leads from hood should rst be inserted through
outboard end of the mounting bracket and brought out
through inboard end adjacent to the pole plate.
It is recommended a drip loop be formed where leads exit
mounting bracket as indicated in above drawing.)
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or
maintenance. Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered suciently for the purchaser’s purposes, the matter should be referred to
GE Lighting Solutions.
Lamp Installation
Risk of burn
• Allow lamp/xture to cool before handling
NOTE: Use only lamps specied on nameplate. Observe lamp manufacturer’s recommendations and restrictions on lamp operation; particularly ballast type, burning position,
Installation of optical assembly to hood
Optical assembly should be handled carefully to prevent
damage from surface abrasion or
assembly to hood by snapping two latches on reector to “ears’’
on hood.
(See illustration 5.)
severe impact. Attach optical
GE Lighting Solutions • 1-888-MY-GE-LED • www.gelightingsolutions.com
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GE Lighting Solutions is a subsidiary of the General Electric Company. Evolve and other trademarks belong to GE Lighting Solutions. The GE brand and logo are trademarks of the General Electric Company.
© 2011 GE Lighting Solutions. Information provided is subject to change without notice. All values are design or typical values when measured under laboratory conditions.
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