GE RGA524EWB, RGA520PW6, RGA524EW5, RGA520EW5, RGA520EWB Owner's Manual

Part No. 164D3333P185-1 Pub.No. 49-8955-3 180-6C139 04-0! JR
Gas appliances can cause minor exposu,e to f()tlFof flmse substances, namely benzene, carl)on monoxide, f_[maldehyde and soot, caused primarily by tile incomplete combustion of natural
gas or I,P fllels. Pmpedy adjusted burners, indicated by a bh|isll rather than a yellow flame, will minimize incomplete combustion. Exposure to these substances can be minimized by venting
with an open window or using a ventilation tan or hood.
WARNING: If the information in this
manual is not followed exactly, a fire or
explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury or death.
-- Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Do not try to light any appliance.
Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your building.
Immediately call your gas supplier
from a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions.
If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department.
-- Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer,
service agency or the gas supplier.
YouAre Now Partof OurFamily.
Welcome to the fainily. We're proud of c,ur quality pro(hlcts and we me committed to proxiding dependable seixice. You'll see it in this easy-to-use Owner's Manual and
you'll hear it in the fiiendly voices of our customer seiYice deparunent.
Best ()fall, you'll experience these values each time you use )_)ur range. That's
important, beomse y_tur new range will be part of your Lunily ti)r many years. And we hope you will be pmt of ours tor a long time to come.
We thank y()u tor buying our product. We appreciate your purchase, and hope y(tu will continue to rely on us whenever you need quali/y appliances for your home.
A Service Partnership.
%11 t
{' /MPoRrANr;
_ [k_r_ Fill out and return the Consumer Produ(t Registration Card
that is pa(ked _dth tiffs produ(t.
Write the model and serial numbershere:
# #
You can find them on a label under the cooktop on the right side wall.
Staple sales slip or cancelled check here.
Proof of the original purchase date is needed to obtain set,ice under the W,uTanty.
Safety Information
Anti-Tip Device ............ 4
SafetyPrecautions ....... 4,5
Oven .................... 5
SurfaceCookingUnits ...... 6
Operating Instructions
UsingtheSurfaceBurners.. 8,9
Usingthe Oven........ 10-17
Careand Cleaning
Lift-UpCo&top ........... 18
Burners.................. 19
OvenShelves ............. 19
RemovableOvenBottom .... 20
Lift-Off OvenDoor ......... 21
PorcelainOvenInterior...... 22
Installation Instructions
BeforeYouBegin ......... 23
Dimensions& Clearances.. 24
Anti-Tip Device............ 27
Connectthe Rangeto gas...29
Air ShutterAdjustment ..... 32
Inside you _411find many helpfifl hints on how touse and maintain y{tur range properly.Just a little prevendve cme on your pmt can save
you a great deal of time and money over the life of your range.
ForService .............. 34
You'll find ma W answers to common problems in the Before YouCall ForService section. Ifyou review our chm't of TroubleshootingTips
first, you may not need to call ti)r sei_'ice at all. If}xn] do need sei_-ice, }_u can relax knoxdng help is only a phone
call away. A list of toll-flee customer sei_-ice numbers is included in the back section of this manual.
Customer Service
Warranty................ 35
Numbers ......... BackCover
Foryoursafe_ the informationin thismanualmustbefollowed tominimizetherisk offire or explosion,electricshock,or topreventpropertydamage,personalinjury,or lossof life.
A# ranges can tip and injury could result. Toprevent accidental tipping of the range, attach an
approved Anti--fip device to the floor. (See Installation Instructions.) Tocheck if the device is installed and engaged properly, carefully tip the range forward. TheAnti--tip
device should engage and pravent the range from tipping over. If you pu# the range out from the waft for any reason, make sure the Anti--tip device is engaged when
you push the range back against the wall. If it is not, there is apossible risk of the range tipping over if you or a child stand, sit or lean on an open door.
Besureallpackingmaterialsareremovedfrom therangebefore operating#topreventfire or smoke damageshouldthepackingmaterialignite.
Have dm installer show you the location of
the range gas cut-offvalve and how to shut it off if necessa U.
Have your rmlge installed and properly g_mnded by a qualified installer, in
accor, lan(,e with tile Iuslallation Insmlctions.
Any a(!justment and sere'ice should be
pe_tbrmed only by qualified gas range installers or ser_ice teclmicians.
Plug your range into a 120-volt g_,mnded outlet only. Do not r,emove the r_mnd
g_mn(ting prong fi_)m the plug. Ifin doubt about the grounding of the home elecuical
system, it isyour personal responsibility and obligmion to have an ung_mnded
outlet replaced with a properly g_mnded, th,,ee-prong outlet in acct,,lance with the
National Electrical Code NFI'A-70 latest edition. In Canada, the appliance must be
electrically gTounded in acco,dance with the Canadian Electrical Code. Do not use
an extension co_,l with this appliance.
Do not attempt to repair or replace any part of your rang,e unless it is specifically
recommended in this manual. All other se,_qcing should be refe,Ted to a qualified
I,)cate range out of kitchen uatfic path and out ofdrafty locations to prevent pilot
outage (on standing pilot models) and poor air cirodation.
Be sure your range is con`ectly a¢!justed by a qualified sere'ice teclmician or installer for
the type of gas (natural or LI') that is u) be used. Your range can be converted for use
with either type of gas. See tim Installation
WARNING:These a(!jusmmnts must be
made by a qualified se,s'ice technician in acct,,lance with the manufacm,,er's
insmlctions and all codes and,,equirements of the authority having,jurisdiction. Failure
to follow these instructions could ,,>suit in serious injuU or property damage. The
qualified agent TperR)mdng this work assumes ,,esponsibility for the conversion.
After prolonged use of a rang,e, high floor temperatures m W result and many floor
coverings will not withstand this kind of use. Never install the range over vinyl tile or
linoleum that cannot withsland such type of use. Never install it directly over interior
ldtdlen carpeting.
Do not leave children alone or unattended
whe,,e a rang,e is hot or in operation. They
could be seriously burned.
Do not allow anyone to climb, stand or hang on the door, broiler (kawer or range
top. They couM damage the rang> and even tip it over, causing severe personal
Clean only parts listed in this manual.
2...__ Never wear loose fitting or hanging garments while using the appliance. Be careful when reaching
_ _'__'_ foritemsstored in cabinetsoverthecooktop.Flammablematerialcouldbeignitedifbroughtin
contact with flame or hot oven surfaces and may cause severe bums.
I,et burner gTates and ()tiler smiaces cool
1)eR)r,eU)uclring them or leaving them
where children can r,eaclr them.
For your safety, never use your appliance for warming or beating dre morn.
Do not use water on g_,easefires. Never pick up a flaming pan. Turn offburner, then
smother flaming pan by covering pan completely with x_ll4itting lid, coolde
sheet or fiat tr W.Flaming g¢,easeoutside a pan can be put out by covering with baking
soda or, if available, a multi-purpose dU chemical or fimm-type fire extingldsher.
Do not stor,e flammable materials in alloven, a rang,e broiler drawer or near a cooku)p.
Do not stor,e or use combustible materials, gasoline or otlmr flammable vapors and
liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Do not let cooking gTease or other flammable materials accumulate in
or near the range.
cautioN.. Items of interest to children should not be stored in tire cabinel_s above
a rang,e or on tire backsplash of arang,e- children dimbing on the range to reach
items could be seriously iqjur,ed.
_ _P" _ Cookmeat andpoultry thoroughly--meat to atleast an INTERNALtemperatureof 160°Eandpoultry
toat least an INTERNALtemperatureof 180°ECookingtothese temperaturesusuallypretectsagainst foodbomeil/ness.
Stand away from range when opening oven door. Hot air or steam which escapes can cause bums to hands, face and/or eyes.
Do not use tim oven fi)r a storage area. Items stor,ed in fire oven can ignite.
Place tire oven shelves in tire desired position while tire oven is cool.
Keep the oven fi,ee fiom g_,easebuildup.
Pulling out tire shelf to tire shelt_stop is a convenience in lifdng heaxy foods. It is also
a precaution against bums from touching hot smiaces of tire ok)or or oven x_lls.
Do not heat unopened R)od containers. Pressure could build up and the container
could burst, causing an in,juU.
Do not use aluminum Rill am_imr,e in fl_e oven except as described in tiris book.
Misuse could result in a fire hazard or damage m the rang,e.
V_qrenusing cooking or masting bags in tire oven, follow the manutacu|r,er's directions.
Use only glass cookwar,e drat is recommended for use in gas ovens.
After broiling, always take the broiler pan out of the range and clean it. I,efk)ver
gTease in tire broiler pan cml catch fire the
next time you use the pan.
V_qmnbroiling, ifmeat is too dose u) the flame, the fat m Wignite. Trim excess fat to
prevent excessive tar,e-ups.
Make sure tire broiler pan is in place
cor_,ectlvto reduce the possibility of
gTease fires.
lt>)u should have a g_,ease fire in tire broiler pan, mm olf oven control, and
keep broiler drm_r and oven door closed to contain fire until it bums out.
Never leave jars offat drippings on or near your range.
Use proper pan size--Avoid pans that are unstable or easily tipped. Select cookware having flat bottoms large enough to properly contain food and avoid boilovers and spillovers and large enough to cover burner grate. This will both save cleaning time and prevent hazardous accumulations of food, since heavy spattering or spillovers left on range can ignite. Use pans with handles that can be easily grasped and remain cool
Always use file LITEposition (on elecuic
ignition models) or the HI position (on standing pilot models) when igniting top
burners and make sure the burners have ignited.
Never leave smthce burners unattended at high flame settings, l_)ilover causes
smoking and g_easy spillovers that m W catch on fire.
Adjust the mp burner flame size so it does not extend beyond the edge of the
(:ookware. Excessive flame is hazar, Mus.
Use only d U pot holders-moist or damp pot hoMers on hot smihces m W result in
bums fl_ml steam. Do not let pot holders come near open flames when lifting
cookx_le. Do not use a tox_l or other bulky clofll in place of a pot holder.
To minimize the possibility of burns, ignition of flammable materials, and
spillage, turn cookware handles toward the side or back of file range without extending
over a(!jacent burners.
Always turn tim smlhce burner to OFF l_fbr_ removing the (:ookware.
Carefhlly watch foods being flied at a high flame setting.
Never blo(:k the vents (air openings) of the range. They provide the air inlet and outlet
flint are necessa U ff)r the range to operate properly with correct combustion. Air
openings are located at the rear of the cooktop, at dm top and bottom of the oven
door, and at the bottom of the range under the broiler drinker.
Foods for flying shouM be as (hT as possible. Frost on fiozen foods or moisture
on flesh foods can cause hot fat to bubble up and over sides of the pan.
Use least possible amount of fat fbr effective shallow or deep4at fiTing. Filling the pan too fhll of fat can cause spillovers when
food is added.
V_qmnflaming foods under the hood, turn the fan on.
Ira combination of oils or Inks will be used in flying, stir uNether before heating or as
faks melt sloMy.
Always heat fat slowly, and wat(:h as it heats.
Use a deep fat them_ometer whenever possible u) prevent overheating fat 1)eyond
the smoking point.
V_qmn using glass cookware, make sure it is designed for mp-of:range cooking.
Keep all plastics away from top burners.
Do not leave plastic items on the cooktop- they may melt ifleft too close to the vent.
Do not leave any items on the cooktop. The hot air fiom the vent may ignite flammable
items and will increase pressure in closed containers, which may cause them to burst.
To avoid the possibility of a burn, ah_ys be certain that the conmfls for all burners are
at the OFF position and all gTates are cool bef0r_ attempting to remove them.
Should _x)u have a g_ase fire, turn the fan oftL The fan, if operating, may spread the
ff range is located near a win(bw, do not hang long curtains that couM blow over
the top burners and create a fire h_ar,1.
Wqlen a pilot goes out (on standing pilot models), you will demct a faint odor (fig'as
as your signal m relight the pilot. V_qmn relighting the pilot, make sure burner
controls are in the OFFposition, and follow instructions in this manual m r_light.
If you smell gas, and >)u have already made sure pilots are lit (on standing pilot
m odels),mrn off tim gas to tim range and call a qualified sere'ice technician. Never
use an ()pen flame to locate a leak.
Keep range clean and flee ofaccumulations ofg_ease or spillovers, which may ignite.
Be carefifl when you clean the cooktop because tim area over tim pilot (on standing pilot models) will be hot.
Yourrange, like so many other household items, is heavy and can settle into soft floor coverings such
as cushioned vinyl or carpeting.
V_qmn **loving dm range on this type of flooring, it should be installed oil a 1/4" thick sheet ofpl}_vood (or similar material) as
follows: When thefloor coveringends at the front ofthe range, the area that the range will
rest (m should be built up with plD_x_od to the same level or higher than tim floor covering. This will allow tim range m be moved for cleaning or servicing.
I,eveling legs are located on each corner of the base of dm range. Your range must be level in o,,ler to produce proper cooking and baking results. After it is in its final location, place a level horizontally on any oven shelf
and check the levelness flont m back and side u) side. Level the range by ad,jusfing the
leveling legs or by placing shims under the corners as needed.
One of tim rear leveling legs will engage the
Anti-Tip device (allow f0r some side m side
a(!jusmmnt). Allow a mininmm clearance of 1/8 inch between the range and the leveling leg that is m be installed into the Anti-Tip
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model
Lighting Instructions for Electric Ignition Models
Thesurfaceburnersonsomemodelsareflghted byelectricignition,e//_ninatingtheneedfor standingpilot/l_?htswithconstantlyburning
Incaseofa powerfailure,y{)u can ligh t the sudilce burners on y{)m range xdth a
match. HeM a lighted match to the burner, then turn tile knob to tile LITE
position. Useextremecautionwhen
The electrode of tile spark igxfitex is exposed. When one burner is turned
to LITE,all the burners spmk. Do not atmmpt to disassemble or clean
m'ound any burner while another
burner is on.An electric shock may result, which couM cause you to
knock _)ver hot cookw;ue.
Stlrfa( e btlri]eis in tlse when an elecnical power failure occurs will
(onfinue to operate nora]ally.
Manifoldpipe_ 0 0
Toppilots adjustment screw controls flTerate of gas to the top burner
LightingInstructionsfor StandingPilot Models
Thesurfaceburners ontheserangeshave standingpilots that must be /it initially
Tolight them:
] Be sure suYlh(e 1)urner ( onuol knobs
are in the OFFposition.
[] I,ifi the (ooktop up or off (see the
Careand cleaning of the range se(tion).
[] I,ocate the 2 pih)t ports and light
each of theln with a inatch.
[] lfthepilotsneeda({iusting, mrnthe
a({iusting s(rew lo(ated on the pilot fiher.
] I,ower tile cooktop. Yotlr sHithce
burners are now ready for use.
[] Observe lighted burners. Compare
the flames to pictures in the Before
youcallforservicese(tion.If any
flalne is unsatisfactolT, call fi)r service.
Surface Burner Controls
Theknobsthatturnthesurfaceburnersonand offarelocatedonthecontrolpanelonthefront
theleftfrontandleft rearburners.Thetwoknobs onthen_?htcontroltherightfrontandWht rear
ToLight a Surface Burner
Push tile conuol knob in and turn it to LITE(Hhm pilot inodels). On
ele(tri( ignition models, you will hear a little clickingnoise-the
sound of the electric spark igniting
the burner.
[] After the burner ignites, mrnthe
knob to ac{iusttile flame size.
Check to be stlre tile burner you turned
on is tile one yot] want to use.
Do not operate a burner fi)r an extended period of time without
cookw, ue on the grate. The finish on the grate may chip without cookware
to absorb the heat.
Be sure the burners and grates are _ool befi)re you pla(e your hand, a
pot hoMer, (leaning (loths or other inaterials on theln,
3/4" Flameheight on HI setting
I/8" flame height in the low position
Air Adjustment
An aYadjustment shutter for each surfaceburner
regulates the flow of air to theflame.
Whentherightamountofa# flowsintothe
burner,the flmne xdll be steady, relatively
quiet and have approximately 3/4-inch sharp blue cones. This isusually the case
xdth fitcto_Tpreset shutter settings.
With tee much air, the fl_une xdll be
unsteady, possibly wtm't burn all the w_ff around, and will be noisy, st)unding like
a blowtorch.
Withnotenoughair,you wtm't see any
sharp blue cones in the flmne, you may see yelh)w tips and soot may accumulam on pots and pans.
_TnrJ burnervalve-../
To a(!just the flow of air to the burners, rotate the shutters to allow more or less
air into the burner tubes as needed.
Never let the flame extend up the sides of the cookware.
How to Select FlameSize
Watchthe flame,not the knob,asyou reduce hea_ Theflame sloeona gas burnershou/d match thecookware youare using.
Forsafehandlingofcookware,neverletthe flameextendupthesidesofthe coekware.
Any flame larger than the bottom of the
cookwme is wasted and only serves to heat the handle.
Topof RangeCookware
Aluminum:Medium-weight cookwme is
recommended beomse it heals quickly and evenly. Most fi)ods brown evenly in
an aluminum skillet. Use sm_cepans with
tight-fitting lids when cooking with
nfininnnn :41tlotln|s ofw;ner.
Cast-iron:If heated sh)wly, most skillets
_dll give safisl[hcto_Tresuhs.
Enamelware:Under some contritions, the enmnel of some cookwme may
melt. Follow cookware manufacturer's recommendations fin cooking methods.
Glass:There me 2 types of glass cookware-those fin oven use only
and those fi)r top-of range cooking
(smmepans, coffee and teapots). Glass con(hints heat ve_y slowly.
HeatproofGlassCeramic:Can be used
fi)r either smthce or oven cooking. It con(h_cts heat vexT slowly and cools vexT slowly. Check cookwme manufimmrer's
directions to be sure it can be used on
StainlessSteel'.This metal alone has
poor heating properties and is usually combined with copper, ahmfinum
or other metals fin imprt)ved heat disnibufion. Combination metal skillets
usually w{nk sads_,mtorily if they are used with medium heat as the manufimmrer
Usingthe oven.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model
Lighting Instructions for Electric Ignition Models
Theovenburner is hghtedby electricignition.
To light tile burner, mrn the OVENTEMP
knob to the desired temperature. The
. . (
bm nex shouM hght x_tlnn 30-,)0 se( onds.
After the oven reaches the selected
temperature the oven burner _)Tcleson
and off to maintain the selected
Power Outage--Electric Ignition Models
Aburnerin usewhenane/ectncalpowerfailure occurswillcontlbueto operatenormallyYour ovenmaybeusedduringane/ectricalpower outagebycarefullyfo/lowlbgthestepsbelow
Tolighttheovenpilotduringan electrical
[] Be sure the OVENTEMPknob is in
the OFFposition.
[] Open both the oven and broiler
doors and wait 5 minutes to alh)w any pilot gas to dissipate.
Unplug the range flom the wall outlet, mrn offflm dr(tilt breaker, or
remove the fi]se to avoid accidental ignition of the oven if electrical
power is restored while you are lighting the pilot,
[] Remove the broiler pan.
[] I,ocate the oven pih)t assembly by
h)oking into the broiler opening.
The pilot is at the ba(k of the broiler
comp_uunent, on the left side of the
NOTE:Theovenmustbeat roomtemperature beforeyoushouldattempttohghttheovenpilot manually
[] []
Turn the OVENTEMP knob to the
desired temperature setting. I,ight the pih)t with a match and
withchaw your arm immediately
be(ause the oven burner may light in aslittle as 20 se(ends.
[] Replace the broiler pan and ch)se
the oven and broiler doors.
NOTE:It isnecessarytolightthepilotmanually eachtimetheovenisuseddunwapoweroutage.
Lighting Instructions for Standing Pilot Models
Thestandingovenpilot mustbelitinitially To light the oven burner, mrn the
Tolight the oven pilot:
[] Besure the OVENTEMPknob is in
the OFFposition.
] Remove the oven bottom. See the
Careand cleaningofthe range section.
[] Find the oven pih)t port at the back
of the oven.
OVENTEMPknob to the desired temperature. The burner shouM
light xdthin 60 se(onds.
Power failure? An electrical power
failure will not affect the standing oven pih)t.
[] Using a hmg match or match holder,
reach in and light the oven pilot.
[] Repla(e the oven bottom and (lose
the door. Your oven and broiler are now ready for use.
YouroveniscontrolledbyanOVENTEMPknob.It willnormallytake30-90secondsbeforethe
After the oven reaches the selected
temperature, the oven burner (Tcles-off completely, then on _dth a flfll flame-to
maintain the selected temperature.
Air Adjustment
An airadjustmentshutterfortheovenburner
regulatestheflowofair totheflame.
You'll lind the shutter against the back wall behind the broiler drawer. To reach
it remove the oven bottom (see the Care
and cleaningofthe range section) and the
burner baffle.
Toadjusttheflowof air,loosen the Phillips
head soew and rotate the shutter to allow more or less air into the burner robe as
When _e right amount ofair flows into the burner, the flame shouM be steady,
with approxima/ely 1/2 inch blue cones, and shouM not extend out over the
baffle edges.
The shelves me designed with stop-locks
so when placed conectly on the shelf supports, they will stop befi)re coming
completely out of the oven and will not tilt when )_m me rem_)ving ti)od flom
them or placing ti)od on them.
When pladng cookwme on a shelf, pull the shelf out to the bump on the
shelf support. Place the cookwme on the shelf, then slide the shelf back into the
oven. This will eliminate reaching into the hot oven.
Toremove the shelves from the oven, pull them t{)ward you, flit flont end upwmd
and pull them out.
Toreplace,place shelf on shelf support
with stop-locks (cucved extension of
shell) fitdng up and toward back of oven.
Tilt up fiont and push shelf tow:trd back
of oven until it goes past the bump on the shelf support. Then lower flont of shelf
and push it all the way back.
+ 25 hidden pages