Foryoursafe_ the informationin thismanualmustbefollowed tominimizetherisk offire or
explosion,electricshock,or topreventpropertydamage,personalinjury,or lossof life.
A# ranges can tip and injury could result. Toprevent accidental tipping of the range, attach an
approved Anti--fip device to the floor. (See Installation Instructions.)
Tocheck if the device is installed and engaged properly, carefully tip the range forward. TheAnti--tip
device should engage and pravent the range from tipping over.
If you pu# the range out from the waft for any reason, make sure the Anti--tip device is engaged when
you push the range back against the wall. If it is not, there is apossible risk of the range tipping over
if you or a child stand, sit or lean on an open door.
Besureallpackingmaterialsareremovedfrom therangebefore operating#topreventfire or smoke
• Have dm installer show you the location of
the range gas cut-offvalve and how to shut
it off if necessa U.
• Have your rmlge installed and properly
g_mnded by a qualified installer, in
accor, lan(,e with tile Iuslallation Insmlctions.
Any a(!justment and sere'ice should be
pe_tbrmed only by qualified gas range
installers or ser_ice teclmicians.
• Plug your range into a 120-volt g_,mnded
outlet only. Do not r,emove the r_mnd
g_mn(ting prong fi_)m the plug. Ifin doubt
about the grounding of the home elecuical
system, it isyour personal responsibility
and obligmion to have an ung_mnded
outlet replaced with a properly g_mnded,
th,,ee-prong outlet in acct,,lance with the
National Electrical Code NFI'A-70 latest
edition. In Canada, the appliance must be
electrically gTounded in acco,dance with
the Canadian Electrical Code. Do not use
an extension co_,l with this appliance.
• Do not attempt to repair or replace any
part of your rang,e unless it is specifically
recommended in this manual. All other
se,_qcing should be refe,Ted to a qualified
• I,)cate range out of kitchen uatfic path
and out ofdrafty locations to prevent pilot
outage (on standing pilot models) and
poor air cirodation.
• Be sure your range is con`ectly a¢!justed by a
qualified sere'ice teclmician or installer for
the type of gas (natural or LI') that is u) be
used. Your range can be converted for use
with either type of gas. See tim Installation
WARNING:These a(!jusmmnts must be
made by a qualified se,s'ice technician in
acct,,lance with the manufacm,,er's
insmlctions and all codes and,,equirements
of the authority having,jurisdiction. Failure
to follow these instructions could ,,>suit in
serious injuU or property damage. The
qualified agent TperR)mdng this work
assumes ,,esponsibility for the conversion.
• After prolonged use of a rang,e, high floor
temperatures m W result and many floor
coverings will not withstand this kind of
use. Never install the range over vinyl tile or
linoleum that cannot withsland such type
of use. Never install it directly over interior
ldtdlen carpeting.
• Do not leave children alone or unattended
whe,,e a rang,e is hot or in operation. They
could be seriously burned.
• Do not allow anyone to climb, stand or
hang on the door, broiler (kawer or range
top. They couM damage the rang> and
even tip it over, causing severe personal
• Clean only parts listed in this manual.