GE Reason RT430, Reason RT434 Technical Manual

Grid Solutions
Reason RT430/RT434
GNSS Precision-Time Clock
Technical Manual
Platform Software Version: 08
Publication Reference: RT430-RT434-GNSS-TM-EN-HWB-8v1
imagination at work


Table of Figures 7
List of Tables 9
Chapter 1: Introduction 11
1 Foreword 11
Target Audience 11 Accronyms and abbreviations 11
2 Product Scope 13 3 Available Models 13 4 Key Features 14
GNSS 15 PTP / SNTP / NTP 15 Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) 15 Stationary Mode 15 Time Sync Flexibility 16 Environmental Robustness 16
5 Functional Overview 17 6 Standards Compliance 17
Chapter 2: Safety Information 18
1 Health and Safety 18 2 Symbols 18 3 Installation, Commissioning and Servicing 19
Lifting Hazards 19 Electrical Hazards 19 Fusing Requirements 21 Equipment Connections 21 Pre-energization Checklist 22 Peripheral Circuitry 23 Upgrading/Servicing 23
4 Decommissioning and Disposal 23
Chapter 3: Hardware Design 24
1 Front View 24 2 Rear View 24 3 Network Ports 25 4 Power Supply 25
Chapter 4: Installation 26
1 Unpacking 26
Normal Use of the Equipment 26 External Indications 26
2 Mounting 27
Power Supply 27 Grounding (Earthing) 28
GNSS Antenna Terminal 28 TTL Electrical Outputs 30 Open-Collector Electrical Outputs 30 Optical Outputs 31 Amplitude Modulated Output 32 Serial Port (RS232, RS422/485) 32 Dry-Contact Relay 33 Event Input 33 Euro Type Connections 34
3 Ethernet Communication 34
Factory default settings 35 Network port and communication protocols 36 Equipment access 36
4 Powering Up 36 5 Preventive Maintenance Actions 37
Preventive Actions 37
Chapter 5: Operation 40
1 Local Interface (HMI) 40 2 Web Interface (Remote Access) 41
Web Interface Language 41
3 Monitoring Menus – Web Interface 42
Status 42 General Information 43 Event Log 43
Chapter 6: Configuration 45
1 Web Interface 45
User Name and Password 45 Sending Configuration 45
2 Ethernet 46
PRP (only in RT430) 46 Ethernet Ports 47 Default Gateway 47 DNS Server 47 Ethernet - Configuration Summary 47
3 Time Settings 48
Time Parameters 48 Time Settings - Configuration Summary 49
4 Time Signals 50
Outputs 50 Serial datagram 51 Customizable datagrams 52 Time Signals - Configuration Summary 53
5 PTP Configuration 55
Profile 55 Comparison between PTP Power Profiles 57 Domain number 57
Network protocol 57 Operation mode 57 Delay mechanism 58 Grandmaster Priority 58 PTP Messages 58 PTP - Configuration Summary 58
6 Setup 60
Configuration Management 61 Password configuration 61 Reset Satellites Almanac 61 Stationary Mode 61 Demo mode 61 Log Files 62 Reboot System 62
Chapter 7: Maintenance 63
1 Time Synchronization Failure (Locked Signaling) 63
Locked indicator (HMI) 63 Remote monitoring (Web Interface) 64 Dry-contact relay (Locked) 64 IRIG-B Signal 64 PTP Protocol 64 NTP Protocol 64 SNTP Protocol 64
2 Firmware Update 64 3 Equipment Upgrade - Key Change 65 4 Cleaning Instructions 66 5 Equipment Return 66
Chapter 8: Technical Specification 67
1 Power Supply 67 2 GNSS Antenna 67
GNSS Antenna Receiver 67 GNSS Antenna Type 68 Antenna Cable 68 Surge Arrester 69
3 Internal Oscillator 69 4 Outputs 70
Connectors 70 TTL Electrical Outputs 71 Open Collector Electrical Outputs 71 Optical Outputs 72 Amplitude Modulated Output 72 Serial Port (RS232, RS422/485) 73
5 Dry-contact Relay 73 6 Event Input 73 7 Precision Time Protocol PTP (IEEE 1588) 74 8 Ethernet Ports 74
9 Environment 75 10 Type Test 75 11 Dimensions, Weight 78
Chapter 9: Ordering Options 79
1 RT430 GNSS Cortec 80 2 RT434 GNSS Cortec 81
Chapter 10: Appendixes 83
Appendix A – IRIG-B Standard Summary 83 Appendix B – PTP Standard Concepts (IEEE1588) 88
Description 88 Definitions according to IEEE 1588 Standard 88 Hierarchical Topology 89 Multicast and Unicast Networks 89 PTP Synchronization 90 Network protocols 91 Clock operation mode 91 Delay measurement mechanism 91 Master, Slave and Grandmaster clocks 92 PTP Messages 92
Appendix C – Serial Datagrams 93
ACEB Datagrams 93 NEMEA GPZDA Datagram 93 Meinberg Datagram 94
Appendix D – Antenna Delay Compensation 96
Signal Attenuation 96 Propagation Delay 96
Appendix E – Application Examples 98
Application Example 1: Traditional and Modern Time Sync 98 Application Example 2: System Wide Grandmaster Clock 98 Application Example 3: Synchrophasor, TWFL and Process Bus Applications 99 Application Example 4: IEEE 1588 in a PRP Network 100 Application Example 5: Time Sync Expansion using RT411 and RT412 101

Table of Figures

Figure 1: Functional Overview of RT430/434 17 Figure 2: Front view of RT430 24 Figure 3: Front view of RT434 24 Figure 4: Rear view of RT430 25 Figure 5: Rear view of RT434 25 Figure 6: Location of Serial number, part number and outputs description. 26 Figure 7: Pre-insulated tubular pin terminals 27 Figure 8: Supply connector assembly 27 Figure 9: RT430/RT434 Power Connection 27 Figure 10: RT430/434 Grounding Strap 28 Figure 11: GNSS antenna connector 28 Figure 12: Recommended position for installing the GNSS Antenna 29 Figure 13: Recommended position GNSS Antenna conduit installation 29 Figure 14: TTL electrical outputs 30 Figure 15: Open collector electrical outputs 31 Figure 16: Connection diagram of the open-collector electrical outputs 31 Figure 17: Optical outputs 32 Figure 18: Amplitude modulated output 32 Figure 19: Serial port RS232 and RS422/485 32 Figure 20: Dry-contact relay 33 Figure 21: Event input 34 Figure 22: Euro Type label for connections 34 Figure 23: Electrical communication interface via Ethernet network 35 Figure 24: Local Interface from RT430 and RT434 40
Figure 25: Navigating the RT430’s local monitoring display 40
Figure 26: RT430 Web Interface 41 Figure 27: Languages available in the Web Interface 41 Figure 28: Section to monitor the status of the unit in the Web Interface 42 Figure 29: Section to visualize general information of the system 43 Figure 30: Section of Web Interface to monitor timestamps of event input 44 Figure 31: Section to configure network parameters of the unit 46 Figure 32: Enabling the PRP redundancy 47 Figure 33: Section to configure time parameters 48 Figure 34: Section to configure time signals applied in the outputs 50
Figure 35: Section to configure PTP parameters 55 Figure 36: Characteristics from PTP Power Profile IEEE C37.238:2011 56 Figure 37: Characteristics from PTP Power Profile IEEE C37.238:2011 56 Figure 38: Setup section in Web Interface 60 Figure 39: Manual Time setting – only available in Demo Mode 62 Figure 40: Section to update firmware 65 Figure 41: Section to equipment upgrade – key change 65 Figure 42: Rear panel connectors of RT430 (top) and RT434 (bottom) 70 Figure 43: RT430/434 Dimensions 78 Figure 44: Traditional x Modern Time Synchronization 98 Figure 45: System Wide Grandmaster Clock 99 Figure 46: Synchrophasor devices synced by RT430/434 99 Figure 47: TWFL application using RT430/434 for Time Sync 100 Figure 48: Process Bus application using PTP via the Station Bus network. 100 Figure 49: Process Bus application using PTP via the Station Bus network. 101 Figure 50: Time Sync expansion using RT411 and RT412 101

List of Tables

Table 1: Serial port pinout 32 Table 2: Ethernet port 1 default settings 35 Table 3: Ethernet port 2 default settings 35 Table 4: Ethernet port 3 default settings (RT434) 35 Table 5: Ethernet port 4 default settings (RT434) 35 Table 6: Gateway and DNS Server default settings 36 Table 7: Gateway and DNS Server 36 Table 8: Factory default username and password 45 Table 9: Summary of configurable network parameters 48 Table 10: Summary of configurable time parameters 49 Table 11: Customizable datagram special characters 52 Table 12: Summary of all configurable parameters for outputs 53 Table 13: Comparison between PTP Power Profiles 57 Table 14: Summary of configurable PTP parameters 59 Table 15: Power supply specifications 67 Table 16: GNSS Antenna input specifications for temporal synchronization 67 Table 17: GNSS Antenna specifications 68 Table 18: Antenna Cable specifications 68 Table 19: Surge arrester specifications 69 Table 20: Internal oscillator specifications 69 Table 21: RT430/434 rear panel connectors 70 Table 22: Electrical outputs specifications 71 Table 23: Open collector outputs specifications 71 Table 24: Optical outputs specifications 72 Table 25: Amplitude modulated output 72 Table 26: RS232 or RS422/485 serial port specifications 73 Table 27: Dry-contact relay specification 73 Table 28: Event Input specification 73 Table 29: PTP time synchronization protocol specifications 74 Table 30: Ethernet ports specification 74 Table 31: Environment specification 75 Table 32: Enclosure Protection IEC 60529 75
Table 33: EMC tests were performed according to IEC 60255-26 referring to the
following standards 75
Table 34: Safety tests 77 Table 35: Environmental tests 77 Table 36: Dimensions and weight specification RT430/434 78 Table 37: IRIG-B standard summary 83 Table 38: ACEB Datagram Information 93 Table 39: GPZDA Datagram Time Information 94 Table 40: GPZDA Datagram Line Feed and Carriage Return Information 94 Table 41: GPZDA Datagram Checksum Information 94 Table 42: Meinberg Datagram Time Information 95 Table 43: Meinberg Datagram Beginning and End Information 95 Table 44: Meinberg Datagram Locked State Information 95 Table 45: Antenna cables attenuation @ 1500 MHz (±1 dB) 96 Table 46: Attenuation of antenna cables 97
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Reason RT430/RT434
GNSS Precision-Time Clock

Chapter 1: Introduction

This chapter provides general information about the technical manual and an introduction to RT430 and RT434 GNSS Precision-Time Clocks.

1 Foreword

This technical manual provides a functional and technical description of GE Reason RT43X Precision-Time Clocks, as well as a comprehensive set of instructions for using the devices. The level at which this manual is written assumes that you are already familiar with protection engineering and have experience in this discipline. The description of principles and theory is limited to that which is necessary to understand the product. We have attempted to make this manual as accurate, comprehensive and user­friendly as possible. However, we cannot guarantee that it is free from errors. Nor can we state that it cannot be improved. We would therefore be very pleased to hear from you if you discover any errors, or have any suggestions for improvement. Our policy is to provide the information necessary to help you safely specify, engineer, install, commission, maintain, and eventually dispose of this product. We consider that this manual provides the necessary information, but if you consider that more details are needed, please contact us.
GE Grid Solutions: Worldwide Contact Center Web: Phone: +44 (0) 1785 250 070

Target Audience

This manual is aimed towards all professionals charged with installing, commissioning, maintaining, troubleshooting, or operating any of the products within the specified product range. This includes installation and commissioning personnel as well as engineers who will be responsible for operating the product. The level at which this manual is written assumes that installation and commissioning engineers have knowledge of handling electronic equipment. Also, system and protection engineers have a thorough knowledge of protection systems and associated equipment.

Accronyms and abbreviations

AC - Alternating Current; ACEB NEMEA - Acronyms and Abbreviations; ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange;
Chapter 1 – Introduction
BMC - Best Master Clock; BNC - Bayonet Neil Councilman connector; Bps - Bytes per second; bps - Bits per second; CAT5 - Network Cable; PLC - Programmable Logic Controller; CMOS - Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor; DB9 - Connector do type D-subminiature; DC - Direct Current; DCF77 - Time synchronization protocol Deutschland LORAN-C (Long Range Navigation - C) Frankfurt 77 (77.5 kHz); DMARK – Single pulse with a programmable date and time; DNS - Domain Name System; DST - Daylight Saving Time; DTE - Data Terminal Equipment; E2E - End-to-end; ETH - Abbreviation of the term Ethernet; FW - Abbreviation of the term Firmware; GLONASS - GLObal NAvigation Satellite System from Russian Aerospace Defense Forces; GND - Abbreviation of the term Ground; GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite System; GPS - Global Positioning System; GPZDA - Serial Datagram format; HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol; HTTPS - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure; IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission; IED - Intelligent Electronic Devices; IEEE - Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers; HMI - Human-Machine Interface; IP - Internet Protocol; IP40 - Degree of protection 40; IRIG-B - Time synchronization protocol Inter Range Instrumentation Group (Rate Designation B); LCD - Liquid Crystal Display; MAC - Media Access Control; MIB - Management Information Base; NTP - Network Time Protocol; OUT - Abbreviation of the term Output; P2P - Peer-to-peer; PLC - Programmable Logic Controller; PPM - Pulse per minute; PRP - Parallel Redundancy Protocol; PPS - Pulse per Segundo; PPX - Pulse per X s; PTP - Precision Time Protocol; RAIM - Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring; RJ45 - Ethernet Connector with 8 conductors; RS232/485 - Serial port levels; RX - Receiving data; SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol; SNTP - Simple Network Time Protocol; ST - Bayonet-lock connector;
Chapter 1 – Introduction
TCP - Transmission Control Protocol; TMARK - Daily pulses with programmable time; TTL - Transistor-to-Transistor logic; TX - Data transmission; UDP - User Datagram Protocol; UTC - Universal Time Coordinate.

2 Product Scope

RT430/434 is a GNSS clock referenced to GPS and GLONASS satellites, whose main application is to be a source of temporal synchronization signals in different formats and protocols to synchronize internal clocks of equipment and systems based on digital processing. With nanosecond time accuracy, the RT430/434 provides temporal synchronization for applications as synchrophasor measurement, traveling wave fault location, current differential protection operating over SONET and MPLS systems, and others. The time synchronization protocols supported are:
PTP (Precision Time Protocol) according to IEEE 1588v2:2008; PTP Profile for Power Utility Automation, in accordance with IEC 61850-9-3:2016
PTP Power Profile, in accordance with IEEE C37.238:2011 standard NTP/SNTP; IRIG-B004 (Demodulated); IRIG-B124 (Modulated); DCF77; Serial Datagram; Low frequency pulses, as PPS, PPM and others configurable options.
RT430/434 GNSS features a TCXO as standard internal oscillator for accurate free­running time reference when not synchronized by satellite. Furthermore, it is free from any internal battery, using a supercapacitor instead., negating environmental concerns and avoiding the need for periodic battery replacement. The RT430 is the first clock to offer Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP). Profit from the high-availability, reliability, and security of your Ethernet network to distribute time accurately and economically over the same network used on your digital substation. The front display of the RT430/434 shows either local or UTC date and time, considering the DST rules when defined by the user.

3 Available Models

RT430 is available in different versions, depending on the features required in each of the two Ethernet network interfaces, including PRP for both, and the quantity and input voltage range of the power supplies. Apart from the PRP, the RT434 has the same functions and protocols as RT430. The RT434 versions depends on the features required by each of the two pairs of Ethernet network interfaces, and the quantity and input voltage range of the power supplies. The Cortecs from RT430 and RT434 demonstrate the available versions for ordering.
Chapter 1 – Introduction

4 Key Features

GNSS clocks - GPS and GLONASS satellite systems as reference; Mean time accuracy of 50 ns for IRIG-B/PPS signals; IEEE 1588v2 PTP protocol, with better than 100ns accuracy; PTP Profile for Power Utility Automation, in accordance with IEC 61850-9-:2016
PTP Power Profile, in accordance with IEEE C37.238:2011 standard; NTP/SNTP time server; PTP and NTP/SNTP simultaneously through each Ethernet port; High accuracy free-running TCXO internal oscillator, ensuring holdover stability; Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) in accordance with IEC 62439-3:2016 (only
in RT430);
Status monitoring using SNMP (v1, v2c and v3), including MIB support; Stationary Mode to keep a locked synchronization even with only one satellite; Event input to analyze time quality from external events; Delay compensation for GNSS antenna cables; Time signals in IRIG-B004, IRIG-B124, or DCF77 format; Pulses: 100 pulses-per-second, 1 pulse-per-second, 1 pulse-per-minute; Freely configurable low frequency pulse generator; Pulse on-time with daily repetition; User-configurable rules for daylight-saving-time and configurable time zone; Web Interface for configuring and monitoring, available in five different
languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian
RS232 and RS422/485 serial ports with frequency variable pulse and datagram; Independent Ethernet network ports 10/100Base-T for configuration and
access to the equipment;
Indicators for monitoring synchronization of GNSS antenna and equipment
19’’ Panel Installation; Full range power supplies; Redundant power supply.
Chapter 1 – Introduction


The demand for accurate time synchronization available 24/7 increases with the growth of critical substation applications, such as phasor measurement, merging units, traveling-wave fault location and current differential protection operating over SONET and MPLS systems. RT430/434 GNSS now tracks GPS and GLONASS satellites concurrently, and whenever one constellation is lost, or reports bad quality, the clock will continue running in full synchronization based on the healthy source (with zero switchover time). Using GNSS is also a great way to guarantee time availability when the antenna is installed in places close to buildings or mountains, as the clock has more satellites as time reference, offering greater immunity to “shadow” effects.


The Reason RT430/434 offers the accurate PTP time protocol, which is defined by the IEEE 1588 standard, to precisely synchronize IED’s and computers over a LAN (or VLAN). Besides, using PTP is a great solution to synchronize multiple clocks with a better than 100ns time accuracy over Ethernet networks. As designed by the IEEE 1588, RT430/434 may operate either as the “PTP Grandmaster” clock or Slave” clock. For power applications, Reason clocks support both the PTP Power Profile (IEEE C37.238:2011) and the PTP Profile for Power Utility Automation (IEC 61850-9-:2016). To save time and reduce costs by avoiding the need to overlay a separate time­synchronizing network, SNTP/NTP and PTP can share the same physical links as IEC 61850, DNP3 over Ethernet, MODBUS, etc.

Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP)

The RT430 is the first Grandmaster clock to offer Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP). Profit from the high-availability, reliability, and security of your Ethernet network to distribute time accurately and economically over the same network used on your digital substation. The Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) is in accordance with IEC 62439-3. PRP may be use by any Ethernet protocol communication (including PTP, NTP, SNTP). When using PTP on PRP networks, the equipment can execute a BMC (Best Master Clock) algorithm in each port separately, calculating the link delays and responding to PTP management messages independently. Thus, besides the PTP redundancy on PRP networks, the RT430 compares the time quality between the two networks, to ensure the best time accuracy.

Stationary Mode

In mostly applications, the equipment providing the time synchronization must be in locked state. For this reason, the Stationary Mode allows the equipment to be in a locked state even when receiving signals from a single satellite. However, these two conditions are necessary to use the Stationary Mode:
Stationary Mode can be used only when RT430/434 is in a fixed position (in a
substation, for example). If the unit is moved from its position when operation in Stationary Mode, there will be loss of time accuracy.
Before operating in Stationary Mode, RT430/434 must lock its sync receiving
information from at least four satellites. This condition applies every time the unit is powered on.
Chapter 1 – Introduction

Time Sync Flexibility

The RT430 and RT434 are equipped with multiple connector types, from isolated electrical ports to optical fibers. Mostly of the channels can be individually configured to generate the protocol needed, such as IRIG-B004, PPS, DCF77 and freely configurable low frequency pulses. Devices may be synchronized using LAN networks and integrated into the digital substation. Serial messages and datagrams are also available through a RS232 and RS422/485 serial port This provides a highly versatile solution that can be standardized for multiple applications.

Environmental Robustness

With a robust design, RT430 and RT434 are in accordance with IEC 61010-1 and IEC 60255-27 standards, ensuring reliability and ruggedness even under harsh environments. Critical applications can benefit from the optional redundant power supply for even higher uptime and reliability. Every manufactured unit undergoes complete functional and stress tests to ensure the highest quality.
Chapter 1 – Introduction

5 Functional Overview

Figure 1: Functional Overview of RT430/434

6 Standards Compliance

The device has undergone a range of extensive testing and certification processes to ensure and prove compatibility with all target markets. A detailed description of these criteria can be found in the Technical Specifications chapter. Compliance with the European Commission Directive on EMC and LVD is demonstrated using a Technical File.
EMC Compliance: Compliance with IEC 60255-26:2013 was used to establish
Product Safety: Compliance with IEC 61010-1:2010 was used to establish
Protective Class: Protective Class I. This equipment requires a protective
conductor (ground) to ensure user safety.
Installation category: Compliance with IEC 61010-1:2010 Overvoltage Category
Environment: IEC 60068-2-1, IEC 60068-2-2, IEC 60068-2-30, IEC 60068-2-14,
IEC 60255-21-1, IEC 60255-21-2. The equipment is intended for indoor use only. If it is required for use in an outdoor environment, it must be mounted in a specific cabinet or housing which will enable it to meet the requirements of IEC 60529 with the classification of degree of protection IP54.
R&TTE Compliance: Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (R&TTE)
directive 99/5/EC. Conformity is demonstrated by compliance to both the EMC directive and the Low Voltage directive, to zero volts.
Chapter 2 – Safety Information
Reason RT430/RT434
GNSS Precision-Time Clock

Chapter 2: Safety Information

This chapter provides information about the safe handling of the equipment. The equipment must be properly installed and handled in order to maintain it in a safe condition and to keep personnel safe at all times. You must be familiar with information contained in this chapter before unpacking, installing, commissioning, or servicing the equipment.

1 Health and Safety

Personnel associated with the equipment must be familiar with the contents of this Safety Information. When electrical equipment is in operation, dangerous voltages are present in certain parts of the equipment. Improper use of the equipment and failure to observe warning notices will endanger personnel. Only qualified personnel may work on or operate the equipment. Qualified personnel are individuals who are:
Familiar with the installation, commissioning, and operation of the equipment
and the system to which it is being connected.
Familiar with accepted safety engineering practices and are authorized to
energize and de-energize equipment in the correct manner.
Trained in the care and use of safety apparatus in accordance with safety
engineering practices
Trained in emergency procedures (first aid).
The documentation provides instructions for installing, commissioning and operating the equipment. It cannot, however cover all conceivable circumstances. In the event of questions or problems, do not take any action without proper authorization. Please contact your local sales office and request the necessary information.
Each product is subjected to routine production testing for Dielectric Strength and Protective Bonding Continuity.

2 Symbols

Throughout this manual you will come across the following symbols. You will also see these symbols on parts of the equipment.
Caution: Refer to equipment documentation. Failure to do so could result in damage to the equipment
Chapter 2 – Safety Information
Risk of electric shock
Ground terminal. Note: This symbol may also be used for a protective conductor (ground) terminal if that terminal is part of a terminal block or sub-assembly.
Protective conductor (ground) terminal
Both direct and alternating current
Instructions on disposal requirements
The term 'Ground' used in this manual is the direct equivalent of the European term 'Earth'.

3 Installation, Commissioning and Servicing

Lifting Hazards

Many injuries are caused by:
Lifting heavy objects Lifting incorrectly Pushing or pulling heavy objects Using the same muscles repetitively
Plan carefully, identify any possible hazards and determine how best to move the product. Look at other ways of moving the load to avoid manual handling. Use the correct lifting techniques and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to reduce the risk of injury.

Electrical Hazards

All personnel involved in installing, commissioning, or servicing this equipment must be familiar with the correct working procedures.
Consult the equipment documentation before installing, commissioning, or servicing the equipment.
Chapter 2 – Safety Information
Always use the equipment as specified. Failure to do so will jeopardize the protection provided by the equipment.
Removal of equipment panels or covers may expose hazardous live parts. Do not touch until the electrical power is removed. Take care when there is unlocked access to the rear of the equipment.
Isolate the equipment before working on the terminal strips.
Use a suitable protective barrier for areas with restricted space, where there is a risk of electric shock due to exposed terminals.
Disconnect power before disassembling. Disassembly of the equipment may expose sensitive electronic circuitry. Take suitable precautions against electrostatic voltage discharge (ESD) to avoid damage to the equipment.
NEVER look into optical fibers or optical output connections. Always use optical power meters to determine operation or signal level.
Testing may leave capacitors charged to dangerous voltage levels. Discharge capacitors by reducing test voltages to zero before disconnecting test leads.
If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
Operate the equipment within the specified electrical and environmental limits.
Before cleaning the equipment, ensure that no connections are energized. Use a lint free cloth dampened with clean water.
Integration of the equipment into systems shall not interfere with its normal functioning.
The functioning of the device has been certified under the circumstances described by the standards mentioned. Usage of the equipment in different conditions from the specified in this manual might affect negatively its normal integrity.
The equipment shall have all their rear connectors attached even if they are not being used, in order to keep their levels of ingress protection as high as possible
Chapter 2 – Safety Information
Never manipulate liquid containers near the equipment even when it is powered off.
Avoid modification to the wiring of panel when the system is running.

Fusing Requirements

A high rupture capacity (HRC) fuse type with a maximum current rating of 10 Amps and a minimum dc rating of 250 V dc may be used for the auxiliary supply (for example Red Spot type NIT or TIA). Alternatively, a miniature circuit breaker (MCB) of type C, 10 A rating, compliant with IEC 60947-2 may be used.
Reason devices contain an internal fuse for the power supply, which is only accessed by opening the product. This does not remove the requirement for external fusing or use of an MCB as previously mentioned. The ratings of the internal fuses are 2 Amp, type T, 250V.

Equipment Connections

Terminals exposed during installation, commissioning and maintenance may present a hazardous voltage unless the equipment is electrically isolated.
Tighten M3 clamping screws of heavy-duty terminal block connectors to a nominal torque of 1.0Nm. Tighten captive screws of header-type (Euro) terminal blocks to 0.5 Nm minimum and 0.6 Nm maximum.
Always use insulated crimp terminations for voltage and current connections.
Always use the correct crimp terminal and tool according to the wire size.
In order to maintain the equipment’s requirements for protection
against electric shock, other devices connected to the equipment shall have protective class equal or superior to Class I.
Chapter 2 – Safety Information
Ground the equipment with the supplied PCT (Protective Conductor Terminal).
Do not remove the PCT.
The PCT is sometimes used to terminate cable screens. Always check the PCT’s integrity after adding or removing such ground connections.
The user is responsible for ensuring the integrity of any protective conductor connections before carrying out any other actions.
The PCT connection must have low-inductance and be as short as possible. For best EMC performance, ground the unit using a 10 mm (0.4 inch) wide braided grounding strap.
All connections to the equipment must have a defined potential. Connections that are pre-wired, but not used, should be grounded, or connected to a common grouped potential.
Pay extra attention to diagrams before wiring the equipment. Always be sure that the connections are correct before energizing the circuits.

Pre-energization Checklist

Check voltage rating/polarity (rating label/equipment documentation).
Check protective fuse or miniature circuit breaker (MCB) rating.
Check integrity of the PCT connection.
Check voltage and current rating of external wiring, ensuring it is appropriate for the application.
Chapter 2 – Safety Information

Peripheral Circuitry

Where external components such as resistors or voltage dependent resistors (VDRs) are used, these may present a risk of electric shock or burns if touched.
Operation of computers and equipment connected to RT43x under environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity that exceed the conditions specified in their respective manuals can cause malfunctioning or even irreversible damage to them or the nearby installation.
There might be situations in which the unit is operating within its environmental operational range, but the computers, equipment connected to them or nearby equipment are operating outside their operational range. That situation can cause malfunctioning and/or irreversible damage to those devices. In that occasion the communication to the Reason equipment might be compromised but its operational and safety capacities will not be affected.


Do not insert or withdraw modules, PCBs or expansion boards from the equipment while energized, as this may result in damage to the equipment. Hazardous live voltages would also be exposed, endangering personnel.
Internal modules and assemblies can be heavy and may have sharp edges. Take care when inserting or removing modules into or out of the IED.

4 Decommissioning and Disposal

Before decommissioning, completely isolate the equipment power supplies (both poles of any dc supply). The auxiliary supply input may have capacitors in parallel, which may still be charged. To avoid electric shock, discharge the capacitors using the external terminals before decommissioning.
Avoid incineration or disposal to water courses. Dispose of the equipment in a safe, responsible and environmentally friendly manner, and if applicable, in accordance with country-specific regulations.
Chapter 3 – Hardware Design
Reason RT430/RT434
GNSS Precision-Time Clock

Chapter 3: Hardware Design

This chapter demonstrates the main hardware characteristics from RT430 and RT434.

1 Front View

The front panel of the RT430/RT434 comprises a LCD display, two indicators and buttons to navigate through the screen. The figures below show the front view of the RT430 and RT434.
Figure 2: Front view of RT430
Figure 3: Front view of RT434
The RT430/434 have an LCD display (20 columns x 2 lines) for time monitoring and network setup. The display's first screen shows temporal reference information: day of the week, day, month, year, day of the year, hours, minutes, seconds, time zone and the number of monitored satellites. By navigating through the display using the buttons (arrows pointing right and left), it is possible to check the configuration of the equipment's two Ethernet networks. IP addresses, network mask, gateway, broadcast and DNS server are shown for each network. The LOCKED indicator shows if the equipment is synchronized with time reference from satellites. When the ALARM indicator is on, the equipment is not operating and operator attention is required.

2 Rear View

The rear panel of the RT430/434 comprises:
Two power supplies (one is optional), AC/DC high voltage or DC low voltage; Two TTL electrical outputs (Euro Type connectors) for synchronization, one of
them insulated;
Chapter 3 – Hardware Design
Two TTL electrical outputs (BNC connectors) for synchronization, one of them
Two open collector outputs; Locked contactor relay and one CMOS/TTL level input; One amplitude-modulated output for IRIG-B124 signal; Two optical outputs; RS232 and RS422/485 serial ports; Two Ethernet network communication ports for the RT430 and four Ethernet
ports for the RT434;
GNSS antenna input.
Refer to figures below to the rear connection of the RT430 and RT434, respectively.
Figure 4: Rear view of RT430
Figure 5: Rear view of RT434

3 Network Ports

The network interface presents the following features depending on the equipment version:
1. Monitoring and configuration;
2. NTP/SNTP synchronization protocols;
3. IEEE 1588 PTP synchronization protocol;
4. PRP Parallel Redundancy Protocol (only in RT430).

4 Power Supply

Apart from the main power supply, there is a redundant power supply available for RT430 and RT434. Each power supply can have the nominal voltage ranges as listed below:
1. 100-240Vac, 110-250Vdc;
2. 24-48Vdc.
Note the redundant power supply is independent from the main one. Please refer to technical specification for the operating ranges.
Chapter 4 – Installation
Reason RT430/RT434
GNSS Precision-Time Clock

Chapter 4: Installation

This chapter describes how the RT430 and RT434 must be installed.

1 Unpacking

Unpack the unit carefully and make sure all the accessories and cables are put aside so they will not be lost. Check the contents against the packing list that goes with the product. If any of the content listed is missing, please contact GE Grid Solutions (see contact information in Maintenance chapter). Examine the unit for any shipping damage. If the unit is damaged or fails to operate, notify the shipping company without delay. Only the consignee (the person or company receiving the unity) can file a claim against the carrier for shipping damage. We recommend you to keep the original packing materials for possible transport in the future.

Normal Use of the Equipment

In order to maintain the equipment integrity, levels of protection and assure user safety, the RT430/434 must be installed in an enclosed panel with recommended ingress protection rating of IP54 or above. The enclosing panel must ensure that the equipment rear connections and sides are unexposed and protected against impact and water, whilst maintaining adequate temperature and humidity condition for the devices. Furthermore, the equipment must have all their rear connectors attached, even if not being used, to keep their levels of ingress protection as high as possible. During the normal use of the device only the front panel will be accessible.

External Indications

Connector descriptions, serial number and part number are shown on an external label positioned on the equipment, as illustrated on below.
Figure 6: Location of Serial number, part number and outputs description.
Chapter 4 – Installation

2 Mounting

The equipment has been designed to be mounted in a standard 19-inch rack using four M6x15 screws. Keep adequate clearance for all connections. In particular, the optical fiber cables should be installed in compliance with the 30 mm minimum bending radius. For more information regarding the equipment dimensions, refer to the Technical Specification chapter.

Power Supply

The unit can be powered from a DC or AC power supply within the limits specified. If the redundancy power supply was ordered, the two power supplies should be provided independently to ensure operation if one of them is interrupted. All power connections must use insulated flameproof flexible cable with a 1.5 mm² cross section, 70 °C thermal class, and 750 V insulation voltage. To reduce the risk of electrical shock, pre-insulated tubular pin terminals should be used on the ends of the power connections.
Figure 7: Pre-insulated tubular pin terminals
The pin terminals must be completely inserted into the connector supplied with the unity so that no metallic parts are exposed, according to the figure below.
Figure 8: Supply connector assembly
A 1.5 mm² ground lead must be connected to the terminal marked with the protective ground symbol for safety.
Figure 9: RT430/RT434 Power Connection
Chapter 4 – Installation
For AC power connection, the phase conductor must be applied to terminal (+/L), neutral conductor to terminal (-/N) in each of the supply terminals identified, Power 1 and Power 2. For DC power connection, the positive line should be applied to terminal (+/L), negative to terminal (-/N) in each of the supply terminals identified, Power 1 and Power 2. For compliance with IEC 61010, install a suitable external switch or circuit breaker in each current-carrying conductor of RT430/434 power supply; this device must interrupt both the hot (+/L) and neutral (-/N) power leads. An external 10 A, category C, bipolar circuit-breaker is recommended. The circuit breaker should have an interruption capacity of at least 25 kA and comply with IEC 60947-2. The switch or circuit-breaker must be suitably located and easily reachable, also it must not interrupt the protective ground conductor.

Grounding (Earthing)

To ensure proper operation of the equipment under extreme electromagnetic conditions, connect the equipment protective ground terminal to the panel using a copper strap of at least 10 mm width as M6 ring lug.
Figure 10: RT430/434 Grounding Strap

GNSS Antenna Terminal

A 3.3-Volt active GNSS antenna (100 mA max loading) must be connected to the antenna input terminal when satellites are being used as time reference.
Figure 11: GNSS antenna connector
If the GNSS antenna is connected and it is possible to receive signal from at least 4 satellites the LOCKED indicator will start to blink after a couple of seconds, indicating that the internal time-base is being synchronized with the satellites. The LOCKED indicator will stop blinking and will remain lit as soon as maximum accuracy is achieved. This process may take several minutes if the equipment was transported
Chapter 4 – Installation
for more than a few hundred kilometers or was unpowered for many weeks. The dry­contact LOCKED in the rear panel closes when maximum accuracy is achieved. The antenna must be mounted outdoors, in a vertical position, with an unobstructed view of the sky. The antenna should be placed above the height of the building as much as possible. A partially obstructed sky view will compromise the unit's performance.
Figure 12: Recommended position for installing the GNSS Antenna
The antenna should not be located under overhead power lines or other electric light or power circuits, or from where it can fall onto such power lines or circuits. An antenna mast of roof-mounting-kit and any supporting structure must be properly grounded to provide protection against voltage surges and built-up static charges. It is recommended the use of a surge arrester for the entire wiring where there is external antenna cabling. The antenna must be connected to the unit by using a coaxial cable with a 50 impedance. The antenna cable should be routed through a conduit, shielded from rain and/or solar radiation. The conduit should not be shared with any power circuits. It is recommended to use a 3/4 PVC conduit, threaded on one end. To install it, cut down to the intended size and screw the antenna in the conduit. The conduit can be fixed on the wall, so that the antenna is above the wall limit and free from lateral obstacles, as shown in the next figure.
Figure 13: Recommended position GNSS Antenna conduit installation
Chapter 4 – Installation
Cables with lengths ranging from 15 m (50 ft) to 100 m (328 ft) can be ordered from GE Grid Solutions. For use of antennas and cables from other manufacturers, contact GE Grid Solutions for evaluation. The antenna cable affects the unit's performance in two distinct ways: satellite signal attenuation and propagation delay.

TTL Electrical Outputs

The RT430/434 has 4 electrical outputs, 2 screw connectors, and 2 BNC connectors. One output of each connector type is insulated. The type of signal at each output can be configured through a Web Interface to generate IRIG-B004, DCF77, 1PPS, 1PPM, 100PPS, or any custom-defined low frequency, from 1 pulse-every-two-seconds to 1 pulse-per-day. In addition, it is possible to configure the outputs to generate daily set-time pulses. The polarity of the signal and the pulse width can also be configured.
Figure 14: TTL electrical outputs
More than one device can be connected in parallel from one TTL output. The maximum number of devices that can be connected to the TTL output depends on
the current that each device’s input uses. As the maximum current supplied from
each TTL output is 150mA, the sum of the currents from all devices connected cannot exceed this value (cable resistance should be considered). The TTL voltage level is 5V. Electrical cable length should not exceed 100m. To minimize EMC effects in IRIG-B signals, the use of fiber-optic cable is recommended for distances greater than 3 m. For details on the configuration of TTL-Level electrical outputs, refer to the Configuration chapter. See the Technical Specification chapter for more description of signal levels and maximum ratings.

Open-Collector Electrical Outputs

The unit has 2 open-collector electrical outputs, and the electrical cable length should not exceed 100m. The type of signal at each output can be configured through a Web Interface to generate IRIG-B004, DCF77, 1PPS, 1PPM, 100PPS, or any custom-defined low frequency, from 1 pulse-every-two-seconds to 1 pulse-per-day. In addition, it is possible to configure the outputs to generate daily set-time pulses. The polarity of the signal and the pulse width can also be configured.
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