01981General Electric Co., U.S.A.All rights reserved.
ReadThis Useand Care Bock
Takethetimetoreadthisbookandlearnhowto enjoy
your new MicrowaveOven.Itcontainsdetailedoperatinginstructionsandrecommendedmaintenance,as
from your MicrowaveOven.Onceyou havereadthe
book,keepit handytoansweranyquestionsyoumay
contactthe dealer (or builder)from whom you purchased it. They havebeen informed of the proper
procedure to take care of such matters and can
handleit for you.
RegisterYour Oven
R isimportant that we,the manufacturer,know the
locationofyour MicrowaveOvenshouldaneedoccur
for adjustments.
Pleasecheck with your supplier to be sure he has
registeredyou as the owner;alsosend in your PurchaseRecordCard.If you move,or if you arenotthe
original purchaserpleasewrite to us, stating model
and serial numbers.This appliancemustbe regis-
A nameplateon whichisstampedthemodelandserial
numberislocatedeitherinsideovenattop leftside,or
on rearoutsideof case.
Model and serial numbersare also on the Purchase
RecordCardwhich camewith your MicrowaveOven.
Recordthe numbersin thespacesbelow,
Pleasereferto both modelandserialnumbersin any
future correspondenceor product servicecalls concerningyour MicrowaveOven,
IHe f%rdwwd
BeforeYouCdl for!ikrwice
Check“Common Problems”section.(Seepage15.)
It lists many minor causes of operating problems
that you can correct yourself and may saveyou an
If YouNeedService
In many cities, there’s a Hotpoint Factory Service
Center.Call,andaradio-dispatchedtruckwill cometo
your home by appointment—morningor afternoon.
Chargethe work, if you like. All the centersaccept
bothMasterChargeandVisacards.(Seepagel 6.)
Or look for Hotpoint franchised Customer Care@
servicers. You’ll find them in the Yellow Pages
If you need serviceliterature,parts!ist$,partsor
accessories,contactoneof the FactoryServiceCen-
ters,a franchisedCustomerCare@serviceror your
ExtendedSerwiceContractsThe termsof your warranty provide free service covering failures due to
manufacturingdefectsfor adefiniteperiodof time.
After this warranty expires you may purchase an
ExtendedServiceContractwhich will enableyou to
warrantyisavailablefromour FactoryServiceCenters
andfrom manyfranchisedCustomerCare@servicers.
ForPersonalSafety,ThisApplianceMustBe Prop-
erlyGrounded.Th6 powercord of this applianceis
— _equipped with a three-prong (grounding) plug
which mateswith a standard three-prong (ground-
ing) wall receptacle (Fig. 1) to minimizethe possibi!ity of electric shock hazard from this appliance.
The customer should havethe wall receptacle and
circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make
surethe receptacleis properlygrounded.
Where a standard two-prong wall receptacle is encountered, it is the personalresponsibilityandobligation of the customer to have it replaced with a
properlygroundedthree-prongwall receptacle.
Da Not UnderAny CircumstancesCut or Remove
TheThird(Ground)ProngFromThe PowerCord.
A. Usage Situations Where Appliance’s Power
Because of potential safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly reqommendagainstthe use
of an adapter plug. However,if you still electto use
an adapter, where local codes permit, a TEMPO-
“w ‘Gf ‘Gs’QOTs4 ,
RARY CONNECTIONmay be made to a properly
groundedtwo-prong wall receptacleby the useof a
UL listed adapter which is available at most local
hardware stores (Fig. 2). The larger slot in the
adapter must be aligned with the larger slot in the
wall receptacle to provide proper polarity in the
connectionof the powercord.
Caution:Attaching the adapter ground terminal to
the wail receptacle cover screw does not ground
the appliance unlessthe cover screw is metal,and
not insulated, and the wall receptacle is grounded
through the house wiring. The customer should
havethe circuit checkedbyaqualifiedelectricianto
makesurethe receptacleisproperlygrounded.
When disconnecting the power cord from the
adapter,always hold the adapter with one hand. If
this is not done,the adapterground terminalis very
likely to break with repeated use. Should this happen, DO NOT USE the appliance until a proper
ground hasagainbeenestablished.
B,Usage Situations Where Appllance’s Power
Do not use an adapter plug in these situations be-
causedisconnecting of the power cord places undue strainon the adapterandleadsto eventualfail-
ure of the adapter ground terminal. The customer
should havethe two-prong wall receptaclereplaced
with a three-prong (grounding) receptacle by a
qualifiedelectrician beforeusingthe appliance.
into !1sown electrical outlet, to preventflickering of ~
lights,Mowing offuse ortripping of circuit breaker.
2. !&@of extension cords. Because of potential
safetyhazardsundercertainconditions westrongly
mcwr?mendagainst the use of an extension cord.
However,if you still electto useanextension cord,
it isabsolutelynecessarythatit bea LJLlisted3-wire
grounding type appliance extension card and that
the current carrying rating of the cord in amperes
he 15amperesor greater.Suchextension cords are
obtainable through Hotpoint service.If youdo use
extension cml with your micro-waveoven, the
interior light may flicker and the blower sound may
vary when ovenis in use.
3. Be certain to place the front surface of the door
three inches or more back from the cotintertop
edge to avoid accidental
normal usage.
4. Use metal ordy as dhwcted in cookbook.
tipping ofthe appliance in
strips asused on meatroasts are helpful in cooking
food when used as directed. Metal trays may be’
used for TV dinners. However,when using metal in
the microwave oven, keep
away from sides d microwave oven.
metal at least Wnch
5. Do not operate the oven while empty ‘to avoi~
damage to the oven and the danger of fire.
if by a&
cident the oven should run empty a minute or two,
no harm is done. However, try to avoid operating
the oven empty at all times–it saves energy and
prolongs life of the oven.
Cooking utensils may become hot because of
heattransferred from the heatedfood. This is especially true if plastic wrap has been covering the top
and handles of the utensil. Pot holders may be
neededto handlethe utensil.
Sometimes, the oven shelf can become too hot
!Okmch. Be
8. Do
not use any thermometerin food you are
microwaving unless that thermometer is designed
or recommendedfor useinthe microwaveoven.
9. Fh2rmveha
when not us!ng R to cook
probe insidethe ovenwithout inserting it in food or
liquid, and turn on microwaveenergy, it can create
electrica! arcing in the oven, and damage oven
10. R@move
bags before placing in oven. Twist-ties sometimes
catise bagto heat,andmaycausefire,
Imtlk%especiallycai’bormteclones, Evenif the con?aineris opened, pressure can build up, This can
12. EMm+’?Cwef’eww. E%4x3ssh@QvefcoQking dehy52’s%%$MIRMCM?%Yand may CZwe$ethem M UMW-Ifife
‘ g !%3mage.
careful touching the shelf during and
&mperatwe probe from the oven
with. If you ieave the
wire twist-ties cm paper and plastic
frozen beverages in narrow necked
container to burst, resulting in injury,
powerat thefusecircuit breakerpar@.
14,Boiling eggs @ andoutof shell) is not u3X3rnrnendec!
for microwavecooking. Pressurecan build
up insideegg yolk and maycauseit to burst, resultingininjury.
15. Foods
with unbroken outer “skin” such as po-
tatoes, hot dogs or sausages, tomatoes, apples,
chicken livers and other giblets, and eggs (see
above)should be pierced to allowsteamto escape
plastic bags
cooking pouches and tightly dosed
should beslit, prickedor vented as directed in Cookbook. If they are not, plastic could
burst during or immediatelyafter cooking,:possibly
resulting in injury. Also, plastic storage containers
shouldbeat leastpartially uncoveredbecausethey
form a tight seal. When cooking with containers
tightly covered with plastic wrap, removecovering
carefully and direct steam away from hands and
174 Do not pop popcorn in your microwave oven
unless in a special microwave popcorn accessory
or unlessyou usepopcorn labeledfor usein microwaveovens.Becauseof the heatgeneratedwithout
theseprecautions,the containercouldcatch fire.
18. PiasticUtensils–Plastic utensils designed for
microwavecooking are very useful, but should be
used carefully.Evenmicrowave plastic maynot be
as tolerant of overcooking conditions as are glass
or ceramic materialsand maysoften or char if subjectedto short periodsof overcooking.Inlongerexposures to overcooking, the food and utensils
could ignite. For these reasons:1) Use microwave
plastics only “and use them” in strict compliance
with the utensil manufacturer’s recommendations.
2) Do not subjectempty utensilsto microwaving.3)
Do not permit children to use plastic
uten$iis with-
19. Do
not use your microwave oven to dry rBews-
papers.Ifoverheated,they cancatch fire.
20. Use
of Shelf Accessory. To position shelf so
that it issecurely “seated,” insert into theovencavity aboveshelf supports andcompletelyto the back
oven wall. Drop into place so that the recessed
areasare over the shelf supports.To removeshelf,
!ift shelf above supports and then pull forward and
out. Do not place food cmshe{funlessit issecurely
“seated” on thesupports.
Donot p!aceBrown ‘N SearDishonshelf,Shelf will
2,1,Whenccd+dngpark either conventionally or in
the microwave oven, foilow our directions
and always cook
the meat to at least 170°, This
assuresthat, in the ixwrmtepossibility that trichina
may be present in tho meat, it will be killed and
meatwill be saf8b eat,
Getto know your microwaveoven.This piqture identifiesthe important featuresand explainstheir purpose
briefly. Seepages6 and7for complete explanation of the Touch Control Panels.
stirrer which distributes microwave energy into
the oven.
cooking times in minutes and secondsor temperature in degrees. When oven is not in use,
display shows time of day.
Cooking Signal Lights. Light to show which
kind of cooking you’re setting or using.
Clock.Ovenwill work without setting ~heclock,
but wiii not display time of day. (To set the
Clock seepage7.)
Function Pads. Use these to select a micro-
waving method—eithercooking or specialfunction. (See‘the foilowing page for brief explanation of each.)
Number Pads. Touch these to enter Time ‘or
Temperature,andPowerLevelorCode numbers.
PowerLevelPad,Tosetor change PowerLevel,
touch this padfirst, then number.
Start. Always touch Start last after setting all
other controls.
Clear/Off.Stopsthe ovenanderasesall settings
excepttime of day.
Auto Roast Pad.* Use this automatic cooking
control for temperature cooking of meats.
Temperature Probe must be used during Auto
Quick SetPad.* Use to set time and power
level quickly. Chart helps you select appropriateCodefor popularfoods.Eliminateslooking
in Cookbook for cooking timesand power level.
‘On Model RE947only.
TheTouchControl Panelallows you to setthe oven
controls electronically with the touch of a finger.quick and easy convenience cooking. Or you ma
it’s designed to be easy to use and understand.
With your microwave oven,you havethe option of
—r-—:— ‘-__—_.._-.._.
using your automatic cooking control pads for
make your own programs to suit your individual-
izedcooking style.
ReadoutDisplay.Displaystime of
day, time or temperature during
cookingfunctions,andpower level
TimeCook.Microwavefor apreset
amount of time using automatic
Power Level 10 or change power
level after setting time. (See page
Defrost. Gentle, more uniform
thawing with little or no attenticn
at automatic Power Level 3, or
change power level after entering
time. (Seepage 11.)
Clock. Touch this pad to enter
time of day or check time of day
while microwaving. To set clock,
first touch CLOCK pad and then
enter time of day. For example,if
time is 1:30,touch number pads 1,
3, and Oand 1:30 will appear in
thus setting the clock. If you wish<
to reset or change time, simply
Temp Cook. Use the temperature
probe to cook by using a preset
temperature. Ovenshows temperature until preset temperature is
reached and then turns off. (See
Hold/Timer.This feature uses no
microwave energy whi[e it functions as both a kitchen timer or as
a holding period between defrost=
and time or temperature cooking.
Power Level.Touch this pad b
fore entering another power Iev
number if ycm want to change
from automatic Power Level 10
(HIGH) for ccoking or PowerLevel
3 (LOW)for defrosting.
NumberPads.Touch thesepadsto
-enter Time, Temperature,and
Clear/Off.When touched, it stops
the oven and erases all settings
excepttime of day.
‘“ Start. Musttouch this padfor oven
to begin any function.
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