GE RE55V Use and Care Manual

UseandCareof model
Savetinieandmoney. Beforeyourequestservice, use theproblemSolver
TheGE AnswerCek$
itwill help you operate and main­tain your new Microwave Oven properly.
Keep it handy for answersto your questions.
If you don’t understand something or need more help. . . Call, toll free:
The GE Answer’Center’”
consumer information service or write: (include your phone
number); Consumer Affairs Hotpoint Appliance Park Louisville, KY 40225
Writedownthe modeland serialnumbers,
You’ll find them on a label inside the oven.
These numbers are also on the Consumer Product Ownership Registration Card that came with
your Microwave Oven. Before sending in this card, pleasewrite these numbers here:
Model No.
Be sure your Microwave Ovenis registered.
is important that we,the manu-
facturer, know the location of your Microwave Oven should a need occur for adjustments.
Your supplier is responsible for registering you as the owner.
Pleasecheck with your supplier to be sure he has done so; also send in your Consumer Product Owner- “ ship Registration Card. If you move; or if you are not the original pur­chaser please write to us, stating model and serial numbers. This
appliancemustbe registered. Pleasebecertainthat it is.
Write to: Hotpoint
Range Product Service Appliance Park Louisville, KY 40225
If you receiveda damaged oven.. .
immediately contact the dealer (or builder) that sold you the Micro­wave Oven.
Savetime and money.
Beforeyourequestservice,check the ProblemSolveron page 12. It
lists minor causes of operating problems that you can correct yourself.
(a) Do NotAttemptto operate this oven with the door open since open door operation can result in harmful exposure to microwave energy. It is important not to defeat or tamper” with the safety interlocks. ,
(b) Do Not Placeany object between the oven front face and the door or allow soil or cleaner residue to accumulate on sealing surfaces.
(c) Do Not Operatethe oven if it is damaged. It is particularly important
that the oven door close properly
and that there is no damage to the: (1) door (bent) (2) hinges and latches (broken or _
loosened) (3) door sealsand sealing surfaces. (d) The OvenShouldnot be
adjusted or repaired by anyone except properly qualified service personnel.
Serial No.
Usethese numbers in any correspondence or servicecalls concerning your Microwave Oven.
BeforeMicrowaving . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . ...3-4
~::_iresofYourOven ,.. . ., ,. ,0 5
Touch Control Panel .. . . . . . . . . . 6
et the Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..6
Defrosting . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..7
Time Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
MIN/SECTimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..9
Care of YourOven . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Grounding Instructions . . . . . . . . 11
Useof Extension Cords . . . . . . . . 11
The Problem Solver . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Consumer Services.. . . .. . ..o. . 15
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . ..13ack Cover
s+Make sure all utensils usedin your microwave oven are labeled “suitableformicrowaving”. Check yourCookbook for specific test to determine ’’microwave-safe” utensils.
- ~apertowels, wax paper, and
–==iic wrap can beused tocover
dishes In order to retain moisture
nd prevent spattering.
~ Many microwaved foods require stirring, rotating, or rearranging. Check your Cookbook for specific instructions.
a Steam builds up pressure in foods which are tightly covered by a skin or membrane. Pierce pota­toes, egg yolks and chicken livers to prevent bursting.
a All recipes utilize high power unlessotherwise indicated.
~>Whole poultry and roasts may require turning or rotating for even cooking results. Seecookbook for specific instructions.
~ When microwaving casseroles, best results are achieved with recipes that can be stirred.
Readall instructionsbeforeusingthisappliance.
When using electrical appliances basic safety precautions should be followed, including the . following:
WARNING—TOreduce the risk of burns, electric shock, fire, injury to persons or exposure to
excessivemicrowave energy: a Usethis appliance only for its
intended use as described in this manual.
~ Thisappliance must be grounded. Connect only to properly grounded outlet. See “GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS” found on page 11.
e For best operation, plug this appliance into its own electrical outlet, to prevent flickering of lights, blowing of fuse or-trip­ping of circuit breaker.
a Install or locate this appliance only in accordance with the pro­vided installation instructions.
~ IBecertainto placethe front
surfaceof the door three inches or morebackfrom the counter­top edge to avoidaccidentaltip­pingof the appliancein normal usage.
~ Do not cover or block any
openings on the appliance. a Do not use outdoors. a Do not immerse power cord
or plug in water. ~ Keep power cord away from
heated surfaces. ~ Do not let power cord hang “
over edge of table or counter. ,
a Do not operate this appliance
if it has a damaged power cord or plug, if it is not working prop­erly, or if it has been damaged or dropped.
Q See door surface cleaning instructions on page 10.
~ This appliance should be ser­viced only by qualified service personnel. Contact nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair or adjustment.
~ As with any appliance, close supervision is necessarywhen used by children.
~ To reduce the risk of fire in the oven cavity:
—Do not overcook food. Care­fully attend appliance if paper, plastic, or other combustible
materials are placed inside the
oven to facilitate cooking. —Remove wire twist-ties from
paper or plastic bags before placing bag in oven.
—Do not use your microwave oven to dry newspapers.
—Papertowelsandnapkins, wax paper.Recycled paper
products can contain metal
flecks which may cause arcing
or ignite. Paper products con-
taining nylon or nylon filaments
should be avoided, as they may also ignite.
—Do not pop popcornin your
microwaveovenunless in a spe­cial microwave popcorn acces­sory or unless you use popcorn
labeled for use in microwave
ovens. —Do not operatethe ovenwhile
emptyto avoiddamageto the ovenand the danger of fire. If by
accident the oven should run empty a minute or two, no harm
is done. However, try to avoid operating the oven empty at all
times—it saves energy and pro-
longs life of the oven.
—If materials inside the oven should ignite, keep oven door
closed, turn oven off, and dis­connect the power cord, or shut off power at the fuse or circuit breaker panel.
(continued next page)
Some products such as
whole eggs and sealed con-
tainers—for example, closed
glass jars—may explode and should not be heated in this oven.
a Avoidheatingbabyfood in glass jars, even without their
lids; especially meat and egg
mixtures. a Don’tdefrostfrozenbever-
ages in narrow necked bottles; especially carbonated ones.
Even if the container is opened, pressure can build up. This can
cause the container to burst,
resulting in injury. a Use metalonly as directedin
Cookbook. Metal strips as used on meat roasts are helpful when
used as shown in Cookbook.
TV dinners maybe cooked in metal trays. However, when using metal in microwave oven,
keep metalat leastl-inch away from sidesofoven.
3? Cooking utensilsmay becomehot because of heat
transferred from the heated food. This is especially true if plastic wrap has been covering
the top and handles of the
utensil. Potholders may be needed to handle the utensil.
:* Sometimes,the cookingtray
can becometoo hot to touch.
Be careful handling the cooking
tray during and after cooking.
~~Do not useanythermometer
in food you are microwaving unlessthat thermometer is designed or recommended for use in the microwave oven.
~ PlasticUtensils—Plastic utensils designed for microwave cooking are very useful, but should be used carefully. Even microwave plastic may not be as
tolerant of overcooking condi-
tions as are glass or ceramic
materials and may soften or char if subjected to short periods of overcooking. In longer expo­sures to overcooking, the food and utensils could ignite. For these reasons: 1) Use micro-
wave plastics only “and use them” in strict compliance with the utensil manufacturer’s
recommendations. 2) Do not subject empty utensils to micro­waving. 3) Do not permit children to use plastic utensils without complete supervision.
s When cookingporkfollow our directions exactly and always cook the meat to at least
170°. This assuresthat, in the
remote possibility that trichina may be present in the meat, it will be killed and meat will be safeto eat.
o Boilinge~gs(in and out of shell)isnot recommendedfor
microwave cooking. Pressure can build up inside egg yolk and may cause it to burst, resulting in injury.
c~Foodswith unbrokenouter “skin”such as potatoes, hot
dogs or sausages,tomatoes, apples,chicken livers and other giblets, and eggs (see previous caution) should be pierced to allow steam to escapeduring cooking.
a “Boilable”cookingpouches
and tightlyclosedplasticbags
should be slit, pierced or vented as directed in Cookbook. If they are not, plastic could burst dur-
ing or immediately after cooking,
possibly resulting in injury. Also, plastic storage containers should beat leastpartially uncovered
becausethey form a tight seal. ‘ When cooking with containers tightly covered with plastic wrap,
remove covering carefully and direct steam away from hands and face.
Ala A__
7. Door Handle.Pull to
door. Door must be securely latched for oven to operate.
2. Door Latches. 3, Choke Door Seal. & Door Screen.Metal
permitsviewingof foodsand
keeps microwaves confined inside oven.
Two Oven ln8eriorLights.One
turnson whendoor is opened
and the other turns on when oven is operating.
StirrerCover. Protects the
microwave energy dis~ributing antenna. Do not removethis cover. You will damage the oven.
Display.Seenext page for
GlassCooking Tray
8. Stoppers.,
+ 9 hidden pages