RAG14E Installation Instructions
These instructions are for installation of the grill from inside the room with the sleeve secured into
the wall and without the AC chassis installed into the sleeve.
It is always best to tie a wire or rope through the grill to be able to hang onto it during the
installation process. Tie the other end of the rope to something secure to prevent from
accidentally dropping it. The rope can also be used to help pull the grill tight against the back of
the sleeve while it is being attached.
• To start with, please note the additional flat metal stock pieces (mounting brackets)
attached to the back side of the grill at the top and bottom of the two vertical struts
supporting the grill blades.
• Temporarily remove the locking screw from the bottom mounting bracket tabs and rotate
the locking flanges 90 degrees (out of the way).
• With the grill fully outside of the unit, raise/slide the grill so the top flange on the back of
the sleeve slides between the top mounting brackets and the vertical struts. Push up to
fully seat the flange.
• Pull the bottom flange of the grille tightly against the back of the sleeve and rotate the
locking flanges on the grill so they capture the bottom flange on the back of the sleeve.
• Re-install the two screws into the back of the grill locking flanges.
• Remove the wire or rope you used to hang onto the grill.
• Complete the installation of the AC chassis
Slide grill up so back
flange of case fits in
Lower Tab (w/ screw
removed and rotated)