Usingthe ovenforbakingor masting. . OEAmia,cescom
Toavoid possible bums, place the shelves in the desired posifion before you turn the oven on.
How to Set Your Oven for Baking or Roasting
Position the sheff or shelves in the
oven. If cooking on two shelves at
the same tilne, stagger the pans for
best heat circulation.
Close o_,en dooi: mlli'n
OVEN TEMP kalob clock_ise to
desired temperature. Preheat oxen
for at least lO minutes if preheating
is necessa i'v.
] Place _:,od in o_,en on center of
shelf. Mlow at least 2 inches between
edge of bakeware and oxen wall or
ac!jacent cookware.
[] Check fl_od fi)r doneness at
nfininmln tilne on recipe. Cook
hmger if necessai_,. Turn OVEN
TEMP knob to OFF and reino',e
Sheff Positions
• Most baking is done on the second
sheff position (B) fi'om the bottom.
• X_q_en baking three or fimr itelns, use
two shelxes positioned on the second
and fourth sets of supports (B& D)
ti'oI// bottoII/ of o_,en.
• Bake angel fi)od cakes on filSt shelf
position (A} from bottom of oxen.
• Roasting is usuall} done on the bottom
shelf position (A).
• Preheating the oxen takes about 10
• Preheat the oven only when necessary
usually for baking
• Most masts Mll cook satisfi_ctorilv
without preheating.
• If you find preheating is necessary,
keep an eve on the indicator light and
put food ill the oven i)rolnptly after
the light goes out. The oven Indicator
i,ight will then cycle on and offwith
the oven themlostat as it cycles to
inaintnin oven telnl)erature.
Bakingand RoastingTips
• Follow a tested recipe and measure the
ingredients cai'efully: If you are using a
package mix, follow label directions.
• Do not open the oven door duIJng
a baking oi_eration--heat will be lost
and the baking tilne inight need to
be extended. This could cause poor
baking results. If you 1//ust open the
dooI; open it l)ai*ially---_mly 3 oi"
4 inches--and close it as quickly
as possible.
• Roasting is cooking by dry heat.
Tender ineat or poultr)' can be roasted
uncovered ill w)ur oven. Roasting
temi_eratures, which should be low
and steady, kee I) spattering to a
nlininluln. _]_en roasting, it is not
necessalx' to seal; baste, cover or add
w_lteI" to VO/II" Illeat.
• Frozen roasts (ff beef, pork, land), etc.,
can be started without thawing, but
allow l 0 to 25 ininutes per pound
additional filne (10 ininutes per pound
li)r i"oasts under 5 l)O/lnds_ 11/oi"e tillle
for linger roasts).
• Thaw most fl'ozen poulti T 1)efore
roasting to enstlI'e e\'en doneness.
Solne conllnercial fl'ozen poultry
can be cooked successfllllv without
thawing. Follow directions given on
package label.