GE Quick Set V Series, Quick Set VI Series, Next Step Control Series Owner's Manual

GEApplia nces.c orn
Safety Instructions ............................ 2-s
Operating Instructions
Kitchen Timer .......................................... 21
Oven ............................................... 14-35
Adjust Oven Thermostat .............................. 22
Baking or Roasting .................................... 17
Broiling, Broiling Guide ................................ 18
Controls ........................................... 14, 15
Convection Oven ................................. 23-26
Lower Oven Drawer .................................. 35
Preheating ............................................ 17
Probe ................................................. 20
Sabbath Feature ...................................... 33
Self-Cleaning ...................................... 29, 30
SlowCook,Warming and Proofing Features.......... 27, 28
Special Features .................................. 31, 32
Timed Baking and Roasting ........................... 19
Warming Drawer ..................................... 34
Surface Units ........................................ 6-13
Cookware .............................................. 7
Griddle ............................................ 12, 13
Knob-Controlled Models .......................... 10, 11
Touch Pad-Controlled Models ....................... 8, 9
Quick Set V,
Quick Set VI and
Next Step Control
Care and Cleaning
Aluminum Foil ............................ 3, 5, 16, 34
Control Knobs ......................................... 36
Control Panel ......................................... 36
Glass Cooktop ..................................... 42, 43
Lift-Off Oven Door .................................. 37, 38
Light ............................................... 40, 41
Oven Floor ............................................. 39
Oven Heating Elements ................................ 41
Racks ................................................. 58
RemovableWarming Drawer/Lower OvenDrawer Pan.... 59
Storage Drawer ....................................... 59
Surfaces .............................................. 56
Vent ................................................... 39
In Canada: www.
Printed in the United States 49-80627-1 01-11 GE
Troubleshooting Tips......................... 44-48
Accessories ........................................ 5o
Consumer Support
Consumer Support .................................... 52
Warranty .............................................. 51
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model # Serial # You can find them on a label
behind the drawer or behind the lower oven door on the front of
the range frame.
Printed on
Recycled Paper
Read all safety instructions before using the product. Failure to follow these instructions may result in fire, electric shock,
serious injury or death.
Toreduce the risk of tipping the range,the range must besecured by a properly installed anti-tip bracket.Seeinstallation instructionsshipped with the bracketfor complete detailsbefore attempting to install
All ranges can tip.
INJURIES can result.
INSTALL and CHECK the ANTI-TIP bracket following
the instructions supplied with the bracket.
ForFreestanding Ranges:
Tocheck if the bracket is installedand engaged properly,remove the storage drawer or kickpanel and look underneath the range to see that the levelinglegisengaged in the bracket.Onmodelswithout a storage drawer or kick panel,carefullytip the range forward. Thebracket should stop the range within 4 inches.Ifit does not,the bracket must be reinstalled.If the range is pulled from the wall for any reason,always repeatthis procedure to verify the range is properly secured bythe anti-tip bracket.
Never completely remove the levelinglegs or the range will not besecured to the anti-tip deviceproperly.
ForSlide-In Ranges: Tocheck if the bracket is installed and engaged properly, remove the
storage drawer or kick panel and look underneath the range to seethat the
levelingleg isengaged inthe bracket.
ForDrop-In Ranges: Tocheck if the bracket is installed and engaged properly, lower the oven
door and gently apply medium force at the handle end until movement of the range isdetected. Continue pressinguntilthe anti-tip bracket is engaged and movement stops.A small amount of movement isacceptable at the back of the range top, but it should be stable and not tip once the anti-tip bracket isengaged. If it does not, the bracket must be reinstalled.
Ifyou did not receive an anti-tip bracket with your purchase, call !.800.626.8774to receiveone at no cost (inCanada, call
!.800.561.3344).Forinstallation instructions of the bracket, visit Canada,
TheCaliforniaSafeDrinking Water and ToxicEnforcementAct requires the Governorof Californiato publish a list of substances known to thestate to causecancer,birth defectsor other reproductive harm, and requiresbusinessestowarn customers ofpotential exposure tosuchsubstances.
Thefiberglassinsulation in self-cleanovens givesoff a very small amount of carbon monoxide during the cleaning cycle.Exposurecan be minimized by venting with an open window or usinga ventilation fan or hood.
Usethis appliancefor its intended purposeasdescribedinthis Owner'sManual.
Besureyour applianceisproperlyinstalledand grounded bya qualifiedinstallerinaccordancewith the provided
Donot attempt to repairor replaceany part ofyour rangeunless it isspecificallyrecommendedinthis manual.Allotherservicing shouldbetransferred to a qualifiedtechnician.
Beforeperformingany service,unplugthe rangeor disconnect
the power supplyat the householddistributionpanel by
removingthefuseorswitching off the circuit breaker. Donot leavechildrenalone-children shouldnot be left alone
or unattendedin an area wherean applianceis in use.They shouldnever beallowedto climb,sit or stand on anypart of the appliance.
CAUTION :Donotstoreitemsofinteresttochildren
abovea rangeor on the backguardofa range-children climbing onthe rangeto reachitemscould beseriouslyinjured.
Useonlydry pot holders-moist or damp pot holderson hotsurfacesmayresultin burnsfrom steam.Donot letpot holderstouch hot surfaceunitsor heatingelements.Donot usea
towel or other bulkycloth in placeof pot holders.
Neveruseyour appliancefor warming or heatingthe room.
Donot touch the surfaceunits,the heatingelementsor the interiorsurfaceofthe oven.Thesesurfacesmay behot enoughto burn eventhough they are dark in color.During and after use,do not touch,orletclothing or other flammable materialscontact thesurface units,areasnearbythe surface units or anyinteriorareaof the oven;allowsufficienttime for coolingfirst. Othersurfacesof the appliancemay becomehot enoughto causeburns.Potentiallyhot surfacesincludethe cooktop,areasfacing the cooktop,oven vent opening,surfaces near theopeningand crevicesaround the oven door.
Donot heat unopenedfoodcontainers.Pressurecouldbuild up and the containercouldburst,causingan injury.
Donot usealuminumfoil to linethe drip pans.Foilcantrap heat or melt,resultingindamageto the productand ashockor fire
panels.Doingso may leadto glassbreakage.Donotcook on a productwith broken glass.Shock,fire or cutsmayoccur.
Cookmeat and poultrythoroughly-meat to at leastaninternal temperatureof Z60°Fandpoultryto at leastan internal
temperatureof Z80°F.Cookingto thesetemperatures usually protectsagainstfoodborne illness.
Donot usealuminumfoil to linethe oven bottom.Foilcantrap heator melt,resultingindamageto the product and a shockor
fire hazard.
Donot storeor useflammablematerialsinan ovenornear the cooktop,including paper,plastic,pot holders,linens,wall
coverings,curtains,drapesand gasolineor otherflammable vaporsand liquids.
Neverwearloose-fittingorhanging garmentswhile using the appliance.Thesegarmentsmay igniteifthey contact hot surfaces,causingsevereburns.
I^ I
Donot usewater on greasefires.Neverpickupaflamingpan. Turnthe controlsoff.Smothera flaming pan on a surfaceunitby coveringthe pancompletelywith awell-fitting lid,cookiesheet or flat tray.Useamulti-purposedry chemicalor foam-type fire extinguisher.
If thereisa firein theovenduring baking,smotherthe fireby closingthe oven door and turningthe ovenoff or by usinga multi-purposedry chemicalorfoam-type fire extinguisher.
iii_,Donotletcookinggreaseor other flammable materials
accumulatein or nearthe range.Greaseinthe oven or onthe cooktopmay ignite.
Cleanventilatinghoodsfrequently.Greaseshould notbeallowed
to accumulate onthe hoodorfilter.
Ifthere isa fire inthe oven duringself-clean,turnthe oven off andwait for the fireto go out. Do notforcethedoor open. Introductionoffreshairatself-cleantemperatures mayleadto
a burstof flame from the oven.Failureto follow this instruction may resultin severeburns.
Never leave the surface units unattended at medium or high heat settings. Boilovers cause smoking and greasy
spillovers that may catch on fire.
Never leave oil unattended while frying. If allowed to heat beyond its smoking point, oil may ignite, resulting
in fire that may spread to surrounding cabinets. Use a deep fat thermometer whenever possible to monitor oil
To avoid oil spillover and fire, use a minimum amount of oil when shallow pan-frying and avoid cooking frozen
foods with excessive amounts of ice. Use proper pan size-select cookware having flat
bottoms large enough to cover the surface heating element. The use of undersized cookware will expose
a portion of the surface unit to direct contact and may result in ignition of clothing. Proper relationship of
cookware to surface unit will also improve efficiency.
Onlycertain typesof glass,glass/ceramic, earthenware or other glazed containers are suitablefor cooktop
service;others may break becauseof the sudden change in temperature.
To minimize the possibility of burns, ignition of flammable materials and spillage, the handle of a container should be turned toward the center of the
range without extending over nearby surface units.
When preparing flaming foods under a hood, turn the fan on.
(some models)
Use care when touching the cooktop. The glass surface of the cooktop will retain heat after the controls have
been turned off. Do not cook on a broken cooktop. If glass cooktop
should break, cleaning solutions and spillovers may penetrate the broken cooktop and create a
risk of electric shock. Contact a qualified technician immediately.
Avoid scratching the glass cooktop. The cooktop can be scratched with items such as knives, sharp instruments,
rings or other jewelry and rivets on clothing. Do not place or store items that can melt or catch fire
on the glass cooktop, even when it is not being used. If the cooktop is inadvertently turned on, they may ignite.
Heat from the cooktop or oven vent after it is turned off may cause them to ignite also.
Use CERAMA BRYTE®ceramic Cooktop Cleaner and
CERAMABRYTE®Cleaning Pad to clean the cooktop. Wait until the cooktop cools and the indicator light
goes out before cleaning. A wet sponge or cloth on a
hot surface can cause steam burns. Some cleaners
can produce noxious fumes if applied to a hot surface.
NOTE: Sugar spills are an exception. They should be
scraped off while still hot using an oven mitt and a scraper. See the Cleaning the glass cooktop section for
detailed instructions. Read and follow all instructions and warnings on the
cleaning cream label.
(some models)
Do not immerse or soak the removable surface units. Do not put them in a dishwasher. Do not self-clean the
surface units in an oven. Doing so may cause them to
fail, presenting a burn or fire hazard. To avoid the possibility of a burn or electric shock, always
be certain that the controls for all surface units are at the
OFFposition and all coils are cool before attempting to lift or remove a coil surface unit.
i Be sure the drip pans are not covered and are in place.
Their absence during cooking could damage range
parts and wiring.
Stand away from the range when opening the oven door. Hot air or steam which escapes can cause burns
to hands, face and/or eyes.
Keep the oven vent unobstructed. Keep the oven free from grease buildup. Grease in the
oven may ignite. Place oven racks in desired location while oven is cool.
If rock must be moved while oven is hot, do not let pot holder contact hot heating element in oven.
When using cooking or roasting bags in the oven, follow the manufacturer's directions.
Pull the oven rack to the stop-lock position when loading and unloading food from the oven. This helps
prevent burns from touching hot surfaces of the door
and oven walls.
Do not leave items such as paper, cooking utensils or
food in the oven when not in use. Items stored in on
oven con ignite. Do not use aluminum foil to line the oven bottom. Foil
can trap heat or or melt, resulting in damage to the product and a shock or fire hazard.
Never place cooking utensils or any other items on the oven floor. There is a heating element beneath the oven
floor. Placing items on the oven floor may cause the
oven to overheat, resulting in damage to the oven and risk of damage or fire to cabinets.
(Some models)
The self-cleaning feature operates the oven at temperatures high enough to burn away food soils in the oven. Follow these instructions for safe operation.
Before operating the self-clean cycle, remove pans, shiny metal oven racks and other utensils from the
oven. Only gray porcelain-coated oven racks may be left in the oven. Do not use self-clean to clean other
parts, such us drip puns or bowls. Before operating the self-clean cycle, wipe grease and
food soils from the oven. Excessive amount of grease
may ignite, leading to smoke damage to your home.
Do not clean the door gasket. The door gasket is
essential for a good seal. Care should be taken not to
rub, damage or move the gasket. Do not use oven cleaners. No commercial oven cleaner
or oven liner protective coating of any kind should be used in or around any port of the oven.
If the self-cleaning mode malfunctions, turn the oven off
and disconnect the power supply. Have it serviced by o qualified technician.
iA i
INSTRUCTIONS(somemode sl
The purpose of the warming drawer isto hold hot
cooked foods at serving temperature. Bacteria will grow in food while it is below 140°F. Do not put cold food
in warming drawer. Do not heat food for more than 2 hours. Failure to follow these instructions may result in
foodborne illness.
Do not leave paper products, plastics, canned food or combustible materials in the drawer. They may ignite.
Do not touch the heating element or the interior surface
of the drawer. These surfaces may be hot enough to cause burns.
Usecare when opening the drawer.Open the drawer a
crack and let hot airor steam escape before removing or replacing food. Hot airor steam that escapescan
cause burns to hands,face and/or eyes.
Do not use aluminum foil to line the lower drawer. The
foil will trap heat below, and upset the performance of the oven. Foilcon melt and permanently damage
the drawer bottom. Damage from improper use of aluminum foil is not covered by the product warranty.
For models with a lass cooktop.
WARNING orhighsettings.Keenf/ommob/eitemsawayfromthecool<ton.Turnafro//contro/s
[_ll, FIREHAZARD: Never leave the range unattended with the cool<top on medium
when done cooking. Failure to follow these instructions can result in fire, serious injury or death.
NOTE:Throughoutthis manua!,features and appearancemay vary from your model.
About the radiant surface units
i iil
Never cook directly on the glass. Always use cookware.
Always place the pan inthe center of the surface unit you are cooking on.
Do not slidecookware across the control or cooktop surface because
it can scratch the glass. The glass is
scratch-resistant, not scrotchproof
The radiant cooktop features heating units
beneath a smooth glasssurface. Cooktoptemperatures increase with the
number of surface units that are on. With 3or 4 units turned on,surface temperatures are high.
Always use caution when touching the cooktop. An indicator light will come on when the
surface unit is turned on.
The appropriate HOTSURFACEindicator
light will glow when its corresponding radiant element isturned onand will remain on until
the surface has cooled below !50%.
Hot surface indicator light will:
Stay on evenafter the unit is turned off. Glow brightly until the unit hascooled below
NOTE:Aslight odor isnormal when a new cooktop is usedfor the firsttime. It iscaused
bythe heating of new parts and insulating materials and will disappear in a shorttime.
NOTE:Onmodels with light-colored glass cooktops,it is normal for the cookingzones to
change color when hot or cooling down. Thisis temporary and will disappear as theglasscools
to room temperature.
It issafeto place hot cookware from the oven
or surface on the glass cooktop when the surface iscool.
Evenafter the surface units are turned off, the
glass cooktop retainsenough heat to continue cooking.To avoid overcooking, remove pans
from the surface units when the food iscooked. Avoid placing anything onthe surface unit until
it hascooled completely.
Water stains(mineral deposits)areremovable usingthe cleaning cream or full strength
white vinegar. Useof window cleanermay leavean
iridescentfilm on the cooktop.Thecleaning cream will remove this discoloration.
Don't store heavy items above the cooktop. If they drop onto the cooktop,they can cause
damage. Donot usethe surfaceas a cutting board.
Selecting types of cookwure
models. Connon-indu ion
The following information will help you choose cookware which will give good performance on glass cooktops. See insert for cookware to use with induction cooktops.
Check pans for flat bottoms by using o straight edge.
Stainless Steel:
heavy weight recommended
Good conductivity. Aluminum residues sometimes appear asscratches on the cooktop
but can be removed ifcleaned immediately. Becauseof its low melting point, thin weight
aluminum should not be used.
Copper Bottom: recommended
Copper may leaveresidueswhich can appear as scratches.The residuescan be removed, as
long asthe cooktop is cleaned immediately. However, do not let these pots boil dry.
Overheated metal can bond to glass cooktops. An overheated copper bottom pot will leave a
residuethat will permanently stain the cooktop if not removed immediately.
Porcelain Enamel on Cast Iron:
recommended if bottom of pan is coated
Porcelain Enamel on Steel:
not recommended
Heating empty pans can cause permanent damage to cooktop glass. The enamel can melt
and bond to the ceramic cooktop.
Glass-ceramic: not recommended
Poor performance. Willscratch the surface.
not recommended
Poor performance, lay scratch the surface.
Cast Iron: not recommended-unless designed specifically
for glass cooktops
Poor conductivity and slow to absorb heat. Will scratch the cooktop surface.
Pans with rounded, curved, ridged or warped bottoms are not
DO not place wet pans
on the glass cooktop.
Use fiat-bottomed woks
Onthe glaSS€ooktop,
NOTE:Followall cookware manufacturer's recommendations when using any type of cookware on the ceramic cooktop.
For Best Results
Place only dry pans on the surface elements. Do not place lids on the surface
elements, particularly wet lids. Do not use woks that have support rings.
This type of wok will not heat on glass surface elements.
We recommend that you use only aflat- bottomed wok. They are available at your
local retail store. The bottom of the wok should have the same diameter as the
surface element to ensure proper contact. Some special cooking procedures require
specific cookware such as pressure cookers, deep-fat fryers, etc. All cookware
must have flat bottoms and be the correct size.
Avoid allowing foods to boil dry as some cookware may stick to the cooking
surface, causing permanent damage to the cooktop.
Using the surface units--Touch pad-controlled models.
Surface Unit Cook Settings
levels range from "L"to HI in precise half-step
ON r-_ increments. Forexample: 1,1-1/2, 2,2-1/2 and OFF upto .
Thepower level with o fraction indicates the additional half-step recommended for "KeepWarm."
setting. You may hear clicking sounds indicating the control is Thepower level increasesone-half level with
maintaining your desired setting, each touch.
Power Level"L",the lowest setting, is
Single Surface Unit--Cook Settings
To turn on a single surface unit:
NOTE:When changing from a high heat setting to a lower heat setting, the surface unit may stop
glowing. Thisis normal. The unit is stillon and hot.
NOTE:Thiscooktop has a rapid heat-up feature. If the cooktop is cool when turned on,it will glow
red for a short period of time until the desired power setting is reached.
Touse the Simmer feature:
r-f1 Touch the ON/OFF pad; then touch the
[] Usethe (+1/(-1pad to choose the desired
power setting.
To use the Melt feature: Touch the ON/OFFpad;then touch MELT.
The element will automatically set to a
predetermined setting and "L"will be displayed. Toturn off esinglesurface unit,touch the
ON/OFF pad again.
Multi-Ring Burner (can be dual or triple, depending on model)
[Z] Touch the ON/OFF pad for the right-front
surface unit.
Usethe (+)/(-)pad to set the desiredpower setting.
r_ Touchthe BURNERSIZEpad as needed to
selectthe desired burner size.
Thelight next to the BURNERSIZEpad indicates which sizethe surface unit ison.
Touch the ON/OFF pad; then touch SIMMER. Theelement will automatically setto a
predetermined setting and "3" will be displayed. Adjust using the (+F(d pad to increase or
decrease the simmer rate.
Toturn the surface unit off,touch the ON/OFF pad.
Seepage i0 for additional information.
[A WARNING I OOD POISONHAZARD: Bacteria may grow in food at temperatures below 140°F.
Always start with hot food. Do not use warm settings to heat cold food.
Do not warm food for more than 2 hours.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in foodborne illness.
Using the Warming Zone (on some models)
The WARMINGZONEislocated inthe back
center of the glass surface.
[Z] Touch the WARMINGZONEON/OFFpad. [] To selectthe desired control setting, touch
the SELECTpad oncefor LO,twice for MED or three times for HI.
To turn off the WARMINGZONE:
Forbest results,all foods on the WARMING ZONEshould becoveredwith a lid or aluminum foil.
Always use pot holders or oven mitts when
removing food from the WARMINGZONE,as cookware will behot.
Donot use plasticwrap to cover food. Plastic
may melt onto the surface and be very difficult to clean.
Useonly cookware recommended for top-of-
range cooking.
Using the Warming Zone (onsomemodels)
TheWARMINGZONEis located in the back Donot use plastic wrap to coverfood. Plastic
center of the glass surface, may melt onto the surfaceand bevery difficult Touse the WARMINGZONE:
[-_ Touchthe WARMINGZONEON/OFFpad.
Touchthe 1 (LOJ,2 (MEDIor .5(HI)padto selectthe desired control setting.
to clean. Useonlycookware recommended for top-of-
range cooking.
[-_ Touch the START pad. "WARMER ON" will
be in the control display.
To turn off the WARMING ZONE: Touch the WARMING ZONE ON/OFF pad.
NOTE: The CLEAR/OFF pad will not turn off the WARMING ZONE.
Forbest results,all foods on the WARMING ZONEshould be covered with a lid or aluminum
foil. Always use pot holdersor oven mitts when
removing food from the WARMINGZONE,as cookware will be hot.
Using the surface units-Knob-controlled models.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
How to Set
Pushthe knob in and turn in either direction to
the setting you want.
Forglass cooktop surfaces:
A HOTCOOKTOPindicator light, on the
cooktop, will glow when any radiant element is
turned on. It will remain on until the surface is
!i ii s; ili
cooledto approximately 150°F.
Atboth OFFand HI the control clicks into position. Youmay hear slight
clicking sounds during cooking, indicating the control is maintaining
your desiredsetting.
Besure you turn the control knob to OFFwhen you finish cooking.
On some models.
Indicator light will:
Comeon when the unitis turned on or hot to the touch.
Stay on evenafter the unit is turned off. Glow until the unit iscooled to approximately
Dual and Triple Surface Units and Control Knobs (onsomemodels) Thesurface unit has 2 or 5cooking sizesto
selectfrom soyou can match thesizeof the unit
to the size of thecookwareyou are using.
Modelswith a Triple Surface Unit only.
Hi _ Lo
LD 2
On some models.
Temperature Limiter
Everyradiant surface unit has a temperature limiter.
Thetemperature limiter protects the glass
cooktop from getting too hot. It is normal for it
to cyclewhen the cooktop is in use.
Modelswith a Triple Surface Unit only.
Thetemperature limiter may cycle the units off more frequently for a time if:
Thepan boilsdry. Thepan bottom is not flat. Thepan is off-center. Thereis no pan on the uniL
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
Modelswith a Bridge Burner only:
Using the Bridge Burner (onsome models)
To use the bridge burner,turn the left-front
control knob to the BRIDGEBURNERsettings. Forfull bridge surface unit operation, also turn
on the left-rear surface unit.
To use only the front surface unit, turn the
control knob to the FRONTBURNERsettings.
Home Canning Tips
Be sure the canner is centered over the surface unit.
Hake sure the canner is flat on the bottom.
To prevent burns from steam or heat, use
caution when canning.
Userecipes and procedures from reputable sources.Theseare available from
manufacturers such as Ball®and Kerr®and the Department of Agriculture ExtensionService.
Flat-bottomed canners are recommended. Use of water bath canners with rippled bottoms
may extend the time required to bring the water to a boil.
Wok Cooking
We recommend that you use only a flat- bottomed wok. They are available atyour local
Do not use woks that have support rings.
Use only flat-bottomed woks.
Donot use round-bottom woks.You could be seriously burned ifthe wok tipped over.
CAUTION p/ace and remove the griddle when it is cool and all surface units are off. Use oven mitts if
you will touch the griddle while hot. Failure to do so can result in burns.
Before using this cookware for the first time, wash it to make sure it is clean.Then season
it lightly, rubbing cooking oil onto the nonstick surface.
Griddle Control (on some models)
To use the griddle control:
°,I= 1OFF
[] Touch the ON/OFF pad to activate the
griddle. "..." will appear in the display.
Usethe (+)#-)padto choose the desired
power setting.The default is375. The griddle offers nine power levels.Power
levels range from 200 to 400 in 25 increments.
Oncethe desired setting has been chosen,
"PrE"will be displayed untilthe desired
temperature has been reached.
[_ Toturn the griddle unit off,touchthe
NOTE:Useonly with thegriddle control to avoid degrading the nonstick coating.
Host griddledfoods require cooking on a preheated surface.Preheatgriddle according
to the guide below; then switch to the desired cook setting.
Typeof Food Setting CookSetting
Pancakes 375 375
Hamburgers 400 375
Fried Eggs 325 325
Bacon None 400
Hot Sandwiches 350 350 (such as
Grilled Cheese)
NOTE:Griddle settings may need to be adjusted if griddle is used for an extended time. Setting isan approximate cooking temperature and will vary with quantity of food.
Preheat J
How to plaee the griddle: IMPORTANT'.Always place and useyour griddle
at the designated location on thecooktop. IMPORTANTNOTES:
Cleanthe griddle with asponge and mild detergent in warm water. DONOTuseblue
or green scrubbing pads or steel wool,
Avoid cooking extremelygreasy foods and be
careful of grease spillover while cooking. Never place or store any items on the griddle,
evenwhen it isnot inuse.Thegriddle can become heated when usingthe surrounding
surface units.
Avoid using metal utensilswith sharp points
or rough edges,which might damage the griddle.Do not cut foodson the griddle.
Donot use cookware asa storage container
for food or oil.Permanent stainingand/or
craze linescould result.
NOTE: Thenonstick coating will degrade when exposedto temperatures over500°£ Use
only with the griddle control andonly at the designated location on the cooktop. Do not use
the griddle to broil food in the oven.Do not clean the griddle using the self-cleanmode in the oven.
Thegriddle controlpreventsoverheating the nonstick coating.At temperatures over 660°F,
the nonstickpropertiespermanently degrade and may produce fumes harmful to birds.
NOTE:Yourgriddle will discolor over time with
NOTE: Do not clean the griddle in the self- cleaningoven.
NOTE:Always allow the cookware to cool beforeimmersing in water.
Preparing Quality Steak, Easy
!. Bring steak to room temperature.
NOTE.Always use safe food practiceswhen handling meat.
2. Season both sidesto taste and coat with olive oil or similar.
Preheatthe oven to BAKEat 425°, with the oven rack in center position "C."
Placeyour griddle on the designated area ofthe cooktop and then preheat the griddle
to 400°F.
CAUTION:The griddle will be VERYHOT!Useoven mitts.
Searsteak on each side for 2 minutes or until the desired browning isachieved. NOTE.Therewill be "smoke";ensurethere isproper ventilation.
Insertthe meat probethat came with your range into the center of the steak,making sure that the tip ofthe probe isin the center of the steak.
Plugthe probe intothe outlet (located on the upper front side of the oven),slidethe rackbuck into the ovenand close the door.
PressPROBEon your control, enter the desired internaltemp, and pressSTART.
Allow steak to finish cooking inthe oven.The range control will beep and turn off when the steak reaches the desired internal temperature.
After searing,your steak could possiblyalready be at the desiredtemperature, depending on size, cut and desired doneness.
For thinner steaks it may not be possible to achieve u Rare or Medium Rare doneness.
asl, 2,3:
Byfirst searingyour meat with a very high heat,you are creating a browning reaction known asthe Maillard Reaction. Thisreaction unlocksthe fuller,more intenseflavor from themeat, which occurswhen cooking meat at a high heat.
Usingthe oven controls.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model. Seethe control panel below that matches
your model.
Touchthe BROILHI/LO pad once forHI Broil. Tochange to LOBroil,touch theBROILHI/LO pad again. Touchthe STARTpad.
When broilingisfinished,touch the CLEAR/OFFpad.
Touchthe BAKEpad. Touchthe number pads to setthe desiredoven temperature.
Touchthe STARTpad. When baking isfinished,touch the CLEAR/OFFpad.
Touchthe number pads to setthe desiredoven temperature. Touchthe STARTpad. Whencooking isfinished,touch the CLEAR/OFFpad.
Touchthe PIZZApad. Touchthe number pads to select1for frozenor 2 for fresh pizza.
Touchthe number pads to setthe bakingtemperature. Touchthe STARTpad. Bakingtime isdetermined by package directions.
Placepizzaontop rackpositionof upperoven.Whenusinga metal tray,usethelower rackposition.
Touchto raiseyeast-leavenedproducts. Seethe How to SettheOvenforProofingsection.
Touchto keepcookedfoodswarm. Seethe How to SettheUpperOvenforWarmingsection.
Touchfor long hoursof unattended cooking. Seethe How to SettheLowerOvenforSlowCooksection.
Touchwhen usingthe probeto cook food. Seethe Usingthe Probesection.
Touchto self-cleanthe oven. Seethe Usingthe Self-CleaningUpper and LowerOvenssection.
Touchto cancelALLovenoperationsexceptthe clock and timer.
STARTPod Mustbe touched to start any cooking or cleaningfunction.
Touchto turn the ovenlightson or off.
Touchto setthe kitchentimer. Seethe Usingthe KitchenTimersection.
Touchthis pad and then touch the number padsto setthe amount oftime you want your food to cook.Theovenwill shut off
when the cookingtime hasrun out. DELAYSTARTPod Usealong with the COOKTIMEor SELFCLEANpads to set
the oven to startand stop automaticallyat a time you set.
CLOCKPod NOTE:Whensettingtimes,you are settinghoursand minutes only.
Thelowest timeyou cansetisoneminute.
Touchthe CLOCKpad. Touchthe number pads.
TouchtheSTARTpad. Theclock must be setto the correct time of day for the automatic
oventiming functions to work properly.The time of day cannot be changedduring a timed bakingorself-cleaningcycle.
Ifyour oven wus set for u timed oven operution und u power outuge occurred, the clock and all programmed functions must
be reset. The time of duy will flush in the displuy when there hus been u power outuge.
Yourcontrolwill allowyou to lockout the touch padsand the cooktop sothey cannot be activated when touched.
Tolockthe controlsandcooktop: Touchand hold the CONTROLLOCKOUTpad for 3 seconds.
Theoven displaywill show "on Locon." Tounlockthe controls:
Touchand hold the CONTROLLOCKOUTpad for 3 seconds. TheCONTROLLOCKOUTmode affectsalltouch pads.
Notouch padswill work when this feature isactivated.
Thewarming drawer will keephot, cookedfoods at serving temperature.Alwaysstart with hot food.
Touchthe WARNINGDRAWERpad."WARMERON"and"1" are litonthe displayand "Set"beginsto blink.On the number pads,touch I for Low,2 for Hedium or 3 for High.Thedisplay"1"
changes correspondingto the number pad selected.Thewarming drawer starts automatically offer you touch 1,2 or 3."WARMER ON"and the number remainlit."Set"stopsblinking.Onsome
models,pressSTART. Onsome models - toggle between settingsbytouching the
WARMINGDRAWERpad. Tocancel,touch the WARNINGDRAWERpad.
NOTE:Touchingthe CLEAR/OFFpad doesnot turn off the
warming drawer.
WARMING ZONE Touchto keephot,cookedfood warm. Seethe UsingtheWarming
Usingthe oven.
To avoid possibleburns,placethe racksinthe desiredposition beforeyou turn on theoven.
Before you begin...
Theracks have stops,so that when placed correctly on the supports, they will stop before coming completely out and will not tilt.
When placing and removing cookware, pull the rack out until itstops.
On some models,the bake heating element is under the oven floor. Do not place foods onthe oven bottom for cooking.
Toremove a rack, pull it toward you, tilt the front end up and pull it out.
The number of rack positions may vary by model.
Aluminum Foil
Toreplace, place the end of the rack
(stop-locks)on the support,tilt up the front and push the rack in.
Whenyou are usinga rack in the lowest position (A),you will need to usecaution when pulling the rack out. Werecommend that you pull the rack out several inchesand then, using two pot holders,pull the rack out byholding thesides of it. Therack is low and you couldbeburned ifyou placeyour hand in the middle of the rack and pull all the way out. Be very careful not to bum
your hand on the door when usingthe rack in
the lowest position (A).
Do not use aluminum foil to line oven bottoms.
Thefoil will trap heat below and upset the
performance of the oven. Foilcan melt and permanently damage the oven bottom.
Damage from improper useof aluminum foil is not covered by the product warranty.
Foilmay be usedto catch spills by placing a
sheet on a lower rack,severalinches below the food .Do not usemore foilthan necessary
andneverentirelycoveran ovenrackwith
aluminum foil. Keepfoil at least !-!/2" from oven walls to prevent poor heat circulation.
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