Safety Instructions ............ 2-4
Operating Instructions
ClimateKeeper2 T".................... 6
CustomCooF" . .................... 7, 9
Ice and Water Dispenser ....... 17-18
Ouick Ice ........................... 17
Refrigerator Doors ................. 13
Replacing the Light Bulbs ........... 20
Set Features ........................ 6
Shelves and Bins ............... 11, 12
Temperature Controls ............... 5
TurboCooF" . ........................ 6
Water Filter ........................ 10
Installation Instructions
Installing the Refrigerator ....... 30-33
Moving the Refrigerator ........ 26-29
Preparing to Install
the Refrigerator .................... 25
Trim Kits and Panels ............ 21-24
Water Line Installation ......... 34-36
Models 22, 23, 25, 26, 27 ond 29
Profile CSte6 CSte
La section fran_aise commence _ la page 47
Profile Lado a Lado
La secci6n en espaflol empieza en la p6gina 93
Troubleshooting Tips ...... 38-4o
Normal Operating Sounds.......... 37
Consumer Support
Performance Data Sheet ........ 43,44
State of California Water
Treatment Device Certificate ........ 46
Warranty (Canadian) ............... 41
Warranty (U.S.) ..................... 42
Write the model end serial numbers
Model #
Serial #
Find these numbers on a label inside
the refrigerator compartment at the
top on the right side.
200D8074P052 49-60647-2 07-13 GE
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
, This refrigerator must be properly installed and located in
accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used.
, Do not allow children to climb,stand or hang on the shelves
in the refrigerator. They could damage the refrigerator and seriouslyinjurethemselves.
, Do not touch the cold surfaces in the freezercompartment
when hands are damp or wet.
Skinmaystickto these extremely cold surfaces.
, Do not store or usegasoline or other flammable vapors and
liquidsinthe vicinity of this or any other appliance.
, In refrigerators with automatic ice makers,avoid contact
with the moving parts of the ejector mechanism, orwith the
heating element located on the bottom of the ice maker. Do not placefingers or hands on the automatic icemaking
mechanism while the refrigerator is plugged in.
Keepfingers out of the "pinch point" areas; clearances between the doors and between the doors and cabinet are
necessarilysmall. Becareful closing doors when children are inthe area.
, Unplug the refrigerator before cleaning and making repairs.
NOTE:We strongly recommend that any servicing be performed by a qualified individual
, Non-LCO models: Setting either or both controls to 0 [ofg
does not remove power to the light circuit.
, LCDmodels: Turning the cooling system off does not remove
power to the light circuit.
, Donot refreezefrozen foods which havethawed completely. , Always clean the CustomCool'" Tray after thawing food.
Childentrapment and suffocation are not problems of the past. Junked or abandoned refrigerators are still dangerous...evenif
they will sit for 'lust a few days." Ifyou are getting rid of your old refrigerator, please follow the instructions below to help prevent
Before You Throw Awuy Your Old Refrigerutor or Freezer'.
Takeoff the doors.
Leavethe shelvesin place so that children may not easily
climb inside.
All refrigeration products contain refrigerants, which under federal law must be removed prior to product disposal. If you
are getting rid of an old refrigeration product, check with the company handling the disposal about what to do.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of on extension
However, ifyou must use an extension cord, it is absolutely necessary that it be a UL-listed(inthe United States)or a CSA-listed (in Canada), 3-wire grounding type appliance extension cord having a grounding type plug and outlet and that the electrical rating of the cord be !5 amperes (minimum) and !20 volts.
Do not, under anycircumstances,cut orremove the third [ground)prong from the power cord.Forpersonal safety,this appliance must beproperly grounded.
The power cord of this appliance isequipped with a:S-prong (grounding) plug which mates with a standard :S-prong
(grounding) wall outlet to minimizethe possibility of electric shock hazard from this appliance.
Havethe wall outlet and circuit checked bya qualified
electrician to make surethe outlet isproperly grounded.
Ifthe outlet is a standard 2-prong outlet, it isyour personal
responsibility and obligation to have it replacedwith a properly grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
The refrigerator should always be plugged into itsown individual electrical outlet which has avoltage rating that matches the
rating plate.
Thisprovides the best performance and also prevents overloading house wiring circuits which could causea fire
hazard from overheated wires.
Neverunplug your refrigerator by pulling onthe power cord.
Alwaysgrip plug firmly and pull straight out from the outlet.
Repairor replace immediately all power cords that have
become frayed or otherwise damaged. Donot use acord that shows cracks or abrasion damage along its length or at either
end. When moving the refrigerator away from the wall, be careful not
to roll over or damage the power cord.
About the temperature controls.
Not all features are on all models. Your controls may be similar to the following:
Touch-LED Dispenser Control
protective filmcoveringthe temperature
controls.Ifthisfilmwasnot removed duringinstallation,removeit now.
Thetemperaturecontrolsarepresetinthe factoryat37°F(3°C)forthe refrigeratorcompartmentandO°F(-!8°C)forthe freezercompartment
Allow24 hoursforthetemperaturetostabilizeto thepreset
recommendedsettings. Refrigeratortemperaturescanbeadjustedbetween54°Fand46°F
(1°Cto8°C),andthefreezertemperaturescanbeadjustedbetween-6% and+8°F(-21°Cto-13°0.
To change the Refrigerator temperature: Tactile-LED Dispenser Control
Thetemperaturecontrolscandisplayboththe SETtemperatureaswell
asthe actualtemperatureinthe refrigeratorandfreezer.Theactual temperaturemayvaryslightlyfromtheSETtemperaturebasedon
Onsomemodels,settingbothcontrolstothewarmestsettinguntil thedisplayflashes(off)will stopcoolinginboth thefreezerand
untilthedisplayflashes(off)willstopthecoolingto thefreezerand refrigerator.
NOTE:Turningtherefrigeratoroffvia thecontrolsonthe touch paneldoesnotshutoffelectricalpowertothe refrigerator.
NOTE:Therefrigeratorisshippedwithprotectivefilmcoveringthe temperaturecontrols,tfthisfilmwasnot removedduringinstallation,
removeit now.
Touch-LEDDispenser Control', Tochange the temperature, press and release the FREEZER
TEMP/FRIDGETENPpad TheSETlight will come on and
the display will show the settemperature. To change the temperature, tap either the A or V pad until the desired temperature is displayed.
Recommended 0 o F Recommended 37 ° F
m ActuelTemp Set Temp i
Tactile LED Dispenser Control.
Oncethe desiredtemperature has been set, the temperature display will return to the actual refrigerator and freezer temperatures after 5 seconds.Severaladjustments may be
required. Each time you adjust the controls,allow 2/4hours for the refrigerator to reach the temperature you have set.
ThetemperaturecontrolscandisplayboththeSETtemperatureaswell asthe actualtemperatureintherefrigeratorandfreezer.Theactual
temperaturemayvaryslightlyfromtheSETtemperaturebasedon usageandoperatingenvironment.
Turning the cooling system off: Tactile-LED Dispenser Control
Onsomemodels,settingbothcontrolstothewarmestsettinguntil thedisplayflashes(off)will stopcoolinginboth thefreezerand
untilthedisplayflashes(off!willstopthecoolingto thefreezerand refrigerator.
NOTE:Turningtherefrigeratoroffvia thecontrolsonthe touch paneldoesnotshutoffelectricalpowertotherefrigerator.
Touch-LEDDispenser Control:
Press and release the FREEZERTEPIP/FRIDGETENPpad. Press ^to set freezer temperature to 5.The display will
show OFF.To turn the unit back on, press the FREEZER TEMP/FRIDGETENP pad. Press ^ to set the freezer and
refrigerator temperatures to the preset points of 0% (-18°C) for the freezer and 37°F (3°C)for the refrigerator.
When the unit is turned back on, it will take up to 24 hours to stabilize.
Performance Air Flow S stem
ThePerformance Air-Flow System isdesignedto maximize temperature control in the refrigerator and freezer
compartments. This unique special feature consists ofthe AirTower along the back wall of the refrigerator and the Air
Tunnelon the bottom portion ofthe freezer rear wall. Placing food in front of the louvers on these components will not affect
performance. Although the AirTower and the AirTunnel can be removed, doing so will affect temperature performance.
(Forremoval instructions, on-line, contact usat or call
800.GECARES.InCanada,contact usat geappliances.caor call
About Set Features.
Thispad is used to selectthe following features: TurboCool, Quick Ice,Door Alarm and Water
About TurboCool.TM
How it Works
TurboCool _"rapidly coolsthe refrigerator compartment in order to more quickly cool foods. UseTurboCoolT"when adding
a large amount of food to the refrigerator comportment, putting away foods after they have been sitting out at room temperature or when putting away warm leftovers.Itcan also be usedif the refrigerator has beenwithout power for an extended period.
Onceactivated, the compressor will turn on immediately and the fans will cycle on and off at high speedas needed for eight hours. Thecompressorwill continue to run until the refrigerator compartment cools to approximately 34% (I°C),then itwill cycleon and off to maintain this setting. After 8 hours,or if TurboCool" is pressedagain, the refrigerator compartment will return to the original setting.
How to Use
Tactile LEDDispenser Control:
PressTurboCoolTM. TheTu.rboCooltemperature , displaywillshowTcandtheLEDwillbeactivated.
AfterTurboCooPiscomplete,theTurboCooP indicatorlightwill goout.
PressingSETFEATURESrepeatedly will cycle
through all of the available features and then exit the mode. If no keyis pressed,the mode
will exit and return to displaying features currently set.
Thefreezertemperatureis notaffected
Wh.enope.ninqtherefrigeratordoorduring TurboCooF",thefunswillcontinuetorunIt
they hovecycledon.
Touch-LEDDispenser Controls:
temperature display will show TurboCool_"
and/or TC. PressON/OFF.
After TurboCooP iscomplete, the refrigerator
compartment will return to the original setting.
NOTES: Therefrigerator temperature cannot bechanged
during TurboCool_". Thefreezertemperature isnot affected during
When opening the refrigerator door during
TurboCooF', the fans will continue to run if they
have cycled on.
About ClimateKeeper2;" Ionsome models)
How it Works
TheClimateKeeper2TM isthe industry's most advanced refrigeration system,delivering
optimum temperature and humidity performance to keepfood garden fresh longer
and reduce freezer burn. TheClimateKeeperZ" system features two
evaporators-one for the refrigerator and one for the freezer.
Thisprovides two separate cooling systems, and separates the airflow betweenthe fresh
food and freezer compartments during normal cooling operations.*
Thisensures that the humidity levelsin the fresh food compartment are significantly higher
than in a conventional system,**allowing fresh produce and other unsealed foods to retain
their moisture content and freshness longer.
Moisturesensitivefoods such as freshfruit,
salads,rice,etc.,can now be stored on open shelveswithout excessivemoisture loss.
Dueto the higher humidity inthe refrigerator,
you may on occasion experiencefog or
small amounts of moisture in the refrigerator compartment. This isnormal and may
come and go as different food loads and environmental conditions change.Wipe dry
with a paper towel ifdesired. Theseparate airflow system minimizesthe
mixing of air between the two compartments,
which reduces fresh food odor transfer to
improve the taste of ice.
TheClimateKeeperZ" system also reduces the number of defrosting cycles inthe freezer
evaporator, thereby reducing freezer burn. *Freezerair is usedin the CustomCool feature.
**Testingshows a higher levelof humidity in
theFreshFood sectioninClimateKeeperZ" refrigeratorsversusconventional units.
About CustomCoolf(onsome models)
How it Works
Touch LED Dispenser Control
TheCustomCoor" feature isused to quickly chill items,thaw items or holdthe pan at a specific temperature. Thisfeature isasystem of
dampers, a fan, a temperature thermistor and a heater.
How to Use
Emptythe pan.Placethe Chill/Thawtray in
the pan. Placethe itemson the tray and close the pan completely.
Touch LEDDispenser Control:
Selectthe ExpressThawTM, ExpressChilr" or SelectTempTM pad.Thedisplay and SET light will come on.Tap the pad until the light appears next to the desired setting.
Usethe following chart to determine the best setting to use,
ExpressChill can be set to 15,30 or/45
minutes.Thedefault is 15 minutes.
Tostop a feature before it is finished: tap that feature's pad until no options are selected and the display isoff.
Thepan istightly sealedto preventtemperature fluctuations inthe rest of the refrigerator. Thecontrols for this pan are located on the
dispenser with the temperature controls.
DuringExpressThaw and ExpressChill,the display on the controls will count down the time inthe cycle (onsome models).
After the ExpressThaw cycle is complete, the pan will resetto the MEATsetting (32%
[0°C])to helppreservethawed items until they are used.
Thedisplayedactual temperature of the CustomCool pan may vary slightly from the SETtemperature based on usage and operating environment.
NOTE:Forfood safetyreasons,it is recommended that foods be wrapped in plastic wrap when usingExpressThaw. Thiswill help contain meatjuices and improve thawing performance.
About ExpressChillflon some models)
.......................................................... SET
How if: Works
TheExpressChilF"feature isasystem of dampers, a fan and a temperature thermistor.
Thepan istightly sealedto preventthe pan's temperature from causing temperature
fluctuations inthe rest of the refrigerator.
How to Use
Emptythe pun. Placethe Chilltray in the pan.Placethe items on the tray and close
the pan completely. Selectthe ExpressChill'" pad. On some
models,you can then select the chilltime
(usechart to determine best setting).Other models will only have one option (45
minutes).On models with multiple settings, tap the pad until the light appears nextto the desired setting.
Thecontrols for this pan are located in the top of the refrigerator or onthe dispenserwith the
temperature controls.
, To stop a feature before it isfinished,tap
that feature's pad until no options are selectedand the display isoff.
, During ExpressChill,thedisplay on the
controls will count down the time inthe cycle.
How to Remove and Replace the Drawer To remove: 0 Lock all four swing locks by rotating them
Pullthe drawer out to the stop position, to the lock position.
Rotateallfour swing locksto the unlock position.
Liftthe front of the drawer up and out.
To replace:
Hake sure all four swing locks are inthe unlock position.
Place the sides of the drawer into the drawer supports, making sure the swing
locks fit on the drawer slots.
About CustomCoolF(onsome models)
CustomCool TM Chart
NOTE:Results may vary depending on packaging, starting temperature and other food traits.
Express Thaw" ExpressChill'"
0.5 Lb. (4 hours) 15 Minutes
Hamburger Patties(0.5 Ib) ! Beverage Can(12oz) IndividuallyWrapped 2 SmallJuiceBoxes(6-8 oz each) FiletMignon (0.5Ib) 30 Minutes
Chicken Breasts(1.0Ib) Ground Beef(1.0Ib)
Steak (1.0Ib) (6-8 oz each)
Chicken Breasts(2.0Ibs) Wine (750ml bottle) Ground Beef(2.0Ibs) 45 Minutes
Steak (2.0Ibs) 2 Literof Beverage
Chicken Breasts(3.0Ibs) Gelatin-1 package Ground Beef(3.0Ibs)
Steak (3.0Ibs)
1.OLb.16hours} 2to 6 Beverage Cans(12oz each) 2 Plastic20oz Bottlesof Beverage
a to 6 Small Juice Boxes
2.0 Lbs.!10 hours} 3 FoilJuice Packets
3.0 Lbs.(12hours} 1/2 Gallon of Juice
SelectTemp T"
Citrus Settinq (43°F[6°C])
Oranges, Lemons,Limes,Pineapple, Cantaloupe
Beans,Cucumbers,Tomatoes, Peppers,Eggplant,Squash
Produce Settinq (35°F[2°C]}
Strawberries, Raspberries,Kiwifruit,
Pears,Cherries,Blackberries,Grapes, Plums,Nectarines, Apples
Asparagus, Broccoli,Corn,
Mushrooms,Spinach,Cauliflower, Kale,GreenOnion, Beets,Onions
Meat Settinq (32°F[O°C])
Raw Meat,Fishand Poultry
About the water filter, (on some models)
Water Filter Cartridge
Thewater filter cartridge is located in the back upper right corner of the refrigerator compartment.
When to Replace the Filter on Models With a Replacement Indicator Light
Thereisa replacement indicator light for the water filter cartridge on the dispenser.This light will turn orange to tellyou
that you need to replacethe filter soon. Thefiltercartridge should bereplaced when the replacement
indicator lightturns red or if the flow of water to the dispenseror ice maker decreases.
When to Replace the Filter on Models Without a Replacement Indicator Light
Thefiltercartridge should bereplaced every six months or earlier if the flow of water to the water dispenser or ice maker
Removing the Filter Cartridge
If you are replacing the cartridge,first remove the oldone by slowly turning it to the left. Do not pull down on the cartridge. A
small amount of water may drip down.
Installing the Filter Cartridge
0 Ifyou are replacing a SmartWater cartridge with an
adapter, itmust be removed before installing the cartridge.
To remove the adapter, turn it to the leftabout !/a, turn.
If you are replacing a Water by Culligan cartridge, leave the adapter in place.Thisadapter will stay in the refrigerator when
you replace future cartridges.
Runwater from the dispenser1-1/2 gallons (aboutthree
minutes)to clear the system and prevent sputtering. Pressand hold the WATERFILTERpad (onsome models)on
the dispenser for 3 seconds.
Hold 3 Sec
NOTE:A newly-installed water filter cartridge may cause water to spurt from the dispenseruponfirst use.
Filter Bypass Plug
You must use the filter bypass plug when a replacement filter cartridge isnot available. Thedispenserandthe icemaker will
not operate without the filter orfilter bypass plug.
SrnartWater Water byCulligan
Some models
With adapter
(appearance may vary)
O On models without a replacement indicator light, apply the
month and year sticker to the new cartridge to remind you
to replace the filter insix months.
Fillthe replacement cartridge with water from the tap to allow for better flow from the dispenser immediately after
Lineup the arrow on the cartridge and the cartridge holder. Placethe top of the new cartridge up insidethe holder.Do
not push it up into the holder. Slowlyturn itto the right until the filter cartridge stops.
DONOTOVERTIGHTEN.Asyou turn the cartridge, itwill automatically raise itselfinto position.The cartridge will move about 1/2 turn.
Without adapter water
Tousethe filter bypass plug on Water byCulligan models,you must first remove the filter adapter from the cartridge holder by turning it to the left.
Forthe maximum benefit ofyour filtration system, GE recommends the useof GEbranded SmartWater filters only. Using GEbranded filters in GEand Hotpoint refrigerators provides optimal performance and reliability.GEbranded SmartWater filters are always the right choicebecausethey are patented and designed specificallyfor GEproducts. GE SmartWater filters meet rigorous industry NSFstandards for safety and quality that are important for products that are filtering your water. GEhas not qualified non-GEbranded filters for use in GEand Hotpoint refrigerators and there isno
assurance that non-GEbranded filters meet GE'sstandards for quality, performance and reliability.
If you have questions-visit our Websiteat,or call !.800.GE.CARES(1.800.4322737).
Replacement filters: To order additional filter cartridges in the United States,
visit our Website at, or call GEParts and Accessories, 800.626.2002.
See filter label for type of filter to order (PIWFor kISWF). Customers in Canada should consult the yellow pages for the
nearest klabe Service Center.
About the shelves and bins.
Not all features are on all models.
Refrigerator Door Bins and Freezer Door Tilt-Out Bins
The larger refrigerator door bins andfreezer tilt-out door bins areadjustable.
Toremove: Liftthe front of the bin straight up,
then lift up and out.
Refrigerator am
Freezer tilt-out am
To replace or relocate: Engage the back side of the bin in the molded supports on the door.
Then push down on the front of the bin. Binwill
lock in place. Thesnugger helps prevent tipping, spilling or
slidingof small items stored on the door shelf. Placea finger on either sideof the snugger
near the rear and move it back andforth
to fit your needs.
Top Freezer Bins
DOn0t biock
Top freezer bin
Do not block
CAUTION: Be careful when
placing items in
the top bin. Make sure that items
do not block or
fall into the ice chute.
CAUTION: Partmust be in
placeas shown for proper ice
cannot be stored in this location.
5 if¸¸¸:::::I¸¸:¸¸¸I¸¸
Press tab and pull shelf forward to remove
Slide-Out Spillproof Shelf
The slide-out spillproof shelf allows you to
reach items stored behind others. The special edges are designed to help prevent spills from
dripping to lower shelves.
To remove:
Slidethe shelf out until it reaches the stop,
then press down on the tub and slide the shelf
straight out.
QuickSpuce'" Shelf
This shelf splitsin half and slidesunder itselffor
storage oftall items on the shelf below.
This shelf can be removed and replaced or
relocated just likeSlide-Out SpillproofShelves.
Top freezer bin (on some models)
To replace or relocate:
Linethe shelf up with the supports and slide it into place.The shelf can be repositioned
when the door isat 90° or more. To reposition the shelf, slidethe shelf past the stops and
angle downward. Slideshelfdown to the desired position, line up with the supports and
slideinto place.
Make sure you push the shelves all the way back in before you close the door.
On some models,this shelf cannot be used in the lowest position.
About the shelves and bins.
Not all features are on all models.
Freezer Baskets
Toremove, pushthe basket all the way to the back of the freezer. Lift up until the back pins
are disengaged. Liftthe entire basket up and pull out.
Slide-Out Freezer Shelves
Toremove, slideout to the stop position, lift the
front post the stop position and slideout.
Fixed Freezer Shelves
There are two types of fixed freezer shelves.
Toremove this type of shelf:
0 Lift the shelf up at the left side. 0 Bring the shelf out.
Toremove this type of shelf:
Lift up the left side of the shelfand slide it left into the center of the shelfsupports.
Make sure you push the baskets oll the way 8ock in Beforeyou close the door.
Make sure you push the shelves oil the way
back in beforeyou close the door.
NOTE FOR DISPENSERMODELS: In order to take full advantage of the tilt-out ice bin, only
store items on the shelf below the ice bin that are no taller than the lowest point on the bin.
Rotatethe right sideof the shelfup and out of the shelf supports.
Door Wine/Beverage Rack (onsome models)
This rack holdsup to 5 cons or one bottle of wine.
The rock hangs from the sides of the dairy bin.
Empty the wine/beverage rock. Holding the bottom of the dairy bin,lift the
front straight up, then lift up and out. Todetach the rock from the dairy bin,pull
the rock's sidewires out of the holeson each side of the dairy bin.
Reattochthe rack to the sidesof the bin. Engagethe back side of the bin in the
molded supports on the door.Then push
down on the front of the bin.The binwill lock into place.
About the refrigerator doors.
Refrigerator Doors
When the door is only partially open, it will automatically close.
Beyond this stop the door will stay open.
The refrigerator doors may feel different th(]n the ones you (]reused to.The speci(]ldoor
opening/closing fe(]ture m(]kes surethe doors close(]11the w(]y (]nd (]re securely se(]led.
When opening (]nd closingthe door,you will
notice (]stop position. If the door is opened p(]stthis stop point, the door will rem(]in open
to (]llow you to Io(]d (]nd unlo(]dfood more
e(]sily.When the door isonly p(]rti(]lly open,it
will (]utom(]tic(]lly close.
Door Alignment
If doors (]re uneven,(]djust the refriger(]tor door.
Using(] 7/16" wrench, turn the door
(]djusting screw to the right to r(]isethe door, to the left to lower it. (Anylon plug,
imbedded in the thre(]ds of the pin, preventsthe pin from turning unless(]
wrench isused.)
Theresist(]nceyou feel (]tthe stop position will be reduced (]s the door is Io(]dedwith food.
O After one or two turns of the wrench,
open (]nd close the refriger(]tor door (]nd check the (]lignment (]t the top of the
About the crispers and pans.
Not all features are on all models.
Fruit and Vegetable Crispers
Excess water that may accumulate in
the bottom of the drawers should be wiped dry.
On some models, the bottom drawer has
full extension slidesthat allow full access to the drawer.
2_ "
Adjustable Humidity Crispers
Slidethe control all the way to the HIsetting to provide high humidity recommended for most
Convertible Oeli Pan
Theconvertible deli pan has its own cold
air duct to allow a stream of cold air from
the freezer compartment or freshfood
compartment to flow to the pan.
i i _i i iiiii
Thevariable temperature control regulates
the air flow from the Climate KeeperAir Tower.
About crisper removal.
Not all features are on all models.
Slidethe control all the way to the LO setting to provide lower humidity levels recommended for most fruits.
Setthe control to the coldest setting to store fresh meats.
Setthe control to cold to convert the pan
to normal refrigerator temperature and provide
extra vegetable storagespace.
The cold air duct isturned off.Variable settings
between these extremes can be selected.
Crisper Removal
Crispers can easily be removed by pulling the drawer straight out and lifting the drawer up
and over the stop location.
If the door prevents you from taking out the drawers,first try to remove the door bins.
If this does not offer enough clearance, the refrigerator will need to be rolledforward
until the door opens enough to slidethe drawers out. Insome cases,when you roll the
refrigerator out, you will needto move the refrigerator to the left or right asyou roll it out.
About the automatic ice maker.
A newly installed refrigerator may take 12 to 24 hours to begin making ice.
Automatic Ice maker
Theice maker will produce seven cubes per cycle- approximately 100-!30 cubes in a 24-hour period, depending
on freezer compartment temperature, room temperature, number of door openings and other useconditions.
If the refrigerator isoperated before the water connection is made to the ice maker, setthe power switch in the OFFposition.
When the refrigerator has been connected to the water supply, set the power switch to the ONposition.
Theicemaker willfillwith water when itcoolsto 15°F(-10°O. A newly installedrefrigerator may take !2 to 24hoursto begin
making icecubes. Youwill hear a buzzing sound each time the ice maker fills with
water. Throw away the first few batches of iceto allow the water line
to clear. Besure nothing interfereswith the sweep of the feeler arm.
When the bin fillsto the levelof the feeler arm, the ice maker will stop producing ice.It is normal for several cubes to bejoined
together. If ice is not used frequently, old ice cubes will become cloudy,
taste stale and shrink.
Special note about dispenser models: , Some models have a tilt-out icebin.Thebin can be tilted out
asshown in the illustrations,and it will hold itself up while you
take iceout or turn the ice maker power switch on and off. Be
sureto put the bin back in place before closingthe door.
, To restore your ice level from an empty bucket stage, the
following steps are recommended:
O !2 hours after the first batch of ice hasfallen intothe bin,
dispense 3 to/4 cubes.
O After an additional 6 hours, dispense3 to 4 cubesagain. Thesestepswill restoreyour ice levelinthe shortest amount of
ice maker
ice maker
Switch CeelerArm
(on some models)
NOTE: In homes with lower than average water pressure, you may
hear the ice maker cycle multiple times when making one batch of ice.
Power Ligm FeelerArm
(onsome models)
About the automatic ice maker. (cant)
Accessing Ice and Reaching the Power Switch on
Dispenser Models
There are two types of ice storage bins on dispenser models. One has a shelf above the bin,the other does not.
Special note for models with tilt-out ice bin:
These models have a tilt-out ice bin. The bin can be tilted out as shown in the illustrations, and it willhold itself up
while you take ice out or turn the icemaker power switch on and off. Be sure to put the bin back in place before
closing the door.
NOTE: In order to take full advantage of the tilt-out ice bin, only store items on the shelf below the ice bin that are no taller than the lowest point on the
Models with a shelf above the ice bin
To access ice, pull the bin forward.
......... -- .......... i
To reach the power switch, pull the shelf straight out. Always be sure to
replace the shel_
i ill
Models with tilt out ice bin
To access ice and reach the icemaker power switch:
O Lift the bin, then it forward
until the bin stops.
O Lower the bin to access ice or
reach the power switch.
Removing Ice Bin (dispenser models) CAUTION:The ice bin is heavy when full.
Set the power switch to the OFFposition before removing the bin.
When replacing the bin, be sureto press it firmly into place,If
it does not go all the way back, remove it and rotate the drive mechanism !//4 turn. Then push the bin back again.
On some models, to access
O Pull the bin forward until the
bin stops.
ice or reach the power switch:
O Lower the bin to access ice or
reach the power switch.
Drive Mechanism
Dispenser Models only
About the ice and water dispenser. (on some models)
To Use the Dispenser
SelectCUBED,CRUSHEDor WATER. Pressthe glassgentlyagainstthetop
spot!ing,the shelfand itsgrilleshouldbecleaned regulany.
tfnowater isdispensedwhenthe refrigeratorisfirst installed,theremaybeairinthewater linesystem. Pressthe dispenserarm forat leasttwo minutesto removetrappedairfromthewaterlineandto fillthe
water system.Toflushoutimpuritiesin thewater
line,throwawaythefirstsixglassfulsofwater. CAUTION:Neverput fingersoranyotherobjectsinto
Locking the Dispenser
Pressthe LOCKorLOCKCONTROLSpadfor 3secondsto lockthe dispenserandcontrolpanel.To unlock,pressand holdthepadagainfor
TheLIGHTpadturnsthenight light inthe#spenser
onandoff.Thelightalsocomesonwhenthe dispensercradleispressed.Formodelswith a bulb,
ifthelightburnsout,it shouldbereplacedwith a 6 watt 12Vmaximumbulb.ForLEDmodelscontact
UseDoorAlarm to soundif eitherdoorisopen formorethan3minutes.Thealarmwillstop oncethedoor isclosed.ForLCDmodels,a popup screenwillaRpear.Thealarmcanbesilenced bytouchingtheLCDscreen.
TouchLEDDispenserControl: Pressthe SETFEATURESpadonceandDOOR
ALARMwill blink.PressON/OFFandthedooralarm
willbesetandtheiconwillturnsolid.PressON/OFF againtoturnthealarmoff.
Door Alarm (onTactile LEDDispenserControl model)
Tosetthe alarm, press this pad until the
indicator light comes on. Thisalarm will sound if either
door is open for more than 3 minutes. The light goesout and the beeping stops when you closethe door.
Quick Ice
Whenyouneedtospeedupiceproduction,usethe QuickIcefeature.Whilethisfeatureisturnedon,
thefreezerfanrunscontinuouslyfor48hours,or untilthefeatureisturnedOFF.Duringthisperiod,ice productionwill increaseupto40%.Modelswiththe integratedicefeaturesystemrequireatFIRSTUSEat leasthalfan8oz.glassof icetobedispensedevery6 to12hours.Thiswillhelptheicemakerfillthebucket properlysothatdispensingisbetter.
Precise Fill (on some models)
called"precisefill."Thisfeatureallowsyouto choose a preciseamountof water(cupsor ounces)that
TheWATERpadwill lightandtheCRUSHED andCUBEDicepadswillturnoff.Thelastunit usedwillbedisplayed.
O Pressthe PRECISEFILLpadagainto toggle
Ifyou selectedOUNCES,pressthe A arM pad to selectthenumberofouncesyouwouldlike to havedispensedbetween2-99ounces.
Thedefaultis 8ounces.
Howto Use
PresstheSETFEATURESpadtwiceand QUICK!CE
willblink.PressON/OFFtoturntheteatureon then ago ntoturn toff.
Quick Ice (onTactile LEDDispenserControl
[] When you need icein a
I '_ hurry, pressthis pad tO .
Quick J speed upice production.This
_ce tar the following 48hours
will increase ice production
or until you pressthe pad again.
Ifyou selected CUPS, pressthe A or v pad to select the amount you would liketo havedispensed.
They are displayedas 1/4, 1/3, 1/2,2/3 and 3/4,with
the highest amount being 16 3/4 cups.The default is i cup.
O Pressthe cup against the cradle and water will
begindispensing. Itwill automatically stop when the amount sethas been dispensed.The display will show the amount of water dispensed,beep,
then resetafter 5 seconds.
NOTE:Do not leavethe dispenser unattended when water isbeing dispensed.
Ifyou would liketo stop dispensing water before the specified amount has been
dispensed,just remove the cup from the cradle. Thedisplay will show the amount that has been dispensed for 5 seconds. Ifthe cup switch is pressed again within that time, the dispenser will continue up to the setamount. If not,the display will return to the set amount.
About the ice end water dispenser. Consome models)
important Facts About Your Dispenser
Do not add icefrom trays or bags to the storage drawer. It may not crush or dispense well.
Avoid overfilling glass with ice and use of narrow glasses. Backed-up ice can
jam the chute or cause the door in the
chute to freeze shut. If ice is blocking the chute, poke it through with a wooden spoon.
Beverages and foods should not be quick-chilled in the ice storage drawer. Cans, bottles or food packages inthe storage drawer may cause the ice
maker or auger to jam. To keep dispensed ice from missing the
glass, put the glass close to, but not touching, the dispenser opening.
Some crushed ice may be dispensed even though you selected CUBED.
This happens occasionally when afew
cubes accidentally get directed to
the crusher. After crushed ice is dispensed, some
water may drip from the chute.
Sometimes a small mound of snow
will form on the door in the ice chute. This condition is normal and usually
occurs when you have dispensed crushed ice repeatedly. The snow
will eventually evaporate.
Care and cleaning of the refrigerator.
Cleaning the Outside
Thestainless steel panels and door handles
Dispenser drip area.
Thedispenser drip area, beneaththe grille,
shouldbewiped dry.Water left in this area may leavedeposits.Removethe deposits
by adding undiluted vinegar to the well. Soak until the deposits disappear or become loose
enough to rinseaway. Thedispenser cradle. Beforecleaning,
lock the dispenser by pressingand holding the LOCKor LOCKCONTROLSpadfor
3 seconds.Cleanwith warm water and baking soda solution-about a tablespoon
(15 ml)of baking soda to a quart (1liter) of water. Rinsethoroughly and wipe dry.
Thedoor handles end trim. Cleanwith a cloth dampened with soapy water.
Drywith a soft cloth.
(onsome models)can becleanedwith a commercially available stainlesssteel cleaner.A spray-on stainless steel cleaner
works best.
Do not useappliance wax or polish on the stainless steel.
Keepthe outside clean. Wipe with a clean cloth lightly dampened with kitchen
appliancewax or mild liquid dishdetergent. Dry and polishwith a clean, soft cloth.
Do not wipe the refrigerator with a soiled dish cloth or wet towel. These may leave
a residue that can erode the paint. Do not usescouring pads, powdered cleaners,
bleach or cleaners containing bleach because these products can scratch and
weaken the paint finish.
Cleaning the inside
Tohelp prevent odors, leave an open box
of baking soda in the freshfood and freezer compartments.
Unplug the refrigerator before cleaning.
Ifthis isnot practical, wring excessmoisture
out of sponge or cloth when cleaning around switches, lights or controls.
Usewarm water and baking soda solution- about a tablespoon (15ml) of baking sodato a quart (1liter)of water.This both cleans and
neutralizes odors. Rinseand wipe dry.
Use of any cleaning solution other than
that which is recommended, especially those that contain petroleum distillates,
can crock or damage the interior of the refrigerator.
Avoid cleaning cold glass shelves with hot
water because the extreme temperature
difference may cause them to break. Handle glass shelves carefully. Bumping tempered glass can cause it to shatter.
Do not wash any plastic refrigerator parts in the dishwasher.
Thechill/thaw tray is dishwasher safe.
Behind the Refrigerator
Becareful when moving the refrigerator away
from the wall. All types of floor coverings can
be damaged, particularly cushioned coverings and those with embossedsurfaces.
Pullthe refrigerator straight out and return it
to position by pushing it straight in.Movingthe
refrigerator in a sidedirection may result in damage to the floor covering or refrigerator.
Preparing for Vacation
Forlongvacations or absences,remove food and unplug the refrigerator. Cleanthe interior
with a baking soda solution of one tablespoon (15 ml)of baking soda to one quart (! liter) of
water. Leavethe doors open. Setthe icemaker power switch to the 0 (off)
position and shut offthe water supply to the
When pushing the refrigerator back, make sureyou don't roll over the power cord or ice maker supply line.
Ifthe temperature can drop below freezing,
have a qualified servicerdrain the water supply systemto prevent serious property
damage due to flooding.
Preparing to Move
Secureall loose items such as shelvesand drawers bytaping them securelyin place to
prevent damage. When using a hand truck to movethe
refrigerator, do not restthe front or back of the
refrigerator against the hand truck. This could damage the refrigerator. Handle only from the
sides of the refrigerator.
Be sure the refrigerator stays in an upright position during moving.
Replacing the light bulbs.consome models)
NOTE: Turning the refrigerator off via the controls on the touch panel does not shut off electrical power to the refrigerator or to the light circuit.
Yourlight shieldwill looklike oneof thefollowing:
Refrigerator Compartment--Upper Light
0 Unplug the refrigerator.
Thebulbs are located at the top ofthe compartment, insidethe light shield.On some models,a screw at the front of the
light shield will have to be removed.On
other models, the screw islocated in the pocket located at the back of the light
shield. Toremove the light shield, on some models,
press in on the tabs on the sidesof the shieldand slide forward and out. On other
models,just slide the shield forward and out.
Refrigerator Compartment--Lower Light This light is located above the top drawer. _ After replacing the bulb with an appliance
Unplug the refrigerator, the shield and the knob. Remove the convertible meat drawer
control knob by pulling straight out. _ Plug the refrigerator back in.
j 0 Liftthe light shield up and pull it out.
Freezer Compartment
Unplug the refrigerator.
Remove the shelf just above the light shield.
(The shelf willbe easier to remove ifit is emptied first.) On some models, a screw at
the top of the light shield willneed to be removed.
Toremove the light shield, press in on the sides,and lift up and out.
After replacing the bulb with an appliance
bulb of the same or lower wattage, replace
the light shieldand screws (onsome
models).When replacing the light shield, make sure that the tabs at the back of the
shieldfit into the slots at the backof the
light shield housing. Plugthe refrigerator back in.
bulb of the same or lower wattage, replace
Replace the bulb with an appliance bulb
of the same or lower wattage, and
reinstall the light shield. When reinstalling the light shield, make sure
the top tabs snap securely into place.
Replace the screw (on some models). Reinstall the shelf and plug the
refrigerator back in.
I r I I Display
Dispenser (on some models)
Unplugthe refrigerator.
Thebulb is located on the dispenser under the control panel. Removethe light bulb by turning it counterclockwise.
Refrigerator Compartment (on models with LEDlighting)
Somemodels may have LEDlighting display Ifthis assembly needs to be replaced,call GE on the top and/or sides of the fresh food Serviceat !.800./432.2737in the United States compartment and inthe rear andside of the or !.800.56!.3344 in Canada.
freezer compartment
Replace the bulb with a bulb of the same
size and wattage.
Plug the refrigerator back in.
Trim kits and decorator panels.
For CustomStyle ''_models Read these instructions completely and carefully.
Before You Begin
Some models ore equipped with trim kits that allow you to install door ponds. You con order pre-cut block, white, bisque or stainless steel decorator ponds from GE Ports and Accessories, 800.626.2002, or you con add wood
ponds to match your kitchen cabinets.
Panels less than 1/4" (6 mm) thick
When installing wood panelslessthan 1/4" (6mm) thick, you need to create a filler panel, such as 1/8" cardboard, that will fit between the face of the door and the wood panel.Ifyou are installing the pre-cut decorator panels,pre-cut filler panels are included
in the kit.Thecombined thickness ofthe decorator or wood panel and the filler panel should be !/4" (6mm).
Panels 1/4"thick or less
3/4" (19 mm) or Raised Panel A raised panel design screwed or glued to a 1/4" (6mm) thick backing,or a 3/4" (19mm)routed board can beused.The raised
portion of the panel must befabricated to permit clearances of at least 2" (5.1cm) from the handle sidefor fingertip clearance. Panelsthicker than !/4" (6 mm),upto 3/4" (19 mm) max, will require that the outer 5/16" (8mm)of panel perimeter be no thicker
than !/4" (6mm).
Weight limitations for custom panels. FreshFoodif8 Ibs.(! 7kg) max.
FreezerDoor 28 Ibs.(!5 kg)max.
Panels thicker than 1/4" 16mm)
5/16" (8mm)
1/4" (6ram)max
3/4" (19 mm)
2" (5.1cm) Clearance Handle Side
1/4" (6mm)
Thick Backing
3/4" (19mm)
Refrigerator Door
Trim kits and decorator panels.
23' Dimensions for Custom Wood Panels
Theareas at the top of the panels needto be cut out of the panels.
Without Dispenser
With Dispenser
(8 mm)
I"-" 1/8" (5 mm)
i L
Cutout --_
(8 mm:
p- 1/8" (3 mm)
i i
(45.4 cm)
(170.9 cm)
4_ !41%_''
(36.8 cm)
(36.8 cm)
(85.4 cm)
25' CustomStyle T"Dimensions for Custom Wood Panels Theareas at the top of the panels needto be cut out of the panels.
1/8" (3 mm)-- N
(170.9 cm)
,_ 191%Z' ..__
m m
----_ 5/16"
"-'} (8 mm)
Without Dispenser
Cutout--m _- 1/8" (3 mm)
:::: J
(8 ram)
14z%2" _,
"(36.8 cm)
Cutout -_"
18 mm)
Freezer Panel
With Dispenser
I"-- 1/8" (3 mm)
(43.2 cm)
14_%_'' .
(36.8 cm)
(92.0 cm)
1/8" (3 mm) ,--_I
_. 19zsA2'' ___
(49.5 cm)
_- Cutout
----_ 5/16"
"'] (8 mm)
Inserting the door panels.
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
Insert the Freezer Panel and Fresh Food Panel.
Carefully push the freezer panel in until it slides into the slotbehind the door handle. Pushthe filler
panel (requiredwith some door panels/in behind the decorator panel. Repeatfor fresh food panel.
Insert the Bottom Freezer Panel (on dispenser models).
Carefully push the panel in until it slides intothe slot behind the door handle. Pushthe filler panel (required
with some door panels)in behind the decorator panel.
0 Attach the Top Trim on the Freezer and Fresh Food Doors.
TheTopTrim can befound insidethe refrigerator Handtighten only. ivl(]kesurethat the top of each panel compartment, fits snugly behind the lip of the TopTrim.
With a T-20 Torxdriver,attach the Top Trim,using two screws on each Top Trim piece,to the top of each door.
Ifyour model hasa dispenser,this step only applies to
the fresh food panel and top freezer panel.
Inserting the door panels.
/nsta// the Side Trim.
Thesepiecesare tucked insidethe refrigerator door handle.
Do not remove the protective film on the outside of the Side Trim until the SideTrim is installed.
Fitthe bottom of the SideTrim under the Bottom Trim as illustrated.
Holdthe SideTrim against the front face of the decorator panelsand fit the SideTrim under the TopTrim.Hake sure
the magnetically attached SideTrim isfitted correctly and that you are satisfied with the appearance of allthe parts.
Bottom Trim
I stall ti
I structi
Questions? Call 800.GE.CARES 1800.432.2737) or Visit our Website at:
In Canada, call 1.800.561.3344 or Visit our Website at:
Read these instructions completely
and carefully.
IMPORTANT - Sovetheseinstructions
IMPORTANT -Observeollgoverning
codes ond ordinonces
Note to Installer- Be sure to leave these instructions with the Consumer.
Note to Consumer - Keep these instructions for future reference.
Skill level - Installation of this appliance requires
basic mechanical skills.
Models 22, 23, 25, 26, 27 and 29
If the refrigerator has on ice maker, it will hove to be connected to o cold water line. AGE water
supply kit (containing tubing, shutoff valve, fittings and instructions) is available at extra cost from your dealer, by visiting our Website at (in Canada at or from Ports and Accessories,
800.626.2002 (in Canada 1.888.261.3055).
Completion time - Refrigerator Installation
30 minutes Water Line Installation
30 minutes
Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer.
Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty.
If the refrigerator has already been installed,
remove the base grille {see Step 2 in Moving
the Refrigerator}, then skip to Step 5 in Installing the Refrigerator.
3/8" and 5/16" Socket
1/8" Hex Wrench
Phillips Head Screwdriver
1/2" and 7/16" Wrench
Plastic Putty Knife
Installation Instructions
Leave all tape and door pads on doors until
the refrigerator is in its final location. To move the refrigerator, use a padded hand
truck. Center the refrigerator on the hand truck and secure the strap around the refrigerator.
If the refrigerator must go through
any entrance that is less than 58< wide, the doors must be removed. Proceed
to Step 3.
DO NOT remove the handles. If all entrances are more than 38< wide,
skip to Installing the Refrigerator.
(on some modelsl
If the refrigerator has a water dispenser, there is a water line from the cabinet into
the bottom hinge on the freezer door that must be disconnected.
To disconnect, push in on the white collar of the coupling and pull out the tubing.
White collar
Remove the grille by removing the two Phillips head screws.
Installation Instructions
(on some models)
If the refrigerator has a water dispenser, there is a power line (harness) from the cabinet into the bottom hinge on the freezer door that
must be disconnected. To disconnect, pull apart at the coupling.
CONNECTORS (on some models)
If the refrigerator has a refreshment center, there are electrical connectors (harnesses)
from the cabinet into the bottom hinge on the refrigerator door that must be
disconnected. To disconnect, pull apart each connector.
i i i i i
i i i i i i i i i i i
r_ Remove the freezer door top hinge cover
(if equipped) by either squeezing it and pulling it up or by prying it off with a plastic putty knife.
Remove the two 5/16" or 1/8" hex head screws,
then lift the hinge straight up to free the hinge pin.
S/16" or 1/8" hex head
Bottom refrigerator
r_ open the freezer door to 90.°
Installation Instructions
rDl As one person slowly lifts the freezer door up
Gnd off the bottom hinge, the second person should corefully guide the woter line ond power line (harness) through the bottom hinge.
[_ Set the door on a non-scratching surface with
the inside up.
rA1 Remove the refrigerotor door top hinge cover
(if equipped) by either squeezing it Gnd pulling it up or by prying it off with a plastic putty knife.
rB1 Remove the two 5/16" or 1/8" hex head screws,
then lift the hinge straight up to free the hinge pin.
5116" or 1/8"hex head
[] Open the refrigerator door to 90.°
i i......i
i_li i
i ....
90 °
Installation Instructions
r_ Lift the refrigerator door up and off the bottom
if the refrigerator has a refreshment center, one person should slowly lift the door up and off the bottom hinge and the second person should carefully guide the electrical lines (harnesses) through the bottom hinge.
To replace the doors, simply reverse steps 3 through 8.
However, please note the following:
When lowering the doors onto the bottom hinges, make sure the second person carefully guides the tube and harnesses through the holes in the hinges.
When connecting the water line, make sure
you insert the tubing all the way to the mark.
Refreshment Center Models Only
r_ set the door on a non-scratching surface with
the inside up.
Do not pinch the tubing and harnesses when placing the doors on the bottom hinges.
When connecting the power line and the electrical lines (refreshment center models
only), be sure that the connectors are seated together fully.
Installation Instructions
Do not install the refrigerator where the temperature will go below 60°F (16°C) because it will not run often enough to maintain proper temperatures.
Do not install the refrigerator where the temperature will go above 200°F (37°C) because it will not perform properly.
Install it on a floor strong enough to support it fully loaded.
Allow the following clearances for ease of installation, proper air circulation and plumbing
and electrical connections:
23'/25' 23' B3" wide},
CustomStyle T" 25', 26', 27', 29'
Sides Top
1/8" (4 mm) 1/8" (4 mm)
1" (25 mm) 1" (25 mm)
1/2" (13 mm) 1" (25 mm)
(for 23' CustomStyle T"models)
o o
7( 4" (178.4 cm)
24" (61_cm)
(for 25' CustomStyle'" models)
Water Electrical
_(19 mm)
Airspace (1/2" [13 mm] Gap
+ 1/4" [6 mm] Wall Plates)
25" (65.5cm) Countertop
24" (61_cm)
"721/j ' (183.5 cm) required for full adjustment
of mobility wheels. If cabinets installed above refrigerator have doors that are flush to the
top of the opening for the refrigerator, then
an additional 1/8" may be required to provide clearance for cabinet doors to open freely.
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