Safety Im_ucti, ms .... 2-9
Operating Inslrucfions
Auto Feaulres ......... 20
Care and
Cleaning ........... 33, 34
Changing the
Power i,evel ........... 13
CooMng ©uide ..... 15, 16
Deflosdng Guide ...... 18
Exhaust Feature .... 37, 38
Features of Your
Microwave Oven .... 11, 12
Microwave Terms ...... 32
Other Features ..... 25-31
Replacing Bulbs .... 35, 36
Sensor Features ..... 21-24
Time Features ...... 14-19
Troubleshooting Tips ...39
Things That Are
Nomml With Your
Microwave Oven ....... 40
Consumer Support
Support ....... Back Cover
Optional Kits .......... l0
Warranty .............. 43
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PVM18 70
PNM 1871
PVM18 73
Writethemodel andserial numbershere:
Find these numbers on a label inside
the oven.
DE68-O3448A 49-40570-2 04-09JR

Toreduce the risk of burns, electric shock, fire, injury
to persons, or exposure to excessive microwave energF
[o Not Attempt to operate
this oven with the door open
since open<tear operation
can result in harmflll
exposure to nlicrowitvc
energ_ 5 It is important not
to detcat or tamper with
tile sate b inmrlocks.
Oo Not Place any obiect
between the oven fl'ont
tilce and the door or allow
soil or cleaner residue to
accumulam on sealing
Be Not Operate the oven if it
is damaged. It is particularly
important that tile oven door
close properly and that there
is no damag_ to the:
::_ii hinges and latches
(broken or loosened),
door seals and sealing
The Oven Shon/d Not be
adiusted or repaired by
anyone except properly
qualified service personnel.
When using electrical appfiances, basic safety
precautions should be followed, including the foflowing:
Read and fi)llow the Install or locate this
specific precautions in
the Precautions toAvoid
Possible Exposure to
Excessive Microwa ve
Energy section above.
This appliance must be
grounded. Connect only
to a properly grounded
outlet. See the Grounding
[nstructions section on
page 8.
appliance only in
accordance with the
provided Installation
This microwave oven is
intended %r household use
and is UL listed fi)r
installation over electric
and gas ranges.
This microwave oven is
not approved or tested fi)r
n/_lrine use.

Use this appfiance only for its intended purpose as described in this
Owner's Manual
Do not mount this appliance over a
This over-the-p, mge oven was designed
%r use over c,mges no wider than 361'
It m_W be installed over both Kas and
electric cooking equipment.
Do not opem/e this appliance if it has -
a damaged p(_wer cord or plug, if it is
not working properly or if it has been
damaged or dropped. If the power
cord is damaged, it nltlst be replaced
by General Electric Service or an
authorized service agent using a
power cord available fl'om (;eneml
Do not cover oi" block any openings
on the appliance.
:Use this appliance only tot its
in/ended use as described in this
manual. Do not use corrosive
chemicals or vapo> in this appliance.
This microwave oven is specifically
designed to heat, dW or cook tood,
and is not inmnded for labomto W or
industrial use.
Do not store this appliance outdoors.
Do not use this product near wami_
fi)r example, in a wet basement, near
a swimming pool, near a sink or in
similar locations.
Kee I) power cord away fl'om heated
Do not immerse power cord or plug
in water.
Do not store anything directly on lop
of the micr{_wave _wen surtime when
the microwave oven is in openttion.
To reduce the risk of fire in the oven
Do not oveIvook %od. Careflflly
at/end appliance when paper, plastic
or other combustible mamrials are
placed inside the oven while cooking.
Remove wire twis/-fies and me/al
handles tiom paper or plastic
containers before placing them in
the oven.
Do not use the oven tot storage
purposes. Do not leave paper
products, cooking umnsils or tood
in the oven when not in use.
If ma/erials inside the oven igni/e,
kee I) the oven door closed, turn the
oven off and disconnect the power
cord, or shnt off power at the fl_se or
circuit breaker panel. If the door is
opened, the fire may spread.
Do not use the Sensor Features
twice in succession on the same tood
portion. If food is undercooked after
the first countdown, use _me Cook for
addiuonal cooking lime.
See door surtime cleaning
instructions in the Care and cleaning
of the microwave oven section of this
This appliance should be serviced
only by qualified service personnel.
Contact nearest authorized service
ti_cili/)' tot examination, repair or
As with any appliance, close
supeiMsion is necessao, when used
by children.
SAVETHESEINSTRUCTIONS ..............................................

If you see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFf:pad and correct
the problem.
Arcing is the microwave term
for sparks ill the oven. Arcing
is caused by:
The metal shelf not
installed correctly so it
touches the microwave wall.
Metal or foil touching tile
side of tile o_en.
Foil not molded to tood
(upturned edges act like
Metal, such as twist-ties,
pouhry pins or gold-
rimmed dishes, ill the
m icrowave.
Recycled paper towels
containing small metal
pieces being used ill the
m icrowave.
Do not pop popcorn in
your microwave oven unless
ill a special microwave
popcorn accesso W or unless
you use popcorn labeled
fi_r use ill n/icrow}lve ovens.
Some products such as
whole eggs and sealed
containers--tot example,
closed jars--are able to
explode and should not be
heated in this microwave
oven. Such use of the
microwave oven could
result ill iI_.jur>
Do not boil eggs in a
microwave oven. Pressure
will build up inside egg yolk
and will cause it to burst,
possibly resulting ill iI_.jur>
Operating the microwave
with no tood inside tot
nloI'e than a nlinilte oF /\vo
may cause damage to tile
oven and could start a fire.
It increases the heat around
the magnetron and can
shorten the lite of the oven.
Foods with unbroken outer
"skill" such as potatoes, hot
dogs, sausages, tomatoes,
apples, chicken livers and
other giblets, and egg yolks
should be pierced to allow
steam to escape during

Liquids, such as water,
coffee or tea are able to be
overheated beyond the
boiling point without
appearing to be boiling.
Visiblebubbling or boiling
when the container is
removed from the microwave
ovenis not always present.
To reduce the risk of ii_.jury
to persons:
-- Do not overheat tile iiquid.
-- Stir tile iiquid both befbre
and hali\<ly through
heating it.
-- Do not use straigh/-sided
containers witl, narrow
-- After heating, aliow tile
container to stand in tile
microwave oven tot a silort
time before removing ti, e
-- Use extreme care wi, en
inserting a spoon or ()tiler
utensii into ti, e container.
Avoid heating baby fbod in
giassjars, even with tile lid
off. Make sure all infimt
food is thoroughly cooked.
Stir %od to distribute ti*e
heat evenly. Be careflll to
prevent scalding when
warming %rmula or breast
milk. The container may
feel cooler titan tile milk
really is. Always test tile
milk before feeding ti, e
Don't deikost flozen
beverages in narrow-necked
bottles (especially
carl)onated beverages).
Even if ti*e container is
opened, pressure can build
up. This can cause ti, e
container to burst, possibly
resulting in i*_jury.
Hot Ibods and steam can
cause burns. Be careflll
when opening any
containers of hot fbod,
including popcorn bags,
cooking pouches and
boxes. To prevent possible
injur 5 direct steam away
fl'om hands and tilce.
Do not overcook potatoes.
They couid dehydrate and
catch fire, causing damage
/o your oven.
Cook meat and poultry
thoroughly--meat to at
least an INTERNAL
temperature of ] 60°F
and poultry to at least an
INTERNAI, temperature
of ] 80°K Cooking to ti, ese
temperatures usually
protects against food-
borne illness.
SAVETHESEINSTRUCTIONS ..............................................

i iNiii iiiiil ii
Make sure all cookware used
in yotlr n/icrowave oven is
suitable tot microwa_qng.
Most glass casseroles, cooking
dishes, measuring cups,
custard cups, pottery or china
dinnerware which does not
ha_e metallic trim or glaze
with a metallic sheen can be
used. Some cookware is
labeled "suitable Jot
How to test for a microwave-
safe dish.
If you are not sure if a dish
is microwave-sate, use this
test: Place in the oven both
the dish you are testing and
a glass measuring cup filled
with ] cup of water--set the
measuring cup either in or
next to the dish. Microwave
3(t-45 seconds at high. If
tile dish heats, it should not
be used %r microwaving.
If the dish remains cool
and only the water in the
cup heats, then the dish is
mic rowave-sate.
If you use a meat
thermometer while
cooking, make sure it is
safe for use in microwave
Do not use recycled paper
products. Recycled paper
towels, napkins and waxed
paper can contain metal
flecks which may cause
arcing or ignite. Paper
products containing nylon
or nylon filaments should
be avoided, as they may
also ignite.
Some slyrofimn_ trays
(like those that meat is
packaged on) have a thin
strip of metal embedded
in the bottom. When
microwaved, the metal can
burn the riot), of the oven
or ignite a paper towel.
Do not use tile n/icrowaxe
to dry newspapers.
Not all plastic wrap is
suitable tot use in
microwave ovens. Check
the package tot proper use.
Paper towels, waxed paper
and plastic wrap can be
used to cover dishes in
order to retain moisture
and prevent spattering.
Be sure to vent plastic wrap
St) steam can escape.
Cookware may become hot
because of heat transferred
flom the heated food. Pot
holders may be needed to
handle the cookware.

"goilable" cooking pouches
and tightly closed plastic
bags should be slit, pierced
or vented as directed by
package. If they are not,
plastic could burst during
or immediately after
cooking, possibly resulting
in i,_.juW. Also, plastic
storage containers should
be at least partially
uncovered because they
form a fight seal. Wl_en
cooking with containers
tightly covered with plastic
wrp.p, Fen/ore covering
carefully and direct steam
away from hands and thce.
Use toil only as directed
in this manual. When using
toil in the microwave oven,
kee I) the toil at least ]" away
flom the sides of the oven.
Plastic cookware - Plastic
cookware designed %r
microwave cooking is very
useful, but should be used
careflfll> Even microwave-
satb plastic may not be as
tolerant of overcooking
conditions as are glass or
ceramic materials and may
soften or char if subjected
/o short periods of
overcooking. In longer
exposures to overcooking,
the tood and cookware
could ignite.
Follow these guidelines."
plastics only and
use them in strict
compliance with
the cookware
n/}in niltc till i'eF_s
)_ Do not n/icrowa_,e
.......................empty containers.
Do not permit children
to use plastic cookware
without complete
SAVETHESEINSTRUCTIONS ..............................................

Improper use of the grounding plug can result in a risk of
electric shock.
This appliance must be grounded.
In the event of an electrical short
circuit, grounding reduces the risk
of electric shock by providing an
escape wire tot the electric current.
Ensure proper ground
exists before use.
plug must be plugged into
and grounded.
Consuh a qualified electrician or serxice technician if the
gr(mnding instructions are not corn pletely understood, or if
doubt exists as to whether the appliance is properly gr(mnded.
If the outlet is a standard 2-prong wall outlet, it is your personal
responsibility and obligation to ha_e it replaced with a properly
grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
Do not under any circumstances cut or remoxe the third
(ground) prong tiom the power cord.
Do not use an adapter plug with this appliance.
Do not use an extension cord with this appliance. If the power
cord is too short, haxe a qualified electrician or serxice
technician install an outlet near the appliance.
For best operation, i)lug this appliance into its own electrical
outlet to pre_ent flickering of lights, blowing of fuse or tripping
of circuit breaker.
This appliance is equipped with a
power cord having a grounding
wire with a grounding plug. The
an outlet that is properly installed
Most pacemakers are shielded tkom intertcrence tkom
electronic products, including microwaves. However, patients
with pacemakers may wish to consult their physicians if they
have concerns.

The tim will operate automatically under certain conditions
{see Automatic Fan tcature). Take care to prevent the starting
and spreading of accidental cooking fires while the vent tim
is in use.
Clean the underside of the microwaxe often. Do not allow
grease to build up on the microwaxe or the tim filter.
In the event of a grease fire on the surfi_ce units below the
microwave oven, smother a flaming pan on the surfi_ce unit
by covering the pan completely with a lid, a cookie sheet or
a fiat tray.
Use care when cleaning tile xent tim filter. Corrosixe cleaning
agents, such as lye-based oxen cleaners, may damage the filter.
When preparing flaming fi)ods under the microwaxe, turn
the tim on.
Never leave surface units beneath your microwave oven
unattended at high heat settings. Boilovers cause smoking
and greasy spillovers that may ignite and spread if the
microwave vent tim is operating. To minimize automatic tim
operation, use adequate-sized cookware and use high heat
on surfi_ce units only when necessar>

Aboutoptional kits.
Filler Panel Kits JX81B,JX81H
When replacing a 36" range
hood, filler panel kits fill in
tile additiomd width to ...........
provide a custom buil/-in
For installation l)etween cal)inets
only; not tor end-oi=cabinet installation. Each kit contains/wo
3"-wide filler panels.
Filter Kits
JX81B - Recirco/ating Charcoal Filter Kit (1800and 3600Series models)
JXSf H - Recircolating Charcoal Filter Kit (2000Series models)
Filter kits are used when tile microwave oven cannot be vented
to tile outside.
Axailable at extra cost tiom your (;E supplier. See the back
co_er for ordering 1)y phone or at (;EAppliances.com.

microwaveoven. 6EApp/iances.com
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from
your model.
/////! !/!!!\ \\\_X
Featuresof the Oven
Boor Handle. Pull to open
the door. The door must
be securely l_tched {or the
n/icFow_txe to operate.
0 DoorLatches.
Window with Metal Shield.
Screen allows cooking to
be viewed while keeping
microw_ves confined in
the oven.
Active Vent (on some
models).The vent door
swings open when the
fhn operates m_d closes
when the tim shuts ofl_
Shelf. Lets you microw_ve
several %ods at once.
Food microw_ves best
when placed directly on
Touch Control Panel Display.
0 CooktopUght.
0 Grease Filter.
0 Removable Turntable.
Turntable m_d support must
be in place when using the
oven. The turntable m_ff be
removed %r cleaning.
NOTE,"Rating plate is located on
the inside waft of the microwave,
or on the upper left front behind
the door. Oven vent(s) and oven
light are located on the inside
walls of the microwave oven.

Aboutthefeaturesofyour microwaveoven.
Youcan microwave bytime, with the sensor features or with the auto features.
O Time andAuto Features
Press Enter
TIMECOOKi & II Amountofcookingtime
AUTO/TIMEDEFROST Amountofdefrostingtime
CUSTOM(onsomemodels) Followdisplayedinstructions
EXPRESSCOOK Startsimmediately!
ADD30SEC Startsimmediately!
POWERLEVEL Powerlevel1-10
Pressonce upto6 Ibs.
1lb. QUICKDEFROST Startsimmediately!
MELT(onsomemodels) Foodtype
O SensorFeatums
Press Enter Option
POPCORN Startsimmediately!more/lesstime
BEVERAGE Startsimmediately!
REHEAT Startsimmediately!more/lesstime
POTATO Startsimmediately!more/lesstime
VEGETABLE Startsimmediately!
Pressonce(freshvegetables) more/lesstime
Presstwice(frozenvegetables) more/lesstime
Pressthreetimes(cannedvegetables) more/lesstime
CHICKEN/FISH(onsomemodels) Startsimmediately!more/lesstime

powerlevel. GEPpplianees.com
Variable power levels add flexibili/) , to microwave
cooking. The power levels on the microwave oven
can be compared to the surface units on a range.
Higil {power level ] O) or fl_ll power is tile tastest
way to cook and gives you 100% power. Each power
level gives you microwave energy a certain percent
of the time. Power lexel 7 is microwme energy 70%
. J/<_ of the time.
How to Changethe
Power Level
The power level may
be entered or dmnged
immediately after
entering the tcature
time %r TIME COOK,
Tile power level may
also be changed during
time countdown.
select Time Defrost.
i_ Select desired power
level 1-10.
Press START.
of tile time. Power level 3 is energy 30 °/
A high setting (lO) will cook fi_ster but toed may
need more flequent stirring, rotating or turning
o_er. Most cooking will be done on High (power
lexel 1(1). A lower setting will cook more exenly and
need less stirring or rotating of tile toed.
Some tbods may have better flavor, texture or
appearance if one of the lower settings is used. Use
a lower power level when cooking %ods that have a
tendency to boil over, such as scalloped potatoes.
Rest periods (when tile microwave energy cycles off)
give time tor tile toed to "equalize" or tcansicr heat
to tile inside of the toed. An example of this is
shown with power level 3--the defl'ost cycle. If
microwave energy did not cycle off, tile outside of"
tile toed would cook betore tile inside was deflosted.
Here are SOIl/e
power levels:
Power Level
High I0
Medium 5
tow 2 or 3
Warm I
examples of uses tot xarious
Best Uses
Fish, 1)acon, vegetables, 1)oiling
Gentle cooking of meat and pouhry;
baking casseroles and reheating.
Slow cooking and tenderizing such
as stews and less tender cuts of meat.
Defrosting without cooking;
simmering; delicate sauces.
Keeping food warm without
overcooking; softening 1)utter.

Abe th= etim efeatures .
Time Cook i
Allows v(m to microwave for any time up to
I J _ _ Power level l 0 (High) is automatically set, but you
_ ['-7] You may open the door during TIME COOK to
L_ _ L_ check the food. Close the door and press SNRTto
resume cooking.
Lets you change power lexels automatically during
cooking. Here's how to do it:
::_ Enter cooking time.
flfll power. (Press
Select a desired
power level 1-1 (1.)
Press START.
i_ Press TIME COOK.
Enter the first cook time.
Cimnge the power level if you don't want fldl
power. (Press POWER LEVEL. Select a desired
power lexel 1-10.)
Press TIME COOK again.
Enter the second cook time.
Change the power lexel if you don't want fldl
power. (Press POWER LEVEL. Select a power
lexel ] -10.)
Press START.
At the end of Time Cook/, Time Cook Rcomets down.
i iii iii iiiiil ii