Safety Instructions ......... 2-4
Operating h_tru_¢iot_
Clock and Timer ............. 8
Control Lo(kout ............. 8
Conuols .................... 5
{:onw:(tion .............. 12-14
Oven .................... 6, 7
Probe .................. 10, 14
Proofing ................... 11
Sabbath Featme ............. 21
Sell:Cleaning Ow_n ....... 17, 18
Special Features .......... 19, 20
The rmostat ................ 16
Timed Baking
and Roasting ............. 9, 15
Warming .................. 11
Care and Cleaning
Cleaning ()yen Door . ........ 23
Control Pan(1 .............. 24
LifI-OffOven Door . ......... 23
Light Bulb ................. 22
Probe ..................... 23
Racks ..................... 24
Removing Packaging "I'_p( .... 22
Stainless St(el Smti_ces ....... 24
PK916-27" Sh_gle Wall Oven
PK956-27" l)oubl(¢ _}_dl Oven
P7"916-30" Sb@ Wall Oven
PT956-30" Double _dl Oven
Troubleshooting _ps. . =___
Consumer Support
(:onsmner Suppor_ .......... 34
Produ_ t Registration ...... 31, 32
Warranty .................. 33
Model #
'_i)u can find them oil a label
on the trent of the oven behind
lhe oxen (Ioor oil single ovell models,
or the front ot the lower oven behind
lhe oven door oil dollble o_en models.
•..2 -2t
49-80430-2 10-07JR
For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or
explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act requires the Governor of California
to publish alist of substances known to the state to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive
harm, and requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposure to such substance&
Thefiberglass insulation in self-clean ovens gives off a very small amount of carbon monoxide during
the cleaning cycle. Exposure can beminimized by venting with an open window or using a ventilation
fan or hoocL
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the
_;_Use this appliance only fi)r its hm'nded
purpose as des(rib(d in this ()wneFs
_;_B_ sure your applianc_ is prop_ rly
installed and grounded by a qualified
technician in ac(ordance with the
provided installation instructions.
_ Do not attempt to rt pair or replace any
part of your oven unless it is spedfi(ally
rt commended in this mamml. All other
sctMcing shouM be red. rr,.'d K) a qualified
_ I lave the installer show }ou file location
of t|_ cir(uit breaker or fhse. Mark il for
(asy r( _.,rt_llCe.
_2 Belore perfonning all? setMce, disconnect
the oven power supply at the household
distribution panel by removing th( ti*se or
switching off the cilvuit bt* akcn
N Do not l(av( chiMrcn alone--chikhcn
should riot 1)( l(*t 31011( or lltl3ttctlded ill
an m-ea where an appliance is ill us(. They
should never be allowed to sit or stand on
ally part ot the appliance.
{#_;Do not alk)w anyone Io climb, stand or
hang on the _:l,.),.)l;They could dan;ag,: fll_.
OV(!II, or Catlse S(w(!r(! l)(rsonal il!jltl3_
_2Be smc the (wen is securdy installed in
a cabinet d_at is firnfly attached to tile
hotlse Sll'tl( tltr('. Never allow atlyolle to
(liml), sit, strum or hang on the ov(n door:
{_;N(_er leave the oven door ol)en !.vh(:ll VOll
ar( not watching the oven.
_;_Always ke(p combustible _111 covering,
( urmins or &apes a satb distan(e flx)m
Vottr ov(!ll,
{_;_Mways k(ep dish lowds, dishcloflls, pot
holdc>, and oilier linens a safe distmlce
['1"O111 VOllr OVell,
_;_Always ke(p wooden and plastic tm nsils
and canncd Iood a sail' distancc away
_l'Olll your ()veil.
{_;])ach childr(n not to play with th(
controls or any other part ot file ov(n,
_;_Lltge scmtt hes or impacts to glass doors
call lead m broken or shattered glass.
{_;;Do not slore flammal)le malerials in
all OV(![l.
CAUTION: of ,o
chikhcn should not bc stored in cabinets
above an oven; (hildren climbing on th(
oven to reach items could be seliously
_JZN<wer wear loose-fitting or hanging
garments whil( using th( appliance. Be
cat>ful wile** l>a( hing R)r items stored in
( al)inets ov(r the oxen. Flammable matelial
couM be ignited if brought in contact wit|*
hot surf_lces or heating elenmms and may
cause sevete BIIFIIS,
_ Use only dlT pot holders--moist or damp
pot holde)> on hot surl_m(s may rcsuh in
])utns fi-otn steam. Do not let pot homers
touch hot heating elements. Do not use a
tow(1 or olher bulky cloth.
{f;For your sat_ ty, n(_er use your appliance
for wmming or heating tl*e morn.
_gDo not let cooking grease or other
flammabl( mamrials ac( umulate in or
tleat lhe (iv(q*.
)_¢_I)O t*OI ITS(! "wHteY or* grease fires.
Never pick up a flmning pan. Turn the
( onttwls ott_
Flame in the oven can lie smothered
complelely by closing th( oven door
and umfing the oven offor })yusing a
multi-propose (tiT ( henfical (it- toain-type
fire extinguishe>
{#_Do Hot touch the heating elen*ents or the
interior sm'fitc( of the oven. These sm'fitc(s
m W b( hot enough to burn even though
thq are dark in coloL I)uring and after
use, do not t()uch, or let clothing or other
flalmnable materials (onta(t any ira( riot
ar('a ot the oven; allow sufticiem time R)*
( ooling first.
Potentially hot surti_ces include oven
vent openings, surf_lces near the openings,
(revic(s around the oven dool; fl*e edg(s
of the window and meted tthll pallS Hbov(
the door:
REMEMBER: The inside sut lime of tl*e oven
may be hot wh(n the door is opened.
{f;Never place cooking ut(nsils or an) ofll(r
imms on the oven floon There is a heating
element beneath the oven flool: Placing
imms on t|;( oxen floor ma} (ause th(
oven to oveHmat, t* sulting in damage
to the oven and risk of dan*age or fire
to cabin( ts.
_ Never lea(( jars or (:alas of ti_t drippings in
Of H(ar yollt- over*.
{#_Do not store ,.)r use confl)ustible mat(lials,
gasoline or other flanmlable vapors and
liqukls it* the vicinity of this or any other
{#_Stand away from file oven when opetfing
the oven dool: ttot air or steam whi(h
es(apes call (ause bl/rllS 1o llanOs, fa(e
and/or ey(s.
{#_Do not heat unop(n(d tood containers.
Pressm-c (ould build up and the ( onminer
could burst, (ausing all ill.jut>
_:_Keep the oven vent unobstructed.
_2K_ep th( ow:n fiee fl'om grease Imildup.
_ Place the oxen rock in the desired position
while the ov(n is cool. If rocks nmst be
handl(d when hot, do not let pot holder
comae( the heating elements.
_2When using cooking or roasting bags in the
oven, follow the mamlfi,ctur(r's directions.
{f;Pulling out file rock to the stop-lock is a
convenience it* liliing [maw R)ods. It is also
a pre(aution against brans fl-om tou(hing
hot surfaces of the door or oven walls.
{f;Do not use the ov(n Io/hy l*(_vspapeYs.
If overheated, th( 3 can <at<h on fire.
?_2Do not use the ovetl [()i"a stot_lg_" atca.
hems stored it* an oven can ignite.
?>_Do not lea:-(' paper products, cooking
umnsils or food in the ov(n when nol
ill list.
_2After broiling, always take any broiler
pan oltt of the oven and clean it. I.cflover
grease in a broiler pan can cak:h fire t*(!xt
time you use the flat*.
_2(]lean only parts listed in this Owner's
_2Do not use alumimnn fbil t<:)line
ovell bottollls, except as suggested in this
matmal. Improper installation ofalmninmn
R)il m W resuft in a risk of electrk; shock
or fit-(!.
Cookmeat andpoultry flToroughly--meat to at leastanINTERNALtemperatureof 160°Fandpoultry
toat leastan INTERNALtemperatureof 180°FCookingto thesetemperaturesusuallyprotectsagainst
?_2Do not clean the door gasket. The door
gasket is essential fi)r a good seal. Care
should be taken not to rub, damage or
move the gask(t.
_; [)o not us_ oven cl_an_ rs. No commercial
OVell cleaner or OV,2_IIliner prot(ctive
coating ()[any kind should be used in or
arotmd any part of the oven. Residue flom
oven cleanet_ will damage the inside of the
ow::n when the salt-dean cycle is used.
£ZBefore sell:cleaning the ow:m remove the
probe and any broiler pan, grid and other
( ook_w_t l'e,
_; Be sure to wipe up _xcess spillage b_fi)re
starting dm sell-cleaning op_ ration.
@ If the selfcl_ aning mode malflmctions,
turn the oven offand disc(:mnect the power
suppl> ttave it se*wiced by a qualifi< d
Usingtheoven controls.
(Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.)
Oollblo OVOnCOtT[rOIshowR
Bake Pad 0
Press to sel(cl tb( I)ake fun( ti(;n.
BroilHi/Lo Pad
F'ress to "<q((I th( I)roil function.
Convection Bake Pad
Press t,.) s(l( ('t baking v,ith the COllX3.x:tiOll
Convection RoastPad
Press to self (1 l-OaStillg with Ill(! t-:OllVet-tiOll
._]ust be l)resse(I to slart any cookir, g or
el( aning ftl llctiOll.
Sbo_s the tinle of da b oven tcnq)(mturc,
whether the oven is in tile bake, broil or
sell:_ leaning lm_le and the times set tbr
tile tilller or alltomatic oven oi}erations.
ff "F- and a number or letter" flash & the display and
the ovencontrol signals, this &dicntes a function
error code. Press the Clear/Offpad Allow the evento
cool foronehour Puttt_eoven backinto operation Ifthe
function errorcode repeats,disconnectthepower to the
ovenand call forservice
ff your oven was set for a timed ovenoperation
and apower outage occurred, thedeck and all
prog_mmed functionsmust be rese_
Thetime ofdaywill flash& thedisplaywhen there
Self Clean Std/Low Pad
Press to selecl seltk:leaning/'tlllCtiOll. See
the Using the self-cleaning over section.
Oven Light On/Off Pad
Pr(ss I,) mm tile ox(n light on ,,n off.
Delay Start Pad
kse along with Cooking Time or
Self Clean Std/Low p_ds to set dw
oven to start and stop autonlati(ally at a
tinle you set.
Cooking Ttme Pad
Pr('s_ _lll(1th(n prtss the number pads to s(t
the amount of tinle you want your f_od to
cook. The oven will shut off antomaticallv
when the cooking time has run otlI, unless
the Cook and Hold f_._amr( was s(t.
Clear/Off Pafl
I)I'(S,S to (alltel ALL ov(ll oi)t latiolls (x(t!i)t
th( clock alld lillleE
Press betbr_ s(tting lh( clock.
Number Pads
Use to sel ally function requiring nunlbep_
such as the tinle of (/a) Oil tile clock, tile
tinier; the oven tenlpemmre, th( internal
t;ood tempeFature, the starl tim( and
length of opel',ltion for timed baking
and self:cleaning.
Kitchen timer On/Off Pad
Press to sd(ct tile tinier fi,ature.
Probe Pad
Press when using tile [)rol)e to cook food.
Warm Pad
Press to k(ep hot, cooked foods warm.
Proof Pail
Press to select a warnl environnlcnt us(rid
f;.w rising )east-leaven_ d products.
Toavoid possible bums, place the racks in the desired position before you turn the oven on.
Before yon begin...
i!i ii iiiii iiiiiiiill¸
NOTE:A cooling fan may
automaticafly turn on and off to
cool k_temal parts Thisis normal,
and the fan may continue to nm
even after the oven isturned off
The racks have stop-lock_,, so that when
[)laced correcfl? on the supports, tile? will
stop be[ore coming (omplet_ lyout, and
will not tilt.
When placing and removing cookware,
pull the ]'d(k ollt tO the bump on tile
rock support.
Toremove a rack, ptfll it toward you, lilt
the front ell([ tip and pul[ it kilt.
Toreplace,place file end ot the rack
(_,top-locks) on the sul)po]% tilt up tile
k-oat and push lhe rock ill.
/VOTE:Theovenhas7 rackpoeitions
How to Set the Oven for Baking or Roasting
[] Press th< Bake pad.
] l)l'(SS tile lltllll[)el- p_l(IS to s([ the
d(_sil( d 11 llll)( l_ltule.
[] Presst[le Start pad.
[] C[l{(k ['o(_[for donenessat
minimum time on recipe. Cook
longer if'ncce_sal3.
[] Pressth_ Clear/Offpad _qmn
cooking is (erupt(l(.
Type of Food 27" Oven 30" Oven
Frozenpies BorC CorD
Angelfoodcake A A orB
Bundtorpoundcakes A AorB
Biscuits,muffins, BorC CorD
Casseroles BorC CorD
Rack Position
Topreheat, set the oven at the
correct temperature Thecontrol
wifl beep when tile oven is
preheated and the display will
show your settemperature, This
may take approximately 10mktutes
Preheating and Pan Placement
Preh{ at the oven iFtile recipe cal[s [br it.
Preheating is necessa U for good resu[ts
when baking cakes, cookies, pastlT and
Baking re_,u[lswill be better iFl)aking
pans are centert, d in th( (wen as much
as possible. Pans shou[d not louch each
Aluminum Foil
Donot usealuminumfoilonthebotiomof
Never entir_ ly (over a rock with
ahlminum [i)il. This will disturb the heat
circu[ation and lvsuh ill poor baking.
For27" Ovens:If baking fbur cake layer_
at the same time, [)lace two [ay_ 1_,on rock
A and two layers on rock C.
For30" Ovens:If baking fbur cake layer_
at the same time, place two [ay_l_, on rock
B an(I two la?el_ on rack D.
Stagger pans on the rock so one is not
direct[y above the ethel:
other or tile walls of the oxen. If _ou
need to use two racks, smggt.r the pans
so one is not directly above tile ethel;
and [eave approximamly [½" belwe{ n
pans, from tile fl-ont, back and sides
of rile wall.
A _ma[[er sheet of foil mav be used to
catch a spil[over by placing it on a tower
l-ackseveral inches belo_ the ['end.
How to Set the Oven for Broiling
(;los( xh_do(n: Alwaysbroilwiththedoor
[] Pr(ss the BroiIHi/to pad on(( for
HI Broil.
"1_)diane{ to LGBroil,presstilt
BroilHi/to pad again.
[] Press 111(Start pad.
[] Wh(n 1)roiling isfinished, l)ress
the Clear/Offl)ad.
Closethe dooKAlways broil w#h
If your oven is connected to 208
volts, rare steaks maybe broiledby
preheating the broiler and positionfl_g
theoven rack onepost#on highe_
[] Plac( the nr(at or iish on a/)roi11 r
grid in a broil(r pan.
[] Follow sugg(!stt(l ratk l:)OSilionsilr
the BroilingGuide.
atd yourpreferencefordonenesswill affect
broilingtimes Thisguideisbasedonmeatsat
Broifing Guide
27" Ovens 27" Ovens 27" Ovens 30" Ovens 30" Ovens 30" Ovens
Food or Thickness Position Time(rain.) Time(rain.) Position Time(rain.) Time(grin.) Comments
GroundBeef 1lb. (4 patties) C 10 7 Eor F 10 7 Spaceevenly.Up
Well Done 1/2to 3/4" thick C 10 9 EorF 10 9 to 8 patties take
Beef Steaks
Raret I" thick C B 5 E 8 B Steakslessthan
Medium I to 1> Ibs. C 8 B E 10 8 I" thickcook
Well Done C 12 11 E 12 10 throughbefore
Raret 1½" thick C 10 7-8 E 10 8 Panflying is
Medium 2to2V_lbs. C 15 14 16 E 15 14 16 recommended.
Weft Done C 25 20 25 E 25 20 25 Slashfat.
Chicken 1whole A 35 10-15 C 25 10 Reducetimeabout
koBroil Pieces AorB 25-35 15-20 BorC 25-35 1,520 chicken.Brush
ko Broil Boneless AorB 15-20 10-15 BorC 15-20 10-15 eachsidewith
Lobster Tails 2-4 B 18-20 Donot C 18-20 Donot Cutthroughbackof
koBroil C 18-25 N/A D 18-25 N/A Brushwith melted
Fish Fillets I/4 to 1/2" thick Handleandturn
HiBroil C 5 5 E 5 5 verycarefully
koBroil D 5 5 F 5 5 Brushwith lemon
Ham Slices 1" thick B 8 8 D B 8 Increasetime5to
(precooked) 10minutesper
Pork Chops 2{1/2" thick) C 1g 1g E 10 10 Slashfat.
Well Done 2{1"thick}about1 Ib B 13 13 D 15 15
Lamb Chops
Medium 2(1" thick)about 10 C 10 9 E 10 9 Slashfat.
Well Done to 12oz. C 12 1B E 12 10
Medium 2(lVB'thick)about1lb. C 14 12 E 14 12
Well Done B 17 12 14 E 17 12 14
Garlic Bread C 3 N/A E 3 N/A
Quantity and/ Rack First Side Second Side Rack First Side Second Side
aboutthe same
2to 2Y_Ibs., 5to 10minutes
splitlengthwise persideforcut-up
6to 8oz each turn over. turn over shellSpreadopen.
broilingand after
half of broiling
butterbefore and
broilerto increase
Usingthe clock, timerandcontrol lockout.
To Setthe Clock
Make sure the clock is set re the
correct time of dag
Thetimer is a minute timer onlg
Thetimer does not control oven
operations The maximum setting on
the timer is9 hours and 59minutes,
The clock must be set to the (orruct time
el day l_r the automati( oven timing
fhn(tions to work properl>: The time of
day cannot be changed during a timed
baking or self Meaning (ycle.
To Set the Timer
[] Press th_ Kitchen TimerOn/Off pad.
[] Press tim num/)er pads unlil th(
aHlOIIllt Of till]( }'011 1V_/ll[ sBo'ws
in th( display. For example, to s{t
2 hotll.S alld 45 lllillllle% pl'(SS 2, 4
and 5 in thai olde_: If you makc a
mistake, F,re+,sth_ Kitchen Timer
O_Off pad and b(gin again.
[] Press th_ Startpad.
passed,SecondswillnotbesMwnin thedispby
[] ])tess th_ Clock l)ad.
[] ])ress th_ mlm/xr l)ads.
[] Press th_ Start pad.
[] X+Vhen the timer reach:!s :_.
the conlrol will I)eep. lnnes
f'ollowed/)v one/)_ep evelw
6 seconds unlil the Kitchen
Timer On/Off pad is pressed.
The C_-_econdlone can be canceled bv
[ollowing th( st(ps in the Special features
of your oven centre/section under Tones
at the End ef a timed Cycle•
To Reset the timer
If the display is still showing tile time
r(.maining, )ou may change it by pressing
tile Kitchen Timer On/Off pad, then press
the nmnb(r pads until the time }ou
want at)peals, in the displa).
If tile rumaining time is not ill the display
(clock, delay start or (ooking time are in
the display), recall the rumaining time by
pres*ing the Kitchen Timer On/Off pad and
then pressing the lmmber pads to enmr
the new time }ou want.
To Cancel the Timer
Pr(ss KitchentimerOn/Offpad lwi((,.
Control Lockout
Yourcontrol will allow yoeto lock out d_etouch
padsso dTeycannotbeactivated when pressed
NOTE:Ondouble,ovenmedals, this activates this
feature for bethovens
'IS lock/unlock the controls:
[] Press the 9 and Ol)ads at the same
ti n(fi) _,seco (Is, t lt'l I1 ( disl)lay
shows LOCON.
[] "[k) unlock the (omrol, press th_ 9
and 0pads at the same tlllle IOF .
seconds, tmtil the diN)lay shows
When this t}:amr( is on and the touch
pads m-e pr(ss(d, the corm-el will beep
and tim display will show LOC ON.
_f Thecontrollockoutmodeaffectsalltouch
padsNotouchpadswill workwhenthis
@ Theadjustmentwillberetainedin memory
aftera powerfailure
Usingthe timedbakingandroastingfeatures.(onsomemo e/s; geoom
On double oven models, you can use timed baking in one oven while using self-clean in the other; you can also use
timed baking in both ovens at thesame time.
NOTE:Foods that spoil easily--such as milk, eggs, fish, stuffings, poultry and pork--should not be allowed to sit for
more than I hour before or after cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure that
the oven light is off because heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.
How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic Stop
selectedlengthoftime AttheendofdTecooking
time,theovenwill turnoffautornatical/y
,Xlak_,Slll-(f lhc <lock shows lh( COFF( C[
rime oi day.
[] Press th_ Bakepad.
[] lJsitag lhe numl)er pads, _nler the
desil-ed [ellll)el_][lll-{.
[] Pre_,s th( Cooking Time pad.
NOTE"Ifyalr reciperequirespreheating,you
mayneedtoaddadditionaltllneto tbe/engd}of
[] Using 1hemnnl)er i)ads, enler Ihe
desired baking lime. Tim oven
[Ollll)el-_l[tll-¢ _]l](t IN( cookillg lil_l('
that you enlc red will I)edisl:)laye(I.
NOTE:If youwantyourfoodtobekeptwarm
forup to3 hours"afterdTecookll}gfunctionis
[] Press the Start pad.
The displa? will show the changing
temt)emtnre (starting at 100°F) and the
cooking time. The display starts changing
once the temperatm-e reaches l(_)_E
ovensat thesanetime,thetimesshowingin the
displaywill beforthelastovensol Todisplayd?e
The oven will continue to cook for lhe
programmed amount at time, th{n shut
of_' atl[Ol_la[i(-a[1v tlnl(?s£ lhe Wal-l_l(,l-
Press lhe Clear/Offl)ad 1o clear
the display.
How to Set a Delayed Start and Automatic Stop
oven,cookforaspecific"lengthof tllneandthen
Make Sill-13lhe dock shows lh{ COlT(C[
tim_ of day
NOTE:Anattentiontonewill soundif youare
If:you would like to check the times
you have set, pwss th( Delay Start pad to
check the start time you haw set or l)rcss
] Press th_ Bakepad.
[] [ S,illg Ill(t mlml)(r pads, elll(!l- the
desir( d [(fllll)( l-_l[lll-e.
[] Press thc CookingTimepad.
NOTE"Ifyalr reciperequirespreheatingyou
[] [sing Iht! lnunl)(r pads, elll(!l- [he
desir( d baking time.
[] Press tile BelayStartpal1.
[] [sing th_ munber pads, cnt_r the
[Jill( Of linty yOtlW_lll[ Ihe ovell [o
[IlFII 011 and sl_/l[ (ooking.
NOTE:If youwantyourfoodtobekeptwarm
forupto3 hoursaftertbecookiogfunctionis
[] Press th( Startpad.
the CookingTimepad to ch{ck tim length
at cooking time you have set.
1_'11( 11lh_ OVell [tll'llS Oil }1[ Ill( tiln¢
of day you have set, the displny will
sh(m the (hanging t{ ml)(mturt
(slatting al 100<F) and the cooking
time. The display starts changing o11((
the t( ml)erature rt achcs 100°F.
ovensat dlesametime,file t#nesshowioginthe
displaywill beforthelastovense_Todisplaythe
StartortheCookingrime padforthatoven
The ow:n will tontinue to cook for th_
l)YO_l'_tllllll(d _/IllO!/ll[ of tillle, [11( II shill
Of]"_/!/toln_[i(_/nv tmlcss the _,_/l-lllel
[_!_ltllle _V_IS sel,
Press Ih( Clear/Off [}all to cl(ar
the display.
Formany foods, especially roasts and poultry, internal food temperature is the best test for doneness. The
temperature probe takes the guesswork out of roasting by cooking foods to the exact aloneness you want
Use ot prolyes Rill{r lhan file one
provid< d xdth this l)roduct may resuh in
damage to tile l)robe.
Thetemperature probe has a
skewer-like probe at one end and a
plug at the other end that goes into
the outlet k?the oven
[7s( the llandles ot the l)rob( and i)lug
when inserting and removing them fl-om
tile llleil_l il_ll(I Otltl(i.
M_er prepaling th( meat and placing
it on a trivet or on a broiler pan grid,
follow these directions for proper probe
Lay lh( l}rob( oil the oulsid( of th<
meat along tll< lop or side and mark
wifll your finger whert +tile edg_ ot
the meat comes to on the probe.
"['he [)oint shotlld rest in the cent_ r
ol tile thickest meaty part of the
[] Insert lhe probe complel(ly into lhe
meat, up to Ihe handle. It shotlld
not totlch bolle, fht or gristl+.:.
_ Topreventpossiblebums,donotunplug
a self-cleaningcycle
For roasls with no bone, insert tile probe
into the meati(st part of the roast. For
bone-in ham or lamb, ins(rt tile probe
into th( center of tile lowest lalg( muscle
or joint.
Insert file probe into the eenmr of dishes
such as meat loat or casseroles. When
cooking t]sll, insert the probe l_'rom jtlst
above the gill into the meatiest area,
l)amll(l 1o the backbone.
Ins{ rt lhe probe illlo th< nl(:ali(st l)ml of
th< illller thigll ['roln /)eltlw }lllt-/l)_n-_allel
to the leg ot"a whole tllrkey.
How to Set the Oven For Roasting When Using the Probe
Ins(ll Ih< l)robe into th( lll(_ll,
Plug tile probe illlo tile ot/tl(l ill th(
ox'en. Make sure it's l.+ush(d all the
WglV ill. Clo_,< lli( o\ell dOOl:
Press the Probepa(1.
_M'ter the internal lemI)eramre of th(
meat rea(bes 100°17, the changing
internal luml)eraulrt will b< shown
in th( displa}.
] _,Vh(n lh( internal l(llll)er_/ltll-(: Olc
Ill( lll(_ll re_l<ll< s tile lltllllb(tr }'Otl
have set, the probe and the ov(n
Pr(ss ill< lllllll/)< r l)il_(Is 1{1 s<[ Ill(
desired internal food or lll(_/l
t(ml}<mlure. The maximum
internal t(mI)elvmlre f})l"Ill< food
that you can s<t is 200°F.
[] F'r<ssth{ Bakel)a(1.
] Plxss tll( num/)(,r pads Io s(t file
deSil_(?d OV<ll lelnl)< l-_llllre.
[] Press th< Start pad.
tmn oft and the ox'en control
signals. 'Ik)stop the signal, press
the Clear/Offl)ad.Use h<)t [}ads to
remove the probe fl-om the ti)od.
Do not tls(' lollg_ to ptdl on it--
they might damage it.
To change Ihe oven leml)el-_31ur< (hllJng
tile Roasl cxcle press the Bakel)ad and
then 113(?ntmll)er pads to sel tll_ new
Thedi57abywill flashif dTeprobeisinserted
_*_111( II Ill(! ()Vell sl_rts to he,It, th( t_ord _}{YouCaRuse fl}e timer even though youcannot
l 0 LO will be in th< display, use Kroedovenoperations
soundandthedisplaywill flasbuntiltheprobe
Usingtheproofingand warming features. e.com
The proofing feature maintains a warm environment useful for rising yeast-leavened products.
(Available in the upper oven onlg)
How to Set the Oven for Proofing
[] Place tim covered dough in I11coven
on _',lckB or C
containersotheovenfanwill notblowit off_
[] Press th( Proof pad Iwi((.
The di,,play ",,.'ill read PrF (proot).
The oven interior light turns on an(I
remains on during proofing.
The proofhlg fZ,amre automatically
provides tim optinmm tempemtm-e liar
th{ proofing proc_ ss, and therelore does
not have a lemperamrt a({jllstment.
] Sol th_ Kitchen Timer for the
minimum proot time.
How to Set the Oven for Warming
The warm R.ature keeps cooked t'oo(I_,
wmm lot up to 3 hours af_r a limed
function is finished, or warm can 1)e
a_tivated to k_ep hot, cooked leeds
wmm. This fbatm-_ isnol designed to
reheat toM [k_od.
'Ib use this tbature, press the Wannpad
once and then lhe Start pad.
"Ib actiwlte this tbatm-e for us( after
Timed Baking or Roasting, press the
Warmpad whik progranmfing th_ ov(n
and bd'ore plvssing Start.
!5_Place food in low-sided dishes or pmls.
i{_:,For best resuhs, [;lace the fb,_:l items in
a single lay(q; I)o not stack.
_;i;Leave [helll tlllCOVel'cd.
ib;Check crispness after 20-.10 minutes.
Add time as ne_ ded.
[] Wh{n proofing is finished, press
th_ Clear/Off pad.
_'_Toavolll /ewedng d}eeven temperature
and/ewthen_ng proofing time, do not
open theovendeer unnecossadl_z
atsafetemperaturesUsefl}eWarm feature
i!i:,Preofll}gwill notoperate>A}eeovenisabove
125°£"HOT"will showll}thedisplay
N Formoistfoods,coverfl}emwithanoven-safe
butcanbecometeedryif warmedfortoolong
!_Allowextratllne forthetemperetureinsidethe
!_ Withlargebadsit maybenecessarytocover
_ Removeservingspoons,etc, beforeplacing
containersin dTeoven
_ Denotuseplasticconta#Ters,lidsorplastic"
will me,It if placedfi}dTeoven Meltedplasticmay
notberemovahleandisnot coveredunderyoor
Usingthe convectionoven.
Convection Bake
NOTE: file mnvectien fan will cycleon andoff
while cooking tobest distribute hot air in the
cookingoryoumayshortenttlelifeof the
In a convection oven, a fan circulates hot air
over,under and around the foot(
Thisdrculatinghotair isevenlydistributed
throughouttheovencavityAsa result,foods
areevenlycookedandbrowned--often in less
time with convectionheal
Multi-Rack Convection Baking
When mnvectien bakfl}gwith only I rack,
follow dTerackpositinm recommendedin
the Using rile ovensection
Because healed air is circu[at(d evenly
throughout the oven, foods can be
baked with excellent results using
multil)le r_J(ks.
Muhi-l',lck lxlking may increase cook
times s[ightl} fi.)r some toods but the
overall resuh is time saved. Cooki(s,
nlufl]ns, biscuits and other quickbrcads
give vel T good results with multi-rack
_'_Goodforlargequantitiesof bakedfoods
The comeclion tim circulates the heated
air evenly over m_d m-ound th( [_od.
For30" Ovens:When l)aking on 3 racks,
place one rack in the second (B)
po_ition, one in the fomth (D) position
and one in the sixth (F) position.
For tw(>rack baking, place one l'ack
ill the second (B) rack position. P[ac_
the other rock in the _burth (I)) rock
For27" Ovens:When l)aking on 3 racks,
[)lace one rack in the first (A) position,
one in the second (B) po_ition and on_
in the fourth (D) position.
For Iw(>rack baking, [)lace one rock
in the tie, t (A) rack position. Place
the other rock in the third (C) l'ack
Adapting Recipes...
You can use your thvoritc recipes in the
COllVe( tiOll ()veil.
When convection baking, reduce baking
teml)emture b} 25°F or actiwlte the Auto
Recipe _"C,onvelsion ti.,amre. Se_ Auto
Recipe_ Conversinnin the Specialfeatoms of
yonrovencentre/s( orion.
Forbestresultsin thisoven,preheattheoven
Convection Roast
The convection filn cir_ ulat_s the heated
air _wnly owr and around the fbod.
Meal and pouhl 3 m_ browned on all
sides as it the} were cooked on a
rotisserie. Ileatcd air will be circulated
ovel; m'lder and aro'dnd the ikKld bring
roasmd. The heated air seals in juices
quickl} tbr a moist and t(nder product
while, ut the same time, _rearing a rkb
golden brown exteriol:
_A]mn you are convection roasting it is
iml)ortant tlmt you use a broiler pan and
grid tot best convection roasting resulN
The pan is used to (arch grease spills
and the grid is used to prew:nt grease
When baking cookies,you will
getthe best results ff you use a
flat cookie sheet insteadof a
pan withlow side&
Cookware for Convection Cooking
Bel}ole t/sillg }OIlI" ColP, e( tioll ovell,
check to see if your cookware leaves
room tor air circulation in tbe o_en.
If you are baking with several pans, leave
space between tbeln..klso, b_ sure the
pails do llOt toucl] _ach oth_r or the
walls of' the oven.
Metal and Glass
.\n} type of cookware will work in )our
COllVt, Ction OV( 11. nowevel; nletal pans
heal tile ti_stest and are recommended
for convtction baking.
Paper and Plastic
IIeabrcsistant paper and plastic
COllDlillers tll_t arc leCOllllllellded
t_lr use ill regular exerts can b_ used in
convection ovens. Plastic cookware flint
is heat-l>sismnt u) temperatures of 4(XI°F
can also be: us+.d.
i!!#Glassor ceramicpans cookmore slowly
For recipes lik_ oven-baked chicken,
use a pan with low sides. Ilot air cmmot
circulam well around tb_xl in a pan with
higb sides.
How to Set the Oven for Convection Baking or Roasting
] Press tile ConvectionBake pad
or the Convection Roast pad.
] Ih-_ss th+ num[x r pads to sct lh{
desired OV(II 1( llll}( l%llIIFe.
[] lhxss th_ Startpad.
To change lhe oven mmpemmre, press
the Convection Bake or ConvectionRoast
pad and then th_ nmnb_ r pads to s_t
the llew tellll)el_ttl/l-e.
Wllen the oven starts to h(at, tile
changing tempemtur(, starting at 100°F,
will be displa) ed. When the oven reaches
the temp_ ratnl*! you set, 3 beeps will
[] Press tll+ C/ear/Offpad when
_ Youwill hoarafanwhilecookingwid7
convection171efanwill stopwhend_edooris
opened,but thebeatwill not tamof_
_ Youmayheartheovenclickingduringbaking
HowtoSot Ovenfo,ConveotionRoas,nowhen ino theP obe
_>*J T at d s _ av _ ] _s _ PROBE a a( I a( eve r_q When fiat internal toni xmtm-e of
(Ollll'OI _,Vll] Slgllal II th(, ])rob(, is IllS( Fred [h( let _lt F( H( h(!s [h{t lllllnb( l_ veil
.... into tilt ,.:ullt t, _tlld veil h;l\( llOt set a h_tx'( set, Ill( Is,robe _.lld. the ov(211
For best resuds when roasting large probt I(!llllJ(!l'allll'( alld [)l't_ss(_d the Itll-ll o_] all(I the o'_ell (OIIIF01
turkeys and roasts, we recommend Start pad. signals. 'lb stop the sigmd, press
using the probe included in the lhe Clear/Off pad. [ se hot pads Io
] Pla(e file m(k in th{ lowest position
] Phlg tilt probe into the otltlt:l ill tilt
] Pr( ss tht Coevectioe Roast pad.
[] Ple'_s lh( nunll)er pads to sol th(
[] Pres, s lilt Probe pad.
[] Ple'__,the llt/llll)(?Fpads to sel tile
[] Pr(ss tilt Start pad.
_iVllell the OVell Stalls to heat, lhe word
LO will l)e ill lilt display.
2*k_'[(l" lilt int(rnal temp(l_ltur( ofth( III(Ht
reaches IO0°F, the changing internal
lemperamre will be shown ill the disl:)lav
.. ., .... OLOJ
(A). Ins(rt the prolx into the In(at.
oven. Make sure it is pushed all tile
Way ill. Clos( the (*veil dOOl:
desired t}V(?ll t( llll)( l_ltlll-e.
deSiF(d il]telllal llleal tel]]|)el%lttlre.
retllc)_+( Ih( ])rol)e frOlll Ihe food.
Do not ust tongs to pull on it_
they might damage it.
i!i_,If d}eprobeisremovedfromthefoodbefore
thefinal temperatureisroadbed,a tonewill
soundandfl}edisplaywill flashuntiltheprobe
Youwill hear a fanwbile cook#_gwid_ this
feature Thefan will stop whenthe dooris
opened,but the heat will not turo of{
_i_,Youcanuse the t#nereven thougbyoucannot
use timed oven operations
;'_Ondoubleoven mode& you will not be able to
use d_eprobe in d_eupperovenduring timM
ovenoperations 7[hisis because,with dze
probe, youarecookingby temperaturerather
than time
Tochange the oven temperature
during the Convection Roast cycle,
press _e ConvectienRoastpad
and _en press _e number pads to
sot _o now desired temperature
Convection Roasting Guide
Meats Minntes/Lb. Oven Temp. Internal Temp.
Beef Rib.BonelessRibr Rare 20 24 325°F 140°Ft
Pork Bone-in,Boneless(3 to5 Ibs)
Ham CannedrButt,Shank(3to 5 Ibs.fully cooked)
Lamb BonednrBoneless{3to 5 Ibs.) Medium
Seafood Fish.whole{3to 5 Ibs.}
Poultry WholeChicken(2V,to 3V2Ibs.}
TopSirloin Medium 24-28 325°F 160°F
{3to 5 Ibs.} Well 2832 325°F 170°F
ReefTendedoin Rare 10-14 325°F 140°Ft
Chops(1/2to 1" tNck} 2chops
LobsterTails(8to 8oz.each)
CornishHensUnstuffed(1to 1V_Ibs.)
Stuffed(1 to 17,Ibs.)
Duckling(4to 5 Ibs.)
Unstuffed(10to 16Ibs.)
Unstuffed(18to 24Ibs.)
TurkeyBreast(4to 6 Ibs.}
Medium 1_18 325°F 1BO°F
23 27 325°F 170°F
30-35 total 325°F 170°F
35q0 total 325°F 170°F
40-45 total 325°F 170°F
1_18 325°F 140°F
17 20 325°F 160°F
20-24 325°F 170°F
30_0 total 400°F
20 25total 350°F
2_26 350°F 180° 185°F
50-55 total 350°F 180°-185°F
55 60total 350°F 180° 185°F
24 26 325°F 180° 185°F
8-11 325°F 180°-185°F
7 10 325°F 180° 185°F
16 19 325°F 170°F
t tm, St.<.h!k,g_ a*zdIn(.a_tuilk l.d to/m'v<_t
Usingthe timedfeaturesforconvectioncooking. e.com
On double oven models, you can use timed baking or roasting in one oven while using self-clean in the other; you can
also use timed baking or roasting in both ovens at the same time.
Youwill hear a fan while cooking with these features, The fan will stop when the door is opened, butthe heatwill not
turn oil
NOTE:Foods that spoil easily--such as milk, eggs, fish, stuffings, poultry and pork--should not be allowed to sit for
more than I hour before or after cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure
that the oven light is off because heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.
How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic Stop
_h&e surethe clockshowsthe correcttime
of day
] Pros,,the ConvectionBake or
Convection Reastp_Jd.
[] Prexs tll_ numbel pads to s(t the desired
oven temperature.
] Pressthe CookingTimepad.
needtoaddadditionaltimeto tirelengthofthe
[] Pres;_the mlmher pads to set tile desired
length of cookh/g time. The minimum
cooking time )ou can set is I mimlte.
The o'_enteml)erature that you set and
the cooking time that you _ntered will b_
in the displa}.
NOTE:If youwantyourfoodtobekeptwarm
forupto3 hoursafterthecookingfunctionis
ffoished,pressttle Warmpadonce
[] Pros the Startpad.
The displa willsllo_ the dlangh N
temperattlre (stalting at I00°F) andtile
cookhlg time. Th( displa? stalkschanging
once tlle tempe_;iture reaches I00E
atthesanvetime,betimesshowingb thedisplaywill
beforbelastovenset.Todisplaybe timesetforbe
The oven will(:ol/tlntle to (ook t{)rtile
progl'ammed amount of time, then shut
eli automaticNl} tml_xsthe _armer _ature
[] Pr(xs dm Cloar/offpad to clear the
displa) if necessa/). Remoxe the food
ti'om the oven, Remember; even though
the o_en shuc_ off automaficall 5 food left
in the oven will continue cooking afier
the ()veil ttltns OJJ'[
How to Set a Delayed Start and Automatic Stop
Make Stlre the clock shows th( colrect time
] Pressthe ConvectionBakeol
] I res:stlle RUlllherpads to set the desired
ox,en tempel',lttlre.
] thexs th_ CookingTime pad.
[] Pres,, the ram]her pads to set the desired
cooking time.
[] Prexsth_OolayStartpad.
[] Press the tmn_her pads tos(t the tinl(
of do} yell _,Xkll?t the ()veil t£) tl.]f'/'l ()n
and stalt cookhlg.
forupto3 hoursaftertirecookfogfunctionis
[] Pr(xsdm Startpad.
NOTE"Anattentiontonewillsoundif youareusing
When the o_(ri turns on _Jtthe time of day
)ou hm_ set, the displa) _dllsho_ the
chmlging temperature (stmling at l()t)F) and
the cookh/g time. The displa}stalts changing
once the temperature reaches I00E
The ox,en will (:ont[ntle to cook J_/" die
/)rogl al/lll/ed ktlnount of It[lie, then sl//It
ottautomaticall_ unless the x_armer t_ature
w_ts set.
[] Ples_ th( Clear/Off pad to (:l_ar the
displa} if necessar). Remoxe the tb(xI
flom the oven. Remembel, even though
the oven shins off automaticall}, fbod
left in the oven will contimle cooking
after the oven ttltns oI_'.
Adjustthe oventhermostat--Do ityourself!
Youmay find that your new oven cooks differently titan the one it replaced, Use your new oven for a few weeks
to become more familiar with it, If you still think your new oven is too hot or too cold, you can adjust tbe
tlrermostat yourself
Do not use tlTermometers, such as tlwse found in grocery stores, to check tire temperature setting of your oven•
Tbese thermometers may vary 20-40 degrees.
NOTE: This adjustment will only affect baking and roasting temperatures; it does not affect broiling, convection or
self-cleaning temperatures. The adjustment will be retained in memory after a power failure.
To Adjust the Thermostat
[] Press lhe Bake and BroilHi/Lo pads
at Ih_' sam( lhll_' _(}1"._*S(( OIVIs t]lllil
Ihe display shows SF.
[] Pr(ss the Bake pad for the o,,en
wlli(h you want to us(. A two_ligit
number shov:s in Ihe display.
Pr(ss Bake a_ain to allernat(
bem((n in( rea.qng and de(r(asing
the OV(ll tellll)( l-Ht/ll-e.
] Th( ()veil [(llll)(17/ttll'( (all b(
(! st(dt)t (+)o: FI ,tt( ) (-)
3 F(( )l(:t esstlm n rib( ) ds
the s_lll( "_V_l}' }'o1.1 1-( _t(l ill( In. For
ex;ll)]l)l( , 10 (llallg( tile 0_,'( 11
t( _ )e al ( 1) E ) ( s 1 and 5.
[] _'Vhell you h_l'_( mad( the
a(!justm(nt, press th( Start pad to go
I)ack to 1he time of day display. Lse
}'OIlF OV(II _IS }'Oil _',Ollld IlOFlllaUv.
Thetype ofmargarine will affectbakingperformance/.
Most recipes for baking have been developed using high-fat products such as butter or margarine (80%fat). ff you
decrease tlTefat, the recipe may not give the same results as with a higher-fat product,
Recipe failure can result if cakes, pies, pastries, cookies or candies are made with low-fat spreads. Thelower tlTefat
content of a spread product, the more noticeable these differences become.
Fedel'al standards require products labeled "mmgafine" to contain at least 80% tht by weight. Louqht spreads, on the
other band, (ontain less tit and more warm; The higlHnoismre content ot these spreads af{;vct tile lexttlre and flavor
of baked goods. For best results with you r old fhvorite recipes, use marg'arine, butter or slick spreads (ontaining at least
7()(/_ veg(table oil.
Usingtheself-cleaning oven. o.oom
The oven door must be closed and all controls must be set correctly for tlTecycle to work properly,
Before a Clean Cycle
Wipe up heavy soil on file even
bottom (appearance may vary)
We recommend venting your kitchen
with an open window or using a
ventilation thn or hood during
tile fh-st self-cleml (_,'cle.
R(mo_e any broiler pan, broiler glkl,
prob(, all cook_are and any ahllllilltllll
ibil h-ore tilt ov(n.
The o'_ell racks ma} Felllail] ill Ihe overt
during lh( selfkcleaning c}cle withoul
I)eing damaged.
I)o llol llSe al)msives or ov(n cleaners.
Clean the lop, sides and outside of"Ihe
OV(_ll dooF wilh soap alld wail'l;
Mak( sur( th( oven light bulb co,,er
is ill place and tile oxen light is off.
IMPORTANT."The heahh o_ some birds
is (xtrem( Iv sensitive 1o the filmes given
ofl during the self-vleaning Q'cle of
am"ov(n. Move birds to another
well-ventilated room.
How to Set the Oven for Cleanhlg
)'2On double oven models, you can
set a clean ode in both ovens at the
same time. The last ow'n s(t will
automaticall} delay its start until the
end ot the first oven's dean cxcle.
}),1 ()ll dotlbl( ov(ll rood( Is VOtl (all
us( limed baking in Olle i)_.(]l alld
s(ll:clean lhe olhel-at lh( sam( tim(.
edgeritemsond?eovenfloor Thereisaheating
resultingin damagetodTeovenandriskof
[] Presslhe SelfCleanStd/Lowpad
011(( for a Amhotll (l(all tillle Of
p,',i(eJbr a 3-hc,ur ,-lean lime,
A M t s( lt-_k a 1lira( is
r(commen(/_d tor us_ when
('l(aning small, (ontained spills. A
s(lf-(l(an lilm of 4 hours or long(r
is l-e('Olllln( ll(l((I lCt)l - a dilti( F OV( II.
] Ifa lime other than 4 houl's or
3 1 n s "s (ed_d, t s lh( llUlllbel
pads aim enter the desired ckan
_.im can chang( the (l(an tim< to any
tim(/)et_een 3 hours and 5 lit)Ill'S,
depending on how dirty your OV(:IIiS.
[] Press Iht Staff pad.
The door locks automatically The dispLJ?
will show the dean time remaining. It will
not be possible to open the oven door
until the temp(t-,iture drops below the
lock temperam re and the LOCKED light
goes ell
When th_ LOCKEDIight goes oil; you _ill
I)e a])l( to opell Ill{: (1oo12
i!i:"The words LOCKEDwillflash and the
o,,en control will signal if you set the
clean cyck and t;._get to ch_e the
(Ix, ell dool_
}!i:""I)_stop a clean cycle, press the
Clear/Offpad. When the LOCKED
light goes off indicating the oven has
cooled below the locking mmperamre,
you will be _ll)le to open the dool:
Usingtheself-cleaning oven.
The oven door must be closed and all controls must be set correctly for the cycle to work properly,
How to Delay the Start of Cleaning
[] ]:'ressthe SeffCleanStd/Lowl)ad
on((' _)l" a 4-hotly ( le_lll lilll(' OF
r,dcelora -hot (h _11 he.
A ?.hour self<lean tim_ is
l_(:COllllllende(I f_)F rise whell
cleaning small, colllaill( d spills, k
sell:-clean lime ot 4 hours or longer
is recomnleri(hd fbr a dirtier oven.
[_] Ifa time (:)filer than 4 hours or
hot]l'% is llei'(l(_d, llS0 [he ll/lllll)el-
pads and enler Ihe & sir( d (lean
You can chang( the than lime 1(:)kRII}
• , )
1 n(? I)el_( e I o hoIIl-S fill(1 5 holll'S,
del)( riding on how dilly your oven is.
[] Pr(ss th( DelayStart pad.
] lsing th( numl)er pads, ent(r the
tinle of(lay you "¢_alll lhe (l(:_ln (}'(l(
lo S[al-[.
[] Press the Start l)ad.
"File door locks automaticall?: Th( disi)lay
will show tile start time. It will not be
pos*ible to open the oven door until
tile temp_ ramre drops below the h)ck
mmperalure and the LOCKEOlight
goes ott.
When the LOCKEDIiRht goes off; y( t _ill
I)e al)le Io Ol)(n Ill{: dOOl_
delayclean&bothovensat thesametime
Thesemndovensetwill automatlsallydelay
thestartofcleanleguntil theendofthefirst
Torecallthestarttimeof thesecondovenset,
presstheDelayStart padonthecontrolsfor
After a Clean Cycle
_'_)u lnay nolice soln( white ash ill the
( _,( . _&'l)( "t ) _a'lh a damp (:lolh it]_'1(!1
lh( ov{!ll (eels.
/f whitespotsremale,removethemwitha
witha vinegarandwatermixture
These d(posils are usually a sah r_sidue
[hal C_lllnO[ l)e 1-01]lov(d bv [he cl0all
(-_'( le.
It th_ ov{n is not clean al'hw (.le chart
cycle, rel:)<tt lhe cych.
2_i{_i)tlcannel s(t ill( oven h)l-cooking
1mill the o_,en is (,.)ol ( hough tim th(
door lo//lllo('k.
!2_While tile oven is seltZch aning, you
can press the Clack pad to display
file lime ot daT< To return to lhe
clean countdown, press tile Self
Clean Std/Low pad.
!2_If'th_ racks b( come hard 1o slide, _dl)e
lhe rack supl)orts wifll cooking (ill.
Special featuresofyourovencontrol, ge.com
Yournew touch pad contro! has additional features that you may choose to use. Thefollowing are the features
and how you may activate them•
Thespecial feature modes can only be activated while the display is showing the time of day Theyremain in
flTecontrol's memory until the steps are repeated.
When the display shows your choice, press the Startpad. The special features wil! remain in memory after
apower failure, except for the Sabbath feature which will have to be reset.
12-Hour Shutoff
after3 hedgedadngabmflfunction
Ityou wish to mrn OFFthis _amr<, fbllo_
the st(ps belong.
[] Press fll( Bake an(l Bmil Hi/Lo
pads (on doublc ov(n modds, use
the oppero_en CoIIlFOIS) at tile sam{
time for 3 seconds, tmtil thc display
shows SE
12-Hour,24-Hour or Clock Blackout
Yourcontrolis"setto usea 12-hourclock
If:you wouM pretiq _It) have a 24qlour
militalw time do(k or/)la( k out Ihe clock
displa): follow Ihe stel)s I)elo_._,c
Press tll_ Bake and Broil Hi/Lo
pads (on doubl( oven modds, use
the opperoven controls) al th( same
• ? _ ) ,
t ef_ as(( _ ds, untilth(display
shows SE
Press tht Clock [)ad on((. Th(
display will sho,a t2 hr. If this is
the choic( VOll Wall[, pl'{ SS [h(_
Start pad.
[] Press th_ OelayStart pad until
no shdn (no shutotl) aplx m_,,ill
] Press th_ &"tart pa(I to actixat{ the no
shutof'f'and l(av( Ih( control s(t in
this special f(umrus m_xle.
NOTE:Ondoubleoven models,this activates this
specialfeatare forboth ovens
Press the Clock pad again to chang(,
to tile 24-hour milita_ y tim( dock.
The display will show 24 hr. If this
is th( choice you want, pr(,ss th_
Start pad.
l)ress tile Clock pad again 1o Mark
out the clo(k display. The display
will show OFF.If this is the choice
you want, press the Start pad.
NOTE:If theclockisin theblack-outmode,you
will notbeable.tousetheDelayStartfaocfion
Fahrenheit or Celsius Temperature Selection
[] Press lhe Bmil Hi/Lo and Cooking
Press dw Bake and Broil Hi/Lo
pads (Oil (lotlble ov(,l] HI(Klels, tlSe
the opperov_n controls) at file sam(
t'n(f) 3s((o_ds, _t'lflwd's)l_?,
shows SE
[] Pr{ss th( Bmil Hi/Lo and Cooking
Time pads at the stone tim(. Th(
disl)lay will shox_ F (Kahrenhdl).
[] Press th_ Start pad.
NOTE:Ondoubleoven models,dTenew setting
will bedisplayedfor both ovens
Time pa(Is again al Ih( same tim(.
The display xdll show C (C(lsius).
Tones at the End of a Timed Cycle
At tbeendof atimedcycle,3shortbeepswill
"Ib cancel the 6-second beep:
I_ Pressthe Bake and BroilHi/Lo
pads (,.m doubl( oven m(×Ms us{
th_ upperoven<,,mtrols) al the same
[ I ( i( 3 Se(7Otl(]S, until the display
shows SE
Auto Recipe TM COIIVeI'sioII (onsome models)
will showti}eactualconverted(reduced)
temperatureForexample,if youenteraregular
recipetemperatareof 350°Fandpresstbe
Startpad,ttledisplaywill showCONand
theconvertedtemperatureof 325°£
[] Pressthe Kitchen rlmer On/Off
pad. Th_ disl)layshowsCONBEEP
((ontinuous b('('p). Pres,,the
KitchenTimerOn/Offpad again.
The (]ispl_lyshows BEEP.(This
cancels the one beep reel T
6 seconds.)
[] Pr(ss th,.: Startpad.
Toactivate the feature:
Pressd_eBakeand BroilHi/Lo
pads (on double oven models,
IlS{: Ill(? opperov_n COIItFols) at
Ihe same lime i(}l- ._*s( COlldS,
llll[il lh{_ display ,,hews SF.
Press th< ConvectionBake pad.The
display will show CONOFF.Pr(ss 1he
Convection Bake pad again. The
display will show CONON.
[] Press thc Start pad.
To dea(lixate file f_amre, rep(al sleps
1-3 al)ov{ 1)1t )-{ss tile Start l)ad wh(n
CONOFFis in the (lisl)la).
(DesignedforuseontheJewish Sabbathand Holidays.)(onsomemodels)
TheSabbathfeaturecanbe used for bakflTg/roastingonlI4 Itcannotbe usedfor convection,broit&g,self-cleaningor
NOTE:Theovenlight comesonautomatically(onsomemodels)when thedooris openedandgoesoff when the door isclosed•
Thebulb maybe removed•Seethe OvenLiglTtRepbcement section.Onmodelswith a light switch ol7the controlpanel,theoven
fight may be turned ol! and left on.
How to Set for Regular Baking/Roasting
When tlw display shows D the
oven is setla Sabbath. When the
display shows r_ c the oven is [_
Make sure the dock shows the correct time of day and
the ovenis of_
] Press ala(I hokl both Ibe Bake and Broil
Hi/Lo pads, at the same time,/mtil th_
display sl_ox_ SE
NOTE: It bake o1"br(;d appea_, in file
diNfla}: the Bake and Broil Hi/Lo pads
Wel'e I/Ol tOL]cht'd k_l [hu S_II/_I( * til_3('.
Touch t]lc Clear/Off pad and begin again.
Tap dl( Oela g Start pad until SAb bAtH
appeal:, in th_ display.
Toucll Ill_ Start pad and • will appear in
th( displa?
_])m(:l/Ihe Bake pad. No signal will
be given.
] I,s'ng th{ tmmlx:rpads, emer the desired
temperature lx_tween 170°F and 550°E
No signal or ternF_:mlure will 1t(:given.
] _Ii)uch Ihe Start pad•
Afl(r a i',mdom (lel_y p( tied of
approximatel} 30 s_c(mds 1o 1 mimlt_,
• (- will appear ill file (lisplay indic;ling
that the oven is bakingiroasiing, g • c
doesn't tpp_ar ill the (lispl;9; stall
again at Step 4.
"1"(_t(!just the o_en temlcx:raulre, touch tb(
Bake pad, (l/t('l [lie i/(w I( illp( Fdtllr(_ t/Sil/g
Ill( ii/imlN:r p_lds, and touch the Startpad.
NOTE:Tb_ Clear/Off;rod Cooking Time pads are
a(tive dm'ing tb_ Sabba{l/_;lltu'_.
When the display shows D tlw
oven is setla Sabbath. When the
display shows_) c- the oven is
How to Set for Timed Baking/Roastiag - hnmediate Start and Automatic Stop
Make sure the clockshows the correct time of day and T(m(h th_ Bake pad. N_ s gl _1_ 11b
the ovenis off. [] given.
] IhessuldholdbothtlleBakeal_(1Bmil Using tll_ mlmber pads, enter II1_
Hi/Lo pads, at the saw_ time, until the [] desired t r/p_ _t _e. N_ s',g / 1 o
displa} sho_ SE tempex>ltme _ill be given.
NOTE: If'bake or broiliqapeal in the
diNfla}: the Bake and Broil Hi/Lo pads
Wele i/el lo(iched at the S_lllle time.
Touch the Clear/Off p;_d and begin
Fap the Delay Start pad until SAb bAtH
appcm_ ill the displ ty•
Fl)tl(:ll Ill(t Start pad and • will appeal- ill
th( displa}
Foucl/ II1¢ Cookieil Time pad.
T{ R/oh l]le DtlI/lb( I" pads tO set th(
desired length e! cooking lime between
1 mimlte and 9 hout_, and _Ef mim_tcs.
FII( (ooking dine that yoo enraged will
be displayed.
F_mch Ill( Start pad.
Touch th< Start pad.
After a landom (k 1;_yp(ri_l ot
;tpp_oximatd} 30 s((onds to I nfinut(,
• • will appear in the display indicating
that th_ oven is bakingir0asting. It D c_
doesn't ;q:)p(ar ill the displa}, start
aguin _t Step 7.
To a(/jusl th( oven temp(x_llure, tou(:h the
Bake p_t(I, ol_t(:r _/e new le]_/per_fltlre LISillg
Ihe munber pads and to/_ch tbe Start pad.
When cooking is finisll(d, fl_ displ_ 9 will
change horn • c to • and 0:_0will appem;
indi(aiing thai th_ oven b;_ mrn_d OFFbut is
still set in Sabbath. Remoxe tile cook< d food.
•o •
How to Exit the Sabbath Feature
TI)ucll Ill_ Clear/Offpa(l•
I{ tlIe oxen is cooking, '_ait tx)l a tun(h)]n
delta period el: approximalel) 3(1 _:conds
to 1 miracle until (rely • is in the displa)•
Press and bold both tile Bake and Broil
Hi/Lo pads, at the same time, umil ill<
display shows SE
[] Tap the OelayStart pad until I2shd#
or no shde aplxta_,_ in Ih( dispkiy. 12shd#
in(li(at_ s thai tb( oven will automatk ally
ttlrn Oil at/el- 12 hours, no shde in(lical(_
tl/at tlle o',(n _aill not automatically
IurD ofl_
] "I'_m(h Ill( Staff pad.
NOTE: Ifa power outage (×:curred while
file o_e_/was in S;d4_afl_, the oven will
_utttn/ati(:idly flirt/ Ot_" 31/(I st;l_ off ev(:ll
when the powei Iet//l_/S• The O_el/ COI/D'ol
l/l/let be rt'set•