Safety Instructions ........... 2-4
Operating Instructions
Additional Features ............ ] ]
Automatic Icemaker ........... 13
Care and Cleaning .......... 15, 16
Ice and _'ater Dispenser ..... 14, 15
Refligerator Doors ............ 11
Replacing the lightbulbs ........ 17
Shelves and Bins ............ 9, 10
Crispers and Pans ............. 12
Temperature Controls ........... 5
_'ater and FreshSaver TM Fihers .... 8
Installation Instructions
Preparing to Install
the Refligeramr ............ 24, 25
Removing and Replacing Doors . .23
Trim I_Sts and Panels ........ 18-22
_'ater Line Installation ...... 26-30
Troubleshooting Tips ....... 32-34
Normal Operating Sounds ...... 31
Profile C6te _ C6te
La section frangaise commence a la page 42
Profile Lado a Lado
La secci6n en espafiol empieza en la pagina 78
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ..... Back Cover
Performance Data Sheet ........ 37
Product Registration ........ 39, 40
State of California Water
Treatment Device Certificate ..... 38
h'arranty (Canadian) ........... 35
_'arrantv (U.S.) ............... 36
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find these numbers on a label inside the reti'igerator compartment at the
top on the right side.
200D2600P010 49-60158 07-01JR
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
_,':;This refl-igerator must be properly installed
and located in accordance with the Installation h_structions beiore it is used.
_,':;Do not allow children to climb, st;rod or hang
on the shelves in the refl'igerato_: They could damage the refligerator and seriously iqim'e
:)::Do not touch the cold surli_ces in the fl'eezer
compartment when hands are damp or wet. Skin may stick to these extremely cold sm_thces,
i,;:Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
\:q_ms and liquids in the vicini F oI this or any other appliance.
i,_:_In refiigerato_s with atltOll/atic icemake_s,
avoid contact with the moving parts of the ejector mechanism, or with the heaOng element
locamd on the bottom of the icemake_: Do not place finge_ or hands on the aUtOlnatic
icemaking mechanism while the refl_igerator is plugged in.
i/:;Keep finge_s out _ff the "pinch point" areas;
clearances between the dom_ and between the (loo_ and cabinet are necessarily small.
Be careful closing doms when children are in the area.
i/:;Unplug the refl'igerator befin'e cleaning and
making repairs.
NOTE."We stronglyrecommendthatany servicingbe performedby aquafified individual
i,_:_Setting either or both controls to 0 (0€/) does not
remove power to the light circuit.
::NDo not refl'eeze fl'ozen tbods which have
thawed completely.
_,ZMwavs clean the CustomCooIrMTray after thawing
Child entrai)ment and suffocation are not i)rol)lems of the past, Junked or abandoned refl_igeratm_ are
still dangerous...even if they will sit fin" "just a fi_w days." If you are getting rid of yore" old refrigeratm;
please follow tile instructions below to hel I) prevent accidents.
Before YouThrowAway YourOldRefrigerator or Freezer:
i;_?Take off tile dome.
Ymr old refl_igerator may have a cooling system
that used CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). CFCs are believed to ham_ stratospheric ozone.
If you are throwing away yore" old refrigerator; make sm'e tile CFC refl_igerant is removed fin" proper
disposal by a qualified se_wice_: If you intentionally release this CFC reflJgerant you can be subject to
fines and imprisomnent under provisions of enviromn ental legislation.
>_ I,eave tile shelves in place so that children max
not easilx climb inside.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of an extension cord.
However, ifxou must use an extension cord, it is absolutelx necessary that it be a UITlisted (in tile United States) or a (;SA-listed (in (_anada), 3-wire grom_ding type appliance extension cord haxim,_ a ,gr°m_ding
type I)hw_ and outlet and that tile electrical rating, of tile cord be 15 amperes (minimum) and 120 xolts.
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord. For
personal safety this appliance must be properly grounded.
The power cord of this appliance is equii)ped with a 3-prong (grounding) plug which mates with a
standard 3-prong (grotmding) wall outlet to minimize the possibili F of electric shock hazard
fl'om this appliance. Have the wall curet and circuit checked by a
qualified electridan to make sure the outlet is i)roi)erly gromMed.
If the outlet is a stnndard 2-prong outlet, it is your personal resi)onsibility and obligation to have it
replaced with a i)roperly grotmded 3-prong wall outlet.
The refl-igerator should always be plugged into its own indi_i(lual electrical outlet which has a _oltnge rating that matches the rating plate.
This provides the best perflmnance and also I)rexents oxerloading, house wiring circuits which
could cause a fire hazard fl'om oxerheated wires.
Never unplug yore" refl_igerator by pulling on tile power cord. Mways grip plug firefly and pull
straight ()lit fl'onl the outlet.
Repair or replace immediately all power cords that have become fl'aved or otherwise damaged. Do not
use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion damage along its length or at either end.
\._]/en moving tile refi_igemtor away ti'om tile wall, be careflfl not to roll over or damage tile power cord.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of an adapter plug.
Howe\'et; if' you, must use an adapter; where local codes pemfit, a temporary connection may be made
to a i)roperly grotmded 2-prong wall outlet by use of a Lri Aisted adapter a\:lilable at m()st local
haYdwaI'e stores,
Tile linger slot in tile adapter must be aligned Mth the larger slot in the wall outlet to provide proper
polari F in tile com_ecfion of tile power cord.
When (lisc(mnecting tile power cord fl'om tile
adapte_; always hold tile adapter in place with one hand while pulling tile power cord plug with tile other hand. If this is not done, tile adapter gromM
temfinal is very likely to break with repeated use.
If the adapter grotmd temfinal breaks, DO NOT
USEthe refrigerator tmtil a proper grotmd has
been established.
Attaching the adapter ground terminal to a waft outlet cover screw does not ground the appliance unless the
cover screw is metal, and not ihsu/ated, and the waft outlet is grounded through the house wiring. Youshould
have the circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sure the outlet is propeHygrounded
Aboutthe temperaturecontrols,
The temperature controls are preset in the factory at 37°t: for the refrigerator compartment and O°Ffor the freezer compartment. Allow
24 hours for the temperature to stabilize to the preset recommended
settings. The temperature controls can display both the SET temperature
as well as the actual temperature in the refrigerator and freezer. The actual temperature may vary slightly from the SET temperature based on usage and operating environment.
Setting either or both controls to OFFstops cooling in both the freezer and refrigerator compartments, but does not shut off electrical power
to the refrigerator.
NOTE: Therefrigerator is shipped with protective film covering the temperaturecontro/s, if this fi/m was not removedduring installation,
removeit now.
Tochange the temperature, press and release tile
WARMER or COLDERpad. Tile SETlight will come
on and tile display will show tile set temperature. To change tile temi)erature, tap either tile
WARMER or COLDERpad tlntil tile desired
temperature is displayed. Refrigerator temperatures can be a(!justed between 34°F and 44°F and tile
fl'eezer temperatures can be a(!iusted between
-6°F and +6°E
Once tile desired temperature has been set, the temperature display will return to the actual
retiigerator and fl'eezer temperatures after 5 seconds. Several a(!itlstments may be required.
Each time you a(!iust controls, allow 24 l/o/us fin" tile reliJgerator to reach tile temperature
VO/Ihave set.
Toturn the cooling system off,tap tile WARMER pad
tot either tile reti'igerator or tile fl'eezer until tile display sho_vs OFF.To turn the unit back on, press tile
COLDERpad tin" either tile refl_igerator or freezer,
The SETlight will illuminate on the side you selected, Then press the COLDERpad again (on the
side where the S_'Tlight is illuminated) and it will go to tile preset points of O°Ffi)r tile fl'eezer and
37°Flor tile reliiger:mn: Setting either or both controls to OFFstops cooling in both tile fl'eezer
and refrigerator compartments, but does not shut off electrical power to the retiigerato_:
PerformanceAir FlowSystem
Tile Perf0mmnce M_=Flow System is designed to maximize temperature control in tile refrigerator
and ti'eezer compartments. This unique special t_'ature consists of tile AJr Tower along tile top and
back walls of tile refrigerator and tile Mr Tunnel on the bottom portion ot the fl'eezer rear wall, Placing
fi)od in fl'ont of tile louve_ on these components will not affect pedinmance. Mthough tile Mr Tower
and tile Mr Tunnel can be removed, doing so Mll affect temperature pe_ommnce. (For remowd
instructions, on-line, 24 ho/u_ a day, contact us at or call 800-GE-CARES. In Canada, contact us at or call 1.800.361.3400.)
How it Works
The CustomCooITMfi_atm'eis a systeIIl OI
daml)e_, a tim, a teml)eratm'e them/isto_;
and a heate_: Depending on the flmction selected, a combination ot these will be
used to quickly chill items, thaw items or
hold the pan at a specflic temperature.
How to Use
The pan is tightly sealed to prevent the pan's teml)eramre fl'om causing temperature
fltlCttlations in the rest (ff the reliigerato_: The controls for this pan are located at the
top (ff the refrigerator with the temperature
Empty the pan. Place the Chill/Thmv
tray in the pan with the metal plate
timing down to chill and store items, or with the metal })late ihcing up to thaw items. Place the items on the tray and
close the pan completely.
@ Select the ExpressThaw TM,
ExpressChill or Selectremp i)ad.
The display and SETlight will come on. Tap the pad until the light a})l)ea_ next
to the desired setting. Llse the chm_ to detem_ine the best setting to use.
N To stop a teatm'e betore it is
finished, tap that teamre's pad
tmtil no options are selecmd and the display is off.
i_;: During ExpressThawrMand
ExpressChill , the displa_ on the controls will cotmt down the time
in the cycle.
_i:: _Mier the ExpressThawrMcycle is
complete, the pan will reset to the MEATsetting (30°F) to hel I) preserve
thawed items tmtil they are used.
i_i;:The displayed actual temperature of
the CustomCoolpan may \m T slightly
fl'om the SET temperature based on
usage and operating enviromnent.
NOTE:For food sale F reasons, it is
recommended that toods be wrapped in plastic wrap when t/sin(r_ ,, ExpressThaw TM
This will hel I) contain meat juices and
improve thawing pertimnance.
CustomCoolTM Chart
NOTE:Resultsmay vary depending on packaging, starting temperature, and other food traits.
0.5 Lbs. (4 hours)
;i:: Hambmger Patties (0.5 lb) >: Individually Wrapped
Filet Mignon (0.5 lb)
1.5 Lbs. (8 hours)
i_? Chicken Breasts (1.5 lbs) i_: Ground Beef (1.5 lbs)
i;_;:Steak (1.5 lbs)
3.0 Lbs. (12 hours)
i_: Chicken Breasts (3.0 lbs) i_? Gro/md Beef (3.0 lbs)
>: Steak (3.0 lbs)
Disassembling the
Chill/Thaw tray
15 Minutes ;i:: 1 Beverage Can (12 oz) ;i:: 2 Small Juice Boxes (('_8 oz each)
30 Minutes
i_;: 2 to 6 Beverage Cans (l 2 oz each)
i_i: 2 Plastic 20 oz Bottles of Beverage i_;: 4 to 6 Small,Juice Boxes
(6--8 oz each)
;i:: 3 Foil Juice Packets _i:: Wine (750 ml bottle)
45 Minutes
_i:: 2 Liter ot Beverage i_;: 1/2 Galhm ot,]uice
>: Gelatin- 1 package
About the CustomCoolTM Pall Rack and Tray
Toclean #le Chill/Thaw tray, disassemble tile
metal tray flxnn tile plastic stand by lightly pushing in on the handles ot the plastic
stand and removing the metal tray. Both
the metal tray and the plastic stand are dishwasher sate.
Toreassemble the tray, place tile plastic
stand upside down (handles on bottom) on a solid smq'hce. Place tile met;d plate on top
of tile stand matching up tile cm'ved side of the plate with the curved side of the stand.
Insert one side of tile plate into tile notches on tile st;rod. Push in on tile handle on tile
other side ot tile stand while pushing that end of tile plate down and into place. You
should hear tile plate "click" into place.
Citrus Setting (43°F)
>: Oranges, I,emons, i,imes,
Pineapple, (_antaloui)e
>: Beans, CtlCtllllbei3, Tomatoes,
Peppe_, Eggplant, Squash
Produce Setting (34°F)
i_;: Strawberries, Raspberries, Kiwifl'uit,
Pea_, Cherries, Blackberries, Grapes, Plums, Nectarines, Apples
>: Asparagus, Broccoli, Corn,
Mushrooms, Spinach, Cauliflower, I_ade, (;teen Onion, Beets, Onions
Meat Setting (30°F)
Raw Meat, Fish and Poultry
Aboutthe water andFreshSaverTM filters.
Place the top of the cartridge up inside the cartridge holder and
slowly turn it to the right.
Water Filter Cartridge
l_he water filter cartridge is located in the back Itpper right corner of tile reflJgei'ator
co///l)a I'tlllent.
When to Replace the Filter
Yhere is a l'el)lacelnent indicator light fin" the water filter cartridge on tile disl)enser.
]_his light will turn orange to tell you that
w)u need to l'eplace the filter soon.
]_he filter cartridge should be replaced when the replacement indicator light tt/rns
red or if the flow of water to the dispenser or Joel[laker decreases.
Installing the Filter Cartridge
0 If _ou are re _lacino tile cartridge, ti_t
remoxe tile old one b) slowl) tm'ning it to tile letL Donot pull down on tile
camidge. A small alllOtlnt of water may drip down.
_Fill tile replacement cartridge with
water from tile tap to allow fi)r better flow from tile dispenser immediately
atier installation.
Lining up tile arrow on tile cartridge
and the cartridge holder; place the top of tile new cartridge up inside
tile holdex: Oo not push it up into the holdex:
O water fl'om tile dispenser for
3 mimltes (about gallons) to clear tile system and prevent sputtering.
0 Press and hold tile RESETWATERFILTER
pad on tile dispenser for 3 seconds.
NOTE: A newly-installed water filter cartridge may cause water to spurt ti'om
the dispenser.
Filter Bypass Plug
x_u must use tile filter b)pass plug when
a replacement filter cartridge is not available. Tile dispenser and tile icemaker
will not operate without tile filter or filter
bypass plug.
Replacement Filters:
To order additional filter cartridgesin
the United States, visit our Website,,or call
GE Parts and Accessories, 800.626.2002.
(;X,_F Suggested Retail ,$34.95
Customers in Canada should consult tile _ellow pages tot tile nearest Camco
Serxice Center:
Slowly mrn it to tile fight tmtil tile filter camidge stops. DO NOTOVERTIGHTEN.
_s you mrn tile cartridge, it will atm)matically raise itself into position.
Cartridge will rotate about 1/4 ttlrn.
FreshSaver TM Filter
This filter is located inside tile fresh l)ro(hlce (lrawei i
Tile filter should last approximately
eight yeats.
Not all features are on all models.
Refrigerator Door Bins and Freezer Door Tilt-Out Bins
Refrigerator bin
Freezer tilt-out bin
The larger reti_igerator door bins and fl'eezer tilt-out door bins are ac!iustable.
To remove: i]fi the fl'ont of the bin straight
up, then lift up and out.
Toreplaceorrelocate:Engage the back side
of the bin in the molded supports oI the do(n; Then push down on the fl'ont of the
bin. Bin will lock in place.
To remove: I,ifl the ti'ont of the bin strai,,ht
up then out.
To replace: Position the bin aboxe the
rectangular molded supports on the dora;
Then slide the bin down onto the support
to lock it in place,
The snugger helps prevent tipping, spilling
or sliding of small items stored on the door shelf, Place a finger on either side oI the
snugger near the rear and move it back and fl)rth to fit your needs.
Not all features are on all models.
Slide-Out Spillproof Shelf
The slide-out spillproof shelf allo_s you to reach items stored behind othe_. The
si)ecial edges, are designed, to helli ) )re',ent spills fl'om dripping to lower shelxes.
Press tab and pull shelf forward toremove
Slide the shelf out until it reaches the stop, then press down on the tab and slide the
shelf straight out.
I,ine the shelf up with the suI)ports and slide it into place. The shelf can be reposifioned when the door is at 90 ° or
more. To reposifion the shelf, slide the shelf past the stops and angle downward. Slide
shelf down to the desired position, line up
with the supports and slide into place.
Makesureyoupushtheshelvesa// the wayback in beforeyoudose thedoor
QuickSpace TM Shelf
This shelf splits in half and slides under itself fin" storage (ff tall items on the shelf
This shelf can be removed and replaced or relocated just like Slide-Out Spillproof
Freezer Baskets
Toremove, push the basket all the way to the
back of the fl'eezer i,ifi up until the back pins are disengaged, i,ifi the entire basket
up and pull out.
Slide-Out Freezer Shelves
To remove, slide out to the stop position,
lift the ti'ont past the stop position, and slide out.
On some models, this shelf can not be used in the lowest position.
Makesureyoupushthebasketsall thewayback in beforeyouclosethedoor
Makesureyoupushtheshelvesall the wayback in beforeyouclosethedoor
) Fixed Freezer Shelves
Toremove,lift the shelf ul) at the left side
and then bring the shelf out.
Not all features are on all models.
Removable Beverage Rack
The beverage rack is designed to hold a bottle on its side. It can be attnched to
any slide-out shelfi
0 IJne up the large part ot the slots on
the top of the rack with the tabs trader
the shelf,
Then slide the rack back to lock it in place.
Aboutthe refrigeratordoors.
Refrigerator Doors
The refl_igerator doo_ may teel difli_rent than the ones you are used to. The special door opening/closing teattli'e illakes Stli'e
the (loo_ close all the way and are securely sealed.
When opening and closing the door you will notice a stop position, If the door is
opened past this stop point, the door will remain open to allow you to load and
tmload toed nlore easily: When the door is only partially open it will automatically
When the door is only partially open
it will automatically close. Beyond this stop the door will
stay open.
The resist;race you teel at the stop position will be reduced as the door
is loaded with fi_od.
Aboutthe crispersandpans.
Not all features are on all models.
Fru# and Vegetable Crispers
Excess water that may accumulate in the bottom of the (h'awe_ should be wiped dry.
On some models the bottom drawer has
a cover that slides back as the drawer is
opened. This allo_:s flfll access to the
drawex: _&sthe drawer is closed, the cover
will slide torward into its original position.
Adjustable Humidity Crispers
Slide the control all the _'_' to the HIsetting to provide high humidity recommended fin.
most vegetables.
Convertible Meat Pan
The convertible meat pan has its own cold air duct to allow a stream ot cold air fl'om
the ti'eezer compartment to flow to the pan.
The variable temperature control regulates
the air flow fl'om the Climate Keeper:
Slide the control all the way to the LO ,settino,_to pro_i(le lower humidit) le_ els
recommended fin" most fl'uits.
Set the control to the coldestsetting to store fresh IIle_lts.
Set the control to coldto convert the pan to nomml refiigerator temperature and
provide extra vegetable storage space. The cold air duct is turned off. Variable settings
between these extremes can be selected.
Not all features are on all models.
Crisper Removal
Crispe_ can easily be removed by pulling
the drawer straight out and lifting the drawer up and over the stop location.
If the door prevents you fl'om tnking out the (h'awe_, ti_t t_y to remove the door
bins. ]f this does not offer enough clearance, the refligerator will need to
be rolled ti)rward tmtil the door opens enough to slide the (lrawexs out. ]n some
cases, when you roll the refligerator out,
p)u will need to move the refrigerator
to the left or right as you roll it out.
Aboutthe automaticicemaker,
A newly-installed refrigerator may take 12to 24 hours to begin making ice.
%WeT Automatic Icemaker
Pull the upper freezer shelf straight out to access the icemaker. Always besure to replace the shell The
shelf can be used for storage.
Eel TaKer
The icelnaker will produce seven cubes per cycle'--aI)proxinmtely 100-130 cubes
in a 94-hour i)eriod, dei)ending on fl'eezer
COillpai'tlllent teillpei'attli'e_ i'OOill
temperature, imlnber of door openings and other use conditions.
If tile refl_igerator is operated befi)re tile water cotmecfion is tnade to the icetnaker,
set tile power switch in tile 0 (Off)position.
When the reti-igerator has been comlected to tile water sui)ply, set tile power switch to the I (ou) position.
The icemaker will fill with water when it cools to 15°F (-10°C). A newlpinstalled
refl_igelator inay take 12 to 24 l/o/u_ to begdn
nlaking ice cubes. Throw away tile first few batches of ice to
allow the wamr line to clea_:
Be sm'e nothing interteres with tile sweep of the teeler amL
When tile bin fills to tile level ot tile feeler amL tile icemaker will stop producing
ice. It is nomml for several cubes to be
joined togethei:
If ice is not used fl'equenfl}; old ice cubes
will become cloudy, taste st;lie and shlJnk.
If ice cubes get stuck in the icelnakei; the green power light will blink. To correct this, set the power switch to 0 (off) and relnove
tile cubes. Set tile power switch to I (on} to restart the icemake_: _Mter the icemaker has
been turned on again, there will be a delay of about 45 ininutes beloi'e tile icenlaker
i'estlilles opei'ation.
NOTE."Inhomeswithlower-than-averagewater pressure,youmayheartheicemakercyclemu/t))/e
times when making one batch of ice.
Ice Storage Drawer
To access ice, pull tile drawer for_m'(l. To removethedrawer,pull it straight ()/it and
lift it past tile stop location.
Aboutthe ice and water dispenser.
Press the glass gently against the top of the dispenser cradle.
Tile spill shelf is not sel6draining. To reduce water spotting, tile shelf and
its grille should be cleaned regularly:
If no water is dispensed when the refrigerator is first installed, there may be air in the water line
system. Pressthe dispenser arm for at least two minutes to remove trapped air from the water line and to fill the water system. Toflush out
impurities in the water line, throw away the first six glassfuls of water
CAUTION: Never put fingers or any other objects into the ice crusher discharge opening.
Lockingthe Dispenser
@ Press tile LOCKCONTROL
lock tile dispenser and control panel. To
h.ld''l'c 'theP"essl) ,d
fi:,r 3 seconds.
Dispenser Light
This pad turns the night light in the dispenser
on and off. The light
also COilleS on when
tile dispenser cradle is pressed. If this light burns out, it should be
replaced with a 6 watt
12V maximmn bulb.
..............................................\,\lien wm need ice
in a hmTy, press this pad to speed up ice production. This will
increase ice production
QUICKICE ti)r tile tblhm'ing
48 hom_ or tmtil you I)ress tile pad again.
......................................................To set the alamo, press
this pad tmtil tile indicator light comes
on. This alama will
DOOR ALARM sound if either door is
open ti)r more than
3 minutes. The light goes out and the beeping stops when
VO/I close tile dooI:
important Facts About Your Dispenser
i_;:Do not add ice ti'om trm:s (:,rbags to
the storage drawer It may not crash or dispense well.
;i::Avoid eye,tilling glass with ice and use of
narrow glasses. Backed-up ice can jam the chute or cause tile door in tile chute to
freeze shut. If ice is blocking the chute, poke it through with a wooden spoon.
_i::Beverages and foods should not be
quick-chilled in the ice storage drawer: Cans, bottles or food packages in tile
storage drawer may cause the icemaker
or auger to jaIn.
N To kee I) dispensed ice ti'om missing
the glass, put the glass close to, but not touching, the dispenser opening.
i_i;:Some crushed ice may be dispensed
even though you selected CUBED ICE This hapi)ens occasionally when a ti_w
cubes accidentnlly get directed to the
Yi;_Mier crushed ice is dispensed, some
water may drip from the chute.
i_;:Sometimes a small m om_d (ff snow will
timn on the door in the ice chute. This condition is nomml and usually occurs
when you have dispensed crushed ice
repeatedly: The snow will eventually
Careand cleaning of therefrigerator.
Behind the Refrigerator
Be caretul when moving the refl_igerator away fl'om the wall. MI t)pes ot floor
coverings can be dalnaged, particularly cushioned coverings and those with
eillbossed S/li'J[ilces.
Pull the refl_igerator straight out and return it m position by pushing it straight in.
Moving the reti_igerator in a side direction may result in damage to the floor covering
or reti_igerato_:
Preparing for Vacation
For long \;l('ations or absences, rell/ove
food and uI_plug the reli_igei'ato_: Clean the interior with a baking soda solution of one
tablespoon (l 5 ml) of baking soda to one quart (l liter) of water; i,eave the (loo_
Set the icemaker power switch to the 0 (off} position and shut off the water supply to
the refrigerator;
youdon't rofl overthepowercordoricemaker
If the temperature can drop below fl'eezing, have a qualified servicer drain the
water supply systeln to prevent serious prope_ F damage due to flooding.
Preparing to Move
Secure all loose items such as shelves and drawe_ by taping them secm'ely in place
to prevent damage.
XA]mn using a hand truck to move the
reti_igerator, do not rest the fl'ont or back of the refrigerator against the hand truck.
This could damage the refrigerator: Handle only from the sides of the refrigerator:
Be sure the refngerator stavs /b an upnght position during moving.
Setting the controls to OFFdoes not remove power to the light circuit.
Refrigerator Compartment--Upper Light
Unplug the refl'igerator.
The bulbs are located at the top of the
comparm_ent, inside the light shield. On some models, a screw at the front of
the light shield will have m be removed.
To remoxe the light shield, press in on
the tabs on the sides of the shield and slide fin'ward and o/It.
Refrigerator Compartment--Lower Light
This light is located above the top drawe_
O Unplug the reflJgerato_: @ ]_.elnove the convertible ineat drawer
control knob by pulling straight out.
i]fi the light shield up and pull it out.
Freezer Compartment
O ,Mter replacing the bulb with an
appliance bulb ot the same or lower
wattage, replace the light shield and
scrmvs (on some models). When
replacing the light shield, make sure that the tabs at the back of the shield fit
into the slots at the back ot the light shield housing.
Plug the refl{gerator back in.
@ .Mter rei)lacing, the bulb with an
appliance bulb of the same or lower wattage, replace the shield and
the knob.
0 Plug the refrigerator back in.
Unplug the reflJgeratoi: Remove the shelf just above the light
shield. (The shelf will be easier to remove if it is emptied fi_t.) On some models, a screw at the top of the light
shield will need to be removed.
O To remove the light shield, press in on
the sides, and lift up and out.
Unplug the reflJgeratoi:
@ The bulb is located on the dispenser
under the control panel.
Remoxe the lightbulb by turning it counterclockwise.
P,eplace the bulb with an appliance
bulb of the same or lower wattage, and reinstall the light shield. When
reinstalling the light shield, make
sure the top tabs snap securely into place. Replace the screw
(on some Inodels).
O P,einstall the shelf and plug the
reflJgerator back in.
Replace the bulb with a bulb of the
Sallle size and wattaoe
O Plug the refrigerator back in.
Trimkits anddecoratorpanels.
For CustomSly/eTM models
Read theseinstructions completely and carefully.
Some models are equipped with trim kits that aflow you to instafl door panels. You can order pre-cut black, white, almond, bisque, or stainless steel decorator panels from GEParts and Accessories,
800.626.2002,or you can add wood panels to match your kitchen cabinets.
Panels less than 1/4" (6 mm) thick
When installing wood panels less than l/4" (6 ram) thick, you need to create a filler panel, such as l/8"
cardboard, that will fit between the fi_ce of the door and the wood panel. If you are installing the l)re-cut
decorator panels, pre-cut filler panels are included in the kit. The combined thickness of the decorator or wood panel and the filler panel should be 1/4" (6 ram).
Panels1/4"thick oriess
1/4" max
3/4" (19 mm) or Raised Panel
A raised panel design screwed or glued to a l/4" (6 ram) thick backing, or a 3/4" (l 9 ram) routed board can be used. The raised portion of the l)anel must be tid)ficated to l)e_nit clearances of at least 2" (5.1 cm)
fl'om the handle side fin" fingertip clearance. Panels thicker than 1/4" (6ram), up to 3/4" (19 ram) max, will require that the outer 5/16" (8 ram) of
panel perimeter be no thicker than 1/4" (6 ram).
Weightlimitationsfor custompanels:
FreshFood38Ibs. (17kg)max. FreezerDoor28Ihs.(13kg)max.
Panelsthickerthan1/4" (6mm)
2"(5.1 cm) II llll __---"-...._",-_
Ol_aranc_I IIIII _"
3/4"(19mm) pApp:_ra,,ceqi111 ,or
Dimensions for Custom Wood Panels
Cut 1/8" out-_I I_- (3mm)
i i
5/16" (8mm}
37%" (95.6cm)
67%Z (170.9cm)
_. 141%2" _
(36.8cm) 2¼s"
Out 1/8" out -_I I_'-(3 mm)
_, ,,
cm) 1Y?"
7_- 21/2"
iX_I -I290m>
-"I 4- (2.9cm)
5/_6 [ 111A"
.... -I I #
< mm>/
With Dispenser
i i
" (28.6cm)
_- {2.9cm)
177_" l_
T -'29cm>
,, _ T- 2½"
(10.3cm) -- Jh (6.4cm)
1(36.8 cm) 2>_"
33%" (5.2cm) (85.4cm) _,
2W' _
(2.9cm) --i-
2W' _
1/8" Cut
(3mm)--_I I"4- out
11'_1/4,,l /---'_ {8 nlm}
° /
-_-- 19%Z'----_ (49.5cm)
,, _,
' '---- 5/16'*
I, t
The areas at the top of the panels need to be cut ()tit ot the panels. The shaded areas indicate areas that must be muted otlt about 5/39" (4 ram) on the back side ot
panels 1/4" (6 ram) thick o_"more. For panels less than
1/4" (6 ram) thick, these a_'eas can be cut out of the
fille_" panels.
i t
f ,',
i_1 Depthofmaterial
i I (2.9cm)
(6ram)T _<
Insertingthe doorpanels.
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
0 Loosenthe TopTrim onthe Freezer and FreshFood Doors.
Using a T-20 Torx ddxet; loosen the two screws attaching the Top Trim about 1/4" (6 ram).
Insert the Freezer Panel and Fresh Food Panel
I,ifl the Top Trim up 1/4" (6 ram) and carefldlv push the ti'eezer panel in tmtil it slides into the slot
behind the door handle. Push the filler panel
(required with some door panels) in behind the
decorau)r panel. Repeat fl)r fl'esh ti)od panel.
0 Insert the Bottom Panel.
(_arefully push the panel in tmtil it slides into the slot behind the door handle. Push the filler panel
(required with some door panels) in behind the
decorator panel.
If your model has a dispenser and/or a Refreshment Centex; this step onl) applies
to the top panels.
Hand tighten the two screws on the Top Trim.
0 Install the Side Trim.
These pieces are rocked inside the refi_igerator door handle.
Donot removetheproacfive film on theouaide of theSideTrimuntil theSideTnmis installe_
Fit the botton_ oI the Side Trim under the gottom Trhn as illustrated.
Hold the Side Trim against the fl'ont ti_ce (ff the decorator panels and fit the Side Trim under
the Top Trim, Make sure the Side Trim is fitted correctly and that you are satisfied with the
appearance of all the parts before pulling the
tape line_:
O Secure the Side Trim.
Place one hand between the two pieces of tape liner and hold the Skle Trim firefly against the
panels and the side of the doo_,
Pull the mp tape liner up about 3" (80 ram), pressing the triln with your hand as the adhesive
is exposed to the dooi: Then pull the bottom tape liner down about 3" (80 inln). Follow the
tape with your hand, pressing the trim adhesive against the doo_:
Continue pulling the tape liner loose, alternating between the top and bottom and pressing the
Side Trim against the doo_:
0 Remove the Protective Film From the Outside of the Side Trim.
Installingand removingpreviouslyinstalled decoratorpanels.
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
Removing the Handles
In order to remove the decorator panels and replace
with new panels you need to remove the handles.
A 520 Torxdriver is neede_
I,oosen and reinove tile 2 sci'e_vs in tile Top Trim.
O I,oosen and remove tile 2 scre_vs in tile
bracket that attaches tile Handle to tile top of tile Doo_:
O (;rip tile Handle fired) and slide upwards,
The kexhole slots on the Handle slide off
tile bu[tons on tile door.
0 Open tile door and slide out tile decorator
BracketScrews Bracket
Inserting the Door Panels
Before installing the decorator panels, make sure they have been routed out in the proper areas as shown/n the beginmng of this section. Slide in the panels to perform a toal fit before fastemng down the Hand& and TopTrim.
Installing the Handles
Oncethe pane& are fitted pmperly, install the Handle and Top Trim.
0 Slide tile ke)hole slots on tile Handle down
onto tile buttons mounted to tile fi_ce of tile doo_: Slide the Handle dowmvard tmfil the
bracket at tile top ot tile Handle fits flush on
the top of the door.
Replace tile two scrm_:s in tile bracket that attach tile Handle to the top of tile Door and
tighten tile scrm_:s to 45 in-lbs torque.
O Replace tile Top Trim making sure it fits over
the Side Trim and that the locating tabs fit the
inside of the Handle profile.
O Replace tile Top Trim screws and tighten to
30 in-lbs torque,
Removingandreplacing the doors.
When installing or moving the refrigerator, the doors may need to be removed in order to fit the refrigerator through a doorway.
Removing the Doors
Make sure the doors are closed and the refrigerator is unplugged.
0 Disconnect water line and wiring harness.
Near the lower hinoe_ on the fl'eezer side, push in on the collm_ at each end ot the coupling, and pull the water
line robing fl'on/the coupling. _Mso, (liscmmect wiring
harness. Pull the water line and the harness through the
lower rail.
0 Remove the hinge covers and the hinges.
In order to access the hinges, the hinge ('ove_ need to be removed. Remove the cover by grasping it on the sides,
near the back of the covei: Push back on the cover and
lift up at the back, then the front.
/VOTE:DONOTusea screwdriverto remove the cover BECAREFUL not tobreak the rear retaining tabonthe hinge cover Removethe
hlbgesuslbga TorxT-20.
0 Remove the doors.
(:arefhllv rotate the door to 90? (;uiding the disconnected water line and wiring harness, lift the door straight up.
NOTE: Not li@bg the doorstraight upmaydamagethebottom hinge. Piecedoorsona protectedsurface.
/VOTE:Becareful not topinch thewater tubingand thewire harness at thebottom of the door
/VOTE:Donot allow theconnectorto contact the floor Hardcontact can damagetheconnector See "Replacingthe Doors."
-- HingeCover
Replacing the Doors
0 Place doors on bottomhinges.
X'_ith the door at 9(F lower the door straight down onto the bottom hinge. Careflflly close the do(n:
/VOTE:Not lowenbg thedoorstraight down onto thebottom hinge
may damagethe hlbge. /VOTE:Donot allow the connectorto contact thefloor Hardcontact
can damagetheconnector
0 Replace top hinges and hinge covers.
Reinstall the top hinges using a Torx T-20. Replace the hinge cove_. If the dom_ are not level, a@_st the bottom
right hinge with a 7/16" open ended wrench.
_) Reconnect water line and wiring harness.
Insert water tubing back into coupling, making sure the tubing is pushed liar enough into the coupling so that you
no longer see the mark on the robing. Recmmect the wiring harness.
0 Turnon the water supplyand plug the refrigerator hack in.
I ' _ Door
_ HingePin
Models 21,23, 25,27 & 29
Questions?Call800.GE.CARES(800.432.2737)or visit ,,,uX_ebsite,t: www.GEAppliances.comIn Canada,call 1.800.361.3400orvisitour _ebsite at:
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
instructions fin" local inspector's use.
IMPORTANT - Obse,,e:,11
go\ erning codes and ordinances.
Note to Installer _ Besure to leave these
instructions with tile Consumer.
Note to Consumer _ KeeI)these instructions
f()r hlttu'e retbrence.
_Mlow tile following clearances fin" ease of installation,
i)roper air circulation and I)hunbiI_g, and electrical colnlectiollS:
21' mad 23' 25', 27', mad 29'
Sides 1/8" (4 ram) 1/8" (4 ram)
Top 1" (25 ram) 1" (25 ram)
Back 1/2" (13 ram) 1" (25 ram)
SMll level - Installation of this appliance requires basic mechanical skills.
Completion time - Refi'igerator Installation
15 minutes
Proper installation is tile responsibility of tile installer.
Product fhilure due to improl)er installation is not covered under tile _u'ranty.
The rollers have 3 purposes:
RolleI_ a_!just so tile door closes easily when opened about hallway: [Raise tile fl'ont about 5/8" (l 6 mill) fl'oln
tile flooI:]
Rollei5 a(!just so tile reii_igerator is firefly positioned on tile floor and does not wobble.
Rollels alh m' wm to In_)ve tile refrigerator away fl'om tile wall tot cleaning.
Final leveling a(!justments should be inade after tile refrigerator has been installed.
If tile reli'igerator has an icemaker, it will have to be connected to a cold water line. AGE water sui)ply kit
(containing tubing, shutoff wflve, fittings and
iI_structions) is available at extra cost fl'oln your dealer, by visiting our X,Vebsite at www.Gl? (in
Canada at or froln Parts and
Accessories, 800.626.2002 (in Canada 1.888.261.3055).
Do not install tile refiJgerator where tile teml)erature
will go below 60°F (l 6°C) because it will not run ol_tell
enough to maintain l)roper teml)eratures.
Do not install tile refrigerator where tile teml)erature will go above 100°F (37°(;) because it will not pei_fimn
Install it on a floor strong enough to suI)port it hilly
To adjust the rollers on 25', 27', mad 29' models:
Ttu'n tile roller adjustin,, screws
clockwise to raise tile refrigeratoL
comaterclockwise to
lower it. Lrse a 3/8" hex socket or wreIlch,
or }111 ac{justable
Roller adjusting screw
Installation Instructions
To adjust the rogers on 21' and 23' models:
O Remove tile base grille by opening tile doo_,
removing the screws at each end, and pulling it
straight out.
O Turn the fl'ont roller
adjustino screws
dockwise to raise
the refi_igerato_;
eomaterdockwise to
lower it. Use a 3/8"
hex socket or wrench, or an adjustable
wrench. Roller adjustingscrews
These models also have rear a(!justable rollers so you
can align the refiigerator with your kitchen cabinets. Use a long-handled 5/16" socket wrench to turn tile
scre_vs tot tile rear rolle_loek,Mse to raise tile
refligerato_; comlterelock_dse to lower it.
O Replace tile base grille.
(for CustomStyle TM models}
o o
..... .....
" 36"_
.......................................24" (61fm}_.................
Water Electrical
_M[er leveling, make sm'e that doors are even at tile top. To maim the doors even, a(!iust tile refiigerator door.
Using a 7/16" socket _,_rench, ttWll the door ac{}usting
screw to the fight to raise tile doo_; to tile left to lo,_er it. (A nylon plug, imbedded ill tile threads oi the pin, prevents tile pin fl'om turning unless a wrench is used.)
O _[el" ()lie o1" two [tWllS ()]_ tile _l'ench, ()})ell _|lld close
tile refligerator door and check tile aligmnent at tile top (ff tile dool_.
Toremovethe basegrille, openthedoors,remove
tbescrewateacbendof thebasegrilleandthen
pallthegrille straighteat.
/4" (19ram)Airspace
24" (61cm) 1/4" [6mm]WallPlates) 1.5cm}
Cabinet Couotertop
' 2C 1
Installation Instructions
Recommended COl)per water supply kits are _,\_XSX2, _._X8X3 or _._?X8X4, depending on the amom_t of tubing
vou need. Approved plastic water SUl_ply lines are GE Smarteonnect TM Reli'igerator Tubing (WX08X10002,
_._TX08X10006, _._TX08X10015 and WX08X10025). When com_ecting yore" refiJgerator to a GE ReveI_e
Osmosis Water System, the only approved installation is with a GE RVt(it. For other reverse osmosis water systems,
follow the inanttfilcturer's recolmnendations. If the water sui)ply to the reti'igerator is from a Reverse
Osmosis X,Vater Filtration System AND the refrigerator also has a water filteI; use the reti'igerator's filter bypass
plug. Using the reli'igerator's water filtration cartridge in conjm_ction with the RO filter can result in hollow
ice cubes and slower water flow fl'om the water dispenser.
This water line installation is not warranted bv the refrigerator or icemaker manufi_cturer. Follow these
instructions carefifllv to minimize the risk of expensive water damage.
Water hammer (water banging in tile pipes) in house plmnbing can cause damage to refrigerator parts and
lead to water leakage or flooding. Call a qualified plmnber to correct water hammer before installing the
water sui)ply line to the refl'igerator. To prevent bm'ns and product damage, do not hook
up the water line to the hot water line.
If wm use your refrigerator beii)re connecting the water line, make sure the icemaker power switch is in
tile 0 (off} position. Do not install the icemaker tubing in areas where
temperatures fall below freezing. When using any electrical device (such as a power
drill) dm'ing installation, be sm'e the device is doul)le insulated or grounded in a manner to prevent the
hazard of electric shock, or is battery powered. All installations must be in accordance with local
i)hunbing code requirelnents.
Copper or GE SmaJctCommct TM Refrigerator Tubing kit, 1/4" outer diameter to connect the refl'igerator
to the water sui)i)ly. If using copper, be sure both ends of the tubing are cut square.
To detemline how much robing you need: measure the distance ti'om the water valve on the back of the
reti'igerator to the water supply pipe. Then add 8'
(2.4 m). Be sm'e there is sufficient extra tubing (about
8' [2.4 m] coiled into 3 turns of about 10" [25 cnl] diameter) to allow the refrigerator to move out fl'om
the wall after installation. GE Slnart(_onnect TM Refl'igerator Tubing Kits are
awfilable in the fi)llowing lengths: 2' (.6 m) - WX08X10002
6' (1.8 m) - WX08X10006
15' (4.6 m) - WX08X10015
25' (7.6 m) - WX08X10025 Be sure that the kit wm select allows at least 8' (2.4 in)
as described above.
Installation Instructions
NOTE: The only GE approved plastic tubing is that supplied in GE SmartCmmect TM Refrigerator Tubing
kits. Do not use may other plastic water supply line because the line is under pressure at all times. Certain types of plastic will crack or rupture with age and cause water dmuage to your home.
AGE water supply kit (containing tubing, shutoff valve and fittings listed below) is available at extra
cost fi'om wmr dealer or ti'om Parts and Accessories, 800-626-2002 (in Canada 1.888.261.3055).
A cold water supply, The water pressm'e must be between 20 and 120 p.s.i. (1 A-8.1 bar),
Power drill.
1/2" or adjustable wrench.
Straight mid Phillips blade screwdriver.
Install the shutoff xalxe on the nearest frequentl) used drinking water line.
Turn on the nearest faucet hmg enough to clear the line of water.
Choose a location fi)r the valve that is easily accessible. It is best to connect into the side of a
vertical water pipe. When it is necessary to connect into a horizontal water pipe, make the connection
to the top or side, rather than at the bottom, to avoid drawing ott anv sediment fl'om the
water pipe.
Two 1/4" outer diameter compression nuts and
2 ferrules (sleeves)--to connect the copper tubing to the shutoff wdve and the refl'igerator water
If vou are using a GE Sillart(]onnect TM Refl'igerator Tubing kit, the necessai T fittings are preassembled to
the tubing
If vom" existing COl)per water line has a flared fitting at the end, you will need an adapter (awfilable at I)lumbing SUl)ply stores) to connect the water line to
the refl'igerator OR you can cut off the flared fitting
with a tube cutter and then use a compression fitting.
Do not cut formed end from GE Su/arteonnect TM Reti'igera tot tubing.
Shutoff valve to connect to the cold water line. The shutoff wdve should have a water inlet with a
minimum inside diameter of 5/32" at the point of
connection to the COLD WATER LINE. Saddle-type
shutoff wdves are included in many water sui)ply kits.
Before i)m'chasing, make sm'e a saddle-type wdve complies with your local I)lumbing codes.
Drill a 1/4" hole in the water pipe (exert if usin,*._ a
sellZpiercing xalxe), using a sharp bit. Remoxe anx bm'rs Iesultmg from drilling,, the hole in the pipe.
Take care not to allow water to drain into the drill,
Faihu'e to drill a 1/4" hole max result in reduced ice production or smaller cubes.
Installation Instructions
Fasten tile shutoff _al_e to tile cold water pipe with tile pipe clamp.
Saddle-Type'"_ ColdWaterPipe ShutoffValve
NOTE: Conm_onwealth of Massachusetts Plumbing Codes 248CMR shall be adhered to. Saddle wflves
are illegal and use is not pemfitted in Massachusetts. Consult with wmr licensed i)lmnber.
Tighten tile clamp screws tmtil tile sealing washer begins to swell.
NOTE: Do not overtighten or w)u may c_ush tile tubing.
Clamp Screw_
Inlet End
Place tile compression nut and teHule (sleeve)
for COl)per tubing onto tile end of tile tubing and connect it to tile shutoff valve.
Make sm'e tile tubing is flflly inserted into tile valve. Tighten the compression nut secm'elv,
For plastic tubing fl'om a GE Sn/art(_onnect TM Refl'igerator Tubing kit, insert the molded end
of the tubing into the shutoff' wflve and tighten compression nut until it is hand tight, then tighten
one additional turn with a wrench. Overtightening
Ill}IV CatlSe leaks.
Saddle-TypeShutoffValve I CompressionNut
NOTE: (_onllnonwealth of Massachusetts Plulnbing (:odes 248(:MR shall be adhered to. Saddle wflves
are illegal and use is not pemfitted in Massachusetts. Consult with vom" licensed plmnber.
]_.oute tile tubing between tile cold water line and tile refl'igera tot.
Route tile tubing through a hole drilled in tile wall or floor (behind tile refl'igerator or a(!jacent base
cabinet) as close to the wall as possible.
NOTE: Be sure there is sufficient extra tubing
(about 8' [2.4 m] coiled into 3 turns of about
10" [25 cm ] diameter) to allow tile refrigerator to move out fi'om the wall atter installation.
Tm'n tile main water sui)ply on and flush ()lit tile tubing until tile water is clear.
Shut tile water off at tile water valve alter about
one quart (l liter) of water has been flushed through tile tubing.
Installation instructions
Before making tile connection to tile refl'igerator, be sure tile refl'igerator power
cord is not i)lugged into tile wall outlet.
If your refl'igerator does not have a water filter, we recommend installing one. If your water
sui)ply has sand or particles that could clog tile screen of the reti'igerator's water valve. Install it in
tile water line near tile reli'igerator. If using (;E SmartConnect Refl'igerator Tubing kit, you will need an additional tube (WX08X10002) to
connect tile filter. Do not cut plastic tube to
install filter.
Some models have the refl'igerator connection at the end of tubing located outside the compressor
COUll)ai'tulent access cover. On other models tile
COUll)I'eSSOI" cou/l)ai'tli/ent access cover UltlSt be
removed in order to access tile reti'igerator
connection at tile water valve.
Insert tile end of tile tubing into tile water valve connection as tar as possible. While holding tile
tubing, tighten tile fitting. For plastic tubing fl'om a GE SmartConnect TM
Refl'igerator Tubing kit, insert the molded end of the tubing into the refl'igerator connection and
tighten the compression nut until it is hand tight, then tighten one additional turn with a wrench.
Overtightening may cause leaks. Fasten the tubing into the clamp provided to hold
it in a vertical position. You may need to I)_T open tile clamp.
One of the illustrations below will look like the connection on your refrigerator.
Tubing 1/4"
1/4" Compression\
On models usin,* tile refrigeration connection at the water xalxe, remoxe the plastic flexible cap.
Place tile compression nut and terrule (sleeve)
onto tile end of tile tubing as shown. On tile GE SmartConnect TM Reii'igerator Tubing kit, the nuts
are ah'eady assembled to tile tubing.
SmartConnectw Tubing
1/4" CompressionNut
Ferrule (sleeve)
Refrigerator Connection
installation instructions
Tighten any connections that leak.
Replace access co_ei'.
Arrange tile coil ot tubing so that it does not _ibrate against tile back of tile refrigerator or against tile wall. Push tile refl'igerator back to tile wall.
Set tile icemaker power switch to tile / (on) position. Tile icemaker will not begin to operate until it
reaches its operating temperature of 15°F (-9°(:) or below. It will then begin operation automatically
if the icemaker power switch is ill the ! (on) position.
NOTE: In lower water pressm'e conditions, tile
*_ater val_e ma_ turn on up to 3 times to deliver
ellO/ioh x#atel" to tile icemaker.
Normal operating sounds,
These sounds are normal and are due mostly to highly efficient operation.
The new high efficiency compressor runs tipster and will haxe a higher pitch lmm
or I)ulsafing, sound while oi)erating.
The tans circtflafing air inside the fl'eezer and refi_igerator comparm_ents which
kee I) the temperatm'es unifi)i_n throtlghotlt.
The tans operating at a high speed. This happens when the refl_igerator is fi_t I)lugged,, in when the (loo_ are )ened f'e(luentl_ or when a large, amount of
t0od is added to the reti_igerator or ti'eezer compartments.
_4]_ter dropping on the defl'ost heater causing a sizzling, hissing or popping
sound dtwing the defrost cycle.
The flow of reii_igerant through the freezer cooling coils sotmds like boiling water or a gurgling noise.
of cooling coils caused by expansion and contraction
dtwing def'ost and refrigeration following defi'ost.
_&_ter dripping as it melts from the exaporator and flows to the drain pan
(hwing the defrost c}cle.
The icemaker water valve will buzz when the icemaker flls with _:_te_: If the power switch is in the I (on) position it will buzz even if it has not yet been hooked
up to water: Keeping the power switch in the I (011)position beii)re it is hooked up to water can damage the icemake_: To prevent this, set the power switch to the 0 (off} position. This will stop the buzzing.
The sotmd of cubes dropping into the bin and water rtmning in pipes as icemaker refills.
+ 85 hidden pages