WR31X10047 - COVER
Note: The new Cover Front Chill Assembly no longer has a window on the top.
Remove the Chill Assembly from the refrigerator. This is the Cover and the top in which the
Cover slides in to.
If the top of,,,your C:h,i,llAssembly is glass:
Remove the two screws attaching the Cover to the Chill Assembly for enough to be able to
disconnect the Cover from the Chill Assembly, Remove front gasket and install it on the new
Cover Re-attach the cover to the Chill Assembly in the reverse process as removd[. Re-
install Chill Assembly into refrigerator.
lfthe top of your Chill Assembly is not Qlass:
Remove Cover from the ChiiJ Assembfy by removing the four screws that attach the Cover to
the flat lower piece of the assembly. Discard the flat lower piece of the assembly, it will not
be needed Disconnect the front tabs of the Cover from the Chili Assembly and remove the
Cover from the Chili Assembb/. Remove front gasket from old Cover and install it onto the
new Cover.
Re-attach the front tabs of the new Cover to the Chill Assembly, snapping them into place.
If the side of your Chill Assembly has a notch in the side as pictured in Figure "A" below, then
insert the tabs on the bottom of the Cover into the notch on the Chill Assembly and slide the
Cover fully into the Chill Assembly Re-install the new complete Chill Assembly with new
Cover back into the refrigerator.
If the side of your Chill Assembly does not have a notch in the side us pictured in Figure "B"
below, then slide one of the tabs on the bottom of the Cover Front over the side into the slide
area. Then carefully bend the middle of the Chill Assembly slightly away from the Cover to
allow the other tub of the Cover to snap over the side into the slide., Then slide the Cover
fully into the Chill Assembly. Re-install the new complete Chill Assembly with new Cover
back into the refrigerator.
Figure "B"