Usingthe timedbakingand mastingfeatures.
NOTE" Foods that spoil easily--such as milk, eggs, fish, stuffings, poultry and pork--should not be allowed to s# for more
than 1hour before or after cooking. Roomtemperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure that the oven
light is off because heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.
How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic Stop
[] Touch the BAKE pad.
[] Touch the imrrlber pads to set tile desired
oven temperattlre.
[] Touch the COOKING TIME pad.
NOTE:If yourreciperequiresprehearing,youmayneed
[] Touch the nm-nber pads to set tile desired
length of cooking time. Tile minimum
cooking time you call set is 1 minute.
Tile oven temperature that you set and tile
cooking time that w)u entel_d will be ill
the displa?.
[] Touch tile START pad.
Tile oven will mm ON, and die display will sho_
tile cooking time countdo_m and file changing
temperature starting at 100°E (Tile temperatm'e
(fispla_ will start to change once file o_.en
temperature reaches 100°El When file ()ten
l_aehes file temperaU/l_ you set, 3 beeps will
Tile o\en will continue to cook for tile set
mnount of time, then turn off automaficall 3
unless tile Cookand Hold feature was set. See tile
Specialfeaturesof yourovencontrolsection.
Ariel" tile oven thlrns Off, tile end<_f:cycle tone
will sound.
[] Touch the CLEAR/OFFpadto clear the
displa} if necessar} Remme the ibod fl'om
tile oxen. Remembel; even though the
o_en turns off automatic_fll}, toed left ill
tile o'_en will continthe cooking after the
ovehl tIhrns off.
How to Set a Delayed Start andAutomatic Stop
Theoven will turn on at the time ofdayyouset,cook@
Make sure die clock shows die correct time
of dat.
[] Touch the BAKEpad.
[] Touch the nm-nber pads to set tile desired
o\eIl tehTIpeF;:|tt/IP,
[] Touch the COOKINGTIMEpad.
[] Touch tile I/thhThber pads to set tile desired
length of cooking time. Tile minimum
cooking time you call set is 1 mintlm.
Tile oven temperature that you set and tile
cooking time that whu entel_d will be ill
the display.
[] Touch the OEI.AY SrARr pad.
] Touch tile nm-nber pads to set tile time of
(l}l_ VOII "_\aIlt tile o'_ehl to [/Irhl Oil ;:hnd stEhl't
[] Touch the START pad.
When tile o_en tm'ns ONat tile time of day
}XhUset, tile display will sho_x file cooking time
COthlltd(Y,'4/and the changing temperature
starting at 100°E (Tile tempemtm'e displa}
will start to change once tile o\en tempenmu'e
l_aches 100°El When the o_en reaches tile
temperature you set, beeps will sotmd.
The oven will continue to cook tar tile set
mnount of time, then turn oft automatically;
unless tile Cook and Hold teature was set. See
tile Specialfeatures of youroven control section.
_Miel" tile oven ttlrns off, tile end<#:cycle tone
will sound.
[] Touch tile CLEAR/OFFpadto clear the
displa_ if necessar}. Remo_,e the toed t]'om
tile oven. Remember, even though the
o_en turns off automaticall}, food left ill
tile oven will continthe cooking after the
(h'_ehl [ItrI/s Off,
20 timedbakinganddonottouchtheSTARTpa_