Ethernet Gateway
User’s Guide
Warning notices are used in this publication to emphasize that hazardous voltages, cur­rents, or other conditions that could cause personal injury exist in this equipment or may be associated with its use.
Warning notices are also used for situations in which inattention or lack of equipment knowledge could cause either personal injury or damage to equipment.
Caution notices are used for situations in which equipment might be damaged if care is not taken.
Notes call attention to information that is especially significant to understanding and operating the equipment.
This document is based on information available at the time of its publication. While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy, the information contained herein does not cover all details or variations in hardware and software, nor does it provide for every possible contingency in connection with installation, operation, and maintenance. Features may be described herein that are not present in all hardware and software systems. GE Electrical Distribution & Control assumes no obligation of notice to holders of this document with respect to changes subsequently made.
GE Electrical Distribution & Control makes no representation or warranty, expressed, implied, or statutory, with respect to, and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of the information contained herein. No warrantees of merchantability or fitness for purpose shall apply.
POWER LEADER™ is a registered trademark of GE Company. Modbus RTU is a registered trademark of AEG Schneider Automation. For details of the Modbus RTU protocol, refer to PI-MBUS-300 Rev. E from
Modicon/AEG Schneider Automation. For details of RS485 communications, refer to the EIA-485 standard.
©Copyright 1996 GE Company
All Rights Reserved
POWER LEADER™ Ethernet Gateway
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Introduction ...........................................................................................1
1–1 Overview .................................................................................................................................. 1
1–2 Physical Description ............................................................................................................... 2
1-3 Operational Description.......................................................................................................... 3
Message Format................................................................................................................. 3
Gateway/Host Interface.................................................................................................... 3
1–4 Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 4
1–5 Environmental Requirements................................................................................................ 4
1–6 Terminology............................................................................................................................ 4
Chapter 2 – Installation .............................................................................................5
2–1 Mounting................................................................................................................................. 5
2–2 Control Power Connections................................................................................................... 5
2–3 Ethernet Connection.............................................................................................................. 5
2–4 Modbus Connection............................................................................................................... 6
2–5 Diagnostic Connection........................................................................................................... 6
2–6 Wiring Rules for Modbus Networks....................................................................................... 6
2–7 Modbus Equivalent Addresses............................................................................................... 7
Chapter 3 – Configuration.........................................................................................8
3–1 Configuration Procedure....................................................................................................... 8
3–2 Ethernet Gateway IP Address................................................................................................. 9
3–3 Baud Rate Specification......................................................................................................... 9
3–4 Message Monitoring ............................................................................................................. 10
3–5 Ethernet Driver ..................................................................................................................... 10
3–6 Gateway Diagnostics ............................................................................................................. 11
Display Socket, IP Address and Subnet Mask................................................................ 11
RS485 Loop-back Test..................................................................................................... 11
Ethernet Test ................................................................................................................... 11
Exit Diagnostics Program............................................................................................... 11
Network Test – FACTORY USE ONLY .......................................................................... 12
3–7 Advanced Options – Technical Support Personnel ONLY ............................................... 12
Updating the Gateway Software ..................................................................................... 12
Chapter 4 – Operation .............................................................................................13
Chapter 5 – Diagnostic Messages and Errors .......................................................14
5–1 Monitor Mode....................................................................................................................... 14
5–2 Processing Error Messages ................................................................................................... 14
Chapter 6 – Troubleshooting Guide .......................................................................15
RS485 Port Configuration Worksheets..................................................................16
POWER LEADER™ Ethernet Gateway
Table of Contents
List of Figures
Figure 1. POWER LEADER Ethernet Gateway. ............................................................................................ 1
Figure 2. Typical use of Ethernet Gateway. ...................................................................................................2
Figure 3. Front view of Ethernet Gateway, showing dimensions. ................................................................ 2
Figure 4. Rear view of the Ethernet Gateway, showing Ethernet, RS485 and RS232 ports........................ 2
Figure 5. Ethernet headers on Modbus messages......................................................................................... 3
Figure 6. Mounting hole patter for Ethernet Gateway. ................................................................................ 5
Figure 7. Connecting control power to the Ethernet Gateway..................................................................... 5
Figure 8. Making the Ethernet connection to the Gateway. ........................................................................ 5
Figure 9. Connecting an RS485 network to the Ethernet Gateway.............................................................. 6
Figure 10. Termination of the RS485 network at the last Modbus device.................................................. 6
Figure 11. Connecting a dumb terminal to the RS232 port......................................................................... 6
Figure 12. Terminal communications settings. ............................................................................................8
Figure 13. Ethernet Gateway configuration menu........................................................................................ 8
Figure 14. Gateway diagnostics menu.......................................................................................................... 11
List of Tables
1. Examples of Modbus RTU compatible devices. .......................................................................................1
2. POWER LEADER Ethernet Gateway specifications. ................................................................................ 4
3. POWER LEADER Ethernet Gateway environmental requirements........................................................ 4
4. POWER LEADER commnet devices supported by the Modbus Concentrator...................................... 7
5. RS485 Port Settings.................................................................................................................................... 10
6. Diagnostic messages key............................................................................................................................ 14
7. Error message key...................................................................................................................................... 14
POWER LEADER™ Ethernet Gateway
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 1 – Introduction 1–1 Overview
The GE POWER LEADER™ Ethernet Gateway (catalog number PLENETG01), shown in Figure 1, is a microprocessor-based device that connects one to four RS485-based Modbus Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) networks to an industry-standard, high­speed Ethernet network. Up to 31 Modbus RTU devices can be connected to each of the Modbus RTU networks.
Figure 1. POWER LEADER Ethernet Gateway.
The Ethernet Gateway works with GE’s Power Management Control System (PMCS), a comprehensive power management software platform that acts as the ‘host’ to RS485 networks attached to the Ethernet Gateway. A special part of the PMCS called the Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) server is a database that records the addresses and configurations of all attached devices. The Ethernet Gateway serves as a pass­through device, interpreting the addressing information and routing queries from the host to the Modbus RTU networks and passing answers to those queries from the attached devices back to the host.
The Ethernet Gateway strictly conforms to the Modbus RTU protocol, providing the capability to tie the supported Modbus RTU devices into an Ethernet network. Table 1 contains a partial list of devices that are compatible with the Ethernet Gateway and conform to the Modbus RTU standard.
Device Description
EPM 3710 Full-function, three-phase electronic
meter with optional pulse initiation, waveform capture, data logging, and protective relay outputs.
EPM 3720 Full-function, three-phase electronic
meter with optional pulse initiation, waveform capture, data logging, protective relay outputs, and harmonic distortion measurements.
Multilin 269 Plus Motor Management Relay
Multilin 565 Feeder Management Relay
Fanuc 90/30 PLC Programmable logic controller (PLC)
Fanuc 90/70 PLC Programmable logic controller with
Modbus Concentrator
Table 1. Examples of Modbus RTU compatible devices.
Protection for medium-voltage industrial motors and associated mechanical systems.
Complete time-overcurrent phase and ground protection by monitoring feeder phase current and ground current.
for applications from simple relay replacement to midrange process control.
multiple processors and programming capabilities for large, high-speed applications.
Maps addresses of up to 32 attached POWER LEADER communications network (commnet) devices to equivalent Modbus addresses for use with the Ethernet Gateway.
NOTE: PMCS is certified for use with power management components manufactured 5/13/96 or later. If your system interfaces to: 1) any trip units, meters, or relays manufactured prior to 5/13/96, or 2) any Spectra RMS™ Circuit Breakers with MicroVersaTrip PM™ Trip Units, please contact the POWER LEADER Customer Support Center at 1-800-843-3742.
As mentioned in Table 1, the Modbus Concentrator allows integration of POWER LEADER commnet devices with Modbus RTU-compatible networks for use with the Ethernet Gateway. See Section 3–5 for more details on the integration of commnet devices into Modbus networks.
Figure 2 illustrates a typical Modbus RTU network connected to a high-speed Ethernet through an Ethernet Gateway.
POWER LEADER™ Ethernet Gateway
Chapter 1 – Introduction
E PM 37 2 0
E PM 37 10
Ethernet Gateway
RS485 Modbus RT URS485 Modbus RTU
Met er
Mod bus
Concentr ator
Figure 2. Typical use of Ethernet Gateway.
1–2 Physical Description
Figure 3 is an outline drawing showing the dimensions of the Ethernet Gateway. Figure 4 is a rear view of the Gateway showing its control power, Ethernet, RS485 and RS232 connections.
The following ports and connections are provided on the Gateway:
• A pair of Ethernet ports provides input and output connections to the either a 10BaseT or a 10Base2 Ethernet network.
• Four RS485 ports support up to four Modbus RTU networks, labeled Network 1 to Network 4, with as
Tri p Unit
90 /30
Mult i l in
26 9+
commnet devi ces
Mult il in
56 5
90 /70
many as 31 Modbus devices each and up to 247 Modbus addresses each. RS485 ports are DB-9 (9-pin D shell) connectors with the following pin assignments:
Data - Pin 1 Data + Pin 2 Ground Pin 5
• One RS232 port (also DB-9 style) allows connection of a dumb terminal for configuration and troubleshooting of the Ethernet Gateway.
• A standard PC-style power connector for AC control power input.
6.7 in.
170.0 mm
0.32 in.
8.0 mm
7.5 in.
166.0 mm
HDD Reset
7.32 in.
196.0 mm
Figure 3. Front view with dimensions.
Status LEDs
Power on/off switch
15.5 in.
393.0 mm
Control power connection
Four RS485 ports
10Base2 and 10BaseT Ethernet ports
Figure 4. Rear view showing ports.
Com 1 RS232 port for dumb terminal
Com 2 RS232 port not used
keyboard port not used
POWER LEADER™ Ethernet Gateway
Chapter 1 – Introduction
1-3 Operational Description
The Ethernet Gateway transparently passes message between the host and devices attached to the Gateway. Figure 5 illustrates the stripping or adding of Ethernet headers to the Modbus messages. This section describes the nature of these messages and how the Gateway routes them. The following
information is not necessary for configuration and use of the Ethernet Gateway, but is provided for users who may be developing custom applications and need such information.
Message Format
Messages sent from the software to RS485 devices via the Ethernet Gateway have a 15-byte header inserted in front of the message. The header tells the Gateway where to send the message, how long the message is, and if parity errors were encountered. This header has the following format:
SS Sequence of ten AA hex bytes indicating the start
of a message
DD Destination device port number – the Gateway
RS485 port to which the message should be routed (0 - 3)
EE Error status byte (0 = no parity errors, 1 = parity
errors encountered) NN Number of bytes in the Modbus message CC A one byte checksum calculated by adding the
first 14 bytes in the header
The header is stripped off the message by the Gateway and the remainder of the message is sent without changes to the destination device (or interpreted by the Gateway if a configuration message).
Messages from the RS485 devices to the host are processed by adding the 15-byte header onto the start of the message. For messages from devices to the host, the byte in the DD position contains the RS485 port from which the message came.
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) handling is done by the host on the Ethernet and the RS485 device on the Modbus. The Gateway does not check the CRC when receiving messages from the host or from RS485 devices.
Hos t
Modbus messages fr om host to device - Ethernet Gateway str ips off header
Message tr aveli ng on Ether net
Mod bus
mess a ge
Mod bus
mess a ge
Modbus messages f rom device to host - Ether net Gateway adds header
Ethernet Gateway
Ethernet Gateway
Figure 5. Ethernet headers on Modbus messages.
Gateway/Host Interface
The Gateway uses TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) to interface with the host on the Ethernet.
The Gateway initially opens a socket and waits for a host device to attempt to connect with the socket.
Once a connection is established, data messages may be transmitted to the Gateway (and ultimately the RS485 devices) and messages from RS485 devices passed to the host.
Mod bus
Message t ravel ing on RS485
Mod bus
RS485 device
RS485 device
POWER LEADER™ Ethernet Gateway
Chapter 1 – Introduction
1–4 Specifications
The specifications of the Ethernet Gateway are listed in Table 2.
Parameter Value
Control power 90–132 Vac or 180–264 Vac,
47–63 Hz; autoranging Power supply =150 VA min
(contact your GE sales representative for additional voltage options.)
Modbus communications Four RS485 ports, 1200 baud,
2400 baud, 4800 baud, 9600 baud and 19.2 Kbaud.
Ethernet communications One PCL-843 16-bit Ethernet
card; supports 10BaseT or 10Base2 transport mediums.
UL Listed CSA Certified
Table 2. POWER LEADER Ethernet Gateway specifications.
508 & 840 C22.2 No. 14
1–5 Environmental Requirements
The environmental requirements of the Ethernet Gateway are listed in Table 3.
Parameter Value
Operating temperature 0° C to +50° C Storage temperature –20° C to +80° C Relative humidity 10% to 95% noncondensing Vibration response and
endurance Fast transient surge ANSI C37.90.1 Radiated EMI withstand ANSI C37.90.2 Electrostatic discharge IEC 801–2
Table 3. POWER LEADER Ethernet Gateway environmental
IEC 255–21–1
Severity Class 1
Severity Class 4
1–6 Terminology
Following are definitions of some of the terms used in this document.
POWER LEADER – The GE family of comprehensive
power management devices and system software used to minimize downtime and overall power cost.
PMCS – Power Management Control System software. SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) – A group
of systems including power management and control systems.
DCS (distributed control system) – A group of systems
including building automation and status monitoring systems.
Ethernet – An open, industry-standard, high-perform-
ance network communications protocol that operates on 10BaseT or 10Base2 transport mediums and yields communications rates up to 10 megabits per second.
Modbus RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) – An open, industry-
standard, high-performance network communica­tions protocol developed by Modicon/AEG Schneider Automation.
Modbus-compatible device – Any device equipped with a
Modbus RTU communications port.
Modbus master – A host computer running PMCS
RS485/EIA485 – A physical standard for multi-drop,
high-speed, noise-tolerant communications over a twisted pair network; often used with the Modbus RTU protocol.
Commnet – A GE proprietary communications network
Commnet-compatible device – Any meter, relay, trip unit, or
other device equipped with a commnet commu­nications port.
Commnet segment – A group of one to four commnet-
compatible devices (including at most one waveform­capturing meter) with all communication ports wired to a single Concentrator commnet port.
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