spout, vow local hardware or p]umbing supply’stor(’ nor-
nltlli: has addi[ional fittings to adapt YOUI faucet Spout
t()Lh(ispeciul a(~rator faucet a~iapt~~r.
1-[~TIl: A sink spray attachment hose can burst if it is
in~tail(~don the same sink with j’our dishwasher. We sug-
::cI>[ that ~’ou disconnect the sink spray attachment if
jour sink has one and plug the hole.
instructions on page 6 in your [Jse & Care Book.
o ..
— i,
ON and 13AKEl )-ON wila. Thos~~soil%will IMremoved
(rem utoasils t,htit uro in ~ood rondit,io!t if you foliow
loodin~ and operating instructions rurefully U*cxpltiined
on pa~c~ 3, 4 and 5 in your Use & Cure Hook. 1t is espe.
citilly important, to load items with heuvy, DRIE1).ON or
13AKED-ON soils such as pots, pans and casseroles, open
end down in the lower rack facing dirertl.y toward tlw
lower wash arm. In this position the items will rcceivc the
most. vigorous wash action for mdximum soil removal, As
yoLt would expect, severely f3URNf3L1.ONsoils occasion-
ally may not.be completely removed, especially if the surface of the utensil is etcilecf, pitted or otherwise in poor
condition. After washing items of ~his type, any remaining
soils should be removed by hand. Discoloration of utensils
caused b.y overheating during cooking cannot be removed
by the dishwasher.
NORMAL SOIL cycle is for most loads of every cia~’
dishes, glasses and cookware with light to heavy soils.
Lightly-soiled pots, pans and other kitchen utensils can
be washed along with dishes in Normal Soil cycle,
HEATED f3RY--Depress this button and the drying
heater is energized to circulate heated air over the dishes
during the 21-minute drying period for fast drying.
POWER SAVER DRY —Depress this button and tl]e
drying heater is clisconnccted to save power and allow the
dishes to dr~-by their residual heat. ‘1’his option is best
used when the dishes are washed at night and can remain
in the ciishwasher until the next morning. ,Natural dr~’ing
time willbe reduced if jrou prop open the dishwasher door
about 3 inches at top after t,he motor has stopped, This
option sa\Fcsalmost half of the elrct rical power used in a
a ~t~]thIAI. - Hl~ATI’CDDRY CJ’Ci(?.
RINSE & HOLD cycle should be selected when you ha~’e
onl~”a partial load and plan to wait until the dishwasher
is fill(’cihefore washing.
,Ifter usin~ the Rinse & Iiolcf cycle, be surv j“ol~
~(’](XOt t ]ICJ[i~~sircdJ\’asII C>TCl~for thc~IIext ]Oacj,