Saf!_ Im_uctions ............ 2-7
Operating Ind:rucdor_
Baking cw Roasfi ng .............. l2
BIoiling, Bioiling Guide ......... l:5
Clock and TimeI . .............. 16
Con uol I,ock-Ou t ............... l 7
Comwctkm ................. 2(}-24
Cookwai> ...................... 9
O_en ...................... l(t-o2
Piobe ........................ 19
Proofi_g ...................... 25
RaI_ge I £_ck-Out ............... l 7
Sabbath Feam_e ................ 32
Self<_leaning ............... 27, 28
Special _'eatm>s ............. 29-31
Smfi_ce Bumeis .............. 8, 9
Them_ostat .................... 26
Timed Bakh_g & Roasfii_g ........ 18
_ilm_ing ...................... 25
Care and Cleaning
BtlmeI Caps and Heads ......... oo
Bm_ei Giates a_d
Vent (,Tflle .................... a4
Comml Pane] o_................. o/
Cooktop Smfi_(e ............... 34
DooT . ........................ o(_°-
FlooI" ° "
Kl_obs ........................ 04
PG S 908
ISfl-Off (3_eI_ DooI . ........... .a6°-
Light Bulbs .................... 35
ac a D e ................ o,9
P k gi g Tap oo
Painted Smfi_ces ............... .a°_/
Racks ........................ 35
Stainless Steel Smfi_ces ......... .a/°_
Stoiage DIa_er . ...............
Veto 04,...................... o/
Troubleshoodng Tips ....... 38-41
Accessories" . .................. 47
Consumer Suppor_
Co_sm_e_ Support ..... Back Cover
P_oduct Regist_ation
(Canada) .................. 4:5, 46
P_odt_ct Regist;atio_
(U.S.A.) ................... 43, 44
'Wailamy f},)TCt_stomeTs
i_ Canada .................... 49
'Wailamy fi)T CustomeTs
i_ the I/.S.A ................... 48
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
You can lind them on a label
behind the open oven door
on the lower left corner of the
range fl'ame.
03-07 Jfl

A WARNING:If the information
in this manual is not followed exactly,
a fire or explosion may result causing
property damage, personal injury
or death.
-- Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Do not try to light any appliance.
Do not touch any electrical switch;
do not use any phone in your building.
Immediately call your gas supplier
from a neighbor's phone. Follow the
gas supplier's instructions.
If you cannot reach your gas supplier,
call the fire department.
-- Installation and service must be
performed by a qualified installer,
service agency or the gas supplier.

For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or
explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
All rangescan tip and injury could result.
Toprevent accidental tipping of the range, attach it to the wall or floor by installing the Anti--tip device
If the Anti--tip device supplied with the range does not fit this application, use the universal Anti--17p
device WB2X7909.
Tocheck if the device is instafled and engaged properly, remove the storage drawer and inspect the
rear leveling leg. Make sure #fits securely into the slot.
If you I)ull the range otlt from the wall for any reason, make sure the device is properly
engaged when you push the rang_ back against fl)e wall. If it is not, there is a possible risk of
the rang_ tipping oxer and causing illjtl]_] if YOUor a child stand, sit or lean on an open door
Please refer m the And-Tip device infonnafion in fills manual. Failure m take fills precaution
could iesult in tipping of the rang_ and i,)jm>
The Californb Safe Drinking Water and ToxicEnforcement Act requires the Governor of Californb to
publish a list of substances known to the state to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm, and
requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposure to such substances.
Gas appliances can cause minor exposure to four of these substances, namely benzene, carbon
monoxide, formaldehyde and soot, caused primarily by the incomplete combustion of natural gas or
LP fuels. Properly adjusted burners, indicated by a bluish rather than a yellow flame, will minimize
incomplete combustion. Exposure to these substances can be minimized by venting with an open
window or using a ventilation fan or hood.
The fiberglass insulation in self-clean ovens gives off a very small amount of carbon monoxide during
the cleaning cycle. Exposure can be minimized by venting with an open window or using a ventilation
fan or hood.

When using electrical appfiances, basic safety precautions should be foflowed, including the
Use this appliance only tbr its intended
purpose as described ill tim )wner s
Be sure your appliance is properly installed
and grounded by a qualified technician in
accordance with the proxqded installation
Before performing any service, disconnect
the range power supply at the household
disuibufion panel by removing the fl_se or
switching off the circuit breaken
Haxe the installer show you tile location of
tile circuit 1)reaker or fl_se. Mark it for easy
Do not leme children alone---<'hildren
should not be left alone or nnattended in
all area where all appliance is ill use. They
should nexer be allowed to sit or stand on
ally part of the appliance.
Haxe the installer show you the location
of tile range gas shut-offxahe and how to
shut it off if necessa U.
Hax.e your rang.e installed and properly
grounded by a qualified installei; in
accordance with tile Installation
Instructions. Any adjusunent and service
should be perfomled only 1)yqualified gas
rang.e installers or se_wice mchnicians.
i,ocate the range out of kitchen tral_c path
and out of drafty locations to prexent poor
air circulation.
Be snre all packaging materials are
remox.ed from file rang.e before operating
it to pre\.ent fire or smoke damag.e should
the packaging material ignite.
Do not leme children alone or unattended
where a rang.e is hot or in operation. They
could be seriously burned.
Do not attempt to repair or replace ally
part of your range unless it is specifically
recommended in this manual. All other
service should be refened to a qualified
Be sure your rang.e is con-ecfly adjusmd
by a qualified se_Mce mchnician or installer
for tile type of gas (natural or I,P) that is
to be used. Your range call be corn.erred
for use with either type of gas. See tile
Installation Instructions packed with
the rang.e.
Plug your range into a 190;\_lt grounded
outlet only. Do not remove tile round
gTounding prong flom file plug. If in
doubt about rite grounding of file home
elecuical system, it is your persona]
responsibility and obligation to hax.e
all ungrounded outlet replaced with a
properly gTonnded, th_.ee-prong onflet ill
accordance with flae National Electrical
(',ode (U.S.). Do not use all exmnsion cord
with this appliance.
must be made by a qualified service
technbian in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions and aft codes
and requirements of the authority having
jurisdiction. Failure to follow these
instructions could result in serious injury or
property damage. The qualified agency
performing this work assumes
responsibility for the conversion.
Kee I) the hood and grease fhers clean to
maintain good xenting and to mold grease
Teach children not to play with tile
controls or ally other part of the rang.e.
Always kee I) dish towels, dish cloths, pot
holders and other linens a satb distance
fronl vonr rang.e.

Always kee I) wooden and plastic utensils
and canned food a safe distance fiom your
Always kee I) combusdhle wall cox.etings,
curtains or d,apes a safe distance fiom
yon*" rang.e.
Do ,lot clean tile rang_ with flammable or
x_latile cleaning fluids.
After prolong.ed use of a range, high floor
mmperauues may result and many floor
cox.elings will *lot withstand this kind of
use. Nex.er install tile tang.e ox.er vitvl tile
or linoleum that cannot wifllsmnd such
type of use. Nexer install it directly over {{
inmtior Mtchen carpeting.
Avoid scratching die cooktop with sharp
instrmnents, or wiflt rings and oflter
jeweh T.
Do not allow anyone to climb, stand or
hang on dte ox.en door; storag.e drawer or
cooktop. They could damag.e the rang.e
and even tip it ox.el; causing sex.ere
personal iiIjm T.
shouldnot be storedin cabinetsabovea rangeor
on the backsplashof a range--children climbing
on the rangeto reachitems could beseriously
mamdal could be ignimd if brought in
contact with flame or hot ox.en sur/aaces
and may cause sex.ere bums.
Do ,lot store fla,nmable materials in an
oven, a rang.e storag.e drawer or near a
Do ,lot store or use combustible mamrials,
gasoline or other flammable vapors and
liquids in the viciniw of this or any other
Do ,lot let cooking grease or other
flammable mamrials accunmlam in or
near the rang.e.
Do not use wamr on grease fires. Never
pick up a flaming pan. Turn dm conuols
off: Smother a flaming pan on a surthce
humer 1)5' cox.elqng tile pan complemly
wiflt a well-fitting lid, cooMe sheet or fiat
trW. Use a multi-pml)ose di T chemical or
foam-type rite exdnguishe,:
Flaming grease outside a pan can be put
out by coveting it with baking soda or;
if available, 1)5' using a multi-pm])ose dU
chemical or foam-type fire extinguisher.
Flame in dte ox.en can be smodtered
completely by closing the ox.en door and
mining tile control to off or by using a
nntlti-purpose d U chemical or foam-type
fire extinguisher
appliance as a space heater to heat or
warm file room, Doing so may result
in carbon monoxide poisoning and
ox.erheating of the cooktop or ox.en,
For your safety, never use your appliance
for wmlning or heating the room.
Larg.e scratches or impacts to glass doors
can lead to broken or shatmred glass.
Do not clean dte rang.e when the appliance
is in use.
Nex.er wear loose-fitting or hanging
garments while using the appliance.
Be carefltl when reaching for items stored
in cabinets ox.er the rang.e. Flammable
Let tile bui_ler g_ates and other surthces
cool before touching them or leaving
them where children can reach them.
Never block die x.ents (air openings) of
the range. They provide die air inlet and
outlet fllat are necessat T for the rang.e to
operam properly with COtTect combustion.
'Air openings at.e located at rite ,.ear of the
cooktop, at tile top and bottom of file
ox.en door; and at tile 1)oUom of the rang.e
under rite smrag.e drawer or kick panel.
Do ,lot lift tile cooktop, iJfting the
cooktop can lead to damag.e and improper
operation of the rang.e.

Useproperpan size--avoid pansthat are unstableor easilytipped.Selectcookwarehavingflat bottomslarge
enoughto coverburnergrates. Toavoidspillovers,makesurecookwareis largeenoughto containthefood
properly, Thiswill both save cleaningtimeandprevent hazardousaccumulationsof food,sinceheaw spattering
or spilloversleft on rangecan ignite.Usepans with handlesthat canbe easilygraspedand remaincooL
Ahvays use dm/./TE position when igniting
tim top burners and make sure tim burners
have ig_fimd.
Ne\er lea\_ tim surface burners unattended
at high flame settings. Boilo\>rs cm_se
smoking and greasy spillo\>rs that mW
catch on fire.
, Adjust tim top burner flame size so it does
not exmnd beyond the edge of tim cookware.
Excessive flame is hazardous.
Use only dry pot holders--moist or damp pot
holders on hot surPaces may resuh in burns
flom smam. Do not let pot holders come
near open flames when lifting cookware. Do
not use a towel or other bulky cloth in place
of a pot holde_:
When using glass cookware, make sure it
is desig_md for top-ofqange cooking.
To minimize dm possibili b' of bums, ignition
of flammable materials and spillag>, mm
cookware handles toward the side or back of
tim range without extending over adjacent
Careflflly watch foods being flied at a high
flame setting.
Ahvays heat fat slowly, and watch as it beats.
Do not lea\> any imms on tim cooktop. Tim
hot air flom tim vent may ig_im flammable
imms and will increase pressure in closed
containers, which may cm_se them m burst.
ff a coml)ination of oils or _lts will be used
in flying, sdr togedmr be%re beating or
as Pats meh slowly.
tim pan too flfll of _t can cm_se spillo\>rs
when food is added.
Do not flame foods on tim cooktop. If you do
flame foods under tim hood, turn tim Pan on.
Do not use a wok on dm cooking sur£1ce
h"tim wok has a round metal ring fl_at is
placed o\er the burner gram m support the
wok. This ring acts as a heat m_p, which mW
damage the burner g_v_mand N_rner bead.
Also, it m W cm_se tim N_mer m work
improperly. This may came a cad)on
monoxide level above that allowed by cunent
standards, resulting in a heahh hazard.
Foods for flwing should be as dry as possible.
Frost on flozen foods or moisture on flesh
foods can cm_se hot l_lt m bubl)le up and o\er
the sides of the pan.
Ne\>r uy to mo\e a pan of hot Pat, especially
a deep _lt flyer. X'\hit until the _lt is cool.
Do not leave plastic imms on tim cooktop--
they may meh h"left too close to tim \>nt.
Kee I) all plasucs away flom tim mrPace
buI'Ile I'S.
To avoid tim possibility of a burn, always be
certain that tim conuols for all burners are
at the OFFposition and all grates are cool
before attempdng to remo\> them.
If _m_ge is locamd near a window, do not
hang long cmmins that could blow o\er the
surface burners and cream a fire hazard.
If you smell gas, turn off tim g_s to tim range
and call a qualified service mchnician. Ne\>r
use an open flame m locam a leak.
Use a deep £_t thermomemr whene\>r
possible m pre\ent o\_flmating l_lt beyond
the smoking point.
Do not operam tim burner wifl_out all burner
parts in place.
[_lse tim least possible amount of £_t for
efl>cdve shallow or deep-_lt flwing. Filling
Always mrn tim suiJ_lce burner conuols off
before removing cookware.
When disabling range lock-out, make
sure tim mrJ%e conuols are set to tim OFF
position. This will preclude gas flow when the
range is turned on.

(Cookmeatandpoultrythoroughly--meattoatleastanINTERNALtemperatureof 160°F(71°C)andpoultrytoatleastan
INTERNALtemperatureof 180F(82 C_Cookingtothesetemperaturesusuallyprotectsagainstfoodborneillness.
0 0
Stand awayfrom the range when opening the oven door. Hot air or steam which escapes can cause
bums to hands, face and/or eyes.
Do not heat unopened food containers.
Pressure could build up and the container
could buL'st,causing an injm>
KeeI) the oven vent unobstructed.
KeeI)the oven flee flom grease buildup.
Place the oven rock in the desired position
while the oven is cool. If vac!<smust be handled
when hot, do not let pot holder contact the
heating elements.
When using cooking or roasting bags in the
oven, fbllow the manufilcturer's directions.
Pulling out the rack to the stop-lock is a
convenience in lifting heaxy fbods. It is also a
precaution against burns flom touching hot
surfilces of the door or oven walls.
Do not use the oven to dU newspapers.
If overheated, they can catch on fire.
Do not use the oven fbr a storage area. Items
sto_ed in an oven can ignite.
Do not leave paper products, cooking utensils
or fbod in the oven when not in use.
any slots, holes or passages in the oven bottom
or cover an entire rock with mateiials such as
aluminum foil. Doing so blocks air flow
through the oven and may cause carbon
inonoxide poisoning. Aluminum foil linings
may also map heat, causing a fire hazard.
Do not use aluminum foil to line oven bottoms.
hnproper installation of aluminum foil ma_
result in a risk of electric shock or fire.
Make sure a broiler pan is in place correctly to
reduce the possibility of grease fires.
If you should have a grease fi_e in a broiler pan,
press the C/.£-AR/0FFpadand kee I) the oven
door closed to contain fire until it burns out.
Donotuseovencleaners.No commercialoven cleaner or ovenliner protectivecoatingof any kind shouldbe
usedin or aroundanypartof theoven.Residuefrom ovencleanerswill damagetheinsideoftheovenwhenthe
Do not clean the door gasket. The door gasket
is essential fbr a good seal. Care should be
taken not to rub, damage or move the gasket.
Befbre selfZcleaning the oven, iemove shiny,
silver-colored oxen mc_ (on some models)
and all other cookware.
} Gray porcelain-coated oven _,'acLs(on some
models) ma} be cleaned in the oven during the
selfklean cxcle.
Be sure to wipe up excess spillage be%re
starting the selfk'leaning opeiation.
If the selfk'leaning mode malflmctions, turn the
oven off and disconnect the power supply Have
it serviced bv a qualified technician.
Clean only parts listed in this Owner's Manual.

Usingthegas surfaceburners.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from
Before Lighting a GasBurner
Make sure all grates (m the range are m
place befi)re usino._ am, burnei:
{ If your range has the Range I,ock-Out
ligature, make sure it is disabled before
attemi)ring, to light the surfilce burnei_.
How to Light a Gas Surface Burner
Push the control knob in and turn it to
the LITE position.
You will hear a clicking noise--the sound
of the electric spark ignidng the burnei:
_Mter the flame lights, turn the knob to
a(!itlst the flanle size. If tile knob stms at
LITE,it will continue to click.
Push the control knob in and turn it
to the LITEposifion.
/our model.
After Lighting a Gas Burner
Do not operate the burner fi)r an
extended period of time without
cookware on the grate. The finish on
the grate ma,v chip without cookware
to absorb the heat.
Be sure the burneis and grates are
cool before you place your hand,
a pot holdei; cleaning cloths or
other materials oil then/.
When one burner is turned to LITE, all
the burnei_ spark. Do not attempt to
disasselnble or clean around any burner
while another burner is oil. An electric
shock may result, which could cause you
to knock over hot cookware.
Medium Small
Large ExtraLarge
Sealed Gas Burners
Your gas range cooktop has four sealed
gas bumeis. They oilier convenience,
cleanabilitv and fleMbilitv to be used in
a Mde range of cooking applications.
The smallest burner in the fight rear
position is the simmer burnei; This burner
can be turned to LOfor a vei T low simmer
setting. It provides predse cooking
peil'ommnce for delicate foods such
;:IS Satlces or fi)o(ls that reqtlire low heat
flit a long cooking time.
The mediun/ (left rear) and the lmge
(left ti'ont) burneis are the i)rimar) '
burneis for most cooking. These general-
puq)ose bumei_ can be turned fl'om Hlto
L0 to suit a wide range of cooking needs.
How to Select Flame Size
Forsafe handling of cookware,never let theflames
extendup the sidesof thecookware.
_'at('h the flame, not the knob, as you
reduce heat. The flame size oil a gas
burner should match the cookware
you are using.
The extra lmge burner (right front) is
the nmMnmm output bunlei: Like tile
other three burneis, it can be turned
from HI to LO for a wide range of cooking
applications; howevei; this burner is
designed to quickly bring large amounts
of liquid to a boil. It has a special POWER
BOlL TM setting designed to be used with
cookware 10 inches or larger in diam etei:
Any flame larger than the bottom of the
cookware is wasted and only ser\ es to heat
the handle.

Top-of-Range Cookware
Aluminum: Medium-weight cookware is
recommended because it heats quickly
and evenly: Most fi)o(ls brown evenly in
an almninum skillet. Use saucepans with
tight-fitting lids when cooking with
IllinillltlI// alllO/ints el _;_tei:
Cast-#on: If heated slowly, most skillets
will give satisti_cto_ T results.
Enamelware: Under some conditions,
tile enaillel of SOllle cookware may
Illelt. Follow cookware illanttIiiCttli'eY's
recommendations fin" cooking methods.
Glass: There are two t)pes of glass
cookware--those tot o;'en/lse only
and those tot top-of:range cooking
(saucepans, coffee and teapots).
Glass conducts heat ve_w slowly.
Stove Top Grills
Do not use stove top grills on your sealed
gas burnei_. If you use tile stove top grill
on the sealed gas bm'ne_; it will cause
incomplete combustion and can result
in exposure to carbon monoxide levels
above allowable current standards.
Heatproof Glass Ceramic: Can be used
fi)r either sm_i_ce or oven cooking. It
conducts heat \'e_w sh)wlv and cools very
slowly. Check coofcware inanufi_cturer's
directions to be sure it can be used on gas
Stainless Steel'. This metal ahme has
poor heating properties and is usually
combined with COl)pe_; aluminmn
or other metals fin" improved heat
distribution. Combination metal skillets
usually work safisfi_ctofilv if they are used
with medium heat as tile manufi_cmrer
Usea fiat-bottomed wok.
Wok This Way
Werecommendthat you usea 14qbch{35.6cm)
orsmaller fiat-bottomed wok Make sure thewok
bottom sits fiat on thegrate. Theyare available at
Only a fiat-bottomed wok should be used.
Do not rise a _]at-bottoil/ed wok OIl a
support ring. Placing the ring over the
burner or gram may cause tile burner
to work ililpi'opei'ly, resulting in cai'bon
monoxide levels above allowable
standards. This could be dangerous to
vom" health,
In Case of Power Failure
In case ot a power tifilm'e, you can light
tile gas surli_ce burnei_ on your range
with a match. Hold a lit match to tile
bm'nei; then push in and tm'n tile control
knob to tile UTEl)osition. Use extreme
caution when lighting bm'ne_ this way
Sm'fl_ce burners in use when an electrical
power tifilure ()ccui_ will continue to
operate nora/all>
NOTE."If range lock-out is in use at the time of a
power failure,the surfaceburnerscannotbe li_

Usingtheovencontrols.(on some models)
(Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.)
0 ON S
_ult_ /1 Rac_
Features and appearance may var,¢
Touch to select tile b;&e fimction.
Touch to select tile broil function,
Touch to select baking with the comection
Touch to select roasting with tile comection
Touch to select a warm en'dronnlent u_ful
fi)r rising,, yeast-lea\ened,.... [)roducts,,
Must be touched to start any cooking or
cleaning function.
Sho_,_stile time of da); oxvn telllperattlre,
whether the oven is in the bake, broil or
seli:vleafing mode, the times set for
the timer or automatic o_en opeiafions,
and if the Iange is locked.
ff "F- and a number orletter" flashin thedisplay and
theoven controlsignals, thisindicates a functimterror
code. Touchthe CLEAR/OFFpad Allow the oventocoolfor
onehour.Putthe ovenbackintooperation,ifthe functionerror
coderepeats,disconnectthepowerto theovenandcarlfor
ffyour ovenwas set for a timed ovenoperationand a
power outage occurred, theclockandall programmed
Thetime of daywill flash #1thedisplay when therehas
beena power outage.
Touch t() select selik-leaning fimction. See tile
Usingthe self-cleaning oven section.
Touch to tm'n tile o_en light on or oftl
LO/STD pads to set the o_vn to start and stop
automatical b at a time you set.
Touch and then touch the munber pads to set
the amount of time you want your food to
cook. Tile ()veil will shut off when tile
cooking time has run out.
Touch to cancel ALL o_en operations except
tile clock, timer and range lock<)ut.
Touch before setting the clock.
Number Pads
Else to set all) fhnction requiring nmnbers
such as tile time of da) on tile clock, tile
time_; the oxen temperatm'e, the internal
fi)od temIlerature, the start time and
length of opeiation fi)r timed baking
and sellqleaning.
Touch to select file timer featm'e.
Touch when using the probe to cook fi)od.
Touch to keep cooked ti)ods warm. See tile
How to Set the Ovenfor Warming section,
Touch and hoM tile RANGELOCK-OUTpad
for 14seconds to lock/unlock tile sm'filce
btlI'neI_, o_,_n btlI'neI_ and conm)l panel so
the) cannot be acfivamd.

o o_+21+6
OvenControl,Clockand TimerFeaturesandSettings
Touch to Elect the bake fimction.
Touch to +le{t the broil fimction.
Touch to tm'n the o_en light on or {)It
Touch to select selfk-leaning" function.
See the Using theself-cleaning oven section+
Must be touched to start an} cooking or
cleaning flmcfion+
Number Pads
Use to set any function requiring" numbers
such as the time of da} on the clock, the
time_; the oven temperatm'e, the internal
filed tempemtt_re, the start time and
length of operation fi)r timed baking
and sdtMeaning.
The control lock-out is 9 and 0. Touch and
hold the 9and Opads at the same time fi)r
3 seconds+
Touch to cancel ALL oxen operations except
the clock, timer and control lock<rut.
Touch before setting the clock.
LO/STD I)ads to set the o_en to start and stop
at_t(tmaticall} at a time you set.
Touch and then touch the number pads to set
the amount of time you want your filed to
cook+ The <}_enwill shut oft when the
cooking time has Ytln ()Kit+
Shows the time of day, o_en tetllperattlre,
whether the oxvn is in the bake, broil or
selt:_leaning mode and the times set tar
the timer or automatic oxvn operations.
ff "F- anda numberorletter"flashinthedisplay
ff your oven was setfor a timedoven operation
and a power outageoccurred, theclockanda//
Thetime of day will flash#1the displaywhen
therehas beenapower outage.
Touch to select the timer feature+

Usingthe oven.
Toavoid possible bums, place the racks in the desired posifion before you turn the oven on.
Befere Feu begin°..
The racks have stops, so that _,vhei/ placed
correct]} on the slq)ports, they _i]] stop
be{kn'e comh/g completely ollt, amid wi]]
m/ot tilt.
To taplace, place the end <d the x_ck
(stop-locks) oil the sl_pport, tilt i_p the
f_'on/t amid [)llsl] the rack hi.
Whel/p]ach/g mid removim/g cookware,
pill] the _ck ollt m/ti] it stops.
The bake bm'ner is raider the oven floor.
Do m/ot})]ace {oods oN/the ovei/ bottom
To remove a rack, pu]] it toward }ol_
tilt the f_xmt e]/d I_[_ mid pu]] it ol_t.
Theoven has 7 rack positions.
Xew te Set the Oven for Baking er Roasting
rackin rite Iowest pos/tTon (A), you will need to
usecaution_¢TenpullingtiTerackout We
bchesandtflen,usingtwopotholders,pull the
rackoutbyho/d/7_gtilesidesofiL Therackislow
andyoucouldbeburnedif youplaceyourhandb
themiddleof therackandpuffaftthewayouLBe
when using be rack b be bwest podfion (A).
! ii iiii
i/i iii ii iiI/i
[] Touch the BAKE pad. Type ef Feed
Touch the m/m_/ber pads to set
the desired tempe]_mre.
Touch the START pad.
Check f_od tilt don era/ess a t
[] Touch the CLEAR/OFFpad _yheH
cooMm/g is complete,
NOTE"A cooling fan will automatically turnon
andoff tocool btemal parts. Thisis"normal,and
t¢_efan may mnt/nue torun evenafter theoven
b turnedoK
time on recipe. Cook
Frozenpies{on cookiesheet) Cor D
Angel food cake A
Bundt or pound cakes Bor C
Biscuits,muffins, brownies, Cor D
layer cakes,pies
Casseroles Cor D
Turkey A
If baking fbur cake la}ers at the same tit-13e,
p]ace a_o la}ers (m _ck g and t_o la}ers on
rack D, Stagger pans on tile r_ck so one is
not directl} above tile other,
Rack Position

Preheating and Pan Placement
over floor,
Preheat the oven if the redpe calls tot it,
Preheating is necessary t_n" good results
when baking cakes, cookies, past_ T and
Topreheat,set theovenat thecorrecttemperature.
Thecontrol will beepwhen the ovenis preheated
andthe display will show yourset temperature.
Thepreheat tlknewill van/depending on the
Aluminum Foil
Do not use aluminum foil on the bottom of
the oven.
Never entirely cover a rack with
aluminum f_il. This will disturb the heat
circulation and result in poor baking.
Oven Moisture
_&syour oven heats uI), the temi)eratm'e
change of the air in the oven may catlse
water droplets to fOm_ on the door glass.
These droplets are hamdess and will
evaporate as the oven continues to
heat up.
Baking results will be better if baking
pans are centered in the oven as much
as possible. If baking with more than one
pan, place the pans so each has at least 1"
(2.5 cm) to 1½" (3.8 cm) of air space
around it.
A smaller sheet of toil may be used to
catch a spillover by placing it on a lower
rack several inches below the food.

Usingthe oven.
Oven Vent
Yollr ove]/is veto/re(i[ [hroll_h o]/e veil[
located ronsard the rear of the _mge. Do
m_ot block d]is veldt whel_ cookiN_g h_ d_e
o_ el]--k is impormm_t dmt d_e fio_ ot hot
air f}_om the ove]_ amid {_'esh air to d_e
o_ e]_ bm'N]er be m_interrupted_ Avoid
touching the vent openings er nearby
surlsoes duringevener bre#er operation=
they may heceme bet.
Power Outage
be ebctric ignitionovenduringanebctTicsl
The o_e_ or broiler cmmot be lit dm'im_g a
po_er fid]m'e, Gas _rH]] _]()t _]{)W m]]ess the
g]o_ bar is hot.
becomehotif left toodosetothevent
theymaymeltifleft tooclosetothevent
air fromtheventmayignitef/smmsb/eitems
Metalitemswillbecomeveryhotif theyare
If the ovem] is ]m_ilse where] a p(}_,_rel "
fifil ure occms, the ove_] ]bm'N]er shuts
(}f_ a_ d ca __ ot be re-lit _ _ d] p{_ er is
restored. This is because the f]o',_ otgas is
amomatica]]y stopped a_d wi]] _ot res_m_e
whe_ power is restored m_ti] the glow bar
has reached opex_ti_g temperature.

How to Set the Oven for Broiling
oven OR.
[] Place the meat or fish on a broiler
grid in a broiler pan.
[] Follow suggested rack positions in
the BroilingGuide.
[] The oxen door must be closed
dm_i ng broiling
[] Touch tile BROIL HI/LO pad once for
HI Broil
To change to LOBroil,touch the
BROILHI/LOpad again.
Broiling Guide
The size, weight, thickness,
starting, teml)erature Food
and VOtlI" i)YeleYence GroundBeef
of doneness will alii_ct
broiling times. This guide BeefSteaks
is based on meats at Rarer
reh'igerator temperature. Well Done
(' 7)5e{L,'_.L)@mlmznt el
Ag'riculZu*_.sD's "/'aw be('/Ls
]_o/_ubz_; bit[ _otz _]tou[d /,'nml! Hlal
+vokinq it lo o?{_I40<1"(60<C)
meanssome/nod poismzi.,_
,Sail,]'bMBook. }bu) Ki>hen
(,uigh. {:ST)At&l,. fitne I985.)
Bakery Product
Bread (toast)
English Muffin
Pork Chops
I/2" to s/4"
(1.3cmto 1.9cm)thick
3/4" to 1"
(1.9 cm to 2.5 cm) thick
1to 1_ Ibs.(0.45kg to 0.68 kg}
11/2"{3.6cm) thick
1whole cut up
split lengthwise
2 to 4 slices
2 (split)
1lb. (0.45kgnl/4" toI/2"
[0.6cmto 1.3cmlthick)
2 (1" [2.5 cm]thick)
2 (I/2" to 3/4"
[1.3cmto 1.9cmlthick)
1" (2.5cm)thick
2 (I/2" [1.3cm] thick)
2 (1" [2.5 cm]thick) about
1lb. (0.45kg)
to 12oz.(283g to 340g)
2 (1Y/' [3.8cmlthick)
about 1 lb.(0.45kg)
Use LOBroilto cook foods such as poultx)
or thick ctlts of ineat thoroughly without
ox e>browning them.
[] Touch the STARTpad.
[] XAhen broiling is finished, touch the
Serxe the food immediately, and leaxe the
pan outside the oxen to cool during the
meal fin" easiest cleanin ,
NOTE:Broilwill not work ffthe temperature
probe is pluggedin.
Second Side
Time (rain.)
Do not
(1.9cm)thick are
difficultto cookrare.
Englishmuffins cut-
with batter if desired.
Catthrough backof
shell. Spreadopen.
Brashwith melted
andafter half of
Handleandturn very
if desired.
Donot turnskin-side-

Usingthe clock andtimer.
To Set the Clock
The clock must be set to the corx'ect time
_["da) {kw th e a I_t_m_a t]_ <_ve]_ ti m im_
Make sure flTeclock is set to the
correct time of da_
fm_cdo_s to work p_'oper]). The dine of
de',, cam_ot be chm_ged c[m_im_ga timed
bakim_g or se]fZc]eam_im_g c)c]e.
To Set the Timer
[] Touch d)e CLOCKpad.
[] Touch d)e ram)beT pads.
[] Tolmh d_e START pad.
0 /0
Ttie timer is a mfl?ute timer onl_
Ttie timer does not control oven
operations. Ttie maximum setting on
ttie timer is 9 hours and 59 mhTutes.
Touch tile nmnl)er pads tmtil tile
_lIllO/lnt O]_ till]e TOll want shows
in tile display: For example, to set
2 houl_ aI]d 45 n]iI]utes, touch 2, 4
and 5 in that order: If you make a
mistake touch tile KITCHEN TIMER
ON/OFF pad and begin again.
[] Touch tile STARTpad.
ToReset the Timer
If tile display is still showing tile time
remaining, you may change it by
touching tile KITCHEN TIMER ON/OFF pad,
then touch tile nmnber pads tmfil tile
time you want appea_ in tile display.
AftertouchingtheSTARTpM, SETdisappears,
thistellsyouthetimeis countingdown,although
[] _q/en tile timer reaches :00, tile
control will beep 3 times followed
bv one beep every 6 seconds until
is touched.
The &second tone can be cance/ed by following
thestepsin the Specialfeatures of your oven
control section under Tonesat the End of a
timed Cycle.
If the remaining time is not in tile display
(clock, delay start or cookh]g dine are iI]
the display), recall the remaining time by
touching tile KITCHENTIMERON/OFFpad
and then touching tile nmnber pads to
eI]teI" tile new [lille VO/i W;IIlt,
ToCancel the Timer
pad twice.

ge.com (U.S.)
Usingthe range orcontrollock-out www.OEAppliances.ca(Canada)
Range Lock-Out (onsomemodels)
!;ii!i RANG°
Yourcontrol will allow you tolock out thesurface
burners,ovenburnersandcontrolpanel so they
cannotbe activated
To lock/unlock the controls:
Turn all sm_thce burners off.
Touch and hold the RANGE
LOCK-OUTpad fi:,r 3 seconds until
the displa) shows Log ON.
To tmh>ck the control, touch and
hold the RANGE LOCK-OUTpad fin.
3 seconds until the displa) shows
Control Lock-Out (on somemodels)
Yourcontrolwill allowyoutolockout thetouch
To lock/unlock the controls:
[] Touch the 9 and 0pads at the same
time fin" 3 seconds, until the displa)
shows LOC ON.
[] To unlock the control, touch the 9
and 0pads at the same time flu" 3
seconds until the displa5 shows
When this teature is on and the touch
pads are touched, the control will beep
and the display will show LOCON.
Nocontrolswill workwhenthisfeatureis
Theadjustment will be retained in memory
after a power failure.
When this teature is on and the touch
pads are touched, the control will beep
and the display will show LOCON.
Thecontrol lock-outmodeaffects all touch
pads.No touchpads will work whenthis
featureis activated

Usingthetimedbakingand mastingfeatures.(onsome models)
NOTE."Foods that sped easily--such as milk, eggs, fish, stuffings, poultry and pork--should not be allowed to sit for
more than 1hour before or after cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure that
the oven light is off because heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.
How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic Stop
The oven wi// turn on immed&te/y and cook for Tile displa_ will show tile changing
aselectedlengthof time.At theendof the
cookingtimetheovenwill turnoff automatically
[] Touch tile BAKE pad.
[] Using tile nmnber pads, enter tile
desired temperature.
[] Touch tile COOKING TIME pad.
NOTE:If yourreciperequkespreheatingyou
may need to add additional time to the length of
[] Using tile number pads, enter tile
desired baking time. The oxen
temperatm'e and tile cooking time
that wm entered will be displayed.
[] Touch tile START pad.
temperature (starting at ] O0°F [38°C])
and tile cooking time. Tile display starts
changing once the temperatm'e reaches
Tile oven will continue to cook fi)r tile
programmed amo/mt of time, then shut
offautomafically, mfless the WM_,M
feature was set. See tile HowtoSettheOven
[] Touch tile CLEAR/OFFpad to clear
tile display.
il _ i i iii i_i
How to Set a Delayed Start and Automatic Stop
Youcanset the oven control to de&y-start the
oven,cookfor a specific length of time and then
turnoff automatically
Make sm'e tile clock shows tile correct
time of day:
[] Touch tile BAKEpad.
[] Llsing tile number pads, enter tile
desired temperature.
[] Touch tile COOKINGTIMEpad.
NOTE:If yourreciperequkespreheatingyou
may need to add additional time to the length of
[] Using tile number pads, enter tile
desired baking time.
[] Touch tile DELAYSTARTpad.
[] Using tile number pads, enter tile
time of da))ou want tile oxen to
ttlYn on and start cooking,
[] Touch tile STARTpad.
If you would like to check tile times you
have set, touch tile DELAYSTARTpad to
check tile stmX time you have set or touch
tile COOKINGTIMEpad to check tile
length of cooking time you have set.
X'_hen tile oven turns on at tile time of
da) you haxe set, tile displa)will show tile
changing temperattu'e (starting at 100°F
[. 8 C/) and the cooking itme. The
dis,l)Im,,starts, changing, , once tile
temperature reaches 100"F (38"C).
Tile oxen will continue to cook for tile
programmed amount of time, then shut
off automaticall), tmless the X._A,I_dX/I
feature was set. See the How to Sot the OVeR
for Warming section.
[] Touch tile CLEAR/OFFpad t(> clear
tile display.
NOTE:An attention tonewi// soundif youare
using tl_nedbakingand do not touch the START
padafter entering the baking temperature.

de.corn (!i.8.)
Usingtheprobe. (onsome models) www.OEAppliances.ca(Canada)
For many foods, especially roasts and poultry, internal food temperature is the best test for doneness. The
temperature probe takes the guesswork out of roasting by cooking foods to the exact doneness you want.
Use of probes other than tile one
Thetemperature probe has a
skewer-like probe at one end and a
plug at the other end that goes flTto
the outlet f17the oven.
proxided with this product ma) result in
dalila(re_ to tile probe or oxeil coiltroL
Use tile handles of tile probe and plug Probe
when inserting and remoxino them ti'om
tile food and outlet.
Toavoid damagingyour probe, donot use Neverleave yourprobe inside the ovenduring
tongstopull on thecable when removingit a self-cleaningcycle.
Toavoid breaking the probe,makesurefood Donot store theprobein the oven.
iscompletely defrostedbefore inserting.
' _ Handles
After preparing tile meat and placing
it on a trivet or on a broiler pan grid,
tOllow these directions for proper probe
Insert the probe completely into the
meat. It should not touch bone, fat
or gristle.
For masts Mth no bone, insert tile probe
into tile meatiest part of tile roast. For
bone-in ham or hm/b, insert tile probe
into tile center of tile lowest huge muscle.
Insert the probe into the center of dishes
such _lS Illeat loaf or casseroles.
Insert tile probe into tile meatiest part of
the inner thigh fi'om below and parallel
to tile leg of a whole turkey.
How to Set the Oven For Roasting When Using the Probe
h_sert the probe im_t{)the }hod.
Plug tile probe h_to the ol_t]et im_ the
ove_L Make sure it's pushed all the
way im Close tile o','e_ doe*: Make
sure the probe cable is mint tol_chim_g
the broil element,
[] Toltch the PROBEpad.
Wol0ch the m)10ml)ey pads to set
the desired im_term_]food or meat
tempemmre_ The maxinmm
im_termd temperature {or the {odd
that _r(_ C:__ set is 200°F (93°C).
Touch the BAKEpad.
Toltch the mm_ber pads to set the
desh'ed ovem_ tempe]_ma'e.
[] Toltch the START pad.
Thedl_olaywill flash if #_eprobe is inserted
into #_eoutbt andyouhave not set aprobe
temperatureand touched the STARTpad
After the im_tema] tempe_m_re of
the food reaches IO0°F (38°C), the
cham_gh_g im_tema] temperatm'e will be
] When the im_tema] temperature of
the {ood reaches the ram)bet _ou
I/ave set, the probe ;rod the o\e]_
tin'm) o_ a_ld the ovei] colltro]
signals. To stop the signal, to_ch the
CLEAR/OFFpa(L llse hot pads to
remo_e the probe _'om the _bod.
Do _ot _*seUmgs to p_dl o_ it--th%'
might damage it.
To cha_ge the oven temperature (h*ri_g
the Roast cycle, to_*ch the BRKEpad ;rod
then the mm_ber pads to set the _e_
teY_/pel"a tllre.
If theprobe isremovedfrom the foodbefore
the tim/temperature isreached,a tonewill
soundand the displaywi// flash until theprobe
isremoved from the oven.
Youcan use the timer even though you
cannot use t/Ynedoven operations whi/e
using the probe. 1,9

Usingtheconvectionoven.(on some models)
/n a convection oven,a fan circulates hot air
over, under andaround the foocL
This circulating hot air is evenly distributed
throughout the oven cavity.As a result, foods
are,evenly cooked and browned--often in less
time with convection heat.
1-Rack Convection Baking
The convection fire circulates the heated
air evenly over and around the fi)od.
Whenconvectionbaking with only I rack,
use therackpositions recommendedin the Using
the oven section.
Multi-Rack Convection Baking
Because heated air is circulated evenly
throughout the oven, fi)ods can be
[] baked with excellent results using
inultii)le racks.
Multi-rack baking nlay increase cook tiines
slightly fi)i"SOllle [()o(1s, but the overall
result is tin/e saved. Cookies, inuflins,
Multi-rack position.
biscuits, and other quick breads give
good results with n/ulfi-iack baking.
NOTE:The convection fan will cycle on
and oft while cooking to best distI_Jbute
hot air in the oven.
The convection oven fiUl shuts offwhen
the oven door is opened.
on I rackandforlargefoods.Additionally,
_A])ei1baking Oil 3 racks, place one
iack in tile fi/urth (D) position, one
in the fifth (El position and one in
the sixth (F) position. If pans will not
fit, use rack positions B, D and E
Adapting Recipes...
Y))I can use your fit\'oiite I'ecipes in the
convection ()veil.
\\qlen convection baking, the Auto
Recipe" Conversion feature automatically
reduces the set regular baking
teinl/erature by the recoimnended 25°F
(l 4°C), See At]u) ReciI/e '_ Conversion in
the Special Features section,
Usepan size recommendecL
Somepackageinstructions for frozen
casserolesormain disheshave been
developedusing commercialconvection ovens.
Forbest results in this oven,preheat theoven
andusethe temperatureon thepackage.

When baking cookies, you will
get the best results if you use a
flat cookie sheet instead of a
pan with low sides.
Convection Roast
Goodfor largetendercuts of meat, uncovered
The convection tim circulates the heated
air evenly over and around the food.
Meat and I)oult_T are browned on all
sides as if they were cooked on a
rotisserie. The heated air seals in juices
quickly for a moist and tender product
while, at the same time, creating a rich
golden brown exterioi:
Cookware for Convection Cooking
Before using your convection oven,
check to see if yore" cookware leaves
room for air drculation in tile oven.
If you are baking with several pans, leave
Sl)_ce between them. Mso, be Stli'e the
pans (lo not touch each other or the
walls of the oven.
Paper and Plastic
Heat-resistant paper and plastic
containe_ that are recommended ti)r
use in regular baking can also be used
fin" convection baking, but should not
be used at temperatm'es higher than
tile teml)erature recommended by the
cookware ill_ln/lJ[ilCttli'ei i Plastic cookware
that is heat-resistant to temperatures of
400°F (204°C) can also be used.
\41_en w)u are convection roasting,
it is imi)ortant that you use a broiler pan
and grid designed tot broiling fin" best
convection roasting results. The pan is
used m catch grease spills, and the grid
is used to prevent grease spatte_ while
heated air drculates trader the meat to
increase browning on the tmde_ide
of the meat or i)oult_T:
Place tile (wen rack in tile position
that cente_ the food between the top
and bottom of the oven.
Metal and Glass
Any q'pe ot cookware will work in w,ur
convection oven. HoweveI; II/etal l)_lIIS
heat the fi_stest and are recommended
fi)r convection baking.
Darkenedor matte-finishedpans will bake
faster than shiny pans.
Glassor ceramicpanscookmore s/ow/g
For recipes like ovenq)aked chicken,
use a pan with low sides. Hot air cmmot
circulate well arotmd toed in a pan with
high sides.
_4t,lfi / 1 Rack
How to Set the Oven for Convection Baking or Roasting
ROAST pad.
[] Touch the number l)ads to set the
desired o_en temperatm'e.
[] Touch the STARTpad.
To change tile oven temperature, touch
CONVECTIONROAST pad and then the
number pads to set the new temperatm'e.
NOTE: When convection baking, the oven temperature will be 25°1:(14°C) lower than
the set temperature. See Auto Recipg _Conversion in the Special Features section for more
information. When convection roasting, oven temperature will not auto convert.
X4]_en the oven starts to heat, file changing
temperatm'e, starting at 100°F (38°C), will
be disl)layed. \4]_en oven _eaches the
teinl)erature you set, 3 beeps will sotmd.
[] Touch CLEAR/OFFpad when finished.
Youwi// hear a fanwhile cooking with
convection.Thefan will stop when thedoor is
opened,but the heat will not turn off
Youmayhearthe oven chcklbgduring
baking. Thisis normal

Usingthe timedfeaturesfor convectioncooking.(onsome models)
Youwill hear a fan while cooking with these features. The fan will stop when the door is opened, butthe heat
will not turn off.
NOTE:Foods that spoil easily--such as milk, eggs, fish, stuffings, poultry and pork--should not be aflowed to
s# for more than 1hour before or after cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria.
Be sure that the oven light is off because heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.
How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic Stop
Muir,/I Rack
i i ¸ )
Theoven will turn on immediatelyand cook for a
selectedlength of time.At theend of thecooking
time, the oven wifl turn off automatically
Make sure the clock shows the correct
time of day.
ROAST pad.
[] Touch the number pads to set the
desired oven temperattu'e.
[] Touch the COOKING TIME pad.
NOTE:If yourreciperequirespreheafl))g, you
mayneed toacidadditional time to the length
of the cookingtime.
[] Touch the nttmber pacl.sto set the
desired length of cooking time. The
II/inillltlIl/ (ookitlg tillle veil (";In set
is 1 minute. The oven temperature
that you set and the c_oking time that
w_u entered will be in the display.
NOTE."When convection baking, the oven temperature wifl be 25°1:(14°C) lower than
the set temperature. See Auto Recipe'_Conversion in the Special Features section for more
information. When convection masting, oven temperature will not auto convert.
[] Touch the START pad.
The display will show the changing
temperature (starting at 100°F [38°C])
and the cooking time. The display starts
changing once the mmperatm'e reaches
100°V (38°C).
The oven will continue to cook tOT the
programmed am ount of tim e, then shut
oft automaticall 5 tmless the _._;_19,5/1
feature was set. See the How to Set the Oven
for Warmingsection.
[] Touch the CIEAR/0FFpad to clear
the displa,_ if necessary. Remo',e
the food ti'om the oven. Remember;
even though the oven tm'ns off
automaficall); food left in the oven
will continue cooking atter the oven
turns off.

How to Set a Delayed Start and Automatic Stop
Hul_i / i R_ck
ii i iiii i ll iiillI
Youcanset the ovencontrol todelay-start the
oven,cook fora specific lengthof timeand then
turn off automatically
Make sure tile clock shows the correct
time oI day.
ROAST pad.
[] Touch the number pads to set the
desired o_en temperature.
[] Touch the COOKING TIME pad.
NOTE"If yourreciperequirespreheating, you
mayneed toadd additional time to the lengthof
the cookbg time.
[] Touch tile number pads to set tile
desired cooking time.
[] Touch the DELAYSTARTpad.
[] Touch the number pads to set the
time of day )ou want tile o_en to
mrn on and start cooking.
Ifyouwou/d/iketocheck thefl/nesyouhaveset,
touchtheDELAYSTARTpad to checkthestart time
youhaveset,ortouch theCOOKINGTIMEpad to
checkthelengthof cookbgtimeyouhavese_
[] Touch tile STARTpad.
NOTE"An attention tone will soundif youare
uslhg timed baking or roastbg and donot touch
the STARTpad after entenng the bakingor
X_q/en tile oven turns on at tile time
of da)you ha_e set, tile displa)will
show tile chanoing_, temperature
(startin,* at 100°F [38°C]) and tile
cooking time. The display.., .starts. chanoino_
once the temperature reaches 100°F
.'4 o
(.s (0.
The oven will continue to cook tot the
programmed amount of time, then shut
off automatically, unless tile X4_I_/I
ligature was set. See tile How to Set the Oven
for Warmbgsection.
[] Touch tile CLEAR/OFFpad to clear
tile displa) if necessary, Remoxe
tile food fl'om tile oxen. Remember;
exert though tile oven shuts off
automaficall_ food left in tile oxen
will continue cooking alter tile oxen
tt/I'IIS OIC[,
NOTE: When convection baking, the oven temperature will be 25°1:(14°C) lower than
the set temperature. See Auto RecipeTMConversionin the Special Features section for mere
information. When convection reaming, oven temperature will notauto convert.

Usingthe convectionoven.(on some models)
How to Set the Oven for Convection Roasting when Using the Probe
The display will flash PROBE and the [] _,_q_en the internal temperature of
oxen control will signal if the probe is the meat reaches the number _,ou
For best results when roasting large
turkeys and roasts, we recommend
usflTg the probe flTcluded f17the
colTvectiol7 oveR.
inserted into tile outlet, and you have not
set a probe temperature and pressed tile
[] Place tile oven _;_('k in tile position
that cente_ tile food between tile
top and bottom ot tile oven. Insert
tile probe into tile meat.
[] Plug the probe into the outlet in the
oxen, Make sure it is pushed all the
way in. (;lose tile oven (loo_:
[] Touch tile CONVECTIONROAST pad.
[] Touch tile number pads to set tile
desired oxen temperature.
[] Touch tile PROBEpad.
[] Touch tile number pads to set tile
desired internal meat temperature.
[] Touch tile STARTpad.
When tile oven starts to heat, tile word
LO will be in tile display.
_Mter the internal temperature of the meat
reaches 100°F (38°C), the changing internal
temperature will be sho_al in the displa).
have set, tile probe and tile oven
ttlI'II Off }lll(l tile ovell COllti'ol
signals. To stop the signal, touch the
CLEAR/OFFpad. Use hot pads to
remove tile probe ti'om tile too(l.
Do not use tongs to pull on it--they
might damage it.
the oven has cooled Do not store the probe/b
the oven.
If theprobe isremovedfrom the foodbefore
the flbal temperature/s reached,a tone will
soundand the displaywill flashuntil theprobe
is removedfrom the oven.
Youwi//heara fanwfeTecookingwith this
opened,buttheheatwill notturnoff
Tochange the oven temperature
during the Convection Roast cycle,
and then touch thenumber pads to
set the new desired temperature.
Convection Roasting Guide
Meats (Mieutes/kg) Oven Temp. Internal Temp.
Beef Rib,BonelessRib, Rare 20_4 (44 53) 325°F (163°C) 140"F(50°C)t
TopSirloin Medium 24_8 (53 62) 325°F(163°C) 160°F(71°C)
(3to 5 Ibs.[1.36kg to2.27 kg]) Well 28_2 (62WI[ 325°F (153°C) 170°F(77°C)
BeefTenderloin Rare 10 14(2241) 325°F(163°C) 140°F(50°C)t
Medium 14 18(31-40) 325°F(153°C) 150°F(71°C)
Pork Bonedn,Boneless(3to 5Ibs. 23_7 (51 BO) 325°F(163°C) 170'_F(77°C)
[1.36kgto 2.27kg])
Chops(1/2to 1" 2 chops 3035 (66-77)total 325°F (163°C) 170'_F(77°C)
[1.3cmto 2.5cm]thick) 4 chops 35-40(77-88)total 325°F(163°C) 170'_F(77°C)
6 chops 40-45(88-99)total 325°F (163°C) 170'_F(77°C)
Ham Canned,Butt,Shank(3to 5 Ibs. 14 18(31-40[ 325°F (163°C) 140'_F(60°C)
[1.36kgto 2.27kg]fully cooked)
Lamb Bonedn,Boneless(3to 5Ibs. Medium 17_0 (37-44) 325°F(163°C) 160°F(71°C)
[1.36kgto 2.27kg]) Well 20_4 (44 53) 325% (163°C) 170°F(77°C)
Seateed Fish,Whole(3 to 5 Ibs.[1.36 kgto 2.27kg]) 30-48(86-88)total 400% (204°C)
LobsterTails(5 to 8oz.[170 gto 227g] each) 2028 (44-55)total 350% (177°C)
Poultry WholeChicken(2Yzto 31/LIhs. 24_6 (53 57) 350°F(177°C) 188°-185°F(82°-85%)
[1.13kgto 1.59kg]/
CornishHens,Unstuffed(1to 11/LIhs. 50 55 350°F (177°C) 180°-188°F(82°-88%)
[0.45kgto 0.68kg]) (110 121)total
Stuffed(1 to 11/zIhs. 55 50 350°F (177°C) 180°-188°F(82°-88%)
[0.45kgto 0.68kg]/ (121 132)total
Buckling(4to 5 Ibs.[1.81kg to 2.27kg]) 24_6 (53 57) 325% (163°C) 180°-185°F(82°-85%)
Unstuffed(10to 16Ibs.[4.54kgto 7.25 kg]) 8 11(18_4) 325°F (163°C) 180°-185°F(82°-85%)
Unstuffed(18to 24 Ibs.[8.16 kgto 10.89kg]} 7 10(15_2) 325°F(163°C) 180°-185°F(82°-85%)
TurkeyBreast(4to 6 Ibs.[1.81kg to2.72 kg]) 15 19(35-42[ 325% (163°C) 170°F(77°C)

and warming features.(onsomemode/s)
Theproofing feature maintains a warm environment useful for rising yeast-leavened products.
How to Set the OvenFor Proofing
[] Place the coxered dough in a dish in
the oxen on rack g or C.
NOTE:Forbest rasults,coverthe doughwith a
cloth or with graasedp/astic wrap(theplastic,
may needto beanchoredunderneath the
containerso the ovenfan will notMow it off).
[] Touch the PROOF pad and then the
The displa) will read PrF (proof).
The oven interior light turns on and
remains on dm_ing proofing.
The proofing teature automatically
provides the optimum temperature t0r
the proofing process, and therefore does
not have a temperatm'e ac!justment.
the minim um proof time.
How to Set the Oven For Warming
Tile WARMli_ature keeps cooked
foods hot.
This teatm'e is not designed to reheat
cold food.
To use the WARMleatm'e, touch the
WARMpad and then the STARTpad.
To use the WARMfeature after Timed
Baking or Roasting, follow these steps:
[] Touch the mode of cooking that
you want to use (BAKE, CONVECTION
[] Touch the number pads to set the
(),,'ell telllpeI';Kt II'e.
[] Touch the COOKING 77MEpad.
[] Touch the nunlber pads to set the
desired length of cooking time.
[] Touch the WARMpad.
[] Touch the STARTpad.
To Crisp Stale Items
Place toed in lo_sided dishes or pans.
For best results, place the toed items in
a single lavex: Do not stuck.
; i,eave theil/ tlncovered.
[] "_&hen proofing is finished, touch
the CLEAR/OFFpad.
Toavoid lowering the oven temperature
andfengtheningproofing tlYne,donot
openthe ovendoor unnecessarily
Checkbraadproducts early to avoid
Donot use the proofingmode for warming
foodor keepingfood hot Theproofing oven
temperatureisnot hot enough tohold foods
at safe temperatures.Usethe WARM feature
tokeep food warm.
Proofingwi//not operatewhenovenis above
125°F(52°C)."HOT"will showinthedisplay
Check crispness after 90-30 minutes.
Add time as needed.
Foodshouldbekepthotin itscooking
containeror transferredtoaheat-safe
lid oraluminumfoil.
Friedor crisp foodsdo not need tobe covered,
but canbecometoo dry if warmed for too long.
Repeatedopening of the doorallows the hot
air to escapeand thefood tocool.
Allow extratlrne forthe temperatureinside the
oventostabih2eafter adding items.
With large loadsit maybe necessaryto cover
someof thecookedfood items.
containersin theoven.
Do not use plastic containers,hdsor p/asflc
CAUTION: /aetlCCOntainers,lids
or plastic wrap will meltif placed in theoven.
Melted p/astlc may not be removableand is not
coveredunder your warranty

Adjust the oven thermostat--Do it yourself!
Youmay find that your new oven cooks differently than the one it replaced. Use your new oven for a few weeks to
become more familiar with it. If you still think your new oven is too hot or too cold, you can adjust the thermostat
Donot use thermometers, such as those found in grocery stores, to check the temperature setting of your oven.
These thermometers may vary 20-40 degrees F(11-22 degrees C).
NOTE,"This adjustment will only affect baking, convection baking (on some models) and convection roasting
(on some models) temperatures; # will not affect broiling or self-cleaning temperatures. Theadjustment will be
retained in memory after a power failure.
ToAdjust the Thermostat
[] Touch tile BROILHI/LO and BAKE
pads at tile same 6me fb_ 24seconds
until tile display shows SF.
[] Touch the BAKE pad. A two-digit
nunlber shows in tile display.
Touch BAKEagain to alternate
between increasing and decreasing
the oven temperature.
[] The men temperatm'e can be
a(!justed up to (+) 35°F (19°C)
hotter or (-) . : F (l: C) cooler.
Touch the number pads the same
wa) you read them. For example, to
change the o_en temperature 1: F
(8°C), touch I and 5.
[] _,_hen _ou haxe made the
35° O0
a(!jllstment, touch the STARTpad to
go back to the time ot da_ display.
Use VOIII" o_en _ls VOtl would
Thetypeofmargarine will affect bakingperformance!
Most recipes for baking have been developed using high-fat products such as butter or margarine (80% fat). If you
decrease the fat, the recipe may not give the same results as with a higher-fat product.
Recipe failure can result if cakes, pies, pastries, cookies or candies are made with low-fat spreads. Thelower the fat
content of aspread product, the more noticeable these differences become.
U.S. federal standards reqtlire prodtlctS labeled "margarine" to contnin at least 80% lilt by weight. Ixm_lht spreads, on
tile other hand, contain less tilt and more water: Tile high moisture content of these spreads affects tile textm'e and
flavor of baked goods. For best results with u)m" old tm'orite recipes, use mmgarine, butter or stick spreads contnining
at least 70% vegetable oil.

ge.com (U.S.)
Usingtheself-cleaning oven. vvvvw.OEAppliances.ca(Canada)
The oven door must be closed and aft controls set correctly for the cycle to work properly.
Before a Clean Cycle
Scrub _Rinse well with clean water
and dry.
Do not clean the gasket. The fibeiglass
inaterial ot the ()veil door gasket cannot
withstand abrasion. It is essential t0r the
gasket to renlain intact. If w)u notice it
beconling worn or fl'ayed, i'eplace it.
Wipe up any hea\y spillovei_ on the oven
Make sure the oven light bulb cover is in
place and the oven light is off.
IMPORTANT'. The health of soine biMs
is extreinelv sensitive to the flunes given
off during the sel6cleaning cycle of any
range. Move biMs to another well-
ventilated rooni.
Renlove broiler pan, broiler grid, all
ciiokware, probe and anv ahuninun/foil
fl'oin the oven--they cannot withstand
the high cleaning tenii)eratures.
The shin> silvei=colored oven racks
(on some nlodels) can be self:cleaned,
but they Mll darken, lose their hister
and beconle hard to slide.
If your oven is equipped Mth gray
I)orcelain-coated oven i'acl<% they nlav
be left in the oven during the sel6clean
Soil Oil the fl'ont fl'anle of the range
and outside the gasket Oil the door will
need to be cleaned bv hand. Clean these
areas with hot watei; soap-filled or plastic
scouring pads or cleansei_ such as Soft
!iiii ii !ii:i
How to Set the Oven for Cleaning
[] Turnall ofthesui_fi_ceburnei_ofl_
[] Touch tile SELFCLEANLO/STD pad
once iLk)i" a 4-hotli" ([4-hotli on SOllle
Inodels) clean tiine or twice fi)r a
3-hour (4-hour on sonle nIodels)
clean tiine.
A 3-hour sel6clean tiine is
i'ecoi/lillended 10r rise when
cleaning snlall, contained spills. A
self,lean fiine of 4 houi_ or longer
is reconnnended for a dirtier ()veil.
V_ If a tiine other than 4 houi_ or
3 houI_ is needed, use the nuniber
pads and enter the desired clean
[Jill e.
You can change the clean tiine to any
tiIne between 3 houi_ (2½ houi_ on sonie
Inodels) and 5 houI_, dei)ending on how
dirty vour oven is.
[] Touch the STARTpad.
The door locks autonlaticallv. The display
will show the clean tiine renlaining. It will
not be possible to open the oven door
until the mini)erature drops below the
lock tenlperamre and the LOCKEDlight
goes off.
When the LOCKEDlight goes off; you will
be able to open the dooI:
[] Oil niodels with Range i,ock-Out,
touch and hoM the RANGE LOCK-
OUTpad fi)r 3 seconds to turn it off.
The word LOCKED will flash and the
()veil control will signal if you set the
clean cycle and fl)rget to close the
()veil dooi:
To stop a clean cycle, touch the
CLEAR/OFFpad. X,_]_ei1the LOCKED light
goes off indicating the ()veil has cooled
below the locking teini)erature , you
will be able to open the dooi;

Usingthe self-cleaning oven.
The oven door must be closed and all controls must be set correctly for the cycle to work properly.
How to Delay the Start of Cleaning
iii!ii(; / i !i!:
NOTE"Thesurfaceburnersmustbe turnedoff
prior to the serf-deanstart time.
[] Toud_ the SELFCLEANLO/STD pad
once fi)I a zPhouI (3-houI on son/e
nlodels) clean tiine or twice for a
3-h(IuI (4-hour on seine nIodels)
clean tinle.
A 3-hour sel6clean tiine is
reconnnended t0r use when
cleaning sinall, contained spills. A
self=clean dine of 4 houi_ or longer
is reconnnended fin" a dirtier ()veil.
[] If a tinle other than 4 houi_ or
3 houI_ is needed, use tile nuinber
pads and enter the desiied clean
You can change the clean tinie to anv
tiine between 3 houi_ (2_ houi_ oil sonle
Inodels) and 5 houI_, dei)ending on how
dirty your oven is.
Tile door locks autoniatically: Tile display
will show the start tinie. It will not be
possible to open tile oven door until
the teini)eramre drops below the lock
teini)erature and tile LOCKEDlight
goes off.
_'_l/eIl tile tOCgEOlight goes off; you will
be able to open tile door.
[] Oil niodels with Range i,ock-Out,
touch and hold tile RANGELOCK-
OUTpad for 3 seconds to turn it off.
[] Touch tile DELAYSTART pad.
[] Using tile nunlber pads, enter tile
tiIne of day _ou want tile clean c_cle
to start.
[] Touch tile STARTpad.
After a Clean Cycle
Y)u nIav notice sonIe white ash in tile
oven. _,\]pe it up with a daInp cloth alter
tile ()veil cools.
If white spots remain,removethem with asoap-
filledor plastic scouringpad and rinse thoroughly
with a wbegarand watermiXture.
These deposits are usually a salt residue
that cannot be renloved bv tile clean
If the oven is not clean after one clean
wcle, i'epeat the cycle.
Y_)u cannot set tile ()veil fin" cooking
until tile oxen is cool en(Iugh t0r tile
door to t/nlock.
X4]/ile tile oven is selfXcleaning, you can
touch the C£OCKpad to display the
tiIne of day: To return to tile clean
countdown, touch tile SELFCLEAN
LO/STD pad.
If tile racks beconle hard to slide,
apply a snlall anlount of c()oking oil to
a paper towel and wipe tile edges of tile
oven racks with tile paper towel.
NOTE."Onmodelswith RangeLock-Out,
touchand ho/d theRANGE LOCK-OUTpad
for3 secondsto turnit off.

Special featuresofyourovencontrol www.OEAppliances.ca(Canada)
Yournew touch pad control has additional features that you may choose to use. The following are the features
and how you may activate them.
The special feature modes can only be activated while the display is showing the time of day. They remain
in the control's memory until the steps are repeated.
When the display shows your choice, touch the STARTpad. The special features will remain in memory after
a power failure, except for the Sabbath feature, which will have to be reset.
12-Hour Shutdown
i!i!i)i!iliiii!i iiiiiliii ill
_th thisfeature,shouldyouforgetandleavethe
ovenon,thecontrolwillautomaticallyturnoff the
ovenafter 12hoursduringbaklhgfunctionsor
after3hoursduringa broilfunction.
If }ou wish to mrn OFF this teature, follow
the steps below.
[] Touch the BROIL HI/LOand BAKE
pads at the sanle time fin" 3 seconds
until tile displa} shows SF
Fahrenheit or Celsius Temperature Selection
Yourovencontrolisset tousetheFahrenheit [] Touch the COOKINGTIME'andBROIL
temperatureselections,butyoumaychangethis HI/ZOpadsat the sametime. The
tousetheCelsiusselectlbns, display will show F (Fahrenheit).
[] Touch tile BROILHI/LOand BAKE
pads at tile same time fin"3 seconds [] Touch tile COOKINGTIME'andBROIL
until the displa) shows SF. The display will show C (Celsius).
[] Touch the DELAYSTARTpad Imfil
noshdn(no shut-oil) appeax_ in the
[] Touch the STARTpad to acfix Ite the
no shut-offand leaxe tile control
set in this special teatures mode.
HI/LO pads again at tile same time.
[] Touch tile STARTpad.
Tonesat the End of a Timed Cycle
Attheendofa timedcycle,3shortbeepswill
To cancel the 6-second beep:
[] Touch the BROILHI/LO "and BAKE
pads at the sanle time fin" 3 seconds
until the display shows SF.
pad. Tile displa)shows CONBEEP
(continuous beep). Touch the
again. The display shows BEER
(This cancels the one beep
every 6 seconds.)
Touch the STARTpad.

Special featuresof yourovencontrol.
Tone Volume
iii!iii_Iiiiiiii!I_ il_II_iii(iiii!ilil
i)iii!!iiij i!il_ i!ii(jiii(iii!
Thisfeatureallows you toadjust the tone
volumesto amore acceptablevolume.Thereare
threepossible volumeleveb.
[77 Touch the BROILHI/LO and BAKE
pads at the sanle time fin" 3 seconds,
until the display shows SF.
[] Touch the OVEN LIGHTON/OFFpad.
The displa_ will show 2 BEEP. This is
the high w)lume level.
again. The display will show 3 BEEP.
This is the loudest volume level.
12-Hour, 24-Hour or Clock Blackout
Yourcontrolis settousea 12-hourdock.
If you would l)reler to have a 24-hour
military time clock or black ()titthe clock
displa> follow the steps belong:
[] Touch the BROILHI/LOand BAKE
pads at the same time fin" 3 seconds
until the display shows SF.
[] Touch the CLOCKpad once. The
display will show 12hr. If this is
tile choice you want, touch the
again. The display will show I BEEP.
This is the quietest volume level.
For each fiIne the level is changed,
a tone will sound to provide an
indication ot the w)lume level.
Choose tile desired sound le'_el
Touch the STARTpad to actixate the
le'_el shown.
Touch the CLOCKpad again to change
to the 24 hour militax_' time clock. The
display will show 24hr If this is the choice
you want, touch the START pad.
Touch the CLOCKpad again to black out
the clock displa> The display will show
OFF.If this is the choice you want, touch
the STARTpad.
NOTE:If thec/ookisintheb/ack-outmode,you
+ CookanOHolOsomemode,s;
workwith tiYnedBakingorRoasting.(Seethe
_TAR_ Usingthet/_nedbakingorroastingfeatures
_ section.)After timedBakingorRoastinghas
To acfix _te this feature fin" use after
Timed Baking or Roasting, follow the
steps below.
[] Touch the BROILHI/LO and BAKE
pads at the same time fin 3 seconds
until the displa) shows SF.
Touch the COOKINGTIME pad.
The displa_ xdll show Hid OFF.
Touch the COOKINGTIME pad again
to activate the feature. The displa)
will show Hid ON.
[] Touch the START I);1(1to activate
the cook and hold ti_ature and
leaxe the control set in this special
features m ode.
if theCookandHoldfeatureissettoremindyou
thatfoodisin theoven.TouchtheCLEAR/OFF
reminderwi//not workif thetonesat the
endofa tl_nedcyc/ewerecancelledSee
theTonesat theEndofa tinnedCyclein