GE PDWT585T30SS, PDWT585T10SS, PDWT580R30SS, PDWT580R10SS, PDWT505T30WW Owner’s Manual

Safety Instructions ........... 2-5
Operating Instructions
Care and Cleaning ................. 17
Control Panel and Settings ........ 6 j 9
Display Lights ....................... 9
Loading Place Settings ............. 16
Loading the Racks ............. 14j 16
Recommended Dishwasher
Products ............................. 9
Using the Dishwasher .......... 10113
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ................. 25
Warrantg .......................... 2/4
Stainless Steel
Tub Dishwashers
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model # Serial #
Youcan find them on the tub wall
just insidethe door.
165D4700P389 49-55065 07-09 JR
For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, explosion, electric shock, and to prevent property damage, personal injury, or death.
Undercertain conditions, hydrogen gas may be producedin a water heater that hasnot beenused for two or more weeks. HYDROGENGAS ISEXPLOSIVE.
If the hot water has not been usedfor two or more weeks, preventthe possibility of damage or injury by turning on all hot water faucets and allow them to run for severalminutes. Dothis before using any electrical appliance connected to the hot water system.This simple procedure will allow any built-up hydrogen gas to escape.Sincethe gas isflammable, do not smoke,use an open flame, or usethe appliance during this process.
This dishwasher must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet with your dishwasher, you can receive one by visiting our website at
Connectthe dishwasher/appliance to a grounded metal, permanent wiring system; or run an equipment-grounding conductor with the circuit conductors and connect to the equipment- grounding terminal or leadof the appliance.
Improper connection ofthe equipment-grounding conductor can result ina riskof electric shock.
Checkwith a qualified electrician orservice representative ifyou are indoubt whether the appliance isproperly grounded.
Disposeof discardedappliances and shipping or packing material properly.
Donot ottempt to repoir or reploceony port of your dishwosherunlessit is specifically recommended in this monuol.Allother servicing should be referredto o quolified technicion.
Tominimize the possibility of electric shock, disconnect this opplionce from the power supply beforeottempting ony mointenonce.
NOTE:Turningthe dishwasheroff doesnot
disconnecttheappliance from thepower supply. Werecommend having o qualified technician serviceyour appliance.
CAUTION: To prevent minor injury and property damage
Contents washed inAnti-bacterial mode, if available,may be hot to the touch. Usecore
before handling.
Usinga detergent that is not specifically designedfor
dishwashers will cause the dishwasherto fill with suds.
If your dishwosher isconnected to o woll [-_j switch,ensure thot the switch is on prior
to use.
On dishwosherswith electronic controls, if you choose to turn the wall switch
off between wash cycles, allow 5-10 seconds after
turning the switch on beforetouching START/RESET to allow the control to initialize.
Non-Dishware Items: Donot wash items such aselectronic air cleanerfilters, furnace filters and paint brushes in your dishwasher.Damage
to the dishwasher and discoloration or staining of the dishwasher may result.
Closesupervisionis necessary ifthis appliance isused by or near children.
Load light, plastic items so they do not become dislodgedand drop to the bottom of the dishwasher-they might come into contact with the heating element and bedamaged.
Para su seguridad, debe cumplirse con la informaci6n de este manual a fin de minimizar el riesgo de incendio o explosi6n, descarga el_ctrica o para prevenir dafios a la propiedad, lesiones personales o la muerte.
Bajo ciertas condiciones, puede producirse gas de hidr6geno en un calentador de agua que no se ha usado durante dos semanas o mc_s.ELGAS DEHIDROGENO ES EXPLOSIVO.
Siel agua caliente no se ha utilizadopar dossemanas o m6s,evite laposibilidadde daflos o lesiones abriendo todos losgrifos de agua caliente g dej6ndolas correr durante varios minutos. Haga esto antes de utilizar cualquier aparato el_ctrico que seencuentre conectado al sistema deagua caliente. Estesimple
procedimiento permitir6 que selibere cualquier clase de acumulaci6n de gas de hidr6geno. Yaque elgas es inflamable,no fume o utilice una llama abierta o un aparato durante este proceso.
Este lavaplatos debe instalarse de manera adecuada g ubicarse de acuerdo con los Instrucciones de
Instalaci6n antes de comenzar el usa Si usted no ha recibido una pdgina de Instrucciones de instalaci6n con su lavaplatos, puede obtener una visitando nuestro sitio Web en
Conecteel lavaplatos/aparato a un sistema Nointente reparar ocambiar ninguna piezade de cableado permanente con conexi6n a tierra
o debe utilizarse un conductor deconexi6n a tierra del equipamiento con los conductores decircuito,
g debe conectarse a la terminal de conexi6n a tierra o conductor del aparato.
Unaconexi6n inadecuada del conductor de conexi6n a tierra de equipo puede provocar
un riesgo de descarga el@ctrica.Consultea un electricistacalificado o representantede servicio
t@cnicosi tiene dudas sabrela correcta conexi6n a tierra del aparato.
Eliminelosaparatos que no va a utilizar m6s g el material de empaque o env[o coma corresponde.
su lavaplatosa menos que est_ espec[ficamente recomendado en este manual. Cualquier otro
serviciodebe realizarloun tOcnicocalificado.
Paraminimizar la posibilidadde una descarga el@ctrica,desconecteeste aparato de lafuente de energfaantes de realizarcualquier clasede
NOTA:Apagar ellavaplatosno desconectael oparato del suministrode energia.Recomendamos que un t@cnicocalificadorealiceel servido t@cnico
de suaparoto.
PRECAUCION: Para evitar lesiones menores g dafios a la propiedad
Loselementos lavados en el modo anti-bacterial, sise encuentra disponible,pueden quedar
calientes altacto. Tenga cuidado antes de tocarlos.
Utilizarun detergente no diseBadoespec[ficamente para lavaplatos provocar@ que el aparato seIlene
Sisu lavaplatos seencuentra conectado a un interruptor de pared,verifique que
de espuma.
el interruptor seencuentre encendido antes del usa.
Enlavaplatos con controles electr6nicos,si usted elUeapagar el interruptor de pared entre ciclos de lavado, deje pasar 5-10 segundos despu_sde encender el interruptor antes de presionar START/RESETpara permitir que el control se inicie.
Elementosno aptos para lavaplatos: No lave elementos coma flltros de limpiadores de aire electr6nicos,filtros de hornos g pincelesde pintura en su lavaplatos. Pueden producirse danos en el lavaplatos g decoloraci6n omanchas en el aparato.
Serequiere una supervisi6nestricta cuando cualquier aparato esutilizado par ninoso en
su cercanfa. Cargueelementos livianos g pl6sticos de modo
que no sedesplacen g caigan al fondo del lavaplatos, ga quepueden entrar en contacto con el elemento calentador g da_arse.
Junked or abandoned dishwashers ore dongerous...even if they will sit for "just o few
days." If you ore getting rid of your old dishwasher, please follow the instructions below
to help prevent accidents.
(on some models)
When using your dishwasher, follow basic precautions,
... WARNING! including the following:
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Hanual.
Use only powder, tabs, liquid detergents or rinse agents recommended for use in a dishwasher and keep them out of the reach of children. Cascade ®and Cascade ® Complete Automatic Dishwashing Detergents, and Cascade Crystal Cleare rinse agents have been approved for use
in all GEdishwashers.
On models with the SmartDispense TM sgstem,
do not mix eng chlorine bleech-besed eutometic dishwashing detergent with ang dishwashing detergent containing enzgmes us this could cause the detergents to congeal end loud to
blockage of the SmartDispense TM sgstem.
Locate sharp items so that they are not likely
to damage the door seal.
Load sharp knives with the handles up to reduce
the risk of cut-type injuries.
Do not wash plastic items unless marked dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For plastic
Before You Throw Away Your Old Dishwasher:
reTake off the door of the washing comportment
or remove the door latch (as shown).
NOTE:Alltop control models alsohaveo latch screw which must be removed (StepJ)asshown.
items not so marked, check the manufacturer's recommendations.
Do not touch the heating element during or immediately after use.
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all enclosure panels are properly in place.
Do not tamper with controls.
Do not abuse, sit on or stand on the door or dish rack of the dishwasher.
Do not allow children to play around the dishwasher when opening or closing the door due to the possibility of small fingers being pinched in the door.
Do not discard a dishwasher without first removing the door of the washing compartment or the door
Do not store or use combustible materials, gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Do not allow children to play with, on or inside this or any discarded appliance.
Un lavaplatos desechado o abandonado resulta
peligroso...aOn si quedar6 en un lugar por "s61o unos dfas". Siva a desechar su viejo lavaplatos,
siga las siguientes instrucciones para prevenir accidentes.
(enalgunos modelog
Antes de desechar su viejo lavaplatos:
Quite la puerta del compartimento de lavado o saque la traba de la puerta (como puede
NOTA:Todoslos modelos con control superior tombidn cuenton conun tomillo de lo trobo que
debequitorse (Poso2)como seilustro.
__Z_iADVERTENCIA! cuondousesuIovoplotos,sigoprecoucionesb_sicos
Useesteaparato s61ocon elobjetivo para el que fue creado,como sedescribeen este Manualdel
Utilices61odetergentes en polvo,Ifquidoo tabletas o agentes de enjuague recomendadospara uso en lavaplatosg mant@ngalosalejadosdel alcance de losniBos.Losdetergentes para lavaplatos autom6ticos Cascade ®g Cascade ®Complete,
g losagentes de enjuague Cascade Crgstal Clear_ han sido aprobados para el uso en todos los
En modelos con elsistemo SmortDispense TM, no mezcle detergentes pore Iovoplotos outom6ticos con blonqueodor con detergentes pore Iovoplotos que contengon enzimos porque los detergentes pueden solidificorse g provocor bloqueos en el sistemo SmortDispenseTM.
Ubiqueloselementosfilososde modo que no daBen Noalmacene o use materialescombustibles, el selladode la puerta, gasolinau otrosvaporeso Ifquidosinflamables
Carguecuchillosfilososcon losmangos hacia arriba cerca de esteo cualquier otro aparato. para reducir el riesgode una lesi6npersonal. Nopermita que los nihosjueguen sobre,con
Nolaveelementos pl6sticosa menos que est_n odentro de este o cualquierotro aparato marcados como aptos paralavaplatoso desechado.
de seguridad, inclugendo los siguientes:
equivalente.Enel casode elementospl6sticos que no est@nmarcados asf,verifiquelas
Notoque el elemento calentador durante el uso o inmediatamente despu@sdefinalizar el uso.
Nohaga funcionar el lavaplatosa menos que todos lospaneles del recintose encuentren ensulugar.
Noaltere o modifique loscontroles.
Nomaltrate, ni se sienteo separe sobrela puerta o bandejasde losplatos del lavaplatos.
Nopermita que los niBosjueguen alrededordel lavaplatoscuando abra o cierrela puerta debido a la posibilidadde pellizcarsusdedoscon la puerta.
Nodesecheellavaplatossin antes quitar lapuerta del compartimento de lavado o latraba dela
About the dishwasher control panel.
Front-Control Dishwashers H _ D
[] [] [] [] []
lri ir.i it,!
Top-Control Dishwashers
_ StatusIndicatorLights (Indicatorsvar_jb_jmodels)
TheStatus displagtellsgou what ishappeningwhile the dishwasher is inoperation and mayflash, indicating a malfunction.Thelightswill come ONindicating the sequenceof the dishwasheroperation.
Displagedwhen the SmartDispenseTM needsto be refilledwith liquid or gelautomatic
NOTE:Ifgou are not usingSmartDispenseTM and gou want to turn the LOW DETERGENT LEDlightoff, presstheADDED HEATpad 5 timeswithin 3 seconds.Youwill hear3
beeps;then the lightwill go off.Youcan turn the light backon bgpressingtheADDED HEATpad5 timeswithin 3 seconds.
Displagedwhilethe Clean SensorTM ismeasuring the amount of soiland temperature
of water.The dishwasherwilladjust the selectedcgcle to achieveoptimal performance.
Displagedduring prewash,main wash and rinseperiods. Displagedduring HEATEDDRY.
Displagedwhen cgcle has met sanitizationconditions. Displagedwhen a wash cgcleiscomplete.
E......_Smart Dispense
__ "--'-lJJJ J---1 .r--_7 "''-Jr=_oLocK _LOWDETERGENTIDRYING
I i [] Smart Dispense
El El
_/_ Time Remaining Displag (onsomemodels)
Duringoperation,the displag showsthe minutes remaininguntil the cgcle iscomplete.Thedisplagmag adjust the remainingtime while the Sensinglightison.Thetime displayed at the start of eachcgcle may
changefrom the factorg setting asthe unit customizes itselfto home use.Duringa delag start, the displag willshow hoursof time remaining untilthe cgcle starts.
NOTE:Thisdishwasher is equipped with CleanSensorTM with automatic temperature control; therefore, cgcle length and time mag varg depending on soil and water temperature conditions.
Wash Programs (Selections)
Front-ControlDishwashers:Closeand latch door.Pressthepod for the desiredwashcblcle. Top-ControlDishwashers:Usethearrow pads A v toscrollthrough the wash cbldeswhile door isopen.
NOTE:Allcgcle times and water usageinformation contained in the following section are approximate values.Actualresults willdepend on severalfactors,includingbut not limited to inlet temperature
and amount ofsoil in thewash water. Thelight aboveor nextto the selected pad will beONto indicatewhich WASHCYCLEhasbeen selected.
_ Wash (Selections)IcontinuedJ
ANTI-BACTERIAL/7.5-8.75 gal.,50-135 min.
Thiscgcle ruisesthewater temperuture inthe finGIrinseto sunitizegour dishwure. Thecgcle lengthwill varg dependingon the temperuture ofgour inletwuter.
NOTE:TheAnti-Bucteriulcgcle ismonitored for sunitizotionrequirements.Ifthe cgcle is interrupted during or offer the muin wush portion or if the incoming water temperuture isso low thut udequutewuter heutingcunnot be uchieved,the sunitizing conditionsmug
not be met. Inthesecuses,the sunitizedlight will not illuminote atthe end ofthe cgcle. When usingthe Anti-Bucteriul cgcle,donot open the dishwusherdoor in thefinGIrinse.
NOTE:NSF-certifiedresidentialdishwashersare not intendedfor licensedfood estublishments.
NOTE:Onlgthe Anti-Bucteriul cgcle husbeen designed to meet the requirements of Section 6,NSF184 for soil removal and sunitizution efficucg.
(onsome models)
10 gol., 115-135 min. Thiscgcle ismeunt for heuvilg soiled dishesor cookwure with dried-on or buked-on soils.
Thiscgcle mug not remove burned-on foods. Evergdugdishesore sufe to be used inthis cgcle.
NOTE:Onsome models,the STEAMenhoncement willbe automaticollg selectedwhen the DEEPCLEANcgcleischosen,ond connot bede-selected.
(on some models)
8.75-10 gol.,75-140 min. Thiscgcle ismeont for heovilg soiled dishesor cookwore with dried-on or boked-on soils.
Thiscgcle mog not remove burned-on foods. Evergdogdishesore sofeto be used in this cgcle.
5.2gol.,60-90 min. Thiscgcle isfor medium/heovilg soiled dishesond glGsswore.
Cgcle time ond woter usoge ore opproximote volues. Results will depend on severol foctors, including but not limited to inlet temperoture, household woter
pressure ond omount of soil in the wosh woter.
(onsome models)
(on some models)
7.5gol.,35-70 min. Thiscgcle isfor evergdog dishesond glosswore.
7.5gol.,40-60 min. Thiscgcle isfor lightlg soiledchino ond crgstol.
NOTE:Onsome models,this cgcle ond PLASTICSselectoriso toggle pod; push pod to switch between this cgcle ond PLASTICS.
(onsome models)
(on some models)
7.5gol.,40-75 min. Thiscgcle isspecificollg designedfor glosses.
6.25-7.5 gol.,85-145 min. Thelonger time for this cgcle includes o built-in drging portion thot is speciflcollg
designedto reduce the riskof melting plostic items ond improve plostic drging.
5-8.75 gol.,50-110 min.
(onsome models)
Thiscgcle woshes lightlg soileddishes on the upper reck only.
2.5gol.,11 min. Forrinsing portiol Ioodsthot will be woshed Ioter.Do not usedetergent with this cgcle.
About the dishwasher control panel.
D Enhancements
Thelight above the selected pad will be ON to indicate which ENHANCEMENThasbeen selected.
(onsome models)
Front-Control Dishwashers
Closeand latch the dishwasherdoor and select the cycle and desiredenhancements.Touch the START/RESETpad one time to begin the cycle. Water fill begins immediately, and approximately 60 seconds later the wash action begins.
When the dishwasher door is fully closedand latched, the control panellights will display the last settings you selected.If you don't want to change any of the settings,simply touch the START/RESETpad to begin the cycle.
If the door isclosed,the indicator lightswill turn off ifthe START/RESETpad is not selectedwithin 5 minutes. Toactivate the display,open and closethe door or pressany pad.
Youcan delay the start of a wash cycle for up to 24 hours (dependingon model). Pressthe DELAVSTARTpad to choose the number of hours you want to delay the start of the cycle; then pressSTART/RESET.
Front-Control Dishwashers: The machine will count down and start automatically at the correct time.
Top-Control Dishwashers: Afterclosing the door,the machinewill count down and automatically start at the correct time.
NOTE:Tocancel the DELAVSTARTselection beforethe cycle begins,repeatedly press the DELAVSTARTpad until the display isblank.
When selected,the cycle will run longer with heating element on to improve both wash and dry performance.
NOTE:Cannot be selectedwith RINSEANDHOLDcycle. Foruse with heavily soiled and/or dried-on, baked-on soils.Thisoption IvlUSTbe
selectedPRIORto starting the cycle. TheSTEAMoption adds 26 minutes to the cycle time.
NOTE:Cannot be selectedwith RINSEANDHOLDcycle. When HEATEDDRYis off,disheswill air dry.Top-control models have a fan that assists
the drying process.Thefan will run up to 4 hours affer the CLEANlight illuminates. If desired,pressing any keypad will turn off the fan.
Light Off: Shuts off the drying heat option. Disheswill air dry naturally (front-control dishwashers)or fan dry (top-control dishwashers)to save energy.
Light On:Turnsthe heater on for faster drying. Thiswill extend the total cycle time between 8 and 58 minutes depending on the cycle selected.Ontop-control models, a fan will continue to run up to 2 hours after the CLEANlight illuminates to assistthe drying process.If desired,pressing any keypad will turn off the fan.
NOTE:Cannot be selectedwith RINSEAND HOLD cycle.
Youcan lockthe controlsto prevent any selections from being made. Or you can lock the controls after you have started a cycle.
Children cannot accidentally start dishwasher bg touching pads with this option selected.
Tounlock the dishwasher controls, pressand hold the HEATEDDRYpadfor 3 seconds. Thelight above the lock pad will turn off. Tolock the dishwasher,pressand hold the HEATEDDRYpad for 3 seconds.The light above the LOCI(pad will turn on.
Tochange a cycle offer washing starts... Front-Control Dishwashers: Touchthe START/RESETpadto cancelthe cycle.
TheSTART/RESETlightwillflash while the water ispumped out if needed.Thistokes approximately 2 minutes.
Top-Control Dishwashers: Open the door slowly to prevent splash-out. Touchthe START/RESETpad to cancel the cycle. Ifthe START/RESETlight isflashing, close the door until the water pumps out (thistokes approximately 2 minutes) and the light stops flashing.
When the lightstops flashing, the dishwasher can be reprogrammed and restarted.
E"j| Start (continued)
Top-Control Dishwashers After selecting the cgcle and desiredenhancements, touch the START/RESETpod to reodg the
dishwasher to begin the cgcle.Closethe door to start the cgcle or begin the DELAVSTARTcountdown. When the cgcle starts, the water fill begins and opproximotelg 60 secondslater the wash action begins.
Thedishwasher will olwogs displog gour lost selection and enhancements. If gou don't wont to change the settings,simplg touch the START/RESETpod to reodg the dishwasher and closethe doorto begin
the cgcle. ALL MODELS:Ifo power failure occurs NORMALand HEATEDDRYwill outomoticollg be programmed.
Make ong new selections and touch the START/RESETpodto begin the new cgcle. When the door is opened,the indicator lights will turn off if the START/RESETpodisnot selectedwithin
5 minutes. To activate the displog,open and close the door ortouch ong pod.
Front-Control Dishwasher
TheCLEANlight will illuminate and o double beep will sound when o wash cgcleiscomplete. On some models,the CLEANlight will turn off when the door isopened. On other models,the CLEANlight will
remain on until the door isopened and then relotched or untilong kegpod is pressedwhile the door islatched shut.
Top-Control Dishwasher TheCLEANlight will illuminate and a double beep will sound when a wash cgcle iscomplete. The CLEAN
light will remain on until the door isopened and then relatched or until any kegis pressed. ALL MODELS:Toturn off the audible end-of-cycle signal (orre-activate it if it was previously turned off),
pressthe HEATEDDRYpad 5 times within 5 seconds.A triple beep will sound to indicate the end-of-cycle beep option has been toggled.
Flashing display lights.
Status Indicator Lights START/RESET
What It Means
Cycle has been interrupted by pressingthe START/RESETpad, or there has been a power failure. Light will stop flashing after the dishwasher
automatically drains out the water.Thedishwasher will restart with NORMAL and HEATEDDRYifthe interruption was the result of a power failure.
Recommended dishwasher products.
GErecommends the following products for use in its dishwashers:
Foryour manual detergent dispenser,Cascade® powder, liquid or gel automatic dishwasher detergents are approved.
Forgour SmartDispenseTM Detergent Dispenser,use onlg the recommended liquid automatic detergents
listed on page 12of this manual.
Cascade Crystal Clear®rinseagents to remove spots and prevent new film buildup on gour dishes, glasses,flatware, cookware and plastic. Using rinse
agent alsoimproves drg performance.
Cerama Bryte ®StainlessSteelAppliance Cleaner to clean the exterior stainlesssteel panel of GEand
ProfileTM dishwashers (forstainlesssteel exterior
models onlg).
Using the dishwasher.
Check the Water Temperature
The entering water should be at least 120°F and not more than 150°F for effective cleaning and to prevent dish damage. Check the water temperature with a candy or meat thermometer. Turn on the hot water faucet nearest the dishwasher, place the thermometer in a glass and let the water run continuously into the glass until the temperature stops rising.
Use Cascade Crystal Clear ®Rinse Agent
Cascade Crystal Clear ®rinse agent improves drying, removes spots and prevents new film buildup on your dishes, glosses, flatware, cookware and plastic.
Filling the Dispenser Rinse Aid Setting
Therinse agent dispenser holds 3.5oz.of rinseagent. Under normal conditions,this will last approximatelg
one month. Trg to keep it full,but do not overfill.
Make surethe dishwasher door isfullg open.
Turnthe dispenser
cap to the left and lift it out.
I-_1 Add rinseagent until
the indicator window looks full.
[] Cleanup any spilled
rinseagent with a Indicator damp cloth, window Dispensercap
FI Replacethe dispenser cap.
Theamount of rinseagent releasedinto the final wash can be adjusted.The factorg setting isat the
midpoint. Ifthere are ringsof calcium (hardwater) spots on dishes,trg a higher setting. If there is
foaming, use a lower setting. Toadjust the setting:
Removethe dispenser cap_
counterclockwise to increase the amount \_ _'_ Rinseagent
of rinseagent or _ adjuster clockwiseto reduce
the amount of rinse agent dispensed.
Dish Preparation Prior to Loading
Noprerinsing of normal food soilisrequired. Removelarge quantities of any remaining food.
Scrapeoff hard soils,bones,toothpicks, skinsand Removeleafy vegetables, meat trimmings and seeds, excessiveamounts of grease or oil.
Forget to Add a Dish?
A forgotten dish can be added ang time before the main wash.
I-_1 Squeezethe door latch to release the door. I-_1 Do not open the door until the water spray
action stops. Steam may rise out of the dishwasher.
I-_1Add forgotten dishes. [_-I Close the door and dishwasher will start
in 5 seconds.
Manual Detergent Dispenser
Somemodelscomeequippedwithan automaticliquid dishwasherdetergentdispenser(SmartDispenseTM) and
a manualdispenser.Youcanuseeitherofthesedispensers butdon'tusebothatthesametime.
Forheavilysoiledloads,useabit moredetergent.Forwater temperaturesabove140°F,useabitlessdetergent.
Medium Medium Extremely
Soft Soft Hard Hard
SmartDispense TM
Manual Detergent Dispenser
Thecoverofthemanualdispenserwillopenduringthe washcycle.IfyouareusingSmartDispenseTM, leavethe coverofthe manualdispenseropenbeforestartingthe
cycle. Forthemanualdispenser,Cascade®Automatic
DishwashingDetergentshavebeenapproved.Youmay use powder,liquid,gelpacketsortabletsinthisdispenser.Itis
importantto keeppowdereddetergentsandtabletsfresh anddrysothey don'tloseeffectiveness.Therefore,donot
putdetergentintothemanualdispenseruntilyou areready towashdishes.
Filfing Manual Detergent Dispenser
Theamountofdetergentto usedependsonwhetheryour waterishardor soft.Withhardwater,youneedextra detergent.Withsoftwater,youneedlessdetergent.
Protectyourdishesanddishwasherby contactingyour waterdepartmentandaskinghowhardyourwateris.
Twelveor moregrainsisextremelyhardwater.Awater softenerisrecommended.Withoutit,limecanbuildup in
thewatervalve,whichcouldstickwhileopenandcause flooding.Toomuchdetergentwithsoftwatercancause
a permanentcloudinessofglassware,calledetching. Usetheinformationinthetablebelowasa guideto
determinetheamountofautomaticdishwasherdetergent toplaceinthedispenser.
Whenusingautomaticdishwashingdetergentpackets ortablets,simplyplaceoneinthemainwashsectionand
m m
NOTE;Usingadetergentthatisnotspecificallgdesigned fordishwasherswillcausethedishwasherto fillwithsuds.
Duringoperation,thesesudswillspillout ofthedishwasher vents,coveringthekitchenfloorandmakingthefloorwet.
Becausesomanydetergentcontainerslookalike,store thedishwasherdetergentina separatespacefromall
othercleaners.Showanyonewhomay usethedishwasher thecorrectdetergentandwhereit isstored.
Whiletherewillbenolastingdamagetothe dishwasher, yourdisheswillnotgetcleanusinga dishwashing
detergentthat isnotformulatedto workwith dishwashers.
of Grains Detergent Cups to Fill
Lessthan 4 Fillcup to soft line (1/5 full)
/4to 8 Fillcup to medium soft line (2/5 full)
8 to 12 Fillcup to medium hard line
(completely full)
Greater Fillboth main wash cup than 12 and pre wash cup
Using the dishwasher.
SmartDispense Detergent Dispenser (some models)
Thisdishwashermay haveSmartDispensdM,a feature which automaticallydispensesliquidautomatic dishwasherdetergentinto eachcyclebasedon soillevel and water hardness.Toutilizethe SmartDispensdM
DetergentDispenser,it mustfirst befilled.Althoughany liquidor gelautomatic dishwashingdetergentcan be usedinthe SmartDispensd_system,all liquidor gel
automatic dishwashingdetergentsare not the same.
Hostautomatic dishwashingdetergentsarechlorine bleach-based(suchasCascade®)while otherscontain
Donot mixany chlorine bleach-basedautomatic dishwashing detergent with any dishwashing detergent containing enzymesas this could cause the detergents to congealand lead to blockageof the SmartDispenseT'system.
Checkthe detergent labelto determineif the detergent
ischlorine bleach-basedor one that contains enzymes.
It isrecommendedthat the sametype of detergent be
usedwhen refillingyour SmartDispenseTMsystem.
-&CAUTION! Absolutely do not add
powder detergent, tablets or any liquid soap or detergent normally used for washing hands
or dishes in a sink. Only use liquid or gel detergent specifically designed for use in an automatic dishwasher.
,&iPRECAUCIGN!Bajo ninguna
circunstancia agregue detergente en polvo,
tabletas ojab6n o detergente Ifquido
normalmente utilizado para lavar manos o platos en un fregadero. S61outilice detergente
Ifquido o en gel especificamente dise_ado para utilizar en lavaplatos automdticos.
Aimthe detergent bottleat the openinginthe doorand beginto fill.
................ / i [
, i
Thedispenserwill hold/45ozof liquiddishwasher
detergent (standard size bottle).
Whenfull,replacethecap and turn clockwiseuntiltight
to ensurenowater entersthe SmartDispenseTMdispenser.
If residueislefton the door,itwill bewashedoff inthe nextcycle.
Anindicatorlight willturn onto notify you whenthe dispenserneedsto befilled again.Afterfilling,the light willnot turn off untilthedoor is closed.Afull dispenser willlast approximately1 monthfor theaverageuser.
Toopen the dispenserfor filling, pushdown and turn the bluecap counterclockwiseuntil thecap isloose.
Liftcap off.
Setthe door at a comfortable angleto fill the dispenser.
When Timeto
Refill (appearancemayvary)
NOTE:Ifyou are notusing SmartDispenseTMand you wantto turn the LOWDETERGENTLEDlightoff, press
the ADDEDHEATpad 5timeswithin Bseconds.Youwill
hearBbeeps;then the lightwill go off. Youcan turn the lightbackon by pressingtheADDEDHEATpad 5 times
within Bseconds.
SmartDispense Detergent Dispenser
Water Hardness Calibration
Prior to the first use, the dishwasher needs
to be calibrated for water hardness. Pleasefollow the directions below to calibrate the dishwasher
to the hardness of gour tap water.
Determine the Hardness of Your Tap Water
In the bag that contained these instructions, gou
should find a water hardness test strip package.
Readthe instructions on the package, remove the
test strip and follow the instructions to determine the hardness level of gour tap water. You will use
this information to calibrate gour dishwasher to dispense the optimal amount of detergent.
Water hardness test strip indication. Valueto Enter
1 RED _ 2
2 RED _ 3
3 RED _ 4
HARD 4 RED _ 5
into Dishwasher
1-31Pressthe "Up" A arrow pad to raisethe value
1-4-IOncethe water hardness isset, pressthe
Calibration of Models Without a 3-Digit Display
Front controls
Calibration of 12-Button Front-Control _1
Models With 3-Digit Displag
Pressatthesametime. Display
m Closeand latch the door (lightson,dishwasher Ibl
not running).
HOURSpadsat the sametime for 3 seconds. Top Thedisplagwill show a numberfrom 5.This FI
isthe water hardnessvalue currentlg set.
raisethe value or the NORMALpad to lower
the value. Setthe water hardnessvalue to the
number determined with the test strip and table
above. Oncethe water hardness is set, pressthe
START/RESETpad to savethe setting and return the dishwasherto normal operation.
Calibration of 7-Button Top-Control Models _1 With 3-Digit Displag
............ P_¢ .................... -- m m m j,,,-,,_,_ ....
Display Pressatthesametime.
FI"] Openthe door and touch a pad (otherthan
STAR#to turn lights on.
_] Pressthe "Up" A arrow pad and DELAYHOURS
pad at the same time for 3 seconds.The display
will show a number from 1 to 5.Thisis the water
hardnessvalue currently set.
r_lf the number of beeps isnot what you desire,
FI Oncethe water hardness isset, pressthe
NOTE:Youshould recalibrate the dishwasher control
if water conditions change;for example, if a water softener sgstem is added or removed from gour
home. 13
or the "Down" v arrow pad to lower the value. Setthe water hardnessvalue to the number
determined with the test strip and table at the left.
START/RESETpad to save the setting and return the dishwasher to normal operation.
Closeand latch the door (lightson, dishwasher not running).
PresstheSANIWASH/ANTI-BACTERIALand DELAY HOURSpads atthe sametime for 3 seconds.All lights will light up and gou will hear I to 5 beeps.
Thenumber of beeps indicates the current hardness value.
Tochange the setting,press the DELAYHOURS pad the number of times that correspondsto the
water hardnessvalue determined at the left. The control will beep each time you pressthe pad.
Oncefinished pressingthe pad,gou will hear a confirmation with beepsfor the number of times
gou pressedthe pad.
Ifthe number of beepsis not what gou desire, start pressingthe DELAYHOURSpad again to
reenter a new water hardness level. Oncethe water hardness is set, pressthe
START/RESETpad to save the setting and return the dishwasher to normal operation.
Open the door and touch a pad to turn lights on.
Pressthe "Up" A arrow pad and DELAYHOURS pad at the same time for 5 seconds.All lights
will light up and gouwill hear I to 5 beeps.The number of beeps indicatesthe current hardness
value. Tochange the setting,press the DELAYHOURS
pad the number of times that correspondsto the water hardnessvalue determined at the left. The
control will beep each time you pressthe pad. Oncefinished pressingthe pad,gou will hear a
confirmation with beepsfor the number of times gou pressedthe pad.
start pressingthe DELAYHOURSpad again to reenter a new water hardness level.
START/RESETpad to save the setting and return the dishwasher to normal operation.
Loading the dishwasher racks.
For best dishwashing results, follow these loading guidelines. Features and appearance of racks and silverware baskets may vary from your model.
Upper Rack
Although the upper rock isprimarily for glosses,cups and saucers, pots and pans con
be placed in this rack for effective cleaning. Cupsand glosses fit bestalong the sides.This
isalso a secure place for dishwasher plastics. Theutility shelf (somemodels)may be placed
in the up or down position to add flexibility.A wine glass holder (somemodels)secureswine glassesfor best washability.
Somemodels hovecontoured metal cup shelvesthat con secure up to 12wine glosses
(asshown). Becausewine glossescome in various sizes,
offer loading, slowly push in the rock to make surethey will clearthe top of the dishwasher.
Somemodels hoveon Angled RockSystem, which allows you to angle your dishes,such
as coffee mugs,for better cleaning and quicker drying. To position the tines,pull the
leverforward then drop the tines into position,then releasethe lever.
The upper rock isgood for oil kinds of
odd-shaped utensils.Saucepans,mixing bowls and other items should be placed face
down. Fold-down tines (onsome models) provide flexibility for extra-large and hard-
to-fit items. Securelarger dishwasher-safe plastics over
2 tines when possible. Make suresmall plastic items ore secure so
they can't foil onto the heater. Be surethat items do not protrude through
the bottom of the rack and block rotation of the middle spray arm. This could result in
poor wash performance for items in the upper rock.
Checkto make surethat no items will block rotation of the wash arm.
NOTE:TheSingle RockWashselection,on models with this feature,washes the upper
rock only. If you usethis feature, do not load items in the lower rock.
Adjustable Upper Rack (onsomemodels)
Thestandard position of your adjustable rack is"up" which allows for maximum clearance
for your taller items in the lower rack. If you have taller wine glasses,tumblers or other
items to place inthe upper rack, you may want to adjust the rack to the lower position.
Tolower the rack, support the weight of the rock with your hands asshown and press
both finger pods about 1/4" toward the inside of the rock as indicated and guide the rock
down to its lower position. Toraise the rack to the "up" position,pull up
on the center of the rock sideframe until the rock locks into place.
Lower Rack
One-piece basket (ell some models)
Three-piece basket (ell some models)
Don'tlet any itemextendthrough
The lower rock is best used for plates, saucers
and cookware. Large items such as broiler pans and baking rocks should go along the
left-hand side. Load plotters, pots and bowls along the sides,incorners or in the back.The
soiledside of itemsshould face the center of the rock. If necessarg,oversizedglossesand
mugs con be placedin the lower rock to maximize loading flexibilitg.
Also,be careful not to let a portion of on item such as a pot or dish handle extend through
the bottom rock.Thiscould blockthe wash arm and cause poorwashing results.
Silverware Basket
Toload flatware, simplg pushthe adjustable handle to either side(onsome models).Put
flatware in the removable basketwith fork and knife handles up to protect gour hands.
Placespoons in the basketwith handles
down. Mix knives,forks and spoons sotheg don't nesttogether. Distribute evenlg.Small
plastic items, such as measuring spoons and lidsfrom small containers should go in the
bottom ofthe silverware basketwith the silverware on top.
Theone-piece silverware basket (on some models)con be placed in the front, right side
or back of the lower rock.
Fold-down tines (onsome models)provide
flexibilitg for extra-large and hard-to-fit items. Thetines mag be left inthe up position or folded down to customize the lower rock.Do
not load large bowlsor pots facedown in the front left-hand corner.Items loaded in this
manner could prevent proper operation of the manual detergent cup.
A varietg of options isavailable regarding the three-piece silverware basket (onsome
models)in gour dishwasher.Thecomplete basket isdesigned to fit onthe right sideof
the lower rock.Additionallg, each end of the basket is removable to odd loading
flexibilitg to accommodate flatware and lower rock capacitg needs.
Thelids of both end and middle baskets(on some models)con be closedto contain small
items. Long items con be placed on the utilitg shelf in the upper rock.Load flatware through
the slots in the silverware basket covers.
Toremove end baskets, grasp the basket at opposite corners and slide apart.
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