GE PDW9980N20SS, PDW9880N20SS, PDW9800N20WW, PDW9800N20BB, PDW9700N20II Owner’s Manual

Safety Instructions .......... 2,3
Operating Instructions
Care and Cleaning ................ 15
Flashing Displag Lights .............. 7
Loading Place Settings ............ 14
Loading the Racks ............. 12-14
Using the Dishwasher ........... 8-11
Troubleshooting Tips ..... 16-18
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ................ 24
Product Registration ........... 19, 20
Warranty ......................... 23
CDW9000 Series
PDW8000 Series PDW9000 Series
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model # Serial #
Youcan find them on the tub wail
just inside the dooE
165D4 700P36 7 49-55042 10-07 JR
For gour safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric shock, end to prevent property damage, personal injury, or death.
_l I S
'__ _ for two weeks or more. HYDROGEN GASIS EXPLOSIVE.
Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be produced in a water heater that has not been used
Ifthe hot water has not been usedfor two weeks or more, prevent the possibility of damage or injury by turning on all hot water faucets and allow them to run for several minutes. Dothis before usingang
electricalappliance which isconnected to the hot water system.This simple procedure will allow any built- up hgdrogen gas to escape. Sincethe gas isflammable, do notsmoke or usean open flame or appliance
during this process.
This dishwasher must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation
Instructions before it is used. If gou did not receive on Installation Instructions sheet with
gout dishwasher, gou con receive one bg visiting our website at
Connect to a grounded metal, permanent wiring
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding
Disposeof discarded appliances and shipping
Contentswashed in Anti-bacterial mode, if
Usinga detergent that is
If your dishwasher is connected to a
On dishwasherswith electronic
Donot attempt to repair or replace any part
system; or run an equipment-grounding conductor with the circuit conductors and
connect to the equipment-grounding terminal or lead of the appliance.
conductor can result in a risk of electricshock. Checkwith a qualified electrician or service
representative if you are in doubt whether the
appliance isproperly grounded.
or packing material properly.
of your dishwasher unlessit isspecifically
recommended in this manual. All other servicing
should be referred to a qualified technician.
To minimizethe possibility of electric shock, disconnect this appliance from the power supply
beforeattempting any maintenance.
NOTE:Tuming thedishwasher off doesnot disconnect the appliancefrom the power supplg.
Werecommend having o qualified technician
serviceyour appliance.
CAUTION: Topreventminorinjurgorpropertgdamage
Non-Dishware Items: Donot wash items such
available,mag be hot to the touch. Usecare before handling.
not specifically designed
for dishwashers will cause the dishwasher to fill with
wall switch, ensure that the switch is
on prior to use.
controls, if you choose to turn the wall switch off between wash cgcles,allow 5-10 seconds after turning the switch on before
touching START/RESETto allow the control to
aselectronic air cleanerfilters, furnace filters and paint brushes in your dishwasheEDamage to
dishwasher and discoloration or staining of dishwasher mag result.
Closesupervisionis necessary ifthis appliance isused bg or near children.
Load light, plastic items so theg will not become dislodged and drop to the bottom of the dishwasher-theg might come into contact with the heating element and be damaged.
Junked or abandoned dishwashers are dangerous...
evenif they will sit for 'just a few days/' If Souare getting rid of sour old dishwasher,please follow
the instructions to help prevent accidents.
(on some
Usethis appliance onlg for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual.
Use onlg powder,tabs, liquid detergents or rinse agents recommended for use in adishwasher and
keepthem out of the reach of children.Cascade®, Cascade ®Complete and Electrasol ®Automatic
Dishwashing Detergents, and Jet-Dru ®and Cascade Crustal Clear_ rinse agents have been
approved for use in all GE dishwashers,
Do not mix any chlorine bleach-based automatic dishwashing detergent with any dishwashing
detergent containing enzymes as this could cause the detergents to congeal and lead to blockage of the SmartDispense TMsystem.
Locate sharp items so that they are not likely to damage the door seal.
Load sharp knives with the handles up to reduce the riskof cut-type injuries.
Do not wash plastic items unless marked dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For plastic
items not so marked, check the manufacturer's recommendations.
When using your dishwasher, follow basic precautions, including the following:
Before You Throw Away Your Old Dishwasher
Take off the door of the washing compartment or
remove the door latch (as shown).
NOTE: CDW9000 Series and PDW9200-PDW9900
Series models also have a latch screw which must be
removed (Step 1) as shown.
Donot touch the heating element during or immediatelg after use.
Donot operate gout dishwasher unlessall enclosure panels are properlg in place.
Donot tamper with controls.
Donot abuse, sit on or stand on the door or dish
rack ofthe dishwashen
Donot allow children to plag around dishwasher when opening or closing door dueto the possibilitg of small fingers beingpinched in doon
Donot discard a dishwasherwithout first removing the door of the washing compartment or the door
Donot store or usecombustible materials, gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the
vicinitg of this or ang other appliance.
Donot allow children to plag with, on or insidethis appliance or ang discarded appliance.
About the dishwasher control panel.
li 0 0
PDW9200 Series-PDW9900 Series and CDWgO00 Series
_oRas_ @ W,_HING OLE_N
El 0 El
Control Settings
O Status Indicator Lights (Indicatorsvaryby models)
TheStatus displaytells you what ishappening while the dishwasheris in operation and may flash, indicating a malfunction. Thelightswill come ON indicating the sequenceof the dishwasheroperation.
LOWDETERGENTDisplayedwhen the SmartDispenseTM needsto be refilledwith liquid or gelautomatic
NOTE:Ifyou are not usingSmartDispenseTM and you want to tum the LOW DETERGENT LEDlightoff, presstheADDED HEATpad 5times within 3 seconds.Youwill hear 3
beeps;then the lightwill go off.Youcan turn the light back on bg pressingthe ADDED HEATpad Stimes within 3 seconds.
SENSINGDisplagedwhile the CleanSensorTM ismeasuring the amount of soiland temperature
of wateEThedishwasher willadjust the selectedcgcleto achieveoptimal performance.
ADD-A-DISH Displaged during prewash, indicating that dishes added now will still be cleaned.
WASHING Displagedduring prewash,main wash and rinseperiods.
RINSING Displayed during rinse periods.
DRYING Displayedduring HEATEDDRY.
SANITIZED Displagedwhen cgde hasmet sanitizationconditions.
CLEAN Displagedwhen a wash cgde iscomplete.
O Time Remaining Display (onsomemodels)
Duringoperation,the displag showsthe minutes remaininguntil the cycle iscomplete.Thedisplagmay adjust the remainingtime while the Sensinglightison.Thetime displayedat the start of each cycle may
change from the factory setting as the unit customizesitselfto home use.Duringa delay start, the display will show hoursof time remaining untilthe cycle starts.
PDWGO00Series:Pressthepad for thedesiredwash cycle. CDWgO00Seriesand PDWgO00Series:UsetheArrow Pods f_ _ to scrollthrough thewash cycles.
NOTE:All cgcletimes and water usageinformation contained in the following sectionare approximate values.Actual resultswill depend on severalfactors,including but not limited to inlettemperature,
householdwater pressureand amount ofsoil in the wash wateE Thelight above or nextto the selectedpad will beONto indicate which WASHCYCLEhas been selected.
Selections (continued)
ANTI-BACTERIAHeavg 8.8gal.,!05 rain.
Medium 7.5gal.,95 rain. Light 6.3gal.,85 rain.
Thiscgcle raisesthe water temperature in the final rinseto sanitize gout dishware.The cgcle lengthwillvarg depending on the temperature of gout inletwatec
NOTE:The Anti-Bacteriacgcleismonitored for sanitization requirements.Ifthe cgcleis
interrupted during orafter the main wash portionor ifthe incoming watertemperature is solow that adequate water heating cannot beachieved,the sanitizingconditionsmag
notbe met. Inthese cases,the sanitizedlight will not illuminate at the end of the cgcle. NOTE:NSF-certifiedresidentialdishwashersare not intendedfor licensedfood
(on some models)
(onsome models)
(on some models)
(on some models)
Heavg !0.0 gal.,B0 rain. Medium 8.8 gal.,70 rain.
Light 7.5gal.,60 rain.
Thiscgcle ismeant for heavilg soileddishesor cookwarewith dried-on or baked-onsoils. Thiscgcle mag not remove burned-on foods. Evergdagdishesare safeto be used in
this cgcle.
Heavg 8.8gal.,70 rain. Medium 7.5 gal.,60 rain.
Light 5.0gal., 50 rain.
Thiscgcle isfor mediumiheavilg soileddishes and glassware.
7.5gal.,35 rain.
Thiscgcle isfor evergdag dishesand glassware.
7.5gal.,35 rain.
Thiscgcle isfor lightlg soiledchina and crgstal.
7.5gal.,30 rain.
Thiscgcle isspecificallg designed for glasses. Heavg 8.8 gal., !20 rain.
Medium 7.5 gal.,:!_05rain. Light 5.0gal.,90 rain.
Thelonger time for this cgcle includes a built-in drging portion that isspecificallg designedto reduce the risk of melting plastic items and improve plastic drging.
Forremoving redtomato-based stains,GErecommends the useof Cascade® PlasticBoosterTM.
Heavg 8.2gal.,70 min. Medium 7.0 gal.,60 min.
Light 4.6gal., 50 min.
Thiscgcle washes lightlg soileddishes on the upper rack onlg.
2.5gal., 10 min. Forrinsing partial loads that will bewashed late[ Donot usedetergent with this cgcle.
NOTE: On the PDW8000 Series models, the CHINA CRYSTAL/PLASTICS selector is o toggle pad, push pad
to switch between CHINA CRYSTALand PLASTICS. NOTE: This dishwasher is equipped with CleonSensoF '_ with automatic temperature control, therefore,
cgde length and time may vorg depending on soil and water temperature conditions. NOTE: Only the Anti-Bacteria cycle has been designed to meet the requirements of Section 6, NSF 18/4 for
soil removal and sanitizotion efficacy.
About the dishwasher control panel.
_l_ Enhancements
Thelight above the selected pad will be ON to indicate which ENHANCEMENThasbeen selected.
DELAYHOURS Youcan delay the start of a wash cycle for up to 24 hours (dependingon model).Press
the DELAYSTARTpad to choose the number of hours you want to delay the start of the cycle; then pressSTART/RESET.
PDW8000 Series:Themachine will count down and start automatically at the correct time.
CDW9000 Seriesand PDW9000 Series:After closing the door,the machine will count down and automatically start at the correct time.
NOTE:Tocancel the DELAYSTARTselection beforethe cycle begins, repeatedly press the DELAYSTARTpad until the display isblank.
PREWASH For usewith heavily soiledand/or dried-on, baked-on soils.Thisoption MUSTbe
(on some models) selected PRIORto starting the cycle.Thisoption adds !5 minutes to the cycle time.
HEATEDDRY Shuts offthe drying heat option.Disheswill airdry naturally (PDW8900Series)or
Light Off fan dry (PDW9200-PDW9900Seriesand CDW9000Series)to save energy.
HEATEDDRY Turnsthe heater onfor fast drying. Thiswill extend the total cycle time by iS minutes
LightOn for the ANTI-BACTERIALcycle, 38 minutes for the NORMAL,SINGLERACKWASH
RESETTochange a cycle after washing starts...
When selected,the cycle will run longer with heating element on to improve both wash and dry performance.
NOTE:Cannot be selectedwith RINSEONLYcycle.
NOTE:Cannot be selectedwith RINSEONLYcycle.
and COOt(WAREcycles, 8 minutes for the SPEEDcycle, !5 minutes for the PLASTICScycle and 30 minutes for all othercycles.
NOTE:Cannot be selectedwith RINSEONLYcycle.
LOCK Youcan lock the controls to prevent any selections from being made. Or you can lock
_1 the controls after you have started a cycle.
Children cannot accidentallg start dishwasher bg touching pads with this option selected.
Tounlock the dishwasher controls, pressand hold the HEATEDDRYpadfor 3 seconds. Thelight above the lock pad will turn off.To lock the dishwasher,pressand hold the
HEATEDDRYpad for 3 seconds.The light above the LOCKpadwill turn on.
PDW8000Series:Touchthe START/RESETpad to cancelthe cycle.TheSTART/RESETlight will flash while the water ispumped out if needed.This takes approximately 2 minutes.
PDW9000 Series:Openthe door slowly to prevent splash-out. Touchthe START/RESET pad to cancel the cycle. If the START/RESETlight is flashing, closethe door untilthe
water pumps out (thistakes approximately 2 minutes)and the light stopsflashing. When the light stopsflashing, the dishwashercan be reprogrammed and restarted.
_ Start
PDW8000 Series Closeand latch the dishwasher door and selectthe cycle and desiredenhancements.Touch the
START/RESETpadto beginthe cycle.Water fill begins immediately, and approximately 80 secondslater the wash action begins.
When the dishwasher door is fully closedand latched, the control panellights will display the last settings you selected.If you don't want to change any of the settings,simply touch the START/RESETpad to
begin the cycle. If the door isclose&the indicator lightswill turn off ifthe START/RESETpad isnot selectedwithin 5 minutes.
Toactivate the display,open and closethe door or pressany pad.
_ Start (continued)
After selecting the cycle and desiredenhancements, touch the START/RESETpad to ready the dishwasher to begin the cycle. Closethe door to start the cycle or beginthe DELAVSTARTcountdown.
When the cycle starts, the water fill begins and approximately 60 secondslater the wash action begins.
The dishwasherwill always display your last selection and enhancements. If you don't want to change
the settings,simply touch the START/RESETpad to ready the dishwasher and closethe doorto begin the cycle.
Also,if a power failure occurs NORMALand HEATEDDRYwill automatically be programmed. Hakeany new selectionsand touch the START/RESETpad to beginthe new cgcle.
When the door is opened,the indicator lights will turn off if the START/RESETpad is not selectedwithin 5 minutes.To activate the displag, open and closethe door or touch ang pad.
TheCLEANlight is illuminated when the selected cgcle and enhancements are complete. Thelight will stag ON until a padis pressedor the door isopened and then closed.
PDW9200Series-PDW9900 Seriesand CDW9000Series
TheCLEANlight is illuminated and a doublebeep will sound when the selected cgcle and enhancements are complete. You mag remove the dishes at ang time. The high-efficiencg fan will run quietly for 30
minutesto 4 hours (depending on selected cgcle)after the CLEANlight is illuminated to continue drying
the dishes.The fan can be turned off bg opening the door and pressingang kegpad. ALL MODELS:Toturn off the audible end-of-cgcle signal (or re-activate it if it was previously tumed off),
pressthe HEATEDDRYpad 5 times within 3 seconds.A triple beep will sound to indicate the end-of-cgcle beepoption has been toggled.
Flashingdisplay lights.
Status Indicator Lights What It Means START/RESET
Cgclehasbeen interrupted bg pressingthe START/RESETpad, or there hasbeen o power failure. Light will stop flashing after the dishwasher
automatically drains out the water.Thedishwasher will restart if the interruption was the result of o power failure.
Recommended dishwasher products.
GErecommends the following products for usein its dishwashers:
For your manual detergent dispenser,Cascade® and ElectrasoF powder, liquidor gelautomatic dishwasher detergents are approved.
For your SmartDispenseTM Detergent Dispenser,use only the recommended detergents listedon page
10of this manual,
Jet Dry®or Cascade Crystal Clear®rinse agents to remove spots and prevent new film buildup on
your dishes,glasses,flatware, cookware and plastic. Using rinse agent also improves drg
Cascade®Plastic BoosterTM to remove red staining insidegour dishwasher that can come from some
tomato-based foods.
Cerama Brgte®StainlessSteelAppliance Cleaner to clean the exterior stainlesssteel panel of GEand
ProfileTM dishwashers(forstainlesssteel exterior models only).
Using the dishwasher.
Check the Water Temperature
The entering water should be at least J20°F and not more than 150°F for effective cleaning and to prevent dish damage. Check the water temperature with a candy or meat thermometer. Turn on the
hot water faucet nearest the dishwasher, place the thermometer in a gloss and let the water run continuously into the glass until the temperature stops rising.
Use ®or Cascade Cr_jstal Clear®Rinse Agent
Jet-Dry ®or Cascade Crystal Clear ¢ rinse agent improves drying, removes spots and prevents new film buildup on your dishes, glosses, flatware, cool<ware and plastic.
Filling the Dispenser Rinse Aid Setting
The rinse agent dispenser holds ].5 oz. of rinse agent.
Under normal conditions, this will last approximately one month. Try to keep it full, but do not overfill.
[] Make sure the dishwasher door is fully open.
'2] Turn the dispenser
cap to the left and lift it out.
F1Add rinse agent until
the indicator window looks full.
[] Cleanup any spilled
rinseagent with a Indicator t damp cloth, window Dispenser cap
E] Replacethe dispenser cap.
Theamount of rinseagent releasedinto the final wash can be adjusted.The factory setting isat the
midpoint. If there are ringsof calcium (hardwater) spots on dishes,try a higher setting. If there is
foaming, usea lower setting. TOadjust the setting:
Removethe dispenser cap; then turn the adjuster
counterclockwise to increasethe amount
of rinseagent or adjuster clockwiseto reduce
the amount of rinse agent dispensed.
Dish Preparation Prior to Loading
No prerinsing of normal food soilisrequired. Removelarge quantities of any remaining food.
Scrapeoff hard soils,bones,toothpicks, skinsand Removeleafy vegetables,meat trimmings and seeds, excessiveamounts of grease or oil.
Monuol Detergent Dispenser
Yourdishwashercomesequippedwithan automaticliquid Forheavilysoiledloads,usea bit moredetergent.Forwater dishwasherdetergentdispenser(SmartDispenseTM) and a temperaturesabove140%,usea bitlessdetergent.
manualdispenser.Youcanuseeitherofthesedispensers butdon'tusebothatthesametime.
SmartDispense T"
HOnUQI Detergent Dispenser
Thecoverof themanualdispenserwillopenduringthe
washcycle.IfyouareusingSmartDispenseTM, leavethe coverofthe manualdispenseropenbeforestartingthe
Forthemanualdispenser,Cascade®andElectrasol® AutomaticDishwashingDetergentshavebeenapproved.
cycle. isimportanttokeeppowdereddetergentsandtabletsfresh
anddrysothey don'tloseeffectiveness.Therefore,do not putdetergentintothemanualdispenseruntilyouare ready
to washdishes.
Forheodlysoiledfoods,usethePotsondPonsor HeovyWash cycle.
Hedium Hedium E×tremely
Soft Soft Hard Hard
m m
Filling Manual Detergent Dispenser
Theamountofdetergentto usedependsonwhetheryour
waterishardor soft.Withhardwater,youneedextra detergent.Withsoftwater,youneedlessdetergent.
Protectyourdishesanddishwasherby contactingyour waterdepartmentand askinghowhardyour wateris.
Twelveormoregrainsisextremelyhardwater Awater
softeneris recommended.Withoutit, limecanbuildupin thewatervalve,whichcouldstickwhileopenandcause flooding.Toomuchdetergentwithsoft watercancausea
permanentcloudinessof glassware,calledetching.
Usetheinformationinthetable belowasa guideto
determinetheamountof automaticdishwasherdetergent to placeinthe dispenserYoumay usepowder,liquid,gel
simplyplaceonetabletinthemainwashsectionandclose the cover
of Grains Detergent Cups to Fill
Lessthan 4 Fillcup to soft line (1/3 full)
4 to 8 Fillcup to medium soft line (2/3 full)
8 to 12 Fillcup to medium hard line
(completely full)
Greater Fillboth main wash cup
than 12 and pre wash cup
NOTE:Usingadetergentthatisnotspedficallbtdesigned fordishwasherswillcausethedishwasherto fillwithsuds.
Duringoperation,thesesudswdspilloutofthe dishwasher vents,coveringthekitchenfloorandmakingthefloorwet.
Becausesomanydetergentcontainerslookalike,storethe dishwasherdetergentina separatespacefromall other
cleaners.Showanyonewhomayusethedishwasherthe correctdetergentandwhereitisstored.
Whiletherewillbe nolastingdamagetothedishwasher, yourdisheswill notgetcleanusingadishwashing
detergentthat isnotformulatedto workwithdishwashers.
Using the dishwasher.
SmartDispense TMDetergent Dispenser (somemodels;
This dishwasher may haveSmartDispenseTM, a Aim the detergent bottle at the opening in the door
feature which automatically dispensesliquid and begin to fill.
automatic dishwasher detergent into each cgcle based on soil level and water hardness.
To utilize the SmartDispense TM Detergent Dispenser,
it must first be filled. Although any liquid or gel automatic dishwashing detergent can be used in the
SmartDispense TM system, all liquid or gel automatic dishwashing detergents are not the same. Most
automatic dishwashing detergents are chlorine bleach-based (such as Cascade ® or Electrasol ®)
while others contain enzymes (such as Cascade Complete ®or Electrasol ®Advanced TM Gel).
Do not mix ang chlorine bleach-bused automatic dishwashing detergent with any dishwashing
detergent containing enzymes as this could cause
the detergents to congeal and lead to blockage of the SmartDispense TM system. Check the detergent
label to determine if the detergent is chlorine bleach-based or one that contains enzymes. It is
recommended that the same type of detergent be used when refilling your SmartDispense TM system.
The dispenserwill hold 45 ozof liquid dishwasher
detergent (standard sizebottle).
CAUTION! Absolutely do not add
powder detergent, tablets or any liquid soap or detergent normally usedfor washing hands or
dishesin a sink.Only useliquid or geldetergent specifically designedfor use in an automatic
Toopen the dispenserfor filling, pushdown and
turn the blue cap counterclockwise untilthe cap is loose.Lift cap off.
Setthe door at a comfortable angle to fill the dispense.
Turn clockwise.
When full,replace the cap and turn clockwise until tight to ensure no water enters the SmartDispenseTM
dispense, If residueis left on the door, itwill be
washed off in the next cycle. An indicator light will turn on to notify you when the
dispenser needsto befilled again.After filling, the light
will not turn off until the door isclosed.A full dispenser will last approximately i month for the average use.
Light will SmartOispense
time to
refill _ WASHING ® CLEAN
NOTE: Ifyou are not using SmartDispense TM and you
want to turn the LOW DETERGENT LEDlight off, press the ADDED HEAT pad 5 times within 3 seconds. You will
hear 3 beeps; then the light will go off. You can turn the light back on by pressing the ADDED HEAT pad 5 times
within 3 seconds.
SmartDispense TMDetergent Dispenser
Water Hardness Calibration
Priorto the first use,the dishwasher needsto
be calibrated for water hardness.Pleasefollow
directions below to calibrate the dishwasherto
the hardnessof gour tap wateE
Determine the Hardness of Your Tap Water
In the bag that contained these instructions, gou
should find a water hardness test strip package.Read
the instructions on the package,remove the test strip
and follow the instructions to determine the hardness
levelof gour tap wateEYouwill usethis information to
calibrate gour dishwasher to dispensethe optimal
amount of detergent.
Waterhardnessteststrip indication
I I I I I I I I I 1
Calibration of 12-Button Front-Control
Models With 3-Digit Display
Press at the same time. Display
r_ Closeand latch the door (lightson,dishwasher
not running).
171 Pressthe COOKWAREand DELAYHOURSpads
at the same time for 3 seconds.Thedisplag will show a number from i to 5. Thisisthe water
hardness value currentlg set.
1-31Pressthe COOKWAREpad to raisethe value or
the NORMALpad to lowerthe value. Setthe water hardnessvalue to the number determined
with the test strip and table above.
14--IOncethe water hardness isset, the
START/RESETpad to save the setting and return the dishwasher to normal operation.
Calibration of 7-Button Front-Contro!
Models With 3-Digit Display
Displag Press at the same time.
/ T
Value to Enter
into Dishwasher
r-3-1Pressthe "Up" fix5Arrow Padto raisethe value
or the "Down" EE)Arrow Padto lower the value. Setthe water hardnessvalueto the number
determined with the test strip and table atthe left.
E] Oncethe water hardness is set, the
press START/RESETpad to save the setting and return the dishwasher to normal operation.
Calibration of Models Without a 3-D(git Display Front controls
[] Close and latch the door (lights on, dishwasher
not running).
r-21 Press the COOKWARE and DELAY HOURS pads
together for 3 seconds. Alllights will light up and gou willhear i to 5 beeps. The number of beeps
indicates the current hardness value.
r-31 To change the setting, press the DELAY HOURS
pad the number of times that corresponds to the water hardness value determined at the left. The
control willbeep each time gou press the pad. Once finished pressing the pad, gou will hear a
confirmation with beeps for the number of times gou pressed the pad.
[] Ifthe number of beeps is not what gou desire,
start pressing the DELAYHOURS pad again to reenter a new water hardness level.
1-61Once the water hardness is set, the
press START/RESET pad to save the setting and return
the dishwasher to normal operation.
Top controls
]Open the door and touch a pad to turn lights on.
[] Pressthe "Up" _ Arrow Pad and DELAY
HOURSpad at the same time for 3seconds.All
lights will light up and gou will hear i to 5 beeps.
The number of beepsindicates the current
hardness value.
[-3-]To change the setting, pressthe DELAYHOURS
pad the number of times that corresponds to the water hardnessvalue determined at the left.The
control will beep each time gou pressthe pad.
[_ Oncefinished pressingthe pad, gou will hear a
confirmation with beepsfor the number of times gou pressedthe pad.
[_ If the number of beepsisnot what gou desire,
start pressingthe DELAYHOURSpad again to reenter a new water hardness level.
r_ Open the door and touch a pad (other than
START)to turn lights on.
1-21Pressthe "Up" (_ Arrow Padand DELAY
HOURSpad at the same time for 3seconds.The displagwill show a number from i to 5.This isthe
water hardnessvalue currentlg set.
[_] Once the water hardness isset, pressthe
START/RESETpad to save the setting and return the dishwasher to normal operation.
NOTE:Youshould recalibrate the dishwasher control if water conditions change; for example,if a water
softener sgstem is added orremoved from gour home. 11
Loading the dishwasher racks.
For best dishwoshing results, follow these loading guidelines. Features and appearance of racks and silverware baskets may vary from gout model.
Upper Rack
Although the upper rack isprimarily for glasses,cups and saucers,pots and pans can
beplaced in this rackfor effective cleaning. Cupsand glassesfit best along the sides.This isalso a secure place for dishwasher plastics.
Theutility shelf (somemodels)may be placed in the up or down position to add flexibility.A
wine glass holder (some models)secureswine glassesfor best washability.
Somemodels have contoured metal cup shelvesthat can secure up to 12 wine glasses
Becausewine glassescome in various sizes, after loading, slowly push in the rack to make
surethey will clearthe top of the dishwasher. Somemodels have an Angled Back System,
which allows you to angle your dishes,such as coffee mugs,for better cleaning and
quicker drying. To position the tines, pullthe
leverforward then drop the tines into
position,then releasethe lever.
Theupper rack isgood for all kindsof odd-shaped utensils.Saucepans,mixing
bowls and other items should be placed face down. Fold-down tines (onsome models)
provide flexibility for extra-large and hard- to-fit items.
Securelarger dishwasher-safe plastics over 2 tines when possible.
Make suresmall plastic items are secure so they can't fall onto the heater.
Be surethat items do not protrude through the bottom of the rack andblock rotation of
the middle spray arm.This could result in poor wash performance for items in the
upper rack. Checkto make surethat no items will block
rotation of the wash arm. NOTE:TheSingle RackWash selection,on
models with this feature, washesthe upper rack only. Ifyou usethis feature, do not load
items in the lower rack.
Adjustable Upper Rack
Thestandard position of your adjustable rack is"up" which allows for maximum clearance
for your taller items in the lower rack. If you
havetaller wine glasses,tumblers or other items to placein the upper rack, you may want to adjust the rack to the lower position.
Tolower the reck, support the weight of the
rackwith your hands as shown and press
bothfinger pads about 1/4" toward the inside of the rack as indicated and guide the rack
down to its lower position. Toraise the rack to the "up" position,pull up
on the center ofthe rack side frame until the
rack locksinto place.
Lower Rock
Thelower rack isbest usedfor plates, saucers and cookware. Large items such as broiler
pansand baking racks shouldgo along the
left-hand side.Load platters, pots and bowls along the sides,in corners orin the back.The
soiledside of items shouldface the center of the rack. If necessary,oversizedglassesand
mugs can be placed in the lower rack to
maximize loading flexibility.
Also,be careful not to let a portion of an item such as a pot or dish handle extend through
the bottom rack.Thiscould block the wash arm and cause poorwashing results.
Fold-down tines (on some models)provide flexibility for extra-large and hard-to-fit items.
Thetines may be left in the up position or folded down to customize the lower rack.
Shower Nozzle Service
Part Number WD12X10134
Press thumb
tab out Remove end cap
Removing the Upper Rack
Your new dishwasher hasthe capability to wash extra large items in the lower rack. This
isaccomplished by removing the upper rack and installing a nozzleover the port that
normally supplieswater to the upper rack. Thenozzleis not included with your
dishwasher,but is availablefor purchase from GE.CallGEat 1.800.626.2002or go to the GE
website and request NozzleSpray Asm,part number WD12X10134.
Customersin Canada can order on-line at 24 hoursevery day,or by
phone at 1.800.661.1616during normal businesshours.
cgcle (some models)with this feature. Single
RackWash cycle isfor upper rack wash onlg. Therecommended cgcle for lower rack onlg
use isthe COOKWAREcgcle.
NOTE:Nozzlemust be in placewith upper rack removed. If not installed properly, poor wash performance and noisewill result.
Toremove the upper rack: ['_ Pressthumb tab out and remove the
front end caps on each side of the rail.
r_ pull the rack straight out and off the rails. r_ Replacethe end caps.
[] Pushthe rails allthe way back into the
F_ Slidethe shower nozzleattachment over
the spout.
"Shower nozzle
[] Then fill the lower rack and begin
your cycle.
NOTE:Don'tforget to remove the shower nozzleattachment before you replace the
upper rack.
One-piece basket Ion some models)
Three-piece basket Ion some models)
Don't let any item extend
through bottom.
tt it
To remove end baskets, grasp the basket at opposite corners and
slide apart.
Silverware Basket
Toload flatware, simply push the adjustable handle to either side (on some models).Put flatware in the removable basket with fork
and knife handles up to protect your hands. Placespoons in the basket with handles down. Mix knives,forks and spoons sothey
don't nest togethen Distribute evenly. Small plastic items, such as measuring spoons and
lidsfrom small containers should go in the bottom of the silverware basketwith the
silverware on top. Theone-piece silverware basket (on some
models) can be placed in the front, right side or back of the lower rack.
A variety of options is available regarding the three-piece silverware basket (on some
models) in your dishwasheEThecomplete basket isdesigned to fit onthe right sideof
the lower rack.Additionally, each end of the basket is removable to add loading
flexibility to accommodate flatware and lower rack capacity needs.
Thelids of both end and middle baskets (on some models)can be closedto contain small
items. Long items can be placed on the utility shelf in the upper rack.
Loading the dishwasher racks.
Extra Rack Features (onsomemodels)
Cutlery Tray Thecutlers trag holds up to 4 large knifes
such as a carver,chef's knives,bread knife, etc.,that aretoo tall to fit in the silverware
Hookthe trag onto the rear of the upper rack.
Lag the knivesbetween the guides {asshown).
Bowl Tines
Thespecial large-bowl tines in the lower rack add fle×ibilitg to sour loading pattern. Theg
are useful for serving bowls or other large
bowls. Touse the bowl tines,fold down the
2 rows of flex tines in front of the bowl tines and loadbowls just as gou would
in the upper rack.
These tines fold down
Large-bowl tines
Follow these guidelines for loading 10 place settings. Features and appearance of racks and silverware baskets may vary from gout model. NOTE:Silverware should be individuoll9 loaded into the slots on the silverware basket lid.
Upper Rack--lO place settings Lower Rack--lO place settings
Follow these guidelines for loading 12 place settings. Features and appearance of rocks and silverware baskets may vary from gout model. NOTE: Silverware should be individuall9 loaded into the slots on the silverware basket lid.
Upper Rack--12 place settings Lower Rack--12 place settings
Caring for the dishwasher, gecom
Cleaning the Exterior Door Panel
Beforecleaning the front panel,make sure gou know what tgpe of panel gou have. Referto the last two lettersof gour model numbeEYoucan locate gour model number on the left-hand tub walljust insidethe dooE If gour model number ends with BB,CC,WW, SAor BG,then gou have a PaintedDoor panel. If gour model number ends with SS, then gou have a StainlessSteelDoor panel. If gour model number ends with CS,then gou have a CleanSteelpanel.
Follow the instructions below for cleaning the door panel for gour specific model.
Pointed Door Panel (modelnumbers ending in BB-block, CC-bisque,WW-White, SA-silver metallic or BG-grophite block)
Use a clean, soft, lightlg dampened cloth, then drg thoroughlg. Youmag also use a good appliance wax or polish.
Stainless SteelDoor Panel (modelnumbers
ending in SS) Thestainlesssteel panels can be cleaned
with StainlessSteelMagic or a similar product
usinga clean, soft cloth. Do not useappliance
wax, polish,bleach or products containing chlorine on StainlessSteeldoors.
Youcan order StainlessSteelMagic #WXJOXJ5through GEParts bg calling
800.626.2002. CleanSteel Door Panel (model numbers
ending in CS)
Use a clean, soft, lightlg dampened cloth,
then drg thoroughlg. Do not use appliance wax, polish or any chemical agent on
CleanSteel doors.
Do not wipe the dishwasher with a soiled dish cloth or wet towel. Thesemag leave
o residue. Do not use scouring pods or powdered cleaners because these products
con scratch the finish.
Stainless Steel Interior-Tub and Inner Door
Thestainlesssteel usedto make the dishwasher tub and inner door provides
the highest reliability available in a GE dishwasher.If the dishwasher tub or inner
door should be scratched or dented during
normal use,they will not rust or corrode.
Thesesurface blemisheswill not affect their function or durability.
Cleaning the Control Panel
Toclean the control panel,use a lightly dampened cloth.Then drg thoroughly.
Protect Against Freezing
If your dishwasher is left in an unheated place during the winter, ask a service
technician to:
r_cut off electrical power to the
dishwasher.Removefuses or trip circuit breaker.
[-_ Turnoff the water supply and disconnect
the water inlet linefrom the water valve.
r_ Drainwater from the water inlet line
F] Reconnectthe water inlet line to the
and water valve.(Usea pan to catch the water.)
water valve.
. _. i .,rl -
A,rgap _ '- :dI_--_
Check the air gap any time
Does Your Dishwasher Have an Air Gap?
An air gapprotects your dishwasher against water backing up into it if a drain clogs.The air gap isnot a part of the dishwasher.It is not covered by your warranty. Not all plumbing codes require air gaps,so you may not have one.
The air gap is easg to clean.
[] Turn off the dishwasher and lift offthe
r-_] Remove the plastic cap and clean with
a toothpick.
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