GE PDW7980N20SS, PDW7912N20WW, PDW7912N20SS, PDW7912N20BB, PDW7912N15WW Owner’s Manual

Safety Instructions ...... 2,3
Operating Instructions
Careand Cleaning.........ii,12
ControlPaneland Settings...4-6
Loading PlaceSettings........ ii
Loading the Racks ............ 10
Using the Dishwasher ........ 6-9
GSD6900 Series
PDW7000 Series
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ..... Back Cover
Warrantg .................... 15
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model # Serial #
Youcan find them on the tub wall
just insidethe dooE
165D4700P336 49-55016-4 07-07 JR
For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric shock, and to prevent property damage, personal injury, or death.
f _,l'_ _ Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be produced in o water heater that has not been used
for two weeks or more. HYDROGEN GAS ISEXPLOSIVE.
If the hot water has not been usedfor two weeks or more, preventthe possibilitgof damage or injury bg turning on all hot water faucets and allow them to run for several minutes. Dothis before using ang
electrical appliance which is connected to the hot water sgstem. Thissimple procedure will allow any built- up hydrogen gas to escape.Sincethe gas isflammable, do not smoke or use an open flame or appliance
during this process.
This dishwasher must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used. If you did not receive on Installation Instructions sheet with
gout dishwasher, you con receive one bg visiting our website at
Connectto a grounded metal, permanent wiring system; or run an equipment-grounding
conductor with the circuit conductors and connect to the equipment-grounding terminal
or lead of the appliance.
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding conductor can result in a riskofelectric shock.
Checkwith a qualified electrician or service representative if you are in doubt whether the appliance is properly grounded.
Disposeof discarded appliancesand shipping or packing material properly.
Do not attempt to repair or replaceany part of your dishwasher unlessit is specifically recommended in this manual. All other servicing should be referred to a qualified technician.
Tominimize the possibility of electric shock, disconnect this appliance from the power supply before attempting any maintenance.
NOTE:Turningthedishwasher offdoes not disconnectthe appliance from the power supply. Werecommend having o qualified technician serviceyour appliance.
CAUTION: Topreventminorinjurgorpropertgdamage
Contents washed in Anti-bacterial mode,if available, may be hot to the touch. Usecare
before handling.
Using a detergent that is not specifically designed
for dishwashers will cause the dishwasher to fill with suds.
If your dishwasher is connected to a wall switch, ensure that the switch is
on prior to use.
On dishwashers with electronic controls, if you chooseto tum the wall switch
off between wash cycles,allow 5-10 seconds after turning the switch on before touching START/RESETto allow the control
to boot.
Non-DishwareItems:Do not wash items such as electronic air cleaner filters,furnace filters and
paint brushes in your dishwasheEDamage to dishwasher and discoloration or staining of dishwasher may result.
Closesupervisionis necessary if this appliance is usedbg or near children.
Load light, plastic items so they will not
become dislodged and drop to the bottom of the dishwasher-they might come into contact with the heating element and be damaged.
Junked or abandoned dishwashers are dangerous...even if they will sit for '_justa
few days." If you are getting rid of your old dishwasher, please follow the instructions below
to help prevent accidents.
Before You Throw Away Your Old Dishwasher:
Take off the door of the washing compartment or remove the door latch keeper (asshown).
Door latch keeper
Usethis appliance only for its intended purpose Donot operate your dishwasher unlessall as described in this Owner's Manual. enclosure panels are properly in place.
Use only powder,tabs, liquid detergents or rinse Donot tamper with controls. agents recommended for usein a dishwasher and Donot abuse, sit on or stand on the door or dish
keepthem out of the reach of children.Cascade®, Cascade®Complete and Electrasol®Automatic
Dishwashing Detergents,and Jet-Dry ®and Cascade Crystal Clear¢ rinse agents have been
approved for usein all GEdishwashers.
Locate sharp items so that they are not likely to damage the door seal.
Load sharp kniveswith the handles up to reduce the riskof cut-type injuries.
Do not wash plastic items unlessmarked dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For plastic
items not somarked, checkthe manufacturer's recommendations.
Do not touch the heating element during or immediately after use.
When using your dishwasher, follow basic precautions, including the following:
rack of the dishwasheE
Donot allow children to play around dishwasher when opening or closing door due to the possibility
of small fingers being pinched in dooE
Donot discard a dishwasher without first removing the door of the washing compartment or the door
Donot store or use combustible materials, gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Donot allow children to play with, on or inside this appliance or any discardedappliance.
About the dishwasher control panel.
You can locate your model number on the tub wall just inside the doon Throughout this manual, features and
appearancemay vary from your model.
I!1 El
Control Settings
H Status Indicator Lights
LOW DisplayedwhentheSmartDispenseTM needsto berefilledwith liquidorgelautomaticdishwasher
SENSING Displagedwhilethe ExtraCleanTM SensorismeasuringtheamountofsoilandtemperatureofwateE
WASHING Displayedduringprewashandmainwashperiods.
RINSING Displayedduringrinseperiods.
DRYING DisplagedduringHEATEDDRY.
SANITIZED Displagedwhencyclehasmetsanitizationconditions.LightremainsONuntildoorisopened.
CLEAN Displagedwhena washcgcleiscomplete.ThelightwillremainONuntildoorisopened.
D TimeRemaining Displag (onsomemodels)
Duringoperation,thedisplayshowstheminutesremaininguntilthecycleiscomplete.Thedisplaymayadjustthe remaining
timewhiletheSensinglightison.Thetimedisplayedatthestartof eachcgclemaychangefromthe factorysettingasthe unit customizesitselfto homeuse.Duringa delaystart,thedisplagwill showhoursoftime remaininguntilthe cgclestarts.
_l Selections
Pressthepad for thedesiredwash cycle.
NOTE:Allcgde times and water usageinformation containedinthe followingsectionare approximate valuesonly.
Actual resultswill depend on severalfactors,including but not limited to,inlet temperature, householdwater pressure and turbidity of the wash wateE
Thelight aboveor next to the selectedpad will be ON to indicate which WASHCYCLEhas beenselected.
Heavg8.8gal.,105 min. Medium 7.5gal.,95 min. Ught 6.3gal.,85 min.
Thiscgcleraisesthe water temperature inthe final rinseto sanitizegour dishware.Thecgcle
lengthwill vary depending on the temperature of your inlet water, NOTE:TheAnti-Bacteriacgcle is monitoredfor sanitizationrequirements.Ifthe cgcleis
interrupted during or after the main wash portion or if the incomingwater temperature isso lowthat adequate water heatingcannot be achieved,the sanitizingconditions mag not be
met. Inthesecases,the sanitizedlight will notilluminate at the end of the cgde. NOTE:NSF-certifiedresidentialdishwashersarenot intended for licensedfood establishments.
Heavg 10.0gal.,80 min. Medium 8.8gal., 70 min.
Light 7.5 gal.,60 min.
Thiscgcle ismeant for heavilg soileddishes or cookwarewith dried-on or baked-on soils.This
cgcle mag not remove burned-on foods. Evergdagdishes are safe to beusedin this cgcle. Heavg 8.8 gal., 70 min.
Medium 7.5gal.,60 min. Light 5.0 gal.,50 min.
Thiscgcle is for medium/heavilg soiled dishes and glassware.
(on some models
7.5gal.,35 min. Thiscycle is for everyday dishesand glassware.
7.5gal.,35 min. Thiscgcle isfor lightly soiledchina and crgstal.
(on some models
7.5gal.,35 min. Thiscgcle isspecifically designedfor glasses.
2.5gal., 10 min. For rinsingpartial loadsthat will be washed later Donot use detergent with this cgcle.
NOTE; The CHINA CRYSTAL/PLASTICS (some models) selector is a toggle pad, toggle the pod until the desired cycle is indicated.
NOTE; This dishwasher is equipped with a CleanSensor TMwith automatic temperature control, therefore, cycle length and time may vary depending on soil and temperature conditions.
NOTE; Only the Anti-Bacteria cycle has been designed to meet the requirements of Section 6, NSF 184 for soil removal and sanitization efficacy.
_]l Enhancements/Extras
The light above the selected pad will be ON to indicate which ENHANCEMENT/ERTRA has been selected.
PRE WASH For use with heavily soiled and/or dried-on, baked-on soils. This option MUST be
(on some models) selected PRIOR to starting the cgcle. This option adds 16 minutes to the cycle time.
NOTE: Cannot be selected with RINSE ONLY cgcle.
HEATED DRY Shuts off the drying heat option. Dishes air dry naturally and energg is saved. For
Light OFF faster air dry, you can prop the door open after the CLEAN light illuminates.
HEATED DRY Turns the heater on for fast drying. This will extend the time to your wash cgcle bg 8
Light ON minutes for the SPEED CYCLE and 30 minutes for all other cgcles. NOTE: Cannot be
selected with RINSE ONLY cgcle.
ADDED HEAT or When selected, the cgcle will run longer with heating elements on to improve both EXTRAHOTWASH wash and dry performance. NOTE: Cannot be selected with RINSE ONLY cgcle.
(on some models)
You can lock the controls to prevent any selections from being mode. Or you con lock the controls offer you hove started o cycle.
Children cannot occidentally start dishwasher by touching pods with this option
To unlock the dishwasher controls, touch and hold the HEATED DRY pad for 3 seconds. The light above the LOCK pad will turn off. To lock the dishwasher, touch and hold the
HEATED DRY pad for 3 seconds. The light above the LOCK pad will turn on.
You can delag the start of a wash cgcle for up to 9 hours. Touch the DELAY HOURSpad to choose the number of hours you want to delag the start of the cgcle; then touch
START/RESET.The machine will count down and start automatically at the correct time. Touching START/RESETa second time will cancel the DELAY START selection. NOTE: If
you forget to fully close the door, a reminder signal will beep until you do so.
To change a cgcle after washing starts, touch the START/RESETpad to cancel the
cycle. The START/RESETlight will flash while the water is pumped out if needed. This
takes approximately 90 seconds. When the light stops flashing, the dishwasher
can be reprogrammed and restarted.
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