Aboutthe automaticicemaker.
A newly installed refrigerator may take 12to 24 hours to begin making ice.
Power Automatic lcemaker (onsomemodels)
PowerLight eeer rm
The icemaker will produce se;en cubes
per c) cle_ai)i)roxinmtel,_ 100-130 cubes
in a 94-hour i)efiod, depending (m fl'eezer
COillpai'tlllent teillpei'att/i'e, i'OOill
temperatm'e, nmnber of door openings
and other use conditions.
See below for how to access ice and reach
the power switch.
If the refl_igerator is operated before the
water cmmection is made to the icemake_;
set the power switch in the 0 (off) position.
The icemaker power light will mrn green
when the fl'eezer light switch is pressed in
or when the fl'eezer door is closed.
When the reflJgerator has been connected
to the water sui)ply, set the power switch to
the I (on) position.
Tile icemaker Mll fill Mth water when it
cools to 15°F (-10°C). A newly installed
refi_igemtor may take 12 to 24 hems to beg_n
making ice cubes.
Y)u will hear a buzzing sotmd each tilne
the icemaker fills with water;
Throw away the first ti_w batches of ice to
allow the water line to clem:
Be sm'e nothing interti_res with the sweep
of the libeler amL
_&]_en the bin fills to the level {ff the teeler
aml, the icemaker will stop producing
ice. It is nomml ti)r several cubes to be
joined together:
If ice is not used frequenfl 5 old ice cubes
will become cloud}; taste stale and shrink.
NOTE: Inhomes with lower-than-averagewater
pressure,you mayhear theicemakercyclemu/t))/e
tknes whenmaking onebatchof ice.
Toreach the power switch.
Accessing Ice and Reaching
the Power Switch
Toreach the icemaker power switch, pull the
shelf above the ice bin straight out. _Mwaxs
be sure to replace the shell
To access ice, simply pull the bin fiwward.
7-0 aCCeSS ice,
Icemaker Accessory Kit
If your refligerator did not come ah'eadv
equil)ped with an automatic icemake_;
an icemaker accessory kit is available at
exti'a cost.
Check the back of the refl_igerator for
the spedfic icemaker kit needed fi)r
VOI.II" nlodel.
i;i iiiiii!!iiiiiiiiiii!!i iii iii!i
To Use the Dispenser (onsomemodels)
The water dispenser is located on the left
wall inside the reii_igerator compartment.
To dispense water:
Hold the glass against the recess.
Push the water dispenser button.
Hold the glass tmderneath tile
dispenser Ira" 2-3 seconds alier
releasing the dispenser button.
Water InaV continue to dispense
alter the buttoI_ is released.
If nowateris dispensedwhentherefwemtorisfirst
removetrappedair fromthewaterfineandtoill/the
waterlinesystem.Toflushout i_npuritiesinthe
shouldbecleanedperiodicaflyby wipingwith a
cleancloth orsponge.