GE PS900SP1SS, PS900DP1CC, PS900DP1BB, PD900DP1WW, PD900DP1CC Owner’s Manual

Safety Instructions ............................ 2-5
Operating Instructions
Kitchen Timer .......................................... 21
Oven ............................................... 14-35
Adjust Oven Thermostat .............................. 22
Baking or Roasting .................................... 17
Broiling, Broiling Guide ................................ 18
Controls ........................................... 14, 15
Convection Oven .................................. 23-26
Lower Oven Drawer ................................... 35
Preheating ............................................ 17
Probe ................................................. 20
Sabbath Feature ...................................... 33
Self-Cleaning ...................................... 29, 30
SlowCook,Warming and Proofing Features ........... 27, 28
Special Features .................................. :31-32
Timed Baking and Roasting ........................... 19
Warming Drawer ..................................... :34
Surface Units ........................................ 6-1:3
Cookware .............................................. 7
Griddle ............................................ 12, l:B
Knob-Controlled Models ........................... lO, 11
Touch Pad-Controlled Models ........................ 8, 9
Quick Set V,
Quick Set VI and
Next Step Control
Care and Cleaning
Control Knobs ......................................... 36
Control Panel .......................................... 36
Glass Cooktop ..................................... 42, 43
Lift-Off Oven Door ................................. 37, 38
Light ............................................... 40, 41
Oven Floor ............................................. :39
Oven Heating Elements ................................ 41
Racks .................................................. :38
RemovableWarming Drawer/Lower OvenDrawerPan ..... :39
Storage Drawer ........................................ :39
Surfaces ............................................... :36
Vent ................................................ :37,:39
Troubleshooting Tips ......................... 44-48
Accessories ......................................... 5o
Consumer Support
Consumer Support .................................... 52
Warrantg ..............................................51
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model # Serial #
In Canada:
You can find them on a label behind the drawer or behind the
lower oven door on the front of the range frame.
Printed on
Recgcled Paper
49-80575-i 05-09JR
Read all safety instructions before using the product. Failure to follow these instructions may result in fire, electric shock, serious injury or death.
Toreducetherisk of tipping the range, the range must be secured bblo properlblinstalledanti-tip bracket.Seeinstallation instructions shippedwith the bracket for complete details beforeattempting
All ranges can tip.
INJURIES can result.
INSTALLand CHECKthe ANTI-TIP bracket following the instructions supplied
with the bracket.
to install
Tocheckifthe bracketis installedand engagedproperly, remove the storage drawer or kickpanel and lookunderneath the range to seethat the leveling leg isengaged in the bracket. Onmodels without o storage drawer or kick panel, carefully tip the range forward. Thebracket should stop the range within 4 inches.If it doesnot, the bracket must be reinstalled.If therange is pulled from the wall for any reason,always repeat this procedure to verify the range is properly securedby theanti-tip bracket.
Nevercompletely removethe levelinglegsor the range will not be securedto the anti-tip deviceproperly.
ForSlide-In Ranges:
Tocheck ifthe bracket isinstalled and engaged properlg, remove the storage drawer or kickpanel and look underneath the range to seethat the leveling leg is engaged in the bracket.
ForDrop-In Ranges:
Tocheck ifthe bracket isinstalled and engaged properlg, lower the oven door and gentlg opplg medium force at the handle end until movement of the range isdetected. Continue pressing until the anti-tip bracket is engaged and movement stops.A small amount of movement isacceptable at the back of the range top, but it should be stable and not tip once the anti-tip bracket is engaged. If it does not, the bracket must be reinstalled.
If gou did not receive on anti-tip bracket with gour purchase,
call 1.800.626.8774to receive one at no cost (inCanada,call
1.800.561.3344).Forinstallation instructions of the bracket,
TheCaliforniaSafeDrinking Water and ToxicEnforcementAct requiresthe Governorof Californiato publisho listof substancesknown to the state to causecancer,birth defectsor other reproductive harm, and requires businessesto worn customersof potential exposure to suchsubstances.
Thefiberglass insulation in self-clean ovensgivesoff avery smallamount of carbon monoxideduring the cleaning cycle. Exposurecon be minimized bblventing with on open window or usingo ventilation fan or hood.
, Usethis appliancefor its intendedpurposeas describedinthis
, Besureyourapplianceisproperly installedandgrounded
by a qualified installerin accordancewith the provided installationinstructions.
, Do notattempttorepairorreplaceany partofyourrange
unlessitisspecificallyrecommended inthismanual.All
otherservicingshouldbetransferredtoa qualified technician.
, Beforeperforming anyservice,unplugthe rangeor
disconnectthepowersupply at thehouseholddistribution
panelby removingthe fuseor switchingoff the circuit breaker.
, Donotleavechildrenalone-children shouldnot be left
alone or unattendedin anareawherean applianceisin use. Theyshouldneverbe allowedto climb,sit or standon any
partof theappliance.
CAUTION:Do not store itemsofinterestto children
abovea range or onthe backguardof a range-children climbingon the rangeto reachitems could beseriously
injured. Useonlydry potholders-moist or damp pot holderson
hotsurfacesmay resultin burnsfrom steam.Donotlet pot holderstouch hotsurfaceunitsor heatingelements.Donot usea towel or otherbulky cloth in placeof pot holders.
Neveruseyourappliancefor warming or heating the room.
, Do not touch the surfaceunits,the heating elementsor
the interiorsurface of the oven.Thesesurfacesmay be hot enoughto burneventhoughthey aredark incolor. Duringand after use,do not touch,or let clothingor other flammablematerialscontact thesurfaceunits,areas nearby thesurfaceunitsor any interiorareaof the oven;allow sufficienttime for coolingfirst. Othersurfacesof the appliancemay becomehot enoughto causeburns. Potentiallyhot surfacesincludethe cooktop,areasfacing thecooktop,ovenventopening,surfacesnear the opening
and crevicesaroundtheovendoor. Donot heatunopenedfood containers.Pressurecouldbuild
up andthe containercould burst,causingan injury.
Donot usealuminum foilto linethe drip pansor anywhere intheoven,except asdescribedinthis manual.Misusecould resultin damage to the rangeandshockor firehazard.
Avoidscratchingor impacting glassdoors,cooktopsor control panels.Doingsomay leadto glassbreakage.Do not cook on a productwith brokenglass.Shock,fireor cutsmay
, Cookmeat and poultry thoroughly-meat to at leastan
internaltemperature of 160°Fand poultryto at leastan internaltemperature of 180°RCookingto these temperaturesusuallyprotectsagainstfoodborneillness.
Donotstore or useflammablematerialsin anovenor near the cooktop,includingpaper,plastic,potholders,linens,wall
coverings,curtains,drapesand gasolineor otherflammable vaporsand liquids.
, Neverwear loose-fittingor hanginggarmentswhileusing
the appliance.Thesegarments may igniteifthey contact hot surfaces,causingsevereburns.
Donot let cookinggreaseor otherflammablematerials accumulate inor nearthe range.Greaseinthe ovenoron the cooktopmay ignite.
, Cleanventilatinghoodsfrequently.Greaseshouldnot be
allowedto accumulateon the hoodor filter.
Donot usewater on greasefires.Neverpick upa flaming pan.Turnthe controlsoff.Smothera flaming panon a surface unit by coveringthe pancompletelywith a well-fitting lid,cookiesheetor flat tray. Usea multi-purpose dry chemicalor foam-type fire extinguisher.
If there is afire inthe ovenduring baking,smotherthe fire by closingthe ovendoorand turningthe ovenoff orby usinga multi-purposedry chemical or foam-type fire extinguisher.
, Ifthere isa firein the ovenduring self-clean,turnthe oven
off and wait for the fire to go out. Do not force thedoor
o_en.Introductionoffreshair at self-cleantemperatures
may leadto a burstof flamefrom the oven.Failuretofollow thisinstructionmay resultin severeburns.
Never leave the surface units unattended at medium or high heat settings. Boilovers cause
smoking and greasy spillovers that may catch on fire.
Never leave oil unattended while frying. If allowed
to heat beyond its smoking point, oil may ignite,
resulting in fire that may spread to surrounding
cabinets. Use a deep fat thermometer whenever
possible to monitor oil temperature.
To avoid oil spillover and fire, use a minimum
amount of oil when shallow pan-frying and avoid cooking frozen foods with excessive amounts of ice.
Use proper pan size-select cookware having flat bottoms large enough to cover the surface heating
element. The use of undersized cookware will
(some models)
Use care when touching the cooktop. The glass
surface of the cooktop will retain heat after the controls have been turned off.
Do not cook on a broken cooktop. If glass cooktop
should break, cleaning solutions and spillovers may
penetrate the broken cooktop and create a risk of
electric shock. Contact o qualified technician
immediately. Avoid scratching the glass cooktop. The cooktop
con be scratched with items such as knives, sharp instruments, rings or other jewelry and rivets on
clothing. Do not place or store items that can melt or catch
fire on the glass cooktop, even when it is not being used. If the cooktop is inadvertently turned on, they
expose a portion of the surface unit to direct contact and may result in ignition of clothing.
Proper relationship of cookware to surface unit
will also improve efficiency. Only certain types of glass, glass/ceramic,
earthenware or other glazed containers are suitable for cooktop service; others may break because of
the sudden change in temperature.
To minimize the possibility of burns, ignition of
flammable materials and spillage, the handle of a container should be turned toward the center of the
range without extending over nearby surface units. When preparing flaming foods under a hood, turn
the fan on.
may ignite. Heat from the cooktop or oven vent after it isturned off may cause them to ignite also.
Use CERAIVIABRYTE® ceramic Cooktop Cleaner and CERAIVIABRYTE®Cleaning Pad to clean the cooktop.
Wait until the cooktop cools and the indicator light
goes out before cleaning. A wet sponge or cloth on a hot surface can cause steam burns. Some
cleaners can produce noxious fumes if applied to a hot surface. NOTE: Sugar spills are an exception.
They should be scraped off while still hot using an
oven mitt and a scraper. See the Cleaning the gloss cooktop section for detailed instructions.
Read and follow all instructions and warnings on
the cleaning cream label.
(some models)
Do not immerse or soak the removable surface units. Do not put them in a dishwasher. Do not self-
clean the surface units in an oven. Doing so may cause them to fail, presenting a burn or fire hazard.
To avoid the possibility of a burn or electric shock, always be certain that the controls for oil surface
units are at the OFFposition and all coils are cool before attempting to lift or remove a coil surface unit.
Be sure the drip pans are not covered and are in place. Their absence during cooking could damage
range parts and wiring.
Stand away from the range when opening the oven door. Hot air or steam which escapes can cause
burns to hands, face and/or eyes. Keep the oven vent unobstructed.
Keep the oven free from grease buildup. Grease in the oven may ignite.
Place oven racks in desired location while oven is cool. If rack must be moved while oven is hot,
do not let pot holder contact hot heating element in oven.
When using cooking or roasting bugs in the oven, follow the manufacturer's directions.
(Some models) The self-cleaning feature operates the oven at temperatures high enough to burn away food soils in the
oven. Follow these instructions for safe operation.
i Beforeoperating the self-clean cycle,remove pans,
shiny metal oven racks and other utensilsfrom the oven.Only gray porcelain-coated oven racksmay
beleft in the oven.Do not useself-cleanto clean
other parts,such asdrip pans or bowls.
Before operating the self-clean cycle, wipe grease
and food soils from the oven. Excessive amount of grease may ignite, leading to smoke damage to
your home.
Pull the oven rack to the stop-lock position when loading and unloading food from the oven. This
helps prevent burns from touching hot surfaces of the door and oven walls.
Do not leave items such as paper, cooking utensils
or food in the oven when not in use. Items stored in an oven can ignite.
Do not use aluminum foil to line the oven bottom. Foil may trap or reflect heat, leading to a shock or
fire hazard.
If the self-cleaning mode malfunctions, turn the oven off and disconnect the power supply. Have it
serviced by a qualified technician. Do not clean the door gasket. The door gasket is
essential for a good seal. Care should be taken not
to rub, damage or move the gasket.
Do not use oven cleaners. No commercial oven cleaner or oven liner protective coating of any kind
should be used in or around any part of the oven.
The purpose of the warming drawer is to hold hot cooked foods at serving temperature. Bacteria will
grow in food while it is below 140°F. Do not put cold food in warming drawer. Do not heat food for more
than 2 hours. Failure to follow these instructions
may result in foodborne illness. Do not leave paper products, plastics, canned food
or combustible materials in the drawer. They may
ignite. Do not touch the heating element or the interior
surface of the drawer. These surfaces may be hot enough to cause burns.
Use care when opening the drawer. Open the drawer a crack and let hot air or steam escape
before removing or replacing food. Hot air or steam that escapes can cause burns to hands,
face and/or eyes.
Do not use aluminum foil to line the warming drawer. Foil is an excellent heat insulator and
will trap heat beneath it. This will upset the
performance of the drawer and potentially cause a fire hazard.
For models with a glass cooktop.
I,_ I FIREHAZARD: Never leave the range unattended with the cooktop on medium
WARNING IorhighsettingsKeenflammableitemsawayfromthecooktonTurnoffal1
controls when done cooking. Failure to follow these instructions can result in
fire, serious injurg or death.
NOTE:Throughoutthis manual, features and appearancemag varg from gout model.
About the radiant surface units
Nevercookdirectly onthe glass. Alwaysusecookware.
Alwaysplacethe panin the center ofthe surfaceunit youarecookingon.
Donotslide cookwareacrossthe control orcooktopsurfacebecauseit canscratch
theglass.Theglassis scratch-resistant, notscratchproof.
The radiant cooktop features heating units
beneath a smooth glasssurface. Cooktoptemperatures increasewith
the number of surface units that are
on.With 3 or 4 units turned on, surface
temperatures are high.Always usecaution when touching the cooktop.
An indicator light will come on when the
surface unit isturned on.
The appropriate HOTSURFACEindicator
light will glow when its corresponding radiant element is turned on and will
remain on until the surface has cooled below 150°R
Hot surface indicator light will:
_,Stag on evenafter the unit is turned off. _,Glow brightlg until the unit has cooled
below 250°F.
NOTE:A slight odor isnormal when o new cooktop isusedfor thefirst time. It is caused
bg the heating of new parts and insulating materialsand will disappear in o short time.
NOTE:Onmodels with light-colored glass cooktops,it isnormal for the cookingzones
to changecolor when hot or cooling down. Thisistempororg and will disappear as
the glasscools to room temperature.
It is safe to placehot cookware from the
oven or surface on the glasscooktop when the surface iscool.
Evenafter the surface units are turned off,
the glasscooktop retains enough heat to continue cooking. To avoid overcooking,
remove pans from the surface unitswhen the food iscooked.Avoid placing angthing
on the surface unit until it has cooled completelg.
Water stains (mineraldeposits)ore removable using the cleaning cream or
fullstrength white vinegar.
, Useof window cleanermag leaveon
iridescentfilm on the cooktop. The cleaningcream will removethis
_,Don'tstore heavg items abovethe
cooktop.If theg droponto thecooktop, theg concause damage.
_,Do not use the surface as a cutting board.
Selectingtypesof cookware
for glass cooktopmodels, ionnon-/nduct/onmode sI
The following information will help you choose cookware which will give good performance on glass cooktops.
See insert for cookware to use with induction cooktops.
Checkpansfor flat bottomsby using astraight edge.
Stainless Steel:
heavy weight recommended
Good conductivity. Aluminum residues sometimes appear as scratches on the
cooktop but can be removed if cleaned immediately. Because of its low melting
point, thin weight aluminum should not be used.
Copper Bottom:
Copper may leave residues which can appear as scratches. The residues can
be removed, as long as the cooktop is cleaned immediately. However, do not let
these pots boil dry. Overheated metal can bond to glass cooktops. An overheated
copper bottom pot willleave a residue that will permanently stain the cooktop
ifnot removed immediately.
Porcelain Enamel on Cast Iron:
recommended if bottom of pan is coated
Porcelain Enamel on Steel:
not recommended
Heating empty pans can cause permanent damage to cooktop glass. The enamel can
melt and bond to the ceramic cooktop.
not recommended
Poor performance. Willscratch the surface.
not recommended
Poor performance. Hay scratch the
Cast Iron: not recommended-unless designed
specificoll_jfor gloss cooktops Poor conductivity and slow to absorb heat.
Willscratch the cooktop surface.
Panswith rounded,curved,ridgedor warpedbottomsarenot recommended.
DOnot place wet Pans
onthe glasscooktop.
Donot USewoks with Support
ringsan the glass€ooktop,
On the glass€ooktop 7
NOTE:Followoil cookwore manufacturer's recommendationswhen usingany type of cookwore on the ceramic cooktop.
For Best Results
i Place only dry pans on the surface
elements. Do not place lids on the surface elements, particularly wet lids.
Do not use woks that have support rings. This type of wok will not heat
on glass surface elements. We recommend that you use only a
flat-bottomed wok. They are available at your local retail store. The bottom
of the wok should have the same diameter as the surface element
to ensure proper contact. Some special cooking procedures
require specific cookware such as pressure cookers, deep-fat fryers, etc. All cookware must have flat bottoms and be the correct size.
Avoid allowing foods to boil dry as some cookware may stick to the
cooking surface, causing permanent damage to the cooktop.
Usingthe surface units--Touch pad-controlled models.
Surface Unit Cook Settings
Thecooktop offers 19 power levels. Power levelsrange from "L"to HIin precise half-
step increments. For example: 1, 1-1/2, 2, 2-1/2 and up to HI.
NOTE:Whenchangingfrom a high heat settingtoa lower heat setting,thesurface
unit mogstop glowing. Thisisnormal. Theunit isstill onand hot.
Thepowerlevelwith a fractionindicates theadditional half-stepsetting.You mayhearclickingsoundsindicating thecontrotis maintainingyourdesired setting.
Power Level"L",the lowest setting, is recommended for "KeepWorm."
Thepower levelincreases one-half level with each touch.
NOTE:Thiscooktop has a rapid heat-up feature.If the cooktop is cool when turned
on,it will glow red for o short period of time until the desiredpower setting is reached.
Single Surface Unit-Cook Settings
Toturn on a single surface unit:
[_ Touchthe ON/OFF pad;then touch
the (+)/(@pad.
[_ Usethe (+)/(@pad to choose
the desiredpower setting.
To usethe Meltfeature: Touch the ON/OFFpad;then touch
MELT.The element will automatically set to a predetermined setting and "L" will
be displaged.
Toturn off a singlesurface unit, touch
the ON/OFF pad again.
Tousethe Simmer feature: Touchthe ON/OFFpad; then touch
SIMMER.The element will automatically set to a predetermined setting and "3"
will be displayed. Adjust usingthe (+)/(@ pad to increase or decrease the simmer
Multi-Ring Burner (canbe dual or triple, depending on model)
ON i
FT] Touch the ON/OFF pad for the
right-front surface unit.
[_ Usethe (+)/(-)pad to setthe desired
power setting.
[_] Touch the BURNERSIZEpad as
needed to select the desired burner size.
Thelight next to the BURNERSIZEpad indicates which sizethe surface unit ison.
Toturn the surface unit off, touch the ON/OFF pad.
Seepage 10for additional information.
i i iiiii
I OOD POISONHAZARD: Bacteria may grow in food at temperatures below 140°F.
Always start with hot food. Do not use warm settings to heat cold food.
Do not warm food for more than 2 hours.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in foodbome illness.
Using the Warming Zone (onsome models)
The WARMINGZONEis located in the back
center of the glass surface.
[_ Toselectthe desiredcontrol setting,
touch the SELECTpad once for LO, twice for MEDor three times for HI.
Toturn off the WARMINGZONE: Touch the WARMINGZONEON/OFFpad.
Forbest results,all foods on the WARMING ZONEshould be covered with a lid or aluminum foil.
Alwogs use pot holders or oven mitts when
removing food from the WARMINGZONE, as cookwore will be hot.
Donot useplastic wrap to cover food. Plasticmay melt onto the surfaceand
be very difficult to cleon. Useonly cookwore recommended for
top-of-range cooking.
Using the Warming Zone (onsomemodels)
TheWARMINGZONEis located in the back center of the glass surface.
Do not use plastic wrap to cover food, Plastic mog melt onto the surface and be verg difficult to cleon.
_,Useonlg cookwore recommendedfor
top-of-range cooking.
[_ Touch the ] (LO),2 (IVIED)or 3 (HI]pad
to selectthe desiredcontrol setting.
F3l Touch the STARTpad. "WARMERON"
will be in the control displog.
Toturn off the WARMINGZONE:
Touch the WARMING ZONE ON/OFF pad, NOTE: The CLEAR/OFF pod will not turn off
Forbest results,all foods on the WARMING ZONEshould be covered with a lid or
aluminum foil. Alwags use pot holders or oven mitts when
removing food from the WARMINGZONE, as cookware will be hot.
Using the surface units-Knob-controlled models.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
AtbothOFFandHI thecontrolclicks intoposition.Youmayhearslightclicking
soundsduringcooking,indicatingthe controlismaintainingyourdesiredsetting.
Besure youturnthe control knobto OFF whenyoufinish cooking.
How to Set
Pushthe knob in and turn in either
direction to the setting you want.
Forglass cooktop surfaces:
A HOTCOOKTOPindicator light,
on the cooktop, will glow when ang radiant element isturned on. It will remain on until
the surface iscooled to approximatelg
Indicatorlight will:
Comeon when the unit isturned on or hot to the touch.
Stay on evenafter the unit is turned oË..
, Glow until the unit is cooled to
approximately 150°K
Dual and Triple Surface Units and Control Knobs (onsome moddsl
Thesurface unit has 2 or3 cooking sizes to selectfrom soyou canmatch thesize
of theunit to thesizeof the cookworeyou are using.
HI. _,_ @HI
LO 2
_:. -"._-_:
Temperature Limiter
Evergradiant surface unit has a temperature limiter.
Thetemperature limiter protectsthe glass
cooktop from getting too hot. It is normal
for it to cgcle when the cooktop is in use.
ModelswithaTripleSurfaceUnit only.
Thetemperature limiter mag cgclethe
units off more frequentlg for a time if:
Thepan boilsdry. Thepan bottom isnot flat. Thepan isoff-center. Thereisno pan on theunit.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
Modelswitha BridgeBurneronly:
I t
Using the Bridge Burner (onsome models)
To use the bridge burner, turn the left-front
control knob to the BRIDGEBURNERsettings. Forfull bridge surface unit operation,
alsoturn on the left-rear surface unit.
Touse onlg the front surface unit, turn the control knob to the FRONTBURNER
Home Canning Tips
Besurethe canner iscentered over
the surface unit.
Makesurethe canner isflat on the bottom.
Toprevent burns from steam or heat,
usecaution when canning.
Userecipesand proceduresfrom reputablesources.Theseareavailable
frommanufacturerssuchasBall® and
Kerr®and the Department of Agriculture ExtensionService.
Flat-bottomed canners are recommended. Useof water bath canners with rippled
bottoms mag extend the time required
to bring the water to a boil.
_ii_ilii_:ii__i_i!i:!_i_i__ _!_!i_]iii_iii
Useonly flat-bottomedwoks.
Wok Cooking
We recommend that gou use onlg a fiat-bottomed wok. They are available
at gour local retail store. Do not usewoks that have support rings.
Donot use round-bottom woks. Youcould be seriouslg burned if the wok tipped over.
Usingthe griddle.
CAUTION afteruse andremovethegriddlewhenitis oo/ando//surfaceunitsore
I_1_ I BURN HAZARD: Griddle surfaces may be hot enough to cause burns during and
off Use oven mitts if you will touch the griddle while hot. Failure to do so ton result in burns.
Beforeusing this cookware for the first time,wash it to make sure it isclean.Then
season it lightlg, rubbing cooking oil onto the nonstick surface.
Griddle Control (onsomemodels)
Touse thegriddle control:
[_ Touch the ON/OFFpad to activate
the griddle."..:' will appear in the displag,
[_ Usethe (+)/(-)pad to choose the
desiredpower setting.Thedefault is
375.Thegriddle offers nine power levels.Power levels range from 200
to 400 in 25 increments. Oncethe desired setting has been
chosen, "PrE"will be displaged until
the desiredtemperature has been reached.
[] Toturn the griddle unit off,touch
the ON/OFFpad.
NOTE:Useonly with thegriddle control to avoid degrading the nonstick coating.
Host griddled foods require cooking on a preheated surface. Preheatgriddle
according to the guide below; then switch to the desired cook setting.
L Preheat J
TgpeofFood Setting CookSetting
Pancakes 375 375 Hamburgers 400 375
FriedEggs 325 325 Bacon None 400 HotSandwiches 350 350
(suchas GrilledCheese)
NOTE:Griddle settings mag need to be adjusted if griddle is usedfor an extended time. Setting is an approximate cooking temperature and will varg with quantitg of food.
How to place the griddle: IMPORTANT:Always place and use
your griddle at the designated location on the cooktop.
IMPORTANTNOTES: , Cleanthegriddle with a sponge and mild
detergentin warm water. DONOTuse blueor greenscrubbing pads or steel
Avoidcooking extremely greasy foods
and be careful of grease spilloverwhile
, Neverplace or store any items on
thegriddle,evenwhen it isnot in use. Thegriddle con becomeheated when
usingthe surroundingsurface units.
, Avoid using metal utensilswith sharp
points or rough edges,which might
damage thegriddle.Donot cut foods on the griddle.
, Donot usecookwore aso storage
container for food or oil Permanent
staining and/or crazelinescouldresult.
NOTE: Thenonstickcoating will degrade when exposed to temperatures over500°F.
Useonly with thegriddle control and only at the designated location on the cooktop.
Donot usethe griddle to broil food in the oven.Donot cleanthegriddle usingthe
self-dean mode in the oven.Thegriddle
control prevents overheating the nonstick coating.At temperatures over 660°F,the
nonstick propertiespermanently degrade and may producefumes harmful to birds.
NOTE:Yourgriddle will discolor over time with use.
NOTE:Do not dean the griddle in the self-cleaningoven.
NOTE:Always allow thecookware to cool beforeimmersing in water.
Preparing Ouality Steak, Easy as 1, 2,3:
1. Bringsteakto room temperature. NOTE:Always usesafe food practiceswhen handling meat.
2. Seasonboth sidesto taste and coat with oliveoil or similar.
3. Preheatthe ovento BAKEat 425°,with the oven rack in center position "C."
4. Place your griddle on the designated area of the cooktop and then preheat the griddle to 400°R
CAUTION:Thegriddle will be VERYHOT!Useoven mitts.
Searsteak on each sidefor 2 minutes or until the desired browning is achieved. NOTE:Therewill be "smoke";ensurethere isproper ventilation.
Insertthe meat probe that came with your range into the center of the steak, making sure
that the tip of the probe isin the center of the steak.
Plugthe probe into the outlet (located onthe upper front sideof the oven),slidethe rack back into the oven and closethe door.
PressPROBE on your control,enter the desiredinternal temp, and pressSTART.
Allow steak to finish cooking in the oven.The range control will beep and turn off when the steak reachesthe desiredinternal temperature.
After searing, your steakcould possiblyalready be at the desired temperature, depending on size,cut and desireddoneness.
Forthinner steaks it may not be possibleto achieve a Rareor Hedium Raredoneness.
By first searing your meat with a verblhigh heat, blouare creating a browning reaction known as the Maillard Reaction. This reaction unlocks the fuller,more intense flavor from the meat, which occurs when cooking meat
at a high heat.
Using the ovencontrols.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance mag varg from gour model. See the control panel below that matches gour model.
Touchthe BROILHI/LOpad oncefor HI Broil. Tochangeto LOBroil,touch theBROILHI/LOpad again. Touchthe STARTpad.
Whenbroilingisfinished,touchthe CLEAR/OFFpad.
Touchthe BAKEpad. Touchthe number padsto setthe desiredoventemperature.
Touchthe STARTpad.
Whenbakingisfinished,touchthe CLEAR/OFFpad.
Touchthe number padsto setthe desiredoventemperature. Touchthe STARTpad.
Whencooking isfinished,touch theCLEAR/OFFpad.
Touchthe PIZZApad. Touchthe number padsto selectI forfrozen or2 forfresh
pizza. Touchthe number padsto setthe baking temperature. Touchthe STARTpad.
Bakingtime isdetermined bg packagedirections.
Placepizzaon top rackpositionof upper oven.Whenusinga
metal trog,usethe lower rock position.
Touchto raiseyeast-leavenedproducts. Seethe How to Set the Ovenfor Proofingsection.
Touchto keepcookedfoodswarm. Seethe How to Set the UpperOvenfor Warmingsection.
Touchfor long hours of unattended cooking. Seethe How to Set the LowerOvenforSlow Cooksection.
Touchwhen usingthe probeto cook food. Seethe UsingtheProbesection.
Touchto self-cleanthe oven. Seethe UsingtheSelf-CleaningUpperand LowerOvens
Touchto cancelALLovenoperationsexceptthe clockand timer.
Mustbe touchedto startany cooking or cleaningfunction.
Touchto turn the ovenlightson or off.
Touchto set the kitchentimer.
Seethe UsingtheKitchenTimersection.
Touchthis padand then touchthe number padsto setthe
amount of time gouwant gourfood to cook.Theoven will shut offwhen thecookingtime hasrun out.
Usealongwith the COOKTIMEorSELFCLEANpads to set the ovento start and stop automaticallg at a time gou set.
NOTE:Whensettingtimes,you oresetting hours and minutes only. Thelowesttimeyou consetis oneminute.
Touchthe CLOCKpad. Touchthe number pads.
Touchthe STARTpad.
Theclockmustbeset tothe correcttimeof dogfor the automatic oventiming functionstowork properly.Thetime of
dog cannotbe changedduring otimed baking orself-deoning cycle.
Ifyour oven was set for a timed oven operation and a
power outage occurred, the clock and allprogrammed
functions must be reset. The time of day will flash in the display when there has been a power outage.
Yourcontrol willallow you to lock out the touch pads and the cooktop so they cannot be activated when touched
Tolock thecontrols and cooktop: Touchand holdthe CONTROLLOCKOUTpad for 5seconds.
Theoven displaUwill show "on Locon."
Tounlock the controls: Touchand holdthe CONTROLLOCKOUTpad for 5seconds. TheCONTROLLOCKOUTmodeaffectsalltouch pods.
Notouchpods willwork when thisfeatureisactivated WARMING DRAWER
The warming drawer willkeep hot, cooked foods at serving temperature. Alwogs start with hot food.
Touch the WARMING DRAWER pad. "WARMERON"and "1"
are lit on thedisplaUand "Set"beginsto blink.Onthe number pads,touch 1for Low,2 for Mediumor 3for High.The displag
"1"changescorrespondingto the number pad selected.The warming drawer starts automaticallg after gou touch l, 2 or 3. "WARMERON"and the number remain lit."Set"stopsblinking.
Onsome models,pressSTART.
Onsomemodels- togglebetweensettingsbg touchingthe WARMINGDRAWERpod.
Tocancel,touch the WARMINGDRAWERpad. NOTE:Touchingthe CLEAR/OFFpad doesnotturn off the
warming drawer.
WARMING ZONE Touchto keephot, cookedfood warm. Seethe Usingthe
Using the oven.
To avoid possible burns, place the racks in the desired position before you turn on the oven.
Before you begin...
Theracks havestops, so that when placed correc% on the supports, theu will stop before coming completelu out and will
not tilt.
Toreplace, place the end of the rack (stop-locks)on the support, tilt up the front and push the rack in.
Thenumberof rackpositionsmayvary by model.
When placing and removing cookware, pull the rack out until it stops.
On some models,the bakeheating element isunder the oven floor.Do not placefoods on the oven bottom for cooking.
Toremove a reck, pull it toward Uou, tilt the front end up and pull itout.
Aluminum Foil
Donot usealuminum foil on the bottom ofthe oven.
Never entirely cover a rack with aluminum
foil. Thiswill disturb the heat circulation
and result in poor baking.
Whengou ors using a rack in the lowest position (A),gou will need to use caution when pulling the rock out. We recommend that gou pull the rock out severalinchesand then, using two pot holders,pull the rock out bg holding thesides of it. Therock islow and gou could be burned ifgou place gout hand in the middleof the rock and pull oil the wag out. Beverg careful not to bum gout hand on the door when using the rock in the lowest position (A).
A smaller sheet of foil may be used to catch a spillover by placing it on a lower
rack several inches below the food.
Toavoid possible burns, place the racks in the desired position before you turn on the oven.
Preheating and Pan Placement
Donot placefoodsdirectlyon theoven floor.
Toavoid possible burns,placethe racks
in the desired position beforegou turn on the oven.
Preheatthe ovenifthe recipecallsforit. Preheatingis necessaryfor goodresultswhen
Ifbakingfourcakelagersatthe sametime, placetwo lagerson rackCandtwo lagerson rackE.Staggerpansontheracksooneisnot directlyabovetheother.
Bakingresultswillbe betteriffoodiscenteredin theovenasmuchaspossible.Angelfoodcake isthe exceptionandshouldbeplacedonthe bottomovenrack(positionA).Followpackage directionson prepackagedandfrozenfoodsfor panplacement.Pansshouldnottoucheach otherorthewallsoftheoven.If youneedto usetworacks,staggerthepanssooneis not directlyabovethe other.Leaveapproximately
lye"betweenpansandfrom thefront,back
andsidesd ovenwall.
How to Set the Oven for Baking or Roasting
[] TouchtheBAKEpad.
[] Touchthenumberpadsuntilthedesired
131 TouchtheSTARTpad. Theovenwillstart automatically.Thedisplay
willshowPrEwhilepreheating.Whentheoven reachestheselectedtemperature,theoven controlwillbeepseveraltimesandthedisplay willshowtheoventemperature.
NOTE:Youwill hear the convection fan (onsome models)while the ovenis preheating. Thefan will stop after theoven
ispreheated and the displag shows gout set temperature. Thisisnormal.
Tochangetheoventemperatureduring theBAKEcgcle,touchtheBAKEpodandthen thenumberpadstogetthenewtemperature.
r_] Checkfood for donenessat the minimum
timeonthe recipe.Cooklongerif
[_ Touchthe CLEAR/OFFpadwhenbakingis
finished,andthen removethefoodfrom theoven.
Using the oven.
How to Set the Oven for Broiling
Leavethedooropento thebroitstop position.Thedoorstaysopenbyitself, yetthe propertemperatureis maintained
inthe oven.
Thesize,weight, thickness, starting temperature
and gour preference of doneness will affect
broiling times. Thisguide is basedon meats at
refrigerator temperature.
t The U.S.Department of
Agriculture sags "Rarebeef is popular, but you should know
that cooking it to only ff40°F
means some food poisoning
organisms may survive." (Source: Safe Food Book. Your Kitchen
Guide.USDARe_ dune 19BB.)
Ifgout range is connected to 208 volts, rare steaks mog be broiled bg preheating
the broiler and positioning the oven rack one position higher.
[_ Touch the BROILHI/LO pad once
for HI Broil.
To change to LO Broil, touch
the BROILHI/LO pad again.
Use LO Broil to cook foods such as poultrg or thick cuts of meat thoroughlg without
overbrowning them.
Placethe meat or fish on a broiler grid
[_ Touchthe STARTpad. [] When broiling isfinished,touch
the CLEAR/OFF pad.
[_ in a broiler pan designedfor broiling.
[_ Follow suggested rack positions
in the Broiling Guide.
Broiling Guide
Preheatthe broiler for 2 minutes to improve performance.
Food Doneness Thickness Rack Position* Comments Beef Rare(140°F) Steaks Eor F(foodshouldbe1" Steakslessthan1"
Medium(160°F) Steaks E(foodshouldbe3" throughbeforebrowninc
Welt Done(170°F) Steaks Dor E(foodshouldbe3" intervals.
Chicken Breast,boneless C(foodshouldbe8" Broilskin-side-down
Fish Fillets Dor E(foodshouldbe3" Handleandturnvery
Pork Chops Welt Done(170°F) D (foodshouldbe6" Topreventcurling of
Type or
1" thick to3" frombroilelement) thick aredifficult to
3/4" to 1" thick to4" frombroilelement) Topreventcurling of
3/4" to 1" thick to5" frombroilelement)
tog" from broilelement) first.
1/2" to 1" thick
3/4" thick
to8" from broilelement)
to6" from broilelement) carefully.
to7" from broilelement) meat,slashfat at 1"
meat,slashfat at 1"
*Userack position A for the smaller, 2-rack-position oven.
Usingthetimedbakingandroastingfeatures,ionsomemode sIGEApp,
NOTE: Foods that spoil easil_l-such as milk, eggs, fish, stuffings, poultr_l and porkishould not be allowed to sit for more than 1 hour before or after cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure that the oven light is off because heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.
How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic Stop
Theoven will turn on immediately and cook NOTE:Anattentiontone will soundifyou for a selectedlength of time.At the end of the cooking time the ovenwill turn off outomoticollg.
171 Touch the BAKEpad. [_ Touch the number pads to set
the desiredoven temperature.
131 Touch the COOKTIME pad.
NOTE:Ifgout reciperequirespreheating, gou mag need to add additional time to the length ofthe cooking time.
[_ Touch the number pads to setthe
desiredlength of cooking time. The minimum cooking time gou can set is 1 minute.
Theoven temperature that gou set and the cooking time that gou entered will be inthe displag.
[_] Touchthe STARTpad.
areusingtimedbaking and do nottouch theSTARTpad.
Theoven will turn ON,and the displag willshow the cookingtime countdown and the changingtemperaturestarting at lO0°R (Thetemperaturedisplagwill startto change oncethe oventemperature reacheslO0°R)
Whenthe ovenreachesthe temperature gou set, 3 beepswill sound.
Theovenwill continue to cook for the set amount of time, then turn off automaticallg,
unlessthe WARMfeature was set. Seethe
How to Set the Upper Ovenfor Warming
[_ Touch the CLEAR/OFFpad to clear
the displag if necessarg.Remove the food from the oven. Remember,
eventhough the oventurns off automaticallg, food left in the oven will continue cooking after the oven
turns off.
How to Set a Delayed Start and Automatic Stop
Theoven will turn on at the time of dog gou set,cook for a specific length of time and then turn off automaticallg.
Make sure the clock shows the correct time of dag.
171 Touch the BAKEpad. [] Touch the number padsto setthe
desiredoven temperature.
[] Touch the COOKTIME pad.
NOTE:Ifgout reciperequirespreheating, gou mag need to add additional time to the length ofthe cooking time.
[_ Touch the number pads to setthe
desiredlength of cooking time. The minimum cooking time gou can set
is 1 minute. The oventemperature that gou
set and the cooking time that gou entered will be in the displag.
Touch the DELAVSTARTpad.
Touch the number pads to set the
time of dag gou want the oven to turn on and start cooking.
17] Touch the STARTpad.
NOTE:Anattentiontonewill soundifgou areusingtimedbaking and do nottouch theSTARTpad.
NOTE:Ifgou would like to check the times gou have set, touch the DELAVSTARTpod to checkthestart time gou haveset or touch the COOKTIMEpad to check the length of cooking time gou have set.
Whenthe oventurns ON at the time of dag gou set,the displagwill show the
cooking time countdown and the changing temperature starting at lO0°R(The temperature displagwill start to change oncethe oventemperature reaches lO0°R) Whenthe oven reachesthe temperature
gou set, beeps will sound. Theovenwill continue to cook for
the set amount of time, then turn off automaticallg.
[] Touch the CLEAR/OFFpad to clear
the displag if necessarg.Remove the food from the oven. Remember,
eventhough the oventurns off automaticallg, food left in the oven
will continue cooking after the oven turns off.
Using the probe, ionsomemode sj
For many foods, especially roasts and poultry, internal food temperature is the best test for doneness. The temperature probe takes the guesswork out of roasting by cooking foods to the exact doneness you want.
J-&CAUTION I c0,,,
from the ovenoutlet untilthe ovenhascooled. Useof probes other than the one provided _ _ Readandremovelabel
The temperature probe has a skewer-like
probe at one end and a plug at the other end that goes into the outlet in the oven.
with this product may result indamage to the probe or oven control.
Usethe handlesof the probe and plug when inserting and removing them from
the food and outlet.
Toovoid damaging gout probe, do not use tongs to pull on the cable when
removing it.
i Toovoid breaking the probe, make sure
food iscompletely defrosted before
After preparing the meat and placing it on a trivet or a broiler pan grid,follow
these directions for proper probe placement.
Insert the probe completelg into the meat. It should not touch bone, fat
or gristle.
NOTE:Failureto fully insert the probe into the meat may result in poor cooking
performance because the probe will sense the oven air vs. the food temperature.
_,Neverleavegout probe insidethe oven
during o self-cleaningor broil cycle.
Do not store the probe in the oven.
Forroastswith no bone,insert the probe into the meatiest part of the roast. For
bone-in ham or lamb, insert the probe into the center of the lowest large muscle.
Insertthe probe into the center of dishes such as meat loaf or casseroles.
Insertthe probe into the meatiest part of the inner thigh from below and parallel
to the leg of a whole turkey.
NOTE:Self-cleon and Broilsettings will not work if the temperature probe is plugged in.
How to Set the Oven For Baking/Roasting When Using the Probe
Insertthe probe fully into the food. Plugthe probe into the outlet in the
oven. Hake sure it's pushedall the
way in. Closethe oven door.Hake
surethe probe cable is not touching
the broil element.
[_ Touch the PROBEpad. Displaywill
show "Set Probe."
Touch the number pads to set the desiredinternal food or meat
temperature. The maximum internal temperature for the food that you can
set is 200°F.
[_ Touch the BAKEpad. [_ Touch the number pads to set
the desiredoven temperature.
[Z] Touch the STARTpad.
Thedisplay will flash if the probe is inserted
into the outlet and you have not set o probe temperature and touched the STARTpod.
After the internal temperature of the food reaches 100°F,the changing internal
temperature will be shown in the display. [] When the internal temperature of the
food reaches the number you hove
set,the probe and the oven turn off and the oven control signals.To stop
the signal,touch the CLEAR/OFFpad.
Usehot padsto remove the probe
from the food. Donot usetongs to pull on it-they might damage it.
Ifthe probe is removed from the oven while probe cooking, the oven will not
automatically turn off.
Tochange the oventemperature during
the Bake/Roostcycle, touch the BAKEpod and then the number pods to set the new temperature.
You con use the Kitchen Timer even though you cannot use timed oven
operations while using the probe.
Usingthe kitchentimer. OEApp,i°
To Set the Kitchen Timer
(on some models)
TheKitchen_meris in hoursandminutes. TheKitchenTimerdoesnotcontroloven
operations.Themaximumsettingonthe KitchenTimeris9 hoursand59minutes.
TIMERONpad (depending on model).
Touch the number pads until the
amount of time gou want shows in the display. Forexample,to set
2 hours and 45 minutes,touch 2, 4 and 5 inthat order. If gou make a
mistake,touch the KITCHENTIMER ON/OFFor TIMEROFFpad (depending
on model) and begin again.
_] Touch the START pad.
To Reset the Kitchen Timer
If the display isstill showing the time remaining, gou mag change it bg
touching the KITCHENTIMERON/OFFor TIMERON pad (depending on model),then
touch the number pads until the time gou want appears in the displGg.
After touching theSTARTpod, SET
disappears;this tellsgou the timeis counting down, although the displog does
not change until one minute has passed. Secondswill not beshown in thedisplog
until the last minute iscounting down.
[_ Whenthe kitchentimer reaches:00,
the control will beep 3 times followed by one beep every 6 seconds until
the KITCHENTIMERON/OFFor TIMEROFFpad (dependingon model)
The&second tone canbe cancelledby following the steps in theSpatial features
of your oven control section under Tones at the Endof o TimedCycle.
If the remaining time isnot in the displ% (clock,delag start orcooking time are in
the displag),recallthe remaining time bg touching the KITCHENTIMERON/OFFor
TIMERON pad (depending on model) and then touching the number pads to enter
the new time gou want.
To Cancel the Kitchen Timer
Touchthe KITCHENTIMERON/OFFor TIMERONpad (depending on model) twice
or touch TIMEROFF.
Adjust the oven thermostat--Do it yourself!
You may find that your new oven cooks differently than the one it replaced. Use gout new oven for a few weeks to become more familiar with it. If blou still think your new oven is too hot or too cold, you can adjust the thermostat yourself.
Do not use thermometers, such as those found in grocery stores, to check the temperature setting of blour oven. These thermometers mabl varb120-/40 degrees.
NOTE: This adjustment will only affect baking and roasting temperatures; it will not affect broiling or self-cleaning temperatures. The adjustment will be retained in memorbl after a power failure.
To Adjust the Thermostat
[_ Touch the BROILHI/LO and BAKE
pads at the same time until the
_ii!_ii i_i_iII!E_]_ _ :_i_!i_
i:(16-1E] F1F] F1i: ¸
display shows SR
12] Touch the BAKEpad.A two-digit
number shows in the display.
Touch BAKEagain to alternate
between increasing and decreasing the oven temperature.
To adjust the upper oven thermostat,
touch the upper oven BAKEpad.To adjust the lower oven thermostat,
touch the lower oven BAKE pad.
The oventemperature can be
adjusted up to (+)35°Fhotter or (435°F cooler.Touch the number pads
the same way you read them. Forexample,to change the oven
temperature 15°F,touch 1 and 5. When you havemade the adjustment,
touch the STARTpad to go backto the time of day display. Useyour
ovenas you would normally.
Thetype of margarine will affect baking performance!
Most recipes for baking have been developed using high-fat products such as butter or margarine (80% fat). If blou decrease the fat, the recipe mabl not give the same results as with a higher-fat product.
Recipe failure can result if cakes, pies, pastries, cookies or candies are made with low-fat spreads. The lower the fat content of a spread product, the more noticeable these differences become.
Federalstandards require products labeled "margarine" to contain at least 80% fat by weight. Low-fat spreads,on the
other hand,contain lessfat and more water.The high moisture content of these spreads affects the texture and flavor of baked goods. For best resultswith your old favorite recipes,use margarine, butter or stick spreads containing at least 70%
vegetable oil.
Usingtheconvectionoven. somemode sj
Multi-rack position.
Convection Cook (on some models)
Theconvection oven comes with one
convection cook mode and can be used for 1-RackConvection Bakingor Multi-Rack
Convection Baking.
Convection Fan Operation
In a convection oven, a fan circulates hot air over, under and around the food.
This circulating hot air is evenlg distributed throughout the oven cavity. As a result,
foods are evenlg cooked and browned- often in less time with convection heat.
Multi-Rack Convection Baking
Because heated air iscirculated evenly throughout the oven, foods can be baked
with excellent results using multiple racks. Multi-rack baking may increase cook times
i_ L
slightly for some foods but the overall result
istime saved. Cookies,muffins, biscuitsand other quickbreadsgive very good results with multi-rack baking.
NOTE:To maximize cooking evenness, the fan isdesignedto rotate in both
directions,with a pause in between. Thisisnormal.
Theconvection fan shuts offwhen the oven door is opened. DO NOTleave the
door open for long periods of time while using convection cooking or you may
shorten the life of the convection heating element.
When baking on 3 racks, place one rack in the second (B)position, another rack
in the fourth (D)position and the third rack in the sixth (F)position.
Fortwo-rack baking, place one rack in the second (B)rack position.Place
the other rack in the fifth (E)rack position.
I-Rack Convection Baking
When convection baking with only 1 rack, place the food so that it is centered in the
Adapting Recipes...
Youcan useyour favorite recipes in the convection oven.
Usepan sizerecommended.
Some package instructions for frozen casseroles or main dishes have been
developed using commercial convection ovens. Forbest results in this oven,
preheat the oven and use the temperature on the package.
Usingtheconvectionoven. somemode sJ
Convection Roast tonsomemodels)
(onsomemodels) theset regular baking temperature bg 25°F
Good for large tender cutsof meat,
Theconvection fan circulates the heated air evenly over and around the food. Meat and poultry are browned onall sidesasif they were cooked on a rotisserie.The
heated air sealsinjuices quickly for a moist and tender product while,at the
some time, creating a rich golden brown exterior.
How to Set the Oven for Convection Buking or Rousting
CONVECTIONBAKEpad oncefor multi-rack convectionbaking.This
mode isusedfor cookingfood items on more than one rack(i.e.,2,3 or more racks)atthe sametime in convectionbake.SeetheMulti-Rock
ConvectionBakingsectionfor more information.
one-rackconvectionbaking.Thismode isusedfor cookingfood itemson only
one rackin convectionbake.
for convection roasting (onsome models).
I_ Touchthe number padsto set
the oven temperature.
13] TouchtheSTART p:d.
Featureison,it will automatically reduce
When you are convection roosting,it is
important that you use a broiler pan and
grid for best convection roosting results. Thepan is used to catch grease spills
and the grid isused to prevent grease spotters.
to the appropriate convection temperature in convection bakemode.SeeAuto Recipe'"
Conversionin the SpecialFeaturessection. Tochangethe oventemperature, touch
the CONVECTIONCOOK,CONVECTION BAKEor CONVECTIONROASTpad and then the number pads to set
the new temperature. When the oven starts to heat, the changing
temperature, starting at IO0°F,will be displayed.When oven reaches the
temperature you set, 3 beepswill sound. [] Touch CLEAR/OFFpad when finished.
, Youwill hear a fan while cooking
with convection.Thefan will stop when thedoor is opened,but theheat will not
turn off. Youmag hear the oven clicking during
baking.Thisis normal. Inconvectionbakemodes,for maximum
cookingevenness,the fan isdesigned to rotate in both directions,with apause
in between. Thisis normal.
Whenbakingcookies,youwill get thebest resultsif youusea flat cookie sheetinsteadof apan with low sides.
Cookware for Convection Cooking
Beforeusingyour convection oven,check to seeif your cookware leavesroom for air
circulation inthe oven.If you are baking with severalpans,leavespace between
them.Also,be surethe pans do not touch each other or the walls of the oven.
Paper and Plastic Heat-resistant paper and plastic containers
that are recommended for use in regular baking can also be used for convection
baking but should not be used at temperatures higher than the temperature recommended by the cookware
manufacturer. Plasticcookware that isheat-resistant to temperatures of
400°Fcan also be used.
Metal and Glass
Any type of cookware will work in your convection oven;however,metal pans
heat the fastest and are recommended for convection baking.
Darkenedor matte-finished panswill
bake faster than shiny pans. Glass or ceramic pans cook more slowlg.
Forrecipes like oven-baked chicken, usea pan with low sides. Hot air cannot circulate well around food
in a pan with high sides.
Usingthe timed features
for convectioncooking,ronsomemode sj
You will hear a fan while cooking with these features. The fan will stop when the door is opened, but the heat will not turn off.
NOTE: Foods that spoil easily-such as milk, eggs, fish, stuffings, poultry and porkishould not be allowed to sit for more than 1 hour before or offer cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure that the oven light is off becouse heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.
i ¸ : : :
How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic Stop
Pressdesired convection function. Proceed to
step2 of Howto Setan ImmediateStartand
AutomaticStopinUsingthe timed bakingand
How to Set a Delaged Start and Automatic Stop
step 2 of How to Set a OelagStart and
Automatic Stop inUsing the timed baking and
roasting features section.
Usingtheconvectionoven. somemode sj
How to Set the Oven for Convection Roasting when Using the Probe
Forbestresults when roastinglarge turkeysand roasts,we recommend usingthe probeinctudedin the
Tochangetheoventemperatureduring theConvectionRoastcycle,touchthe CONVECTIONCOOKpad andthen touchthenumberpadsto set thenew desiredtemperature.
CAUT,ONI When the internal temperature of the
Toprevent burns, do not unplug the probe
from the oven outlet until the ovenhas cooled.
Placethe oven rack inthe position
that centers the food between the top and bottom of the oven. Insertthe
probe into the meat. Make sureit is pushed all the way in.
Plugthe probe intothe outlet
in the oven. Make sure it is pushed all the way in.Closethe oven door.
[_] Touch the PROBEpad. [] Touch the number padsto setthe
desiredinternal meat temperature.
NOTE:Themaximum internaltemperature for the food that you can set is200°F.
meat reaches the number you have set,the probe and the oven turn off
and the oven control signals.To stop the signal,touch the CLEAR/OFFpad.
Use hot pads to remove the probe from the food. Donot usetongs to pull
on it-they might damage it.
NOTE:If theprobe is removed from the ovenwhile probe cooking, the oven will not
outomoticoll_lturn off. NOTES:
Youwill hear a fan while cooking with this feature.Thefan will stop when thedoor is
opened,but the heat will not turn off.
, Youcon use the KitchenTimer even
though _lOUcannot usetimed oven operations.
, Neverleave your probe insidethe oven
I-_ Touch the CONVECTIONCOOKpad. [_ Touch the number pads to setthe
desiredoven temperature.
Thedisplay will flash PROBEand the oven control will signal if the probe isinserted
intotheoutlet,and you havenotseta probe
during a self-cleaningc_Icle. Donot store the probe in the oven.
, Probeisnot forusein Broilor Self-Cleon
, Fanonl_lrotatesin one direction.
temperature and pressedthe STARTpad. [_ Touch the STARTpad.
When the oven starts to heat, the word LO will be in the display.
Afterthe internaltemperature ofthe meat reaches 100°F,the changinginternal
temperature will be shown inthe display.
Convection Roasting Guide
Meat Oven Temp.
*Stuffed birds generally require 30-45 minutes additional roasting time. Shield legs and breast with foil to prevent
overbrowning and drying of skin.
RibRoast(4to 8 Ibs.) Rare 325°F Bone-InandBoneless Medium 325°F
BeefTenderloin(4to 6Ibs.) Rare 425°F BeefTenderloin(2to 3Ibs.) Rare 425°F Bene-tn,Boneless(3to 5Ibs.) 325°F
Bone-ln(5to gIbs.) Medium 325°F
Boneless(4to7 Ibs.) Medium 375°F Whole Chicken(5to 7 Ibs.) 350°F Turkey,Whole*
Unstuffed(10to 16 tbs.) 325°F
Unstuffed(18to 24 Ibs.) 325°F TurkeyBreast(4to 6 Ibs.) 325°F
Internal Temp.
145°F 160°F
145°F 145°F
160°F 165°F
165°F 170°F
170°-180°F 170° 180°F
Using the slow cook pizza, warming
and proofing features.
IA WARNING I OOD POISON HAZARD:Bacteria ma_j grow in food at temperatures below 140°£
Always start with hot food. Do not use warm settings to heat cold food.
Do not warm food for more than 2 hours.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in foodborne illness.
How to Set the Lower Oven For Slow Cook
rTlPql-qF-l% E]FqE3FqEb3
Slow Cook Guide
Food Beef
BonelessBlade Roast
CountryStyle PorkRibs
VegetableBeef Soup
Quantity Position Setting (Hours)
3 31AIbs. C 2-Meats HI5-6 hrs.
31A 41bs. C 2-Meats HI 3-4 hrs.
4 Ibs.
8 pieces
(appr0x.3 Ibs.)
31A 4Ibs.
44 Ibs.
4 quarts
4 quarts
SlowCook is designed for long hours of unattended cooking.
[_] Touch the SLOWCOOK pod.
[_ Touchthe number pods to select the
desired setting - 1for Poultrg or 2for
Heats. Use 2-Meats if SOUare unsure
which setting to use.
Rack Food Time
LO8 10 hrs.
LO6-8 hrs.
1-P0ultry HI4-5 hrs.
1-P0ultry HI3-4 hrs.
2-Meats HI5-6 hrs.
2-Meats HI3-4 hrs.
2-Meats HI3-4 hrs.
2-Meats HI4-5 hrs.
2-Meats HI3-4 hrs.
LO7 9 hrs.
LO5 6 hrs.
LO8 10 hrs.
LO6-8 hrs.
LO6-8 hrs.
LO8 10 hrs.
LO6-8 hrs.
Add 1/2cupliquid.
Placeribsin a single layer.
Add 1/2cupliquid.
Bestsubmergedunderasauce to preventsurfacedrying.
Add 1/2 1cup liquid.
Placeribsin a single layer.
Placechopsina singlelayer.
Makesure beefchunks aresubmerged.
Submergebeans to preventsurfacedrying.
Touch the number pods to set the desired length of cooking time. The cooking time must be at least 3 hours, up to 11 hours
[_ Touchthe STARTpad.
NOTE:Ira power outage occurs while the oven isin Stow Cook,the rangewilt shut off
Guideline Tips
The slow cook program useso complex series
oftemperature cycling to obtain the best results.Forthis reason,it isrecommended
that the slow cook program be allowed to run
without cancelling or restarting. Restarting
the slow cook feature while it isin progress
may result in overcooked meat. Forjuicy and tender meat, choose cuts
of meat such as chuck roost or o boneless blade roost. Leanercuts of meat, such
astop round, ore drier and may need additional liquid.
Useonly glossand ceramic dishes. Metal pots and puns tend to transfer
the heat into the foods too quickly.
Hutch the quontitg of food to the sizepan. Fillthe pan about 3//4full for best results.
Too large o pot allows the steam to escape,
causingfoods to dry out. Always coverthe pot with o lid
or aluminum foil. Awide range of recipes may be used
in the slowcook feature. For bestresults some adjustments may needto be mode. Forsmaller sized recipes,beginchecking
at minimum time. For large recipesor when doubling recipes,foods may be cooked
for longer periods of time.
When the slow cook feature completes,
the oven will automatically switch to "worm"
mode. If additional slow cook time isdesired,
this worm mode may be usedto obtain the extra time.
iiiii ill i i/}!! ii
How to Set the Upper Oven For Pizza
Adjust rock positionfor tgpe of pizzatrag being Bakingtime isdetermined bg package used(seechart), directions.
[_ Touchthe PIZZApad. [_ Touchthe number pods to select
1for fresh or 2for frozen pizza.
[] Touchthe number pods to set
the baking temperature.
[_ Touchthe STARTpod.
Type ofPizza Tray Rack Position
Traysuppliedwith freshpizza B
Pizzaplaceddirectlyonrack B Metaltray A
Using the slow cook, pizza, warming and proofing features.
How to Set the Upper Oven For Warming
iii [ iiiii_i_
The WARM feature keeps cooked foods hot.
Thisfeature isnot designed to reheat cold food.
Tousethe WARMfeature, touch the WARM pad and then the STARTpad.
To use the WARM feature after Timed Baking, follow these steps:
E_ Touch the bake mode of cooking. [_ Touch the number pads to set
the oven temperature.
E_ Touch the COOKTIMEpad. [_ Touch the number pads to set
the desired length of cooking time.
[] Touch the WARMpad. [_ Touch the STARTpad.
How to Set the Oven For Proofing (on some models) The proofing feature maintains o worm environment useful for rising
yeast-leavened products.
NOTE:Plasticcontainers,lids or plastic wrap will melt if placed in the oven.Melted
plasticmag not be removableand is not coveredunder gout warrantg.
E_ Placethe covered dough ina dish
in the oven on rack Bor C.
NOTE:Forbest results, cover the dough with a cloth or with greased plastic wrap
(the plastic mag need to be anchored underneath the container so the oven
fan willnot blow it off).
[] Touch the PROOFpad and then
the STARTpad.
Thedisplagwill read PrF (proof). Theoven interior light turns on and remains
on during proofing. Theproofing feature automaticallg
provides the optimum temperature for the proofing process,and therefore does
not havea temperature adjustment. E_] Set the Timer for the minimum
proof time.
[] When proofing isfinished,touch
the CLEAR/OFFpad.
Toavoid lowering the oven temperature and lengthening proofing time, do not
open the oven door unnecessarilg.
_,Checkbreadproducts earl_lto ovoid
, Donot usetheproofing mode for
warming food or keepingfood hot. Theproofing oven temperature is
not hot enough to hold foodsat safe temperatures.Usethe WARMfeature to keepfoodworm.
Proofing will not operate when oven is above 225°E "HOT" will show
in the display.
Using the self-cleaning upper and lower ovens.
Before a Clean Cycle
Donot cleanthegasket.Thefiberglassmaterial oftheovendoorgasketcannotwithstand
abrasion.It isessentialforthegasketto remain intact.Ifyou noticeit becomingwornorfrayed,
replaceit. Makesuretheovenlightbulbcoveris
inplaceandtheovenlightisoff. IMPORTANT:Thehealthofsomebirdsis
extremelysensitiveto the fumesgivenoff duringtheself-cleaningcycleofanyrange.
DoubleOvenand CanadianModelsOnly:
Thesurfaceunitsareautomaticallydisabled duringtheself-cleancycle.Makesurethat all
surfaceunitcontrolsareturnedoff at alltimes duringtheself-cleancycle.Anysurfaceunitthat
issettoan "on"positionwhiletheself-clean cycleisoperatingwillautomaticallycomeon
aftertheself-cleancycleisfinished,andcould resultinan "on"unattendedsurfaceunit.Wait
untilthe self-cleancycleisfinishedtosetand usethesurfaceunits.
Wipe up heavysoil onthe ovenbottom.
FIREHAZARD:Wipegreaseandheavblsoilfrom theovenbottombeforeself-cleaning.Failureto
Werecommendventingyour kitchenwith an openwindowor usinga ventilationfan or hood
duringthefirst self-deancycle. Removeany broilerpan,broilergrid,probe,all
cookwareandanyaluminumfoil fromtheoven.
silver-coloredovenracks,removethem beforeyou begintheself-cleancycle.
Theshiny,silver-coloredovenracks (onsomemodels)canbeself-cleaned,but
they willdarken,losetheirlusterandbecome hardtoslide.
porcelain-coatedovenracks,theymay be left intheovenduringtheself-cleancycle.
Soilonthefrontframeofthe rangeandoutside thegasketonthedoorwill needtobecleaned
byhand.Cleantheseareaswithhotwater, soap-filledsteel-woolpadsorcleanserssuchas
SoftScrub®.Rinsewellwith cleanwateranddry.
I--qFql-flI-ql-q D rq IZ]rq IT1
How to Set the Oven for Cleaning
correctlblforthecycleto workproperlbl. [] TouchtheSELFCLEANpad.
A 3-hourself-cleantimeisrecommended forusewhencleaningsmall,contained
spills.Aself-cleantimeof 5hoursis recommendedfor a dirtieroven.
[_ Ifatimeotherthan Shoursor3 hoursis
needed,usethenumber padsandenter
Youcanchangethecleantimetoanytime between3 hoursand5hours,dependingon
howdirtyyourovenis. [_ Touchthe STARTpad.
Theupperandlowerovendoorslock automatically.Thecooktopelementsarealso
lockedout duringself-clean.Thedisplaywill showthecleantimeremaining.It willnot be
possibleto opentheovendoorsorusethe cooktopuntilthetemperaturedropsbelowthe
locktemperatureandLOCKEDIDOOR_ goes off inthe controldisplay.
WhenLOCKED/DOOR6goesoff,youwillbe abletoopenthedoors.
ThewordLOCKED/DOOR_ willflashand theworddoor willdisplayif you setthe clean
cycleandforgetto closethe ovendoors.
Tostop a clean cycle,touch the CLEAR/OFF pad. When LOCKED/DOOR_ goes off,
indicating the ovens have cooled below the locking temperature, you will be ableto open
the doors.
Youcanseta cleancycleinbothovens atthesametime;however,they will not
self-cleanat the sametime.Thelastovenset willautomaticallydelay itsstart untiltheend
ofthefirstoven'scleancycle. Whenanovenissetto self-clean,bothoven
doorswilllockandthe cooktopcontrolswill lockout. Theovensandcooktopcannotbe
Using the self-cleaning upper and lower ovens.
The oven doors must be closed and all controls set correctly for the cycle to work properly.
How to Delag the Start of Cleaning
I71 Touch the SELFCLEANpad.
A ]-hour self-cleantime is
recommended for usewhen cleaning
small, contained spills,A self-clean time of 5 hours isrecommended
for a dirtier oven. If a time other than 5 hours or 3 hours
is needed,use the number pads and enter the desired cleantime.
Youcan change the cleantime to angtime between 3 hoursand 5 hours,depending
on how dirtg gour oven is. E_ Touchthe DELAVSTARTpad.
E_] using the number pads,enter the time
of day you want the clean cycle to start.
After a Clean Cycle
Youmau notice some white ash inthe oven.Wipe it up with a damp cloth after
the oven cools.
If white spotsremain, remove them with a soap-filled steelwool pad and rinse
thoroughly with a vinegar andwater mixture.
Thesedepositsare usuallua salt residue that cannot be removed bu the cleancycle.
If the oven is not clean after one clean cucle,repeat the cucle.
[] Touchthe STARTpad. Theupper and lower oven doors lock
automaticallu. Thecooktop elements are also locked out during self-clean.The
display will show the start time. It will not be possible to open the oven doors or use
the cooktop until the temperature drops below the lock temperature and
LOCKED/DOOR_ goes off in the control display.
When LOCKED/DOOR_ goes off, you will be able to open the doors.
You cannot set the oven for cooking or
another self-clean cycle until the oven is coolenough for the door to unlock.
While the oven isself-cleaning, Uoucan touch the CLOCKpad to displau the time
of day. To return to the clean countdown,
touch the SELFCLEAN pad.
Ifthe racks become hard to slide, applu a small amount of cooking oil
to a paper towel and wipe the edges
ofthe oven rackswith the paper towel.
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