GE PB909SP1SS, PB909SP3SS Installation Guide

All ranges can tip.
BURNS or other SERIOUS INJURIES can result.
ANTI-TIP bracket following the instructions supplied
with the bracket.
IMPORTANT: Determine the final location of the range before attempting to install the bracket.
a. Place the bracket on the floor with the back edge against
the rear wall. If the range does not reach the rear wall, align the back edge of the bracket with the rear panel of
the range in its final location.
Adjacentcabinetor final locationofrange
Two screws must enter floor
orwall at LecA, BerC.
Toreduce the RISKOFTIPPINGthe range, the range must be secured bg a properly installed ANTI-TIPBRACKET.
Secure the bracket with the screws provided.
NOTE:Theinstallation of the ANTI-TIP bracket must meet all local codes for securing the appliance.
If gou did not receive an anti-tip bracket with gour purchase, call 1-800-626-8774 to receive one at no cost.
In Canada, call 1-800-561-3344, For installation instructions of the bracket, visit:
In Canada,
The bracket must be screwed to either the FLOORor REAR WALL.
Attachmentto FloororRearWall
Bracket Wall Sill Plate
__] wood orconcrete
FLOOR Installation:
WOOD FLOOR:Use the screws provided to secure the
bracket using the pair of marked holes (either Loc A or B). CONCRETEFLOOR:Using a concrete bit, drill a 5/32" pilot
hole 2" deep into the concrete at the center of each of the marked holes (either Loc A or B). Use the screws provided to
secure the bracket into the floor.
REARWALL Installation: Use the 2 screws provided to secure the bracket using the
pair of marked holes at Loc C.The screws MUST enter into a wood sill plate. If the wall contains ang metal studs or
similar materials, then the floor must be used.
/Screwmustenter "_
Screw mustenterwood
ir bracket does not touch the rear wall, gou MUST
screw bracket to FLOORas described in Step 2.
b. Position the side of the bracket against either the left or
right cabinet. If there is no adjacent cabinet, align the
edge of the bracket with the side panel of the range in
its final location. If the countertop overhangs the
cabinet, offset the bracket from the cabinet bg the amount of overhang.
c. Mark the location for the pair of holes to be used (see
illustration above).
NOTE: For FLOORinstallation use either Loc A or B. For
REARWALL installation use Loc C.
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04-08 JR
After installing the bracket, slide the range into its final
location. The rear leveling leg must be fullg inserted into the
ANTI-TIP bracket. Ifthe range has a storage drawer, remove the drawer and look underneath the range to see if the leg
is fullg engaged in the bracket as shown in Step !.
On models without storage drawer or kickpanel, verifg the
rear leveling leg is properlg secured within the bracket bg
carefullg tipping the range forward. DO NOTtip the range
more than 4 inches. If the bracket does not stop the range
within 4 inches, the bracket is NOT properlg installed and
MUSTbe reinstalled following these instructions.
A he anti-tip bracket must be PROPERLYINSTALLEDand
the rear leveling leg must be FULLY ENGAGEDinto the bracket to prevent the range from tipping. NEVER
remove the leveling legs. This will prevent the range from being secured to the ANTI-TIP bracket properlg.
instruccionessuministradascon elsoporte.
ParareducirelRIESGODEVOLCARlacocina,@stadebesujetarse medianteun SOPORTEANTI-VOLCADURASconunaadecuadainstalaci6n.
contodoslosc6digoslocalesparaaseguraretaparato. Siustedno recibi6unsoporteanti-volcadurasconsucompra,Ilameal
1-800-626-8774pararecibirunosincostaalguno. EnCanad6,Ilameal 1-800-561-3344.
Parainstruccionesde instalaci6ndelsoporte, EnCanad6,
IIvlPORTANTE:Determine laubicaci6n final de lacocina
antes de tratar de instalar elsoporte. a. Coloque el soporte en el pisocon el lado trasero sabre la
pared trasera. Sila cocina no Ilega a la pared trasera,
alinee el lado trasero del soporte con el panel trasero de
la cocina en su ubicaci6n final.
Gabineteadyacenteo ubicaci0nfinal del panel
lateraldela cocina
Ubic. C
Siel soporte no toca la paredtrasera, usted DEBE
atornillar el soporte al PlSOcoma sedescribe en el
b. Coloque el lado del soporte sabre el gabinete izquierdo o
derecho. Si no hay un gabinete adyacente, alinee el extremo del soporte con el panel lateral de la cocina en
su ubicaci6n final. Si el mostrador de encimera sobresale del gabinete, modifique la posici6n del soporte desde el
gabinete considerando la cantidad que sobresale.
c. Marque la ubicaci6n para el par de orificios que se
utilizar6n (vet la ilustraci6n de arriba).
NOTA: Para instalaciones de PISO utilice la Ubic. A o B.
Para la instalaci6n de PAREDTRASERAutilice la Ubic. C.
Dostornillos debeningresar enel pisoo pared en la
Ubic.A, Bo C.
Elsoporte debe atornillarse alPISOo a laPAREDTRASERA.
SujeciOnal pisoo la paredtrasera
Eltornilledebe ingresarenmadera
__J oconcrete
Instalaci6n de PISO: PISODEMADERA:Utilice lostomillos provistospara sujetar el
soporte utilizando elpar de orificios marcados (Ubic.A o B).
PISODECONCRETO:Utilizando una broca para concreto, perfore un orificio piloto de 5/32" de 2" de profundidad dentro del
concreto en elcentro de cada uno de los orificios marcados (Ubic. Ao B). Utilicelostornillos provistos para sujetar el soporte al piso.
Instalaci6n de PAREDTRASERA: Utilice los 2 tomillos provistos para sujetar el soporte utilizando el
par de orificios marcados en Ubic. C.Lostomillos DEBENingresar
en el umbral de madera. Si lapared contiene parantes de metal o
materiales similares, entonces debe usarse el piso.
Eltornillo debeingresarenmadera
Umbraldela pared
Despu@sdeinstalar elsoporte,deslicela cocina a suubicaci6n final. Lapata de nivelaci6ntrasera debeintroducirse par completo en el
soporte ANTI-VOLCADURAS.Sila cocina cuenta con elcaj6n de almacenamiento, quite el caj6n Umire debajo de la cocina para vet
si la pata estdbienenganchada en el soporte coma puedeverseen el Paso!.
En modelos sin guanteras ni paneles delanteros inferiores,
verifique que lapata de nivelaci6ntrasera seencuentrebien asegurada dentrodelsoporte inclinandocon cuidadola cocina hacia
delante.NOinclinela cocina mds de4 pulgadas.Sielsoporteno detiene lacocinadentrode las4 pulgadas,elsoporte NOest6bien
instalado UDEBEvolver ainstalarsesiguiendoestasinstrucciones.
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04-08 JR
A Isoporte anti-volcaduras debe INSTALARSEDEMANERA
CORRECTAUlapata denivelaci6n trasera debe ENGANCHARSE BIENal soporte para evitar que la cocina vuelque. NUNCAquite
las patas de nivelaci6n. Estono permitird que la cocina quede bien sujetaal soporte ANTI-VOLCADURAS.