GE PACSystems RX7i, PACSystems RSTi-EP, PACSystems RX3i Reference Manual

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Programmable Control Products

RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual GFK-2222AD

PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP
CPU Reference Manual
April 2018
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GFK-2222AD April 2018 i

Table of Contents

RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual GFK-2222AD
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................................... i
Table of Figures ........................................................................................................................................ vi
Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Revisions in this Manual ....................................................................................................... 2
1.2 PACSystems Control System Overview ............................................................................. 5
1.2.1 Programming and Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.2 Process Systems .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.3 PACSystems CPU Models ................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 RX3i Overview ....................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 RX7i Overview .....................................................................................................................11
1.5 RSTi-EP Overview ................................................................................................................12
1.6 Migrating Series 90 Applications to PACSystems ..........................................................13
1.7 Documentation ....................................................................................................................14
Chapter 2 CPU Features & Specifications ...................................................................................17
2.1 Common CPU Features .......................................................................................................18
2.1.1 Features Shared by All PACSystems CPU Models ............................................................................................... 18
2.1.2 Features Shared by Certain PACSystems CPU Models..................................................................................... 19
2.1.3 Firmware Storage in Flash Memory ........................................................................................................................... 20
2.1.4 Operation, Protection, and Module Status ............................................................................................................. 20
2.1.5 Ethernet Global Data ........................................................................................................................................................ 20
2.1.6 Embedded PROFINET Controller ................................................................................................................................. 21
2.1.7 OPC UA..................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
2.1.8 Removable Data Storage Devices (RDSDs) ............................................................................................................. 23
2.1.9 CPU Over-Temperature Monitoring and Behavior .............................................................................................. 28
2.2 RX3i CPU Features and Specifications .............................................................................29
2.2.1 CPE400 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
2.2.2 CPE330 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 61
2.2.3 CPE302, CPE305 and CPE310 ....................................................................................................................................... 70
2.2.4 CPU315 and CPU320/CRU320 ...................................................................................................................................... 79
2.2.5 CPU310 .................................................................................................................................................................................... 82
ii PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual GFK-2222AD
2.3 RX7i CPU Features and Specifications ............................................................................. 84
2.3.1 CPE030/CRE030 and CPE040/CRE040...................................................................................................................... 89
2.3.2 CPE010, CPE020 and CRE020 ....................................................................................................................................... 91
2.3.3 RX7i Embedded Ethernet Interface ............................................................................................................................ 93
2.4 RSTi-EP CPU Features and Specifications ....................................................................... 98
2.4.1 CPE100/CPE115 ................................................................................................................................................................ 101
Chapter 3 CPU Configuration ..................................................................................................... 109
3.1 Configuring the CPU ......................................................................................................... 110
3.2 Configuration Parameters ............................................................................................... 111
3.2.1 Settings Parameters ....................................................................................................................................................... 111
3.2.2 Modbus TCP Address Map ........................................................................................................................................... 114
3.2.3 SNTP ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 115
3.2.4 Time ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 116
3.2.5 Scan Parameters .............................................................................................................................................................. 117
3.2.6 Memory Parameters ....................................................................................................................................................... 120
3.2.7 Fault Parameters .............................................................................................................................................................. 123
3.2.8 Redundancy Parameters (Redundancy CPUs Only) ......................................................................................... 125
3.2.9 Transfer List ........................................................................................................................................................................ 125
3.2.10 COM1 and COM2 Parameters .................................................................................................................................... 126
3.2.11 Scan Sets Parameters .................................................................................................................................................... 130
3.2.12 Power Consumption Parameters ............................................................................................................................. 130
3.2.13 Access Control ................................................................................................................................................................... 131
3.2.14 OPC UA Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................ 132
3.3 Storing (Downloading) Hardware Configuration ......................................................... 133
3.4 Configuring the Embedded Ethernet Interface ............................................................ 134
3.4.1 Establishing Initial Ethernet Communications .................................................................................................. 135
3.4.2 Setting a Temporary IP Address ................................................................................................................................ 137
Chapter 4 CPU Operation ............................................................................................................ 139
4.1 CPU Sweep ......................................................................................................................... 140
4.1.1 Parts of the CPU Sweep ................................................................................................................................................ 141
4.1.2 CPU Sweep Modes ........................................................................................................................................................... 144
4.2 Program Scheduling Modes ............................................................................................. 146
4.3 Window Modes ................................................................................................................. 147
4.4 Data Coherency in Communications Windows ............................................................ 148
4.5 Run/Stop Operations ....................................................................................................... 149
4.5.1 CPU STOP Modes .............................................................................................................................................................. 150
4.5.2 STOP-to-RUN Mode Transition .................................................................................................................................. 152
GFK-2222AD April 2018 iii
4.5.3 RUN/STOP Switch Operation ...................................................................................................................................... 152
4.6 Flash Memory Operation ................................................................................................. 153
4.7 Logic/Configuration Source and CPU Operating Mode at Power-Up ........................ 154
4.7.1 CPU Mode when Memory Not Preserved/Power-up Source is Flash ....................................................... 155
4.7.2 CPU Mode when Memory Preserved ....................................................................................................................... 156
4.8 Clocks and Timers ............................................................................................................ 157
4.8.1 Elapsed Time Clock .......................................................................................................................................................... 157
4.8.2 Time-of-Day Clock ............................................................................................................................................................ 158
4.8.3 Watchdog Timer ................................................................................................................................................................ 159
4.9 System Security ................................................................................................................ 161
4.9.1 Passwords and Privilege Levels - Legacy Mode .................................................................................................. 162
4.9.2 OEM Protection – Legacy Mode ................................................................................................................................. 164
4.9.3 Enhanced Security for Passwords and OEM Protection ................................................................................. 165
4.9.4 Legacy/Enhanced Security Comparison................................................................................................................. 166
4.10 PACSystems I/O System .................................................................................................. 167
4.10.1 I/O Configuration ............................................................................................................................................................... 168
4.10.2 Genius I/O ............................................................................................................................................................................. 170
4.10.3 I/O System Diagnostic Data Collection ................................................................................................................... 172
4.11 Power-Up and Power-Down Sequences ....................................................................... 174
4.11.1 Power-Up Sequence ........................................................................................................................................................ 174
4.11.2 Power-Down Sequence.................................................................................................................................................. 175
4.11.3 Power Cycle Operation with an Energy Pack....................................................................................................... 176
4.11.4 Retention of Data Memory Across Power Failure ............................................................................................. 179
Chapter 5 Communications ........................................................................................................ 181
5.1 Ethernet Communications .............................................................................................. 182
5.1.1 Embedded Ethernet Interface .................................................................................................................................... 182
5.1.2 Ethernet Interface Modules ......................................................................................................................................... 187
5.2 Serial Communications ................................................................................................... 188
5.2.1 Serial Port Communications Capabilities .............................................................................................................. 188
5.2.2 Configurable STOP Mode Protocols ......................................................................................................................... 190
5.2.3 Serial Port Pin Assignments ......................................................................................................................................... 191
5.2.4 Serial Port Electrical Isolation ..................................................................................................................................... 195
5.2.5 Serial Cable Lengths and Shielding .......................................................................................................................... 196
5.2.6 Serial Port Baud Rates .................................................................................................................................................... 197
5.3 Series 90-70 Communications and Intelligent Option Modules ............................... 198
5.3.1 Communications Coprocessor Module (CMM) ................................................................................................... 198
5.3.2 Programmable Coprocessor Module (PCM) ......................................................................................................... 199
5.3.3 DLAN/DLAN+ (Drives Local Area Network) Interface ...................................................................................... 200
iv PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual GFK-2222AD
Chapter 6 Serial I/O, SNP & RTU Protocols ............................................................................... 201
6.1 Configuring Serial Ports Using COMMREQ Function 65520 ....................................... 202
6.1.1 COMMREQ Function Example .................................................................................................................................... 202
6.1.2 Timing .................................................................................................................................................................................... 202
6.1.3 Sending Another COMMREQ to the Same Port ................................................................................................. 202
6.1.4 Invalid Port Configuration Combinations ............................................................................................................. 203
6.1.5 COMMREQ Command Block Parameter Values ................................................................................................ 204
6.1.6 Example COMMREQ Command Blocks for Serial Port Setup function ................................................... 205
6.2 Serial I/O Protocol ............................................................................................................. 208
6.2.1 Calling Serial I/O COMMREQs from the CPU Sweep ........................................................................................ 208
6.2.2 Compatibility ...................................................................................................................................................................... 208
6.2.3 Status Word for Serial I/O COMMREQs ................................................................................................................. 208
6.2.4 Serial I/O COMMREQ Commands ............................................................................................................................. 210
6.2.5 Overlapping COMMREQs .............................................................................................................................................. 211
6.2.6 Initialize Port Function (4300) .................................................................................................................................... 212
6.2.7 Set Up Input Buffer Function (4301) ....................................................................................................................... 213
6.2.8 Flush Input Buffer Function (4302) .......................................................................................................................... 214
6.2.9 Read Port Status Function (4303) ............................................................................................................................ 215
6.2.10 Write Port Control Function (4304) ......................................................................................................................... 217
6.2.11 Cancel COMMREQ Function (4399) ......................................................................................................................... 218
6.2.12 Autodial Function (4400) .............................................................................................................................................. 219
6.2.13 Write Bytes Function (4401) ....................................................................................................................................... 221
6.2.14 Read Bytes Function (4402) ........................................................................................................................................ 222
6.2.15 Read String Function (4403) ....................................................................................................................................... 224
6.3 RTU Slave Protocol ........................................................................................................... 226
6.3.1 Message Format ............................................................................................................................................................... 227
6.3.2 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) ................................................................................................................................ 232
6.3.3 RTU Message Descriptions .......................................................................................................................................... 236
6.3.4 RTU Scratch Pad ............................................................................................................................................................... 252
6.3.5 Communication Errors .................................................................................................................................................. 253
6.3.6 RTU Slave/SNP Slave Operation with Programmer Attached ..................................................................... 256
6.4 SNP Slave Protocol ........................................................................................................... 257
6.4.1 Permanent Datagrams .................................................................................................................................................. 257
6.4.2 Communication Requests (COMMREQs) for SNP ............................................................................................. 257
Appendix A Performance Data ........................................................................................................... 259
A-1 Boolean Execution Times ............................................................................................................. 260
A-1.1 Boolean Execution Measurements (ms per 1000 Boolean executions) ................................................. 260
A-2 Instruction Timing ......................................................................................................................... 261
A-2.1 Overview .............................................................................................................................................................................. 261
A-2.2 PLC Version Information ............................................................................................................................................... 262
GFK-2222AD April 2018 v
A-2.3 RX3i & RSTi-EP Instruction Times ............................................................................................................................. 263
A-2.4 RX7i Instruction Times ................................................................................................................................................... 264
A-3 Overhead Sweep Impact Times .................................................................................................. 275
A-3.1 Base Sweep Times ............................................................................................................................................................ 276
A-3.2 What the Sweep Impact Tables Contain ............................................................................................................... 278
A-3.3 Programmer Sweep Impact Times ........................................................................................................................... 279
A-3.4 I/O Scan and I/O Fault Sweep Impact ...................................................................................................................... 280
A-3.5 Ethernet Global Data Sweep Impact ....................................................................................................................... 287
A-3.6 EGD Sweep Impact for Embedded Ethernet Interface on RX3i & RSTi-EP CPE Models .................. 290
A-3.7 Sweep Impact of Intelligent Option Modules ...................................................................................................... 294
A-3.8 I/O Interrupt Performance and Sweep Impact.................................................................................................... 297
A-3.9 Timed Interrupt Performance ..................................................................................................................................... 300
A-3.10 Example of Predicted Sweep Time Calculation ................................................................................................. 301
Appendix B User Memory Allocation ................................................................................................ 303
B-1 Items that Count Against User Memory .................................................................................... 304
B-2 User Program Memory Usage ...................................................................................................... 305
B-2.1 %L and %P Program Memory ...................................................................................................................................... 305
B-2.2 Program Logic and Overhead ...................................................................................................................................... 305
vi PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual GFK-2222AD

Table of Figures

Figure 1: Configuring an Embedded PROFINET Controller _____________________________________________ 21 Figure 2: CPE400 Front View and Features ________________________________________________________ 35 Figure 3: CPE400 Underside Ports & Connectors ____________________________________________________ 39 Figure 4: CPE400 Micro-SD & USB Pinouts _________________________________________________________ 41 Figure 5: Typical Field Agent Application __________________________________________________________ 45 Figure 6: Login to Predix _______________________________________________________________________ 46 Figure 7: Predix Change Password _______________________________________________________________ 47 Figure 8: Log Service Page _____________________________________________________________________ 47 Figure 9: Technician Console, Network Configuration page ___________________________________________ 48 Figure 10: Enter Proxy Server Address ____________________________________________________________ 49 Figure 11: Test Connection _____________________________________________________________________ 49 Figure 12: Technician Console, Time Sync Configuration ______________________________________________ 50 Figure 13: LAN3 Interconnects for Hot Standby Redundancy __________________________________________ 53 Figure 14: Display Port Connector _______________________________________________________________ 55 Figure 15: Location of RTC battery on CPE400 ______________________________________________________ 57 Figure 16: DIN-Rail Mount Bracket Assembly CPE400 _______________________________________________ 60 Figure 17: Panel-Mount Bracket Assembly CPE400 _________________________________________________ 60 Figure 18: CPE330 Front View & Features _________________________________________________________ 61 Figure 19: CPE330 RUN/STOP Switch and RDSD Switches _____________________________________________ 63 Figure 20: Location and Orientation of Real-Time Clock Battery in CPE330 _______________________________ 66 Figure 21: IC695CPE302/CPE305 Front View _______________________________________________________ 70 Figure 22: IC695CPE310 Front View ______________________________________________________________ 70 Figure 23: External Features of CPE302/CPE305 ____________________________________________________ 72 Figure 24: External Features of CPE310 ___________________________________________________________ 72 Figure 25: Accessing Real-Time Clock Battery (CPE302, CPE305 and CPE310) _____________________________ 75 Figure 26: Sample Tool for Coin Battery Extraction __________________________________________________ 76 Figure 27: IC695CPU320 Front View ______________________________________________________________ 79 Figure 28: IC695CPU310 Front View ______________________________________________________________ 82 Figure 29: CPE040 Front View ___________________________________________________________________ 89 Figure 30: CPE010 Front View ___________________________________________________________________ 91 Figure 31: CPE100/CPE115 Front, Top and Bottom Views and Features ________________________________ 101 Figure 32: CPE100/CPE115 Membrane Pushbutton and Module Status LEDs ____________________________ 103 Figure 33: State Diagram for CPE100/CPE115 Run/Stop Operation ____________________________________ 103 Figure 34: Typical Multi-Tier LAN Application (Star/Bus Topology) ____________________________________ 106 Figure 35: Typical Multi-Tier LAN Application (Ring Topology) ________________________________________ 106 Figure 36: PME Expansion of PACSystems Target __________________________________________________ 110 Figure 37: Downloading Hardware Config to CPU __________________________________________________ 133 Figure 38: Selecting Embedded Ethernet for Configuration __________________________________________ 134 Figure 39: Set Temporary IP Address ____________________________________________________________ 137 Figure 40: Major Phases of a Typical CPU Sweep __________________________________________________ 141 Figure 41: Typical Sweeps in Normal Sweep Mode _________________________________________________ 144 Figure 42: Typical Sweeps in Constant Sweep Mode ________________________________________________ 145 Figure 43: Typical Sweeps in Constant Window Mode ______________________________________________ 146 Figure 44: CPU Sweep in Stop-I/O Disabled and Stop-I/O Enabled Modes _______________________________ 150 Figure 45: CPE330 Overlapping Local IP Subnet Example ____________________________________________ 183 Figure 46: Expected Response Path _____________________________________________________________ 184 Figure 47: Actual Response Path _______________________________________________________________ 184 Figure 48: COM1 Port CPE400 _________________________________________________________________ 192 Figure 49: RTU Message Transactions ___________________________________________________________ 227
GFK-2222AD April 2018 vii
Figure 50: RTU Read Output Table Example _______________________________________________________ 230 Figure 51: CRC Register Operation ______________________________________________________________ 232 Figure 52: RTU Read Output Table Message Format ________________________________________________ 236 Figure 53: RTU Read Input Table Message Format _________________________________________________ 237 Figure 54: RTU Read Registers Message Format ___________________________________________________ 238 Figure 55: RTU Read Analog Inputs Message Format _______________________________________________ 239 Figure 56: RTU Force Single Output Message Format _______________________________________________ 240 Figure 57: RTU Preset Single Register Message Format _____________________________________________ 241 Figure 58: RTU Read Exception Status Message Format _____________________________________________ 242 Figure 59: RTU Loopback/Maintenance Message Format ____________________________________________ 243 Figure 60: RTU Force Multiple Outputs Message Format ____________________________________________ 245 Figure 61: RTU Preset Multiple Registers Message Format ___________________________________________ 246 Figure 62: RTU Report Device Type Message Format _______________________________________________ 247 Figure 63: RTU Read Scratch Pad Memory Message Format _________________________________________ 251 Figure 64: RTU Error Response Format ___________________________________________________________ 253 Figure 65: Interrupt Execution Considerations _____________________________________________________ 298
GFK-2222AD April 2018 1

Chapter 1 Introduction

This manual contains general information about PACSystems CPU operation and product features. Chapter 1 provides a general introduction to the PACSystems family of products, including new
features, product overviews, and a list of related documentation. CPU Features & Specifications are provided in Chapter 2. Installation procedures for the different platforms are described in their respective manuals as given
1. PACSystems RX7i Installation Manual, GFK-2223.
2. PACSystems RX3i System Manual, GFK-2314.
3. RSTi-EP User Manual, GFK-2958.
CPU Programming is covered in PACSystems RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Programmer’s Reference Manual, GFK-2950. It provides an overview of program structure and describes the various languages which may be used, their syntax and operation, and provides examples.
CPU Configuration is described in Chapter 3. Configuration using the proprietary Proficy Machine Edition (PME) programming and configuration software package determines characteristics of CPU, System and module operation. It also establishes the program references used by each module in the system. For details on configuration of the embedded RX7i Ethernet interface as well as the rack-based RX7i and RX3i Ethernet Interface modules, refer to PACSystems RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet
Communications User Manual, GFK-2224. CPU Operation is described in Chapter 4.
Ethernet Communications and Serial Communications are described in Chapter 5. Serial I/O, SNP & RTU Protocols are described in Chapter 6. Performance Data, including Instruction Timing, is provided in Appendix A. User Memory Allocation is described in Appendix B.
Chapter 1. Introduction
2 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual GFK-2222AD

1.1 Revisions in this Manual

Note: A given feature may not be implemented on all PACSystems CPUs. To determine whether a
feature is available on a given CPU model and firmware version, please refer to the Important Product Information (IPI) document provided for the CPU version that you are using.
Added CPE115 module
Updated throughout for addition of CPE302 (initial firmware version 9.40). CPE400 Serial IO feature added New Authorized Firmware Update feature noted (part of RX3i firmware version 9.40).
Added Redundancy features for CPE400 Updated Field Agent information for CPE400. Updated Section 2.2 for new features of CPE400. Added Section 2.1.9 on CPU Over-Temperature behavior.
Addition of support for Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP) on CPE100.
Addition of RSTi-EP EPSCPE100 (new product) and updated other relevant sections. Addition of Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP), Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), and
Daylight Savings Time (DST) features forCPE305, CPE310, CPE330, and CPE400.
Added section on CPE400 and incorporated into CPU comparison table (section 2.2). This
section also introduces Field Agent and documents how to set up Embedded Field Agent for the CPE400 (section
Added section 2.1.6, Embedded PROFINET Controller. Update of Energy Pack Section 4.11.3 to include ACC403 and compatibility matrix. Added compatibility mode information for CPE330 with CPU320 & CRU320
Corrected Ethernet Indicators CPE305 & CPE310 table.
Addition of support for Ethernet Global Data (Class 1) on CPE330
Chapter 1. Introduction
GFK-2222AD April 2018 3
Addition of RX3i CPE330 (new product) and related Ethernet considerations. Update of Energy Pack Section 4.11.3 to include ACC402 and compatibility matrix. Addition of HART
Pass Through feature (see page 10).
Addition of CPU Comparison Charts (Section 2.2 and Section 2.3). Update of Communications Section (Chapter 5). Added
RSTi-EP CPE100/CPE115 : RS232, RS485 Signals
Serial Port Electrical Isolation. Removed original Chapters 5-11 (chapters dealing with CPU programming) and Chapter 14
(Diagnostics). These are now in PACSystems RX7i and RX3i CPU Programmer’s Reference Manual, GFK-2950 (Chapters 2-8 and Chapter 9 respectively).
New Section, A-3.6 for EGD Sweep Impact for RX3i CPE302/CPE305/CPE310 and RSTi-EP
CPE100/CPE115 Embedded Ethernet Interface.
Support for OPC UA using embedded Ethernet port in CPE305/CPE310 with CPU firmware
Support for Ethernet Global Data (EGD Class 1) using embedded Ethernet port in
CPE305/CPE310 with CPU firmware 8.30 Sweep impact of EGD on Embedded Ethernet interface. Direct replacement for S90-30 IC693CPU374.
New communications capabilities provided by:
o IC695PNS001 – PROFINET Scanner Module o IC695GCG001 – Genius Communications Gateway via PROFINET o IC695EDS001 – Ethernet based DNP3 Outstation
RS-232 Signals
RS-485 Pins
Chapter 1. Introduction
4 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual GFK-2222AD
Support for Modbus/TCP Server, SRTP channels and Modbus/TCP client channels on RX3i
CPE305/CPE310 embedded Ethernet interface – Chapter 2 & Chapter 5
Support for Access Control List – Chapter 3 Modbus TCP/IP mapping for CPE305/CPE310 – Chapter 30 Enhanced Security Passwords and OEM Protection – Chapter 4 Serial I/O protocol enhancements (Data Set Ready, Ring Indicator, and Data Carrier Detect)
Chapter 6
Diagnostics for PROFINET alarms and PROFINET network faults, including #PNIO_ALARM,
SA0030 – refer to PACSystems RX7i and RX3i CPU Programmer’s Reference Manual, GFK-2950 Chapter 3 & Chapter 9.
Instruction executions times measured for RX3i CPU320/CRU320 – Appendix A Sweep impact times for new modules: IC694MDL758, IC694APU300-CA and later,
IC695PNS001, IC694ALG442, IC694ALG220, IC694MDL645 and IC694MDL740–Appendix A
Added instructions for replacing the RX3i CPE305/CPE310 real-time clock battery: Chapter
Corrected definitions of reverse acting and direct acting modes for PID functions: refer to
PACSystems RX7i and RX3i CPU Programmer’s Reference Manual, GFK-2950 Chapter 7.
Expanded data for Boolean execution measurements – Appendix A Re-instated instruction times for RX7i CPE030/CRE030/CPE040 release 6.0 as published in
version Q of the manual (unintentionally omitted from version R) – Appendix A
Compatibility information for volatile memory backup batteries has been consolidated in the
PACSystems Battery and Energy Pack Manual, GFK-2741 – throughout
Chapter 1. Introduction
GFK-2222AD April 2018 5

1.2 PACSystems Control System Overview

The PACSystems controller environment combines performance, productivity, openness and flexibility. The PACSystems control system integrates advanced technology with existing systems. The result is seamless migration that protects your investment in I/O and application development.

1.2.1 Programming and Configuration

Proficy* Machine Edition programming software provides a universal engineering development environment for all programming, configuration and diagnostics of PACSystems. A PACSystems CPU is programmed and configured using the programming software to perform process and discrete automation for various applications. The CPU communicates with I/O and smart option modules through a rack-mounted backplane. It communicates with the programmer and/or HMI devices via the Ethernet ports or via the serial ports COM1 and COM2 using Serial I/O, or Modbus RTU slave protocols.

1.2.2 Process Systems

PACSystems CPUs with firmware version 5.0 and later support Proficy Process Systems (PPS). PPS is a complete, tightly integrated, seamless process control system using PACSystems, Proficy HMI/SCADA, and Proficy Production Management Software to provide control, optimization, and performance management to manage and monitor batch or continuous manufacturing. It delivers the tools required to design, implement, document, and maintain an automated process. For information about purchasing PPS software, refer to the Support website.
Chapter 1. Introduction
6 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual GFK-2222AD

1.2.3 PACSystems CPU Models

Catalog Number
RSTi-EP Standalone CPUs
1 GHz AM335x CPU, 1 MB user memory.
1 GHz AM335x CPU, 1.5 MB user memory.
RX3i Standalone CPUs with embedded Ethernet Interface
1.2 GHz AMD G-Series Quad Core, 64 MB user memory with Field Agent
RX3i CPUs with embedded Ethernet Interface1
1.1GHz Atom CPU, 2 MB user memory
1.1GHz Atom CPU, 5 MB user memory
1.1GHz Atom CPU, 10 MB user memory
1 GHz AMD G-Series Dual Core, 64 MB user memory
300MHz Celeron CPU, 10 MB user memory
1 GHz Celeron-M CPU, 20 MB user memory
1 GHz Celeron-M CPU, 64 MB user memory
IC695NIU001+ versions –AAAA & later
1.1 GHz Atom 510 NIU. For information, refer to the
PACSystems RX3i Ethernet
Network Interface Unit User’s
Manual, GFK-2439
300MHz Celeron NIU. For information, refer to the
PACSystems RX3i Ethernet
Network Interface Unit User’s
Manual, GFK-2439
RX3i Redundancy CPU
1 GHz Celeron-M CPU, 64 MB user memory
The RX3i CPE302/CPE305/CPE310 embedded Ethernet interface provides a maximum of two programmer connections. It
does not support the full set of Ethernet interface features described in this manual. For a summary of RX3i embedded Ethernet interface features, refer to PACSystems RX7i & RX3i TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual, GFK-2224K or later.
Chapter 1. Introduction
GFK-2222AD April 2018 7
Catalog Number
RX7i CPUs with embedded Ethernet Interface
300MHz, Celeron CPU, 10MB user memory
700MHz, Pentium CPU, 10 MB user memory
600MHz, Pentium-M CPU, 64MB user memory
1800MHz, Pentium-M CPU, 64MB user memory
RX7i Redundancy CPUs with embedded Ethernet Interface
700MHz, Pentium CPU, 10 MB user memory
600MHz, Pentium-M CPU, 64MB user memory
1800MHz, Pentium-M CPU, 64MB user memory
Chapter 1. Introduction
8 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual GFK-2222AD

1.3 RX3i Overview

The RX3i control system hardware consists of an RX3i universal backplane and up to seven Series 90-30 expansion or remote racks. The CPU can be in any slot in the universal backplane except the last slot, which is reserved for the serial bus transmitter, IC695LRE001.
The RX3i supports user defined Function Blocks (LD logic only) and Structured Text programming. The RX3i universal backplane uses a dual bus that provides both:
High-speed PCI for fast throughput of new advanced I/O. Serial backplane for easy migration of existing Series 90-30 I/O
The RX3i universal backplane and Series 90-30 expansion/remote racks support the Series 90-30 Genius Bus Controller and Motion Control modules, and most Series 90-30/RX3i discrete and analog I/O with catalog prefixes IC693 and IC694. RX3i modules with catalog prefixes IC695, including the Ethernet and other communications modules can only be installed in the universal backplane. See the PACSystems RX3i System Manual, GFK-2314 for a list of supported modules.
RX3i supports hot standby (HSB) CPU redundancy, which allows a critical application or process to continue operating if a failure occurs in any single component. A CPU redundancy system consists of an active unit that actively controls the process and a backup unit that is synchronized with the active unit and can take over the process if it becomes necessary. Each unit must have a redundancy CPU, (IC695CRU320). The redundancy communication path is provided by IC695RMX128 Redundancy Memory Xchange (RMX) modules set up as redundancy links. For details on the operation of PACSystems redundancy systems, refer to the PACSystems Hot Standby CPU Redundancy User Manual, GFK-2308.
RX3i communications features include:
Open communications support includes Ethernet, PROFIBUS, PROFINET, Modbus TCP, Ethernet
Global Data (EGD), DNP3 and serial protocols.
On the CPE400 one of its embedded Ethernet ports is set up as a dedicated Field Agent port. The CPE302, CPE305
, CPE310, and CPE330 and CPE400 CPUs provide an embedded Ethernet
interface which is used to connect to the programmer (Proficy Machine Edition).
Effective with RX3i CPE310/CPE305 firmware version 7.30, or CPE330 firmware version 8.50, the
embedded Ethernet port on the CPU provides support for Service Request Transfer Protocol (SRTP) channels and for Modbus TCP. This feature is available on all firmware versions of CPE400.
Effective with CPE310/CPE305 firmware version 8.20, or CPE330 firmware version 8.45, the CPE
embedded Ethernet port supports OPC UA Server. This feature is available on all firmware versions of CPE400. Refer to PACSystems RX7i & RX3i TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual, GFK­2224 version M or higher (Chapter 10).
Effective with RX3i firmware version 8.30
, the CPE310/CPE305 CPUs also support Ethernet Global Data (EGD). Prior to that firmware version, EGD was only available in the RX3i via the RX3i Ethernet Interface Module (IC695ETM001). With this upgrade, these CPUs are positioned as a direct replacement for S90-30 IC693CPU374.
Effective with RX3i firmware version 8.60
, the CPE330 supports Ethernet Global Data (EGD) Class 1.
This feature is available on all firmware versions of CPE4004 and CPE3029.
Proficy Machine Edition Release 8.50 SIM 7 is required for EGD Class 1 on Embedded Ethernet interface of CPE305/CPE310.
Proficy Machine Edition Release 8.60 SIM 5 is required for EGD Class 1 on both LAN1 and LAN2 of CPE330. This PME version
also supports Advanced Configuration Parameters for EGD on CPE330. Alternately, PME Release 8.60 (not SIM 5) supports EGD on CPE330 LAN1 only, and does not support Advanced Configuration Parameters for EGD.
Proficy Machine Edition Release 9.00 SIM 8 or later is required for native configuration support of the CPE400.
Chapter 1. Introduction
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The rack-based IC695ETM001 Ethernet Interface has dual RJ45 ports connected through an auto-
sensing switch. This eliminates the need for rack-to-rack switches or hubs. The ETM001 supports upload, download and online monitoring, and provides 32 SRTP channels with a maximum of 48 simultaneous SRTP server connections. It also supports Modbus TCP. For details on Ethernet Interface capabilities, refer to PACSystems RX7i & RX3i TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual, GFK-2224.
PROFIBUS communications via the PROFIBUS Master module, IC695PBM300. For details, refer to the
PACSystems RX3i PROFIBUS Modules User’s Manual, GFK-2301.
PROFINET communications via any supported PROFINET Controller and any supported PROFINET
o Supported PROFINET Controllers include the embedded PROFINET Controller function
offered by IC695CPE400 and IC695CPE330, and the rack-mounted PROFINET Controller module IC695PNC001.
o Supported PROFINET Scanners include the RX3i PROFINET Scanner module IC695PNS001
, the RX3i IC695CEP001, and the VersaMax PROFINET Scanner modules IC200PNS001 & IC200PNS002.
For details, refer to the PACSystems RX3i PROFINET IO-Controller Manual, GFK-2571F or later and PACSystems RX3i PROFINET Scanner Manual, GFK-2737F or later.
Effective with the release of IC695CEP001 and IC694CEE001, the RX3i may be configured to control
a remote drop consisting of one or two I/O modules. The RX3i interface to the remote drop is managed by the PROFINET Controller, IC695PNC001. Refer to PACSystems RX3i CEP
Effective with the release of IC695GCG001, the RX3i may be equipped to control a Genius Bus. The
RX3i interface to the Genius Gateway is managed by the PROFINET Controller, IC695PNC001. Refer to PACSystems RX3i Genius Communications Gateway User Manual, GFK-2892.
Effective with the release of IC695EDS001, the RX3i may be configured as a DNP3 Outstation. Refer
to PACSystems RX3i DNP3 Outstation Module IC695EDS001User’s Manual, GFK-2911.
Effective with the release of IC695EIS001, the RX3i may be configured to act as an IEC 104 Server.
Refer to PACSystems RX3i IEC 104 Server Module IC695EIS001 User’s Manual, GFK-2949.
PROFINET Scanner User Manual, GFK-2883.
IC695PNS001 firmware version 2.40 added support for a number of I/O modules not previously supported, as documented in
PACSystems RX3i PROFINET Scanner Important Product Information, GFK-2738L.
Chapter 1. Introduction
10 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual GFK-2222AD
HART Pass Through allows an RX3i CPU to communicate HART asset management data between
HART-capable I/O modules and PC-based asset management tools. This entails usage of PC-based applications, RX3i Analog modules with HART functionality and (optionally) supporting PROFINET products. HART Pass Through operation is described in the PACSystems HART Pass Through User Manual, GFK-2929.
The following RX3i CPUs support HART Pass Through: IC695CPE305, IC695CPE310, IC695CPU315, IC695CPU320, IC695CRU320, IC695CPE330
(firmware version 8.50 or later). All versions of
IC695CPE3029 support this feature. The following RX3i analog modules support HART:
IC695ALG626 IC695ALG628 IC695ALG728
If used for HART Pass Through, the supporting RX3i PROFINET Controller and PROFINET Scanner must also contain HART-compatible firmware:
IC695PNC001-AK firmware version 2.20 IC695PNS001-ABAH firmware version 2.308 IC695CEP001-AAAD firmware version 2.30.
IC695CMM002 and IC695CMM004 expand the serial communications capability of the RX3i system.
Refer to PACSystems RX3i Serial Communications Modules User’s Manual, GFK-2460.
CPE310, CPU310, CPU315, CPU/CRU320 and NIU001 provide two serial ports, one RS-232 and one
CPE400 (firmware version 9.40), CPE302 and CPE305 each provides one RS-232 serial port. CPE330 provides no serial ports. Effective with CPE302 firmware version 9.40
, CPE305/CPE310/CPE40010 firmware version 9.20, or CPE330 firmware version 9.21, the CPE embedded Ethernet interface supports Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Client, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), and Daylight Savings Time (DST). Refer to PACSystems RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual, GFK-2224 version Q or higher.
Effective with RX3i firmware version 9.40, the Authorized Firmware Update functionality is available.
Users may now authorize access to firmware updates using a custom password. Details are included in the revised firmware update instructions.
When used to support HART Pass Through, CPE330 must do so via a PNC001 and cannot employ its embedded PROFINET
feature for this purpose.
IC695CPE330 firmware version 8.95 added support for the Remote Get HART Device Information COMMREQ.
IC695PNS001 firmware version 2.41 added support for the Remote Get HART Device Information COMMREQ not previously
supported, as documented in PACSystems RX3i PROFINET Scanner Important Product Information, GFK-2738L. The syntax and usage for this COMMREQ are described in the PACSystems RX3i System Manual, GFK-2314M or later.
Proficy Machine Edition Release 9.50 SIM 7 or later is required for CPE302 configuration.
Proficy Machine Edition Release 9.00 SIM 10, or 9.50 SIM 2, or later is required for SNTP Client, UTC, and DST support.
Chapter 1. Introduction
GFK-2222AD April 2018 11

1.4 RX7i Overview

The RX7i control system hardware consists of an RX7i rack and up to seven Series 90-70 expansion racks. The CPU resides in slot 1 of the main rack. RX7i racks use a VME64 backplane that provides up to four times the bandwidth of existing VME based systems, including the current Series 90-70 systems for faster I/O throughput. The VME64 base supports all standard VME modules including Series 90-70 I/O and VMIC modules.
Expansion racks support Series 90-70 discrete and analog I/O, the Genius Bus Controller, and the High­Speed Counter. The CPU provides an embedded auto-sensing 10/100 Mbps half/full duplex Ethernet interface.
RX7i supports hot standby (HSB) CPU redundancy, which allows a critical application or process to continue operating if a failure occurs in any single component. A CPU redundancy system consists of an active unit that actively controls the process and a backup unit that is synchronized with the active unit and can take over the process if it becomes necessary. Each unit must have a redundancy CPU, (IC698CRE020, CRE030 or CRE040). The redundancy communication path is provided by IC698RMX016 Redundancy Memory Xchange (RMX) modules set up as redundancy links. For details on the operation of PACSystems redundancy systems, refer to the PACSystems Hot Standby CPU Redundancy User Manual, GFK-2308.
Note: Extended operation with dissimilar CPU types is not allowed. During normal operation, the
primary and secondary units in an HSB redundancy system must have the same CPU model type.
The primary and secondary units of an HSB redundancy system can have dissimilar model types for a limited time, for the purpose of system upgrade only. Fail wait times for the higher performance CPU in a dissimilar redundant pair may need to be increased to allow synchronization.
RX7i communications features include:
Open communications support includes Ethernet, Genius, and serial protocols. A built-in 10/100mb Ethernet interface that has dual RJ45 ports connected through an auto-
sensing switch for upload, download and online monitoring. This eliminates the need for rack­to-rack switches or hubs. The CPU Ethernet Interface provides basic remote control system monitoring from a web browser and allows a combined total of up to 16 web server and FTP connections. For details on Ethernet Interface capabilities, refer to PACSystems RX7i & RX3i TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual, GFK-2224.
Two serial ports, one RS-232 and one RS-485. An RS-232 isolated Ethernet Station Manager serial port.
Chapter 1. Introduction
12 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual GFK-2222AD

1.5 RSTi-EP Overview

RSTi-EP CPUs make it possible to incorporate the entire PACSystems programming suite in stand-alone applications or as auxiliary control in larger process applications that use RX3i. They allow the User to leverage the power and flexibility of PACSystems in smaller applications.
At a high level, CPE100/CPE115 supports real-time application status, remote diagnostics and:
Dual LAN interfaces with four Ethernet ports
Built-in RS-232 serial port
Support for a range of communications protocols, including PROFINET
CPE100/115 supports 1 MB /1.5MB of non-volatile user memory.
All in just 1.5” (38.1mm) of DIN rail space.
CPE100/CPE115 supports two independent 10/100 Ethernet LANs. LAN1 has only one port and is dedicated to highspeed Ethernet and whereas LAN2 is comprised of three switched ports (labelled as 2, 3 & 4) configurable as either a second embedded Ethernet controller or an embedded PROFINET controller. All four ports are located on the front panel of the CPU.
The Ethernet controller Interface of CPE100/CPE115 provides Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) communications with other control systems, host computers running the Host Communications Toolkit or programmer software, and computers running the TCP/IP version of the programming software. These communications use the Service Request Transport Protocol (SRTP), Modbus TCP, and Ethernet Global Data (EGD) protocols over a four-layer TCP/IP (Internet) stack.
The RSTi-EP CPE100/CPE115 also embeds an industry standard PROFINET controller that allows it to connect to any type of PROFINET I/O solutions either from GE or any third party. It offers enhanced productivity, flexibility and performance advantages for virtually any type of control application in a range of industries. PROFINET supports a variety of I/O without compromising system performance and can operate in high-noise environments.
The RSTi-EP CPE100/CPE115 is secure by design, incorporating technologies such as Trusted Platform Modules (currently disabled) and verified boot. Centralized configuration allows encrypted firmware updates to be executed from a secure central location.
Chapter 1. Introduction
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1.6 Migrating Series 90 Applications to PACSystems

The PACSystems control system provides cost-effective expansion of existing systems. Support for existing Series 90 modules, expansion racks and remote racks protects your hardware investment. You can upgrade on your timetable without disturbing panel wiring.
The RX3i supports most Series 90-30 modules, expansion racks, and remote racks. For a list of
supported I/O, Communications, Motion, and Intelligent modules, see the PACSystems RX3i System Manual, GFK-2314.
The RX7i supports most existing Series 90-70 modules, expansion racks and Genius networks. For a
list of supported I/O, Communications, and Intelligent modules, see the PACSystems RX7i Installation Manual, GFK-2223.
Conversion of Series 90-70 and Series 90-30 programs preserves existing development effort. Conversion of VersaPro and Logicmaster applications to Machine Edition allows smooth transition
to PACSystems.
Chapter 1. Introduction
14 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual GFK-2222AD

1.7 Documentation

PACSystems Manuals

PACSystems RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual
PACSystems RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Programmer’s Reference Manual
PACSystems RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual
PACSystems TCP/IP Ethernet Communications Station Manager User Manual
C Programmer’s Toolkit for PACSystems
PACSystems Memory Xchange Modules User’s Manual
PACSystems Hot Standby CPU Redundancy User Manual
PACSystems Battery and Energy Pack Manual
Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer Getting Started
Proficy Process Systems Getting Started Guide
PACSystems RXi, RX3i, and RX7i Controller Secure Deployment Guide

RX3i Manuals

PACSystems RX3i System Manual
PACSystems RX3i IC695CPE400 1.2GHz 64MB Rackless CPU w/Field Agent QSG
PACSystems RX3i IC695ACC403 Rackless Energy Pack Quick Start Guide
PACSystems RX3i IC695CPE330 1GHz 64MB CPU w/Ethernet Quick Start Guide
PACSystems RX3i IC695ACC402 Energy Pack Quick Start Guide
PACSystems RX3i IC695ACC400 Energy Pack Data Sheet
DSM324i Motion Controller for PACSystems RX3i and Series 90-30 User’s Manual
PACSystems RX3i PROFIBUS Modules User’s Manual
PACSystems RX3i Max-On Hot Standby Redundancy User’s Manual
PACSystems RX3i Ethernet Network Interface Unit User’s Manual
PACMotion Multi-Axis Motion Controller User’s Manual
PACSystems RX3i & RSTi-EP PROFINET IO-Controller Manual
PACSystems RX3i PROFINET Scanner Manual
PACSystems RX3i CEP PROFINET Scanner User Manual
PACSystems RX3i Serial Communications Modules User’s Manual
PACSystems RX3i Genius Communications Gateway User Manual
PACSystems RX3i DNP3 Outstation Module IC695EDS001User’s Manual
PACSystems RX3i IEC 104 Server Module IC695EIS001User’s Manual
PACSystems HART Pass Through User Manual

Field Agent Manuals

Field Agent User’s Guide
Chapter 1. Introduction
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RX7i Manuals

PACSystems RX7i Installation Manual
PACSystems RX7i User's Guide to Integration of VME Modules
Series 90-70 Genius Bus Controller User’s Manual

RSTi-EP Manuals

RSTi-EP User’s Manual

Series 90 Manuals

Series 90 Programmable Coprocessor Module and Support Software
Series 90 PLC Serial Communications User’s Manual
Series 90-70 DLAN/DLAN+ Interface Module User’s Manual
Series 90-30 Genius Bus Controller User’s Manual

Distributed I/O Systems Manuals

Genius I/O System User’s Manual
Genius I/O Analog and Discrete Blocks User’s Manual
In addition to these manuals, datasheets and product update documents describe individual modules and product revisions. The most recent PACSystems documentation is available on GE’s Automation and Controls support website
GFK-2222AD April 2018 17

Chapter 2 CPU Features & Specifications

This chapter provides details on the hardware features of the PACSystems CPUs and their specifications.
Common CPU Features RX3i CPU Features and Specifications RX7i CPU Features and Specifications RSTi-EP CPU Features and Specifications
Chapter 2. CPU Features & Specifications
18 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual GFK-2222AD

2.1 Common CPU Features

2.1.1 Features Shared by All PACSystems CPU Models

Programming in Ladder Diagram, Function Block Diagram, Structured Text and C. Floating point (real) data functions. Configurable data and program memory. Non-volatile built-in flash memory for user data (program, configuration, register data, and
symbolic variable) storage. Use of this flash memory is optional.
Configurable RUN/STOP Mode switch. Embedded serial and/or Ethernet communications (refer to comparison charts in RX3i CPU
Features and Specifications, RX7i CPU Features and Specifications and RSTi-EP CPU Features and Specifications).
Up to 512 program blocks. Maximum size for a block is 128KB. Auto Located Symbolic Variables, which allows you to create a variable without specifying a
reference address.
Bulk memory area accessed via reference table %W. The upper limit of this memory area can be
configured to the maximum available user RAM.
Larger reference table sizes, compared to Series 90* CPUs: 32Kbits for discrete %I and %Q and
up to 32K words each for analog %AI and %AQ.
Online Editing mode that allows you to easily test modifications to a running program. (For
details on using this feature, refer to the programming software online help and Proficy Logic Developer Getting Started, GFK-1918.)
Bit in word referencing that allows you to specify individual bits in a WORD reference in retentive
memory as inputs and outputs of Boolean expressions, function blocks, and calls that accept bit parameters.
In-system upgradeable firmware for CPU Indirect mechanism for upgrading firmware in backplane modules via the CPU.
Chapter 2. CPU Features & Specifications
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2.1.2 Features Shared by Certain PACSystems CPU Models

Rx3i CPE302, CPE305, CPE310, CPE330 and CPE400 offer battery-less retention of user memory
when each is connected to its compatible Energy Pack.
RSTi-EP CPE100/CPE115 offers battery-less retention of user memory with the support of
internal super capacitors.
All prior RX3i models have battery-backed RAM for user data (program, configuration, register
data, and symbolic variable) storage and clocks.
Rx3i CPE302, CPE305, CPE310, CPE330 and CPE400 and RSTi-EP CPE100/CPE115 models have
coin battery backup for their real-time clocks (elapsed time clock).
RX3i CPE302, CPE305, CPE310 and CPE330 models have the ability to upload and download data
from a Removable Data Storage Device (RDSD). This feature is not yet available on RX3i CPE400 and RSTi-EP CPE100/CPE115.
RX3i CPE302, CPE305, CPE310, CPE330 , CPE400 and RSTi-EP CPE100/CPE115 models support
RX3i CPE302, CPE305, CPE310, CPE330, CPE400 and RSTi-EP CPE100/CPE115 models support
Ethernet Global Data Class 1.
RX3i CPE302, CPE305, CPE310, CPE330, and CPE400 models support Simple Network Time
Protocol (SNTP) Client, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), and Daylight Savings Time (DST).
RX3i CPE330 and CPE400 and RSTi-EP CPE100/CPE115 permit LAN2 to be configured as an
Embedded PROFINET Controller. Refer to Section 2.1.6, Embedded PROFINET Controller.
RX3i CPE302, CPE305, CPE310, CPE330, and CPE400 models monitor the internal temperature
of the CPU hardware. CPU behavior under these conditions is documented in Section 2.1.9.
For a comparative review of CPU features, refer to RX3i CPU Features and Specifications, RX7i CPU Features and Specifications and RSTi-EP CPU Features and Specifications. Note that each specific feature may require a corresponding firmware version of the CPU firmware.
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