GE PACSystems RX3i, PACSystems RSTi-EP, IC695PNC001, IC695CPE400, EPSCPE100 User Manual

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RX3i & RSTi-EP PROFINET IO-Controller User Manual GFK-2571N

PACSystems* RX3i & RSTi-EP
PROFINET IO-Controller User Manual
May 2018
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GFK-2571N May 2018 i

Table of Contents

RX3i & RSTi-EP PROFINET IO-Controller User Manual GFK-2571N
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................ i
Table of Figures .............................................................................................................................................. vi
Chapter 1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Revisions in this Manual ........................................................................................................... 2
1.2 PROFINET Controller Description ......................................................................................... 4
1.2.1 PNC001 Description ................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.2 Embedded PROFINET Controller ........................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 PNC001 Module Specifications ............................................................................................... 6
1.4 Operating Range for Surrounding Air Temperature ......................................................... 9
1.4.1 Operating Temperature De-Rating: ...................................................................................................................... 9
1.5 PNC001 Module Controls and Indicators ........................................................................... 10
1.5.1 PNC001 Hardware Implementions (-Ax & -Bxxx) ........................................................................................ 11
1.5.2 Ethernet Network Ports ......................................................................................................................................... 12
1.5.3 USB Port(s) .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
1.5.4 Reset Pushbutton ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
1.5.5 LEDs on the CPUs with Embedded PROFINET .............................................................................................. 13
1.5.6 LEDs on the PNC001 Module ............................................................................................................................... 13
1.6 PROFINET Networks for PACSystems ............................................................................... 14
1.6.1 Compression ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
1.6.2 Basic System: One RX3i CPU and One PROFINET Controller using a single port ............................ 16
1.6.3 Basic System: One RX3i CPU and One PROFINET Controller using multiple ports ........................ 17
1.6.4 Basic System: Third-Party Devices and PME Programmer ....................................................................... 18
1.6.5 Systems with One RX3i CPU and Two PROFINET Controllers ................................................................ 19
1.6.6 One RX3i CPU with Four Controllers on Separate Networks.................................................................. 21
1.6.7 Two RX3i CPUs with Two PROFINET Networks and One Ethernet Network .................................... 22
1.6.8 Systems that use PROFINET System Redundancy (PNSR) ...................................................................... 23
1.6.9 Systems that use Hot Standby CPU Redundancy ........................................................................................ 24
1.6.10 RSTi-EP Standalone CPU with embedded PROFINET Controller using a single port .................... 25
1.6.11 RSTi-EP Standalone CPU with embedded PROFINET Controller using multiple ports ................. 26
1.6.12 RSTi-EP Standalone CPU with embedded PROFINET Controller using MRP .................................... 27
ii PACSystems* RX3i & RSTi-EP PROFINET IO-Controller User Manual GFK-2571N
1.7 Glossary ..................................................................................................................................... 28
1.8 Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 30
Chapter 2 Installation ......................................................................................................................... 31
2.1 Pre-Installation Check ............................................................................................................ 32
2.2 Installation in Hazardous Areas .......................................................................................... 33
2.2.1 ATEX Marking .............................................................................................................................................................. 33
2.3 Removing the Backplane Knockout .................................................................................... 34
2.4 Module Installation ................................................................................................................. 35
2.5 Module Removal ...................................................................................................................... 35
2.6 Hot Insertion and Removal ................................................................................................... 36
2.7 Ethernet Port Connections ................................................................................................... 37
2.7.1 PROFINET Network Connections ....................................................................................................................... 37
2.7.2 RJ45 Port Connections ........................................................................................................................................... 37
2.7.3 Installing SFP Devices.............................................................................................................................................. 40
2.7.4 Removing SFP Devices ............................................................................................................................................ 42
2.8 PNC001 LED Behavior ............................................................................................................. 43
2.8.1 Power-up LED Patterns .......................................................................................................................................... 43
2.8.2 Detailed LED Descriptions ..................................................................................................................................... 44
2.9 Installing the USB Port Driver .............................................................................................. 46
2.10 Firmware Updates ................................................................................................................... 47
2.10.1 PNC001 Firmware Updates .................................................................................................................................. 47
2.10.2 Firmware Updates for Embedded PROFINET ................................................................................................ 47
2.11 PNC001 Time Synchronization with the Host RX3i CPU ................................................ 48
Chapter 3 Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 49
3.1 Configuration Overview ........................................................................................................ 50
3.1.1 System Planning ........................................................................................................................................................ 50
3.1.2 Basic Configuration Steps ..................................................................................................................................... 51
3.2 Configuration Tools ................................................................................................................ 52
3.2.1 Non-Volatile Configuration Parameters .......................................................................................................... 52
3.3 Configuring an RX3i PROFINET Controller ........................................................................ 53
3.3.1 Configuring a Rack-Mounted RX3i PROFINET Controller (PNC001) ..................................................... 53
3.3.2 Configuring an Embedded RX3i PROFINET Controller ............................................................................... 53
3.3.3 Configuring an Embedded RSTi-EP PROFINET Controller ........................................................................ 54
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3.4 Configuring PROFINET System Redundancy..................................................................... 55
3.5 Exploring PROFINET Networks ............................................................................................ 56
3.5.1 Configuring a PROFINET Controller on a LAN................................................................................................ 57
3.5.2 Configuring PROFINET Controller Parameters ............................................................................................. 58
3.6 Configuring PROFINET LANs ................................................................................................. 62
3.6.1 Configuring the LAN Properties .......................................................................................................................... 63
3.7 Adding a VersaMax PROFINET Scanner to a LAN............................................................. 65
3.7.1 Configuring VersaMax PROFINET Scanner Parameters ............................................................................ 66
3.7.2 Adding VersaMax PROFINET Scanner Power Supplies .............................................................................. 70
3.7.3 Adding VersaMax Modules to a Remote Node ............................................................................................. 71
3.7.4 Installing Power Supplies Between Modules ................................................................................................. 72
3.7.5 Configuring VersaMax Module Parameters ................................................................................................... 73
3.8 Adding a Third-Party IO-Device to a LAN .......................................................................... 75
3.8.1 Editing Third-Party IO-Device Parameters ..................................................................................................... 76
3.8.2 Configuring Sub-Modules of a Third-Party IO-Device ................................................................................ 78
3.9 Viewing / Editing IO-Device Properties .............................................................................. 79
3.10 Assigning IO-Device Names................................................................................................... 81
3.11 After the Configuration is Stored to the RX3i CPU ......................................................... 83
Chapter 4 PROFINET System Operation ......................................................................................... 85
4.1 PROFINET Operation Overview ........................................................................................... 86
4.1.1 PROFINET Communications ................................................................................................................................. 87
4.2 Operations of the PROFINET Controller in the PACSystems System ........................ 90
4.2.1 Duplicate PROFINET IO-Device IP Address .................................................................................................... 90
4.2.2 Duplicate PROFINET IO-Controller IP Address ............................................................................................. 91
4.2.3 Resolving Duplicate IP Addresses ...................................................................................................................... 91
4.3 I/O Scanning .............................................................................................................................. 92
4.4 Data Coherency ........................................................................................................................ 93
4.5 Performance Factors .............................................................................................................. 94
4.6 PROFINET IO Update Rate Configuration .......................................................................... 95
4.7 PACSystems CPU Operations for PROFINET .................................................................... 96
4.7.1 Reference ID Variables for the PACSystems Application ......................................................................... 96
4.7.2 PNIO_DEV_COMM Function Block ..................................................................................................................... 97
4.7.3 Reset Smart Module for the PROFINET Controller ...................................................................................... 98
4.7.4 DO I/O for Remote IO Modules ............................................................................................................................ 98
4.7.5 Scan Set I/O for Remote I/O Modules ............................................................................................................... 99
4.7.6 PACSystems CPU Defaults - Inputs ................................................................................................................... 99
iv PACSystems* RX3i & RSTi-EP PROFINET IO-Controller User Manual GFK-2571N
4.7.7 PACSystems CPU Defaults - Outputs ............................................................................................................... 99
Chapter 5 Diagnostics ....................................................................................................................... 101
5.1 Power-up and Reset (PNC001 Module) ............................................................................ 102
5.1.1 Module Restart ....................................................................................................................................................... 102
5.1.2 Problems During Power-up and Reset .......................................................................................................... 103
5.1.3 Transitioning to Firmware Update Mode ..................................................................................................... 103
5.2 Special LED Blink Patterns .................................................................................................. 104
5.2.1 Special LED Pattern - Module Identification ............................................................................................... 104
5.2.2 Special LED Pattern - Microprocessor Overtemperature ...................................................................... 104
5.2.3 Firmware Update ................................................................................................................................................... 104
5.2.4 Internal Update ....................................................................................................................................................... 104
5.3 Status Reporting ................................................................................................................... 105
5.4 I/O Fault Contacts ................................................................................................................. 106
5.5 Fault Locating References ................................................................................................... 107
5.6 Fatal Error Reporting ............................................................................................................ 108
5.7 PROFINET IO Alarms ............................................................................................................. 109
5.8 Local Log Table of the PROFINET Controller .................................................................. 110
5.8.1 Faults Unique to Local Log Table ..................................................................................................................... 111
5.8.2 Viewing and Clearing the Local Log Table .................................................................................................... 113
5.9 PROFINET Controller Faults in the PACSystems Fault Tables ................................... 116
5.9.1 Clearing the PACSystems Fault Tables ......................................................................................................... 116
5.9.2 Faults Reported to the PACSystems Controller Fault Table ................................................................ 116
5.9.3 Faults Reported to the PACSystems I/O Fault Table ............................................................................... 118
Chapter 6 Redundant Media ............................................................................................................ 127
6.1 PROFINET Media Redundancy Protocol ........................................................................... 128
6.1.1 MRP Failover Performance ................................................................................................................................. 129
6.1.2 Bumpless Operation with MRP ........................................................................................................................ 130
6.1.3 MRP Operation for I/O Update Rates of 16ms or Greater ..................................................................... 131
6.1.4 MRP Operation at I/O Update Rates Less Than 16ms ............................................................................ 131
6.1.5 Minimum I/O Rate When Configured in an MRP Ring ............................................................................. 131
6.1.6 Minimum I/O Update Rates for Bumpless Operation in an MRP Ring Topology .......................... 132
6.1.7 MRP Ring Ethernet Traffic Storm Prevention ............................................................................................. 133
6.1.8 Third-party MRP Manager Use with PROFINET Controller as MRP Client ....................................... 134
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6.2 Ring Topology with One Controller .................................................................................. 135
6.3 Ring Topology with Multiple Controllers ........................................................................ 136
6.4 Setting Up Media Redundancy Protocol ......................................................................... 137
6.4.1 Media Redundancy Setup for a PROFINET Controller ............................................................................. 137
6.5 Sequence for Enabling Media Redundancy ..................................................................... 138
6.6 Sequence for Replacing a Media Redundancy Manager .............................................. 139
6.7 Procedure for Disabling Media Redundancy .................................................................. 140
Chapter 7 Network Management .................................................................................................. 141
7.1 SNMP ........................................................................................................................................ 142
7.1.1 Overview of SNMP ................................................................................................................................................. 142
7.1.2 Supported SNMP Features ................................................................................................................................. 143
7.1.3 SNMP Read Access ................................................................................................................................................ 143
7.1.4 SNMP Write Access .............................................................................................................................................. 143
7.1.5 MIB-II Groups Supported .................................................................................................................................... 144
7.1.6 MIB-II System Group Values .............................................................................................................................. 145
7.2 LLDP ......................................................................................................................................... 146
7.2.1 Overview of LLDP ................................................................................................................................................... 146
7.2.2 LLDP Operation ...................................................................................................................................................... 146
7.2.3 LLDP TLVs.................................................................................................................................................................. 147
Appendix A PROFINET IO Performance Examples ............................................................................ 151
A-1 Systems with RX3i PNS .................................................................................................................... 152
A-1.1 RX3i System Performance Summary ............................................................................................................. 152
A-1.2 RX3i System Descriptions .................................................................................................................................. 152
A-2 Systems with VersaMax PNS .......................................................................................................... 153
A-2.1 VersaMax System Performance Summary .................................................................................................. 153
A-2.2 VersaMax System Descriptions ....................................................................................................................... 154
A-3 Systems with RSTi-EP EPSCPE100/CPE115 ................................................................................. 156
A-3.1 RSTi-EP CPE100/CPE115 Embedded PROFINET Controller System Performance Summary . 156
A-3.2 RSTi-EP System Descriptions ............................................................................................................................ 157
vi PACSystems* RX3i & RSTi-EP PROFINET IO-Controller User Manual GFK-2571N

Table of Figures

Figure 1: IC695PNC001-Bxxx Front View ___________________________________________________________ 4 Figure 2: IC695PNC001-Ax Controls & Indicators ____________________________________________________ 10 Figure 3: IC695PNC001-Bxxx Controls & Indicators __________________________________________________ 10 Figure 4: PNC001 Ethernet Ports Location and Type _________________________________________________ 12 Figure 5: CPE100/CPE115 Ethernet Ports Location and Type __________________________________________ 12 Figure 6: RX3i System with one PROFINET Controller and one PROFINET LAN _____________________________ 16 Figure 7: RX3i System with one PROFINET Controller and multiple PROFINET LANs ________________________ 17 Figure 8: RX3i System interfacing with Third-Party Devices and with PME Programmer ____________________ 18 Figure 9: RX3i System with two PNC001 Modules and one Daisy-Chain PROFINET LAN _____________________ 19 Figure 10: RX3i System with two PNC001 modules and two Daisy-Chain PROFINET LANs ___________________ 20 Figure 11: RX3i System with four PNC001 modules and four Daisy-Chain PROFINET LANs ___________________ 21 Figure 12: RX3i System with two PROFINET LANs & one Ethernet LAN __________________________________ 22 Figure 13: PROFINET System Redundancy S2 _______________________________________________________ 23 Figure 14: RX3i Hot Standby CPU Redundancy Network with MRP Ring Topology _________________________ 24 Figure 15: RSTi-EP System with embedded PROFINET Controller and one PROFINET LAN ____________________ 25 Figure 16: RX3i System with one PROFINET Controller and multiple PROFINET LANs _______________________ 26 Figure 17: RX3i System with one PROFINET Controller and PROFINET IO Network MRP _____________________ 27 Figure 18: RX3i Backplane showing Removable Plastic Knockout _______________________________________ 34 Figure 19: Install Module into RX3i Backplane ______________________________________________________ 35 Figure 20: Remove Module from RX3i Backplane ___________________________________________________ 35 Figure 21: Ethernet Ports on PNC001 Module ______________________________________________________ 37 Figure 22: Interconnect using Copper Cables / RJ45 Connectors ________________________________________ 38 Figure 23: Interconnect using Multi-Mode Fiber ____________________________________________________ 38 Figure 24: Interconnect using Single-Mode Fiber ____________________________________________________ 38 Figure 25: CAT5e/CAT6 (shielded or unshielded) with RJ 45 Connector __________________________________ 39 Figure 26: Multi-Mode Fiber with LC connector _____________________________________________________ 39 Figure 27: Single-Mode Fiber with LC connector ____________________________________________________ 39 Figure 28: Method for Attaching SFP Device Connector to PNC001 Port _________________________________ 40 Figure 29: Fiber SFP showing LC Connector ________________________________________________________ 42 Figure 30: Copper SFP showing RJ45 Connector ____________________________________________________ 42 Figure 31: PNC001-Bxxx Front View showing LEDs __________________________________________________ 43 Figure 32: RX3i Configuration showing PNC001 slot location __________________________________________ 53 Figure 33: Embedded PROFINET Controller Configured on LAN2 _______________________________________ 53 Figure 34: CPE100/CPE115 Embedded PROFINET Controller Configured on LAN2 __________________________ 54 Figure 35: Setting PROFINET System Redundancy Parameters in PME Inspector __________________________ 55 Figure 36: Explore PROFINET Network from PNC001 ________________________________________________ 56 Figure 37: Explore PROFINET Network from Embedded PROFINET Controller _____________________________ 56 Figure 38: LAN View showing PROFINET Controller on LAN2 __________________________________________ 57 Figure 39: LAN View showing PROFINET Controller on LAN1 __________________________________________ 57 Figure 40: PROFINET Controller Settings Tab (PNC001) _______________________________________________ 58 Figure 41: PROFINET Controller Settings Tab (Embedded PNC) ________________________________________ 58 Figure 42: Setting the Status Reference Address ____________________________________________________ 59 Figure 43: Select SFP Device from Catalog _________________________________________________________ 59 Figure 44: Setting Media Redundancy Parameters __________________________________________________ 61 Figure 45: Setting Media Redundancy Client Parameters _____________________________________________ 61 Figure 46: Setting Media Redundancy Manager Parameters __________________________________________ 61 Figure 47: Configuring the PROFINET LAN _________________________________________________________ 62 Figure 48: LAN Associated with PROFINET Controller ________________________________________________ 62 Figure 49: Adding a New LAN to the Configuration __________________________________________________ 62
GFK-2571N May 2018 vii
Figure 50: Setting the Communication Properties of a LAN ____________________________________________ 63 Figure 51: Select PNS from Catalog ______________________________________________________________ 65 Figure 52: Select PNS Type _____________________________________________________________________ 65 Figure 53: PNS Attached to PNC001 in PME Navigator _______________________________________________ 65 Figure 54: Select PNS for Parameter Configuration __________________________________________________ 66 Figure 55: PNS Parameters Settings Tab __________________________________________________________ 66 Figure 56: PNS Parameters Redundancy Tab _______________________________________________________ 67 Figure 57: PNS Parameters Media Redundancy Tab _________________________________________________ 67 Figure 58: Select PNS Ring Ports Usage ___________________________________________________________ 67 Figure 59: PNS Parameters Module Parameters Tab _________________________________________________ 68 Figure 60: PNS Parameters GSDML Details Tab _____________________________________________________ 68 Figure 61: PNS Interface Parameter Details ________________________________________________________ 69 Figure 62: PNS Port Parameter Details ____________________________________________________________ 69 Figure 63: Selecting Power Supply for PNS Rack ____________________________________________________ 70 Figure 64: Power Supplies Displayed in PNS Rack ___________________________________________________ 70 Figure 65: Adding VersaMax I/O Modules to Remote Node ___________________________________________ 71 Figure 66: Select VersaMax Module from Available List ______________________________________________ 71 Figure 67: Adding Power Supplies between Modules in PNS Rack ______________________________________ 72 Figure 68: VersaMax PNS Rack showing Power Supply Located between I/O Modules ______________________ 72 Figure 69: Analog Modules Requiring Jumper-Setting Designation _____________________________________ 73 Figure 70: Selecting the Sub-Module Configuration with Jumper Settings Declared ________________________ 74 Figure 71: Analog Modules Showing Configuration Mismatch Cleared __________________________________ 74 Figure 72: Selecting Third-Party Modules for Addition to LAN _________________________________________ 75 Figure 73: Finding GSDML File for Third-Party Device ________________________________________________ 75 Figure 74: Third-Party I/O: Use of IO-Device Access Point Tab _________________________________________ 76 Figure 75: Third-Party I/O: Use of Media Redundancy Tab ____________________________________________ 76 Figure 76: Third-Party I/O: Select Ring Ports for Media Redundancy Client _______________________________ 76 Figure 77: Third-Party I/O: Configure Ring Ports for Media Redundancy Manager _________________________ 77 Figure 78: Third-Party I/O: Additional Parameter Settings (Product Dependent) ___________________________ 77 Figure 79: Expand Third-Party I/O Device __________________________________________________________ 78 Figure 80: Editing Port Parameters on Third-Party I/O Device _________________________________________ 78 Figure 81: Display of GSDML for Third-Party I/O Device ______________________________________________ 78 Figure 82: Inspector View of IO-Device Properties ___________________________________________________ 79 Figure 83: Setting of IO-Device Update Rate _______________________________________________________ 79 Figure 84: Assigning Reference Variable to IO-Device ________________________________________________ 80 Figure 85: Use of Connection Drop-Down List ______________________________________________________ 81 Figure 86: Equivalent Windows Network Settings ___________________________________________________ 81 Figure 87: Assign LAN _________________________________________________________________________ 81 Figure 88: List of Device Names on LAN with Status Indications ________________________________________ 82 Figure 89: Application Relationship ______________________________________________________________ 87 Figure 90: Real-Time and Non-Real-Time Data Communications _______________________________________ 88 Figure 91: Diagram of Multiple Asynchronous I/O Scans ______________________________________________ 92 Figure 92: PNIO_DEV_COMM Function Block ______________________________________________________ 97 Figure 93: PNIO_DEV_COMM Example ___________________________________________________________ 98 Figure 94: Alarm Processing Phases _____________________________________________________________ 109 Figure 95: Local Log Display ___________________________________________________________________ 113 Figure 96: Log Details Display __________________________________________________________________ 114 Figure 97: Log Details of a Specific Log Entry ______________________________________________________ 115 Figure 98: Timeline for Successful MRP Ring Repair at 16ms I/O Update Rate ___________________________ 131 Figure 99: Ring Topology with One Controller _____________________________________________________ 135 Figure 100: Ring Topology with Multiple Controllers ________________________________________________ 136
GFK-2571N May 2018 1

Chapter 1 Introduction

This chapter introduces the PACSystems RX3i & RSTi-EP PROFINET system and describes the various forms of RX3i & RSTi-EP PROFINET Controllers:
1. The IC695PNC001 module (abbreviated PNC001), which is a rack-mounted module residing in the
CPU Rack; there are two hardware versions of this module: IC695PNC001-Ax and IC695PNC001-Bxxx. The differences are explained in Section 1.5.1.
2. The embedded PROFINET Controllers available in certain RX3i & RSTi-EP CPUs. At publication, the
IC695CPE400 (CPE400), IC695CPE330 (CPE330) and EPSCPE100/EPSCPE115 (CPE100/CPE115) permit LAN2 to be configured as a PROFINET Controller.
The last two pages of this chapter are a glossary that summarizes many terms used in the manual.
Chapter 2, Installation explains how to install a PNC001, how to complete port connections, and how to update the PNC001 module firmware. Chapter 2 also explains how to install the USB port driver on the PNC001 module (PNC001-Ax only), and describes how the module synchronizes its internal clock with the RX3i CPU. Since embedded PROFINET Controllers require no installation per se, refer to the installation instructions for the corresponding PLC CPU.
Chapter 3, Configuration explains how to complete and download the PACSystems RX3i & RSTi-EP configuration for target PROFINET Controller, as well as devices present on the associated PROFINET network. The associated devices typically include RX3i and VersaMax PROFINET Scanners and third-party PROFINET devices, but may also include additional PROFINET Controllers present on the network.
Chapter 4, PROFINET System Operation describes I/O scan operation and application program function blocks for use with any RX3i & RSTi-EP PROFINET Controller (slot-mounted or embedded). This chapter also provides an overview of PROFINET communications between the controller and IO-Devices.
Chapter 5, Diagnostics explains the power-up and reset process, special LED blink patterns, status reporting, and fatal error reporting. It also describes faults and corrective actions.
Chapter 6, Redundant Media, explains how a PROFINET system can be set up for PROFINET Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP), and describes ring topologies that might be used.
Chapter 7, Network Management explains the use of SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) and Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) to assist network management. These features are available in PNC001 firmware version 1.10 or later, and in all firmware versions of CPE400, CPE330 and CPE100/CPE115.
Chapter 1. Introduction
2 PACSystems* RX3i & RSTi-EP PROFINET IO-Controller User Manual GFK-2571N

1.1 Revisions in this Manual

May 2018
Corrected the units associated with Network Transit Time, which is a millisecond. Clarification added for footnote 3. Added introductory section on PROFINET System Redundancy (Section 1.6.8). Added a note on Compression at Section 1.6.1.
Apr 2018
Added information about embedded PROFINET Controllers in RSTi-EP CPU CPE115
Feb 2018
Compatibility with CPE302.
Updates for new hardware version, IC695PNC001-Bxxx.
Updated content for CPE400. Added Section 3.4, Configuring PROFINET System Redundancy Correction made in Section 4.2.2, Duplicate PROFINET IO-Controller IP Address.
Added MRP information for embedded PROFINET Controllers in RSTi-EP CPU
EPSCPE100 (CPE100).
Added information about embedded PROFINET Controllers in RSTi-EP CPU EPSCPE100
Noted max loading and performance differences between embedded and rack-
mounted PROFINET controllers.
Added information about embedded PROFINET Controllers in CPE400 and CPE330 Noted max loading and performance differences between embedded and rack-
mounted PROFINET controllers.
PNC001 Module Specifications section updated to include CPE305, CPE310 and CPE330
Added/modified information to include critical network port feature. Increased maximum I/O-device support from 64 to 128 devices per PNC001 (star
Increased maximum redundant I/O-device support from 128 to 255 for the system. In section 5.9.2 Faults Reported to the PACSystems Controller Fault Table, added new
Controller Fault description for Unable to deliver configuration to module fault.
In section 5.9.3 Faults Reported to the PACSystems I/O Fault Table, changed details
about PROFINET Controller Heavily Loaded and Loading has Improved faults.
In section 6.1 PROFINET Media Redundancy Protocol, Added additional MRP
performance information (table from the PUN, and new information).
In sections 7.1.3 SNMP Read Access and 7.1.4 SNMP Write Access, Changed PROFINET
Controller SNMP access credentials and capabilities to reflect differences between firmware versions 2.05 or earlier and 2.10 or later.
Chapter 1. Introduction
GFK-2571N May 2018 3
Chapter 1, Introduction: made edits to clarify that products other than VersaMax
support redundancy.
Chapter 4, PROFINET System Operation: made edits to support redundancy. Chapter 6, Redundant Media: added table to show which PROFINET Scanner/Device
supports PROFINET Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP), and made other edits to clarify that products other than VersaMax support redundancy.
Chapter 1. Introduction
4 PACSystems* RX3i & RSTi-EP PROFINET IO-Controller User Manual GFK-2571N

1.2 PROFINET Controller Description

This manual covers two types of PROFINET Controller:
1. The traditional Rack-mounted RX3i PROFINET Controller, IC695PNC001;
2. A PROFINET Controller that is embedded within a CPU.

1.2.1 PNC001 Description

The PACSystems RX3i PROFINET Controller module, IC695PNC001, connects a PACSystems RX3i controller to a PROFINET network. It enables the RX3i controller to communicate with IO-Devices on the network. The PNC001 provides all the functions, services, and protocols required for certification as a PROFINET IO Version 2.2 IO Controller, running at both 100Mbps and 1Gbps.
The PNC001 supports 10/100/1000Mbps Copper, 100/1000Mbps Multi­mode Fiber, and 100/1000Mbps Single-mode Fiber. The network can include media interfaces of more than one type. PROFINET communications on the network require 100 and 1000 Mbps link speed. 10Mbps cannot be used for PROFINET communications. However, 10Mbps can be used for other types of Ethernet traffic, such as ping, and telnet.
Features of the RX3i PNC001 module include:
Full programming and configuration services for the PROFINET
Controller, PROFINET Scanners (PNS), and other third-party IO­Devices using PROFICY Machine Edition.
Firmware upgrades using the WinLoader software utility. Built-in Command Line Interface function that provides direct
monitoring and partial configuration via the module’s micro USB port or using telnet. (PNC001-Ax only)
Note: The USB port is for system set-up and diagnostics only.
It is not intended for permanent connection.
Support for star, ring, and daisy-chain/line network topologies. Four switched Ethernet ports two 8-conductor RJ45 shielded
twisted pair 10/100/1000 Mbps copper interfaces and two Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) cages for user-supplied SFP devices.
Support for media redundancy Internal clock synchronized with the RX3i CPU for time-stamped
diagnostics entries.
Restart pushbutton to manually restart the module without power
cycling the system.
Port Number LEDs as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3.
Figure 1: IC695PNC001-Bxxx
Front View
Chapter 1. Introduction
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1.2.2 Embedded PROFINET Controller

CPE400, CPE330 and CPE100/CPE115 feature an Embedded PROFINET IO-Controller function. This feature permits LAN2 to be configured as a PROFINET Controller similar to PNC001 in functionality, but without requiring the presence of a PNC001 rack-mounted module.
In the following Specifications section, the physical specifications related to rack mounting do not apply to the embedded PROFINET Controllers. Refer to the corresponding product documentation for CPE400, CPE330 and CPE100/CPE115 in the PACSystems RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual, (GFK-2222AB or later).
Chapter 1. Introduction
6 PACSystems* RX3i & RSTi-EP PROFINET IO-Controller User Manual GFK-2571N

1.3 PNC001 Module Specifications

PROFINET Version 2.2 General Class A IO-Controller Redundantly controlled operation conforms to PROFINET V2.3 Type S-2 System Redundancy.
Note that the CPE100/CPE115 is a simplex PROFINET IO-Controller.
CPU Compatibility
Requires CPU315, CPU320, CPE305, CPE310 or CPE330 with firmware version 7.0 or higher. Also compatible with all versions of CPE302.
Simplex or redundantly-controlled PROFINET I/O requires CRU320 release
8.00 or higher. For the current status of CPE330 features refer to PACSystems RX7i, RX3i
and RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual, (GFK-2222Z or later). Note that CPE400 and CPE100/CPE115 features an embedded PROFINET
IO-Controller; these are standalone CPUs and do not support IC695PNC001.
Power Requirements1 ,
Rev. –Ax:
Rev. –Bxxx:
with no SFP devices installed
3.3Vdc: 0.5A
3.3Vdc: 0.5A
with two SFP devices installed, 0.35A per SFP
3.3Vdc: 1.2A maximum
3.3Vdc: 1.2A maximum
5 Vdc: 1.5A maximum
5 Vdc: 0.75A maximum
Operating Temperature Range1
Rev. -Axxx:
0°C to 60°C
Rev. -Bxxx:
-25°C to 60°C
Note: See section 1.4 for de-rating conditions
Number of PROFINET Port Connectors1
PNC001 –2 RJ45 and 2 SFP Cages located on the underside of module (SFP devices not included, available separately). Embedded PROFINET IO-Controller – 2 RJ45.
Front Panel Connectors1
PNC001-Ax: One micro USB for communication with a computer using Command Line Interface. PNC001-Bxxx: One RJ45. Disabled.
Command Line Interface Supported
PNC001-Ax – Yes. PNC001-Bxxx: No. Embedded PROFINET IO-Controller – No.
IEEE 802.2 Logical Link Control Class I IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD Medium Access Control 10/100/1000 Mbps
Maximum I/O Memory
128 Kbytes of combined input/output memory per PROFINET Controller Note: RSTi-EP CPE100/CPE115 supports a maximum of 8 IO Devices.
The combined input and output memory is equivalent to the input /output memory requirements of those 8 devices.
PNC001 – Yes; Embedded PROFINET IO-Controller – No.
CPU Status Bits
PROFINET IO-Device Data Update Rates on the PROFINET Network
Configurable: 1ms, 2ms, 4ms, 8ms, 16ms, 32ms, 64ms, 128ms, 256ms and 512ms
Note: For CPE100/CPE115, Update Rates below 16ms are not
Number of IP Addresses
Number of MAC Addresses
PNC001 – 5. One per external PROFINET port and one internal. Embedded PROFINET IO-Controller – 1.
For CPE400, CPE330 and CPE100, CPE115 refer to the equivalent product specifications in the PACSystems RX7i, RX3i and
RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual, (GFK-2222Z or later).
Chapter 1. Introduction
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System Maximum Limits
PROFINET Controllers per RX3i CPU
Four PNC001 maximum. Must be located in main CPU rack. Cannot be located in a remote node.
CPE330 supports one embedded PROFINET Controller plus up to four PNC001.
CPE400 & CPE100/CPE115 support one embedded PROFINET Controller. Since these are standalone CPUs they do not support any PNC001 in their hardware configuration.
IO-Devices per IO-Controller
128 max per PNC001 at maximum update interval. 32 max (simplex) or 20 max (Hot Standby Redundancy) per embedded PROFINET Controller at maximum update interval.
8 max per RSTi-EP CPE100/CPE115 embedded PROFINET Controller. For limits at shorter update intervals, refer to PROFINET Controller Loading
Limits in Chapter 3.
Max MRP Clients when configured as MRP Manager
PNC001 – 63 Embedded PROFINET Controller - 31
Embedded PROFINET Controller CPE100/CPE1152 - 8
IO-Devices per Network
Maximum of 255 simplex or 255 redundant I/O Devices per network, spread across a maximum of 8 I/O Controllers.
The actual total number of devices supported per network depends on the topology. For details, refer to Maximum Number of Nodes per Network based on Topology, below.
IO-Devices per RX3i CPU
Maximum of 255 simplex or 255 redundant I/O Devices per RX3i CPU, spread across up to four PROFINET Controllers.3
IO-Devices per RSTi-EP CPU
Maximum of 8 simplex I/O Devices for CPE100/CPE115.
IO-Controllers per Network
Eight maximum
Input and output memory per IO-Controller
Maximum of 128 Kbytes combined input and output memory Note: RSTi-EP CPE100/CPE115 supports maximum 8 IO Devices so the
combined input and output memory is equivalent to maximum input /output memory supported by 8 devices.
Number of PROFINET Slots per device
Number of PROFINET Subslots per slot
Number of PROFINET Submodules per RX3i CPU
Programmer Limits
Number of IO-Controllers
128 (32 RX3i CPU targets × 4 IO-Controllers per RX3i CPU)
Number of IO-Devices
2048 (128 per network × 16 PROFINET networks)
Total number of devices
2176 (does not include backplanes, power supplies, or I/O modules)
For product standards, general operating specifications, and installation requirements, refer to the PACSystems RX3i System Manual, GFK-2314.
Effective with firmware v9.30, CPE100/CPE115 supports MRP.
In the case of CPE330, with embedded PROFINET activated, it is possible to have five PROFINET Controllers. However, in
the rare case of having all 5 PNCs configured on the same LAN, and then invoking redundancy, each CPU is again restricted to a limit of 4 PNCs (in order to satisfy the overall limit of 8 PNCs per LAN).
Chapter 1. Introduction
8 PACSystems* RX3i & RSTi-EP PROFINET IO-Controller User Manual GFK-2571N

Maximum Number of Nodes per Network based on Topology

For a network using MRP ring topology, the maximum number of nodes is 64 (consisting of the PNC001
PROFINET Controller(s) plus up to 62 or 63 IO-Devices). If the ring uses Media Redundancy Protocol, this means one Media Redundancy Manager and up to 63 clients.
For a network using MRP ring topology and an Embedded PROFINET IO-Controller as the MRP Ring
Manager, the maximum number of nodes is
o for CPE330/CPE400: 32 (1 MRP Manager and 31 MRP clients) o for CPE100/CPE115: 9 (1 MRP Manager and 8 MRP clients).
For a network using star topology, the maximum number of nodes configurable is 263 (consisting of up to
8 PNC001 PROFINET Controllers plus up to 255 IO-Devices).
For a network using star, line topology, or MRP Ring (where the Embedded PROFINET IO-Controller is not
the MRP Ring Manager) the maximum number of nodes configurable of the system is 264. This may consist of up to eight IC695PNC001 PROFINET Controllers and one Embedded PROFINET IO-Controller (CPE400 or CPE330) plus up to 255 I/O-Devices.
Chapter 1. Introduction
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1.4 Operating Range for Surrounding Air Temperature

0 to 60°C surrounding air temperature
-25 to 60°C surrounding air temperature

1.4.1 Operating Temperature De-Rating:

The operating temperature range is specified for the module and not the system as a whole. As a guideline, if the module is next to hot neighbor modules on each side the maximum operating ambient temperature should be de-rated as described below:
If 100 MB Fiber SFPs installed, then reduce by 5°C
If Copper SFPs operating at 1 GB, then reduce by 6°C
Chapter 1. Introduction
10 PACSystems* RX3i & RSTi-EP PROFINET IO-Controller User Manual GFK-2571N

1.5 PNC001 Module Controls and Indicators

Figure 2: IC695PNC001-Ax Controls & Indicators
Figure 3: IC695PNC001-Bxxx Controls &
Chapter 1. Introduction
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1.5.1 PNC001 Hardware Implementions (-Ax & -Bxxx)

In January 2018, an updated hardware implementation(-Bxxx) replaced the earlier version (-Ax) of the rack­mounted PNC001. The following are the differences between these two hardware implementations.
Figure 2
Figure 3
Attachment to Rack
Via plastic case latch and heatsink screw
Via two Phillip’s head machine screws
Remove plastic knockout from rack
No knockout removal required
Status LEDs
6 LEDs
5 LEDs (no USB LED)
LED Behavior
See Section 2.8
See Section 2.8
Ethernet Port LEDs
4 singleton LEDs (top of faceplate)
4 banks of LEDs (bottom of faceplate) The digits representing the port numbers are backlit by LEDs.
µUSB Port
Command Line Interface
Uses µUSB Port
Not available
RJ45 Connector on Faceplate
Present (Disabled) Power Requirements
Higher (see Section 1.3)
Lower (see Section 1.3)
Operating Temperature Range
0 to 60°C
-25 to 60°C Module Reset
Pushbutton “Restart”
Membrane “Reset”
With the exception of the Command Line Interface, the -Bxxx version is functionally compatible with the -Ax version.
Chapter 1. Introduction
12 PACSystems* RX3i & RSTi-EP PROFINET IO-Controller User Manual GFK-2571N

1.5.2 Ethernet Network Ports

Figure 4 shows the underside of the PNC001 module.
Ports 1 and 2 are standard RJ45 connections.
Ports 3 and 4 offer Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) cages
The PROFINET Controller connects to a PROFINET network via one or more of its four external switch ports. Two 8-conductor RJ45 shielded twisted pair 10/100/1000 Mbps copper interfaces and two SFP cages provide flexibility in media selection and the ability to use redundant media for the PROFINET network. Use of redundant media must first be set up in the module configuration. Chapter 6 provides additional information about Redundant Media.
The PROFINET protocol supported by the PACSystems RX3i PROFINET modules can be sent and received over any of the four external ports on PNC001.
The PNC001 module is assigned five Ethernet MAC addresses: one for each of the four external Ethernet ports and one for the internal switch.
Figure 4: PNC001 Ethernet Ports Location and Type
For the Embedded PROFINET LAN (LAN2), CPE400 and CPE330 both provide two RJ45 ports identical to those shown as Port 1 and Port 2 in Figure 4. The operational behavior, configuration parameters and diagnostics are also identical. Refer to the corresponding product documentation for further details.
Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) cages (like Port 3 and Port 4 in Figure 4) are not offered on CPE400, CPE330 nor on CPE100/CPE115.
Figure 5: CPE100/CPE115 Ethernet Ports Location and Type
The CPE100/CPE115 Embedded PROFINET LAN (LAN2) supports three switched 8-conductor RJ45 shielded twisted pair 10/100 Mbps copper interfaces ports as shown in Figure 5. The operational behavior, configuration parameters and diagnostics are identical to PROFINET port of CPE400. Refer to the corresponding product documentation for further details.
CPE100/CPE115 LAN2 Port 2 and Port 3 have the ability to use redundant media for the PROFINET network. Use of redundant media must first be set up in the module configuration. Chapter 6 provides additional information about Redundant Media.
Chapter 1. Introduction
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Ethernet Port Status Indicators
Each external switched port has an associated link-up/link-down status bit that can be monitored by the RX3i CPU to check the operating status of the port (see Status Reporting in Chapter 5, Diagnostics, for information about the PROFINET Controller status bits). In addition, the Port Number LEDs on the front of the module provide a visual indication of the port status.

1.5.3 USB Port(s)

The USB ports on the CPUs that support embedded PROFINET operate independently of the PROFINET function. Refer to the corresponding product documentation for further details.
The PNC001-Bxxx module has no micro USB port, and therefore does not support the Command Line Interface.
The PNC001-Ax module has a micro USB port for connection to a computer running Windows® 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista®, Windows 7 or Windows 10. On the PNC001 module (-Ax version) only, the USB port can be used to access the Command Line Interface (CLI) function using a terminal emulation application such as HyperTerminal.
The Command Line Interface function can be used to monitor a PROFINET Controller module and check its operation. If a problem occurs, the Command Line Interface can be used help determine the cause.
A driver-install application is provided to set up a computer to communicate with the USB port (see Chapter 2, Installation, for instructions).

1.5.4 Reset Pushbutton

The Reset pushbutton on a PNC001 module can be used to manually reset the module without cycling power. The restart operation commences when the pushbutton is released.

1.5.5 LEDs on the CPUs with Embedded PROFINET

Refer to the corresponding product documentation for further details.

1.5.6 LEDs on the PNC001 Module

The table below summarizes LED functions on the PNC001 module. More detailed information about error indications and special blink patterns is given in Chapter 2, Installation and Chapter 5, Diagnostics.
Green ON indicates that the module is able to perform normal operation.
Indicates network packets are being processed by the network interface (not just passing through the embedded switch).
Indicates the condition of the PROFINET Controller during normal operation. It indicates whether an entry other than the start-up event is present in the module’s Local Log. STATUS can also indicate whether any of the MAC addresses are invalid.
Indicates whether the module has received its configuration from the RX3i CPU.
Indicates the status of PROFINET connections.
Indicates activity on the USB port. (PNC001-Ax only)
Port LEDs
Indicate link speed, link connection and link activity corresponding to the four possible external Ethernet ports.
Chapter 1. Introduction
14 PACSystems* RX3i & RSTi-EP PROFINET IO-Controller User Manual GFK-2571N

1.6 PROFINET Networks for PACSystems

PROFINET is an open standard for industrial automation that is based on Industrial Ethernet. The PROFINET IO framework allows the creation of I/O data exchanges between controllers and distributed devices. It also allows configuration, parameterization, and diagnostics communication between controllers and devices.
Note: The PROFINET Controller operates only in auto-negotiate mode. All PROFINET bus devices and
switches that are connected to the PROFINET Controller should be configured to use auto­negotiation.
The following products support PROFINET I/O:
Catalog #
RX3i Standalone CPU with embedded PROFINET Controller
LAN2 may be configured as PROFINET Controller IC695CPE330
RX3i CPU with embedded PROFINET Controller
LAN2 may be configured as PROFINET Controller Supports up to 4 PNC001 in its rack
All other RX3i CPUs without Redundancy
Supports up to 4 PNC001 in its rack
All other RX3i CPUs with Redundancy
Supports up to 4 PNC001 in its rack
RX3i Rack-Mounted PROFINET Controller
Controls IO-Devices on PROFINET network
RX3i Rack-Mounted PROFINET Scanner
Head-End for RX3i I/O Rack. Exchanges I/O data and Alarms with PROFINET Controller. Scans modules installed in its I/O Rack.
RX3i CEP I/O Drop PROFINET Scanner
Head-End for RX3i CEP I/O Drop. Exchanges I/O data and Alarms with PROFINET Controller. Scans modules installed in its backplane and expansion rack.
IC200PNS001 IC200PNS002
VersaMax PROFINET Scanner
Head-End for VersaMax I/O Rack. Exchanges I/O data and Alarms with PROFINET Controller. Scans modules installed in its I/O Rack.
RSTi-EP Standalone CPU with embedded PROFINET Controller
LAN2 may be configured as PROFINET Controller
Head-End for RSTi-EP I/O system. Exchanges I/O data and Alarms with PROFINET Controller. Scans modules installed in its I/O system.
Components of the RX3i PROFINET network consist of a PACSystems RX3i PROFINET Controller communicating with IO Devices on the PROFINET bus.
The PROFINET Controller may be an embedded PROFINET Controller (CPE400 or CPE330 or CPE100/CPE115) or a rack-mounted PNC001 module located in the RX3i CPU rack. For rack-mounted PNC001 units, the main RX3i rack can include up to four PNC001 modules, each communicating with its own high-speed network.
IO Devices on the network can consist of the I/O modules installed in a rack, each containing a PROFINET Scanner (PNS) as its head-end, such as the GE products listed above. The network may also include a wide range of third-party IO Devices, such as pressure gauges and motor actuators, that are connected directly to the PROFINET network.
Chapter 1. Introduction
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1.6.1 Compression

Due to the smaller memory capacities of CPE302, CPE305 and CPE310, these CPUs require "Compression" when attaching RX3i PNS or CEP to their PROFINET configuration.
CPE302: User MUST use Target PLC parameter with "Compression" set to HIGH.
CPE305: User MUST use Target PLC parameter with "Compression" set to MODERATE.
CPE310: User can use Target PLC parameter "Compression" set to NORMAL.
All other CPUs: User can choose to use "Compression" or not.
Chapter 1. Introduction
16 PACSystems* RX3i & RSTi-EP PROFINET IO-Controller User Manual GFK-2571N
1.6.2 Basic System: One RX3i CPU and One PROFINET Controller using
a single port
Figure 6 shows a basic system with one PACSystems RX3i CPU node having one PROFINET Controller, and one PROFINET network with three VersaMax Scanners and one third-party IO-Device. Up to 128 IO-Devices can be installed on an RX3i PROFINET network. The VersaMax PNS and many types of third-party IO-Devices interface multiple devices such as I/O modules to the PROFINET network.
IO-Device 1
IO-Device 2
IO-Device 64
IO-Device 3
RX3i CPU Node with
PROFINET Controller
. . .
Figure 6: RX3i System with one PROFINET Controller and one PROFINET LAN
Chapter 1. Introduction
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1.6.3 Basic System: One RX3i CPU and One PROFINET Controller using
multiple ports
The illustration below shows a basic system with one PACSystems RX3i CPU node that has one RX3i PROFINET Controller module controlling one PROFINET network. The network can connect up to 128 compatible IO­Devices, including any combination of GE PROFINET Scanners and third-party IO-Devices.
Figure 7 shows one RX3i PROFINET Controller that is directly connected to four separate IO-Devices in a Star topology. Although each IO-Device is connected to a separate Ethernet port on the PNC001, they are all on the same network segment (IO LAN1). The IO-Devices in this example are all VersaMax PROFINET Scanners, but RX3i PROFINET Scanners (PNS001) and third-party IO-Devices may also be used.
RX3i CPU Node
w/ one PNC
Figure 7: RX3i System with one PROFINET Controller and multiple PROFINET LANs
Chapter 1. Introduction
18 PACSystems* RX3i & RSTi-EP PROFINET IO-Controller User Manual GFK-2571N

1.6.4 Basic System: Third-Party Devices and PME Programmer

Third-party IO Devices can be used with the RX3i PROFINET Controller if their manufacturer provides a GSDML file that can be imported into Proficy Machine Edition (PME). The GSDML file defines the characteristics of the IO-Device and its I/O modules. Importing a third-party IO-Device GSDML file and configuring third-party IO­Devices are described in Chapter 3, and in the Proficy Machine Edition online help.
After receiving a third-party device’s configuration, the RX3i PROFINET Controller connects to the third-party IO-Device if the device is available, transfers the configuration to the device, and starts exchanging I/O and alarm data with the device.
Figure 8 shows a programmer connection (for configuration, user logic programming, and monitoring), the concept of GSDML import, an optional external Ethernet switch, and the ability to connect field buses to a PROFINET IO-Device. Third-party IO-Devices that have only one Ethernet port may require the use of an external switch.
RX3i CPU Node
with PROFINET Controller
Prog/Config Connection
3rd Party
Programmer (PME)
3rd Party
Fieldbus Network
Ethernet Switch
Figure 8: RX3i System interfacing with Third-Party Devices and with PME Programmer
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1.6.5 Systems with One RX3i CPU and Two PROFINET Controllers

Both examples in this section show systems with one RX3i CPU that has two PROFINET Controller modules. The PROFINET network can serve up to 63 IO-Devices (ring topology) or 128 IO-Devices (in star topology).
Note that multiple PNC001 modules in the same rack are not synchronized; that is, no two PNC001 modules are guaranteed to power up at the same time. PNC001 configuration differences (SFPs, etc.) can also cause variations in PNC001 power-up times.
If two (or more) PNC001 modules are in a main rack and devices owned by one PNC001 are routed through the switch on a different PNC001 in the same rack, devices may show a Loss of Device fault followed by an Addition of Device fault during RX3i power-up because the first PNC001 can power up before the second PNC001 has enabled its Ethernet switch, causing the Loss of Device. Then when the second PNC001 powers up, the device will show an Addition of Device fault, which is to be expected under these circumstances. Devices will function normally once added.
As shown in Figure 9, both PROFINET Controllers are connected to the same network.
RX3i CPU Node with
2 PROFINET Controllers
IO-Device 1
IO-Device 2
IO-Device 3
IO-Device 4
Daisy-chain shown for clarity. A star or ring topology is preferred.
Figure 9: RX3i System with two PNC001 Modules and one Daisy-Chain PROFINET LAN
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