GE P741, P742, P743 Technical Manual

GE Energy Connections Grid Solutions
MiCOM P40 Agile
P741, P742, P743
Technical Manual Busbar Differential Protection Relay
Hardware version: J and K
Publication reference: P74x/EN M/Na7
Software version: 51
Safety Section
Section 1 I
Section 2 T
Section 3 G
Section 4 S
Section 5 O
on 6 Application Notes P74x/EN AP/Na7
Section 7 P
Section 8 M
ntroduction P74x/EN IT/Na7
echnical Data P74x/EN TD/Na7
etting Started P74x/EN GS/Na7
ettings P74x/EN ST/Na7
peration P74x/EN OP/Na7
rogrammable Logic P74x/EN PL/Na7
easurements and Recording P74x/EN MR/Na7
Section 9 F
Section 10 C
Section 11 M
Section 12 T
Section 13 S
Section 14 S
Section 15 In
Section 16 F
irmware Design P74x/EN FD/Na7
ommissioning P74x/EN CM/Na7
aintenance P74x/EN MT/Na7
roubleshooting P74x/EN TS/Na7
CADA Communications P74x/EN SC/Na7
ymbols and Glossary P74xEN SG/Na7
stallation P74x/EN IN/Na7
irmware and Service Manual Version History P74xEN VH/Na7
Appendix A


1, P742, P743
P74x/EN IT/N
Hardware Suffix: J and K Software Version: 51
x/EN IT/Na7
MiCOM P741, P742, P743
MiCOM P741, P742, P743
(IT) 1-
P74x/EN IT/N
3.1 Functional overview 6
3.2 Ordering options 8
x/EN IT/Na7
(IT) 1
MiCOM P741, P742, P743
MiCOM P741, P742, P743
(IT) 1-


The manual provides a f unctional and technical description of the MiCOM protection relay and a comprehensive set of instructions for the relay’s use and application.
The section contents are summarized below:
P74x/EN IT Introduction
A guide to the MiCOM range of relays and the documentation structure. General safety aspects of handling Electronic Equipment is discussed with particular reference to relay safety symbols. Also a general functional overview of the relay and brief application summary is given.
P74x/EN TD Technical Data
Technical data inc luding s ettin g ran ges, accurac y lim its, r ecommended operating condit ions , ratings and perform ance data. C omplianc e with n orms and internat ional stand ards is quoted where appropriate.
P74x /EN GS Getting Started
A guide to the different us er interf aces of the protec tion rela y descr ibing ho w to st art using it . This section provides detailed information regarding the communication interfaces of the relay, including a detailed description of how to access the sett ings database stored with in the relay.
P74x/EN IT/N
P74x /EN ST Settings
List of all relay settings, including ranges, step sizes and defaults, together with a brief explanation of each setting.
P74x /EN OP Operation
A comprehensive and detailed functional description of all protection and non-protection functions.
P74x /E N AP Application Notes
This section includes a description of common power system applications of the relay, calculation of suitabl e s etti n gs , some typical worked examples, and how to apply the settings to the relay.
P74x /EN PL Programmable Logic
Overview of the programmable scheme logic and a description of each logical node. This section includes the factory default (PSL) and an explanation of typical applications.
P74x /EN MR Measurements and Recording
Detailed description of the relays recording and measurements functions including the configuration of the event and disturbance recorder and measurement functions.
P74x /EN FD Firmware Design
Overview of the operation of the relay’s hardware and software. This section includes information on the self-checking features and diagnostics of the relay.
P74x /EN CM Commissioning
Instructions on how to commission the relay, comprising checks on the calibration and functionality of the relay.
P74x /EN MT Maintenance
A general maintenance policy for the relay is outlined.
P74x /EN TS Troubleshooting
Advice on how to r ecognize f ailure modes and the re commended co urse of act ion. Includes guidance on who in General Electric to contact for advice.
x/EN IT/Na7
(IT) 1
MiCOM P741, P742, P743
P74x /EN SC SCADA Communications
This section provides an overview regarding the SCADA communication interfaces of the relay. Detailed protocol mappings, semantics, profiles and interoperability tables are not provided within this manual. Separate documents are available per protocol, available for download from our website.
P74x /EN SG Symbols and Glossary
List of common technical abbreviations found within the product documentation.
P74x /EN IN Installation
Recommendations on u npacking, handling, inspecti on and storage of the rela y. A guide to the mechanical and electrical installation of the relay is provided, incorporating earthing recommendations. All external wiring connections to the relay are indicated.
P74x /EN VH Firmware and Service Manual Version History
History of all hardware and software releases for the product.
MiCOM P741, P742, P743
(IT) 1-


MiCOM is a comprehens ive solut ion capab le of meet ing all electr icit y suppl y requirem ents . It comprises a range of components, systems and services from General Electric.
Central to the MiCOM concept is flexibility. MiCOM provides the ability to define an application solution and, through extensive
communication capabilities, integrate it with your power supply control system. The components within MiCOM are:
P range protection relays;
C range control products;
M range measurement products for accurate metering and monitoring;
S range versatile PC support and substation control packages.
MiCOM products include extensive facilities for recording information on the state and behaviour of the p ower system using dis turbance and fault recor ds. They can also prov ide measurements of the system at regular intervals to a control centre enabling remote monitoring and control to take place.
P74x/EN IT/N
For up-to-date inform ation on an y MiCOM pro duc t, vis it our webs ite:
x/EN IT/Na7
(IT) 1
MiCOM P741, P742, P743
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The P74x differential busbar protection relays have been designed for the protection of a wide range of subs tation b usbars f rom distr ibution t o transm ission vo ltage le vels. The r ela ys include a comprehens ive range of non-pro tection features to a id with system dia gnosis and fault analysis. The P74x offers integral b iased diff erential bus bar, br eak er failure, dead zo ne, overcurrent and earth-fault protection and is suitable for application on solidly grounded, impedance grounded, Petersen coil grounded and isolated systems. The relays are especially suitable where a complete scheme solution is required. The scheme comprises of three relays:
The P741 (Central Unit),
The P742 and P743 (Peripheral Units).
Which, together with the topology configuration software and the dynamic synoptic monitoring tool, allow full flexibility for all configurations.

3.1 Functional overview

The P74x Busbar protection contains a wide variety of protection func tions. The protection features are summarized below:
Protection Functions Overview
ANSI IEC 61850 Function P741 P742 P743
87BB / P PhsPDIF Phase segregated biased current differential high speed and
87CZ / P CzPPDIF Check Zone segregated biased phase current differential
87BB / N NeuPDIF Sensitive earth fault bias current controlled busbar protection 87 CZ/ N CzNPDIF Check Zone segregated biased earth current controlled
50 / 51 / P OcpPTOC Phase overcurrent protection (2 stages) ­50 / 51 / N EfmPTOC Eart h overc urrent protecti on (2 st ages) -
50ST / P DzpPhsPTOC Dead zone phase protection (short zone between CTs and
50ST / N DzpEfmPTOC Dead zone earth protection (short zone between CTs and
CTS Current transformer supervision
50BF RBRF Breaker failure protection (LBB)
ISL Isolator discrepancy alarm ­ Fibre optic signalling channel OptGGIO Digital inputs (according to product) * 8 8/16 16/24 RlyGGIO Output relays (according to product) * 8 8/12 12/16/20 High Break relays (according to product) * 4 4/8 Virtual Digital inputs (via fibre communication) 16 16 16 Virtual Output relays (via fibre communication) 16 16 16 Front communication port (RS232) Rear communication port (Kbus/EIA(RS)485) Second Rear communication port (Kbus/EIA(RS)485) Rear communication port (Ethernet) * Option - Option Time synchronisation port (IRIG-B) * Option Via CU Via CU Redundant Ethernet port Option - Option FnkGGIO Function keys 10 - 10 LedGGIO Programmable tri-colour LEDs 18 - 18
* Refer to the data sheet for model selection
delayed busbar protection
high speed and delayed busbar protection
busbar protection
open CBs)
open CBs)
- -
- -
- -
- -
MiCOM P741, P742, P743
(IT) 1-
The P74x supports the following relay management functions in addition to the functions illustrated above.
Trip circuit and coil supervision
4 Alternative setting groups
Programmable function keys (P741 and P743)
Control inputs
Programmable scheme logic
Programmable allocation of digital inputs and outputs
Sequence of event recording
Comprehensive disturbance recording (waveform capture)
Fully customizable menu texts
Multi-level password protection
Power-up diagnostics and continuous self-monitoring of relay
P74x/EN IT/N
Application overview
x/EN IT/Na7
(IT) 1
MiCOM P741, P742, P743
Information Required wit h O rder
P741 Bus bar P rot ect ion Rel ay P741
Vx Aux Rating
24 - 48 Vdc 7 48 - 125 Vdc (40 - 100 V ac ) 8 110 - 250 Vdc (100 - 240 V ac ) 9
Communication Boa rds
1 communic ation board (1 to 4 Peripheral Unit) 1 2 communic ation board (to 8 Peripheral Unit) 2 3 communic ation board (to 12 Peripheral Unit) 3 4 communic ation board (to 16 Peripheral Unit) 4 5 communic ation board (to 20 Peripheral Unit) 5 6 communic ation board (to 24 Peripheral Unit) 6 7 communic ation board ( to 28 Peripheral Unit) 7
Hardware Options
St andard - None 1 IRIG-B Only (m odulated) 2 IRIG-B (Demodulated) C Et hernet (100 M bi t s/s) wit hout IRIG-B 6 Et hernet (100M bi t /s) pl us IRIG-B (Modulat ed) A Et hernet (100M bi t /s) pl us IRIG-B (Un-modulated) B 2nd Rear Port & Int erM iCOM E 2nd Rear Port & Int erM iCOM & IRIG-B (Modulat ed) F Redundant Ethernet S el f-Healing Ri ng, 2 m ul ti-mode fibre port s + M odul at ed IRIG-B G Redundant Ethernet S el f-Healing Ri ng, 2 m ul ti-mode fibre port s + Un-modul at ed IRIG-B H Redundant Ethernet RS TP, 2 m ul ti-mode fibre port s + M odul ated IRIG-B J Redundant Ethernet RS TP, 2 m ul ti-mode fibre port s + Un-m odul at ed IRIG-B K Redundant Ethernet Dual-Hom i ng S tar, 2 m ul t i -m ode fibre port s + M odul ated IRIG-B L Redundant Ethernet Dual-Hom i ng S tar, 2 m ul t i -m ode fibre port s + Un-m odulated IRIG-B M
Redundant Ethernet P RP /HSR, 2 fibre port s + M odul ated IRIG-B N
Redundant Ethernet P RP /HSR, 2 fibre port s + Unm odul at ed IRIG-B P
Product Specific
Fixed A
Protocol Options
K-Bus/Courier IEC60870-5-103 (Via K ITZ274) Courier (K-Bus), IEC60870-5-103 via KITZ274 (Supplied as Courier. KITZ274 to be ordered) Addit i onal IE C61850
Panel M ounting, with harsh environment coati ng M
Mult i l i ngual - E ngl i sh, F renc h, German, Spanis h 0 Mult i l i ngual - E ngl i sh, F renc h, German, Russi an 5
Sof twa re Issue
Unless specified t he l atest version will be del i vered **
Default 0 Cust om er s pecific A Central Net work s Version 5
Design Suffix
Order Number

3.2 Ordering options Information Required with Order

MiCOM P741, P742, P743
Information Required with Order
P742 Busbar P rot ect i on P eri pheral Uni t (40TE) P742
Vx Aux Rating
24 - 54Vdc 7 48 - 125Vdc (40 - 100V ac) 8 110 - 250Vdc (100 - 240V ac) 9
Hardw a re Options
W i t hout CT Input 0 W i t h In = 1/ 5A CT Input 1
Hardw a re Options
St andard - None 1
Product Specific
8 Relay s O ut puts and 16 St at us Inputs A 8 Relay s O ut puts , 4 High B reak and 8 S t atus Input s B
Protocol Options
K-Bus/Courier IEC60870-5-103 (Via K ITZ274)
Flush P anel Mount ing, with Harsh Environment Coating M
Multil i ngual - E ngl i sh, French, Germ an, S panish 0 Multil i ngual - E ngl i sh, French, Germ an, Rus s i an 5
Softw are Issue
Unles s specified t he l ates t versi on wil l be del i vered **
Default 0 Cust om er spec i fic A Central Net work s V ersion 5
Design Suffix
Order Number
(IT) 1-
P74x/EN IT/N
x/EN IT/Na7
(IT) 1
MiCOM P741, P742, P743
Information Required wit h O rder
P743 Busbar P rotec t i on Peripheral Unit (60TE) P743
Vx Aux Rating
24 - 54Vdc 7 48 - 125Vdc (40 - 100V ac) 8 110 - 250Vdc (100 - 240V ac)
Hardware Options
Wi thout CT Input 0 Wi th In = 1/ 5A CT Input 1
IEC 61850-9-2LE Sam pl ed Analogue V al ues Ethernet board *
Hardware Options
St andard - None 1 Et hernet (100 M bi t s/ s) without IRIG-B
2nd Rear Port & Int erM i COM & IRIG-B (Modul ated)
E Redundant Ethernet Self-Healing Ring, 2 mul t i -m ode fibre port s + M odul ated IRIG-B G Redundant Ethernet Self-Healing Ring, 2 mul t i -m ode fibre port s + Un-m odul at ed IRIG-B
H Redundant Ethernet RS TP, 2 multi-m ode fibre port s + Modul ated IRIG-B J Redundant Ethernet RS TP, 2 multi-m ode fibre port s + Un-modulated IRIG-B
K Redundant Ethernet Dual -Homi ng S tar, 2 m ul ti-mode fibre ports + Modul at ed IRIG-B
L Redundant Ethernet Dual -Homi ng S tar, 2 m ul ti-mode fibre ports + Un-modulated IRIG-B M
Redundant Ethernet PRP/ HS R, 2 fibre ports + Modul ated IRIG-B
Redundant Ethernet PRP/ HS R, 2 fibre ports + Unmodul at ed IRIG-B
Product Specific
16 Relays Out put s and 24 S t atus Inputs ** A
16 Relays Out put s, 4 High Break and 16 Status Inputs B 8 Relays Out put s, 4 High Break and 24 Status Inputs C 8 Relays Out put s, 8 High Break and 16 Status Inputs D
Protocol Options
K-Bus/Courier IEC60870-5-103 (Via K ITZ274) Courier (K-Bus), IE C60870-5-103 via KITZ274 (Supplied as Courier. KITZ274 to be ordered) Additional IE C61850
Panel M ounting, wi t h Hars h Environment Coati ng M
Mult i l i ngual - E ngl i sh, F rench, Germ an, Spani sh 0 Mult i l i ngual - E ngl i sh, F rench, Germ an, Russian 5
Sof tw are Issue
Unless s pecified t he l atest version will be del i vered **
Default 0 Cust om er speci fic A Central Net work s Version 5
Design Suffix
* Only available wit h '60' s oftware
** 21 Relay Output s and 24 Status Inputs For S uffix 'B ' devices
Order Number

Technical Data

1, P742, P743
P74x/EN TD/N
Hardware Suffix: J and K Software Version: 51
x/EN TD/Na7
Technical Data
1, P742, P743
Technical Data
1, P742, P743 (TD) 2-
Technical Data
Mechanical Specification
Modular Px40 platform relay: P741: Size 16“ case (80TE) P742: Size 8“ case (40TE) P743: Size 12“ case (60TE) Mounting is front of panel flush mounting.
Enclosure Protection
Per IEC 60529: 1992: IP 52 Protection (front panel) against dust and dripping water, IP 50 Protection for the rear and sides of the case against dust, IP 10 Product safety protection for the rear due to live connections on the terminal block
P741 with 7 comm. boards 7.4 kg with 1 comm. board 6.2 kg P742 7.5 kg P743 9.2 kg
P74x/EN TD/N
Front Download/Monitor Port
EIA RS232, 25 pin D-type female connector. For firmware downloads. PEB* rated circuit.
Rear Communications Port
K-Bus/EIA (RS)485 signal levels, two wire Connections located on general pur p os e block, M4 screw. For screened twisted pair cable, multidrop, 1000 m max. Courier protocol SELV* rated circuit
Optional Second Rear Communication Port
EIA(RS)232, 9 pin D-type female connector, socket SK4. Courier protocol: K-Bu s, EI A( RS) 2 3 2, or EIA(RS)485 connection. Maximum cable run length: 15m.
Optional Rear EIA(RS)232 InterMiCOM Port
For “MODEM” InterMiCOM teleprotection schemes. EIA(RS)232, 9 pin D-type female connector, socket SK5. Isolation to SELV* level. Maximum cable run length to MODEM 15m.
AC Current and Voltage Measuring Inputs
P742 and P743 only Located on heavy duty (black) terminal block: Threaded M4 terminals, for ring lug connection. CT inputs have integral safety shorting, upon removal of the terminal block.
General Input/Output Terminals
For power supply, opto inputs, output contacts and COM1 rear communications. Located on general purpose (grey) blocks: Threaded M4 terminals, for ring lug connection.
Case Protective Earth Connection
Two rear stud connections (2 P741, 1 P742/3), threaded M4. Must be earthed (grounded) using the protective (earth) conductor for safety, minimum wire size 2.5mm
Front Port Serial PC Interface
EIA RS232 DTE, 9 pin D-type female connector. Courier protocol for interface to S1 software. PEB* rated Maximum cable length 15 m.
Optional Rear IRIG-B Interface modulated or un-modulated
P741 only (P742 & P743 synchronized by the P741) BNC socket SELV* rated circuit 50 ohm coaxial cable.
*: PEB = Protective equipotential bon ded *: SELV = Safety/Separated extra low voltage Both PEB and SELV circuits are safe to touch after a single fault condition.
Optical Fiber Connection
BFOC 2.5 (ST®) interface for multi-mode glass fibre type 62.5/125 µm, as per IEC 874-10, 850 nm short-haul fibres, one Tx and one Rx. Optical budget: 5.6 dB Data rate:2.5 Mbits Max Length: 1000 m
Optional Rear Ethernet Connection for IEC 61850 10BaseT / 100BaseTX Communications
Interface in accordance with IEEE802.3 and IEC61850 Isolation: 1.5kV Connector type: RJ45 Cable type: Screened Twisted Pair (STP) Max. cable length: 100m
Technical Data
(TD) 2
1, P742, P743
Output Optical Power BOL: 62.5/125 µm, NA = 0.275 Fiber EOL
Output Optical Power BOL: 50/125 µm, NA = 0.20 Fiber EOL
Optical Extinction Ratio
–10 % dB
Output Optical Power at Logic “0” State
Input Optical Power Minimum at Window Edge
Input Optical Power Minimum at Eye Center
Input Optical Power Maximum
100 Base FX Interface
Interface in accordance with IEEE802.3 and IEC61850 Wavelength: 1300nm Fiber: multi-mode 50/125µm or 62.5/125µm Connector style: BFOC 2.5 -(ST®)
Optional Rear redundant Ethernet connection for IEC 61850
100 Base FX Interface
Interface in accordance with IEEE802.3 and IEC61850 Wavelength: 1300nm Fiber: multi-mode 50/125µm or 62.5/125µm Connector style: BFOC 2.5 -(ST®) Transmitter optical characteristics 100 base FX interface
Transmitter Optical Characteristics – 100 base FX interface (TA = 0°C to 70°C, VCC = 4.75 V to 5.25 V)
BOL – Beginning of life EOL – End of life
Receiver Optical Characteristics – 100 base FX interface
A = 0°C to 70°C, VCC = 4.75 V to 5.25 V)
Fiber defect connector (watchdog relay) – Redundant Ethernet board Connector (3 terminals): 2NC contacts Rated voltage: 250 V Continuous current: 5 A Short duration current: 30 A for 3 s
Breaking capacity
Subject to maxima of 5 A and 250 V
x/EN TD/Na7
-4 MiCOM P74
AC Measuring Inputs
Nominal frequency: 50 and 60 Hz (settable) Operating range: 45 to 65 Hz Phase rotation: ABC or ACB
AC Current
Nominal current (In): 1 and 5 A dual rated. (1A and 5A inputs use different transformer tap connections, check correct terminals are wired). Nominal burden per phase
1 A: <0.04VA at rated current
Impedance per phase
1 A: <40mover 0 - 30In
Nominal burden per phase
5 A: <0.15VA at rated current
Impedance per phase
5 A: <8mover 0 - 30In Thermal withstand: continuous 4 In for 10 s: 30 In for 1 s; 100 In Linear to 64 In (non-offset AC current).
–16.8 –14
Power supply
Parameter Sym Min. Typ. Max. Unit
–33.5 –31
–34.5 –31.8
–14 –11.8
–20.3 –14
DC: 50 W resistive DC: 25 W resistive AC: 1500 VA resistive (cos φ = un i ty) AC: 1500 VA inductive (cos φ = unity)
Auxiliary Voltage (Vx)
Three ordering options: (i) Vx: 24 to 48 Vdc (ii) Vx: 48 to 110 Vdc,
and 40 to 100 Vac (rms.)
(iii) Vx: 110 to 250 Vdc,
and 100 to 240 Vac (rms.).
Operating Range
(i) 19 to 65 V (dc only for this variant) (ii) 37 to 150 V(dc), 32 to 110 V (ac) (iii) 87 to 300 V(dc), 80 to 265 V (ac). With a tolerable ac ripple of up to 12 % for a dc supply, per IEC 60255-11: 1979.
Nominal Burden
Quiescent burden:
P741: 37 to 41 W P742: 16 to 23 W
P743: 22 to 32 W Additions for energised binary inputs/outputs: Per opto input:
0.09 W…(24 to 54 V),
0.12 W…(110/125 V),
0.19 W…(220/250 V). Per energised output relay: 0.13 W Per energised high break output relay: * 0.73W
Power-up Time
Time to power up < 30 s.
Technical Data
1, P742, P743 (TD) 2-
Power Supply Interruption
Per IEC 60255-11: 1979 The relay will withstand a 20ms interruption in
the DC auxiliary supply, without
de-energising. Per IEC 61000-4-11: 1994 The relay will withstand a 20ms interruption in
an AC auxiliary supply, without de-
energising. Note: the use of a E124 extends these limits
Battery Backup
Front panel mounted Type ½ AA, 3.6 V
Field Voltage Output
Regulated 48 Vdc Current limited at 112 mA maximum output
Digital (“Opto”) Inputs
Universal opto inputs with programmable voltage thresholds. May be energised from the 48 V field voltage, or the external battery supply. Rated nominal voltage: 24 to 250 Vdc Operating range: 19 to 265 Vdc Withstand: 300 Vdc. Nominal pick-up and reset thresholds: Pick-up: approx. 70 % of battery nominal set, Reset: approx. 66 % of battery nominal set. Recognition time: 7 ms
Output Contacts
Standard Contacts
General purpose relay outputs for signalling, tripping and alarming: Rated voltage: 300V Continuous current: 10A Short-duration current: 30A for 3s Making capacity: 250A for 30ms Breaking capacity: DC: 50W resistive DC: 62.5W inductive (L/R = 50ms) AC: 2500VA resistive (cos φ = unity) AC: 2500VA inductive (cos φ = 0.7) Response to command: < 5 ms Durability: Loaded contact: 10 000 operations minimum, Unloaded contact: 100 000 operations minimum.
Fast operation and High Break Contacts
Dedicated purpose relay outputs for tripping: Uses IGBT technology Make and Carry: 30 Amps for 3 sec, 30A @ 250V resistive Carry: 250 Amps dc for 30ms Continuous Carry: 10 Amps dc Break Capacity: – 10A @ 250V resistive (10,000 operations) – 10A @ 250V L/R=40ms
P74x/EN TD/N
Operating time:
<200µs & Reset time: 7.5ms
Watchdog Contacts
Non-programmable contacts for relay healthy/relay fail indication: Breaking capacity: DC: 30 W resistive DC: 15 W inductive (L/R = 40 ms) AC: 375 VA inductive (cos φ = 0.7)
IRIG-B 12X Interface (Modulated) External clock synchronization per IRIG standard 200-98, format B12X. Input impedance 6kat 1000Hz Modulation ratio: 3:1 to 6:1 Input signal, peak-peak: 200mV to 20V
IRIG-B 00X Interface (Un-modulated) External clock synchronization per IRIG standard 200-98, format B00X. Input signal TTL level Input impedance at dc 10k
Environmental Conditions
Ambient Temperature Range
Ambient temperature range Operating temperature range: –25°C to +55°C (or –13°F to +131°F) Storage and transit: –25°C to +70°C (or –13°F to +158°F)
Tested as per IEC 60068-2-1: 2007:
storage (96 hours) –25°C (–13°F) operation (96 hours) –40°C (–40°F)
IEC 60068-2-2: 2007:
storage (96 hours) +85°C (+185°F) operation (96 hours) +85°C (+185°F)
Ambient Humidity Range
Per IEC 60068-2-3: 196 9:
56 days at 93 % relative humidity and +40 °C
Per IEC 60068-2-30: 1980:
Damp heat cyclic, six (12 + 12) hour cycles, 93 % RH, +25 to +55 °C
Corrosive Environments
Per IEC 60068-2-60: 1995, Part 2, Test Ke, Method (class) 3 Industrial corrosive environment/poor environmental control, mixed gas flow test. 21 days at 75% relative humidity and +30°C Exposure to elevated concentrations of H NO
, Cl2 and SO2.
x/EN TD/Na7
Technical Data
(TD) 2
1, P742, P743
-6 MiCOM P74
Type Tests
Per IEC 60255-5: 2000,
Insulation resistance > 100 Mat 500 Vdc (Using only electronic/brushless insulation tester).
Creepage Distances and Clearances
Per IEC 60255-27:2005
Pollution degree 3, Overvoltage category III, Impulse test voltage 5 kV.
High Voltage (Dielectric) Withstand
(EIA RS232 ports excepted). (i) Per IEC 60255-27:2005, 2 kV rms. AC, 1
min. Between all case terminals connected together, and the case earth. Also, between all terminals of independent circuits. 1 kV rms. AC for 1 minute, across open watchdog contacts. 1 kV rms. AC for 1 minute, across open contacts of changeover output relays.
(ii) Per ANSI/IEEE C37.90-1989 (reaffirmed
1.5 kV rms. AC for 1 minute, across open contacts of changeover output relays.
Impulse Voltage Withstand Test
Per IEC 60255-27: 2005
Front time: 1.2 µs,
Time to half-value: 50 µs, Peak value: 5 kV, 0.5 J Between all terminals, and all terminals and case earth.
Electrical Fast Transient or Burst Requirements
Per IEC 60255-22-4: 2002. Test severity Class III and IV:
Amplitude: 2 kV, burst frequency 5 kHz (Class III), Amplitude: 4 kV, burst frequency 2.5 kHz
(Class IV). Applied directly to auxiliar y suppl y, and appli ed to all other inputs. (EIA RS232 ports excepted).
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
1 MHz Burst High Frequency Disturbance Test
Per IEC 60255-22-1: 1988, Class III,
Common-mode test voltage: 2.5 kV,
Differential test voltage: 1.0 kV, Test duration: 2 s, Source impedance: 200 (EIA RS232 ports excepted).
Immunity to Electrostatic Discharge
Per IEC 60255-22-2: 1996, Class 4, 15 kV discharge in air to user interface,
display, and exposed metalwork. Per IEC 60255-22-2: 1996, Class 3, 8 kV discharge in air to all communication
ports. 6 kV point contact discharge to any part of
the front of the product.
Technical Data
1, P742, P743 (TD) 2-
Surge Immunity Test
(EIA RS232 ports excepted). Per IEC 61000-4-5: 2002 Level 4,
Time to half-value: 1.2 / 50 µs, Amplitude: 4 kV between all groups and case earth, Amplitude: 2 kV between terminals of each group.
Immunity to Radiated Electromagnetic Energy
Per IEC 60255-22-3: 2000, Class III:
Test field strength, frequency band 80 to
1000 MHz: 10 V/m, Test using AM: 1kHz / 80%, Spot tests at 80, 160, 450, 900 MHz Per IEEE/ANSI C37.90.2: 1995:
25 MHz to 1000 MHz, zero and 100%
square wave modulated. Field strength of 35 V/m.
Radiated Immunity from Digital Communications
Per EN61000-4-3: 2002, Level 4:
Test field strength, frequency band 800 to
960 MHz, and 1.4 to 2.0 GHz: 30 V/m, Test using AM: 1 kHz / 80%.
Radiated Immunity from Digital Radio Telephones
Per ENV 50204: 1995
10 V/m, 900 MHz and 1.89 GHz.
Immunity to Conducted Disturbances Induced by Radio Frequency Fields
Per IEC 61000-4-6: 1996, Level 3,
Disturbing test voltage: 10 V
Power Frequency Magnetic Field Immunity
Per IEC 61000-4-8: 1994, Level 5,
100 A/m applied continuously,
1000 A/m applied for 3 s. Per IEC 61000-4-9: 1993, Level 5,
1000 A/m applied in all planes. Per IEC 61000-4-10: 1993, Lev el 5,
100 A/m applied in all planes at 100 kHz/1
MHz with a burst duration of 2 s.
Conducted Emissions
Per EN 55022: 1998:
0.15 – 0.5 MHz, 79 dBµV (quasi peak) 66
dBµV (average)
0.5 – 30 MHz, 73 dBµV (quasi peak) 60
dBµV (average).
Radiated Emissions
Per EN 55022: 1998:
30 – 230 MHz, 40 dBµV/m at 10 m
measurement distance
230 MHz – 1 GHz, 47 dBµV/m at 10 m
measurement distance.
P74x/EN TD/N
EU Directives
EMC Compliance
Per 89/336/EEC:
Compliance to the European Commission Directive on EMC is claimed via the Technical Construction File route. Product Specific Standards were used to establish conformity:
EN50263: 2000
Product Safety
Per 2006/95/EC: Compliance with European Commission Low Voltage Directive. Compliance is demonstrated by reference to generic safety standards: IEC 60255-27:2005 EN 60255-5:2001.
Mechanical Robustness
Vibration Test
Per IEC 60255-21-1: 1996 Response Class 2 Endurance Class 2
Shock and Bump
Per IEC 60255-21-2: 1995 Shock response Class 2 Shock withstand Class 1 Bump Class 1
Seismic Test
Per IEC 60255-21-3: 1995 Class 2
Timings and Accuracy
All quoted operating times include the closure of the trip output contact.
x/EN TD/Na7
Technical Data
(TD) 2
1, P742, P743
-8 MiCOM P74
Performance Data
Busbar Protection
Busbar fault Accuracy
Pick-up: Setting ± 5% or 20 A up to 8 Pus, or 50 A from 8 Pus, Whichever Is Greater (WIG) Drop-off: >0.95 x Setting or 20 A up to 8 Pus, or 50 A from 8 Pus, WIG Busbar trip:11 ms (min) & 13 ms (typical) at
1.4 x tripping threshold at 50Hz and at 1.7 x tripping threshold at 60Hz
Circuitry fault Accuracy
Pick-up: Setting ± 5% or 20 A up to 8 Pus, or 50 A from 8 Pus, Whichever Is Greater (WIG) Drop-off: >0.95 x Setting or 20 A up to 8 Pus, or 50 A from 8 Pus, WIG DT operation: ±5 % or 40 ms WIG
Dead Zone Protection
Pick-up: Setting ± 5% or 10 mA Whichever Is Greater (WIG) Drop-off: >0.95 x Setting or 10 mA WIG Min. trip level: 1. 05 x Setting ± 5% or 10 mA WIG DT operation: ±5 % or 20 ms WIG
Three phase overcurrent protection
Pick-up: Setting ±5 % or 10 mA Whichever Is Greater (WIG) Drop-off: 0.95 x Setting ±5 % or 10 mA WIG Min. trip level of IDMT elements:
1.05 x Setting ±5 % or 10 mA WIG
IDMT shape: ±5 % or 40 ms WIG (under
reference conditions)* IEEE reset: ±5 % or 40 ms WIG DT operation: ±5 % or 50 ms WIG DT reset: Setting ±5 % or 20 ms WIG Characteristic
UK curves: IEC 60255-3 …1998
US curves: IEEE C37.112 …1996
Earth Fault Protection
Pick-up: Setting ± 5% or 10 mA Whichever Is Greater (WIG) Drop-off: >0.95 x Setting or 10 mA WIG Min. trip level of IDMT elements: 1.05 x Setting ± 5% or 10 mA WIG IDMT characteristic shape: ± 5 % or 40 ms
WIG (under reference conditions)* IEEE reset: ±10 % or 40 ms WIG DT operation: ±5 % or 50 ms WIG DT reset: ± 5% or 50 ms WIG
Transient overreach and overshoot
Additional tolerance due to increas i ng X/R ratios: ± 5% over the X/R ratio of 1 to 90 Overshoot of overcurrent elements: < 40 ms
Programmable scheme logic
Output conditioner timer:
Setting ±2 % or 50ms whichever is greater
Dwell conditioner timer:
Setting ±2 % or 50ms whichever is greater
Pulse conditioner timer:
Setting ±2 % or 50 ms whichever is greater
IRIG-B and Real Time Clock
Modulated IRIG-B:
Modulation ratio: 1/3 or 1/6 Input signal peak-peak amplitude: 200 mV to 20 V Input impedance at 1000Hz: 6000 External clock synchronization: Conforms to IRIG standard 200-98, format B
Un-modulated IRIG-B: Input signal TTL level Input impedance at dc 10k External clock synchronization per IRIG standard 200-98, format B00X.
Performance Accuracy (for modulated and un-modulated versions)
Real time clock accuracy: < ±2 seconds/day
Phase current: ±1.0 % of Reading or ±1.0%
CT Ratio (RorCTR)
Phase local current: ±1.0 % of RorCTR
or ±(f-fn)/fn %
Phase remote current: ±1.0 % of RorCTR
or ±(f-fn)/fn % Phase differential current: ±5.0 % Bias current: ±5.0 % Frequency: ±1 %
Disturbance records
Waveshape : Compar abl e with app li ed
quantities Magnitude and relative phases : ±5 % of
applied quantities Duration: ±2 % Trigger position: ±2 %
(minimum trigger 100 ms)
Technical Data
Output Optical Power BOL: 62.5/125 µm, NA = 0.275 Fiber EOL
Output Optical Power BOL: 50/125 µm, NA = 0.20 Fiber EOL
Optical Extinction Ratio
–10 % dB
Output Optical Power at Logic “0” State
Input Optical Power Minimum at Window Edge
Input Optical Power Minimum at Eye Center
Input Optical Power Maximum
1, P742, P743 (TD) 2-
IEC 61850 Ethernet data
P74x/EN TD/N
Protection functions
10 Base T/100 Base TX Communications
Interface in accordance with IEEE802.3 and IEC61850 Isolation 1.5kV Cable type: Screened twisted pair STP Max length: 100m
100 Base FX Interface
Interface in accordance with IEEE802.3 and IEC61850 Wavelength: 1300nm Fibre: multi-mode 50/125µm or 62.5/125µm Connector style: ST
Transmitter Optical Characteristics
(TA = 0°C to 70°C, VCC = 4.75 V to 5.25 V)
Parameter Sym Min. Typ. Max Unit
–16.8 –14
–20.3 –14
BOL – Beginning of life EOL – End of life
Receiver Optical Characteristics
A = 0°C to 70°C, VCC = 4.75 V to 5.25 V)
Parameter Sym Min. Typ. Max. Unit
–33.5 –31
–34.5 –31.8
–14 –11.8
Note: The 10BaseFL connection will no longer be supported as IEC 61850 does not specify this interface
Reference conditions
Ambient temperature: 20 °C
Frequency Tracking Range
45 to 65 Hz
Global Settings (System Data)
Language: English/Frenc h/ G erm an/Spa nis h Frequency: 50/60 Hz
Common conventional ratios (CU)
Primary basis current (virtual) Ibp: 1000A
Current transformers (PU)
Phase CT Primary: 1…30.000A (step 1A) Phase CT Secondary In: 1A or 5A
Phase Fault elements (CU)
Phase current slope adjustment
k2: 0.20…0.90 (step 0.1)
Phase differential current threshold
ID>2: 50A…30kA (step 10A)
Check Zone slope adjustment
kCZ: 0.00…0.90 (step 0.01)
Check Zone differential current threshold
IDCZ >2: 50A…30kA (step 10A)
Circuitry fault slope adjustment
ID>1: 10…500A (step 10A)
Circuitry fault threshold
k1: 0.00…0.50 (step 0.01)
Circuitry fault alarm timer
ID>1 tCF: 0.1…600.0s (step 0.1s)
Sensitive earth fault
Option for high neutral impedance:
Threshold for sensitive Earth fault with flowing
current control: IbiasPh>Cur.: 50A…30kA (step 10A)
Residual current slope adjustment
kN2: 0.00…0.90 (step 0.01)
Residual differential current threshold:
IDN>2: 10A…30kA (step 10A)
Residual Check Zone current slope adjustment
kNCZ: 0.00…0.90 (step 0.01)
Residual Check Zone differential current
threshold: IDNCZ>2: 10A…30kA (step 10A)
Circuitry fault slope adjustment
kN1: 0.00…0.50 (step 0.01)
Circuitry fault threshold:
IDN>1: 10…500A (step 10A)
Circuitry fault alarm timer
IDN>1 tCF: 0.1…600.0s (step 0.1s)
Breaker failure
Accuracy Reset time = 25 ms from: start to [(TBF2 or TBF4) - 30ms] = 15 ms from: [(TBF2 or TBF4) - 30ms] to [TBF2 or TBF4] ±2 % or 10 ms whichever is greater Thresholds: settings ±5 % or 10 mA Whichever Is Greater
x/EN TD/Na7
Technical Data
(TD) 2
1, P742, P743
-10 MiCOM P74
Current transformer and feeder characteristics
Class: 5P (IEC185) X (BS3958) TPX (IEC 44-6) TPY (IEC 44-6) TPZ (IEC 44-6) Min. Knee point voltage (BS 3958):
Vk: 100/I
V…5k/In V (step 10/In V)
Rated Burden (IEC 44-6):
S: 5VA…100VA (step 1VA)
Rated Resistive Burden (IEC 44-6):
(step 1/I
rRB: data calculated from rated burden Rated short-circuit current factor:
Kscc: 10…50 (step 5)
Secondary resistance ()
: 0.1…50.0 (step 0.1Ω)
External loop resistance Eff. Burden ():
RB: 0.1…200.0/ I
(step 1/ I
External loop resistance Eff. Burden VA
(Data calculated from Eff. Burden Ohm)
Blocking of 87BB on phase-phase feeder fault
for external ph-ph fault detection - (>1.5 max ph-ph fault current infeed) with Ultra high speed detection <1 ms: I>BB: 0.05…4×I
(step 0.01×In)
Blocking of 87BB on earth/feeder fault
(external earth fault detecti on) - (>1.5 max earth fault current infeed. Ultra high speed detection required <1 ms): IN>BB: 0.05…4×I
(step 0.01×In)
Supervision of I0 calculation
Kce: 0.01…1.00 (step 0.01)
I0 error alarm time delay
Tce: 0.0…10.0s (step 0.1s) I0 supervision blocking : 87BB (P&N) / N on e CTS Timer alarm : 0.1s…10.0s (step 0.1s) Note: I
is the CT nominal current
Dead Zone protection (PU)
Phase threshold
I>DZ: 0.05…4.00×I Time delay: 0.00…100.00s (step 10ms) Dead Zone Earth: Disabled/Enabled Neutral threshold:
IN>DZ: 0.05…4.00×I Time delay: 0.00…100.00 s (step 10ms) Note: I
is the CT nominal current
(step 0.01×In)
(step 0.01×In)
Breaker failure protection (PU)
Caution: the following current set values are expressed in multiple of the local CT’s nominal rated current Inp (primary) or Ins (secondary).
Breaker Failure
phase O/C threshold
(dead pole detection for 50BF): I<: 0.05…4.00×I
Confirmation I>: Disabled/Enabled
phase O/C threshold:
I>: 0.05…4.00×I
Confirmation IN>: Disabled/Enabled
residual O/C threshold:
IN>: 0.05…4.00×I
Timers for 50BF internal tripping
CB fail 1 timer:
tBF1: 0.00…10.00s (step 10ms)
CB fail 2 timer:
tBF2: 0.00…10.00s (step 10ms)
Timers for 50BF external tripping (orders from 21 or 87T etc.)
CB fail 3 timer:
TBF3: 0.00…10.00 s (step 10ms)
CB fail 4 timer:
TBF4: 0.00…10.00 s (step 10ms)
Overcurrent Protection (PU)
Phase Fault Protection (50/51)
3 phase Overcurrent Function Status I>1:
0. Disabled
1. DT
2. IEC S Inverse
3. IEC V Inverse
4. IEC E Inverse
5. UK LT Inverse
6. IEEE M Inverse
7. IEEE V Inverse
8. IEEE E Inverse
9. US Inverse
10. US ST Inverse
If “function status” ≠0
I>1 Current Set: 0.10…32.00×In (step 0.01×In)
If “function status” =1
I>1 Time delay: 0.00…100.00s (step 10ms)
If ”function status” ≤5
I>1: 0.025…1.200 (step 0.025)
(step 0.01×In)
(step 0.01×In)
(step 0.01×In)
If “function status” ≥6
I>1 time Dial: 0.5…15.0 (step 0.1) I>1 Reset Char: DT or inverse
If ”function status” ≤5 or “I>1 Reset Char.”=DT and “function status” ≥6
I>1: 0.0…100.0 (step 0.1)
Technical Data
1, P742, P743 (TD) 2-
I>2 Function: Disabled, 87BBP&N blocking, High Set I>2,
I>2 & 87BBP&N, 87BB/P blocking, 87BB/N blocking, I>2 & 87BB/P or I>2 & 87BB/N
I>2 Current Set (if “I>2 function” enabled)
0.10…32.00×In (step 0.01×In)
If “I>2 function” = high set I>2
I>2 Time Delay: 0.00…100.00s (step 10ms)
If “I>2 function” = 87BB (P and/or N)
I>2 Time Delay: 0.2…6.00s (step 0.1s)
Earth Fault Protection (50N/51N)
Residual Overcurrent Function Status IN>1:
0. Disabled
1. DT
2. IEC S Inverse
3. IEC V Inverse
4. IEC E Inverse
5. UK LT Inverse
6. IEEE M Inverse
7. IEEE V Inverse
8. IEEE E Inverse
9. US Inverse
10. US ST Inverse
If “function status” ≠0
“IN >1 current set”: 0.10…32.00×In (step 0.01×In)
If “function status” =1
“IN >1 Time delay”: 0.00…100.00s (step 10ms)
If “function status” ≤5
“IN >1 TMS”: 0.025…1.200 (step 0.025)
If “function status” ≥6
“IN >1 Time Dial”: 0.5…15.0 (step 0.1) “IN >1 Reset Char”: DT or Inverse
If “function status” 5 or “IN>1 Reset Char.”=DT & “function status” ≥6
IN >1 tReset: 0.0…100.0 (step 0.1)
P74x/EN TD/N
CB Control (PU)
Prot Trip Pulse: 0.05…2.00s (step 10mss) Trip Latched: Disabled/Enabled Rest Trip Latch: Yes/No CB Control by: Disabled, Local and/or Remote and /or Opto Man Close Pulse: 0.1…10.0s (step 10ms) Man Trip Pulse: 0.1…5.0s (step 10ms) Man Close Delay: 0…600s (step 10ms) 87BB Trip Delay: 0…400ms (step 5ms) CB Superv Timer: 10…400ms (step 5ms)
Date and Time
IRIG-B Sync: Disabled/Enabled Battery Alarm: Disabled/Enabled LocalTime Enable: Disabled/Fixed/Flexible DST Enable: Disabled/Enabled
Setting Group: Select via Menu or Select via Opto Active Settings: Group 1/2/3/4 Setting Group 1: Disabled/Enabled Setting Group 2: Disabled/Enabled Setting Group 3: Disabled/Enabled Setting Group 4: Disabled/Enabled
CU Only
Diff Busbar Prot: Disabled/Enabled – Differential phase fault – Sensitive earth fault
PU Only
Dead Zone Prot: Disabled/Enabled CB Fail & I>: Disabled/Enabled BB Trip Confirm: Disabled/Enabled Overcurrent Prot: Disabled/Enabled Earth Fault Prot: Disabled/Enabled
Setting Values: Primary/Secondary LCD Contrast: (Factory pre-set)
IN >2 Function:
Disabled, 87BBP&N blocking, High Set I>2, I>2 & 87BBP&N, 87BB/P blocking, 87BB/N blocking, I>2 & 87BB/P or I>2 & 87BB/N
IN>2 Current Set (if “IN>2 function” enabled):
0.10…32.00 xIn (step 0.01×In)
If “IN>2 function” = high set I>2
IN>2 Time Delay:
0.00…100.00s (step 10ms)
If “IN>2 function” = 87BB (P and/or N)
IN>2 Time Delay: 0.2…6.00 s (step 0.1s)
x/EN TD/Na7
Technical Data
(TD) 2
1, P742, P743
-12 MiCOM P74
Measurements and records List
Fault Recorder
Records for the last 5 faults
Central Unit:
Active Setting group
Faulty phase
Protection started/operated (87BB, 50BF,
Dead Zone…)
Fault occurrence time and duration
Check Zone values (Diff. & Bias for A, B, C,
Faulty zone(s)
Topology prior the fault occurrence
Peripheral Unit:
Active setting group
Indication of the tripped phases
Protection started/operated (87BB, 50BF,
Dead Zone…)
Relay Trip Time and duration
Relay Trip Time
Faulty phase currents (A, B, C, N)
Event Recorder
Records for the last 512 events
RP1 Protocol: Courier RP1 Address (courier): 6…34 Inactivity Timer: 1…30 minutes RP1 Port Config (Courier):
K Bus / EIA485 (RS485) RP1 Comms Mode (EIA485 (RS485)): IEC60870 FT1.2 Frame 10-Bit NoParity RP1 Baud Rate (EIA485 (RS485)): 9600 / 19200 / 38400 bits/s RP1 Read Only: Disabled/Enabled
Optional Second Rear Communication
RP2 Protocol: Courier (fixed) RP2 Port Config: Courier over EIA(RS)232 Courier over EIA(RS)485 K-Bus RP2 Comms. Mode: IEC60870 FT1.2 Frame 10-Bit NoParity RP2 Address: 0…255 RP2 InactivTimer: 1…30mins RP2 Baud Rate: 9600 / 19200 / 38400 bits/s RP2 Read Only: Disabled/Enabled
Oscillography (Disturbance Recorder)
Central Unit:
Duration: Fixed value 1.2 s Trigger Position: 0…100% (step 33.3%) Analogue Channel 1: (up to 8) Digital Input 1: (up to 32)
Peripheral Unit:
Duration: Settable from 1.2 to 10.5s Trigger Position: 0…100% (step 0.1%) Trigger Mode: Single / Extended Analogue Channel 1: (up to 4): Digital Input 1: (up to 32): Selected binary channel assignment from
any DDB status point within the relay (opto input, output contact, alarms, starts, trips, controls, logic…).
Sampling frequency: 600Hz
Optional Ethernet Port
NIC Tunl Timeout: 1…30mins NIC Link Report: Alarm / Event / None NIC Link Timeout: 0.1…60s NIC Read Only: Disabled/Enabled
Technical Data
1, P742, P743 (TD) 2-
Monitor Bit 1(up to 8): Binary function link strings, selecting which
DDB signals have their status visible in the Commissioning menu, for test purposes
Test Mode: (CU)
Test Mode: Enabled or Out of Service
87BB trip blocked but 50BF (back trip) enable per zone
87BB and 50BF trip blocked per zone
All the protections (87BB, Dead Zone,
General 50BF, Local 50BF, O/C) disabled
87BB disable but 50BF (back trip) enable for all zones
Test Mode: (PU)
Test mode: Disabled / 50BF Disabled /
Test Pattern: Configuration of which output contacts are
to be energised when the contact test is applied.
Static Test Mode: Disabled/Enabled Opto input voltage range: 24-27 V 30-34 V 48-54 V 110-125 V 220-250 V Custom Opto Input 1
(up to # = max. opto no. fitted)
Custom options allow independent
thresholds to be set per opto, from the same range as above
Filter Control:
P74x/EN TD/N
Opto Input Labels
Opto Input 1 up to: 8 for P741 16 for P742 24 for P743 User defined text string to describe the
function of the particular opto input.
Outputs Labels
Relay 1 up to: 8 for P741 & P742 16 for P743 User defined text string to describe the
function of the particular relay output contact.
Switch Conf.Bank: No Action / Switch Banks
GoEna: Disabled/Enabled Test Mode: Disabled / Enabled VOP Test Pattern: 0x00000000 / 0xFFFFFFFF Ignore Test Flag: No/Yes
x/EN TD/Na7
Technical Data
(TD) 2
1, P742, P743
-14 MiCOM P74
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