GE ndt|analyser, phoenix microme x Brochure

Sensing & Inspection Technologies
with phoenix|x-ray microfocus and nanofocus X-ray systems
FAQs about X-ray
small FOD large FOD
high magnification
cathode (filament)
grid anode
deflection unit
magnetic lens
electron beam
X-ray beam
low magnification
Why can the collision
protection be deactivated?
phoenix|x-ray systems come standard with a password-protected, anti-collision feature to ensure the protection of your samples. When inspecting certain samples, it might become necessary to deactivate the collision protection (e.g. with 25 m bond wires, which, even for magnifi cations of just 500 x, need to be as close as 4 mm to the tube head). phoenix|x-ray provides the user the fl exibility when dealing with small samples. Unlike with conventional systems, the X-ray tube is located above the sample tray allowing the user to move the sample as close to the tube head as needed.
FOD = -4 mm: 500 x Sample touching the tube:
How X-ray inspection
How X-ray tubes
The heart of the X-ray machine is an elec­trode pair consisting of a cathode, the fi la- ment, and an anode, that is located inside a vacuum tube. Current is passed through the lament heating it up, causing the fi lament to emit electrons. The positively charged anode draws the electrons across the tube. Unlike with conventional X-ray tubes, the electrons pass through the anode into a spe­cifi cally designed set-up of electromagnetic lenses, where they are bundled and directed onto a small spot on the target, a fl at metal disc covered by a layer of tungsten. When the electrons collide with the target, they in­teract with the ions in the tungsten, causing X-rays to be emitted. Key to sharp, crisp X-ray images at micron or even submicron resolutions is the size of the focal spot, meaning the ability to focus the electron beam in such way that the area on the target where the electrons hit be as small as pos­sible – an obstacle yet to be overcome by conventional X-ray machines. However, phoenix|x-ray has mastered this challenge with its unique nanofocus tube providing detail detectabilities as low as 200 nanometers (0.2 microns).
Maximum magnification
What makes an excellent
In addition to resolution, maximum voltage, and power, stability is very important for reliable results and highest up-time. One of phoenix|x-ray’s key techno-logy competen­cies are tube design and manufacturing.
dose rate variation [%]
-0.50 1234
High power nanofocus X-ray tubes up
to 180 kV and unipolar microfocus X-ray tubes up to 300 kV maximum voltage
Up to 200 nm (0.2 microns) detail detecta-
Dose-rate stabilization: the emitted
intensity only varies by less than 0.5 %
within 8 hours (see diagram)
Anti-arcing: dedicated surface treatment
during fabrication and automated warm­up procedures prevent discharges
Self adjustment: all tube adjustments are
performed automatically during warm-up to achieve optimum results
Plug-in cathodes: pre-adjusted spare cath-
odes prevent malfunction due to wrong filament adjustment and minimize down­time to less than 20 min.
Target check: target condition is checked
automatically; automatic target wear is indicated
dose rate stability XS|160 T
time [h]
The View Inside
What can X-ray inspection tell us about package quality?
Electronic packages are sophisticated electronic devices with complex, internal features. In order to meet the quality require­ments of the industry, X-ray inspection solutions must be capable of delivering detail detectabilities in the submicron range and detecting hidden defect fl aws.
phoenix|x-ray o ers automated microfocus and nanofocus X-ray inspection solutions for any package inspection task including,
but not limited to the following:
Standard IC packages: DIP, SOT, VSOP, (P)LCC, QFP, Flat Pack
Cracked wire
Wire destroyed by overvoltage
IC-package, top-down view
Any internal details such as bond wires, inner and outer bonds, die, die attach, lead frame and moulding can be examined for defects (e.g. broken wires, excessive wire sweep, extraneous or crossing wires, die attach voids and die tilt, die cracks, defective lid seals, moulding voids, entrapped particles and delaminations).
Wire-bonded area array packages: PBGA, CSP, etc.
Chip-scale package in top-down view (not balled yet)
The image gives a clear view of the integrity of the vias and lead tracks of the PCB and the quality of the solder joints.
Wedge-bond inspection
Shape deviations and opens
in flip-chip bonds
Ball-bond inspection
Bridge between flip-chip bonds
Flip-chip bonded area array packages: CBGA etc.
FC-bonded IC, top-down view
Applications include the inspection of microscopic solder joints connec­ting IC and ceramic substrate as well as underfi ll inspection. The most common defects are open solder joints, missing solder joints, solder bridges, solder and underfi ll voids.
Die attach
Cracked die
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