Power Conversion
MV Induction Motors
For industrial pump, fan, compressor
and other industrial applications.
NEMA Frames 5800-8000
500-7500 HP
IEC Frames 400-PV900
400-5600 kW
Experience Matters
For over 100 years, GE has produced countless medium voltage induction
machines for the petrochemical, power generation, mining and minerals, water
and wastewater industries. These motors are commonly used for centrifugal
compressors, blowers, boiler feed pumps, crushers and grinders, multi-stage high
pressure pumps such as water injection or pipeline applications.
GE motors are designed for, but are not limited
to these critical industry standards:
IEC 60034-1
ANSI C50.41
IEEE 112
API 541 & 547
Applicable ISO, AFBMA, ANSI, ASME, and ASTM requirements
Our world-class testing facility has the capability of meeting a wide range of NEMA,
IEC and API motor requirements. GE is dedicated to manufacturing excellence.
Our facilities are ISO 9001 Certified with over 20 years of Six Sigma process
enhancements and best practice implementations. Our commitment is to deliver
the highest quality design to fit your system requirements with service to exceed
your expectations.
Superior Design
Meets or exceeds API 541
requirements for Petroleum
& Chemical Applications
GE provides machines that are fully compliant to API 541
standards, globally recognized among the most stringent.
You can be assured that you are getting a well-designed and
reliable product, optimized for your specific application.
Inverter Duty
The insulation system meets the requirements of NEMA MG-1,
part 31. If required, a shaft grounding device is installed to
reduce shaft voltage. Both bearings are insulated and the
drive end bearing is grounded. Our cage induction motors are
certified for use with the GE MV4, MV6 and MV7000 range of
variable frequency drives.
Reduction of Resonances
GE supplies both flexible and rigid rotor technology. All
machines 1800 rpm and below have rigid rotors as defined
by API. Use of the latest engineering simulation tools and
modern modal testing equipment makes it possible for GE
to assure shaft resonances do not impede operation of the
machine in the specified speed range.
Stator frames are designed using powerful
FEA tools. The design tools confirm safety
margins, and assure resonances are well
outside the operating region.
Improved ventilation
and cooling has been
achieved with a new
internal fan design.