@Do notleavewasherlid up
avoidsuch aresult, thegarment
duringcycle.Thiswill stopthe
mwufacturer’s care instructions
waterfill, washand spinaction and
shouldbe followed very carefilly.
preventcompletionof thecycle.
Howtoopemte yourclotheswasher
1 1
Wm~G—To reducetheriskoffire,electricshock,orinjurytopersons,
beforeoperatingthis appliance.
WasWSpin Spaods
Variable Water Level Wash/Rinse Temp.
HaavyDUIV ExfraLarge Capacity
r Ii
SpotscrubberEightCycle Washer
Regular Cycles
❑ ~ Kmls
Permanent Press
soakc“,{. * o ~ ~ and Knits Cyc/es
Sorthg andbading
~Sort clothes carefilly by fabric
type, weight, color and amount of
soil, according to instructionson
page 14.
Mini-BasketT”tub. The underside
ofthe lid is a good place toput the
pan while loading or unloading
Do not use Mini-Basket tub when
washing regular loads. You’llfind
completedetails on how and when to
usc the Mini-Basket tub on pages 8
through 11.
QAdd meastlred amount of
detergent. See pages 16
for information ORdeterge~~tsand
~Load clothesintothe washbasket,
beingcarefulnotto overload.Clothes
shouldbe below retainingring. See
page B for moreloadingMormation.
@Positionthe Filter-Flo pan on the
agitator.Lint willcollect in thepan
for easy removalwhen the wash is
N~E: Do not use the Filter-Flo
pan as a wash basket. Do not put
any items to be washed in the
Filter-Flo pan.
e Seepage 6 for information
on how to use Bleach and Fabric
Sokner Dispensers.Forinformation
on bleaches and fabric softeners,
see page 20.
Q ~~osethe }i~, ~as~er Wil]not fill,
agitateor spin with the lid open.
Use the Controls Setting Guide on
pages 12and 13to help you make
tile i]roper selections.
@ Select WaterLevel.
SMALL: Washeris lessthan 1/3
fullof clothes.
~~DILTM: Between 1/3and 1/2
LARGE: Between 1/2and 2/3 full.
EXTRA LARGE: Over 2/3 full.
MINI-BASKET:Not used for
regular loads. See pages 8through
11for instructions.
If youwant to increase the wate~
levelafier you’ve made a selection,
turn knob to “RESET” and select
new level.
@ SelectWashand Rinse
Temperature. Cold rinse will be
automatically provided with use of
Permanent Press and I<nitsCycles.
(An extended cool-down spray
rinse and cold-water deep rinse are
provided to minimize setting of f+)