The Moisture Monitor™ Series 3 Hygrometer is a GE Panametrics product. GE Panametrics has joined other
GE high-technology sensing businesses under a new name—GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies.
March 2008
WarrantyEach instrument manufactured by GE Sensing, Inc. is warranted to be
free from defects in material and workmanship. Liability under this
warranty is limited to restoring the instrument to normal operation or
replacing the instrument, at the sole discretion of GE. Fuses and
batteries are specifically excluded from any liability. This warranty is
effective from the date of delivery to the original purchaser. If GE
determines that the equipment was defective, the warranty period is:
• one year for general electronic failures of the instrument
• one year for mechanical failures of the sensor
If GE determines that the equipment was damaged by misuse,
improper installation, the use of unauthorized replacement parts, or
operating conditions outside the guidelines specified by GE, the
repairs are not covered under this warranty.
The warranties set forth herein are exclusive and are in lieu of
all other warranties whether statutory, express or implied
(including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose, and warranties arising from course of
dealing or usage or trade).
Return PolicyIf a GE Sensing, Inc. instrument malfunctions within the warranty
period, the following procedure must be completed:
1. Notify GE, giving full details of the problem, and provide the model
number and serial number of the instrument. If the nature of the
problem indicates the need for factory service, GE will issue a
RETURN AUTHORIZATION number (RA), and shipping instructions
for the return of the instrument to a service center will be
2. If GE instructs you to send your instrument to a service center, it
must be shipped prepaid to the authorized repair station indicated
in the shipping instructions.
3. Upon receipt, GE will evaluate the instrument to determine the
cause of the malfunction.
Then, one of the following courses of action will then be taken:
• If the damage is covered under the terms of the warranty, the
instrument will be repaired at no cost to the owner and returned.
• If GE determines that the damage is not covered under the terms
of the warranty, or if the warranty has expired, an estimate for the
cost of the repairs at standard rates will be provided. Upon receipt
of the owner’s approval to proceed, the instrument will be repaired
and returned.
IntroductionThe GE Sensing Moisture Monitor MMS-3 is a one- or two-channel
analyzer designed to measure dissolved moisture concentration in
gases and non-aqueous liquids, and dissolved oxygen concentration
in gases.
A microprocessor-based instrument, the MMS-3 combines hardware
and software to make various measurements. The user connects the
needed inputs (moisture probes, pressure transmitters, oxygen cells,
etc.) to the back panel of the electronics unit using the appropriate
cables. Typically, the user installs moisture probes and oxygen cells
into the process using a sample system that is specifically designed
for the application. The sample system delivers a sample of the
process gas or liquid to the probes. The probes then send signals to
the MMS-3 electronics unit, which interprets the signals and converts
them into measurements.
The complete analyzer, including electronics, cab les and
measurement probes, forms a “system” that is designed to monitor the
process accurately and reliably. The following sections discuss each
part of this “system.”
Electronics UnitThe center of the “system” is the electronics unit. The electronics unit
has many components, including the terminal blocks for all
connections, an RS232 port, a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), a
keypad, and menu keys (see Figure 1-1 on page 1-2). The MMS-3 is
also available with an optional battery pack.
The back panel of the electronics unit consists of the terminal blocks
for connecting moisture probes, oxygen cells, recorders and optional
alarms (standard or hermetically sealed). The MMS-3 also provides
connections for two isolated outputs per channel. Input connections
for the M and TF Series moisture probes, as well as the Delta F
oxygen sensors, are intrinsically safe.
As an optional feature, the MMS-3 provides connections for two
auxiliary inputs (not intrinsically safe) for each channel. The auxiliary
inputs can accept signals from any 0/4 to 20-mA or 0 to 2-VDC
device, including other GE Sensing analyzers.
The RS232 port enables the user to connect a remote terminal, printer,
or computer to the MMS-3. Using an optional PanaView™ software
package, the user can also set up and operate one or more analyzers
from a remote location, program user functions, transfer data, and
create data logs.
Features and Capabilities1-1
March 2008
Electronics Unit (cont.)The front panel of the electronics unit contains a 2-line x 20 character
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) to show measurements, a 4 x 4 matrix
keypad for entering data and operating the MMS-3, and four function
The MMS-3 is also available with an optional rechargeable battery
pack that makes it ideal for survey applications. The user can move
the MMS-3 from location to location to take spot samples and store
measurements. When fully charged, the battery pack provides eight
hours of continuous operation.
The BASEEFA-approved electronics unit is available in rack mount,
portable bench mount, and panel mount versions. The electronics unit
is also available in NEMA-4X weatherproof and NEMA-7 explosionproof housings, but these packages are not BASEEFA approved.
IMPORTANT:Only the MMS-3’s that have serial numbers 2001 and
above are intrinsically safe.
Figure 1-1: Moisture Monitor MMS-3
1-2Features and Capabilities
March 2008
ProbesProbes are the part of the system that come into contact with the
process flow . The MMS-3 uses various types of probes to fit the needs
of different applications.
The term “probe” includes devices such as moisture sensors, pressure
transducers, and oxygen cells. Although users can supply their own
probes for certain measurements, GE Sensing provides the following
standard probes to make moisture, temperature, pressure, and oxygen
• Moisture (M) Series - moisture and temperature (in gases and
• Three Function (TF) Series - moisture, temperature, and pressure
(in gases and liquids)
• Delta-F Cells - oxygen measurement (in gases).
The most commonly used probes are discussed in more detail below.
M Series and TF Moisture
The M Series and TF Series probes are very similar. Both probes use
GE aluminum oxide sensors to measure moisture, and thermistors to
measure temperature (the thermistor is optional). The TF Series,
however, has an optional built-in strain-gage-type pressure
transducer. The sensor assemblies are secured to a probe mount and
are usually protected with a sintered stainless-steel shield (TF-9
probes typically do not have a shield). Other types of shields are
available. See Figure 1-2 below and Figure 1-3 on page 1-4.
When using an M Series probe, a separate pressure transmitter is
required if in-line pressure measurement is needed. The MMS-3 can
use any pressure transmitter with a 0/4 to 20-mA and/or a 0 to 2-V
output. Alternatively, the user can enter fixed values for temperature
and pressure into the MMS-3 memory if the process conditions are
Figure 1-2: M Series Probe
Features and Capabilities1-3
March 2008
M Series and TF Moisture
Probes (cont.)
Figure 1-3: TF Series Probe
Although the M and TF Series probes may be installed directly into
the process line, they are usually inserted into a sample system. The
sample system protects the probes and enables the user to easily
remove the probes for calibrating, servicing, and cleaning. Sample
systems also control the flow of the process stream so that it is within
the specifications of the measurement probe or cell.
The M and TF Series probes, when operated with a BASEEFAapproved MMS-3, are intrinsically safe (see Chapter 3, Specifications,
in the Startup Guide, for BASEEFA certification numbers) and are
designed to meet requirements of IEC/CENELEC zone 0 areas.
The M and TF Series probes measure moisture content in a standard
range from -110°C to 20°C (-166°F to 68°F) dew/frost point
temperature, and optionally from -110°C to 60°C (-166°F to 140° F).
Both probes optionally measure temperature in a range of -30°C to
70°C (-22°F to 158°F).The TF probe optionally measures pressure
from 30 to 300, 50 to 500, 100 to 1000, 30 0 to 3 000, and 500 to 5000
Pressure TransmitterIn addition to the M Series probe, a separate pressure transmitter may
be needed for on-line pressure measurement. Pressure measurement
is a necessary input for conversion to certain moisture parameters,
such as parts per million by volume water vapor in a gas. The
MMS-3 can use any pressure transmitter with a 0/4 to 20 mA or 0 to 2
V output. Additionally, constant temperature and pressure can be
programmed into the MMS-3 if these process conditions are constant.
Temperature measurement is a necessary input for conversion to
certain moisture parameters, such as parts per million by weight water
vapor dissolved in a liquid. It is also necessary so maximum
temperature/pressure conditions are not exceeded.
1-4Features and Capabilities
March 2008
Delta F Oxygen CellThe MMS-3 standard oxygen measurement probe is the Delta-F Cell.
Overall oxygen content range measured using this cell is from 0 to
25%. You may choose from seven standard oxygen ranges. The
lowest standard range is 0 to 1/10/100 ppm; the highest standard
range is 0 to 25% oxygen. An ultra-low-range sensor that covers
0-500 ppb
MMS-3 can also accept oxygen inputs from other GE Sensing oxygen
sensors using the auxiliary inputs.
If your application has a high concentration of acid-forming
components, GE Sensing supplies a STAB-EL option for the Delta F
Cell. The STAB-EL option is specially designed to effectively
neutralize these components from the sample gas stream.
The Delta F Cell is available in a general purpose model with both a
top and bottom drain, or only a top drain as shown in Figure 1-4
below . The Delta F Cell is usually installed in its own sample system.
The Delta F Cell is optionally available with VCR
in a NEMA-4X enclosure for weatherproof corrosion resistant
applications, or mounted in a NEMA-7 enclosure for hazardous areas.
and is sensitive to less than 5 ppb is also available. The
fittings, mounted
The Delta F Cell is BASEEFA-approved, and when connected to a
BASEEFA-approved MMS-3, provides certified intrinsic safety. See
Chapter 3 of the Startup Guide,Specifications, for certification
Bottom Drain
Top Drain
Figure 1-4: Bottom and Top Drain Delta F Oxygen Cells
Features and Capabilities1-5
March 2008
CablingEach probe requires an interconnecting cable. Cables differ
depending on the probe. The various cables are discussed belo w
under the appropriate probe type. All of the cable assemblies can be
ordered from GE Sensing.
IMPORTANT:See the Calibration Data Sheets, shipped with the
probes, to connect the probes to their corresponding
channels. If a probe is connected to the wrong
channel, the meter will display incorrect data.
IMPORTANT:To maintain good contact at each terminal block and
to avoid damaging the pins on the connector, pull the
connector straight off (not at an angle), make cable
connections while the connector is away from the
unit, and push the connector straight on (not at an
angle) when the wiring is complete.
M Series and TF Series
The M and TF Series Probes are connected to the analyzer with a
special GE Sensing shielded cable. Probes can be located up to 600 m
(2000 ft) from the MMS-3 (consult GE Sensing for distances up to
1,200 m). To measure pressure with a TF Probe, the maximum cable
length is approximately 152 m (500 ft). Small electrical offsets,
especially with longer cables, are possible and should be corrected as
described in Performing an MH Calibration Test/Adjustment, in
Chapter 1 of the Service Manual.
Delta F Oxygen CellThe standard Delta F Oxygen Cells are connected to the analyzer with
a four-wire shielded cable (22 A WG). Oxygen cells with a range from
0 to 1/10/100 ppm
(50 ft) away from the analyzer. All other oxygen cells can be located
up to 91 m (300 ft) away. Consult GE Sensing for longer cable
or 0 to 0.5/5/50 ppmv can be located up to 15 m
Pressure SensorsThe MMS-3 accepts either pressure transducers or pressure
transmitters. Most pressure transducers can be connected with a
standard four-wire shielded cable. Most pressure transmitters are
connected using either a two or four-wire non-shielded cable and can
be either loop- or self-powered.
RS232 Communications
1-6Features and Capabilities
A personal computer or serial printer can be connected to the MMS-3
RS232 communications port using a standard serial cable. The
MMS-3 has a special switch that enables you to configure the unit as a
Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) or a Data Communications
Equipment (DCE) device. (See Chapter 1 in the Service Manual for
details on DTE/DCE configuration.)
March 2008
User ProgramThe MMS-3 has a user program that is accessed and controlled by its
keypad and the four function keys. The user program enables the user
to enter the necessary probe data, set up the LCD screen, and control
the operational features of the MMS-3. The MMS-3 stores this in
battery-backed RAM for up to five years, even when power is off.
The MMS-3 user program consists of the following 12 main menus:
• SYSTEM - This menu enables the user to enter calibration and
configurations data.
• AUTOCAL - To compensate for any drift in the electronics, the user
can program the MMS-3 to calibrate itself automatically at preselected intervals.
• USER - This menu is used to enter a saturation constant which the
MMS-3 requires to measure ppm
menu is also used to select the Enhanced Response option.
in liquids. If applicable, this
• LOGGER - In this menu the user can (1) program the MMS-3 to log
data at pre-selected time intervals, and (2) access the logged data
for viewing.
• TEST - This menu allows the user to test the alarm relays and the
recorder outputs.
• CONTRAST - In this menu the user can adjust the contrast of the
display screen to adapt to lighting conditions.
• BACKLIGHT - To maintain the life of the LCD backlight, the user
can program the electronics unit to turn the backlight off
automatically after a predetermined time period.
• CLOCK - This menu enables the user to set and/or view the clock
and calendar.
• PORT - In this menu, the user can select the baud rate, report
format and interval for transmitting measurements and logged data
over the RS232 communications port.
• ALARMS - The MMS-3 can be equipped with two optional alarm
relays (high and low) for each channel. The user can set up both
alarms for any of the available measurement modes and units.
• RECORDERS - The MMS-3 has two recorder outputs (A and B) for
each channel. The user must set up the output ranges for each
recorder and each channel.
• SysInfo - This menu supplies basic information on the serial
number, program, run time and boot device for a user’s particular
Startup ProcedureSensor configuration and system calibration data for your MMS-3 are
entered at the factory . After you un pack the unit, use the sections that
follow to verify that your system is working properly and set up the
screen to display the desired measurements.
Powering UpThe MMS-3 has a universal power supply that automatically adjusts
to line voltages from 95 to 260 VAC, and a portable battery pack
(optional). After making electrical connections as described in
Chapter 1 of the Startup Guide, press the
IMPORTANT:For compliance with the EU’s Low V oltage Directive
(IEC 1010), this unit requires an external power
disconnect device such as a switch or circuit br eaker.
The disconnect device must be marked as such,
clearly visible, directly accessible, and located
within 1.8 m (6 ft) of the MMS-3. The power line is
the main disconnect device.
[ON] switch to power up the
Do not operate the Delta F Oxygen Cell for extended
periods of time at oxygen concentrations that are over
range. Trace and low percent range sensors may be
damaged if exposed to high levels of oxygen, such as air,
for long periods (>1 hour) while the MMS-3 is on.
If exposure is unavoidable, either disconnect the oxygen
cell from the MMS-3 or equip the sample system with a
valve that allows the cell to be switched to purge gas.
The MMS-3 normally shows a series of messages that indicate it is
functioning normally, and then begins displaying data.
Basic Programming2-1
March 2008
Using the Keypad and
Use the following sections to become familiar with the key functions
and discover the passcode number you will need to access the user
Key FunctionsThe function keys to the right of the keypad are used in the following
• [MODE] - modifies or selects the measurement mode to display.
• [CHAN] - toggles between channels (only works with units that have
two channels installed).
• [PROG] - accesses the user program.
• [RUN] - exits the Modify Display Mode or the user program (except
during numeric entry) and returns to displaying measurements.
The keypad below the MMS-3 screen consists of 16 keys (including
the [.] and [–] symbols), two arrow keys, and two response keys,
[YES] and [NO]). The numeric keys are for numeric entry only;
however, the arrow and response keys have more than one function.
The arrow keys perform three functions:
• arrow keys - scroll through the screen selections by moving the
brackets forward or backward to the desired location.
• left arrow key - moves backward and erases during numeric entry.
• right arrow key - moves the cursor to the desired location during
numeric entry and accepts a change at the present location.
The response keys perform three functions:
• [YES] or [NO] - respond to questions and/or exit a screen.
• [YES] - confirms an entry or retrieves a previous number after you
erase it.
• [NO] - moves backward through the menu.
IMPORTANT:After pressing a key, wait for the unit to perform the
desired function before executing another key
PasscodeTo enter the user program you must enter a passcode. The passcode
prevents unauthorized users from changing data. When entering the
user program, the MMS-3 prompts for the passcode. Refer to the end
of this chapter for your default passcode.
2-2Basic Programming
March 2008
The MMS-3 begins displaying measurements immediately after
power-up. It provides two lines in order to display measurements.
You may select the measurement mode for each line as described in
the procedure below.
Since the display has a limited amount of space, the MMS-3 uses
abbreviations to represent the displayed measurement mode and units
as shown in Table 2-3 on page 2-5.
Press the
Display Page: 1
Press YES to Edit
[MODE] key to enter the Modify DSP Mode.
The MMS-3 can display six
pages of measurements, each
showing two different
parameters. Use the numeric
keys to enter the desired page
Modify DSP Mode P1
and press
Use the arrow keys to move the
brackets to the desired line you
want to edit and press
Line 2 DSP Mode P1
[CH 1] CH 2
Select DSP Mode P1
_[H] T P Aux1`
Use the arrow keys to move the
brackets to the desired channel
you want to display and press
Use the arrow key to move the
brackets to the measurement
mode and press
[YES]. See
Table 2-1 on page 2-4 for a list
of the available measurement
Basic Programming2-3
March 2008
Measurements (cont.)
Table 2-1: Measurement Modes
Display AbbreviationMeasurement Mode
AUX1Auxiliary 1
AUX2Auxiliary 2
USER*User Function
VREFVolt Reference
GNDSignal Ground
*User functions are available only through PanaView
software. For more information, refer to Chapter 4.
When selecting a measurement mode, please remember that some
measurement modes require multiple inputs. For example, to display
, you need a moisture and pressure input. Table 2-2 below shows
a list of measurement modes that require multiple inputs and what
you need to display them. If the MMS-3 displays “No Data,” you may
have to reconfigure the channel. Refer to Reconfiguring a Channel for a New Sensor on page 3-35.
Table 2-2: Measurement Modes and Required Inputs
To measure:You need the following inputs:
RHTemperature and moisture
MCF/IG Moisture and pressure
MCF/NG Moisture and pressure
/NGMoisture and pressure
Select HYGRO Unit L1
[DP/°C] DP/ °F `
Moisture and pressure
Moisture, temperature and
saturation constant data
Moisture and pressure
Use the arrow keys to move the
brackets to the measurement
units and press
Repeat this procedure to set up the other line. When you are done,
2-4Basic Programming
March 2008
Table 2-3: Measurement Modes and Units for the MMS-3
Meas. Mode Description of Units
%= Percent Oxygen default O%
= Parts Per Million by volumeOPPMv
Auxiliary 1
Auxiliary 2
Volt Reference VREF = Volts default (Diagnostic Mode)VRVDC
Signal Ground GND = Volts default (Diagnostic Mode)
*The MH value is the moisture sensor’s response value and is the value which is recorded during calibration.
ppbv = Parts Per Billion by volumeOPPBv
µA = Microamps (Diagnostic Mode)OµA
DVM = Digital Voltmeter (Diagnostic Mode)OVDC
°C = Dew/Frost Point defaultDP°C
°F = Dew/Frost Point °FDP°F
K = Dew/Frost Point K (Kelvin)DPK
R.H. = Relative HumidityH%
H/ppMv = Parts per Million of Water by VolumeHPPMv
H/ppMw = Parts per Million of Water by Weight (for liquids only)HPPMw
H/ppBv = Parts per Billion of Water by VolumeHPPBv
MCF/IG = Pounds of Water per Million Std. Cubic Feet in Ideal Gas HIlbs
MCF/NG = Pounds of Water per Million Std. Cubic Feet in Natural GasHNlbs
ppMv/NG = Parts Per Million by Volume in Natural GasHNPMv
Pw/mmHg = Vapor Pressure of Water in mmHgHmmHg
Pw/Pa = Vapor Pressure of Water in PascalsHPa
MH = MH* (Diagnostic Mode)HMH
DVM = Digital Voltmeter (Diagnostic Mode)HVDC
°C = Degrees Celsius defaultT°C
°F = Degrees FahrenheitT°F
K = KelvinTK
DVM = Digital Voltmeter (Diagnostic Mode)TVDC
PSIg = Pounds per Square Inch Gauge defaultPPSIg
Bars = BarsPBars
mbs = MillibarsPmbs
mm/Hg = Millimeters of MercuryPmmHg
Pas = PascalPPg
kPas = KiloPascalPKPg
pMV = Pressure in millivoltsPmV
DVM = Digital Voltmeter (Diagnostic Mode)PVDC
Meas. Mode
Basic Programming2-5
March 2008
Setting the Backlight
The MMS-3 has a backlight timer which is provided with batterypowered units to preserve battery power and prolong the life of the
Press the
Enter Passcode: XXXX
[PROG] key to enter the user program.
Enter the passcode.
Note: If you have already entered the user program, refer to the
menu maps at the end of Chapter 3 to navigate to the
Backlight Menu.
Programming Menu 1
Backlight On Time 1
00:05 (HH:MM)
Use the arrow keys to move the
brackets to BACKLIGHT and
Enter the desired time interval
and press
[YES]. If you do not
want to use the backlight, enter 0
You may now do one of the following:
• Refer to another section and perform a different procedure. Refer
to the menu maps at the end of Chapter 3 to navigate through the
user program.
• Exit by pressing the [RUN] key.
2-6Basic Programming
March 2008
Viewing or Setting the
Clock and Calendar
Use the steps below to view or set the clock and calendar.
Press the
Enter Passcode: XXXX
[PROG] key to enter the user program.
Enter the passcode.
Note: If you have already entered the user program, refer to the
menu maps at the end of Chapter 3 to navigate to the CLOCK
Programming Menu 1
Use the arrow keys to move the
brackets to CLOCK and press
Clock Menu 1
Use the arrow keys to move the
brackets to the desired selection
and press [YES].
If you select SHOW:
Clock Menu 1
12:14 06/01/1997
The time and date appear. Press
[YES] to return to the
Programming Menu.
If you select SET:
Use the arrow keys to move the cursor, and then enter the correct
information. The cursor automatically jumps to the next position.
When you are done making changes, press [YES] to confirm your
entry. Then press [NO] to leave the CLOCK Menu and return to the
Programming Menu.
You may now do one of the following:
• Refer to another section and perform a different procedure. Refer
to the menu maps at the end of Chapter 3 to navigate through the
user program.
• Exit by pressing the [RUN] key.
Basic Programming2-7
March 2008
Accessing System
If you need to confirm the system information on your particular
MMS-3 unit, the user program includes a menu, SysInfo, that supplies
the serial number, run time and boot device for your meter.
Press the [PROG] key to enter the user program.
Enter Passcode: XXXX
Enter the passcode.
Note: If you have already entered the user program, refer to the
menu maps at the end of Chapter 3 to navigate to the SysInfo
Programming Menu 1
_ [SysInfo]
Use the arrow keys to move the
brackets to SysInfo and press
System Information
Use the arrow keys to move the
brackets to the desired selection
and press
If you select PROGRAM:
Mfg. 9/21/00
If you select UpTime:
Up Time; 0 Days
5 Hrs 36 Min
If you select BootDevice:
Boot device is
The program code and
manufacturing date appear,
followed by the serial number
and PCI number. The program
then returns to the SysInfo menu.
The screen briefly displays the
time the MMS-3 has run since it
was turned on, and then returns
to the SysInfo menu.
The screen briefly displays the
type of boot device installed, and
then returns to the SysInfo menu.
2-8Basic Programming
March 2008
Accessing System
Information (cont.)
You may now do one of the following:
• Refer to another section and perform a different procedure. Refer
to the menu maps at the end of Chapter 3 to navigate through the
user program.
• Exit by pressing the [RUN] key.
Basic Programming2-9
Your passcode is2719.
Please remove this page and put it in a safe place for future reference.
IntroductionNow that the MMS-3 is running and the screen is set up, you may
want to use the other operational features included in this chapter (see
the previous page for the list and locations of those features).
Setting Up the AlarmsThe MMS-3 can be equipped with an optional high and low alarm
relay for each channel.
Press the [PROG] key to enter the user program.
Enter Passcode: XXXX
Enter the passcode.
Note: If you have already entered the user program, see Figure 3-3
on page 3-49 to navigate to the Alarms Menu.
Programming Menu 1
_ [ALARMS] `
Use the arrow keys to move the
brackets to ALARMS and press
Be sure the number displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the
screen is the channel you want to program. If not, press the [CHAN]
key to select the desired channel.
Select Alarm 1
[A] B
Use the arrow keys to move the
brackets to the desired alarm
(A or B) and press
The MMS-3 briefly flashes a message, “Relay Status -- Reset,” and
then displays the next prompt.
Select Mode 1
O [H] T P Aux1`
Use the arrow keys to move to
the desired measurement mode
and press
[YES]. See T able 3-1 on
page 3-2 for a list of available
measurement modes.
Advanced Programming3-1
March 2008
Setting Up the Alarms
Table 3-1: Measurement Modes
Display AbbreviationMeasurement Mode
Aux 1Auxiliary 1
Aux 2Auxiliary 2
User*User Function
VrefVolt Reference
GndSignal Ground
*User functions are available only through PanaView
software (see Programming User Functions in Chapter 4).
Select Unit 1
[DP/°C] DP/ °F `
Use arrow keys to move the
brackets to the desired units and
press [YES].
Note: The number of measurement choices and the units of
measurement vary depending on the measurement mode
Select Trip Type 1
[Above] Below
Use the arrow keys to move the
brackets to the desired trip type
(whether you want the alarm to
trip above or below the
programmed value) and press
A Setpoint DeadBD 1
+0.0 +0.0
Use the numeric keys to enter the
setpoint (the value above or
below which you want the alarm
to trip) and press [YES] to
confirm the entry. If you wish to
enter a deadband value
(explained on the next page),
press the right arrow key to reach
the value, use the numeric keys
to enter the value, and press
3-2Advanced Programming
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