About this Manual 4
Getting Help 4
System Overview 4
Safety Information 6
Informations sur la sécurité 8
Start Up 10
Touchscreen and Keys – Dual Control Systems 11
Unpacking, Assembling, and Powering the Visual iQ 12
Unpacking and Putting Away the System (Small Case) 12
Unpacking and Putting Away the System (Large Case) 13
About the Battery 14
Supplying Power to the Visual iQ 15
Changing Probes and Optical Tips 16
Setting Up the Visual iQ Operating System 17
System Setup 19
Screen & Display Setup 21
Connectivity Setup (WiFi, Bluetooth, PCs, and Networks) 22
Image & Video Setup 24
Measurement & Annotation Setup 25
Capturing and Adjusting Images 26
Steering the Probe 26
Freezing the Image 27
Selecting a View 28
Saving Image Files 29
Working with a Recalled Image 30
Zoom to Magnify 31
Image Transformation Settings 32
Working with Preset Image Transformation Settings 34
Working with a Split Screen 35
Annotating with Text and Arrows 36
Adding Audio Notes to an Image 37
Working with Video 38
Recording Live Video 38
Working with a Recalled Video 38
Working with Removable Storage Devices 54
Editing Files and Folders/Creating Folders 55
MDI 56
Loading and Unloading Menu Directed Inspections 56
Starting a Menu Directed Inspection 57
Entering Study Level Information 57
Selecting an Inspection Point 58
Saving an Image or Video in an MDI Inspection 59
Viewing Reference Material 60
Stopping and Resuming an Inspection 60
Generating an MDI Report 61
Customizing an MDI Report 62
Maintenance and Troubleshooting 63
Inspecting and Cleaning the System 63
Troubleshooting Guide 65
Appendices 68
Appendix B. Optical Tip Table 71
Appendix C. Chemical Compatibility 72
Appendix D. Warranty 72
Appendix E. Verifying Measurement Tips 73
Appendix F. Environmental Compliance 74
Appendix G. Regulatory Compliance 75
Appendix H. Creating a Personalized Logo File 79
Appendix I. Open Source Software Availability 80
Appendix J. Restoring Factory Settings 80
Index 81
About this Manual
This manual and the related equipment is intended for visual inspection technicians with a basic understanding of inspection principles and practices, and who are familiar with
basic computer operations, but who may not have experience with a video borescope system.
The manual contains safety, compliance, and basic operating and maintenance instructions for the Visual iQ VideoProbe™ system.
To ensure operator safety, please read and understand this manual prior to using the system.
Getting Help
For additional assistance, go to www.ge-mcs.com for a complete listing of contact information. Technical Support contact information follows:
Global Phone: 1-866-243-2638
Email: ITTechSupport@GE.com
Website: http://www.geittechsupport.com
System Overview
The rugged and dependable Mentor Visual iQ® system is an advanced exible video borescope used for remote visual inspection.
Working through access passages, the Visual iQ system delivers high-resolution images of internal details of turbine engines, airframes, automotive engines, piping, vessels, windturbine gear boxes, underwater structures, etc.
The probe’s beroptic bundle illuminates the inspection area with light generated by an advanced Light Engine in the probe. At the end of the probe, a miniature camera assembly
converts the image into an electronic image, and sends it back through the probe. The system displays the image on the handset. No focusing is required, because the Visual iQ
system contains a xed-focus optical system with a large depth of eld.
Measurement capabilities allow your system to analyze and measure indications and features.
The Visual iQ system is compatible with USB thumb drives, USB keyboards, USB portable drives, and most other USB-based storage devices.
With our QuickChange™ interchangeable probes, you can quickly recongure the system for maximum productivity.
Standard Equipment
Visual iQ
2-hour Li-Ion Battery
Visual iQ Storage Case
AC Adapter/Battery Charger
Optical Tip Storage Case
USB Thumbdrive Containing Documentation, including User's Manual
Safety and Essential Use Hard Copy
Quickstart Card
Optional Accessories
Display Port Video Cable
Insertion Tube Gripper
Insertion Tube Rigidizer
Handset Holder
Headset (wired or wireless)
Belt Clip
Keyboard (wired or wireless)
Optical Tips
Measuring Optical Tips
Mini-Magic Arm Clamp Kit
Magic Arm Kit
External Monitor
Large Visual iQ Case
Optional Software
Menu Directed Inspection (MDI)—Intelligent le naming, image management, and post-
inspection reporting.
Inspection Manager (Re-measurement PC Application)
Safety Information
Note: Before using or servicing the system, read and understand the following safety information.
Symbols and Terms
The following symbols appear on the product: , . See accompanying documentation.
General Warnings
The following warning statements apply to use of the system in general. Warning statements that apply specically to particular procedures appear in the corresponding
sections of the manual.
Do not allow the conductive insertion tube, system or its working tools to come in direct contact with any voltage or current source. Prevent all contact with live electrical
conductors or terminals. Damage to the equipment and/or electrical shock to the operator may result.
Do not use this system in explosive environments.
USE PROPERLY. Using any piece of this equipment in a manner not specied by the manufacturer may impair the product’s ability to protect the user from harm.
General Cautions
The following caution statements apply to use of the Visual iQ device in general. Caution statements that apply specically to particular procedures appear in the corresponding
sections of the manual.
Before using the camera system, install an optical tip or the head guard, which prevents damage to the tip-attachment mechanism. Keep the head guard on whenever no
optical tip is in place.
Handle the Probe Carefully: Keep the insertion tube away from sharp objects that might penetrate its outer sheath. Keep the whole insertion tube as straight as possible during
operation; loops or bends anywhere in the tube decrease its ability to steer the probe tip. Avoid bending the insertion tube sharply.
Note: Always use the Home function to straighten the bending neck before withdrawing insertion tube from an inspection area or putting probe away. Never pull, twist, or
straighten the bending neck by hand; internal damage may result. At the rst sign of damage, return the probe for repair.
Certain substances may damage the probe. For a list of substances that are safe for the probe, see “Chemical Compatibility” in the Appendix.
Battery Warnings
Only use the battery and power supply specied for use with the system. Before use, thoroughly review the instructions in this manual for the battery and battery charger to
fully understand the information contained in them, and observe the instructions during use.
• Do not place the battery in re or exceed the battery operating temperature.
• Do not pierce the battery with nails, strike the battery with a hammer, step on the battery, or otherwise subject it to strong impacts or shocks.
• Do not expose the battery to water or salt water, or allow the battery to get wet (IP55 – Disassembled, IP67 – Assembled).
• Do not disassemble or modify the battery.
• The instrument contains a Lithium Ion battery and magnesium in its case. Should the instrument be involved in a re, use an extinguisher approved for use on electrical and
ammable metal res. Water must not be used.
Battery Communication Error: Exists when the Visual iQ shows this message on the display. If the problem persists, please contact your nearest customer support
Using the battery outside its recommended operating range will result in degradation of the performance and service life. When storing the battery, be sure to remove it from
the handset.
Recommended ambient temperature range for Li-ion battery operation:
Discharge (when using the instrument): -20°C to 46°C
Recharging: 0°C to 40°C
Storage: -25°C to +60°C
Informations sur la sécurité
Remarque: avant l’utilisation ou l’entretien du système, vous devez lire et comprendre les informations de sécurité qui suivent.
Symboles et termes employés
Les symboles suivants sont apposés sur le produit: , . Voir la documentation jointe.
Avertissements généraux
Les avertissements suivants s’appliquent à l’utilisation du système en général. Les avertissements qui s’appliquent spéci quement à des procédures particulières sont indiqués
dans les sections correspondantes de ce manuel.
Le système Visual iQ et les outils de travail qui l’accompagnent ne doivent jamais entrer en contact direct avec une source de tension ou de courant. Évitez tout contact
avec des conducteurs ou des bornes électriques sous tension. L’équipement risquerait d’être endommagé, ou l’opérateur de subir un choc électrique.
N’utilisez pas ce système dans un environnement à risque d’explosion.
UTILISER CORRECTEMENT. Si un élément de cet équipement est utilisé d’une manière non indiquée par le fabricant, l’utilisateur peut ne plus être protégé des risques de
Mentions générales « Attention »
Les mentions « Attention » qui suivent s’appliquent à l’utilisation de l’appareil Visual iQ en général. Les mentions « Attention » qui s’appliquent spéci quement à des procédures
particulières sont indiquées dans les sections correspondantes du manuel.
MANIPULER LA SONDE AVEC PRÉCAUTION. Maintenez la gaine de la sonde à l’écart d’objets pointus ou tranchants qui risqueraient de traverser son fourreau. Maintenez toute
la gaine aussi droite que possible pendant l’utilisation : en cas de boucle ou de courbure, il est plus dif cile de piloter le bout de la sonde. Évitez de trop courber la gaine.
Remarque : utilisez toujours le bouton de rangement pour redresser le béquillage avant de rétracter la gaine de la zone d’inspection ou de ranger la sonde. Ne manipulez
jamais le béquillage à la main pour le tirer, le courber ou le redresser : vous risqueriez de l’endommager à l’intérieur. Envoyez la sonde en réparation au premier signe
Certaines substances risquent d’endommager la sonde. Pour consulterla liste des substances sans danger pour la sonde, voir Compatibilité Chimique en annexe.
L’appareil comporte une batterie lithium ion et du magnésium à l’intérieur de son boîtier. En cas d’incendie de l’appareil, servez-vous d’un extincteur agréé pour une utilisation
sur les incendies électriques et les métaux inammables. En aucun cas, n’utilisez de l’eau.
Avertissements liés à la batterie
Utilisez uniquement la batterie et l’alimentation spéci ées pour être utilisées avec le système Visual iQ. Avant utilisation, lisez attentivement les instructions contenues dans ce
manuel relatives à la batterie et au chargeur de batterie pour bien les comprendre, et respectez ces instructions pendant l’utilisation de l’appareil.
• Ne jetez pas la batterie au feu et ne dépassez pas sa temperature de fonctionnement.
• Ne percez pas la batterie avec des clous, ne la frappez pas avec un marteau, ne marchez pas dessus et ne la soumettez pas à des impacts ou des chocs violents.
• N’exposez pas la batterie à l’eau douce ou salée, et évitez de la mouiller.
• Ne désassemblez pas la batterie et ne la modi ez pas.
Erreur de communication de la batterie. Veuillez contacter le Service clientèle au numéro +1 315 554 2000.
L’utilisation de la batterie en dehors de la plage de fonctionnement recommandée entraînerait une dégradation de ses performances et de sa longévité. Lorsque vous stockez la
batterie, veillez à la retirer de sa base.
Plage de température recommandée pour le fonctionnement de la batterie Lithium-Ion.
Décharge (à l’utilisation de l’appareil) : -20°C à +46°C Recharge , 0°C à +40°C Stockage, -25°C à +60°C
Start Up
1 – LCD Touchscreen
2 – DisplayPort Output (2.1), USB 3.0 Client Micro B Port (2.2), Two USB 3.0 Host Type A
Ports (2.3), 3.5 mm Headset/Microphone Jack (2.4).
3– Two-hour Lithium Ion Battery
4 – Battery Release Button
5 – Battery Charge Indicator
6– AC Adaptor Input
7 – Function (or Soft) Keys (four total)
8 – Back Button: short press moves back one screen, long press moves to live screen. This also serves
as the POWER ON button.
9– Save Button: short press launches a Quick Save, long press opens or closes the Save Options Menu.
10 – Joystick Controls Articulation and Menu Navigation (push the joystick left/right/up/down to navigate
menus and sub-menus).
11 – Enter Button: short press toggles between frozen and live frames and selects Done / Accept, a
long press performs a 3DPM Capture.
12 – Menu Button: short press opens or closes the Global Menu, long press toggles between rst and
second level soft button rows.
Note: Follow the selection sequence shown here to
navigate the Global Menu and select the Operating
13 – Trigger Button 1 (Upper): provides the same
function as the Enter Button. Trigger Button 2 (Lower):
short press toggles articulation mode between steerand-stay and steering modes. When in steer-andstay mode, a Lock icon appears. Long press returns
the articulation system to the neutral (home) position.
Most functions can be accomplished using the touchscreen or with a combination of
key presses and joystick movements. The following examples illustrate various control
techniques that can be used on most Visual iQ display screens.
1– Touch the lower left corner of the display screen (typically contains the GE Logo) or
short-press the Menu key to open the Global Menu.
2– The selected item in any menu or list is identied by this blue outline. Tap the display
screen to select another item or to launch the selected item. Alternatively, use the joystick
to select another item by moving the blue cursor, then short-press the Enter key to
launch. Note that a short press of the Enter key accepts or launches most selected
choices or actions.
3– Tap the display to toggle between the upper and lower softkey bar (double-tap to
hide or show the softkey and status bars). Alternatively, long-press the Menu key to
switch between the upper and lower softkey bars.
4– Tap anywhere on a displayed Live Image to freeze and unfreeze it. Alternatively, short-
press either the Enter key or the Upper Trigger key to freeze and unfreeze a live display.
Note that the Upper Trigger key performs the identical functions as the Enter key.
5– Position two ngers on the display screen and move them apart to zoom in on a
feature of the display (perform the opposite action to zoom out). Once zoomed (in a
frozen image), you can drag with your nger to change the displayed view.
6 – Select the Zoom function using either soft keys or the touch screen (all displayed
soft-key bar items can be selected either with the corresponding soft key or by tapping
the touch screen). Use the joystick to change the zoommagnicationbar (this and other
blue bars can also be adjusted by dragging them using the touch screen), then select
Done. Once zoomed, you can use the joystick to move the displayed view.
7– When the File Manager screen appears, the selected le or folder is identied by this
blue outline. Tap the display screen to select another item or to launch the selected le
or open the selected folder. Note that you can also display additional items (or directly
access additional stored images) by simply swiping the display screen in any of the
directions shown. Alternatively, use the joystick to select another item by moving the
blue cursor, then short-press the Enter key to launch the le or open the folder.
8– Select any feature in the Soft Key Bar by either touching that feature on the display
screen (in this case, touching the box containing the words List View) or pressing the
corresponding soft key.
Unpacking, Assembling, and Powering the Visual iQ
Unpacking and Putting Away
the System (Small Case)
Caution: If you do not pack the system carefully, as
described here, damage might occur.
1 – The insertion tube (shown in red for clarity) is held in the
case’s internal storage reel, which is accessed through the
orange funnel shown here. Install the insertion tube before
installing the probe-and-handset assembly and remove it
after removing the probe-and-handset assembly. Be sure
to straighten any loops or twists in the insertion tube before
feeding it into the funnel. Note that the insertion tube’s rubber
Torsional Strain Relief base should be routed through the case’s
curved passage shown here.
Caution: Before using the camera system, install an
optical tip or the head guard, which prevents damage to
the tip-attachment mechanism. Keep the head guard on
whenever no optical tip is in place.
2 – Install clamp in the orientation shown here (clamp and mounting bracket assembly appears at left)
3 – Power supply / Battery Charger and Mounting Bracket are oriented and installed in this slot
4 – Battery must be removed prior to installing the iQ in the case.
5 – Rigidizer
6 – A case holding tips (or cleaning kit) ts in this slot.
7 – Gripper may be used alone, or with Rigidizer, to aid in orienting camera.
Unpacking and Putting Away the System (Large Case)
Caution: If you do not pack the system carefully, as described here, damage might occur.
1 – Remove tray to access additional storage space.
2 – The insertion tube (shown in red for clarity) is held in the case’s internal storage reel, which is accessed through the orange funnel shown here. Install the insertion tube before
installing the probe-and-handset assembly and remove it after removing the probe-and-handset assembly. Be sure to straighten any loops or twists in the insertion tube before
feeding it into the funnel.
Caution: Before storing the insertion
tube, rst remove the optical tip and install the
head guard, which prevents damage to the tip
attachment mechanism. Keep the head guard on
whenever no optical tip is in place.
3 – Storage locations for two batteries. Battery must
be removed prior to installing the iQ in the case.
4 – Rigidizer
5 – Mounting bracket and post
6 – Mounting bracket post ts in this hole
7 – Power supply / Battery Charger installed in this
8 – Extra Pod in case
9 – Extra VideoProbe in case
10 – Two cases holding tips and a cleaning kit t
in these slots.
11 – Gripper may be used alone, or with Rigidizer,
to aid in orienting camera.
About the Battery
The Visual iQ is powered by a 10.8 V (nominal), 73 Wh, 6.8 Ah Lithium Ion battery.
Installing the Battery
Insert the battery into the handset. The battery is installed properly when the latching
mechanism is engaged.
Caution—Do not force the battery (1) into the handset (2), as damage may occur.
The battery is keyed and may only be installed in the proper orientation.
Removing the Battery
Press battery release button (3) to release the battery.
Caution—Do not remove the battery while the system is operating.
Battery Charge Level
Check the battery charge by pressing the battery symbol (4) on the front of the battery.
Each light (5) represents approximately 20% of the battery charge capacity.
Charging the Battery
Connect the DC output of the battery charger into the Visual iQ battery (6) and then
plug the included AC to DC power adaptor into a suitable AC power source. The LED
battery lights will illuminate according to the amount of charge attained. The system
may operate while charging.
Note: The battery may be charged while connected to an operating Visual iQ or while
disconnected from the iQ.
Note: When the battery is fully charged, the LED battery lights will turn off.
Note: Battery run time approximately equals battery charge time; therefore, a two hour
battery will take approximately two hours to charge. Charging time will be longer if the
battery is connected to an operating Visual iQ system while charging.
Note: All batteries are shipped with a partial charge. Batteries should be fully charged
prior to use.
Supplying Power to the Visual iQ
The Visual iQ is powered by a 10.8 V (nominal), 73 Wh, 6.8 Ah Lithium Ion battery.
The battery is charged by connecting the power adaptor to the battery, then connecting
the supplied AC-to-DC power adaptor to a suitable (100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, <1.5 A rms)
AC power source. The power adaptor delivers to the battery 18 Volts at 3.34 Amps.
Note:When powering a system with anAC power source, connect the power plug to a
properly grounded source for reliable touchscreen operation.
System Power On
Press and hold until the unit turns on. The buttons and Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
will light and begin the power-up sequence. After approximately 35 seconds, the system
screen will display live video and on-screen controls. The system is now ready for use.
Note: All batteries are shipped with a partial charge. Batteries should be fully charged
prior to use.
System PowerO
Touch the lower left corner of the display screen (which typically contains the on-screen
GE Logo (
provides access to several features including Shut Down (2). Select Shut Down to power
off the Visual iQ.
battery after powering off as described above.
1) or the hard key at any time to open or close the Global Menu, which
Caution—Do not power off the Visual iQ by removing its battery. Only remove
Changing Probes and Optical Tips
Attaching and Removing the Probe
To attach the probe to the handset:
1 – Insert the pin at the base of the handset into the mating groove at the bottom of the probe.
2 – Rotate the probe towards the back of the handset, applying enough pressure for the latching
mechanism to “click.”
To remove the probe from the handset:
3 – Press this latching-mechanic's release button to separate the probe and handset.
Changing the Optical Tip
Optical tips are threaded onto the probe with a double set of threads to prevent them from
falling into the inspection area. Each optical tip provides a unique depth of eld, eld of view,
and direction of view. For a list of available tips, see Appendix B – Optical Tip Table.
Caution—Use only nger pressure to remove or attach tips. Using force (including pliers
or other tools) might damage the bending neck. Take care not to cross the threads. To reduce
cross-threading risk: When installing a tip by hand (6.1mm & 8.4mm) or with an installation tool
(4mm), rotate the tip counter clockwise to level the threads before rotating clockwise to thread the
tip on the camera. Reverse the leveling process when removing tips.
To Remove an Optical Tip: Support the bending neck and head of
the probe with one hand, and with the other gently turn the optical
tip counterclockwise (be sure to use a tip tool when removing 4.0 mm
tips), Turn until the tip spins freely, indicating that it has cleared the
rst set of threads. Gently pull the tip away from probe and continue
turning counterclockwise, engaging the second set of threads. Turn
until you can remove it.
To Attach an Optical Tip: Verify that the optical tip and camera head threads are clean, then
grasp the head of the probe with one hand, and with the other gently turn the tip clockwise.
Turn until it spins freely, indicating that it has cleared the rst set of threads. Gently push the
tip in, then turn clockwise again, engaging the second set of threads. Turn until nger tight.
Caution—Do not over-tighten tips. Pull on the tip gently to verify that it is securely attached.
If the second set of threads does not engage, turn the tip slightly in a counterclockwise direction
to allow the threads to levelize.
Note: Measurement tips must be tightened rmly to ensure accuracy.
Setting Up the Visual iQ
Operating System
1 – Select the lower left corner of the display (which typically contains the on-screen
GE Logo) or the
provides access to several features including the Setup Menu.
hard key at any time to open or close the Global Menu, which
2 – Tap to open the Setup Menu.
3 – Lists the device’s serial number, software version and describes the conguration
of its available features.
4 – Access to set a Password, Restore Defaults, adjust Date, Time, and operating
Language, and alter various other system settings. Click here to learn more about
the System Menu.
5 – Allows the user to turn various on-screen indicators on and off as well as adjust
display brightness. Click here to learn more about Display Setup.
6 – Allows the user to turn Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections on and off as well as work
with networks and identify folders for le sharing. Click here to learn more about
Connectivity Settings.
7 – Allows the user to specify the default directories into which image les and videos
are stored. Also used to select image le type, video format, and sound-related settings.
Controls MDI Annotation and imports Distortion Correction Tables. Click here to learn
more about Image and Video Settings.
8 – Allows the user to set their preferred measurement units (inches vs. mm), manage
and verify measurement tips, and import and export preset annotations.
9 – Generates a Troubleshooting Log to be emailed to and evaluated by GE Technical
Support. If log generation is required, GE Technical Support will guide the user through
the process.
A Prole denes several parameter settings. As long as more than one prole is available,
(the Visual iQ is delivered with only a DefaultProle), the operator is asked to select a
Prole every time the system is powered on. Follow these instructions to create a new
prole or select an existing one.
1 – To create a New Prole, touch the lower left corner of the display (or press the
hard key) to open the Global Menu, then select Proles.
2– In this case, the DefaultProle is active and it is the only one dened. Select New
to create a new prole.
3 – The Virtual Keyboard opens. Enter a Name for the new prole.
4 – After entering a name and clicking Done, the new prole is added to the list of available
proles. This prole includes the settings in place, at the time of its creation, for each of
the parameters listed below. Anytime the prole is reactivated, the system will apply the
settings associated with the activated prole. The parameters affected include:
System Settings Including:
Watermark Logo ON/OFF
Time Format
Date Format
Power Management
USB Slave Mode
Steering Sensitivity
Screen & Display Settings – All Parameters
Connectivity Settings Including:
Wi-Fi on/off
Bluetooth on/off
Image & Video Settings – All parameters
except Distortion Correction Table
Measurement & Annotation Including:
Zoom Window
3DPM Mask
3DPM Save Format
Stereo Index
Stereo Index Minimum
5 – Each time the Visual iQ is powered on, you’ll be asked to select from the list of
available proles. Selecting the Default Prole returns the settings for all prole-controlled
parameters to those specied by the default prole.
System Setup
1 – Tap the on-screen GE Logo (or press the hard key) to open the
Global Menu, then open the Setup Menu.
2 – Select to alter the system-specic settings shown here.
3– Drag your nger up or down the screen. This bar will move to show the current
position among the list of system-specic settings.
4 – Tap to open the virtual keyboard and create or change a System Password. Once
created, accessing the iQ’s operating sceens requires rst entering the password. This
password is for the entire system and is not associated with the active prole.
Note: Entering a password requires the DefaultProle be active.
5 – Select and follow the on-screen prompts to restore the active Prole to the Factory
Default Settings.
Executing a White Balance
A white balance corrects the color so that white appears white despite any slight hues
that may exist under the lighting conditions present when performed.
6 – Select New and follow the prompts to point probe at a white target or select Default
to restore factory color settings.
Loading a Logo
A logo can be loaded onto the display screen provided it is PNG le type (with dimensions
smaller than 140 x 140).
7 – Select Load, then navigate the instrument or an external drive to select any PNG le
type as the on-screen logo. Click here for more information on creating and loading
Setting Date and Time
8 – Adjust Time and Date settings.
9 – Select the Time Zone in which you are operating.
10 – Turing Daylight Saving Time to ON causes the system to automatically adjust the
time setting.
11 – Specify 12 or 24 hour Time Format.
12 – Specify DMY, YMD, or MDY as the Date Format.
Loading and Selecting the Operating Language
13 – Choose from the operating Languages currently available for use. Selecting Load
allows you to upload a new version of any of the existing translations available in the iQ.
Once selected, the File Manager screen allows you to navigate to the modied translation
Other System Settings
14 – Setting Power Management to ON conserves battery power by putting the Visual iQ
into sleep mode after 10 minutes of inactivity. When in sleep mode, in which only the hard
keys remain lit, touching any key or the joystick returns the iQ to a fully powered state.
15 – Set the USB Slave Mode to Mass Storage or Disable. When set to Mass Storage,
a connected computer can work directly with les stored on the Visual iQ’s hard drive
for le management purposes. In this state, the iQ will not perform inspection functions.
When le management functions are complete, change setting to Disable to return
inspection functionality.
Steering Sensitivity Settings
16 – The user can select from two probe steering modes: Steer or Steer and Stay™.
In either mode, the bending neck articulates to follow the joystick motion. The modes
differ in how they behave after the bending neck is positioned (click here to learn about
thedierencesbetweenthesemodes). Select either button shown here then drag the
setting bar to set the sensitivity of either Steer or Steer and Stay mode. The higher the
setting, the more the bending neck will articulate with a change in joystick position. For
instance, increasing the setting from 2.0 to 4.0 means that a similar joystick movement
will produce a greater amount of bending neck articulation.
Screen & Display Setup
1 – Tap the on-screen GE Logo (or press the hard key) to open the
Global Menu, then open the Setup Menu.
2 – Select to alter the display-screen appearance and operation.
3 – Turn the display screen’s touch-sensitive control ON or OFF. Once turned OFF, the icon
shown here appears at the top of the display screen. Once disabled, use a combination
of joystick and hard key press to re-enable the touchscreen.
4 – The Tip Map (shown here) graphically represents the extent to which the optical
tip is articulated by positioning a bright dot at some distance from the crosshairs. The
closer the dot appears to the center of the crosshairs, the straighter the tip’s position.
5 – The customizable watermark shown here appears in the bottom left corner of the
display screen. Tapping this location opens the Global Menu. Turning this icon OFF
causes it to disappear while tapping in its former location still opens the menu.
6 – Turn the displayed date and time, which appears on the status bar at the display’s
upper right corner, ON or OFF.
7 – Select to turn the Sound Recording and/or Sound Recording Muted icons (shown
here) ON or OFF. These icons appear in the display’s bottom right corner when recording
video with an audio stream. Note that when these icons are visible (turned ON), selecting
the onscreen icon mutes or unmutes the sound recording.
8 – Control the display’s brightness by using your nger to drag this bar right or left (or
select with the joystick, press
and then position with the joystick).
Connectivity Setup
1 – Tap the on-screen GE Logo (or press the hard key) to open the
Global Menu, then open the Setup Menu.
2 – Select to work with settings that control the connection of the Visual iQ to WiFi
networks and Bluetooth devices.
3 – Turn the WiFi connection ON or OFF. Once turned ON, the icon shown here appears
at the top of the display screen.
Making Bluetooth Connections
4 – Turn the Bluetooth connection ON or OFF. Once turned ON, the icon shown here
appears at the top of the display screen. The icon is gray if Bluetooth is ON or white
if Bluetooth is ON and paired with a device. Then, select Connect to display a list of
available Bluetooth Devices to which the iQ can connect.
5 – Available Bluetooth Devices that appear on this list can be paired with by simply
tapping the on-screen listing. When the device status switches from Not Paired to Paired,
it is in Bluetooth communication with the Visual iQ.
Working with WiFi
6 – Select Connect to display a list of
available WiFi networks to which the iQ
can connect. Tap the screen to select
an already known network from this
list. (Select Manage Known Networks
at any time to review the list of alreadyrecognized networks and/or Edit the list by
removing networks to which you no longer
wish to automatically connect). Once Edit List is selected, tap the blue corner of any
network to delete it from the list.
7 – If prompted by the onscreen instructions, use the Virtual Keyboard to enter the
network’s password.
8 – Selecting Other allows you to enter the SSID of a hidden network not shown above.
Mapping the Network Drive and Sharing Folders
9 – If you choose to give the Visual iQ’s File Manager access to a folder on a network-
connected computer, click on Setup (see above) to open the network-mapping process
shown here. Next, select Done to conrm that the network connected PC has at least
one folder identied for sharing.
10 – Enter the drive letter you wish to assign (in the Visual iQ’s File Manager) to the
shared folder, then input the complete path to the folder on the network-connected
PC. Following is an example of a complete path to insert in the Folder line: \\Device
Name\TestShare Folder. When the folder path and username/password (assuming it is a password protected network) have been entered, click Done.
11 – To share one of the Visual iQ’s folders with a network-connected computer, click
on Setup (see above) to open the le-selecting process. The path in the blue bar shown
here identies the folder that will be shared. Next, select Done to display the Warning statement listing the folder that will be shared, and select Done again to conrm that
the identied folder is the one you wish to share with a network-connected PC.
Image & Video Setup
1 – Tap the on-screen GE Logo (or press the hard key) to open the
Global Menu, then open the Setup Menu.
2 – Select to Image and Video related settings and defaults.
3 – Follow the procedure shown here to change either the Image Save Location or
Video Save Location. These represent the two locations where quick-save images
or videos are automatically stored. In the example shown here, these locations are
both initially set to the D: drive. Press the Select soft key and then choose the desired
directory path. When the desired storage location is opened, select the Done soft key
to complete the process.
4 – Using the process outlined above, the default Image Save Location is changed to
C:\TestImages\Images\FolderA\. This is the location into which quick-saved images will
be stored (Click here to learn more about Saving Images).
5 – Choose either BMP or JPEG as the default image le type.
6 – Set the video recording format to either H.264 High or H.264 Low. (Click here to
learn more about Working with Video).
7 – Determines if the microphone icon (at right) appears in the display’s
bottom right corner during video recording. When displayed, tap the
icon to mute or unmute the recording of sound along with video. Click
here to learn more about muting or turning sound ON when recording
live video.
8 – When set to Default, the system
will normally recognize the connected
Microphone. Alternatively, choose a
microphone from those available (choices
are only those devices already connected
to the Visual iQ or paired via Bluetooth).
9 – When set to Default, the system will normally recognize the connected Speaker.
Alternatively, choose a speaker from those available (choices are only those devices
that are already connected to the Visual iQ or paired via Bluetooth).
10 – Should a not-yet-dened tip conguration require an alternative Distortion
Correction Table, Contact GE Technical Support. A table supplied by GE Technical Support will include instructions on how to Import the le.
11 – When set to OFF, the menu-directed inspection stage name is not saved in the
image but will still appear during the MDI process.
Measurement & Annotation Setup
1 – Tap the lower-left corner of the display (typically contains a GE Logo) or (or press
the Setup Menu.
hard key) at any time to open the Global Menu, which provides access to
2 – Select to alter the Measurement and Annotation-specic settings shown here.
3 – View the list of 3DPM Tips already calibrated for use with the attached probe.
4 – Select to view a list of Stereo Tips already-calibrated for use with the attached
probe. The Add Tip and Edit List options are not intended for general use. Deleting
a tip through the Edit List option will permanently remove that tip’s calibration data
requiring the probe and tip to be returned to an authorized GE Inspection Technologies
service center for re-calibration.
5 – Save Preset Annotation (notes) to an external storage device or Import preset notes
to the instrument from an external device.
6 – Displays or removes the Zoom Window (used for detailed cursor placement during
7 – Select AUTO to show the 3DPM red/yellow un-measurable pixel mask only when a
cursor is placed on a red/yellow pixel. Select ON to always show the pixel mask when
8 – Select Z-Map for most usage. P-Map images contain additional data and may be
requested by GE Technical Support to aid in troubleshooting.
9 – Controls the display of the Stereo Index, which appears during Stereo Measurement.
Click here for more about Stereo Index.
10 – Sets a threshold value for the Stereo Index below which the index ashes during
Stereo Measurement. This may be used to warn the user of low-index measurements
where the accuracy may be reduced.
11 – Specify the unit of measurement as Inches or Millimeters.
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