GE MDS TD220MAX Technical Manual

Robust Communications for Positive Train Control
MDS 05-6906A01, Rev. R
Technical Manual
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MDS 05-6906A01, Rev. R TD220MAX Technical Manual i
1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Key Product Features ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 Authorization Features ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Accessories and Spares ......................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 40-Watt Power Amplifier ......................................................................................................................... 2
2.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Front Panel Connectors and Indicators .................................................................................................. 3
3.0 INSTALLATION PLANNING .................................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Chassis Dimensions ............................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Mounting Bracket Options ...................................................................................................................... 4
3.2.1 Optional DIN Rail Mounting .................................................................................................. 5
3.3 Antennas and Feedlines ......................................................................................................................... 5
3.3.1 Antennas............................................................................................................................... 5
3.3.2 Feedlines .............................................................................................................................. 5
3.4 Power ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.5 Grounding Considerations ...................................................................................................................... 7
3.6 Data Interface (DB-25) ............................................................................................................................ 7
3.6.1 Adapter Board ...................................................................................................................... 8
3.7 USB ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.8 Antenna Connector ................................................................................................................................. 10
4.0 STEP-BY-STEP INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Logging On ............................................................................................................................................. 11
4.1.1 Serial Console ...................................................................................................................... 11
4.1.2 Telnet Console ..................................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Initial Startup & Checkout ....................................................................................................................... 12
4.3 Upgrade the Firmware ............................................................................................................................ 12
4.3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 12
4.3.2 Installing TD220MAX Firmware by TFTP ............................................................................. 13
4.3.3 Reprogramming Procedure .................................................................................................. 13
4.4 Set Up a GPS Base Unit ......................................................................................................................... 13
4.5 Set Up a PTP Base Unit ......................................................................................................................... 14
4.6 Set Up an OTA Mobile Unit .................................................................................................................... 15
4.7 Key the Transmitter ................................................................................................................................ 15
4.8 Perform Test Polling ............................................................................................................................... 15
5.0 MENU INTERFACE ................................................................................................................................ 16
5.1 Main Menu .............................................................................................................................................. 17
5.2 Network Configuration Menu .................................................................................................................. 18
5.2.1 IP Configuration Menu .......................................................................................................... 18
5.2.2 SNMP Agent Configuration Menu ........................................................................................ 19
5.3 System Configuration Menu ................................................................................................................... 20
5.3.1 STFP Configuration Menu .................................................................................................... 21
5.4 Radio Configuration Menu ...................................................................................................................... 22
5.5 GPS Configuration Menu ........................................................................................................................ 23
ii TD220MAX Technical Manual MDS 05-6906A01, Rev R
5.6 PTP Configuration Menu ........................................................................................................................ 23
5.7 Security Configuration Menu .................................................................................................................. 25
5.7.1 User Passwords Menu ......................................................................................................... 26
Console/Telnet Lockout Security .................................................................................................. 26
5.8 Statistics/Logging Menu .......................................................................................................................... 27
5.8.1 STFP Logger Menu .............................................................................................................. 28
5.8.2 Wireless Packet Statistics Menu .......................................................................................... 29
5.8.3 Dropped Packet Statistics Menu .......................................................................................... 30
5.8.4 Ethernet Packet Statistics Menu .......................................................................................... 31
5.8.5 Event Log Menu ................................................................................................................... 32
5.8.6 View Event Log Menu ........................................................................................................... 33
5.8.7 Transfer Options Submenu .................................................................................................. 33
5.8.8 GPS Status Menu (Base Radios Only) ................................................................................ 34
5.8.9 Clock Source Status Menu (Base Radios Only) .................................................................. 34
5.9 Device Information Menu ........................................................................................................................ 35
5.9.1 Device Names Submenu ...................................................................................................... 36
5.10 Maintenance/Tools Menu ....................................................................................................................... 37
5.10.1 Reprogramming Menu .......................................................................................................... 38
5.10.2 Configuration Scripts Menu .................................................................................................. 39
5.10.3 Ping Utility Menu ................................................................................................................... 40
5.10.4 Authorization Codes Menu ................................................................................................... 40
5.10.5 Radio Test Menu .................................................................................................................. 41
5.11 Communications Manager Menu ............................................................................................................ 42
5.11.1 CM Version Menu ................................................................................................................. 43
5.11.2 CM Provisioning Menu ......................................................................................................... 43
5.11.3 CM Configuration Menu ........................................................................................................ 44
5.11.4 CM Process Status Menu ..................................................................................................... 44
5.11.5 CM Log Menu ....................................................................................................................... 45
6.0 TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................................................................... 46
6.1 Alarm/Event Conditions .......................................................................................................................... 46
6.1.1 Alarms ................................................................................................................................... 46
6.1.2 Correcting Alarm Conditions................................................................................................. 46
6.1.3 Logged Events ...................................................................................................................... 48
6.2 Technical Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 50
7.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 51
MDS 05-6906A01, Rev. R TD220MAX Technical Manual iii
Copyright and Trademark
This manual and all software described herein is protected by Copyright: 2018 GE MDS, LLC. All rights reserved. GE MDS, LLC reserves its right to correct any errors and omissions in this publication.
RF Safety Notice (English and French)
Concentrated energy from a directional antenna may pose a health hazard to humans. Do not allow people to come closer to the antenna than the distances listed in the table below when the transmitter is operating. More information on RF exposure can be found online at the following website:
Concentré d'énergie à partir d'une antenne directionnelle peut poser un risque pour la santé humaine. Ne pas permettre aux gens de se rapprocher de l'antenne que les distances indiquées dans le tableau ci-dessous lorsque l'émetteur est en marche. Plus d'informations sur l'exposition aux RF peut être trouvé en ligne à l'adresse suivante:
Antenna Gain vs. Minimum Safety Distance
(Based upon a 50% Duty Cycle, 0 dB Feedline Loss) Uncontrolled Environment Exposure limits
Fixed/Mobile Antenna Gain
0-6 dBi
6-10 dBi
10-16.5 dBi
Safety Distance
1.78 meters
2.82 meters
5.01 meters
FCC Part 15 Notice
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Any unauthorized modification or changes to this device without the express approval of the manufacturer may void the user’s authority to operate this device. Furthermore, this device is intended to be used only when installed in accordance with the instructions outlined in this manual. Failure to comply with these instructions may void the user’s authority to operate this device.
Servicing Precautions
When servicing energized equipment, be sure to wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). During internal service, situations could arise where objects accidentally contact or short circuit components and the appropriate PPE would alleviate or decrease the severity of potential injury. When servicing radios, all workplace regulations and other applicable standards for live electrical work should be followed to ensure personal safety.
Manual Revision and Accuracy
This manual was prepared to cover a specific version of firmware code. Accordingly, some screens and features may differ from the actual unit you are working with. While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, product improvements may also result in minor differences between the manual and the product shipped to you. If you have additional questions or need an exact specification for a product, please contact GE MDS using the information at the back of this guide. In addition, manual updates can be found on our web site at
iv TD220MAX Technical Manual MDS 05-6906A01, Rev R
Environmental Information
The manufacture of this equipment has required the extraction and use of natural resources. Improper disposal may contaminate the environment and present a health risk due to hazardous substances contained within. To avoid dissemination of these substances into our environment, and to limit the demand on natural resources, we encourage you to use the appropriate recycling systems for disposal. These systems will reuse or recycle most of the materials found in this equipment in a sound way. Please contact GE MDS or your supplier for more information on the proper disposal of this equipment.
ESD Notice
To prevent malfunction or damage to this product, which may be caused by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), the radio should be properly grounded at the time of installation. In addition, the installer or maintainer should follow proper ESD precautions, such as touching a bare metal object to dissipate body charge, prior to touching components or connecting/disconnecting cables.
Antenna Installation Warnings
1. A suitable lightning arrestor should be used when indicated by applicable standards or codes.
2. All antenna installation and servicing are to be performed by qualified technical personnel only. When servicing the antenna, or working at distances closer than those listed below, ensure the transmitter has been disabled.
3. Depending upon the application and the gain of the antenna, the total composite power could exceed 90 watts EIRP. For fixed/mobile configuration, the distances in the table below must be followed.
FCC Compliance Notice
This device is offered as a licensed transmitter per FCC Parts 80, 90 and 95. It is approved for use under the following conditions: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by GE MDS, LLC will void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
The TD220MAX is approved in the following FCC rule parts:
FCC part 80, approved for operation from 216-220MHz, 28 watts
FCC part 90, approved for operation from 217-220MHz, 1.66 watts
FCC part 90, approved for operation from 220-222MHz, 27.5 watts
FCC part 95F, approved for operation from 218-219MHz, 20 watts
Please refer to your FCC spectrum license to ensure you are in compliance with the appropriate radiated power levels.
For FCC Part 95, the Effective Radiated Power (ERP) must be less than or equal to 4 Watts for mobile use and 20 Watts for fixed use. This can be accomplished by adjusting the output power of the radio and selecting an antenna with appropriate gain. Consult the following table for assistance in setting the output power and selecting an antenna to maintain compliance. The table provides examples, however other combinations can be used.
Effective Radiated Power vs Radio Power
Radio Power Setting
Maximum Antenna Gain
2 W
4 W
3 dBd (5.2 dBi)
4 W
4 W
0 dBd (2.2 dBi)
2 W
20 W
10 dBd (12.2 dBi)
10 W
20 W
3 dBd (5.2 dBi)
20 W
20 W
0 dBd (2.2 dBi)
MDS 05-6906A01, Rev. R TD220MAX Technical Manual 1
This manual is for users of the MDS TD220MAX Transceiver shown in Figure 1. It contains an overview of installation planning data, specifications, troubleshooting, and instructions for using the radio’s menu system. This manual is intended for technical personnel who perform network design, configuration, and troubleshooting of the equipment.
All product documentation can be downloaded free of charge from the GE MDS website at The website also contains links to Application Bulletins and other product information.
Figure 1. TD220MAX Transceiver
1.1 Key Product Features
25 Watt transmit power for long-haul coverage
Cost-effective solution with no software license or maintenance fees
Optimized TDMA MAC supports single-frequency operation reducing spectrum license
Provides patented Forward Error Correction scheme for robustness in high-speed rail
Internal or external Communications Manager available
Provides Ethernet interface for use with local or remote controllers and devices
Meets environmental specs for rail applications
Ethernet and Serial Ports via a single rugged DB-25 connector
Supports SNMP
Command Console via Serial or Telnet
1.1.1 Authorization Features
Some features of the radio are dependent on purchased options and applicable regulatory constraints. A “key” icon is shown near the heading of any such features. In some cases, a feature upgrade may
be available. Contact your sales representative for additional information.
2 TD220MAX Technical Manual MDS 05-6906A01, Rev R
1.2 Accessories and Spares
Table 1 lists common accessories and spare items for the transceiver.
Table 1. Accessories & Spare Items
Part Number
DIN Rail Mounting Bracket Kit
Contains bracket for mounting the transceiver
to standard 35 mm DIN rails commonly used
in equipment cabinets and panels.
Flat Mounting Bracket Kit
Brackets that attach to the bottom of the unit. Used for mounting to a flat mounting surface.
Power Cable
Mates with power connector on radio case
with 3-foot feedline.
TD220 DB25 Adapter Board
Breakout board for the DB25 connector.
PPS Cable for Adapter Board
Provides connection to the header on the
adapter board
Amplifier/Timing Cable
Connects to the PPS cable and carries the
signal to the GPS connection and amplifier.
DB9 to RJ11 Adapter
Custom MDS serial converter
DB25 Ribbon Cable
6-inch DB25 straight cable to connect from
the radio to the adapter board
DB25 Adapter Kit
Contains adapter board, I/O cable, serial
cable, ribbon cable, and DB9 adapters
1.3 40-Watt Power Amplifier
Figure 2. 220 eNETL2T/U Power Amplifier
The ENETL2T/U is an RF power amplifier designed for use in the 216-222 MHz frequency range at up to 40 Watts. It is intended to serve as a 100% duty cycle amplifier for MDS TD and other radios operating in point-to-multipoint repeater or base applications.
The power amplifier consists of an RF amplifier and PCB mounted to a heat sink, with a DC Power interface, power control interface, and input/output RF connections on the sidewalls of the chassis. DC power is supplied to the amplifier from a regulated and filtered DC source capable of supplying 10-16 VDC at a maximum current of 8 Amperes. The DC power source should be current limited or have a protective fuse or circuit breaker.
For additional details on the power amplifier, please contact your local sales representative.
MDS 05-6906A01, Rev. R TD220MAX Technical Manual 3
The GE MDS TD220MAX is a 25-Watt 220 MHz GMSK data radio intended for bridging messages over the air between locomotives and wayside devices in rail applications or between ship and shore in maritime applications. The data interface is Ethernet and uses the UDP/IP-based Simple Timeslot/Frequency/Power Protocol (STFP), defined elsewhere. STFP can support various payload protocols.
A time division channel access method is used by the TD220MAX for wireless communication. Each second is divided into 8, 133-byte time slots. The radio further defines a multi-second epoch to allow the effective number of time slots to be scaled according to system design. All radios in a system must be configured with the same epoch size.
Precise synchronization of timing amongst radios is necessary for operation. Each radio can be configured to use one of three timing sources: GPS, Precision Time Protocol (PTP), and over-the-air (OTA). While system design can be flexible, a base radio installation typically uses either GPS or PTP timing and a mobile radio typically uses OTA to synchronize to the wireless transmissions of a base radio. Radios configured for GPS timing must be connected to an external GPS unit to receive NMEA sentence information and the PPS signal. Radios configured for PTP timing will interact with a PTP Grandmaster Clock over the Ethernet port using IEEE 1588 (PTPv2). Radios configured for OTA timing use messages received wirelessly in the first timeslot of each second to maintain timing.
With its time slot definition and variable epoch size, the TD220MAX provides a generic TDMA implementation that can be used by an external Communication Manager (CM) to support a variety of TDMA schemes. A CM is responsible for making decisions regarding timeslot, frequency, power, and payload organization. The TD220MAX is responsible for requesting data from a CM for upcoming timeslots, forwarding messages received wirelessly to a CM, and wirelessly transmitting messages received from a CM using the specified timeslot, frequency, and power. All communication between the TD220MAX and a CM is done using STFP.
2.1 Front Panel Connectors and Indicators
Figure 3 shows the transceiver’s front panel connectors and indicators. These items are referenced in the installation steps and in various other locations in the manual. The transceiver’s LED functions are described in Table 6 on Page 12.
Figure 3. Front Panel Connectors & Indicators
4 TD220MAX Technical Manual MDS 05-6906A01, Rev R
This section covers pre-installation factors that should be considered when installing the transceiver in the field. Careful planning will help achieve optimal performance from the transceiver. The specific details at an installation site may vary, but there are four main requirements for installing the transceiver in all cases:
Adequate and stable primary power
An efficient and properly installed antenna system
Ethernet connection to local network
Proper connections to a time source (PTP, GPS, Over-The-Air)
3.1 Chassis Dimensions
Figure 4 shows the external chassis dimensions of the TD220MAX Transceiver.
Figure 4. Transceiver Dimensions
3.2 Mounting Bracket Options
The transceiver is normally provided with flat mounting brackets attached to the bottom of the radio as shown in Figure 5. An optional 35 mm DIN rail mounting bracket is also available and is described below.
143 mm
7.25" 184 mm
2.0" 50 mm
MDS 05-6906A01, Rev. R TD220MAX Technical Manual 5
168 mm
70 mm
Figure 5. Mounting Bracket Dimensions
NOTE To prevent moisture from entering the radio, do not mount the case with the cable connectors
pointing up. Also, dress all cables to prevent moisture from running along the cables and into the radio.
The figure above shows the mounting brackets at the furthest in (shortest distance) apart. The standard mounting brackets can be mounted with the second pair of holes to increase the distance. The new width of the radio with the mounting brackets would be 8.5 inches (216 mm).
3.2.1 Optional DIN Rail Mounting
The unit may be mounted with an optional 35 mm DIN Rail Mounting Bracket Kit (Part No. 03-4125A04). Equipment cabinets and racks of modern design often employ this type of mounting. Once the DIN bracket is attached to the radio, it allows for quick installation and removal of the radio from its mounting rail without the need for tools.
The DIN Rail bracket attaches to the unit’s case along the left side of the transceiver (DB25 connector side) with two screws. Ensure that the pull tab is located towards the back of the radio. The entire assembly then attaches to the mounting rail with the connectors facing upwards.
3.3 Antennas and Feedlines
3.3.1 Antennas
The transceiver may be used with several different antennas. The exact style and gain factor depend on the physical size and layout of your system. Connection is made to the radio via a N coaxial connector. Contact your factory representative for details for Antennas available from GE MDS for this radio.
3.3.2 Feedlines
The selection of an antenna feedline is very important. Poor quality cable should be avoided as it will result in power losses that may reduce the range and reliability of the radio system.
6 TD220MAX Technical Manual MDS 05-6906A01, Rev R
The table which follows, shows the approximate losses that will occur when using various lengths and types of coaxial cable in 200 MHz band. Regardless of the type used, the cable should be kept as short as possible to minimize signal loss.
Table 2. Signal Loss in Coaxial Cables (at 200 MHz)
Cable Type
10 Feet
(3 Meters)
50 Feet
(15 Meters)
100 Feet
(30.5 Meters)
200 Feet
(61 Meters)
0.26 dB
1.27 dB
2.50 dB
5.07 dB
1/2-inch HELIAX
0.06 dB
0.38 dB
0.76 dB
1.60 dB
7/8-inch HELIAX
0.04 dB
0.21 dB
0.42 dB
0.83 dB
1-1/4-inch HELIAX
0.03 dB
0.16 dB
0.31 dB
0.62 dB
1-5/8-inch HELIAX
0.025 dB
0.13 dB
0.26 dB
0.52 dB
3.4 Power
The transceiver may be operated from any well-filtered 10 to 16 VDC Power source; 13.8 VDC Nominal. The supply must be capable of providing up to 7 Amps maximum, and 2.5 Amp consistently. With each radio, an 03-1846A02 cable (as shown in Figure 6 below) is shipped, providing the matching power connector on a 3-foot power cable. Ensure to tighten the connector securely to the radio. A surge protection device such as a Transtector 1101-624 should be employed.
Figure 6. DC Power Cable (P/N 03-1846A02)
NOTE The radio is designed for use in negative ground systems only.
Consult the following table to determine how much current is required for receiving or transmitting vs. input voltage and RF power output. Duty cycle is a function of how many time slots of the 8 per second are used for transmission. The STFP protocol used by the communications manager to send data into the radio for transmission over the air specifies what time slot to use for each. If the communications manager uses all 8 slots, the duty cycle is 100%. If four are used every second, the duty cycle is 50%. If 7 are used every 3 seconds (24 slots), the duty cycle is 29% (roughly 30%). Many other duty cycles are possible depending on the epoch size and number of transmissions within each epoch. All MPE RF safety calculations are based on the highest ERP levels.
MDS 05-6906A01, Rev. R TD220MAX Technical Manual 7
Table 3. Current Consumption vs Input Power and Duty Cycle
Voltage (V)
RF Power Out (W)
Duty Cycle (%)
Current Required (A)
Dissipation (W)
0 (RX) 0 0.3
12 2 100
0 (RX) 0 0.3
13.8 2 100
3.5 Grounding Considerations
To minimize the chance of damage to the transceiver and connected equipment, a safety ground (NEC Class 2 compliant) is recommended which bonds the antenna system, transceiver, power supply, and connected data equipment to a single-point ground, keeping all ground leads as short as possible.
Normally, the transceiver is adequately grounded if the supplied flat mounting brackets are used to mount the radio to a well-grounded metal surface. If the transceiver is not mounted to a grounded surface, it is recommended that a safety ground wire be attached to one of the mounting brackets or a screw on the transceiver’s case.
The use of a lightning protector is recommended where the antenna cable enters the building; bond the protector to the tower ground, if possible. All grounds and cabling must comply with applicable codes and regulations.
3.6 Data Interface (DB-25)
The Data Interface has several ports integrated into one connector: Ethernet, COM1 and COM2 Serial Ports, and GPS signaling.
Figure 7. COM Connector (DB-25F)
As viewed from outside the unit
8 TD220MAX Technical Manual MDS 05-6906A01, Rev R
Table 4. DB25 Serial Interface Pinouts
Direction WRT MDS
Not Connected
Not Connected
See External Alarm Sense in section 5.3
Not Connected
Not Connected
Not Connected
Not Connected
Reserved – Power Amplifier
Reserved – Power Amplifier
Not Connected
Not Connected
TTL level 1PPS signal input. 0 to 5 VDC nominal.
3.6.1 Adapter Board
GE MDS has available a breakout adapter board that separates the DB25 connector into an Ethernet port, PPS port, as well as three COM connectors. This board is for controlled environment applications only. For additional details regarding the adapter board, view the TD_RCL adapter board instruction sheet located here
MDS 05-6906A01, Rev. R TD220MAX Technical Manual 9
Figure 8. 03-6139A01 Adapter Board Top View
Figure 9. 03-6139A01 Adapter Side View
3.7 USB
The radio provides a USB Port conforming to version 1.1 of the USB standard. This port is provided for features such as logging STFP messages to text files on a memory stick. Consult GE MDS for information on this feature. The pinout for this connector is given in the table below.
Table 5. USB Port Pinout
Signal Name
+5 VDC
USB Data Minus
USB Data Plus
10 TD220MAX Technical Manual MDS 05-6906A01, Rev R
3.8 Antenna Connector
The Antenna Connector is a type N female connector with 50-Ohm characteristic impedance. A suitable lightning arrestor such as a Polyphaser VHF50HN should be employed when indicated by applicable standards or codes.
MDS 05-6906A01, Rev. R TD220MAX Technical Manual 11
In most cases, the steps given here are sufficient to install the transceiver.
1. Mount the transceiver. Attach the mounting brackets to the bottom of the transceiver case (if not already installed), using the four 6-32 x 1/4-inch (6 mm) screws supplied. Mounting bracket dimensions are shown in Figure 5 on Page 5. Secure the brackets to a flat, grounded surface. (If a grounded surface is not available, run a separate ground wire to the transceiver see Grounding Considerations on Page 7.)
2. Install the antenna and feedline. The antenna used with the radio must be designed to operate in the radio’s frequency band and be mounted in a location providing a clear path to the associated radio(s).
3. Connect primary power. Input power must be within 10 to 16 VDC and capable of providing up to 7 Amperes maximum.
The unit is designed for use with negative-ground systems only. The power supply should be equipped with overload protection (NEC Class 2 rating), to protect against a short circuit between its output terminals and the radio’s power connector.
4. Configure Basic Settings. Connect a PC to the radio and access the radio’s menu system. See
the following section on details in communicating with the radio.
4.1 Logging On
The radio has a menu system that can be accessed in one of two ways:
Terminal EmulatorUse a terminal emulator program on your PC, such as HyperTerminal or
PuTTy, connected directly to the TD220MAX COM1 port via a serial cable.
TelnetText-based access to the menu system through a network connection.
The serial console is typically used to configure the network parameters prior to connecting to the radio via Telnet remotely. Each radio is assigned a default IP Address, a Netmask, and a Gateway IP Address. These are as follows;
IP Address:
IP Netmask:
IP Gateway:
The IP Address and Netmask should be chosen carefully. The radio will network directly with other equipment with IP Addresses that are on a common Subnet. IP Addresses that begin with the same numerical IP address bits where the Netmask is one will be on the same Subnet. For example, if the IP Address is and the Netmask is, the radio will attempt direct Ethernet communication with any node whose IP Address begins with 10.4. If a message is bound for a node outside of the 10.4 network, it will be sent to the Gateway IP address instead so that it can be placed from the radio’s subnet onto another subnet.
4.1.1 Serial Console
For accessing the COM1 console, use a serial terminal emulator program such as HyperTerminal or PuTTy. The default settings are: baud rate 19200, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. The pins for this port are listed in Section 3.6. The serial console is typically used to configure the network parameters to connect to the radio via Telnet remotely.
1. Log in to the radio on its COM1 console using a serial terminal emulator program.
2. If you wish to change the default IP settings, go to the IP Configuration menu.
o Set the IP address, the Netmask and the Gateway.
3. Verify network connectivity by going to the Maintenance/Tools Menu and select the Ping Utility.
o Enter the IP address of a known node on the network.
4. Execute the Ping and observe the results. If the network interface is working properly, Ping responses should be received.
12 TD220MAX Technical Manual MDS 05-6906A01, Rev R
4.1.2 Telnet Console
NOTE It is not recommended to change the default IP settings via the Telnet interface. Networking
changes should be done locally via the serial console and then deployed in the field. See the section above on modifying these networking parameters.
On newer computers, the default telnet function on Windows machines may be disabled. This can be fixed by following step by step instructions located online. To either confirm that the telnet function is enabled or properly turned on;
1. Use a program that has a telnet function built in or launch a Windows DOS window.
2. Enter the command telnet <radio IP address>. i. If the connection fails, perform a ping to the radio’s IP address to confirm
connectivity. If pings succeed, the telnet feature may not be enabled.
ii. If pings fail, then use the serial console to check settings and connectivity.
iii. If the telnet functions, login to the radio.
4.2 Initial Startup & Checkout
In-service operation of the transceiver is completely automatic. Once the unit has been properly installed and configured as described above, operator actions are limited to observing the front panel LED indicators for proper operation.
If all parameters are correctly set, operation of the radio can be started by following these steps:
1. Apply DC power.
2. Observe the LED status panel for proper indications.
Table 6. LED Status Indicators
LED Name
• Continuous — Power applied, no problems detected.
• Rapid flash (5 times-per-second) Alarm indication
• Flashing/On Data is being transmitted and received.
• Off — Ethernet signals not detected
When lit, indicates data transfer between the Base and Mobile Radios.
When lit, indicates data transfer between the Base and Mobile Radios.
4.3 Upgrade the Firmware
4.3.1 Introduction
From time-to-time MDS will offer upgrades to the TD220MAX firmware. Uploading new firmware into the radio does not require that the radio be taken off-line until you want to operate the radio from the new firmware image.
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