GE MDS SD 1, MDS SD 2, MDS SD 9, MDS SD 4 Quick Start Manual

The MDS SD transceiver (Figure 1) is a software-configurable, industrial radio for use in wireless telemetry applications. Models offered at the time of printing include: MDS SD2 (215-235 MHz), SD4 (350-512 MHz), and SD9 (928-960 MHz). The term SD is used for information common to all models of the radio.
The radio supports both polled and report-by-exception data net­works, and interfaces with a variety of data control equipment such as remote terminal units (RTUs), programmable logic con­trollers (PLCs), flow computers, and similar devices. Data inter­face connections support both Ethernet and serial (RS-232/485) protocols.
MDS SD Series
Quick Start Guide
NOTE: Retrofit Kits are available to ease installation at former MDS x710 digital and analog sites. Consult your factory repre­sentative for ordering details.
2.1 Installation Steps
In most cases, the steps given here are sufficient to install the transceiver. Refer to the Technical Manual for additional details, as required.
1. Mount the transceiver. Attach the supplied brackets to the
bottom of the transceiver case (if not already attached), using the four 6-32 x 1/4 inch (6 mm) screws. Mounting bracket dimensions are shown in Figure 3. If DIN Rail mounting brackets are to be used, consult the Technical Manual for instructions.
NOTE: To prevent moisture from entering the radio, do not mount the case with the cable connectors pointing up. Also, dress all ca­bles to prevent moisture from running along the cables and into the radio.
Master Stations typically use
Master Stations typically use
omni-directional antenna
omni-directional antenna
Figure 1. MDS SD Data Transceiver
1.1 Additional Information
This Setup Guide covers the essential installation and startup for all SD transceivers except those operating in x710 mode. Alter­nate information is available in English, (see 05-4846A01 Tech­nical Manual). GE MDS manuals, Setup guides, Firmware, driv­ers and Application Notes are available free of charge at
GE MDS has produced a series of instructional videos for configuration and setup of the Orbit products on YouTube. These are available in English, free of charge at: http://ti-
1.1.1 x710 Mode—Different Manuals Required
The radio may be configured to emulate a corresponding MDS x710 transceiver. For x710 mode information, consult these man­uals instead:
Setup Guide (05-4669A01) Technical Manual (05-4670A01)
There are three main requirements for installing the transceiver:
Adequate and stable primary power An efficient and properly installed antenna system Correct interface connections between the transceiver and the
data equipment.
Figure 2 shows a typical installation of the radio.
10.5-30 VDC @ 2.5A
10.5-30 VDC @ 2.5A
Negative Ground Only
Negative Ground Only
Figure 2. Typical Installation (Remote Site Shown)
Figure 3. Mounting Bracket Dimensions
2. Install the antenna and feedline. The antenna must be de-
signed to operate in the radio’s frequency band, and be mounted in a location providing a clear path to associated sta­tion(s). At Remote sites, aim directional antennas toward the Master Station. Low loss coaxial feedline should be used and it should be kept as short as possible.
3. Connect the data equipment. Connection may be made us-
ing Ethernet signaling, Serial protocols (RS-232/RS-485), or both.
If Ethernet is to be used, connect your data equipment to the
front panel Ethernet port next to the PWR connector.
If serial is to be used, connect your data equipment to the
COM1 or COM2 port on the front panel. (Typically, COM2 is used for connecting data equipment and COM1 is used for serial management of the radio. Other assignments are pos­sible. (Refer to the Technical Manual for details.) In all cases, the radio is hardwired as a DCE device. A straight­thru cable may be used in most applications.
NOTE: Do not connect the Ethernet port to a LAN with high traffic levels. Excessive traffic will overload the port and Ethernet com­munications will be temporarily disabled.
4. Connect primary power. Input power must be 10.0 to 30
Vdc and capable of providing at least 2.5 Amperes. A power connector with screw-terminals is provided (see Figure 4). Strip the wire leads to 6 mm (1/4 inch) and insert them into the wire ports. Be sure to observe proper polarity as shown below. Tighten the binding screws securely.
NOTE: Some early models supported 10.5 to 16 Vdc power, not
10.0 to 30 Vdc. Always check the labeling above the Power con- nector to verify the proper range for your unit.
Lead Binding
Binding Screws (2)
Screws (2)
factory shipped radio is The default subnet mask is
3. Enter the radio’s IP address in a web browser window, just as you would enter a website address. When the login screen appears (Figure 6), enter the User Name and Password for the radio. The default entries for a new radio are both admin. Click OK.
Figure 6. Login Screen
4. The Basic Setup Wizard (Figure 7) begins automatically upon connection to a new factory shipped radio. It displays a series of screens with key selections as follows:
TX/RX Frequencies (entries must match station license) RF Power Output Operating Mode Modem Type Serial Port Configuration Ethernet Bridging Encryption Setting AP or Remote Service
Continue through each wizard screen until all selections have been made. (You may back up to previous screens if required, to review or change settings.) Contact your network administrator if you are unsure about a setting.
Retaining Screws (2)
Wire Ports (2)
Wire Ports (2)
(Polarity: Left +, Right -)
(Polarity: Left +, Right -)
Figure 4. DC Power Connector
CAUTION: The unit is designed for use with negative-ground
systems only. The power supply should be equipped with over­load protection (NEC Class 2 rating), to protect against a short circuit between its output terminals and the radio’s power con­nector.
Screws (2)
2.1.1 Configuration Settings
PC Running Terminal
Figure 5. Setup for PC Configuration
The SD Radio contains a Setup Wizard for fast, easy configura­tion of key settings. On a new radio shipped from the factory, the wizard starts as soon as you are connected to the radio. Follow the steps below to connect and use the wizard.
1. Connect an Ethernet cable (straight-thru or crossover) between the radio and a PC as shown in Figure 5.
2. Configure your PC network settings to an IP address on the
same subnet as the radio. The default IP address on a new
Figure 7. Basic Setup Wizard
5. At the conclusion of the wizard, click Done. Configuration is
now complete for this radio. Run Remote Management Wiz­ard, if required, for other installed radios in the network.
A summary of all SD settings (Figure 8) may be viewed, by clicking Overview. The Overview screen may be formatted for printing, by clicking Printer friendly configuration (at the bottom of the screen.
6. When finished, log out of the Device Manager by clicking
Logout in the upper right hand side of the screen.
+ 3 hidden pages