GE MDS P21, MDS P22, MDS P23 Installation & Operation Manual

Installation and Operation Guide
Installation & Operation Guide
MDS 05-4161A01, Rev. C
Protected Network Stations
MDS P21/P22/P23
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Below are the basic steps for configuring a Protected Network Station. Detailed instructions are given in “INSTALLATION” on Page 6.
1. Install transceivers (if not already present)
• Remove chassis cover.
• Remove the transceiver mounting plates.
• Mount the transceivers to the plates. Secure transceiver/plate assemblies to chassis. (Note that MDS iNET/iNET-II and entraNET radios are stacked, but Mercury radios are installed side-by-side.)
• Connect internal cabling between transceivers and the Switchover Logic Board. (See “Internal Cabling Arrangements” on Page 10.
2. Remove top cover plate and connect the internal back-up battery (if equipped). Re-install the top cover.
• Units are shipped with the battery disconnected.
• Use care not to short the battery terminals.
• After the unit is powered up, allow several hours for the battery to fully charge.
3. Connect external wiring
• Connect chassis ground stud to facility’s Earth ground.
• Connect antenna feedline(s), data interface cabling, input power, and any alarm devices. (These steps are explained with more detail in “External Connections” on Page 17.)
4. Program transceivers
• Programming can be performed with a PC terminal connected to the appropriate Data I/O connector on the rear panel
• Consult transceiver manual(s) for programming details
5. Apply primary power
• Observe proper input voltage and polarity
• Verify that power supply has enough current capacity to power the chassis.
6. Select the active transceiver
• Set the front panel RADIO SELECTION Switch to A (Transceiver A, no auto switchover), B (Trans­ceiver B, no auto switchover), or AUTO (automatic switchover)
7. Verify proper operation
• Observe LEDs on transceivers
•Refine directional antenna headings for maximum signal strength
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05-4161A01, Rev. C P21/P22/P23 Protected Network Station i
1.0 ABOUT THIS MANUAL ............................................................... 1
2.0 PRODUCT INFORMATION ......................................................... 1
2.1 Product Features ..............................................................................2
2.2 Chassis Radio Congurations ..........................................................3
2.3 Antenna Port Congurations ............................................................4
2.4 Items Supplied .................................................................................4
2.5 Model Conguration Codes ..............................................................5
3.0 INSTALLATION ............................................................................ 6
3.1 Installation Planning .........................................................................6
3.2 Installing Transceivers—MDS entraNET, iNET/iNET-II ...................... 7
3.3 Installing Transceivers—MDS Mercury .............................................9
3.4 Internal Cabling Arrangements ......................................................10
3.5 External Connections .....................................................................17
Safety Ground...............................................................................17
Station Antenna Connection(s)..................................................... 17
Data Connections ......................................................................... 18
Alarm Equipment Connections ..................................................... 19
Primary Power Connections ......................................................... 19
3.6 Mounting the Protected Network Station .......................................20
3.7 Initial Startup .................................................................................. 21
4.0 PROGRAMMING THE TRANSCEIVERS .................................. 23
4.1 Initial MDS iNET/iNET-II Programming and Setup ......................... 23
Redundancy Conguration Menus ...............................................23
“Mirrored Conguration” of Transceivers.......................................29
4.2 Initial MDS entraNET Programming and Setup .............................30
Redundancy Menu........................................................................30
4.3 “Mirrored Conguration” of Transceivers ........................................35
4.4 Initial MDS Mercury Programming and Setup ................................ 35
Redundancy Conguration (AP Only)...........................................35
5.0 TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................... 36
6.0 TECHNICAL REFERENCE ....................................................... 37
6.1 Field-Replaceable Assemblies and Parts ......................................37
Replacing Power Supply Modules ................................................37
Replacing Other Assemblies ........................................................37
6.2 Specications .................................................................................38
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ii P21/P22/P23 Protected Network Station 05-4161A01, Rev. C
Copyright Notice
This Installation and Operation Guide and all software described herein are protected by
copyright: 2007 GE MDS, LLC . All rights reserved.
GE MDS reserves its right to correct any errors and omissions in this document.
Operational Safety Notices
The radio equipment described in this guide emits radio frequency energy. Although the power level is low, the concentrated energy from a directional antenna may pose a health hazard. Do not allow people to come closer than 23 cm (9 inches) to the antenna when the transmitter is operating in indoor or outdoor environments. More information on RF exposure is on the Internet at­tins.
This manual is intended to guide a
professional installer to install,
operate and perform basic system maintenance on the described radio.
ESD Notice
To prevent malfunction or damage to this radio, which may be caused by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), the radio should be properly grounded by connection to the ground stud on the rear panel. In addition, the installer or operator should follow proper ESD precautions, such as touching a grounded bare metal object to dissipate body charge, prior to adjusting front panel controls or connecting or disconnecting cables on the front or rear panels.
Environmental Information
The equipment that you purchased has required the extraction and use of natural resources for its production. Improper disposal may contami­nate the environment and present a health risk due to hazardous sub­stances contained within. To avoid dissemination of these substances into our environment, and to diminish the demand on natural resources, we encourage you to use the appropriate recycling systems for disposal. These systems will reuse or recycle most of the materials found in this equipment in a sound way. Please contact the factory or your supplier for more information on the proper disposal of this equipment.
Quality Policy Statement
We are committed to understanding and exceeding our customers’ needs and expectations.
• We appreciate our customers’ patronage. They are our business.
• We promise to serve them and anticipate their needs.
RF Exposure
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iii P21/P22/P23 Protected Network Station 05-4161A01, Rev. C
• We are committed to providing solutions that are cost effective, innovative and reliable, with consistently high levels of quality.
We are committed to the continuous improvement of all of our systems and processes, to improve product quality and increase customer satis­faction.
ISO 9001 Registration
GE MDS adheres to this internationally accepted quality system stan­dard.
While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this manual, product improvements may result in minor differences between the manual and the product shipped to you. If you have addi­tional questions or need an exact specification for a product, please con­tact our Customer Service Team using the information at the back of this guide. In addition, manual updates can often be found on the GE MDS web site at .
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iv P21/P22/P23 Protected Network Station 05-4161A01, Rev. C
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05-4161A01, Rev. C P21/P22/P23 Protected Network Station 1
This guide provides:
• Instructions for installing the P21 (MDS iNET/iNET-II Series) P22 (MDS entraNET), and P23 (MDS Mercury) Protected Net­work Stations, and configuring them for desired operation
• In-service operating instructions
• Instructions for installing or changing transceivers, power sup­plies and other assemblies in the chassis
• Troubleshooting information
This manual is a system-level guide to the Protected Network Station. It does
not contain detailed information on the radio transceivers installed
within the chassis. Radio-specific information will be found in the appropriate manual(s) supplied with the units installed in your system. After installation, you may wish to keep this guide, the internal radio documentation, and all other related information near the equipment for future reference.
The Protected Network Station (Figure 1) is a tabletop or rack-mount unit designed to hold two GE MDS transceivers, two power supplies, and a switchover logic board that automatically selects between trans­ceiver A or B as the active transceiver. Manual transceiver selection may also be made using a front panel switch.
When switchover occurs, a delay of approximately 30 seconds occurs until the new radio initializes. It may take up to one minute for the radio to re-establish a link with an associated station.
Additionally, certain network devices may require up to 20 minutes to detect that the MAC address has changed for the IP address of the radio. This does not affect the data-passing ability of the radio—only the ability to conduct a console management session.
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2 P21/P22/P23 Protected Network Station 05-4161A01, Rev. C
Invisible place holder
Figure 1. Protected Network Station
With two transceivers and power supplies installed, the unit will con­tinue to communicate even if a failure occurs in one of the transceivers or its associated power supply. This capability is important in mis­sion-critical applications where uninterrupted service is required.
At the time of publication, the following transceivers are supported by the Protected Network Station:
• MDS iNET/iNET-II Series Access Point
• MDS iNET/iNET-II Series Dual Gateway Remote
• MDS iNET/iNET-II Series Ethernet Bridge Remote
• MDS iNET/iNET-II Series Serial Remote
• MDS entraNET (Access Point only)
• MDS Mercury (Access Point only)
The unit is equipped with alarm connections on the rear panel which activate whenever the standby transceiver is put online. These are “dry” (isolated) alarm contacts that may be connected to customer-supplied external alarm equipment, such as a lamp or sounding device.
2.1 Product Features
The Protected Network Station provides:
• Fully-protected capability—Standard chassis contains two transceivers and two power supplies. A provision for an optional redundant antenna port is also available.
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05-4161A01, Rev. C P21/P22/P23 Protected Network Station 3
• Automatic switchover to alternate transceiver if a failure occurs in the primary unit or its power supply.
• Optional built-in battery backup for AC-powered units
• Rear panel alarm connections for customer-supplied alarm equipment
• Tabletop or 19-inch rack mount installation
• Utilizes standard GE MDS transceivers inside
2.2 Chassis Radio Configurations
The chassis is available in the following transceiver configurations:
Two transceivers installed
This configuration provides an immediately usable Protected Network Station for new installations.
One transceiver installed
This configuration allows customers to add an existing trans­ceiver to the P21/22/23 chassis to create a Protected Network Station.
No transceivers installed
This configuration allows customers to install two existing transceivers in the empty chassis to create a Protected Network Station.
Existing MDS iNET/iNET-II Series radios to be used in a Protected Network Station must have firmware revision 5.1.0 or higher installed. (All firmware versions of iNET-II radios meet this requirement.) If entraNET transceivers are used, they must have firmware revision 2.3.7 or higher installed. Consult the factory for firmware availability.
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4 P21/P22/P23 Protected Network Station 05-4161A01, Rev. C
2.3 Antenna Port Configurations
The Protected Network Station can be configured with a single antenna, or with two separate antennas for full redundancy to continue operation if the primary antenna becomes damaged or is otherwise inoperative. The following congurations are available:
Single antenna port
The port is automatically switched to the active transceiver by an internal relay.
Two antenna ports
Each port is connected to one of the transceivers and to separate station antennas.
2.4 Items Supplied
Figure 2 shows the contents of a typical Protected Network Station ship­ment.
Invisible place holder
Figure 2. Protected Network Station Typical Shipment
POWER CORD(S) (AC type shown)
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05-4161A01, Rev. C P21/P22/P23 Protected Network Station 5
2.5 Model Configuration Codes
The configuration details of the Protected Network Station (as shipped from the factory) can be quickly determined from the model number label attached to the outside of the chassis. Figure 3 shows the signifi­cance of the model number characters printed on the label.
Invisible place holder
Figure 3. Model Configuration Codes
1 - 12V DC 2 - 24 V DC 3 - 48V DC 4 - 125V DC A - 115/230V AC w/battery B - 115/230V AC w/o battery
1 - One 2 - Redundant
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6 P21/P22/P23 Protected Network Station 05-4161A01, Rev. C
This section presents installation steps for:
1. I
nstallation Planning
Installing transceiver(s) inside a chassis
This step may be skipped if transceivers are already installed.
3. Installing the Protected Network Station
Use these steps to connect external wiring and prepare the unit for regular service.
Conguring the Protected Network Station
This section describes how to set up the station for desired opera­tion, including what events will trigger a switchover to the alternate transceiver.
Optimizing radio performance
This section offers tips for obtaining peak performance from your Protected Network Station.
3.1 Installation Planning
Helpful advice for planning a radio system, including site and antenna selection, can be found in the manual(s) supplied with your transceivers.
The Protected Network Station is typically installed at an Access Point (AP) site to ensure uninterrupted communication with remote radios. For iNET/iNET-II systems, it may also be used at one or more remote sites in a network to increase reliability and protect against equipment failures at these locations.
Figure 4 shows a typical installation arrangement.
The installation site should have adequate and stable primary power, suitable access for cabling, and should not be subject to temperature extremes or poor ventilation. The unit may be placed on a sturdy tabletop or installed in a standard 19-inch rack cabinet.
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05-4161A01, Rev. C P21/P22/P23 Protected Network Station 7
Invisible place holder
Figure 4. Typical P-Series Installation
3.2 Installing Transceivers—MDS entraNET, iNET/iNET-II
(If not already installed)
The modular construction of the Protected Network Station makes it easy to install transceivers. The only tool required is a Phillips screw­driver. If the transceivers were not installed at the factory, proceed with the steps below for installation and to connect the internal cabling. Refer to Figure 5 during these steps.
Before installing a transceiver in the chassis, make sure each radio is operating properly as a standalone unit, and is equipped with up-to-date firmware code. The latest revision of firmware for most GE MDS products is available for down­load at
1. Make sure the power is off.
2. Remove the top cover of the Protected Network Station by loosen-
ing the two screws at the rear panel.
3. If a backup battery is installed in the chassis, be sure it is discon-
nected from the battery control board.
4. Remove the transceiver mounting plates from the chassis by loosen-
ing the screws that secure them to the chassis.
5. Attach the lower mounting plate to the lower transceiver (Radio B)
using four screws. Attach the mounting plate and radio to the chas­sis.
P2x PROTECTED NETWORK STATION (With transceivers installed)
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8 P21/P22/P23 Protected Network Station 05-4161A01, Rev. C
6. Attach the upper mounting plate to the upper transceiver (Radio A)
using four screws. Place the radio/mounting plate over the top of Radio B and attach the plate to the chassis.
7. Connect and secure the data interface, diagnostics and power cables
to the transceivers as shown in
Internal Cabling Arrangements on
Page 10
8. Connect the battery cable to the battery control board, if it has been
purchased and installed in the chassis. (See Figure 33 on Page 38.)
9. Re-install the top cover of the Protected Network Station and tighten
the side screws.
This completes the installation of transceivers in the chassis. Refer to
Section 3.5, External Connections to complete the installation.
Invisible place holder
Figure 5. Top View Showing Two Radios Installed
NOTE: The internal back-up battery (if equipped) is disconnected for
shipment from the factory. To enable back-up power, remove the top cover of the chassis and connect the battery cable to the battery control board. See Figure 33 on Page 38.
J16 J17
Battery & Control PCB
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05-4161A01, Rev. C P21/P22/P23 Protected Network Station 9
3.3 Installing Transceivers—MDS Mercury
(If not already installed)
The modular construction of the Protected Network Station makes it easy to install transceivers. The only tool required is a Phillips screw­driver. If the transceivers were not installed at the factory, proceed with the steps below for installation and to connect the internal cabling. Refer to Figure 5 during these steps.
Before installing a transceiver in the chassis, make sure each radio is operating properly as a standalone unit, and is equipped with up-to-date firmware code. The latest revision of firmware for most GE MDS products is available for down­load at
1. Make sure the power is off.
2. Remove the top cover of the Protected Network Station by loosen-
ing the two screws at the rear panel.
3. If a backup battery is installed in the chassis, be sure it is discon-
nected from the battery control board.
4. Remove the transceiver mounting plates from the chassis by loosen-
ing the screws that secure them to the chassis.
5. Attach the Radio A mounting plate to the rst transceiver using four
screws. Secure the mounting plate and radio to the chassis.
6. Attach the Radio B mounting plate to the second transceiver using
four screws. Secure the mounting plate and radio to the chassis.
7. Connect and secure the data interface, diagnostics and power cables
to the transceivers as shown in Internal Cabling Arrangements on Page 10.
8. Connect the battery cable to the battery control board, if this option
has been purchased and installed in the chassis. (See Figure 33 on Page 38.)
9. Re-install the top cover of the Protected Network Station and tighten
the side screws.
This completes the installation of Mercury transceivers in the chassis. Refer to Section 3.5, External Connections to complete the installation.
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+ 35 hidden pages