GE Learn Mode Shock Sensor Installation Instructions Manual

Product Summary
The Learn Mode Shock Sensor has the following three main functions:
break a window or door.
To detect a window or door opening.
To detect tamper situations, such as an intruder remov-
ing the sensor cover or the sensor from the wall.
Vibrations cause a momentary open circuit in the shock ele­ment of the sensor. The circuit closes again when the vibra­tion stops. The sensor microcontroller “sees” the open/close action as a pulse, causing the sensor to transmit an alarm signal. The sensor has two different detection modes:
Gross Attack - detect a violent blow sufficient in length to
trip sensor.
Pulse Count - detect a sufficient number of less violent
blows (rapping or tapping).
The sensor includes an internal magnetic reed switch that must be disabled if it is not used.
Extend the battery life of the sensor by adding a second 3­volt lithium battery.
Shock Sensor
Horizontal (Ledge) Surface Mounting
Shock Sensor
Document No. 466-2023 Rev. A
Vertical (Wall) Surface Mounting
Shock Sensor
September 2003
Shock Sensor
Installation Guidelines
Learn the sensor before adjusting the shock sensitivity.
The sensor is shipped with the reed switch enabled and open, and this is how it must be learned.
Before permanently mounting the sensor, test it at the
intended location to make sure that the panel can receive sensor signal transmissions. The sensor is an RF device and there may be blind or non-operational locations within the installation. Normally, these can be overcome by moving the sensor or receiver.
Always mount the shock sensor so that the detector is on
the frame and not on the glass. See Figure 2 for mount­ing locations.
Mount the sensor in a location where the structure can
transmit vibrations to the sensor.
The sensor can be mounted on a vertical surface or on a
horizontal (flat) surface.
Make sure the window fits snugly in the frame and
doesn’t move or rattle.
Hold the sensor against the frame to make sure the sen-
sor base fits on the surface area of the frame and doesn’t extend over the surface edges.
Figure 1. Mounting Options for Door/Window Sensor
Tools and Supplies
Control panel installation instructions
Phillips screwdriver
Slotted screwdriver (to pry off the cover)
Two #6 x 2 cm flathead screws for mounting the sensor
Two #6 x 1.5 cm screws for mounting the magnet
You must be free of all static electricity when handling elec­tronic components. Touch a grounded, bare metal surface before touching a circuit board or wear a grounded wrist strap.
1. Insert a slotted screwdriver into the slot at the top end of the unit and remove the cover by lifting it up (see Figure 2).
Figure 2. Removing the Cover
2. Using the flathead mounting screws, secure the base to the mounting surface either vertically or horizontally as required (see Figure 3).
Mounting Hole
1 2 3 4
On a horizontal surface (sill or ledge), any orientation is allowed, but certain sensor element orientations are better than others. The element is much better at detecting hori­zontal vibrations perpendicular to its writing than it is parallel vibrations (see Figure 5).
1 2 3 4
Direction of Vibration
1 2 3 4
Figure 5. Positioning Shock Elements for Horizontal Sur­face Mounting
4. If using the reed switch, use the two remaining screws to mount the magnet so its arrow is aligned with the arrow on the sensor case (see Figure 7).
Mounting Hole
(Wall Tamper)
Figure 3. Sensor Mounting Holes
3. Position the shock element and press it firmly into its socket.
On a vertical surface, the shock sensor element must always be oriented with its screw terminals down
, or the
writing on the shock element horizontal.
Screw Terminals
Shock Element
1 2 3 4
Screw Terminals
Figure 4. Positioning the Shock Element According to Mounting Orientation on a Vertical Surface
Reed Switch
1 2 3 4
Alignment Marks
Figure 6. Possible Magnet/Reed Switch Alignment
Important! You must disable the reed switch using the dip switches on the circuit board if you are not using it. If
the reed switch is enabled but no magnet is installed, the sensor will be in a continuous alarm state. See the Sensor Settings section for more information.
1 2 3 4
5. Install the tamper switch as shown (see Figure 7).
Figure 7. Installing the Tamper Switch
6. Install the 4.7 k Ohm EOL resistor across the terminals of the external switch block.
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