Take the time to read this book and learn how to enjoy
your new Microwave Oven. It contains detailed operating instructions and recommended maintenance, as
well as handy tips to help you gain maximum benefits
from your Microwave Oven. Once you have read the
book, keep it handy to answer any questions you may
If you have any additional questions concerning the
operation of your Microwave Oven, write—including
chasedit. They have been informed of the proper
procedure to take care of such matters and can
whom you pur-
It is ‘importantthat we, the manufacturer,know the
location of
for adjustments,
Please check with
registeredyou as the owner;alsosendin your i%JrchaseRecordCard If you move,or if you arenotthe
original purchaserpleasewrite to us, stating model
and serial numbers.This appliancemustbe regk-
Check“The ProbiemSoiver”section.(Seepage20.)
it lists many minor causesof operating probiems
that you can correct yourseif and maysaveyou an
in many cities, there’s a General Eiectric Factory
ServiceCenter. Caii, and a radio-dispatched truck
wiii come to your home by appointment—morning
or afternoon. Charge the work, if you iike. Aii the
centers accept both Master Card and Visa cards.
(Seeinside BackCover.)
Or iook for Generai Eiectric franchised Customer
Care@servicers. You’J!find them in the
If you need swvlce literature,partslists,partsor
accessories,contact one of the Factory Service
Centers,a franchised Customer Care” Servicer or
ExtendedServiceContracts:Thetermsof your war-
ranty provide free servicecovering failures due to
manufacturingdefectsfor a definiteperiodof time.
After this warrmty expires you may purchasean
ExtendedServic@Contract which will enableyou to
budget your service neads,This coveragebeyond
warrantyisavailablefromour FactoryServiceCenters
andfrom manyfranchisedCustomerCare(@}servicers.
it isagood ideatoapplyfor thiscoveragebeforeyour
Fht,-contact the people who servicedyour micro-
waveoven.Expiainwhy you aredissatisfied.in most
cases,thiswill soivethe problem,
includingyour phonenumber—to:
Finally,ifyourproblemis stili not resolved,write:
This panel, known as MACAP,is a group of independentconsumerexpertsunderthesponsorshipof
severalindustry associations.Its purposeis to study
practicesand advisethe industry of waysto improve
customerservice,BecauseMACAPisfreeof industry
control and influence, it is abl~ to make impartial
recommendations,consideringeach caseindividually,
For personalsafety,this appliancemustbe properly
a thfee=prcmg(gcxmxling)plugwhich mateswith a standard
Wm2e=prcmg(gf9undin@wali feceplacie:(Seepicture, iefl.)
To mm~mmthe
K@ptacie and rwcuif chmioxi by a quaikleieclrmmnto
Wtww a standardtwo-prongwali receptacleisencountered,
ii isthe personairespcms~blillyandobigationOtthecustomer
to have a
heat transferred from the heated food. This is especially true if plastic wrap has been covering the top
and handles of the utensil. Pot holders may be
Sometimes,the ovenshelfcanbecometoohotto
after cooking.
plasticbagsshodd beslit, pricked or vented as
Be careful when touching the shelf during and
“Boilable”cooking pouchesand tightly closed
rected in Cookbook, If they are not, plastic could
burst during or immediately after cooking, possibly
resulting in injury, Also, plastic storage containers
should be at least partially uncovered ixicause they
form a tight seal. When cooking with containers
tightly covered with plastic wrap, remove covering
carefully and direct steam away from hands and
CLEAR/OFF or disconnect power cord or shut off
poweratthefuse or circuit breakerpanel,
8, Removethe twnperatureprobe from the oven
inside the oven without inserting it in food or liquid
tocook with, If you leavetheprobe
andturn on microwaveenergy,itcancreateelectrical
arcing in the oven,anddamageovenwalls or shelf,
9i Ftemove wire twist-tieson paper and plastic
bags before placing in oven. Twist-ties sometimes
causebagto heat,and maycausefire.
10, Boilingeggs(in oroutoftheshell)isnotrecom-mendedfor microwave cooking, Pressurecan build
up inside egg yolk and cause it to burst, resulting in
11,Do not pop popcornin your microwaveoven
unless in a special microwavepopcorn accessoryor
unless you
use popcorn in a package labeled for
microwavo ovens, Because of the heat generated,
without theseprecautions,the containercouldcatch
12. Use metalonlyas directedin cookbook,tvletal
strips as used on meat roastsare helpful in cooking
food when
TV dinners, However, when using metal in the
microwave oven,
usedas directed,Metaltraysmaybe used
keep metal at ieast l-inch away
13. Do not use any thermometerin food you are
recommended for use in the microwave oven.
Do not store flammablematerialsin an oven.
Also, do not use flammable fluids in the vicinity of
your oven.
unless that thermometer is designed or
15. DO not use yourmicrowaveoven to dry newspapers.If
microwave cooking are very useful, but should be
overheated, they can catch fire.
Piastic Utensils–Plasticutensils designed for
usedcarefully.Evenmicrowaveplasticmaynot be as
tolerant of overcooking conditions as are glass or
ceramic materials and may soften or char if subjectedto short periods of overcooking, In
posures to overcooking, the
food and utensils may
longer ex-
even ignite. For these reasons: 1) Use microwave
plasticsonly and use them in strict compliance with
the utensil manufacturer’s recommendations.2)
subjectempty utensilsto microwaving,3) Do not
permit children to use plastic utensils without completesupervision,
17, Don’toperatethe ovenwhileemptyin order to
prolong the life of the oven and save energy,
accident,the ovenshould runemptyaminut~or two,
18,Whencookir~gpark either conventionally or in
the microwave oven, follow our directions exactly
and aiways cook the meat to
at least 170°. This
assuresthat, in the remote possibility that trichina
maybepresentin the meat,it will be killed and meat
will besafeto eat.
1, Haveitinstalkxtandproperlygroundedbya qualified installer,See the speciai installation booklet
packedwith themicrowaveoven,
2. ‘T’heventfan in yourSpacemakerovenwill operate automaticallyunder certain conditions (see
eratingcaution is requiredto preventthe starting
andspreadingof accidentalcookingfireswhiiethe
A, Never leave surfaceunitsunattendedat high
heatsettings.Boilovercausessmokingand greasy
spilloversthat may ignite and spread if vent fan is
operating. To minimize automatic fan operation,
useadequatesizedutensilsand usehigh heatsettingsonlywhennecxwsary,
B, in the event of a greasefire,smother flaming
pan on surface unit by covering pan completely
withwell-fittinglid,cookiesheetor flat tray.
stirrer which distributes microwave energy into
(Mm Vent.
Oven Light.Goes on when door is opened or
whenovenis operating inanyfunction.
iWcro7herrnometer~MTemperaturePrdx. Use
with Temperature Cook and Auto Roast functionsonly.
Time or TemperatureIDisplay.During micro-
waving, shows cooking times in minutes and
seconds or temperature@in degrees.Whenoven
is not In use, di$piay shows time of day.
Function Display,Cooking signal lights as to
what to do next, then lets you know what function is being used as weil SSwhat Power Level
orAuto Code.
Hock. Ovenwiil work without setting the clock,
but wiii not dispiay correct time of
day. (To set
theClock seethe foilowing page.)
FunctionPads. tJse these to select a micro-
waving method-either cooking or iiold/Timer.
(See foiiowing page for brief explanation of
Number Pads. Touch these to enter Time or
Temperature,and PowerLeveiorAuto Code.
PowerLevelFW.TOset or change PowerLevei,
touchthis padfirst,then number.
Wart.Always touch Start iast after setting ali
Clear/Off. Stops the oven and erases all set-
tingsexcepttimeof day.
Auto Cook Pad. Chart helps you seiect appro-
priate Code, Using codes for popuiar foods
Wninates Iooklng In Cookbook for cooking
timesand powerievei.
Auto Roast Pad. Use this Automatic Cooking
Controi for temperature cooking of meats or
siow simmering. Temperature Probe must be
usedduring AutoRoastfunction.
Fan Switch.Pressonce for high and twice for
lowspcmeis,Pressagainfor off.
LampSwitch.Pushand reieasefor iight,
Model and Serial Numbers, Located either
inside oven at top ieft side or.on bottom lower
left corner of case.
TheTouchControl Panelallowsyou to setthe oven
controls electronicallywiththetouch of a finger. It’s
designed to be easy to use and understand. With
your microwaveoven,you havethe option of using
your automatic cooking control pads for quick and
easyconvenience cooking. Or you may makeyour
own programs to suit your individualized cooking
ReadoutPanel.Displaystime of day, time or temperature during cooking functions, power level
being used, cooking mode and pertinent instructions of whatto do next.
K)efrost.Gentle, more uniform thawing with little or
no attention at automatic Power Level3,or change
power levelafterenteringtime.(Seepage13.)
TempCook. Usethe temperatureprobe to cook by
using a preset temperature. Oven shows temperature until preset temperatureis reachedand then
turns off. (Seepage 15.)
TimeCook. Microwavefor a preset amount of time
using automatic Powe?Level 10 or change power
levet’aftersettingtime.(Seepage 14.)
“lEFlF10Fl$5 Appears CM FM3adout:
Probe is not securely seated in oven wall receptacie.
——.... ..
.. —--- . —...-
..——-—- .. ————....
———-. .———-—
——-——- —
- - .-——
The readout panel displays five8’sand 18 POWER
on the upper portion and all of the oven functions
on the iower portion+ After 15 seconds, all lights
disappear and “RESET” flashes in the upper portion. Touch the CLEAFUOFFpad andovenis ready
for use.
If power is disrupted at any time, the above
sequence reoccurs, and you must reset
after touching CLEAR/OFF.
iiold/Timer. This feature uses no microwave
energy while Hfunctions as both a kitchen timer or
as a holding period between defrost and time or
temperature cooking. (See page 16.)
Clock.Touch this pad to enter time of day or check
time of day while microwaving. To set clock, first
touch CLOCKpad and then enter time of day. For
example, if time is 1:30,touch number pads 1, 3,
and O and 1:30 will appear in readout display.
“Start” will flash cmreadout directing you to touch
STARTthus settingtheciock:,Ifyou wishto resetor
— ——.—....—-.-————.
— - -.. ..--–qlmmmmmm
.—- -----
.—- ~_-——————
—. .---—
—.——L——m -
. — — ---.-.—.- ——
— —..-....-—-.—. . ......
-- ..--—..—.——
.- -.-==-=.—.——=.-.:
. ..--. -.....— .—
——- ——
-—— ——
..... —.——
=CookCodd; Usethis pad as a short-cut method for
entering cooking time, and power level.(Seepage
–—--(2hw/OfL Whentouched, it stops the oven and er-
asesallsettingsexcepttimeof day.
~Auto Roast.Insert probe, touch this pad, and de-
sired number pad for Codeto slow-cookor temperaturecook meatwith automaticpreset program.
To preventoverheating from taking place, the vent
fan is designed to automatically turn on at low
speedif excessivetemperaturesoccur, Should this
happen,the fan cannot be manuallyturned of?,but
it will automaticallyturn off when the internal parts
have cooled, The fan may stay on up to approximately30 minutes after the range and microwave
ovencontrols havebeenturnedoff,
The Auto Cook pad maybe used to eliminate yourthe sensor detects steam from the foods. Other
need to look up cooking time in the Cookbook,or
guessing how long to set cooking time.
sensing the steam which escapes as food microwaves, this feature automatically adjusts the oven’s
cooking time to various types and amounts of
cooking containers must be covered, this
By actually
feature is best with foods which you wish to steam
or to retain moisture. Foodswhich are best micro-
waveduncoveredor only lightly coveredshould be
cooked usingtimeor temperaturesettings,or Cook
Code’” control.
After touching the Auto Cook pad, and pressing
Start, you will see the word AUTO on the readout,
which indicates that the sensorhas been activated
to sense steam from the food. To prevent the escape of steamfrom the oven, do not open the door
while the word AUTO is on the readout. If door is
opened, ERRORappears, Close door and touch
Setting 1,which is designed for easy reheating of
foods, automaticallyturns the oven off as soon as
Auto Cook control settings, which are
frozen foods, need additional time after steam has
been sensed,
the amount of additional time needed, then auto-
Forthesefoods, the oven determines
matical!yswitches the oven to Time Cook for the
necessary cooking time remaining. Oven
whenit switchesto Time Cook (AUTOon readout is
by numbers indicating cooking time),and
oven door can be opened for stirring or rotating
Be careful of steam when removing tight covers,
When you remove cover, direct the steam away
Be sure the exterior of the cooking container and
interiorof microwaveoven aredry.
Always cover food containers using lids or plastic
wrap. Plastic wrap should be loose over food to
allow for expansion. Seal by pressing plastic wrap
firmly around edges,For best results,neverstretch
plastic wrap tightly over food, or use tight-sealing
plastic lids,
bowls for entrees and vegetables,
Coverwith lidsthatfit, Iflidsarenot
available, useplastic wrap, Plastic
wrap should be loose over food to
plastic wrap firmly around edges.
Do not usepaper plateswith automaticcooking,Usemicrowave-safe
platesor bowlsfor reheating.Cover
with plastic wrap (you can still
usepaperplateswith regular Time
Cooking, Defrosting, etc.).
Use oblong or square containers
for chicken or corn on the cob.
Plastic wrap covering should be
loose over food to allow for
wrap firmly around edges.
Slit plastic pouches l-inchas
shown above. E3rcmkfood up thoroughly after oven signals, Foralternatepouch methodseepage24.
FrozenEntreeshaPaperboardTray:Do not remove film over tray; removetray from box.Thick entrees
may need longer time. See chart
on page 28. FrozenFoodin Metal
Tray: Removetop foil, reinsert into
Follow control panel or Automat
Cooking Chart settings for casseroles, Cover casserole meat and
vegetables with sauce. Cool hot
ingredients or sauces, If not, use
of t+3Wto fihe
Place covered food in
oven. Touch Auto Cook
pad.“Enter Code”flashes
on readout.
Automatic cooking codes 1through 9aredesignedto
give you easy automatic results with a number of
Codes are arranged in lowest to highest amount of
wer. For example, Code 1 gives least microwave
eking power, Code 2 gives more power than Code
1,Code 3 increasespower over Code 2 and so on.
Another feature to give you more flexibility m Auto-
maticCooking isthe preferencecontrol, which can be
usedto “fine tune” the powerof Codes2through 9. By
simply adding a1afler aCode,you cansettheovento
cook using 20%less time than the code wouid regu=
Iarly delivcw,Forexample,if Code4cooks your vege=
Word AUTO shows cm
readout,indicating steam
sensor is activated, 00
Beepsoundswhen steam
is sensed and AUTO is
replaced by cook time.
Rotateor stir food. When
done, oven beeps and
Codes& PreferenceControl
Code 1,which has the least power, is usedfor quick
reheating jobs while the longer cooking foods like
stew or chili use higher codes.A Cooking Chart and
recipes,starting on page21givemanytested usesfor
automatic cooking cochim-I%membering that you can
adjustthe powerupordown by increasingor decreasing the Code will give you atided flexibility.
tablesmoredonethanyou like them,setCode41next
time andyou will get 209’olesscooking time.
Likewise, if you wish slightly more time than a code
delivers,adda9 after the Code. For the vegetablesin
the exampleabove,(lode 49 would provide 20Y0more
time for cooking than would the regular Code 4,
Touch Auto Cook Pad, “Enter
Code” flasheson readout,
Touch number pads4 and 1in that
order. Code 4 shows and “Start”
flasheson readout.
Touch START, ALJTO shows on
readoutdisplay. DO NOT OPEN
D(X3R until first oven sigjnal,then
rotatedish 1/2turn, Closedoor and
touch STARTto finish cooking,
Auto Roastusesthe temperatureprobeto cook to
which uses a single power level, Auto Roast uses
up to 3 power settings which automatically switch
during roasting,thus providingeventendercooking
result; withou~overc60king. -
Justas in conventionalroasting,only tender roasts
shouldbeAuto Roasteduntilspecifiedinternaltemperatures are reached. Less tender roasts should
bemicrowavedbytime,accordingto the Cookbook
which comes with your oven. Completeinformation
on preparing roasts
for microwaving is in your
Place tender beef roasts on trivet
in microwave safe dish. Insert
probe from front horizontally into
center meaty area not touching
boneor fat.Coverwithwaxpaper.
Poultry, pork or ham roasts need
no trivet. Add %cup waterto roast
dish, cover with plastic wrap. (For
cooking bag method, see cookbook.) Insert probe into center
Touch AUTO ROAST Pad.Readoutflashes ‘Enter
RoastCode”.Touch numberpad2.“START”flashes.
Touch START.ReadoutshowsAUTO.
Placemeatwith probe in oven. In-
sert cable end of probe firmly into
At 80e, readout switches to show meat’s internal
temperature. Turn roast over and restart oven by
touching START.
OvemrnordtorsInternal temperature, automatically
switching to lower power as meat’s temperatureHOLDfor 1 hr,, then shuts off, Hold prevents over
rises.This preventstoughening or overcooking,
After temperature is reached, oven switches to
cookingwhile keepingmeatwarm.
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